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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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haha... isn't VS catalog the 'innocent' version of Playboy?  As in the guy can have it in the house because it's just 'her' catalog and not a girlie mag? Love it if that's the case both for Jessa and Ben, but...



Nope. Those models are Not Your Wife, so having unfulfillable unrighteous desires is lusting in your heart, and the same as committing adultery NIKE NIKE NIKE. (Normally, I don't care what consenting adults choose to do behind closed doors, because that's between them and God, but Ben and Jessa love to call out people for their 'sins', so.........)

  • Love 4

I think she was inspired by the German woman who is having quadruplets at age 65, and went to an IVF clinic. (I'm just kidding). I think you are correct - her stomach muscles must be shot.

Yeah, cause her last two pregnancies, her age, and the probable condition of her uterus at this point make her an ideal candidate for carrying multiples at nearly 50! *eyeroll*

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The Stir has an article on JB's most "controversial" quotes.  I'd rather call them his unintentionally hilarious quotes since he starts with why smart phones steal your soul and pretty much goes downhill from there.  Most puzzling - that they lock all internet access on the kids phones and only have basic apps but it's still difficult because "even on maps there are ways to see bad things" - really?  maps? Are the kids going to see a birds eye view of a porn shop or something?




  • Love 3

Most puzzling - that they lock all internet access on the kids phones and only have basic apps but it's still difficult because "even on maps there are ways to see bad things" - really?  maps? Are the kids going to see a birds eye view of a porn shop or something?


Jim Boob sounds like he knows a lot about that, doesn't he? I'll bet he did hours of research on all the "bad things" that can be seen by accessing a map on a smart phone.


I think a look at the browser on HIS phone might be fascinating...

  • Love 6

I don't think Michelle is pregnant, as was speculated on the other thread. She has to be peri-menopausal at this point so she's probably starting to put on a little weight. Not to mention her ab muscles are probably shot due to all those pregnancies, so I think gravity is starting to take its toll.

She's also pretty short and dresses like a super-frump. So even a few pounds are likely to look like more.

The unfortunate thing is, MEchelle is actually very pretty, rat's nest of hair aside. If she ever did agree to update her look, I think she'd look great. And it's so easy to look modest AND stylish.

  • Love 5

Not too sure where this goes so thought I'd put it here. They just showed back-to-back commercials of The Willis Family and the Duggars. I think the Duggars are in trouble. The Willis Family's already jumping right into engagements, plus they are much cuter and seem less polarizing. I enjoyed watching them, only to be interrupted by JB reminding us that Michelle used to mow the lawn in her bikini. Barf.

  • Love 2

I think the Duggs are about to launch some serious damage control. Those back to back commercials KILL, don't they? You know what would save them at this point??? DIRT!!! This is what would recapture the audience: Jana packing to leave (or any of them!). Joy dating (REALLY dating!!) a normal boy from town. Something traumatic for that family but joyful for the rest of us is the only thing that will salvage viewership. Their regular "structure" is no longer sustainable I think.

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I don't know. I think they have a million very loyal viewers. And an easy half million more who tune into the big shows like weddings and babies. Then there are probably a quarter to a half million who watch if there isn't anything else on, or watch casually, or every once in awhile. Those are pretty decent numbers for TLC. I don't think they are going anywhere for a couple of years, just as they are.

I'm new here and I watch 19 Kids and was curious if others here have thought like I have.

Would you like them more or less if they were just a little more relaxed and unguarded? Like if Michelle (don't have all the nicknames down yet) were to tell JB if he comes at her again, she'll knock him into next week.

And the kids. Hell, even the Amish send there kids out to experience the way other people live. Granted, some don't come back, but still, they let them choose.

I had other thoughts but forgot them cause I suck at typing! Glad I found this site!

I woke up thinking about the josh situation (I need a life). I was mostly thinking about how much I hate Michelle and JB for this. I really wish they could be prosecuted for keeping their daughters in that situation and doing nothing to alleviate their pain and struggles. I'm so angry at them and wish that they could be real parents for once. Someone needs to step in and get the little ones out of that house and somewhere that would foster them into educated and enabled citizens of this country. 

  • Love 8

I really hope that these two never get a paid speaking engagement ever again. I'm sure that I'm wrong about that, but really, isn't their credibility destroyed now in light of the Josh situation? All of their household rules and rules for courting, dating with a purpose, etc...it's all a fraud. The two parents could not protect their own daughters, who were about 4, 8, 9, 11 and 12 when all of this took place back in 2002 throughout 2003. They deliberately protected their son, and themselves from a scandal that could have happened then . Would Josh have been arrested at age 14 and put into a juvenile detention center or would he have been removed from the home? No matter what, Jim Bob and Michelle were aware and did nothing in terms of counseling. I can't believe people will continue to be fans of Jim Bob and Michelle after this. 

  • Love 6

I really don't expect JimBoob to answer any questions fully.  Josh received "counseling" but from whom?  Not naming names, but a pastor, a family counselor or a licensed therapist?  Did he go to group sessions?  Did he see a  child psychologist?  AND, most important, what about the girls? What was done for them?!


Just like when Josie was born.  Up until then it was always "don't take government money.  Pay your own bills.  Stay out of debt."  He never did answer if the good people of Arkansas paid her huge hospital bills with their tax dollars or did JimBoob step in and practice what he preaches by saying "I will pay the hospital bills even if I have to sell my house."


Yeah, don't expect much when these 2 are asked questions.

  • Love 5

I really hope that these two never get a paid speaking engagement ever again. I'm sure that I'm wrong about that, but really, isn't their credibility destroyed now in light of the Josh situation? All of their household rules and rules for courting, dating with a purpose, etc...it's all a fraud. The two parents could not protect their own daughters, who were about 4, 8, 9, 11 and 12 when all of this took place back in 2002 throughout 2003. They deliberately protected their son, and themselves from a scandal that could have happened then . Would Josh have been arrested at age 14 and put into a juvenile detention center or would he have been removed from the home? No matter what, Jim Bob and Michelle were aware and did nothing in terms of counseling. I can't believe people will continue to be fans of Jim Bob and Michelle after this.

Unfortunately, I don't think their credibility is completely ruined. I am seeing people post and like defenses of the Duggars (Josh and the parents, not defending the girls) using terms like progressive witch hunt on Facebook. Even if the show is cancelled, there will be people out there who support them and will even feel sorry them.


Just like when Josie was born.  Up until then it was always "don't take government money.  Pay your own bills.  Stay out of debt."  He never did answer if the good people of Arkansas paid her huge hospital bills with their tax dollars or did JimBoob step in and practice what he preaches by saying "I will pay the hospital bills even if I have to sell my house."


Medicaid covers care for micro-preemies.


Jim Bob and Michelle literally make me ill. 

I hope they are happy with the way the do things "just a little differently" assholes.


Now your whole family is being talked about on every news outlet out there, the internet,at the water cooler. How do you feel now that your family is forever shammed???? You can/will NEVER regain the public trust. 


Tonight on NBC Nightlightly News they are going to talk about the situation. How quickly their empire fell. 

Edited by Fuzzysox
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This is what happens when you raise your kids in an oppressive atmosphere.  Where HOLDING HANDS is taboo unless you're engaged to be married.  For crying out loud, people have hormones and sexual urges.  Being raised in an environment where you're not allowed to express your natural feelings with the opposite sex, not allow to go on dates, not allowed to be a normal human being, well....this is what happens.  Unfortunately, Josh expressed his natural feelings in an extremely INAPPROPRIATE way.  The worst part is that his parents never followed up with PROPER counseling until their appearance on Oprah was nixed.  That, right there, shows me Jim Bob & Michelle's true colors.  They weren't concerned about the poor victims in this matter.  They were more concerned about protecting their image.  


The fact that they took Josh to a family friend who was a state trooper (who is now in jail for child pornography!!!) really shows how they tried to get this swept under the rug.  You know they consulted with attorneys who made sure to let them know that they had to wait for the statute of limitations to pass.  Ugh!  Just terrible.


I feel so bad for the victims.  I really think this "mystery letter" that was placed in a book was written by one of the victims who was hoping someone would eventually find it, since you know they're not allowed to talk about this or seek help for it.


Now that the Duggar gravy train is about to be cut off, I wonder how this is going to affect the younger ones?  There won't be any TLC money rolling in for them.  And as much as their religion spouts forgiveness, you can bet that their paid appearances are going to start dwindling severely.  It'll be interesting to see how this all shakes out.

  • Love 4


Now your whole family is being talked about on every news outlet out there, the internet. You can NEVER regain the public trust.

I really, really hope not. The sheer number of defenders makes me ill though. How do you defend someone getting off on his sisters?


Now we know why JB didn't want Josh taking the FRC job. HE KNEW it was dangerous. HE KNEW it could all get dragged out.


(Paging GEML!) Yesterday I thought Josh was not worth Hillary Clinton's time...but after seeing articles of him posing with virtually every republican candidate of note, it makes me wonder. It's such an effective broad smear of all her opponents.


Edit: it also puts the girl's 'Thank god we have natural sexual feelings' comments in a new light. They weren't dissing gays, they were dissing Josh.

Edited by JoanArc
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The worst part is that his parents never followed up with PROPER counseling until their appearance on Oprah was nixed.  That, right there, shows me Jim Bob & Michelle's true colors.  They weren't concerned about the poor victims in this matter.  They were more concerned about protecting their image.  


If you count sending him off to do construction work for a few months to be proper counseling... from the police report: http://imgur.com/a/zqPMi#29

"Det. Hignite then asked Mrs. Duggar about the training center they sent ***** to. She said it was not really a training center. Det. Hignite asked if the guy ***** talked to was a certified Counselor. She said no. She said it was a guy they know in Little Rock that is remodeling a building. Det. Hignite asked if the guy was more of a mentor. She said kind of."


If there's been any mention at all of what was done for the girls besides praying about it, I haven't seen it.

  • Love 3

After seeing the discussions about the police report, it occurs to me that for two parents who have repeatedly stated that they don't want their children to have any "baggage" (before getting married), their children sure seem to be carrying a lot of "baggage." It might not be the type of "baggage" JB and Michelle had in mind, but it's still something their kids are dealing with and they don't seem to be getting the appropriate help they need to deal with this situation.


Praying will not make everything OK.

  • Love 14

After seeing the discussions about the police report, it occurs to me that for two parents who have repeatedly stated that they don't want their children to have any "baggage" (before getting married), their children sure seem to be carrying a lot of "baggage." It might not be the type of "baggage" JB and Michelle had in mind, but it's still something their kids are dealing with and they don't seem to be getting the appropriate help they need to deal with this situation.

Praying will not make everything OK.

Please please tell that to fundies and Christians who believe the bible should be their only therapy. I think that any parent that knows about abuse but does nothing should be charged as well
  • Love 3

After seeing the discussions about the police report, it occurs to me that for two parents who have repeatedly stated that they don't want their children to have any "baggage" (before getting married), their children sure seem to be carrying a lot of "baggage." It might not be the type of "baggage" JB and Michelle had in mind, but it's still something their kids are dealing with and they don't seem to be getting the appropriate help they need to deal with this situation.


Praying will not make everything OK.

My biggest unanswered question from all this involves that 'baggage.' So it has been established that the molester/sinner/whatever you call Josh has said he confessed, repented, was sent away, etc. Several links across the Duggar board have posted Gothard materials and 'counseling' info that describe sibling molesters who tell how their parents/siblings caused the inappropriate contact by allowing siblings to be immodest (being unclothed after baths!), asking male siblings to change female diapers, and all kinds of total bullshit that removes any responsibility from the molester.


The materials also put a lot of blame on victims for being immodest and causing the molestation. So.......my question is: the Duggars emphasize purity before marriage as no physical contact until engagement (then maybe hand holding or side hugging), and no kissing, frontal hugging, cuddling, or any sort of genital contact until marriage. Break those rules and you're not pure. So... if child has been fondled, in their sleep, is their purity intact? Are they suddenly damaged goods, not pure, and therefore unsuitable for marriage?


Why does a former pervert incestuous molester get a chaste courtship and virgin to marry? Why does a 'pure' girl have to be paired up with someone repeatedly was not pure? Is breaking purity rules worse or the same, if it's a sleeping child sibling vs another horny, non-related teen?


IMO a child, especially a SLEEPING child, cannot be responsible for someone fondling them. Even if a 12 year old strutted naked and said 'come and get it', the 14 year old brother should still have the sense to say NO. Your'e my sister. Gross. I just want to know how the purity rules still apply or don't apply here.

  • Love 10

Please please tell that to fundies and Christians who believe the bible should be their only therapy. I think that any parent that knows about abuse but does nothing should be charged as well


As teachers we were charged with reporting any case of suspected child abuse - any type - we saw in our classrooms. And I know other professions that work under this policy as well. Yet parents can get away with this? Do nothing? With their own children? It staggers the mind...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4

After seeing the discussions about the police report, it occurs to me that for two parents who have repeatedly stated that they don't want their children to have any "baggage" (before getting married), their children sure seem to be carrying a lot of "baggage." It might not be the type of "baggage" JB and Michelle had in mind, but it's still something their kids are dealing with and they don't seem to be getting the appropriate help they need to deal with this situation.


Praying will not make everything OK.

IF praying made everything okay, there would be no reason for rules like side-hugs only. Accidental frontal hug, pray it away. However this has given additional answers as to why Duggar brothers and sisters don't front-hug like other families. It also adds to the oddity of Ben's statement in France that in Arkansas all the people side hug. I mightily hope juvenile incest isn't a state-wide problem. (Only kidding, Arkansans)

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Reminder...Lets be careful on the speculation on why Josh started to molest his victims. Saying he would not have harm innocent girls if he had a normal childhood, his parents not flaunting their sex lives in front of him, he had no way of dealing with his sexual curiosity in a healthy way, or he may have been molested himself has not been proven. Thank you.

JB's horny dogginess is greater than either of the above.

It used to creep me out when the girls used to wear their hair permed like their mother.

Mini Michelles...glad they put a kabosh to those hairdos.


Other than MIkeH what other nationally known person has stepped up and defended the D Clan?

National, recognizable person not a local politican.

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People are writing Mike Huckabee is off as a serious candidate, but I think that's misguided. He certainly stands an excellent chance at winning Iowa, and perhaps SC, and those are two of the very earliest states which will help. Remember, Rick Santorum essentially tied to win in Iowa last round.

I think this was a blow to Huckabee, and I'm convinced about it after he came out so strongly for Josh. I've always sort of wondered if he wasn't one of the big financial backers at the FRC for Josh's job (was the "construction person in Little Rock - and was that the owner of Hobby Lobby perhaps?? - another? Small world.....)

So did one of the other nearly two dozen Republican candidates release it to hope Huckabee would take the bait? And yes, he did. It made the Family Values side of the Republican Party look really badly. All the better for the more establishment, or libertarian, or Wall Street types.

  • Love 3

Mike Huckabee may be a serious candidate, but he's never been seriously considered as a viable option to actually win his party's primary, certainly not to win a presidential election.  Huckabee's purpose is to drive his party as far right as he possibly can.  He whips up support and endorses politicians at the local and state levels, which is where most of the laws that govern people's everyday lives will be passed.  Huckabee's campaign for president was never going to amount to anything so his continued support of Josh and the Duggars only really matters in terms of how those at the local level will take it.  If those local politicians he previously endorsed start turning away from Huckabee, then he screwed up big time and some other super right-wing fundie will have to fill that void of stomping for other super right-winders. 


I'm not explaining this so well.  I guess tl;dr version is that Disgutabee was never a viable presidential candidate and his entire point of pretending to be one is only meant to further push the politics of these super right-wingers and stomp for local and state level elections.  

  • Love 5

Just have to say that in light of all we have learned in the past couple of days, all those times Jim Bob bad-mouthed his late father at speaking engagements has just become a million times more heinous. Poor financial management and a possible drinking issue is NOTHING compared to Jim Bob's handling of these tragic events.

Edited by 3 is enough
  • Love 20

Just have to say that in light of all we have learned in the past couple of days, all those times Jim Bob bad-mouthed his late father at speaking engagements has just become a million times more heinous. Poor financial management and a possible drinking issue is NOTHING compared to Jim Bob's handling of these tragic events.

I have to wonder how much he knew about the molestation, and what he told JB to do about it. Grandpa seemed like a decent enough man. The fact that Jim Bob didn't like him makes me like him more.

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I believe that Michelle's mother died a long time ago, perhaps 20 years ago. Michelle was the youngest child and her mother had her later in life..her oldest sister is 22 years older than Michelle. Her father appeared on the show once, about 6-7 years ago and passed away shortly thereafter. He had Alzheimer's disease and was living with one of her sisters in Ohio. I think most of Michelle's siblings are in Ohio but we have only seen them on the show once or maybe twice. Not sure how much the Duggars keep in touch with them.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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