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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I sincerely hope that the married Duggar kids ALL go to their in-laws houses for Thanksgiving.  It is high time that Jim Bob and Michelle realize that there are now three other families on the radar screen here and they count too. They can't always have it their way, with them all the time. I really hope that Jill and Derick spend this Thanksgiving exclusively with Cathy Byrum and family ONLY and give HER her special uninterrupted holiday. She has been through so much recently. I hope that she is up to it also.  I wonder just how many Thanksgivings and Christmases Michelle "passed up" with HER family over the years. Her parents were older when she was born and there would have been fewer opportunities to spend the years together, logically. I'm tired of her pretending that she was hatched from some abandoned egg somewhere and belongs to no family but the one "she gave birth to"....every one of them!

  • Love 6

Well, let's face it, holidays are complicated and none of us have any inside scoop into why and what go on inside any of the family dynamics around planning them. It might be that the Duggars are just a better place to go for Thanksgiving and other families for Christmas. Anyone who has been married knows how these conversations go down. It may not be about "getting their way" and may be about certain family's not being that great at one holiday and excelling at another.

  • Love 1

Well, let's face it, holidays are complicated and none of us have any inside scoop into why and what go on inside any of the family dynamics around planning them. It might be that the Duggars are just a better place to go for Thanksgiving and other families for Christmas. Anyone who has been married knows how these conversations go down. It may not be about "getting their way" and may be about certain family's not being that great at one holiday and excelling at another.


Respectfully disagree. With Boob, it is about winning. If Josh/Jill/Jessa was invited to their in-laws' for a holiday, I'll bet he would immediately go into "persuasive" mode - doing whatever he needed to do to get them to the TTH on the great day. Otherwise I bet he really doesn't care all that much that they are all together. He seems to want what "others" try to keep from him, even if the "keeping" is only in his own mind...

  • Love 3

Respectfully disagree. With Boob, it is about winning. If Josh/Jill/Jessa was invited to their in-laws' for a holiday, I'll bet he would immediately go into "persuasive" mode - doing whatever he needed to do to get them to the TTH on the great day. Otherwise I bet he really doesn't care all that much that they are all together. He seems to want what "others" try to keep from him, even if the "keeping" is only in his own mind...

Especially if by "persuasion" you mean "letting the air out of the couples' tires" or "blackmail"! Boob loves the holidays. Edited by PityFree
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I am so sick and tired of those two having to kiss after almost every sentence, bowling strike, compliment, etc...I cringe when I see JB "begin to go in for one". How can those kids stomach it live and in person? I think he is an insecure man to have to solidify their relationship with continuous kisses. Doesn't he realize that it also makes it mean less when they are plentiful? It loses it's "special". IMO

So, "NIKE" is for only when you are unmarried? After that, you can whore and pimp yourself out on the internet and it's OK? I think that would be confusing to their little kids..heck, it is to me! They need to grow up already.


I couldn't agree more. When they were molesting each other in one of the most recent episodes (I think Jill's wedding, maybe) even Jana made a face and a comment like, "whoa, ok now...." The kids must be so sick of being subjected to their perverted need to constantly throw their sexuality in everyone's faces.


Truly modest people wouldn't flaunt the fact that they get to have OMG SEX! in the face of everyone they meet. And they certainly wouldn't post pictures of themselves that would be classified as 'erotic.' They are such jokes they are becoming parodies of themselves.

  • Love 7

There really hasn't been a great "Christmas with the Duggars" episode. There's the one where they did the live nativity, but nothing since, and we tend to get the December birthdays instead of Christmas. This might be because the camera crews prefer to be home with their families, but hey - they mess around with time lines plenty. Go cut down the tree in August - no one will know! (I'm kidding). And all the decorations I've ever seen for Christmas look cheap and chintzy.

So while they might be "we want everyone here for Thanksgiving" type, I don't think they care about Christmas, which the new in-law families may enjoy having to themselves anyway.

  • Love 2

There really hasn't been a great "Christmas with the Duggars" episode. There's the one where they did the live nativity, but nothing since, and we tend to get the December birthdays instead of Christmas. This might be because the camera crews prefer to be home with their families, but hey - they mess around with time lines plenty. Go cut down the tree in August - no one will know! (I'm kidding). And all the decorations I've ever seen for Christmas look cheap and chintzy.

So while they might be "we want everyone here for Thanksgiving" type, I don't think they care about Christmas, which the new in-law families may enjoy having to themselves anyway.

She who can't be named (Kate8) pretty much did Christmas and other events months out of time. At least that's what some of the tell-alls say. The Duggars don't seem to be that bad probably because they're more flexible because they homeschool. Their timelines are pretty messed up though but that's not a Duggar thing, that's a production storytelling thing.

Edited by Almost 3000

I'd be surprised if the Duggar children have much of a relationship with anyone in Michelle's family, and to be honest, it's hard to say which side was more protective. My children are very much aware of their fundamentalist past, and we are not alienated from most of that side of the family, but let's just say we don't spend as much time with those family members as we do others, and there is a reason for that. The shielding goes both ways.

  • Love 3

A Duggar compound will develop/evolve that is the Lego house will have 19 houses attached to it for all the married kids, kinda be like a wagon wheel, with the Lego house in the middle with the married kids branching off from it.

And the poor grandchildren made to take care of Grandma and Grandpa Duggar.  And so it goes...

Okay, I am seriously LMAO and I hope this is the right thread for this but this really cracked me up  Hope it's okay to post this thread.  I post it because some of the pictures have of course been deleted. Some are there.  Remember MEchelle- sometimes, you can ask and it is given!  LOL 





or the link from the family blog



All else aside, I loved some of those pictures on the Duggar website, especially the husband who shaved his head when his wife underwent chemotherapy. 

I don't know when derickdillard's grandmother's services were or will be; but I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle, etal, will do the right thing and attend even though it wouldn't be about them? This is ridiculous that I would even have to think about such a thing as them NOT attending.

Many people have posted that they don't think this couple and family should have any negative posts or specific questions put to them. Well, I say when you put yourself out on mainstream television AND GET PAID FOR IT, you are subject to whatever comes your way and that you have some type of responsibility to respond directly to those issues brought forth and set the record straight. They seldom respond to anything important. Can't have it both way, folks.

  • Love 5

I don't know when derickdillard's grandmother's services were or will be; but I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle, etal, will do the right thing and attend even though it wouldn't be about them? This is ridiculous that I would even have to think about such a thing as them NOT attending.

I can't imagine them missing a chance for a Very Special Episode about the funeral. Plenty of opportunities for them to turn the focus back to themselves.

I agree under regular circumstances. Just breathing their air is "such a ministry!" But now with married children, I think they will find life different. This won't be like the Kellers who won't mind putting things aside for a few days once a year or so. These are going to be people they have to live with day in and day out. And somewhere in the back of their bumpkin heads is remembering that Michelle set the example of how to handle this by just leaving her family behind. That's a big potential fault line, running down this family.

  • Love 6

Well, a year ago they didn't even know this woman, and it's the grandmother of an in-law. You could also see the argument made that if they come, they risk becoming distractions. Given that we aren't sure how warm relationships are between the families, they may be politely asked not to come.


IMO, Boob and Mechelle should absolutely attend the funeral of their son-in-law's grandmother, especially if they met her previously. But they should attend ALONE, just them, Mr & Mrs. There is absolutely no reason the rest of the herd should be loaded on the stink bus to come along as well. No reason at all.

Edited by NausetGirl
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I agree that the risk is there for the girls to cling to their husband' families rather than their own.  Just like mommie Mechelle did.  I have a sister-in-law who did the same, because she of all the kids felt left out or picked upon or whatever during childhood, and her love for her husband was so complete that she adopted his family as her own and pretty much bad mouthed her own family.  She also passed along her generally pissed off attitude about the family of natal birth to her kids.  Well, their loss, not mine.  But it hurt her folks a lot.  No a very godly thing to do, but the kids have the example.

I am watching the old episode when the two go on a marriage retreat. It is interesting listening them...especially Michelle talk about their marriage problems, but what a jerk JB is. He totally condescends her all the time. "Michelle is ALMOST (my emphasis) a perfect wife". "You are calm...most of the time".

I didn't see that one.... is there ever any discussion of JB's responsibility in the marriage or his faults?

Edited by 3girlsforus
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I didn't see that one.... is there ever any discussion of JB's responsibility in the marriage or his faults?

I don't remember the episode name and the sub-stories that were going on with the episode. I do recall that Michelle got to air out her grievances about JB in their counseling session and what she wanted more from him. I just don't remember what, though. And I erased the episode from the DVR!  It did cross my mind while I was watching it, that the sessions brought them down to earth. Otherwise in their normal interactions, he was back to his normal jerk self with her.

It will be interesting to see Jim Bob and MIchelle's reactions to grandchildren now that 3 offspring are encouraged to have children. Very soon they will go from having  3 to having 5 and then upwards.  Having 3 of different ages from one son is different than several of close age from several children that you see a lot.  As Michelle's babysitting offspring branch off to marriage, that will leave Michelle to babysit her own grandchildren.   What's going happen when she invariably refuses to babysit one or more offspring's offspring?  There will be hard feelings on the part of the spouse, at the very least.   Especially since she is so adamant about 'being there' for your spouse and having regular date nights, etc.  What's going to happen when she starts favoring the local grandchildren over the distant ones?

Honestly, I don't think that's going to happen. J'chelle has zero interest in children over 6 months old. She may be willing to hold an infant grandchild, but that's it.


If there is any babysitting to be done it will, of course, be a J'slave. If Jessa stays on the compound, I can see Jill and Jessa trading babysitting services when there is no J'slave available. I also can't imagine any parent willingly leaving their child in the chaos of the TTH. They both know that Jana, Jinger, and Joy will have their hands full with the howlers and the lost girls, and won't be able to give an infant the attention it requires.

  • Love 2

One interesting thing is that I think Jill and Derrick are full on koolaid drinkers. They really do think the sun rises and sets on Jim Bob and Michelle and everything that they have been taught is gold. But Jill IS number four, and Derrick has some idealized notions, and they may not fully realize just how awfully hard four kids under five with no help can be. And when they don't get the help they expect, it might be really eye opening. (After all, until they moved, Anna had that help, if only from her sis-in-laws and for the cameras).

Pedestal falling can be very painful for those who put people on them.

  • Love 4

Holy moly watching TLC's Favorite Holiday moments. They showed an early Christmas with the Duggars. Is that the same family? And is that Michelle? Talking? Her voice is unrecognizable. It's so melodious... at least compared to now. I've always thought TLC did them favors moving them into the bigger house and giving them money and whatnot, but man it's so different.

I don't think Michelle's head will explode if Jessa is pregnant. I read somewhere the only woman a woman didn't mind surpassing her was her own daughter. It seemed among other things overly bitchy to me, but it could be true of some people. In this case,  Jessa Blessa and Ben are such favorites of Michelle's. They're hot like her. I think she's hoping for grandbabies from them. I think she'll be proud if any and all of her daughters carry on her legacy and even if a few surpass her. She's more like to explode if any of them go against the family rules, traditions, and values. 

Edited by Temperance

Does anyone know if Boob  and Mechelle are paid to lobby for bs causes?


How can they afford to give away $10,000 to help politicians win?


Why do they not spend that money on their kids or because they make so much money as lobbyist they can afford to give money away. (pure speculation not a fact unless someone can uncover the truth)

And the poor grandchildren made to take care of Grandma and Grandpa Duggar.  And so it goes...


Well...  Let's remember there's a strong possibility those poor grandchildren could very well decide to take care of Grandpa & Grandma Duggar by placing them in a nursing home. And what goes around might indeed come around for Boob & Mechelle.

  • Love 1

Well... Let's remember there's a strong possibility those poor grandchildren could very well decide to take care of Grandpa & Grandma Duggar by placing them in a nursing home. And what goes around might indeed come around for Boob & Mechelle.

"Buy used and save the difference."

Or in that case, "drop ma and pa in the worse nursing home ever and never come back."

I have a feeling that a few of these kids are really going to put MEchelle and Jim Boob through the ringer when they enter that "new season of life"

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There is a new video on their Family Blog with Boob & MEchelle discussing grief. It coincides with Jubilee's still birth on 12/11/11.. (They said stillbirth, I know it's debatable it was a miscarriage.) A grief counselor is interviewing MEchelle at the beginning & asked one question to which MEchelle rambled on & on. I fast forwarded to when she was discussing Jubilee. Then my video stopped & I don't feel like restarting it now. I'll watch it later.

I know grief is a subject brought up around the holidays so I guess they felt it upon their hearts to share with us. Hopefully they mention how they dealt with the loss of Grandpa Duggar & possibly even mention the death of Derick's grandmother but I doubt it. I'm sure the focus is on Jubilee. I guess we can add grief to the list that Boob & MEchelle are experts on. Just my opinion.

I don't mean to make fun of dealing with grief, esp around the holidays. I know first hand it's hard as my father-in-law died a few weeks before Christmas & my dad died in January. Even tho both happened many years ago, they are still greatly missed, esp around holidays. It's just that J & M think they are the best of everything & their way is the right way.

By the way MEchelle is sporting her new blue jacket & a fancy necklace in the video. I know one poster commented on her jacket earlier.

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The Duggars do not know how to talk about grief. Very few people do. I lost my 34 year old daughter 5 1/2 years ago and can attest that even those who have lost a child oftentimes do not know how to talk about grief.

In short, losing a child makes you an expert on the emotions but not an expert on conveying them.

  • Love 16

That video is on the fan site blog not the Duggar official blog.  The miscarriage was definitely a miscarriage, but Michelle kept trying to push the time she was pregnant ad eventually began calling it a stillbirth.  I don't know if she did that all on her own or TLC encouraged it for drama and to make the massive funeral seem more legit. 

  • Love 2

That video is on the fan site blog not the Duggar official blog.  The miscarriage was definitely a miscarriage, but Michelle kept trying to push the time she was pregnant ad eventually began calling it a stillbirth.  I don't know if she did that all on her own or TLC encouraged it for drama and to make the massive funeral seem more legit.

Wow. As someone going through a very similar situation, Michelle's words did nothing but raise my blood pressure. Michelle was 18 weeks, at most, with Jubilee. That's not a stillborn. Not medically, not physically, not even hypothetically! And, based on the media statement back in 2011, the fetus was without a heartbeat for at least a week before the "birth", meaning it was likely even less mature than 18 weeks. While it was, and is, a tragic, traumatic experience, she's devaluing the true trauma of having a viable child born still. And, she's doing it as a right to life publicity stunt. Caleb didn't get the same funeral or weepy video counselling session because they didn't have an audience, money, and a political bill of goods to sell. I understand I'm being a bit harsh, but I can honestly say I've been where she has been. Heck! I'm there right now. But, as painful and sad as it is, dwelling on that loss while staring at 19 other children, especially Josie, is just ridiculous. I'm not upset that she's sad when she remembers the experience. I'm upset because she's dipping into that well in front of cameras unnecessarily.

Michelle should focus on the 19 she has and be especially grateful for the one that only avoided being a true stillborn by the advances of modern medicine and a health care system to provide such life saving measures.

  • Love 24

Wow. As someone going through a very similar situation, Michelle's words did nothing but raise my blood pressure. Michelle was 18 weeks, at most, with Jubilee. That's not a stillborn. Not medically, not physically, not even hypothetically! And, based on the media statement back in 2011, the fetus was without a heartbeat for at least a week before the "birth", meaning it was likely even less mature than 18 weeks. While it was, and is, a tragic, traumatic experience, she's devaluing the true trauma of having a viable child born still. And, she's doing it as a right to life publicity stunt. Caleb didn't get the same funeral or weepy video counselling session because they didn't have an audience, money, and a political bill of goods to sell. I understand I'm being a bit harsh, but I can honestly say I've been where she has been. Heck! I'm there right now. But, as painful and sad as it is, dwelling on that loss while staring at 19 other children, especially Josie, is just ridiculous. I'm not upset that she's sad when she remembers the experience. I'm upset because she's dipping into that well in front of cameras unnecessarily.

Michelle should focus on the 19 she has and be especially grateful for the one that only avoided being a true stillborn by the advances of modern medicine and a health care system to provide such life saving measures.

The Duggars depend heavily on those Doctors and Nurses with REAL EDUCATIONS and REAL FREEDOM to pursue life-saving careers denied to their own children and fellow cultists. 

What would have happened if everyone in medicine was a gothardite when MEchelle was pregnant with Josie and the only care she had access to was a midwife? No doctor, no sonogram, no NICU...

  • Love 5
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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