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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

If Tabitha turned him down, she's crazy. I know chemistry is important, but she's geriatric by Fundie standards and she isn't exactly a Kate Upton lookalike. Her options dwindle by the minute.

If the story about the nephew is true, then it looks like Michelle scored herself a new show pony. Now she'll be the magnanimous aunt taking in the child of her troubled niece and giving him a loving, Christian upbringing. Sorry, Josie, you had a nice run, but your contract is up and won't be renewed. Hopefully she at least got a parting gift.

Is this the single mother that Jill claimed to have knowledge of and ministered?? Did they minister a single mother? I can't remember but I do recall Jill mentioning having experience with a single mother.

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Jesus Christ, CPS was in that house less than a year ago. I hope the home study isn't waived. I hope there are surprise visits.

It sounds like that kid's hard a hard life, and my heart goes out to him, but he's already too old and seen too much to lap up the Koold aid.

These people just need to go away already. Your damn show is over. Let it be dead.

Edited by JoanArc
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5 hours ago, Tunia said:

I don't follow the Duggars (or read this forum) with any regularity, but today on The Talk the women were discussing the adoption of the nephew.  Within that discussion, one of them asked how this would be possible since Michelle and JimBob had filed papers for a marital separation, pre-divorce.  In my blissful ignorance of this family, this was the first time I've heard mention of this, and that includes mindless browsing of tabloid covers while standing in the supermarket checkout line.  Is it true that they were thinking of separation?  Or was this just blathering by The Talk crew?   Sorry to be so uninformed!

I've seen trashy tabloids talking of divorce and/or separation. That's all I've seen. Nothing reputable.

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57 minutes ago, JoanArc said:


It sounds like that kid's hard a hard life, and my heart goes out to him, but he's already too old and seen too much to lap up the Koold aid

That's what worries me about this. Michelle's family has been vocal in the past regarding the Duggars' religious beliefs. Now they're throwing a kid who's had a fairly mainstream upbringing into a family of Loony Toons. He won't be going to school or playing sports or having friends outside the family. How are the Duggars going to react if he doesn't fall in line? They're not used to children asserting themselves or being defiant. This is like a really bad social experiment and whichever judge okayed this needs to be bitch slapped.

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He won't fall in line. He's on the same mental level as their 20 year old sons. I'm sure he knows how to get away with things too. The police state is gonna drive him crazy. Wouldn't you go nuts sleeping next to old JD? What if he tells the kids about sex?  


Honestly this is jumping the shark, backing up over it, reaching down its throat and pulling out its heart.

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3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

That's what worries me about this. Michelle's family has been vocal in the past regarding the Duggars' religious beliefs. Now they're throwing a kid who's had a fairly mainstream upbringing into a family of Loony Toons. He won't be going to school or playing sports or having friends outside the family. How are the Duggars going to react if he doesn't fall in line? They're not used to children asserting themselves or being defiant. This is like a really bad social experiment and whichever judge okayed this needs to be bitch slapped.

It would almost be better if the child did fall for all their bs, because if he doesn't? Considering how they treated their own children for infractions? His life is going to be hell.

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12 minutes ago, LilJen said:

I've seen trashy tabloids talking of divorce and/or separation. That's all I've seen. Nothing reputable.

Thanks, LilJen.  I couldn't figure out how I could have missed that since their "news" is always plastered all over everything!


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That poor kid is probably going to be used as object lesson for the Lost Boys & Girls. "See his Momma let Satan build a fortress in her heart, and now he has to come and live with us. That's why you can't do (all the things they wilfully withhold from their kids to keep them brainwashed)".

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's what worries me about this. Michelle's family has been vocal in the past regarding the Duggars' religious beliefs. Now they're throwing a kid who's had a fairly mainstream upbringing into a family of Loony Toons. He won't be going to school or playing sports or having friends outside the family. How are the Duggars going to react if he doesn't fall in line? They're not used to children asserting themselves or being defiant. This is like a really bad social experiment and whichever judge okayed this needs to be bitch slapped.

Maybe the Duggars are the best of a bad lot of other options?  It's a really scary thought but we have to take the situation with his bio-mom into account, I suppose.

1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

He won't fall in line. He's on the same mental level as their 20 year old sons. I'm sure he knows how to get away with things too. The police state is gonna drive him crazy. Wouldn't you go nuts sleeping next to old JD? What if he tells the kids about sex?  


Honestly this is jumping the shark, backing up over it, reaching down its throat and pulling out its heart.

See, now you make it sound kind of fun and jaunty, like the kid is a Herdman and we're going to update The Last Christmas Pageant for a new century.  I fear the reality won't be nearly as charming.

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In my experiences with guardianships, a homestudy can be waived if all parties are in agreement to do so.  A judge could disagree and order a homestudy be done.  Everyone in the NWA region is familiar with this family, so I would HOPE that a Judge would cover their ass and request a homestudy before granting the guardianship.  

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4 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Jesus Christ, CPS was in that house less than a year ago. I hope the home study isn't waived. I hope there are surprise visits.

It sounds like that kid's hard a hard life, and my heart goes out to him, but he's already too old and seen too much to lap up the Koold aid.

These people just need to go away already. Your damn show is over. Let it be dead.

You can't blanket train an 8 year old . What comes next , crate training ?

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Hey what ever happened to the sins of the father as the reason for the Gothard cult that says no to adoption that you really preach about. Oh right it doesn't apply to you because you are the most amazing Godly

people on earth.

Edited by Rabbittron
Might have gone to the sotdrt
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JB&ME CLAIM the kid won't ever be on the show (heavy, heavy emphasis on "claim").  I wonder if a judge could forbid that as part of the custody and adoption agreement?

There's very little the judge can do with Josh and his past.  There were no charges and no court case or trial so no legal documents on file for the molestation.  The best he's got is hearsay of past issues where everyone involved is now an adult and nobody is pressing charges.  Plus a current cheating scandal where everyone was a consenting adult; cheating may be scummy but it's not illegal.  It should be red flags to at least refuse to waive home inspections, CPS follow up etc.  Who knows if it will be.

I wonder what this kids Mom is doing now?  Maybe she refused all help but if not, if they were the family they claim to be they would have taken the niece in also and tried to help her get back on her feet.  And I feel for ME's sister - unable to care for her grandson because of a stroke; wonder how old she is?

Still have to watch the last episode of counting on but from what I've read JB threw every "we make our own courtship rules" statement from the girls right out the window.  We always knew that was BS anyway - wishing over and over that one girl just one time would tell him to stuff it - a 22 year old does not need her father frowning on her because a boyfriend and likely future husband put his arm around her while sitting on a couch in full view of others -  first, it's just another side hug really and second what sinful touching does he think that is?  These people are just way to involved with their kids (non)sex lives and way too mistrusting of the slightest show of affection.  It's not protective and fatherly JB it's creepy stalker behavior.

Edited by sigmaforce86
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13 hours ago, kalamac said:

That poor kid is probably going to be used as object lesson for the Lost Boys & Girls. "See his Momma let Satan build a fortress in her heart, and now he has to come and live with us. That's why you can't do (all the things they wilfully withhold from their kids to keep them brainwashed)".

How unfortunately true.  As far as the home-study being waived it raises a red flag to me that they would request that it be waived.  Something's not right there and they're afraid they won't be able to hide it.

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On September 14, 2016 at 10:41 AM, BitterApple said:


InTouch is claiming the Duggars have taken custody of the 8 year-old son of Michelle's niece. How is this even possible, given that there's a known child molester living on the property? Are they really that hard up to keep the show going that they'd go the Cousin Oliver route?

I'm hoping this is just rumor.

Well Cousin Oliver sent the Brady Bunch to circling the drain status.

Ahoy, Nancy, here's an epi title for you if they are taking on the cousin:

"Duggas Jump the Shark"...you're welcome...

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13 hours ago, lascuba said:

Are they legally allowed to homeschool him? I would assume the state would demand he be in school unless and until the Duggars legally adopt him, but...Arkansas. 

Legal guardians in Arkansas are permitted to homeschool, apparently. --

That's yet another reason why there should ABSOLUTELY be a homestudy. But I expect there won't be. After all, these people's lives are perfectly transparent! They've been on television for over a decade for heaven's sake!

'On April 2, 2007, Governor Mike Beebe signed into law House Bill 2394, changing the definition of a “home school” in Arkansas. Prior law defined this term as “a school primarily conducted by parents or legal guardians for their own children.” The new definition for a home school is “a school provided by a parent or legal guardian for his or her own child.”'~


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On 9/14/2016 at 10:43 AM, Churchhoney said:

No kidding. And contemporary technology also allows them to take ostentatiously praying out loud in the street to levels beyond the Pharisees' wildest dreams.

That was brilliant.

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On 9/14/2016 at 0:32 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

It's not the kids themselves who are important, it's adherence to the rules.  And virginity is a commodity. 


They really are Pharisees; are they not? All full of the legalism the Apostle Paul warned the early church against.

Love this.

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Here's another possibility: the Duggars didn't want to take the kid in either but feared a court employee would leak the story to the tabloids if they refused. It wouldn't look too good if the perfect Christians let a relative go to foster care. It's no skin off Michelle's back either way because it's just one more child for Jana to raise, but given the kid's background they can't be too thrilled.

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18 hours ago, ginger90 said:

If I am remembering the article correctly, their nephew has been with them since June. What month are we supposedly viewing in Counting On now?

According to the InTouch article that was linked in the "Media" topic, the Duggars are not involving the boy in any filming. InTouch didn't name him in the story, and redacted his name from the court documents it published with the article. For now, the kid has some privacy.

If Michelle's niece - the child's mother - gets back on her feet, she could regain custody of her son. At this time, the mother hasn't relinquished her parental rights, nor has she had them taken from her by a court order. The current arrangement is a guardianship, not an adoption. In the future, who knows? The child could eventually return to his mother's care, the guardianship could continue, or (most drastic scenario) the mother could relinquish her parental rights or the court could terminate them, resulting in the child being available for legal adoption. That third scenario is drastic, and I hope the mother can stabilize her life and avoid that.

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I stalked, ahem, looked up purely in the matter of research that girl. She has quite a few photos of both her son and the Duggars, so clearly, they have been in touch for years. I hope no media will use those photos - she's ill advised to post them on public setting.

She does talk a lot of blather of her son being raised "Godly", which raises my hackles since stealing isn't terribly Christian really, but ok. I hope the poor child is not being made to feel guilty in any way. Why anyone would give those horrendous people a child is beyond me

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Sometimes a person is just not able to properly care for a child, and it seems like Michelle's grandniece knows it. 

I don't think it would be a good idea for this particular grown independent woman to move into the TTH. Imagine the fights with Jimbob. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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It would be nice if the boy's experiences and, presumably, more of a willingness to think about and possibly communicate feelings outside of the Duggar Experience, caused some of the other kids to maybe examine some of their own upbringing, but it's probably more likely that he is in a fairly fragile place at the moment and more than ready to glom on to the notion that the Duggarverse is a safe haven and straying outside the tightly-drawn parameters = downfall.

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50 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Sometimes a person is just not able to properly care for a child, and it seems like Michelle's grandniece knows it. 

I don't think it would be a good idea for this particular grown independent woman to move into the TTH. Imagine the fights with Jimbob. 

If she's not already dealing with mental illness, she will be if she gets into the clutches of Boob and Bot.

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Why not take both the mother and her child in while she tries to stabilize her life?

Moving in with the Duggars would be anything but stabilizing. She is better off on her own than with Boob and Mechelle.

Edited by yogi2014L
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If Rachel's an addict, then this placement will probably be permanent. I'm not saying, people can't change, but I have an addict cousin who's got five kids by three men and she's dumped all of them on relatives without a second glance. Even at family events she acts like they don't exist. It's awful to say, but I doubt Rachel even wants him back.

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The whole thing makes me shudder. I'm thinking back to when my kids were that age. They went to school, watched TV, did sports, dance, theater, etc. They played at friends' homes, went rollerskating, the movies, swimming, etc. My kids wore various clothing as pajamas; boxers and Ts, their dad's extra large Ts, and they wore bathing suits. We ate dinner together, either at the table and sometimes in the car in between school and whatever else they were all doing. My kids were allowed to express feelings, negotiate their wants and desires and behave at times as if they were the center of the universe. And we snuggled, hugged and kissed.

I'm sure there is an element of culture shock for any foster child, but entering into the Duggar fold for the average child would be scary and mind boggling. My kids were surely feel like failures and bad kids if they were put in a position to fall into step with the Duggar family.

I'm not a praying person, for those of you who are, please pray for this little 8 year old boy.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

The whole thing makes me shudder. I'm thinking back to when my kids were that age. They went to school, watched TV, did sports, dance, theater, etc. They played at friends' homes, went rollerskating, the movies, swimming, etc. My kids wore various clothing as pajamas; boxers and Ts, their dad's extra large Ts, and they wore bathing suits. We ate dinner together, either at the table and sometimes in the car in between school and whatever else they were all doing. My kids were allowed to express feelings, negotiate their wants and desires and behave at times as if they were the center of the universe. And we snuggled, hugged and kissed.

I'm sure there is an element of culture shock for any foster child, but entering into the Duggar fold for the average child would be scary and mind boggling. My kids were surely feel like failures and bad kids if they were put in a position to fall into step with the Duggar family.

I'm not a praying person, for those of you who are, please pray for this little 8 year old boy.

Not a praying person either, but Amen to this. The child will now be deprived of education as well. So influences that might otherwise slightly protect him from thinking that Duggardumb is the be-all and end-all will be nil. Tragic.

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On 9/16/2016 at 0:01 AM, BitterApple said:

Here's another possibility: the Duggars didn't want to take the kid in either but feared a court employee would leak the story to the tabloids if they refused. It wouldn't look too good if the perfect Christians let a relative go to foster care. It's no skin off Michelle's back either way because it's just one more child for Jana to raise, but given the kid's background they can't be too thrilled.

I just don't see that. One of the few things that Duggars aren't liars about is their desire to bring more children into the army for Christ. JB and Michelle wouldn't hesitate to throw out an adult who didn't live up to their standards, but no way would they waste an opportunity to pat themselves on the back for a saving a child from a sinful upbringing. 

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I know it comes up frequently, but Jim Bob is great at identifying people he can control (see Derrick, Bin, and maybe Jeremy). They know there's something about this 8yo that they can can control him with, and that's sad.

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Can't you see the motivation behind this? They have been insidiously giving those negligent asshats more screen time by increments,  to the point of KJB manipulating most of the last episode with his fucking detestable behaviour and ugly hyena snickering. 

Someone up thread mentioned how societal niceties likely allow clowncar to proselytize in the goddamned Walmart risk free for THREE hour stretches, but I can guarantee you if I ever get within spitting distance of those two, she would get a resounding slap across the face that would rattle her brain and he would receive either a hard kick to his nuts or a hormone-driven punch straight to that gaping maw he snickers out of. 

These two sicken me SO much and there aint enough whiskey or black kohosh tea or HRT in the WORLD that can calm me down when I think of those two and what they've caused!

I'd rather see Smuggs than them. 

Yup. I would.

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16 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

Can't you see the motivation behind this? They have been insidiously giving those negligent asshats more screen time by increments,  to the point of KJB manipulating most of the last episode with his fucking detestable behaviour and ugly hyena snickering. 

Someone up thread mentioned how societal niceties likely allow clowncar to proselytize in the goddamned Walmart risk free for THREE hour stretches, but I can guarantee you if I ever get within spitting distance of those two, she would get a resounding slap across the face that would rattle her brain and he would receive either a hard kick to his nuts or a hormone-driven punch straight to that gaping maw he snickers out of. 

These two sicken me SO much and there aint enough whiskey or black kohosh tea or HRT in the WORLD that can calm me down when I think of those two and what they've caused!

I'd rather see Smuggs than them. 

Yup. I would.

TLC is highlighting his bad behavour. Of course he provides the material. Increases viewers from the hate watchers,so it's a good move for TLC. 

Edited by sometimesy
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48 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

Someone up thread mentioned how societal niceties likely allow clowncar to proselytize in the goddamned Walmart risk free for THREE hour stretches, but I can guarantee you if I ever get within spitting distance of those two, she would get a resounding slap across the face that would rattle her brain and he would receive either a hard kick to his nuts or a hormone-driven punch straight to that gaping maw he snickers out of. 

These two sicken me SO much and there aint enough whiskey or black kohosh tea or HRT in the WORLD that can calm me down when I think of those two and what they've caused!

I'd rather see Smuggs than them. 

Yup. I would.

Yup, me too. I've often wondered what I'd ever say to them if I saw them. And yes, I'd rather see Smuggar any day than them.

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On 9/16/2016 at 4:47 AM, Jeeves said:

According to the InTouch article that was linked in the "Media" topic, the Duggars are not involving the boy in any filming.


We also heard that Joshley Madison and his parents would not be included in any filming in the future after the cancellation of 19KAC, either, and two of the three are already being featured on the show again.

I'm dying to know how they think they will avoid filming him when the child is living in the TTH. This is yet another lie. When the ratings dip, he'll be on and we'll be treated to yet more adoption BS from Jessa Blessa and Jilly Muffin.

Of course, IMHO, YMMV, but it strains credulity to the breaking point that J-Chelle would be alone in a store for 3 hours and nobody would have anything bad to say to her in person. This family is so afraid of others' opinions that they refuse to answer questions from other adults at their appearances without pre-screening. They're not appearing anywhere "alone".

I've often wondered what I might say to them if I saw them somewhere in our hometown. One thing's for sure -- it had better be pithy and memorable; one has to believe security of some sort would be summoned ASAP.

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I think they said that Boob and Mechelle wouldn't be involved with the early specials. I don't remember TLC giving any assurances beyond that for those two. They DID say that Smuggar wouldn't be seen THIS season. I fear for next season, though, because we all know there will be one...

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Do we know how much time is spent filming? Outside the TLC-motivated events, just how often are cameras around them at home? I always got the impression that it wasn't all that often and when they are there it's always for scheduled periods of time...no cameras just hanging around all day for weeks at a time hoping to catch something "exciting." The only reason I think this is because there's never been all that much material on screen. From early one, half of all episodes were repeated scenes from previous episode (or the scenes from before commercial break, FFS) and talking heads. It should be very easy for the cameras to pretend the child isn't there. Assuming that's what Michelle and Jim Bob want, which we all know they don't. As soon as he's behaving to their standards and parroting the same talking points their kids do, that kid is going to get a ton of screen time. 

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