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S26.E01: Great Way To Start A Relationship (Tokyo, Japan)

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I don't mind Blair; he strikes me as more reserved than condescending. Also he's a surgical resident. I used to work in a hospital and surgeons were the most likely to keep you at arm's length for the longest amount of time and you'd think they hated you, when really they were just sort of awkward and serious. (Anesthesiologists on the other hand? All over you, all the time.)  I think he's still making up his mind about Hayley, and once he gets to know her a little, he might seem less stiff and disapproving. I thought he was a lot warmer in the clip of the audition video that they aired than he seemed to be during this first leg, so I'm willing to chalk up his Mr. No Fun Personality to first date/first leg nerves for right now and also to Haley's personality being overwhelming. I know when I'm around super bubbly, chatty people, I tend to retreat a bit too.

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The doctors are doing all the thinking. A nurse doesn't even need a college degree. But if there's a challenge involving bedpans, I'm sure Hayley will smoke the rest of the teams.


I already can hear the screaming now, grandpa!  Her specialty requires a lot of CONTINUAL training and testing and re-certification.  Nurses don't change bedpans--they have aides and care techs for personal care.  And doctors spend about 15 minutes per patient … It's the nurses who monitor the day-to-day care of patients and it's a pretty stupid doctor who doesn't listen to his care team's input.

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I don't mind Blair; he strikes me as more reserved than condescending. Also he's a surgical resident. I used to work in a hospital and surgeons were the most likely to keep you at arm's length for the longest amount of time and you'd think they hated you, when really they were just sort of awkward and serious. (Anesthesiologists on the other hand? All over you, all the time.)  I think he's still making up his mind about Hayley, and once he gets to know her a little, he might seem less stiff and disapproving. I thought he was a lot warmer in the clip of the audition video that they aired than he seemed to be during this first leg, so I'm willing to chalk up his Mr. No Fun Personality to first date/first leg nerves for right now and also to Haley's personality being overwhelming. I know when I'm around super bubbly, chatty people, I tend to retreat a bit too.

That was totally my take on it.  A lot of doctors tend to be more reserved in social situations,  they are trying to figure out the situation before jumping in and acting.  I think he was evaluating her in terms of her strengths/weaknesses on  the Race, not whether or not he wanted to date her.   He's there to do the race, not necessarily to find a soulmate.   And I strongly disagree with the posts insisting he must be gay.   Not all straight people are alike, not all gay people are alike.  I take a person's word as to their sexual orientation.


I think he got a partner that was not the kind of woman he is usually attracted to.  I watched the show with my son, whose impression of Hayley was "God, she's annoying!"  the minute she opened her mouth.  And I don't think that makes my son gay. 

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Blair isn't into the Nurse because he's gay. Blair got pissy about the age guess being higher (by FOUR years!!! egad!!) because he's gay. Blair thinks nurses are below him because he's a doctor...and a pissy gay. Honestly, I didn't catch some of what's been said about him here, but he definitely pinged.



Being annoyed that someone miscalculated your age and being condescending in thinking one's profession is beneath you automatically makes a person gay...okay then. 

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Amazing Race-The Tindr Edition.


The guy that got eliminated--Was HOT when he got rid of the nerdy glasses. Took off at least 10 years!! Hey, you're a doctor ,pretty sure you can afford Lasik. Do it!


I love the thinking that she's a "just a nurse". HAHAHAHA Welcome to 2015....


Truck Stop Couple-Go Home- All those bad ass tats and grungy clothes and you cry like a baby. Take a seat poser.

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I got a different impression of Blair.  I like him. I like him a lot.  Can you imagine how excited he was to have been chosen for this show and looking forward to a partner that he would like and maybe actually love?  He then gets teamed with a flake with a tiny voice with whom he has zero rapport.  She also admitted to being  high maintenance .


 He contained his disappointment and irritation with her the best he could. I think he did a good job given the facts.  I don't think he will be able to contain it through this entire race but he is trying.   It is not about him feeling better than a nurse, doctors respect them, or even better than she.  They just are a huge mismatch, huge.  She bugs me, too.  Saying the mud looked like diarrhea was childish and downright stupid.   


Hayley was probably excited too. She was hoping to meet a nice guy who would appreciate her. Then she gets teamed with a cold, arrogant guy who writes her off from the beginning. She didn't make a great first impression, but it turns out she has a highly skilled, challenging  and honorable profession, and is probably a pretty smart, decisive person. A trauma nurse can't dither.  She was right when Blair insisted on going in the wrong direction. She's the one who spotted Phil first. Blair seems to have judged her on her looks and tiny voice and overlooked the competent person inside. He could have done a lot better at behaving with common good manners and civility, but he preferred to pout and bite off one word answers. 

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Now, to answer the question re U-Turns - Yes, one can actually use both a a blind U-turn and a regular U-turn in the Race - I remember reading that one of Margie/Luke claimed that it was allowed in their original season - given they did use the Blind U-turn in Russia early that Race, and they had also apparently discussed the U-turn in China at the penultimate leg as well.


As for the leg itself, has anyone noticed that the two detour options were on the same Tokyo metro line, within two stops of each other? That said, one would have to take the right exits from the Tokyo metro stations to pull this off - given one metro station in that neighborhood (Shinjuku itself) has more than 60 exits!


As for Kanda Shrine in Chiyoda in Tokyo, there were four metro stations in its vicinity - and a number of teams actually navigated the Tokyo metro system to varying degrees of success.


It took me a while to locate that park which could be translated as "Wakaba East Park," that is close to the Yotsuya metro, which was quite away from the Detour locations (around four to six metro stops away in fact!)


It is very possible for one who is well versed already with Tokyo (and kanji for that matter!) to complete this leg in 120 minutes or less - if the team decides to take the Sake Detour AND not being U-Turned!

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Allright, since I was expecting to no pass first episode of this season, the premiere was really good and made me want for some more. Apart from the celphone/selfie gimmick (like for real, thats how you want to translate the show as a fearless race, with competitors having time to take selfies while they keep failing at a task?), the date couples didnt bothered as much (at least so far we didnt see any annoying/obnoxious couple like we saw in past seasons) and it was a really well designed leg (apart from the fact that the dance task was way more hard/time consuming).

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The guy that got eliminated--Was HOT when he got rid of the nerdy glasses. Took off at least 10 years!! Hey, you're a doctor ,pretty sure you can afford Lasik. Do it!


Jeff is a pilot, not a doctor.

Now, to answer the question re U-Turns - Yes, one can actually use both a a blind U-turn and a regular U-turn in the Race - I remember reading that one of Margie/Luke claimed that it was allowed in their original season - given they did use the Blind U-turn in Russia early that Race, and they had also apparently discussed the U-turn in China at the penultimate leg as well


It might've been allowed during their first season, I don't remember, but it certainly hasn't been since.  Teams can only use the U-Turn against another once during the Race, regardless of whether it is a blind U-turn or not, which is why some of them don't use it the first one.  We've heard multiple teams over many seasons mention not using it because they might need to use the second one later.

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Was he in the orginal group? I was in my late 20's when they were big, so they didn't interest me.


He was but left the group in 1994 a few months before they originally broke up because the anxiety was too much (the original excuse they gave out was "he fell off his horse" so you can imagine what a bigger stigma it was back then.)  Overall, he is handling his anxiety better, but he has had his moments in recent years.  I'm just glad he said he "still is a member."  7 years later and they still get labeled "former member." 



I have a question about NKOTB. Who are their fans? When they tour, is the audience middle aged people who liked them when they were younger and are there for the nostalgia? Or do they generate enthusiasm among the current generation of youth?


More the former (I'm 37) and nostalgia definitely plays a part but when they toured with Backstreet Boys in 2011, it definitely expanded their fan base to a younger set (see Hayley.)

Edited by mtlchick
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While Hayley is definitely annoying and for an introvert like myself, her constant chatter would drive me crazy too, I thought Blair had a very condescending, know-it-all attitude about him. And so I loved when he almost screwed them over going the wrong way when Hayley told him it was the other direction. I loved that she was right there and that she gloated about it. 


As for Blair, after initially rolling my eyes at Hayley and her constant chatter in the car, I really came around to liking her and disliking him and agree with others about seeing exactly why he's single. The funny thing is, I think Hayley really may just be perfect for Blair. He clearly takes himself too seriously and seems to have a stick up his ass so he probably needs someone as bubbly and goofy as her. And annoying voice aside, she's clearly not dumb if she's a fertility nurse. It was my experience in college from having friends in the nursing program that they're pretty much all pretty hard. Hell thinking about it some more I actually think Hayley might be too good for Blair.


I agree wholeheartedly! At first I was all "oh here we go, dippy blonde". BUT she's an RN with specialty training, she can't be dumb. Yes, she's a chatterbox, but I put it down to nerves, she was trying to keep a conversation going and Blair was not helping. I like her, hate him so far. When she was right and he was wrong I cackled with glee. And yes, I see why he's single. Condescending, overbearing douche. Prove me wrong, Blair. But somehow I don't think you will.


My people! I liked Hayley a lot. It's not her fault she's a bubbly person who was super excited to do the race and meet someone and got paired with a sour dude. You should've seen the smile on my face when it was proven that she was right and Blair was wrong! That being said, I think I could grow to like Blair. He seemed to take being wrong well and he apologized, I think. I weirdly like them together. I think it'd be cute and funny if they ended up really liking each other.


Tyler may be on the 'mo train also. Fine by me. Welcome aboad. In his video he's very non-specific and omits words like girl, girls, her, she or any other indicator of orientation when answering questions about what he's looking for in a relationship.  I remember playing that game when I was younger and didn't want to divulge. None of my straight buddies around his age do this. You know they're talking about women. He even says 'partner' at one point. Again, IMO, straight guys don't tend to use that word when talking about relationships, YMMV.


I feel kinda awful discussing this, but I got the same feelings from Tyler. When he said 'partner' I was like hmmmm.


I actually really loved this premiere. I liked everyone actually. I think this could prove to be a really fun and interesting season. I certainly hope so!

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I loved starting with the mud and ice water course.


The dating theme was not as bad as I'd feared it would be. I don't want them to do it again, but it's not making me regret watching, at least so far.


RE Hayley and Blair, I think it's a typical introvert/extrovert conflict. As an introvert, I think I'd have a seizure if I had to interact with someone who kept up a steady stream of blather like Hayley does; it's literally taxing on my brain to process all that chatter, especially in an unfamiliar environment where I'm also having to track my surroundings and navigate. On the other hand, looking at them together, it seemed even to me like Blair wasn't even trying. I also thought his aversion to her started the instant he saw her, which might just have been a visceral response to her being dressed for anything but a race, or possibly an attempt to balance to her instant declaration of being "very attracted to him." Introverts might want to wait more than a few minutes before declaring they have the hots for you. So, while she is just about the opposite of my type, I wound up being more sympathetic to her than to him because I felt that she was making an effort, and she also proved herself not the bimbo she appears to be. Also, she's not just a pediatric nurse, she's a pediatric trauma nurse. This says she can deal with gore and tragedy, and isn't just a blonde bimbo, however she's trying to dumb herself down with her vocal and visual appearance.


The only person who I had an instant hate for was the bimbo who wanted her partner to prove he was  man by killing an insect. She didn't even know if it was anything actually dangerous, and if it was, it wasn't anywhere near her, and she should have handled it herself if she really needed to. An instant reflex not only to kill on sight for no reason, but also to designate the situation as an opportunity to browbeat her partner over his gender cred, to me makes her this season's instant villain.


I thought the tasks and navigation were both good this episode, and if Phil will stop standing in for the dumbest tweens by asking if two wuv has been born (or "possible like," if you're gay), the season might turn out to be pretty good.


I have a question about NKOTB. Who are their fans? When they tour, is the audience middle aged people who liked them when they were younger and are there for the nostalgia? Or do they generate enthusiasm among the current generation of youth?


Another thing about Blair and Hayley: I thought her guessing older for his age was meant to indicate he seemed like a seasoned doctor, not a fresh-out-of-training newbie, and was surprised when he took offense. It was actually a moment when I liked her, because she was taking a risk and he wasn't, and she didn't really apologize, she just kind of took it in proportion, where he was over-reacting. I like that she's not so insecure that she was crushed by his reaction.

Edited by possibilities
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Am I the only one annoyed that they paired the one minority blind date male with the one minority blind date female?



No, you're not. But they're the only blind date team where I like both Racers, so I'll take them! There should have been more overall diversity--not just racial/ethnic diversity--in the blind date couples. How many skinny white blondes/buff white dude couples can they cram into one Race? Ugh.

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He is probably just a nicer guy, or more able to hide his ambivalence than Blair, who I also suspect -- Completely Unfounded Speculation Alert On My Part alert! -- secretly believes that dating a nurse is beneath him.  

Or... not so secretly. It was clear on his face and in his tone that he could barely hide his disdain at this lower life form daring to talk to him like an equal.  He did do a partial turnaround later in the episode though.

Not sure about the "pretty smart" part. The doctors are doing all the thinking. A nurse doesn't even need a college degree. But if there's a challenge involving bedpans, I'm sure Hayley will smoke the rest of the teams.

Whoa.  It's been about fifty years or so since that's been true--at least for an EMPLOYABLE nurse.

That being said, I think Hayley likes to play the ditzy blonde character, which I find extremely annoying given that there's no way she's a ditz and does that job. Own your intelligence, Hayley!

I'd argue that Jackie (not a blonde) is FAR more overtly ditzy (except Jackie was also unexpectedly awesome--she was also pretty funny and had a great attitude about the race).

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I'd argue that Jackie (not a blonde) is FAR more overtly ditzy (except Jackie was also unexpectedly awesome--she was also pretty funny and had a great attitude about the race).



Agreed. Despite being in a job that isn't at all academic, I think Jackie is also smarter than she pretends to be. She's acting the ditz, which to me is far more annoying than being legitimately dumb.

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Haley and Blair are horribly mismatched but I don't think it's all her fault. He was quite the passive aggresshole from the start and I think she's just chattering because she feels uncomfortable. She can't help that she's not the athletic partner he was hoping for.

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Agreed. Despite being in a job that isn't at all academic, I think Jackie is also smarter than she pretends to be. She's acting the ditz, which to me is far more annoying than being legitimately dumb.

Sometimes coming off like a ditz isn't a matter of either real intelligence OR role playing.  I actually agree that Hayley did have a deliberate ditz component (although I think she eventually saw Blair's barely reigned back disdain and came back with sarcasm about "little blonde girls" instead).  Whereas Jackie, who actually came off as even MORE ditzy, wasn't I think doing it deliberately.  Jackie seems to me to be one of those women who's both sharp and dull at the same time, at different things.  But she also seemed to have some self-awareness about herself, as well as a sense of humor.

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Women that play dumb drive me crazy!  If they play dumb, I assume they are dumb since it's such a dumb thing to do.  I'm in the personal-is-political camp, and these women make it harder for all of us to be respected.


Having said that, I've known doctors and I've known nurses and in the modern era, (male) doctors tend to date* nurses, and marry other doctors.**  And besides, who among us would want a ditzy blonde whose primary thoughts seem to be about her appearance as a TAR partner? 



*Euphemism alert.

**Huge generalization.

Edited by Special K
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Airline guy was over it, and didn’t seem the least bit disappointed.  I know as a pilot he’s supposed to be unflappable, but this was beyond that – it was like he was only making a token effort to console his obviously invested and crushed wife, even though he was the reason they lost.  Not in a mean way, but in an “I’m secretly relieved I can go home now” way so I’m not invested in pretending I’m upset when I’m not.   


The main problem with the blind daters is the loss of the heartwarming elimination speeches.  Not that they’re guaranteed with the actual couples, but through the years they really tended to end on a note of relationship confirming affection, especially when one of the two people is the sole reason they are eliminated.  “Couldn’t have done it without him – I’m so lucky he’s my husband/Dad/boyfriend” “No way am I disappointed in her -- she’s the greatest partner in the world” etc etc.  The best we can hope for with the blind daters is going to be “I think this could really be the beginning of something!”  And far, far more potential for sour grapes when one lets down the side.

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All talk about how dumb nurses are and the "favors" they give doctor's are now hereby BANNED.  There is no need to get offensive about any particular career path.  I have deleted the offensive posts and posts responding to those posts (even though they were civil responses, I just took them all down). 


Thanks and happy posting!

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Airline guy was over it, and didn’t seem the least bit disappointed.  I know as a pilot he’s supposed to be unflappable, but this was beyond that – it was like he was only making a token effort to console his obviously invested and crushed wife, even though he was the reason they lost.  Not in a mean way, but in an “I’m secretly relieved I can go home now” way so I’m not invested in pretending I’m upset when I’m not.  

I would have been so angry at my husband if he'd been the major reason for our elimination and then said "My bad" at the mat like that.

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Loved the Olympians kinda trash talking the dance teams but genuinely beaming and clapping when someone was successful.

The two lawyers analyzing the detail of the wording in the clue, what does vicinity mean by definition here. Hysterical and better yet the reason they ended up in first.

I'm liking this season and put it on One Pass (Tivos new name for season pass) already.

Edited by QuinnM
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The two lawyers analyzing the detail of the wording in the clue, what does vicinity mean by definition here. Hysterical and better yet the reason they ended up in first.


Loved it!  I'm a lawyer, and that's what lawyers are trained to do--carefully read and analyze a written document.  As soon as Jenny said "let's read the clue again"  I knew they would win.  My people!

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Airline guy was over it, and didn’t seem the least bit disappointed.  I know as a pilot he’s supposed to be unflappable, but this was beyond that – it was like he was only making a token effort to console his obviously invested and crushed wife, even though he was the reason they lost.  Not in a mean way, but in an “I’m secretly relieved I can go home now” way so I’m not invested in pretending I’m upset when I’m not.   


They, like everyone else this season, are just dating, they are not married.


Which couple was doing the dance sync where the guy was wearing sweat pants?  He couldn't even take a step without falling down!

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She was hoping to meet a nice guy who would appreciate her. Then she gets teamed with a cold, arrogant guy who writes her off from the beginning.


It's obvious to me (perhaps not to Hayley, or others) that the only goal for this competition is to RaceAroundTheWorld, and maybe bring home some prizes.  Naturally, she wouldn't want to be paired off with an asshole, but she certainly shouldn't be hoping to come out of this with a boyfriend!  If they'd paired her up with Bigfoot, her only thoughts should be how well Bigfoot performs as a race-partner.


Blair, similarly, should only be thinking of Hayley as a partner who can help him win The Amazing Race.  All the holier-than-thou attitude doesn't help.  The shittier he treats her, the higher the chances she says "Fukit!" and drops out of the race, leaving him with nothing but a ticket to Sequesterville.  They have no prior relationship.  It won't be like Amy sticking with it, injured foot and all, because she doesn't want to let Maya down.  Hayley don't mind letting Blair down, and the more of an asshole he is, the more she'll want to let him down.


the original excuse they gave out was "he fell off his horse" so you can imagine what a bigger stigma it was back then.


Does that mean he was a poor equestrian?  Or that his heroin addiction became unsustainable?

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A lot of doctors tend to be more reserved in social situations,  they are trying to figure out the situation before jumping in and acting.  I think he was evaluating her in terms of her strengths/weaknesses on  the Race, not whether or not he wanted to date her.   He's there to do the race, not necessarily to find a soulmate.   And I strongly disagree with the posts insisting he must be gay.   Not all straight people are alike, not all gay people are alike.  I take a person's word as to their sexual orientation.


Naw … doctors just find most conversations boring unless they're the topic everyone is talking about.  




I think he got a partner that was not the kind of woman he is usually attracted to.


Since he's in his 30s and still single, maybe he should accept that he's no good at diagnosing HIS problems and maybe he should let someone else do the picking.

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Ken and Gerard were racers in season 3 (?).  They had a bad habit of choosing a detour, changing, and then coming back to the original detour.  They were bald and snarky guys.  Hence, bald snark.   I'm not sure if TWOP Miss Alli used it first or if it was on the forums.


Overtime, people have started using it to refer to changing detours at all (they did that quite a bit too).

Team Bald Snark was Miss Alli's invention as far as I know.


But As far as I know Bald Snarking was just switching detours, because I could have sworn the terms Double Bald-Snark and even the dreaded Triple Bald Snark were used that season

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This is interesting. I am totally picturing a thing like that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine and Puddy get back together and break up multiple times over the course of a trans-Atlantic flight. Throw in high stress racing, nice hotel rooms, long boring flights and the fact that during the pit stop you are only really allowed to spend time with your partner and I could totally see something like that happening.

Hopefully no one sitting near them on a flight will have the vegetable lasagna.  He'll be doomed.  


They, like everyone else this season, are just dating, they are not married.


Which couple was doing the dance sync where the guy was wearing sweat pants?  He couldn't even take a step without falling down!

The team was Lebya and CJ.  He was sporting grey sweat pants.  I loved how casual they were versus the racers with performance gear.  His pants were creeping their way down during the dance, almost giving him a dropped crotch look.  If only he had yelled "You can't touch this!"  

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I would have been so angry at my husband if he'd been the major reason for our elimination and then said "My bad" at the mat like that.

Whew - glad I am not the only one that thought Jeff really wasn't into the Race at all - I got no competitive vibes or even interest from him. Move over for people that reaaaaaaly want to be there.

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At least two lesbian teams (still not nearly the number of gay male teams). There was a team of ministers who were lesbian. As I recall, they seemed quite nice.


I remember the ministers had the attitude that God had better things to do than be concerned with whether they win a race on a TV show and I recall one of them saying "God is (was) in the tub." I don't know if the phrase originated with them, but it was used a lot on TWoP when posting about people who pray to win the race.  

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I remember the ministers had the attitude that God had better things to do than be concerned with whether they win a race on a TV show and I recall one of them saying "God is (was) in the tub." I don't know if the phrase originated with them, but it was used a lot on TWoP when posting about people who pray to win the race.

That was also from Miss Alli, although I don't recall that team (or any other) saying it.

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I actually liked this episode. I was dreading a season of all dating couples but (naturally) the blind date couples behave more like friends would and even some of the preexisting couples seem pretty chill with each other. So I think this will be a good season afterall.

When they described the sake task I thought the teams actually had to pick out 10 bottles and thought "well that is impossible", but in reality they only had to get 1 of 10 bottles right. Easiest task ever. Really curious why more people wouldn't do it. They should have had a detailed description that told them it was only that one bottle.

While I loved the dance and would love to do that in my free time (or maybe in a race that's sut for fun), if it comes the chance for one million dollars, I'm going to chose the easier task, not the more fun one.

I don't get why they gave the teams phones for the selfie cams. It's not like they are allowed to use any of the phone-parts and it doesn't seem to be sponsored, unless I missed that. So why don't you actually give them good digital cameras instead of phones?

But I have to say, despite thinking I wouldn't, I liked the selfie cam. I liked to see the fun the teams were having with them.

Blair pings extremely hard on my gaydar and mine isn't even the most sensitive model out there, far from it actually. I can't wrap my head around the fact that he is searching for a girlfriend. I could be totally wrong ofcourse, but at the moment I'm trying to figure out why he would need a beard in this day and age. Wondering if a super-religous angle comes into play at some point.


I don't understand why those teams that had to do that dance 25 times didn't give up and do the other task.  Usually when a team doesn't get it they usually change tasks.

I didn't understand why nobody would bald snark this detour either. On Rob has a podcast they speculated that both options must have been really far away from each other. Also for about the beginning 15 attempts it must have been rush hour (it was evening), so in tokyo traffic that probably would have been suicide to switch. Once you are at attempt 20 you think you'll certainly get it and that you ahve no other choice now.


I felt sorry for those suited dancers having to go through that routine time after time after time for hours on end. By the end, those guys must've been cursing themselves for coming up with that video.

The group was a lot smaller at the end. So I think after a while they split up into 3 groups and took it in shifts. Otherwise they probably would have collapsed.


I was curious about the song too, so I did some digging. Here it is:

Sadly that's not the same version they used on the race and I liked that a lot more.

Loved the samurai who was giving the names of the sakes. Did those samurai sit around all day and night drinking, just waiting for a team to arrive/

Could be worse. They could have had to dance all night. ;) Edited by Miles
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I actually liked this episode. I was dreading a season of all dating couples but (naturally) the blind date couples behave more like friends would and even some of the preexisting couples seem pretty chill with each other. So I think this will be a good season afterall.

They rolled the dice with the blind date them and it came up seven. Because I persist in being stubborn in my hatred of returnees, I think maybe because casting couldn't fall back on that crutch, they worked their asses off to cast good people. Even the celeb contestants (another thing I hate) isn't has bad as usual.

When they described the sake task I thought the teams actually had to pick out 10 bottles and thought "well that is impossible", but in reality they only had to get 1 of 10 bottles right. Easiest task ever. Really curious why more people wouldn't do it.

Because they don't learn the specifics of a task till they show up at a location.  Ergo, nobody did it because they had no idea it was so ridiculously easy.


Especially if as has been speculated, there was some distance preventing easy switching. In Tokyo it wouldn't take much, would it?

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Loved it!  I'm a lawyer, and that's what lawyers are trained to do--carefully read and analyze a written document.  As soon as Jenny said "let's read the clue again"  I knew they would win.  My people!


But sometimes you can analyze and parse the wording way too much too.  Did you see Season 3?  On that season the two young Harvard law school grads took a cab to the finish line after the last task they had in Lisbon.  While in the cab they re-read the clue.  It said they had to "walk to the pit stop."  After some lawyerly discussion they decided that "walk to the pit stop" really meant they could take a cab to the pit stop (!?!).  Just "walk" and not run to the mat itself after they got out of the cab.  (?!?)


They "arrived" first and then later there was a sit down with Phil, them and the last place team that got saved by this brain fart.  In the little pow-wow Phil explained to them what "walk to the pit stop" really meant and oh yes have fun in Squesterville.


I'm rooting for this season's lawyer team but hope they don't "over-parse" like Season 3's lawyer team of Heather & Eve did.

Edited by green
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Because they don't learn the specifics of a task till they show up at a location.  Ergo, nobody did it because they had no idea it was so ridiculously easy.

Well that's not true. They get detailed descriptions about the tasks with the clue. They never show it on TV, but if you follow the behind the scenes a little, you know that's the case.

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The guy that got eliminated--Was HOT when he got rid of the nerdy glasses. Took off at least 10 years!! Hey, you're a doctor ,pretty sure you can afford Lasik. Do it!

Not everyone is eligible for Lasik surgery. There are a lot of variables.
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Hmm.  While this wasn't as bad as I'd initially thought it was, I'm still not completely sold on it.  Too many pretty young couples, and no truly distinctive ones save for maybe four of them, and one of those four went out first.


Also, I'm a HUGE proponent of women's teams.  And I really have to throw shade at casting for not even casting one this season.  Really?!  CBS's casting department couldn't find ONE interesting lesbian couple?  Not even one single one to cast?  They could've discarded ANY of the pretty young couples and put one in!  That is just absurd that they couldn't see fit to cast at least one!


I was glad to see a Detour on the first leg for the first time since TAR13, but it's apparent that the seemingly easier one was a trap, and the seemingly-harder one was the way to go.  Interesting twist.  Had Jeff & Lyda gone for it right away, we'd probably be saying goodbye to Libby & C.J. right now.


So on to the teams:


Jelani & Jenny: Boldly established themselves as the team to beat.  I'm glad the minority team beat all of the lily-white teams.  They did well with the Detour, and they were very fortunate to distinct "vicinity" from "inside," unlike Jeff & Jackie.  I'm so glad they're treating this like a working relationship and hope they can do well.  They're one of the few teams I'm any bit wild about.  And they have the Express Pass, so there's that buffer for them later on.


Jeff & Jackie: Don't know how I feel about Jeff yet, but I kinda find Jackie adorable.  I was impressed that they did the Samurai Sake Detour so quickly, and with better cab luck, they might've kept their buffer on Jelani & Jenny long enough to win the Express Pass.  That said, it was dumb not to realize "vicinity" meant "area around," not "inside."


Laura & Tyler: So far, I like them.  And I like their racing.  They calmed down when everyone else was screwing up that Syncing Steps Detour, but somehow lost their way to the U-Turn despite getting out of there first of the teams who chose their Detour.  I hope they can pick it back up and keep going strong, because they're one of the few pretty couples I can at least somewhat tell apart.


Aly & Steve: Gotta give some respect to Olympians.  I liked that they were genuinely happy for all of the teams who got out of that Syncing Steps Detour before they did.  And they kept their cool despite falling a bit behind there.  I think they'll last a good while since their relationship seems solid.


Harley & Jonathan: I'm a bit in shock they let a former boy band member on the race.  But at least Jonathan's a fan of the show.  And Harley will keep him going.  I was impressed with how quickly they knocked out the Samurai Sake Detour.  I think with better cab luck, they might've nailed a higher placement.


Bergen & Kurt: So.  Much.  Shrieking.  Nonetheless, they did all right at that Syncing Steps Detour, but other than that, I barely remember anything else they did.  They seem inoffensive, though, so for now, I'm okay with them.


Mike & Rochelle: One of the few distinct couples.  They definitely won't win any physical contests, but I think they can last a good while if they get the right tasks.  After all, despite being the next-to-last team out of that Syncing Steps Detour, they did pass up three teams to finish seventh, so they may have navigation going for them.  Using the U-Turn on Jeff & Lyda was a sound choice, as well, since they had no idea how many teams they'd passed up by then.  For being one of the distinctive couples alone, I can kind of like them.


Hayley & Blair: She's clearly more into him than vice versa, as has been said.  But seeing this dynamic should be interesting.  I wonder how many other teams she'll be right when he thinks he is?  They did okay with the Detour, using it to catch back up, so maybe they won't be too much of a trainwreck.


Matt & Ashley: Like her.  Think he's a douche.  After he kept rooting for teams to screw up and then laughed when they did, I was glad when he took even longer to finish that task.  In the race largely because of Mike & Rochelle's U-Turn.


Libby & C.J.: As a black fan, I have to root for my peeps.  But those navigation issues will not help them fare well for very long.  And neither looks hugely physical, either.  I was surprised they cleared the Syncing Steps Detour so easily.  They owe their survival to Mike & Rochelle's U-Turn even more than Matt & Ashley do.


Jeff & Lyda: Sorry to see one of the few distinct pairs go.  But it was partly their fault.  They should've at least tried to switch sooner, since that Samurai Sake task ended up being easier than the Syncing Steps one.  But staying there four hours?  Well . . . it wasn't too bad, since from what I saw, Lyda seemed to be getting the steps pretty well, while Jeff was the one fucking them up left and right.  So I feel a bit more sympathy for her than I do for him.


Okay premiere, but I hope it improves.  I'm about to start the second episode to see for sure.


Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I can't believe--well, yes I can actually -- that there are two gay male couples and no lesbians. In all the years the show has been on, I believe, there has been one lesbian couple and they were bitches from hell.

There were actually two.  The first were actually the sweet, nice lesbian ministers, Kate & Pat, in TAR12.  They were eliminated second.  The "bitches from hell" were Carol & Brandy from TAR16.  Other than that, there've been lesbians racing, but not with lesbian partners.  Lauren from TAR10 was a lesbian racing with her father, Duke, and Kisha from TAR14 and TAR18 was a lesbian who raced with her sister, Jen.

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I agree with those who prefer "normal" everyday people cast as racers over anyone of fame, a returnee, or the over-the-top stunt cast types.  And I wasn't particularly looking forward to this all couples run, but I agree it was still pretty good.  Proves once again that TAR is so awesome in its premise and general production that for me it's always worth watching, often despite the casting instead of because of it.


The one lone samurai in the room with the bottles whose face they kept showing had this strangely familiar, kind of American look.  Then it hit me, he looked like the illegitimate son of Sam Donaldson.


Lastly, I don't recall which two teams they were, but towards the back of the pack there were two teams that arrived at the u-turn board at essentially the same time and the ones in front said something to the other team like "here, you go ahead".  I turned to the W and said how smart is that?  Wouldn't it be funny if the team they let in front of them slapped their picture up on the u-turn board?

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You can only use a u-turn once on the race (at least previous seasons have been that way).  So the truck stop couple no longer has that.

Actually, they didn't give up their own picture, so they can use it again, this time if a non-Blind U-Turn comes along.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Proves once again that TAR is so awesome in its premise and general production that for me it's always worth watching, often despite the casting instead of because of it.


Well said...I totally agree. I went into the premiere thinking ugggghhhhh and left thinking huh! That was good!

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I'm really hoping the first couple of episodes kind of flushes all this dating stuff out of the way and it becomes all about the racing. For me when I watch the race I don't care much for the theme of the season, even though pretty much the Race doesn't have a theme, which is great except for the Family edition (never again I hope). Right now with the selfie cam and all that, almost reads scripted and producer enforced. I don't like that feeling. I don't want to see those damn cameras again. Really not in the mood to have this blind date couples vs existing couples thing either. So I'm really hoping that it passes within the first few episodes. At this rate last season will be superior.


I never have a first impression of teams until like the 3rd or 4th episode into watching the show. At least the #1 Team, don't know names yet, knew vicinity meant outside.


ETA: I'm having the worst time remembering who the different teams are. Apparently, teams having different kinds of relationships is important to me being able to distinguish them.


The main reason I'm liking the Blind Date concept is that it has helped me greatly differentiate between the Racers. I too, usually need three or four episodes in to keep them separate. This time, I've remembered most of the racers from this first episode. Bonus!

I didn't post the original complaint, but I'll answer anyway. You know why they call them 'spoilers'? Because they spoil the show for some people. I like finding out where they're going next the same time the racers do when they open their next clue. It's part of the adventure.

Since this was addressed to me ... Easy.  I like to be surprised.  Just like I like to be surprised as to who finishes first or last.  I don't like to feel like I'm watching a repeat show I've already seen due to a bunch of spoilers.  I went a couple of seasons with spoilers some years back now and it just left me with a totally stale and jaded feeling when viewing the episode.  I'll never do spoilers again.


I love to learn the next location when the teams find out ripping the clue.  To imagine myself ripping the clue open like it was Christmas morning.  it's one of the highlights of an episode for me.  A new day, a new part of the world.  How awesome is that.  The whole planet as your playground.  Any spoiling like that takes away from the enjoyment of the show to me.


I managed to watch the first four seasons of The Walking Dead without getting spoiled at all, despite only seeing them this winter, years after the show started. And then, I was excited about to learn back stories about the show, while I waited to actually see Season Four. (I don't get AMC nor Netflix, so I probably would have waited to buy it, like I did the previous four seasons). Unfortunately, I now know about the deaths of several main characters, not to mention a couple of crucial plot developments. I completely blame myself. I shouldn't have let my excitement lead me to any entertainment sites, nor news on Variety, if I wanted to remain unspoiled. I'd just say to you, be very careful about looking here or anywhere else, until you've actually watched the current episode. As for the show titles, I merely look at the airdate, not any details. You can easily train yourself to do that, if you don't want to inadvertently get any info. about upcoming shows or shows you haven't had a chance to watch yet.

I did some digging too. That version is actually a shortened version for a commercial for a zoo somewhere in Japan. The original video (from 5 years ago)is this one:

Note that there are fewer members to the group then, and that the leader of the group (the one doing the judging and handing out the envelopes) is the lead singer of the group too. And then there's the school kids in the video, which is what probably inspired this task in first place.


That was amazing! Thank you so much. I was a mime school dropout when I was in my twenties, and I can very much appreciate the effort it would take to isolate your movements like that. Without a very extensive dance training, I think it would be incredibly difficult to do.

This post got me thinking, how are they handling the sleeping arrangements for the blind date couples at the pit stops? Do they each get there own room, or do they share a room with two beds? Because aren't teams usually sequestered in their rooms once they get to the hotel or whatever, until it is time for the next leg to start. I was thinking how with 30 or so days of this, you could potentially where a blind date couple gets together, kind of falls for each other, has a little fling and then breaks up all within those 30 days. Being stuck in a room together each night after a stressful day could easily push these couples together (or at least boredom if you are only allowed to spend time with your partner). But with new couples, especially young couples, one good fight can sometimes end a relationship. Seeing the whole progression of a relationship over the course of a season could be really interesting.


I'd think that the only thing I'd want to do after the mental and physical exhaustion of the race, is go to sleep. My partner would be lucky if I could rustle up the energy to have a shower. Romance and sexy time would be the last things on my mind, no matter how I feel about my racing partner.

Being annoyed that someone miscalculated your age and being condescending in thinking one's profession is beneath you automatically makes a person gay...okay then. 



All talk about how dumb nurses are and the "favors" they give doctor's are now hereby BANNED.  There is no need to get offensive about any particular career path.  I have deleted the offensive posts and posts responding to those posts (even though they were civil responses, I just took them all down). 


Thanks and happy posting!

Thank goodness! I thought I had early onset dementia, since I didn't remember any negative posts about nurses and their occupation. Missed all the gaydar comments too. Agree with other posters, you can never be sure about anyone's orientation until they tell you. I'm close to my son, but didn't know he was gay until he told me at age 21. For some people, their sexual identity isn't the primary aspect of their life, for some people it is, for others it isn't.

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Missed all the gaydar comments too. Agree with other posters, you can never be sure about anyone's orientation until they tell you. I'm close to my son, but didn't know he was gay until he told me at age 21. For some people, their sexual identity isn't the primary aspect of their life, for some people it is, for others it isn't.

Ofcourse you can never be sure, but humans are pretty good at picking out gay people just by looking at them. There was a studie done where gay people were correctly identified ust by their pictures at a pretty high rate and that study is quite often cited by renowned homphobe Dan Savage. ;) (just in case somebody doesn't know Dan Savage, that homphobe part was a joke. He's been married to a man since it's legal and raised a son with him)

I think in real life we shouldn't speculate about a persons sexuality. It's none of our buissiness until they tell us. But these people put themself on a reality show that is there for the entertainment of the viewers, which is to a good part derived out of their characters and personal relationships. Furthermore this season specifically is centered around dating. I think it's only fair that we as the viewer get to question if the assigned partner is actually the correct gender for that person.

Edit: I can't keep my Savages straight. So changed Adam to Dan.

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I didn't realize the new season started, so just caught up now.  As others have said above, I didn't hate anyone on this race thus far, which is pretty amazing.  I liked the longer first episode, since it was easier to figure out who was who.  The downside is actually caring who got eliminated, which I normally didn't when it was just an hour.  I thought that older couple would pull through in the end, though I liked the lost couple too.  CJ seems like a really nice guy, though I don't know how long they can last on the race.


The blind dates weren't too bad at all.  I was surprised they tried to match similar professions for two.  I thought it would be completely random.  I thought the Doctor/Nurse were funny in an awkward way.  He seemed like an arrogant jerk at the beginning, though he remained calm throughout.  The lawyers dissecting the clue was the funniest part of the episode.  I liked their working relationship.  


I hate U-Turns, so at least we have one over with now.  And thank goodness they got rid of The Save.

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I choose to believe TAR producers agreed to go along with the "blind date" casting idea (which reeks of being suggested by the network) in order to test out something they'd always wanted to do: partners who don't know each other. I actually wish they'd gone for it completely, and only cast strangers. Not surprised at all the blind date couples are doing well out of the gate. It was no coincidence that "best friend" alpha male teams, who seemed like the least likely to take any setback personally, dominated the race for so many years.


I'm also on Team #FreeHayley. I don't watch The Bachelor, but what I saw was an enthusiastic competitor with a great attitude and a guy whose entire body language screamed "I can do better." Shut up, Blair.


The other team that irritated me was the truck stop love (?) couple, specifically Rochelle. "A million dollars would mean more to me than anyone else because I have a kid." Because this is, of course, the Millionaires Edition of Amazing Race. Nobody else could use the money at all -- not even those people who didn't create extra humans and can't feed them. She and her partner can't go fast enough for me.


And I hope Lebya dumped CJ the minute they got home. 10 years and he hasn't proposed? Choose yourself, Lebya -- because he will never choose you.

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(just in case somebody doesn't know Adam Savage, that homphobe part was a joke. He's been married to a man since it's legal and raised a son with him)

Was the intent possibly to refer to Dan Savage?

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Briefly: hated the concept, liked the opener. Hate the selfie phone (disabled in association with Nokia/Microsoft) but like the pacing. Liked the skewed detour, hated that nobody switched. Loved that the accursed Save is nowhere to be seen. Don't hate any teams yet, and I'm wondering whether the blind-date teams where there's no chemistry or awkwardness will actually have the advantage of being focused and accommodating RAAACErs with no drama, even when Creepy Uncle Phil is obliged to ask if they've got to second base at the Pit Stop.


The editing and camera work seemed snappy, up a gear from last season. Lots of good stuff, especially the little musical callback to the fake gameshows they've done in Tokyo legs past. (So glad they didn't do that again.)


Finally: CJ and Lebya's trouble getting directions to the park felt... well, awkward. Not sure if a white couple would have had the same trouble.

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I choose to believe TAR producers agreed to go along with the "blind date" casting idea (which reeks of being suggested by the network) in order to test out something they'd always wanted to do: partners who don't know each other. I actually wish they'd gone for it completely, and only cast strangers. Not surprised at all the blind date couples are doing well out of the gate. It was no coincidence that "best friend" alpha male teams, who seemed like the least likely to take any setback personally, dominated the race for so many years.


Interesting.  I thinks a better idea would have been to forget about "dating"  and just had a bunch of racers randomly assigned to teams, without regard for gender, age, or sexual orientation.  the Race is not a good place for a first date,  if they're going to have partners who never met before, there's no need to have it be a couples thing. 

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Am I the only one to notice that many of the teams (five or six of the teams) that arrived at Narita decided to take a taxi at TEN times the cost of a train and probably arrive there with little (if any) time savings over those that took the express train (30 minute intervals, 53 minute commute time)?


For the record, the apparent quote for a taxi from Narita into Tokyo is 30,000 yen (around US$300) and would take 60 minutes to 90 minutes, and that is outside of rush hour!


Now I am not sure how much money these teams were given at the start, but one wonders if spending the equivalent of US$270 more from the Amazing Purse for transport in the first leg will have a factor in the later legs if these teams last that far...

YES.  I was thinking, "A cab from Narita to Tokyo?  Seriously?"  


I was fine with the pilot/flight attendant going because I figure they were fooling around when they were each married to other people, just based on the pilots and flight attendants I know.  

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