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S06.E16: Connection Lost

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While stuck at the airport, Claire partakes in online snooping that creates drama with the rest of the family.


I liked it. Moved quickly and nice seeing everyone together. Even got to see Dylan, but I'm disappointed he didn't finish nursing school.

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You could see the "Hayley's not pregnant, we're overreacting" storyline coming from a mile away.


Definitely. Especially since it isn't like Andy has been cast as a show regular. I did like that it was just a misunderstanding and not a trick Hayley pulled which is what I was thinking at first.

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parrotlover, Hayley was actually at home, asleep the whole time.  She "married" a cronut as her Facebook status because it was so delicious, and then accidentally left her phone in Andy's car, which he then drove to Las Vegas to attend a friend's wedding.  The book was for Hayley's boss, who is starting to design maternity clothes and wanted to get inside the heads of pregnant women.


Overall, I was impressed by how well this was pulled together.  It was timely, and relevant, but I wouldn't say I liked the episode itself.  And yeah, I'm awfully tired of all the Apple plugging that goes on with this show.  Didn't mind seeing my home slice, Pinterest, though.  Organizational porn, indeed.

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I too thought Hayley was faking the whole thing.  She can be clever when she wants to, like the fake phone made of soap.


The story reminded me of a joke letter that went around a while back, in which a kid told her parents that all sorts of terrible things had happened, and at the end she said none of them really happened but she got a bad grade in school and wanted her parents to keep it in perspective.

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I liked it. Moved quickly and nice seeing everyone together. Even got to see Dylan, but I'm disappointed he didn't finish nursing school.


I didn't see where they said he'd quit school.  He said he had a "career" as a sign twirler for a gold shop but that doesn't necessarily mean he quit school.  Did he?

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Whoa, that was gimmicky as hell. It was like a long, not really funny joke that just.wouldn't.end. It was obvious Haley wasn't married and pregnant, so the whole misunderstand was kind of tedious.


Things I did like: Alex. Her gleeful reactions, and her exchange with Dylan ("It's like we share a brain!" "Who has it now?").


That is not the family interacting, show!!! Why is it so difficult for them to have episodes like in the first three seasons where all 3 families are together in the same room/house/location??

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Really clever for an entire episode of product placement. I wasn't sure the first 5 minutes into the show but I ended up liking it a lot. 


The part when Claire faked connection issues while people were walking behind her was laugh out loud funny.

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Beside all the product placement (Apple, Google, Whateveritwas Popcorn, Ralph Lauren et. al.) and beside the overdone 'mixed signals/jumping to conclusions' storyline, I really, really enjoyed this episode.


I am not a huge fan of sitcoms. I watch very few because I find so many of them tiresome and repetitive.  But his episode was in my opinion, refreshing and innovative.  I watched it on my little laptop, so was able to pause at will to read all the inset articles and injections that might have been missed if one were watching start to finish.


I would definitely be the Ed O'Neil of the piece - Luddite extraordinaire!  But I do recognize that so much of the world communicates nowadays much how this episode portrayed.  What I also found amusing was not the jumping to conclusions nonsense, that we see on so many sitcoms, but that if technology was not so readily available, would not the first person to notice that Haley was missing not first go check her bedroom?  And see her sleeping peacefully?  


I don't know.  I just found it quite well done and timely.

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I liked it and I haven't liked most of this season, so it could be that I'm just desperately looking for something to like about this show I used to love.  Having said that, it took me a few minutes to get into it.


I liked that there was at least some family interaction - finally!  I didn't like that it was Claire-centric, because she's the least appealing character on the show for me.   I think it would have been funnier to center it around Gloria and Jay and Manny - with Gloria's language barriers, and Jay's technology barriers and Manny in the middle.


But - better episode than what we've seen so far this season, at least for me.

Edited by mwell345
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I too thought it was a prank by Haley, and was like... isn't it too early for April Fools?


The bit where Claire was ordering a shirt for Mitchell was pretty funny, and he saw right through it and said he'll check the invoice date. Didn't realize Claire was such the multi-tasker! Although only Alex mentioned she could see Claire's eyes on another part of the screen.

Edited by rollerblade
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While it felt like a half-hour iCommercial, I enjoyed it. I'm glad it was Claire-centric, partly because I like her, partly because she is tech-savvy so we didn't have to get oh-so-hilarious "I don't know how to use this" trope, and partly because she is central to all the other characters. And a half hour of Gloria screeching into devices would have made my ears bleed.

I rather enjoyed the way Phil and Claire were so upset at the idea of their daughter eloping - leaving them out of the loop, not knowing what guy she was supposedly marrying, and missing out on the whole wedding. And then realizing that was exactly what they did to her parents (and Phil's too, although that was irrelevant to the ep). That's so common, someone thinks their unconventional way is so unique and fun and hipster, until they are on the receiving end.

So is Luke going to be stuck with that hideous hair for the rest of the season?

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I liked it-there I said it. I actually laughed and the characters acted like the characters we know/knew. Sure there were plot holes and it was a long Apple commercial, but it did have family interaction, albeit the more "Modern"/ 2015 version, rather than the more traditional version or, I don't know, actually being in the same building. Yes, it was predictable that Haley did not elope and was not pregnant (like her mother was), but it is a S I T C O M and playing confusion and misunderstanding for laughs is a traditional form of comedy.


So is Luke going to be stuck with that hideous hair for the rest of the season?


That will be one of the continuity breaks that will make everyone on this Board crazy.


And, by the way, it is called Garrett's popcorn and the cheese corn/caramel corn mix Cam was asking for is really, really good.

Edited by AriAu
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I was going to boycott this episode entirely because the premise seemed awful, but we ended up watching.  In the end, it wasn't as annoying as it could have been.



And, by the way, it is called Garrett's popcorn and the cheese corn/caramel corn mix Cam was asking for is really, really good.

When in the Chicago airport, Nuts on Clark popcorn is better than Garrett's :)   I was so disappointed in Garretts.  Not sure which airport Claire was in, cause Garrett's is a big chain.

Edited by Skittl1321
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Loved it for all the above reasons. It is very nearly the only sitcom I watch these days, and I love it best when it is innovative. Loved the slightly serious part that Claire and Phil saw through parents' eyes what they once did. Maybe it's because I'm an apple person and have and use all that stuff, the commercial aspect didn't affect me though I get it now. Just fun and new. 

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Not sure which airport Claire was in, cause Garrett's is a big chain.


She said she was in O'Hare.


Also, nothing is more annoying than that person in the airport chatting and listening to their music without headphones.

Edited by solotrek
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The only place worth getting Garrett's from is the hole-in-the-wall original shop in the loop. I know they have them all over now, but nothing beats the original. Claire was at Ohare. It showed t at the very beginning that she was on OHare Airport wi-fi. I'm sure all the gift shops have Garrett's.

Not being an Apple user or fan, I didn't think I'd like this, but it was very original and well done. Thumbs up from me!

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Surprised so many people liked it


In general I don't like gimmicky premises and episodes like this though unless the "gimmick" really adds to the story.  Here I didn't think that was the case. 


3 main plots are :  pregnaency scare/eloping mix up cliche, Luke got a funny haircut, Mitchell was given a funny hat, which I didn't think was actually that bad as a hat or that funny.  Pretty weak. 


So is this the 2015 version of a bottle episode?  It was not exactly that, but close to it. 


Just last week I was saying Claire had grown on me over time, now she goes back to being controlling and obsessive, spying on her kids and breaking into their email accounts. 


Anyway this reminds me of many discussions I had around Community a few years back, they did some very innovative episodes that were hit and miss.  I thought many of them missed, but some people loved them.  The Dreamatorium episodes in particular were very devicive among fans, as was the Claymation Christmas episode.  I was never a big fan of either. 


I give them credit for one show giving it a try, its a new concept.  I just thought the execution could have been better and the actual stories in the show they did could have been more original. 

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I'll admit I've never understood people's problem with "product placement". To me NOT having universally recognized brands in a typical household on TV is unrealistic and takes me out of the scene. Like the dumb made-up cereals that everyone on TV seems to eat. We live in a world of brands, like it or not. People usually don't drink generic cola - they drink Coke or Pepsi. It's much more likely to see a box of Cheerios on a kitchen table than Wheat Crunch. If someone on the show wants fast food, I won't think twice about it if they go to McDonald's or Taco Bell or whatever.


Same thing with the Apple products in this episode. All three families are well-off suburban types living in California. Phil loves cool techy toys, none of them seem to be hardcore gamers (like the kind who would want a PC specifically for that), and half the family seems to like fashion and trends (the female half, mostly). Why wouldn't their homes look like Apple showrooms? Would it have made the episode more realistic if they were all using generic, no-name computer devices?

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I thought it was a pretty good episode, different...the only thing that bothered me is all the print you have to read on the screen (texts, etc.)...other shows do it, too, sometimes, and if you have old eyes like me, it's really hard to keep up!

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I'll admit I've never understood people's problem with "product placement". To me NOT having universally recognized brands in a typical household on TV is unrealistic and takes me out of the scene. Like the dumb made-up cereals that everyone on TV seems to eat. We live in a world of brands, like it or not. People usually don't drink generic cola - they drink Coke or Pepsi. It's much more likely to see a box of Cheerios on a kitchen table than Wheat Crunch. If someone on the show wants fast food, I won't think twice about it if they go to McDonald's or Taco Bell or whatever.


Same thing with the Apple products in this episode. All three families are well-off suburban types living in California. Phil loves cool techy toys, none of them seem to be hardcore gamers (like the kind who would want a PC specifically for that), and half the family seems to like fashion and trends (the female half, mostly). Why wouldn't their homes look like Apple showrooms? Would it have made the episode more realistic if they were all using generic, no-name computer devices?



I had no problem at all with any product placement in this episode. 


As long as its not overt, I don't find it a problem


Now if Claire had made a comment like "I can't believe how handy and easy it is to use this Apple computer!!  ANd it was so cheap to buy.....at my local Apple store".......that would be a problem. 

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I thought it was a bit of a stretch that every single member of this extended family had an iOS device.  I'm pretty much the only relative of mine who has one.


I was able to put that aside and enjoy the ep, though. Clever one-off.

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Now if Claire had made a comment like "I can't believe how handy and easy it is to use this Apple computer!!  ANd it was so cheap to buy.....at my local Apple store".......that would be a problem.


I agree, that'd be ridiculous. Or if the camera zoomed in and lovingly lingered on an Apple device for the sole purpose of showing it. Both those things would take me out of the scene and call attention to it being a commercial. But the mere fact that Apple devices are featured on a show, especially the Dunphy household, to me isn't product placement, just realism.

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You know when this episode first started I didn't think I'd like it (too gimmicky) but I did.  I think they did a good job trying something different and it was still funny.  Loved that Mitchell was texting behind Cams back to Clair about the horrible hat. Just reminded me of my cousin and I having secret texting conversations while family members aren't looking. Realistic.


Man I wish I was as organized as Clair actually.


Also Cam? You know what? Garrett's will ship you popcorn.  Calm down.  Although I am a little mad at Clair for dumping it. That stuff is too good to waste.

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But the mere fact that Apple devices are featured on a show, especially the Dunphy household, to me isn't product placement, just realism


.There was an entire episode in Season 1 based on Claire getting Phil the newest iPad. They are and have been an iOS family all along.

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I thought it was a bit of a stretch that every single member of this extended family had an iOS device.  I'm pretty much the only relative of mine who has one.

The ONLY reason I have an iOS device is because my whole family has them.  I much prefer an Android, but I like to facetime with my nieces and nephews (who won't skype, because they have facetime so it's easier, or something), so I sucked it up and got the iphone (I just have a 4, I'm cheap and won't pay for a phone) while my husband has a much better Android.


So I can totally believe that this family that is pretty wealthy and rather superficial all has the latest greatest apple products.  (Not to mention we know Phil worships apple based on early story lines.)

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I'm admittedly anti-Apple (go Android!) so I found the episode gimmicky.  I thought Alex looked absolutely gorgeous though and Haley doesn't look good with lighter hair.



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I thought the end with Alex's essay was sad. She put in a sentence to prove her mom didn't read her essay, and her mom truly didn't. The entire episode was basically about being there and being supportive of your kids, but I guess it's not true if you're Alex.


Nolan Gould tweeted that the mohawk was a wig. So wouldn't be that hard to keep around.

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... Maybe it's because I'm an apple person and have and use all that stuff, the commercial aspect didn't affect me though I get it now. Just fun and new. 



I'm admittedly anti-Apple (go Android!) so I found the episode gimmicky.  I thought Alex looked absolutely gorgeous though and Haley doesn't look good with lighter hair.


I'm anti-Apple too (I hate all that iCrap) so that aspect was pretty annoying.  


I do agree that Alex looked gorgeous.  I think you're right about Haley's hair too - the blond highlights are not as flattering.  (She's always looks great though, anyway.)

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I thought the end with Alex's essay was sad. She put in a sentence to prove her mom didn't read her essay, and her mom truly didn't. The entire episode was basically about being there and being supportive of your kids, but I guess it's not true if you're Alex.


Nolan Gould tweeted that the mohawk was a wig. So wouldn't be that hard to keep around.

I didn't notice the sentence in there but I too thought it was sad that Claire obviously wasn't reading her essay. If she had calmed down and been smart about it she could have save a whole bunch of time and been able to give Alex some attention. I have an older sister who always got the attention when we were younger for being more rebellious so I can identify with Alex. Claire is one of my least favorite characters on the show.

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The bit where Claire was ordering a shirt for Mitchell was pretty funny, and he saw right through it and said he'll check the invoice date. Didn't realize Claire was such the multi-tasker! Although only Alex mentioned she could see Claire's eyes on another part of the screen.

I thought that was funny too, and I've been there, ordering a gift the day before it's needed with overnight shipping.  And I also liked how Alex was after Clare to read her application, and Clare kept starting it, then going on to something else, and finally reading the first few lines and sending Alex a message that it was "great".


I have to admit, I've done the same to people at work sometimes.

Edited by mwell345
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I thought this was pretty good. Like others, I started out thinking I was going to hate it, but I didn't. Also, my DVR recording was all wonky, so I ended up watching the ep on my Macbook.


I don't do Facebook or Skype or FaceTime or any of that stuff. At first I was feeling a little lost with all the jumping to different apps and tabs and so forth, but I got pretty comfortable and ended up enjoying the ride. I also rewatched the short 'Noah' which probably inspired this ep.


I didn't think it was sad that Claire wasn't reading Alex's essay. In real life, yeah, but not here. Also, it was pretty funny that Alex put that sentence in there. Easy to miss. I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff.


Well done, show.

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Definitely original, definitely creative, and definitely innovative.  I laughed so many times.  Though I'm surprised at how many people seemed to know Andy and reacted to the "news" of Haley "marrying" him.


Favorite part for me was Claire dumping out Cam's popcorn, coupled with his reaction to it.

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In a previous season Claire was shrieking, "What's tagging what's tagging?" when she finally got on Facebook and someone put a pic of her up.  From that to creating a fake FB account (which is completely obnoxious no matter who you do it to) to queen of the Ipad domain knowing every possible feature was over the top. I run away from people yelling into their devices whenever possible.  No one wants to hear all that!


What was the sentence in the essay?  I missed that. 

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Nietzsche believed that most culture exists purely to distract us from the truth. If he is to be believed, then the context of our experience matters little when compared to the content of our experience. For this reason, I believe Yale will provide the best possible opportunities to expand as a scholar, pupil, and person. No institution, however dedicated and prestigious, can instill a desire for betterment where none exists, and I know you're not reading this, mom.

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I've always been an Android person, too.  After last night, I feel like the world has passed me by!  

I tuned in halfway through the epi so maybe that's why I didn't like it.  I just can't with Haley's yelling and shrieking, Claire is so damn jumpy. Everybody needs to just chill. And Gloria, please just shut up. 

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I've always been an Android person, too.  After last night, I feel like the world has passed me by!  

I tuned in halfway through the epi so maybe that's why I didn't like it.  I just can't with Haley's yelling and shrieking, Claire is so damn jumpy. Everybody needs to just chill. And Gloria, please just shut up. 


It was very frenetic, and kind of exhausting to watch.

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