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  1. I just love Melissa. It was wonderful watching her blossom from this defeated barely-there person to a vibrant, excited, happy woman. I cried happy tears for her. She wanted it so bad. The husband always bugged me, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt because it has to be so, so difficult to see someone grow the way she did and fear that she's going to keep growing right away from your life. There's a lot of codependency in a situation like that. He seems to have beefed up quite a bit.
  2. My husband's response would have been the same as Murray's: You have a desk?
  3. I guess this Progressive bundle commercial is old, but I saw it for the first time this weekend and about died laughing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qUG-ueI6BM
  4. This. Right now I weigh 210 pounds. 150 would be about right for me. I'm fat but not "OMG, look at her" fat. I fully admit to being a closet eater because when I am in public or with anyone outside of my immediate family I am too self conscious to eat much. I'm the girl at the buffet who goes up once and gets fish. Then I tell my husband when he goes up again to pick me up some of whatever I really wanted.
  5. I'm an obese person (not a 600 pounder) and if I had a healthy relationship with food I wouldn't be fat. I think obesity is at leat 90% caused by psychological issues. When I binge*, it's absolutely mindless. I don't taste the food or pause long enough to even notice if my stomach hurts because I've eaten too much. It's afterwards when you think, "geez, I didn't enjoy a second of that." I imagine it's the same for some of the people who've had surgery. They eat beyond the pain because they aren't even feeling it. *my binging is under control atm. I'm learning to eat mindfully which is weird but working.
  6. I've gained and lost weight my entire adult life. The point at which I know I have to lose is when I have trouble reaching around to wipe (TMI, sorry). For me, at 5'4", that point comes at around 250 pounds. I, personally, can't imagine getting so large that I can't perform that function for myself and it amazes me that people go so much farther with the gains. You'd think that my wake up call would come far before 250, and I guess it would if I had a healthy relationship with food, but that's my personal breaking point.
  7. If we assume Mrs. Wolowitz was really huge (in the over 300 category), living into her 70s would have been unlikely. The bigger she was, the younger she would have died.
  8. Thanks to this thread, I'm craving Hamburger Helper.
  9. There are millions of americans who grow up eating those foods on a daily basis with no concept that they aren't healthy. Those foods are also cheap, so when you're both poor(er) and uneducated concerning nutrition, you think that stopping after 1 fried chicken breast is healthy. I grew up in a family like that. My husband is a recovering alcoholic with many years of sobriety. I still feel weird drinking around him and very rarely do. He says that it makes him feel bad when I modify my behavior because of his issue. He's being honest, because I'm on a never-ending weight loss journey (80 pounds down, yay) and he eats a huge bowl of ice cream every night, smothers everything in ranch dressing, and eats 3 or 4 times what I do every day. He's 6'5" and 180 pounds. Life isn't fair, y'all.
  10. I looked for an "unpopular opinions" category but didn't see one (or missed it). While I'm sad for Howard, I am not going to miss the Mrs. Wolowitz character at all. I don't think they need to milk it any more than they already have. She was the sterotypical fat comic relief. I was never attached to the voice, the character, or the premise.
  11. Clunky episode all around, all designed for the set up of Bernadette yelling like Mrs. Wolowitz. You pull people out of a room to talk to them so that you are unheard, not so you can scream and have everyone hear you anyway. I hope that's the last we hear that voice. I like Sheldon. I think he's made great strides, but I agree with everyone else that although he lacks social skills and can't read a room, he'd instantly understand how hurtful it would be for Leonard to be left out of the article. Professional achievement and acknowledgment is everything to him and he truly loves Leonard. He'd understand and he'd make it right. I don't know where the writers were going with that storyline.
  12. I think Raj is by far the most attractive of the guys. He's rich and successful and throws a great party. What's not to love?
  13. I'm in. Phil's descent into madness was hilarious but would have been sad with a lesser actor than Will Forte. My husband was like, "Yay, Mel!" when Kristen Schaal showed up. She's kooky in general but it works in this.
  14. My coworker came into my office and said, "Leonard Nimoy died. Sheldon is going to be so sad."
  15. I thought it was an excellent episode. I love when Sheldon and Penny have scenes together. She humanizes him and he very much opens up to her. Dare I say they have more chemistry by far than Penny and Leonard? I don't want the show to go there, but the two characters/actors are very, very good together. I was relieved that the Howard grieving scenes were short and sweet. I think I'm in the minority who never loved the Mrs. Wolowitz character (not a fan of anyone screechy) and don't want her death to become a frequent plot point. The show had to address it and I think the writers (and Simon Helberg) did a stellar job.
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