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"The View": Week of 02/09/15


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I missed the first fifteen minutes, but wow, they couldn't have made RO more irrelevant for her last show unless they stuck her over in the corner on a stool.


I'm just going to let this be my final impression of The View:


WG:  Kanye said he respects Beck and his music.

RO:  But that's not really what he said, is it?  More like the opposite.

WG:  Well. . .yeah.


Bye Rosie O'Donnell, all good wishes for the future. 


Bye View.

  • Love 14

And of course Whoopi is going to defend Kanye West.  I have mostly enjoyed Kanye's music but this crap with interrupting the award shows is beyond tacky.  Both times it's happened, he has said Beyonce should have won. If I were Beyonce I'd tell Kanye to knock it the fuck off.

Edited by Fisher King
  • Love 16

I was so irritated with Nicole's "hair combing" comments. She is so repetitive, like a toddler who keeps saying the same thing over and over to make sure they get a reaction. As a result, we did not get any actual salient conversation about the clip. Thanks Nicole. 


Kenan. He was very subdued. I know comedians are not yukking it up 24/7 but that was kind of off. 


I actually hope Rosie doesn't come back. I hope the View tanks and dies, and Rosie can pursue something that's a better fit for her, and Whoopi can smoke it up all day and be lazy and be off my TV. I would love to have Rosie's Sirius radio show back, or something like that. I really love her and admire her and will watch whatever she does next.

  • Love 15

I have never seen a man wear yoga pants.  But what I do see sometimes, is men wear those compression shorts/leggings at the gym and they are supposed to wear shorts over them but don't.  And I might make fun of Whoopi's outfits (I do like that grey hat she wore today, she wears it a lot) but I'm not really into people telling other people what they can or cannot wear in public.


Maybe Rosie will guest host but I think she's done.  Maybe I'll watch occasionally without Rosie since I have no job/life and I barely have to pay attention to the show but they really got to get at least 1 good person on the panel.


Rosie gets a lot more shit about being difficult because she is a woman.  I know that's kinda obvious to say, and can be annoying to some, but it's an important thing to always remember.  A male in her position wouldn't (usually) be talked about in the same way, he'd be "hard on the staff to bring out their best" or a "genius".  And as the AV Club article shows, the press just loves to lump all women into Real Housewives caricatures.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 12

As usual CTV cut off the very end.  I saw Rosie thank Barbara Walters and the crew. And say she had a glue gun and would be back for craft segments.  Was there anything more?


Maybe she didn't want a big farewell in order to leave the door open for another return when all the stress in her life is gone.

That's all I saw too, & as much as I expected, so .....


When they were interviewing Kenan, I thought Whoopi looked like, well ....  check out a picture of Grumpy (Seven Dwarfs).  Looks like "Grumpy" Goldberg.


Edited by Medicine Crow
  • Love 7

That's all I saw too, & as much as I expected, so .....


When they were interviewing Kenan, I thought Whoopi looked like, well ....  check out a picture of Grumpy (Seven Dwarfs).  Looks like "Grumpy" Goldberg.


Honestly, Whoopi looks just like my (white) grandfather these days. Thankfully he doesn't share her personality.


Sad about Rosie O leaving, and I do wonder if the Kenan thing was staged (by Rosie O? by the show? by Whoopi or Nicolle looking for one last laugh?), but I loved Kenan mocking Whoopi. She looked a little displeased when he made that teleprompter joke. I loved seeing him on SNL in Whoopi drag in the background shaking "her" head like a crazy person, dreadlocks spinning like a mop. I won't say I'm never going to watch, because I'll probably turn it to it occasionally because nothing else is on at 11, just like last year, when I'm bored. But it'll probably be more to keep laughing about it here. My own private wish is that Rosie O will back next year and Whoopi out. Stress be-gone!

  • Love 8

And just like that she was gone just as quickly as she arrived...


How anti-climactic.  


I thought it spoke volumes at the end when Nicole and Rosie P were joining the applause for Rosie O, and Whoopi just stood there and then finally had this look of "oh i better join in."  Disrespectful bitch.


I don't know if Rosie will actually come back and visit the show for crafting segments or whatnot, I hope not.  


Part of me hopes that Ro orchestrated all this (needing time for family/and the show raising her stress reasons) b/c she is being offered her own panel type talk-show series on another network for next season.  It would also be awesome if ABC and Ro orchestrated all of this so they can cancel the View and start from the ground up next season where they wouldn't have to pay Babs and Geddie for creating the show any longer.


I'm off now to delete the series record of the View on my dvr.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 12

I can't blame Rosie for leaving this mess. Did you see her look when Nicole kept repeating the hair combing remark? I can't stand Nicolle or Whoopi. I like Rosie Perez, but she would be better off leaving this wreck of a show. I actually watched The Talk show for the first time and couldn't help but admire the respect those ladies showed for each other. I don't know if I'll keep watching, but it was a welcome relief from watching The View.

  • Love 8

Think maybe Babs shared with RO that she regrets her part in bringing in Whoopi?

Loved seeing RO in yellow - her happy color.


“Fame stole my yellow. Yellow is the color you get when you're real and brutally honest. Yellow is with my kids[...]The bundle of bright yellow warming my core, formerly frozen and uninhabitable[...]They got yellow from me, and I felt yellow giving it to them and it was all good[...]So, why am I leaving my show? It took my yellow. I wanted it back. Without it I can't live. The gray kills me.”
― Rosie O'Donnell, Celebrity Detox



P.S. Cancellation looming?


Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 9

I can't blame Rosie for leaving this mess. Did you see her look when Nicole kept repeating the hair combing remark? I can't stand Nicolle or Whoopi. I like Rosie Perez, but she would be better off leaving this wreck of a show. I actually watched The Talk show for the first time and couldn't help but admire the respect those ladies showed for each other. I don't know if I'll keep watching, but it was a welcome relief from watching The View.


I didn't like NIcole's obsession with the hair combing either.  It was very petty and "mean girl" like.  She seems to be getting more and more like Whoopi every day and for that reason I feel for Rosie P who is going to be left with the 2 of them. 


As for me, I doubt I'll be watching The View much anymore.   I will likely still check out this thread to see what is going on from time to time, though if everyone who says they are going to stop watching, actually does, there probably won't be many posts.

  • Love 8

I noticed Rosie wearing yellow, too.


I feel for her. I think Whoopi being difficult had partly to do with the nature of topics that were being discussed this year. It was a SHITTY year, y'know? We had Ferguson and Eric Garner and Bill Cosby and Ray Rice and Whoopi was surprisingly unequipped to talk about these things. She was never better than when her and Nicolle were interviewing the mother of the terminally ill child who was advocating for medical marijuana. She was passionate, angry without being rude, and engaged in the topic. It was sadly an all-too-rare thing.


I would have loved for Rosie to have stayed and for the show to have improved. Rosie and Nicolle interviewing potential presidential candidates in 2016 would have been heaven for this political junkie.


Edited because Eric Holder is not Eric Garner

Edited by JakeyJokes
  • Love 9

It is going off my DVR also after watching this show for years and years.  I thought I would stop when Joy left then Rosie came on board and so did I. It has not even been fun snark like in the old days. I will probably check in and still come here to see what you all have to say.

I wish someone would have said Beck wrote all 13 songs on his album and plays 16 instruments and Beyoncé has 18 writers on hers.

As a last rant I used the link Roger posted in December to give feedback..

In addition, I don't like Whoopi's hat for a moderator on a television show in New York City for shit sake. You don't have to wear evening wear but looking sloppy is not ok. She is sloppy in every aspect.

Good luck Rosie hope you come back in a arena that is healthy for you!

Edited by athousandclowns
  • Love 10

I thought they (Rosie and the producers) did a fine job for Rosie's final day. She seemed to want her departure to be low-key and respectful and that's what I saw.

But Whoopi is a classless, ill informed, crude, smug and ugly (inside) piece of work. Oh, and we were once again treated to her eating, God knows what, while attempting to read the teleprompter. I don't dislike Nicole, but the hair combing thing was ridiculous.

I feel sad, but I keep thinking of what RO said a few days ago on her blog...go be happy and enjoy your own life (paraphrasing). I just wish we could all continue our dialogue! This is such a great group. So....how do you all feel about Sarah Palin?

Ps. The Palin comment was an attempt at humor, but my smiley face didn't show. (Back off , I'm still learning) ;)

Edited by JunieBug
  • Love 10

I could be wrong  but I don't think Kennan asking RO why she's leaving was planned.   She seemed momentarily startled by it and talked fast with the answer.  


The best part of that interview was Whoopi looking up from the floor/cards long to spout out the "don't be a stranger, you have to come back more, blah blah" only to have Kennan respond that has/will always come on - every time he is asked.   Oh, and then after all that he told everyone to tune in for the SNL special on Sunday and Whoopi said, "I'll tell 'em" and then looked into the camera and told everyone to watch the SNL Special on the WRONG day.  She said February 14th, which is Saturday.  


MedicineCrow, I love the Grumpy Goldberg reference.  I thought that hat looked sloppy too.  On the other hand, her whole outfit did as usual so I guess it went together.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 9

I had wanted to see today's show, but couldn't. Now I'm glad though as my last memory of Rosie on the View will be of her craft segment with Martha Stewart.


Thanks for the link to that Daily News article ( http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/rosie-o-donnell-earlier-exit-view-article-1.2110156 ). Having just read kaygeeret's post about RO and high standards,  I laughed hard and long at this sentence in the middle of the article because of the ending that my mind added


" A third insider says execs will take plenty of time to make sure the next host gels with the team."   "... and be just as incompetent as we are."

  • Love 8

You gotta hand it to Whoopi and her team. With minimal effort from their star player, they were able to bring down a successful network talk show. They played all their cards - she's an EGOT, she's black, she's got all these important people who either really like her and appreciate her talent or are completely intimidated by her. Kudos. You did it. And the viewers are the ones who lose.

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 8

The highlight for me was the audience reaction to RO's entrance and exit.  The chanting of her name, the applause, Rosie P and Nicolle both standing at the opening to applaud RO (Whoopi seemed to join in so grudgingly it was like someone in her earpiece told her to do it) and like some other's noted - RO wearing yellow.  


I also cracked up at RO's dropping that she had lunch with Babs yesterday.  I don't know if that was directed toward her haters on O'Reilly or what but I liked it.   

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 11

You gotta hand it to Whoopi and her team. With minimal effort from their star player, they were able to bring down a successful network talk show. They played all their cards - she's an EGOT, she's black, she's got all these important people who either really like her and appreciate her talent or are completely intimidated by her. Kudos. You did it. And the viewers are the ones who lose.

I don't want to agree with you, but begrudgingly I must.  That's what happened, damn it!!!

  • Love 11


The best part of that interview was Whoopi looking up from the floor/cards long to spout out the "don't be a stranger, you have to come back more, blah blah" only to have Kennan respond that has/will always come on - every time he is asked.   Oh, and then after all that he told everyone to tune in for the SNL special on Sunday and Whoopi said, "I'll tell 'em" and then looked into the camera and told everyone to watch the SNL Special on the WRONG day.  She said February 14th, which is Saturday.


I don't think Whoopi is as laid back as she pretends to be.  She wasn't amused when Keenan did his Whoopi impression on the show and I doubt she has been a fan of his impressions of her in the past.  I could see Whoopi being the type that doesn't not like that someone is making a name for himself by parodying her; in her mind she probably thinks that he should ask her permission and give her a percentage of his paycheck.



I also cracked up RO's dropping that she had lunch with Babs yesterday.  I don't know if that was directed toward her haters on O'Reilly or what but I liked it.


I don't find it far fetched that Babs would talk smack about someone one day then go out to dinner w/said person the next.  It reminds me of Rosie's first stint on the View when the feud b/t Rosie and Trump, when Trump went on air saying how Babs told him personal things about her views on Rosie then the next day Babs would go on air and show a friendship/solidarity w/Rosie.  Babs always seemed to be two-faced to me, how else in order to keep her connections and get the interviews she used to get.

  • Love 12
You gotta hand it to Whoopi and her team. With minimal effort from their star player, they were able to bring down a successful network talk show.



(Not directed to just merriebreeze, but...)


When did the downturn of The View all become Whoopi's fault?  I'm no Whoopi apologist and there are plenty of times that I wish she'd shut the hell up, but this show was heading for the crapper long before Whoopi was on board.  If you think back to when Whoopi was signed on, she was then considered to be the hope for salvaging the show, and I can remember when there were many comments to the effect that it was Whoopi who was trying to school Sherri and keep her in check. 


This show hasn't been "successful" since its original days.  We had plenty of complaints to voice before Whoopi was on the scene - many of them going back to RO's first turn on The View.  Have we already forgotten Hasselblech, Sherri, Jenny, Geddie, a parade of horrid guest hosts, the 4 a.m. guy and the insipid production team, and BaWa's slide to near dementia?


It's a bit unfair to put all the blame on Whoopi.  One person can't fix The View, but one person didn't ruin it either. 

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 5

I too did not think Whoopi looked impressed with the comedian!  She had disdain written all over her face.  I think he felt tension and did say to Rosie O, sorry for blindsiding you or something like that then looked sheepishly over at Whoopi I thought.  Like the guests were told don't bring it up?  Maybe it was me overthinking it.


Rosie went out with class.  She is sharp and witty and I will miss her.  She speaks well unlike Whoopi who can't seem to even intro a hot topic without stopping to giggle and snicker, spit it out or give the job to someone else!  I am so done with her!!   

  • Love 12

... they couldn't have made RO more irrelevant for her last show unless they stuck her over in the corner on a stool.


Isn't that what Rosie wanted? She didn't want to acknowledge she was leaving so they didn't.

I mean there was nothing in the show's lineup that was in any way relevant to anything RO does or advocates or likes or is good at.  A vacation contest, SNL Turns 40 via Kenan, and whoever the hell that was singing while his backups were grinding away.  She could have split yesterday and literally phoned in the two-sentence awkward exchange with Kenan that was her portion of the four person interview. 


What a waste--I bet she couldn't wait to see that place in the rearview mirror. 


Whoopi used to be a better actress; I don't think she was trying.  : /

Edited by candall
  • Love 8

(Not directed to just merriebreeze, but...)


When did the downturn of The View all become Whoopi's fault?  I'm no Whoopi apologist and there are plenty of times that I wish she'd shut the hell up, but this show was heading for the crapper long before Whoopi was on board.  If you think back to when Whoopi was signed on, she was then considered to be the hope for salvaging the show, and I can remember when there were many comments to the effect that it was Whoopi who was trying to school Sherri and keep her in check. 


This show hasn't been "successful" since its original days.  We had plenty of complaints to voice before Whoopi was on the scene - many of them going back to RO's first turn on The View.  Have we already forgotten Hasselblech, Sherri, Jenny, Geddie, a parade of horrid guest hosts, the 4 a.m. guy and the insipid production team, and BaWa's slide to near dementia?


It's a bit unfair to put all the blame on Whoopi.  One person can't fix The View, but one person didn't ruin it either. 

For me,  Whoopi  did "ruin" the show this season - a season that started so promising.  Sure, this show has sucked for a long time but not because of any one person.   As you pointed out Tunia, almost everyone involved with this show for the past six years delivered huge amounts snarkable moments and material.  Watching the ridiculousness of The Spew and then snarking about it was fun for me.  


Then the whole show supposedly got a reboot and cleaned house starting with what I considered the worst - Sweaty Bill Geddie.  The Year of Barbara by Barbara Walters was finally over and Dumb and Dumber were shown the door.   New EP, new co-hosts, and RO returning!  I thought it sounded/looked great and before I knew I was back in.  


Except this season there seemed to be a turd in the punchbowl.  While I found Nicolle, Rosie P and RO prepared and [mostly] professional -Whoopi woke up and started acting like this was her show in a way I found very obnoxious.  When it's just one co-host behaving badly/unprofessional at the table it's not so fun.  Almost like everyone else was trying to change this show into something good and she was going to fight it every step of the way.   In fact, it felt like she was almost trying to run this thing off the air.  


So not only was the new show not that great (with some exceptions)  I actually found it worse than last year because it wasn't any fun to just watch someone basically fuck up what could have been an enjoyable show - finally.    


And that is why I am holding Whoopi responsible.  She knows better, I believe she could have done better to make this show what it could have been this year.  But she chose to go another direction and now, so am I.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 24

And of course Whoopi is going to defend Kanye West.  I have mostly enjoyed Kanye's music but this crap with interrupting the award shows is beyond tacky.  Both times it's happened, he has said Beyonce should have won. If I were Beyonce I'd tell Kanye to knock it the fuck off.

Yeah, Beyonce is not going to do that, have the feeling she loves it.  She probably thinks she should have won too.

  • Love 5

(Not directed to just merriebreeze, but...)


When did the downturn of The View all become Whoopi's fault?  I'm no Whoopi apologist and there are plenty of times that I wish she'd shut the hell up, but this show was heading for the crapper long before Whoopi was on board.  If you think back to when Whoopi was signed on, she was then considered to be the hope for salvaging the show, and I can remember when there were many comments to the effect that it was Whoopi who was trying to school Sherri and keep her in check. 


This show hasn't been "successful" since its original days.  We had plenty of complaints to voice before Whoopi was on the scene - many of them going back to RO's first turn on The View.  Have we already forgotten Hasselblech, Sherri, Jenny, Geddie, a parade of horrid guest hosts, the 4 a.m. guy and the insipid production team, and BaWa's slide to near dementia?


It's a bit unfair to put all the blame on Whoopi.  One person can't fix The View, but one person didn't ruin it either. 

right now, it IS Whoopi who is ruining it though.  She stopped trying a long time ago.  She shuts down discussion, shouts at people, proclaims her opinion as the "TRUTH".  She's lazy,sloppy,  doesn't do her research, is clearly uninterested in what others have to say, and yells at people. 

And then, she tells the audience that she doesn't care about their opinions.  


It's not unfair to blame her at all right now.  She could do a lot to fix the show, if she cared. 

  • Love 16

Cosmocrush, wonderfully said and exactly how I feel. 


I would add that I was so excited about this "new start" and when Whoopi continued to be a terrible moderator and apparently, vindictive to boot towards others who disagreed with her, the whole thing took on an ugly tone.


I will always read this forum until cancellation which I believe is imminent.


A rare opportunity to reboot and be fun and interesting - squandered.

  • Love 18

RO left the first time 7 or 8 years ago so I doubt they will go live 5 days a week.....although a great idea. 


I've been thinking.....this season WG didn't have BW to babysit her, as in the past years. So in comes RO to pick up any slack in the mod chair. Which she actually "had" to. I simply can't imagine NW or RP stepping up to the plate. 


Behar probably could. The show is in real trouble, imo, because surely ABC is aware of WG's performance. Albeit they are useless and not in real control of this show and not been for years. And have made very poor decisions on who to hire, endless try-outs from guest co-hosts that could not step up either.


I doubt we will ever see, on this show someone like Vieira, Ling.....and even Behar (fulltime anyway) or Jones. I doubt anyone would "love" each and every co-host of any show. Let alone when it is a show for and about women (or was) and now they bash/bully us practically everyday.


Instead we have had people like Sherri, Jenny,  Elisabeth and so on and so forth.

  • Love 6

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