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S02.E15: Spellcaster

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I was really bored during the episode until the last scene.

I am soo here for this new team of Henry and Irving as long as they are not trying to redeem the evil guys. Please stop with the fucking redemption storylines. Literally all their main villain save Moloch are in the middle of redemption storyline. 


As for Katrina going dark…too little to late! I am over the struggling witch. She needs to go! 

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I enjoyed this episode. Loved the house hunting and Katrina was pretty good at the Luke feel the dark side stuff. Whoever played the warlock was terrific. Wish we would have been able to see more of him. People who say Henry is good in small doses  are right, IMO. Really good.

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So, they are cribbing off of DarkWillow now? Ooh, her eyes change color because evil. Didn't really care for that character the first time around and it feels like retcon to explain Katrina's lame powers so late in the game.

Also, I'm guessing Beharie is expecting? That was a serious case of hiding a pregnancy wardrobe. Reminded me of Scully, lo those many years ago.

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I hated DarkWillow's storyline because it became this melodramatic comparison to drug use and that "you have to stop" / "I don't know how to stop" / "I don't want to stop" just seemed over the top. If that's what they're going to do with Katrina, I may beat my head against the wall.

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So, they are cribbing off of DarkWillow now? Ooh, her eyes change color because evil. Didn't really care for that character the first time around and it feels like retcon to explain Katrina's lame powers so late in the game.

Also, I'm guessing Beharie is expecting? That was a serious case of hiding a pregnancy wardrobe. Reminded me of Scully, lo those many years ago.

I doubt it. She had her abs on out instagram about a month ago so even if she is pregnant, she's not big enough to have to hide.


I did find her coat interesting, in that it was very Ichabod-like.

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I hated DarkWillow's storyline because it became this melodramatic comparison to drug use and that "you have to stop" / "I don't know how to stop" / "I don't want to stop" just seemed over the top. If that's what they're going to do with Katrina, I may beat my head against the wall.

This. The lame drug analogy was the WORST, especially since the "addiction" aspect of it was such a cop out to make her easier to redeem. It was a stupid story there and it would be even worse here because I have no desire to spend scads of time watching Katrina struggle with temptation and I doubt Katia Winter has the chops to pull something like that off anyway. I'm really disappointed that it seems like this is the way the writers are going with it. I would have much preferred for Katrina to be revealed as having been evil all along. It would explain so much about the character and how she's been written/portrayed and I think Winter would have an easier time playing it straight evil then trying to convey inner conflict.

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This. The lame drug analogy was the WORST, especially since the "addiction" aspect of it was such a cop out to make her easier to redeem. It was a stupid story there and it would be even worse here because I have no desire to spend scads of time watching Katrina struggle with temptation and I doubt Katia Winter has the chops to pull something like that off anyway.


Agreed. At least I felt bad for Willow, and Alyson Hannigan did a great job with what she was given. But it was very Afterschool Special-like, which bugged me so much. And I really don't want to go through it again with Katrina.

I also agree that they should have had her evil from the start (and just lying to Crane the whole time). Or maybe not evil evil, but very manipulative and dishonest, just using Crane for her coven's needs. She's certainly had no issue holding things back from him all along, even after they married, and even now that they're back together, she isn't being honest with him. That would have been much more interesting than turning her into another Jeremy "can he be redeemed" plot.

Edited by sinkwriter
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So when Aaron Baiers said they'd close a chapter with episode 14 and then in episode15 they'd start new, he was lying? Color me not surprised. Absolutely nothing has changed. Katrina is still driving the plot from the pedestal Goffman put her on, Abbie is still a plain cop without a storyline of her own, the Cranes are at the center of everything and get all the emotional beats and plots.


Three episodes left to end this horrible season and there are no signs in sight they are willing to change anything that isn't superficial. Making Katrina more overtly evil doesn't change anything.

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I haven't watch yet but it sounds like this episode is confirming what  I suspected. All the time and energy of the writers is going into repairing Katrina's character so they have no time to craft a story for Abbie. Making Katrina evil will only increase the focus on Katrina and the ramp up the CFD.

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I forgot about the rather intriguing little nugget about time travel.  I may need to re-watch but Team Undead has the evil grimoire that Solomon Kent was going to use to go back in time and  Team Witness has Grace's journal which also gives them them some info about it.  They mentioned Ley Lines etc. and the energy and power needed etc.  Nothing came of it this episode, but it is out there now and a tantalizing concept for the show.

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Judging by her expression when her eyes came back from white, the dark power has some sort of pleasurable/addictive effect. She looked like she was afraid that she liked it.

Guess now she's powerful enough to separate Abraham from death assuming they find the Kindred.

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I noticed the "I" not "we" language, too, and the way Ichabod practically ran out of the house at the end was wonderful to behold. Yeah, yeah there were other scenes where he was more about Katrina. Don't harsh my buzz.

I'm intrigued by Frank's teaming up with Henry. I hope at some point the fact that he didn't knowingly sell his soul comes up. Frank's is a redemption storyline I could get behind.

Maybe if Katrina goes evil AND hooks up with Abraham, we can avoid having her evilness be all about saving her.

I thought Ichabod's comment about the granite countertops seemed kind of wistfully longing, like he'd drunk the kool-aid on that feature. It cracked me up.

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I forgot about the rather intriguing little nugget about time travel.  I may need to re-watch but Team Undead has the evil grimoire that Solomon Kent was going to use to go back in time and  Team Witness has Grace's journal which also gives them them some info about it.  They mentioned Ley Lines etc. and the energy and power needed etc.  Nothing came of it this episode, but it is out there now and a tantalizing concept for the show.

In a previous episode, Katrina did mention she wished she could go back to her time......

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TWENTY minutes of Katrina mimsy-whispering her family history at us, my God. She is THE WORST. And this whole "am I evil" thing seems like a desperate ploy by the show runners to make her interesting and/or relevant. I heart John Noble but I am not at all happy that Henry is still a thing and that Irving appears to be in his thrall (but I will LOVE it if, as speculated above, Irving is doing some double-agent kind of action there). Also, we need WAY more Jenny up in here. WAY less Katrina. If they insist on a third leg to the Ichababbie evil-fighting tripod: JENNY. Not Katrina. Please, for the love of God.

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How hilarious was it that Katia Winter played Katrina's grandmother EXACTLY the same as she portrays Katrina! The grandmother was a Dutch immigrant, yet she had the same upper class British accent Katrina has, the same blank stare that Katrina has, same way of walking, same expressions, same whispery delivery, everything was the same! KW couldn't modulate her voice, add a little something to her walk, change how she looked at people, etc. just something to make the character different from Katrina other than just being blonde? Anything??

Someone should have shown her old episodes of old '60's sitcoms where actresses were always portraying their cousins, like on Bewitched. Anything to show her that you don't play the same character twice. It's like she let the change in hair color do the acting for her.

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Maybe if Katrina goes evil AND hooks up with Abraham, we can avoid having her evilness be all about saving her.


I can't let myself hope for that any longer. The show doesn't seem to know its own strengths -- specifically that she/her relationship with Crane isn't one of them.

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How hilarious was it that Katia Winter played Katrina's grandmother EXACTLY the same as she portrays Katrina! The grandmother was a Dutch immigrant, yet she had the same upper class British accent Katrina has, the same blank stare that Katrina has, same way of walking, same expressions, same whispery delivery, everything was the same! KW couldn't modulate her voice, add a little something to her walk, change how she looked at people, etc. just something to make the character different from Katrina other than just being blonde? Anything??


Hush your mouth!  Katia is perfect just as she is! 

                          - M. Goffman


Orlando Jones did Irving perfectly.  There were such small changes in his expression that set off the alarm that something ain't quite right.  Evil Irving would be something I could get behind, but just not any longer with the show.


And in this week's episode of Katrina, you had ONE job!:  She goes with Abbie & Ich to the wherever the missing pages of the Grimoire are supposed to be specifically so she can alert them if either Kent or the Grimoire are present.  Surprise surprise, she fails.  Again.



Guess now she's powerful enough to separate Abraham from death assuming they find the Kindred.

Abraham and the Kindred have both fallen into plotholes (separate I hope).  SH Public Works has some serious work to do cause that place is full of them.


Thank you show for showing me the the Kübler-Ross model of the 5 stages of grief can apply to television.  I've moved through Denial, Anger, Bargaining and most of Depression.  I may be cusping on the Depression - Acceptance stages with intermittent Bitterness.  Think I am done.

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Yet another episode I barely watched.  I lasted for about 5 seconds of the first Katrina scene before screaming, "Why do you suck so much?!" and started fast-forwarding.  I'm glad you all have more patience than me and that I can come here and fill in the blanks without actually having to watch Katrina--the suckiest suck that ever sucked.


I didn't mind Henry too much--I at least watched his scenes.  I agree with the other here that he's good in small doses.  And better when he's not whining about his mommy/daddy issues.  I'm sad about Frank being evil but at least he's getting more screen time--and scenes with Abbie--so I'll take what I can get.  


Agreed. At least I felt bad for Willow, and Alyson Hannigan did a great job with what she was given. But it was very Afterschool Special-like, which bugged me so much. And I really don't want to go through it again with Katrina.


Yeah, if you're going to do a crappy storyline at least give it to an actor who can, well, act.  This sort of story with Katrina as the focus would be all sorts of hell.  So naturally I'm sure that's exactly what they'll do.  

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I laughed so hard when Solomon got away after the big "confrontation" with Katrina. She said something like, "He got away with the grimoire and he completed it, so now my powers are useless against his!" I so wanted Abbie to say, "Your powers were apparently useless before it was complete too." 

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There for a moment it looked like Katrina could actually become useful.  But no, of course not.  At least she has some new clothes, though.


But Ichabod and Abbie at the open house?  Pure gold.  Athough you do not need granite counter tops, Ichabod, that's just nonsense.  Squeaky bananas and cinnamon mini-muffins for the win.

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I agree with the comments about Helena. i.e. there was no difference between Katrina and Helena, except for the clothes and blonde wig. The voice was exactly the same, and I'm like, "you couldn't put on another accent?? Nothing?" Not too good.


At least we had confirmation that Katrina's powers are plant-based. Anyone wanna tell me again that the root that Mary Wells tripped on was conveniently already there?? Yeah right.


The writers, however, have no idea what the word "powerful" is. From day one, they have been repeating over and over again, "Katrina is a powerful witch." "Katrina's powers are growing stronger." Where? Freezing and blowing up flowers. As someone else pointed out above, she is such a delicate flower that she tries her weak powers once, and if they don't work, she stands there blankfaced. DO SOMETHING!! Run at the person, cast another spell, throw something at them! Se just stands there doing...nothing.


The anger that Crane channels when anyone hurts his special snowflake..(flowerflake?) I wish he could channel that anger and kill off Henry once and for all.


However the end with Irving - very interesting. First he's all confused at what's going on with him, but he's going to be helping Henry. It's gonna be good.


When the time travel thing was mentioned, I laughed. Then my first thought was - good, they can send Katrina back to her time and off the show.

Second thought? The end of the season is going to have all three of them (Crane, Abbie and Katrina) zapped back to the past. I'm not joking.

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Second thought? The end of the season is going to have all three of them (Crane, Abbie and Katrina) zapped back to the past. I'm not joking.

Spinning around 3 times, throwing salt over shoulder, putting fingers in hex sign . . . don't even think that!

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I've been thinking they could have this all be Ichabod fever hallucination and he's still in the grave that Henry put him in. I would totally accept that reset if it gets us back to What worked last season vs this show that became Sleepy Hollow in name only.

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How hilarious was it that Katia Winter played Katrina's grandmother EXACTLY the same as she portrays Katrina! The grandmother was a Dutch immigrant, yet she had the same upper class British accent Katrina has, the same blank stare that Katrina has, same way of walking, same expressions, same whispery delivery, everything was the same! KW couldn't modulate her voice, add a little something to her walk, change how she looked at people, etc. just something to make the character different from Katrina other than just being blonde? Anything??

Someone should have shown her old episodes of old '60's sitcoms where actresses were always portraying their cousins, like on Bewitched. Anything to show her that you don't play the same character twice. It's like she let the change in hair color do the acting for her.

Or just have her watch a couple episodes of Fringe with Olivia and Faux-Olivia. Damn! I miss that show... :(

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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This was okay for me and bad.  Katrina was deadly to me - trying to pay attention to her lengthy drawn out monotonous monologues nearly killed it for me - thank heavens for fast forwarding.  Got a bit better at the end but I wasn't surprised by anything - nothing at all.  


If they are going to have them all hanging around talking so much - I wish they would throw in a bit more humor; this show needs those moments and Crane being a bit goofy helps too. 


Bring back her sister and relegate Katrina to the evil pile for awhile - this is the sort of person, that in real life, I always think of as "sucking all the oxygen out of a room" with deadly dullness.  What a miscast.

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Is this the appropriate desk at which to lodge my formal objection to the current vogue for using "struggle" as an adjective? That said, "Crucible II: The Strugglewitchening" made me laugh and laugh.


I don't know that this story (or these writers?) can really accommodate a Dark Phoenix kind of trope, since the show's mythology already seems to have established that sorcerous power is intrinsically evil. Not quite the same footing. And the corruption of a beloved character is only moving to the extent that the character is loved in the first place. Really extra not the case here. (Also, I think the Dark Phoenix has been checked out of the Trope Library too many times already by too many careless borrowers. It's looking a little worse for wear.)

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How hilarious was it that Katia Winter played Katrina's grandmother EXACTLY the same as she portrays Katrina! 

Yep, the different hair did all the work. If they're going to sell Katrina as full-on evil, they're going to have to give Katia Winter some kind of Medusa wig with hissing snakes.  

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This show continues to confuse me. If Helena Van Tassel is Katrina's grandmother, shouldn't it be her  father around during the witch trials and not her mother?  I know she had a father since apparently he was marrying her off to Abraham. How did Katrina know what Solomon looked like? If these were any other writers I would guess they were hinting at Katrina being much older than she says but nope, she's just learning she may be dark......sigh.


It seems like this episode centering on Katrina would've been better earlier in the season. After the weeping lady episode would've worked great since they touched on dark magic there. 


The episode overall was just ok. 

Loved the Abbie and Ichabod interactions. They're just so great together.


Was it just me or did Abbie seem a little into agro Ichabod when they were back at the cabin?

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Additional Katrina thoughts:
- Katia Winter is so much prettier with her natural hair color!   We got that tease with Grandma Van Tassel and then back to the wig and my eyes hurt.
- I know Katrina's from the 18th century, but trying to force oneself on a woman and killing her when she fights back is not a "terrible" accident.  Oy. That explanation hurt.


Also: of all the very non-historically accurate things in this episode, the worst had to be an auction house in White Plains having any objects that once belonged to Elizabeth I or her court.  C'mon - the best thing that town has going for it is The Westchester.  


The various pronunciations of "grimoire" would have made for an excellent drinking game.




I'm not much of a Jean Grey fan, but even I wouldn't dare compare her to Katrina.

Edited by Lila82
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That was pretty good! Loved everything about Ichabod and Abbie: if this shows survives, it'll be thanks to them. Katrina going evil is something I want to see, but only if that plot isn't about redeeming her.  I just couldn't handle another redeeming plot. And I think I could deal with an evil Katrina, her presence wouldn't bother me as much as it does now. 


I'm sorry for Irving, because he was a good man and he didn't choose to sell his soul to no one, but making him evil can be a  great move too. I also like the fact that Henry's still an asshole,  especially because it means Katrina wasn't right about him. 


I hated the moment when Ichabod went crazy on that guy because to me, it came out  of nowhere. It was like "Oh, in this scene my passion for Katrina can turn me into a beast!", but in this same episode he was talking about the house HE wanted to live in and then he went to have a beer with Abbie and didn't give a fuck about Katrina. 

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Sigh. This show.


Ichabod and Abbie were perfectly capable of solving mysteries pre-Katrina but now every case necessitates her involvement.They suddenly need her to cast spells, give backstories, do research, and launch magic fireballs.


The show is in a repetitive cycle of Is he/she evil? Followed by Can he/she be redeemed? It's tired. Just bring on the Apocalypse already.

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The comparison to Jean Grey (whom I always liked, at least before I gave up on X-Men many a year ago), reminds me of how John Byrne and Claremont had her do terrible things as Dark Phoenix and were going to just solve it by punishment of losing powers until Marvel's higher-ups stepped in and said she had to go. I wonder if history will repeat itself....


No, it's TV.  She'll go through some redemption arc like Willow.  Or maybe it'll turn out that she isn't the real Katrina and is just Purgatory assuming the form of Katrina.

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Katrina going evil is something I want to see, but only if that plot isn't about redeeming her.  I just couldn't handle another redeeming plot. And I think I could deal with an evil Katrina, her presence wouldn't bother me as much as it does now.

Exactly this. Evil Katrina is the only way to save the character and make her interesting--with NO redemption, please. The retcon with her explaining about her powers being weakened by purgatory was such an obvious attempt to explain her suckage to the complaining fan base that my eyes nearly rolled out of my head. More Ichabbie, more Jenny, away with Katrina unless she's going to become the full-on big bad.

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The retcon with her explaining about her powers being weakened by purgatory was such an obvious attempt to explain her suckage to the complaining fan base that my eyes nearly rolled out of my head. 


Right? I actually laughed out loud it was so blatant.

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I've been thinking they could have this all be Ichabod fever hallucination and he's still in the grave that Henry put him in. I would totally accept that reset if it gets us back to What worked last season vs this show that became Sleepy Hollow in name only.

I like this. The problem is, it puts Henry back as the center of the show.

For all those fans who truly believe that KW would prove herself as an actress if she was given more to do, got a rude awakening because she was just as bad as Grandma Katrina, only blonde.

The episode convinced me that Katrina's turn to the dark side will only give us CFD Part II: The Quest to Save Katrina. The only way the Katrina vortex of suckage comes to an end is if she is killed off.

Notice how all things and all characters become better without the yoke of Katrina around their necks. Ichachump was less arrogant and entitled without her; Henry went back to being a character with possibilities withou the dead weight of Mommy weighing him down.

It's sad, but Sleepy Hollow continues to be destined to be the show all other show reference when talking about bad turns: Hey man, don't Katrina that show, or Please don't Katrina that character.

P.S. Anyone thinking that there will be improvements on this show and that Abby will cease to be little more than The Help, should look at the latest posts in Sleepy Hollow in the Media.

Edited by Happytobehere
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This was disappointing after last week, which I thought was a great improvement with its Abbie and Jenny presence. It was an interesting premise (even if it felt like it was slightly ripped from Sleepy Hollow: Children of the Revolution), but it was kinda boring. I now cannot resist rolling my eyes every time Katrina is on screen. I briefly thought she could do a Grant Ward (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and become a much more interesting character by becoming evil, but I'm afraid several previous posters are correct that TPTB would try to redeem her. 

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Katrina going dark? Sign me up! Though I feel like this episode was a great example of how the character COULD have worked, had she not been mishandled. Nevertheless, I do think Evil Katrina is probably the show's best path going forward.



I agree! Between her happy smile at picking up flowers and rocks and her genuine rage and denial while facing down Kent, Katrina can be an asset if written and directed correctly. I was surprised at how much she wasn't irritating me.


Must every man that turns evil turn due to unrequited love? RME.




Really the weakest link in the story chains. It was bad enough with Abraham, but this? One, Sarah Osbourne, as a Puritan with a definite and solid belief in witchcraft and evil, would not be all "la la la magical hand healing NBD" about that little incident. She would freak the fuck out and rightly so. And even setting all that aside, once again we have a seemingly powerful evil force of rage basically coming out of being friendzoned. What the hell does Kent think is going to happen if he pops magically into the middle of the village, all drawn and freaky and scarred up and wildman looking? Everybody's going to go "hey, where ya been? Sarah totes wants to marry you and we're completely cool with the warping of our perception of reality?"


Also, I laughed at Kent being banished to Purgatory.  Of course he was.  Seriously, who runs that place?  Is there nowhere else for evildoers to go?



Especially since the only being who can banish souls or whatever to Purgatory is, you know, GOD. Who is doing what right now? Like, he's in the middle of making lasagna and can't be bothered with this? That's always a problem with Good Vs. Evil Apocalypse Demons All Over The Place storylines. 


Okay, I will be generous and state the things I did like:


Orlando's "I'm just the littlest bit off but pay no attention" and Abby's "Okay, I won't, I won't even ask Katrina anything about that whole Magickal CAT scan thing because you are fine LA LA LA" vibe. She so needs him to be okay and knows he isn't. 


The makeup on Solomon Kane. The pattern of scars on his body where's he's been cutting himself with his Sarah Knife was a very nice touch in a show that's been full of bad touches lately.


Henry's "Gentlemen! I know you're busy destroying your lives day after rich day" speech. Just perfection. He's got the best voice for it--a PBS Masterpiece Theater host gone just off the effin' rails.

Edited by Snookums
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Ichabod, if you want to taunt the unholy minions or whatever you called them, start with their horribly out of place black boxer briefs/trunks. Granted, when a network series shows red devils conjured from a pool of blood, I realize you can't show devil dangly bits dancing across the screen. However, you don't put the actors in black boxer briefs when they're wearing red body paint. At least make them red so they might blend in with the body paint. Sure, that gives them a sexless Ken doll appearance, but that wouldn't rip me out of the big action sequence so jarringly. Then again, maybe the special effects department meant to airbrush them out in post production, but ran out of money or time since they appeared and disappeared multiple times.


Also, fire the make-up artist that applied the red body paint but left glaring stretches of skin in the hip joints. You have to cover everywhere if your actors are going to be jumping and doing high-kicks. I've seen better application work done in the last hour of a Face-Off Spotlight Challenge.


Sorry to nitpic about those devils instead of CFD or acting abilities, but they really yanked me out of the scenes. Maybe this is an example of why HDTV isn't always better than SD.

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I enjoyed the episode overall. Evil Katrina! has some interesting possibilities.


I love Ichabbie scenes where Ichabod becomes crotchety and complaining (e.g. at the open house), and Abbie has to say something or do something to calm him down. Or she has to pull him away from the innocent bank teller/local historian/grocery store clerk with an apology, like he's an unruly toddler.



Also, fire the make-up artist that applied the red body paint but left glaring stretches of skin in the hip joints. You have to cover everywhere if your actors are going to be jumping and doing high-kicks. I've seen better application work done in the last hour of a Face-Off Spotlight Challenge.

Wow, Richness. What an eye. I'll have to watch those scenes again.

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I thought the fight scene between Crane and Kent was weird and over-the-top.  I didn't understand where Crane being so angry came from and why he went "Rambo" on Kent and started punching him.  Just because he zapped Katrina or whatever?  It just felt over-the-top to me.


Yeah it made no sense.  There was no context for Crane needing to get some kind of revenge on Kent or whatever.  He was just a bad guy who needed to be stopped.


Fully evil-committed Henry is a good thing.  Evil Katrina will work much better with an evil Henry.  Her desire to be with her son was always bigger than trying to redeem him.  Once she commits to the dark side she will happily stay by Henry's side.


I laughed at Katrina's breathless grandma too.  I guess her whole family tree is out of breath.


And where's Headless?  The show seems to be transitioning to a new main plot, but in the end it's still supposed to come down to the two witnesses stopping the apocalypse.

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Really the weakest link in the story chains. It was bad enough with Abraham, but this? One, Sarah Osbourne, as a Puritan with a definite and solid belief in witchcraft and evil, would not be all "la la la magical hand healing NBD" about that little incident. She would freak the fuck out and rightly so.

I can't believe I am suggesting something on this show was not a plot hole, but...I thought it was at least semi-implied not only did he fix her hand but might have done some fuzzy magic on her perception of the moment. When she said "I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought" or something to that effect, partially because that's such a ridiculous reaction, I thought he not only healed it but actually did some sort of magic convincing her that it was just a tiny nick and so when he wiped away the blood it'd already stopped bleeding, whatnot. Kinda jedi This is not the flesh wound you're looking for.
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It figures. The second they put Katrina in an outfit that actually makes sense for a nature loving witch/Quaker from the colonial era, she starts to turn to the dark side. 


Can we get a whole episode of House Hunters that is just Crane and Abby wondering around, looking at houses? 


Where the hell did Headless go? Wasn't Katrina supposed to be aiding in his dumb redemption quest or something? Or at least having one? Not that I particular miss old headless, shirtless Abraham, but it would be nice to follow through with a plot when they start it, especially when its one that might lead to Katrina's turn to the dark side. 

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I'm going to defend the moment Crane whaled on Kent. I don't think it was because of Katrina; I think it was because he was disturbed at the thought they were similar. Kind of like beating up on the parts of himself he dislikes or is afraid of.

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So, before last night, my boyfriend had never seen this show, nor did he know what it was about.  WE started watching it during dinner, and about 20 minutes in he asks me if Abby and Crane are together. I said no, and paused the show to explain most of the background, including the fact that it's Crane and Katrina that are the romantic couple.  His reaction was priceless--he kept saying "but they have no chemistry". At the very end, when Crane and Abby ditch Katrina to get beers, he just gave me a 'look'. I should have recorded it

Anyway, I knew Irving wasn't redeemed, just how that was going to unfold was the mystery. I wonder if Henry got the wood from that kid?

Can we get a whole episode of House Hunters that is just Crane and Abby wondering around, looking at houses?

Crane was a bit bougie--you come from a time when people pooped outside and had dirt floors and now you want granite countertops?! Honey please...

This was so unrealistic... No police officer waits that long to shoot someone.

Was he a cop or was he armed security? The latter might.
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I enjoyed the episode. I thought they did a good job overall with  this weeks antagonist, at least in terms of his modern day presence. The writing for Solomon Kent's backstory was lazy and didn't really hang together, especially in terms of how Katrina's family was tied in to it. I can't really figure out whether it was bad writing or another tip-off that we can trust nothing that fake-haired compulsive liar says. Otherwise, it seemed only to exist as an excuse to showcase Katia's range and demonstrate that she can stare beseechingly while murmuring urgently no matter what colour wig she has to deal with. I initially thought they were setting up Kent to recur, so I was pleasantly surprised that they put such an abrupt end to his dastardly ways. I appreciated his words to  the wig-stand regarding her true nature. However, I only favour EEEEville Katrina over good Katrina because at least then there is a good reason that she is such a constant problem for the witnesses and we won't need to hear them giving her weak character verbal props. Good or evil, she needs to have a finite presence on this show and as that end is improbable in this season, I hope we will see it next. I do hope we'll get more seasons out of this show, I still love it in spite of how badly flawed this season has been. I'm all for slow burn, but whenever Katrina is involved it just seems to take forever to get from point A to point B. I really don't care whether or not they always planned to have the scarlet witch go full-on evil, temporarily bad or merely tempted, I just need a story that eventually leads to her absence. She is a dull character, played by a limited actress who has had too much time in the centre of the action when nothing about her justifies it.  If TPTB were so determined to get the audience invested in her character, I just don't understand why they made her such a droning bore. The only thing interesting about her is speculating about how they could make her interesting or laughing at the ineptitude.


I loved the Ichabbie moments book-ending the episode, the house-hunting was delightful and Ichabod ditching poor "exhausted" Katrina to go hang out with Abbie made me laugh hard.

Edited by yuggapukka
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