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S04.E10: Versatile Tops And Bottoms

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I didn't get the love of her black dress, although it WAS better than the two piece outfit.  Those flaps on the back looked like beetle wing covers or maybe part of a nun's outfit.  It was ok, but nothing to squeee over like the judges were doing.  I really didn't see the connection between the outfits.  The two piece outfit was a flared top and skirt/skort.  The dress had wings down the back.  What was the linkage again?  That they both were kind of flappy?


I've don't get that either, but i guess she figured that the last time she designed that same dress on her original season it got her into Marie Claire, so it was a safe bet.

  • Love 4

Well, the judges continue to exist on Bizarro World, but this time there were actually some looks on the runway that I liked, and Sonjia's grey separates number was surprisingly beautiful. I mean, when that came down the runway, I was shocked. It might be the prettiest thing this whole season so far that I can remember! Her yellow dress came out quite well for a mass of fabric she seemingly laid on the floor and cut up like she was making a paper snowflake. Although I felt that the jacket was completely unnecessary. The cutout pattern on the sides of the dress was enough to tie it in. Why would you want to wear a jacket with that dress? Heck, the model wasn't even really wearing it anyway!


I thought Dimitry's were quite lovely to look at, but neoprene? Seriously? No. Just no. And the separates look was definitely not ready to wear. I mean, I guess the skirt, but a cropped wrap jacket? Not so much with the QVC audience in mind, there. Helen's sketch of the blouse looked much prettier than what she actually ended up making. And I am so tired of the designers making black dresses and adding details in black that you can't see unless the camera zooms WAY in on them. It wasn't until judging that I saw she'd put that black floral lace on the shoulders of the black dress. It's invisible.


I can't even really have an opinion on the outfits Michelle made because I was so blinded by the pattern that looked like the wallpaper from a 1970s basement rec room. What an eyesore!


And I suppose they didn't want to have the contestants go ring the NASDAQ bell because they'd have to give them another day for the challenge because of the time they'd be losing going all the way down there, waiting around to do it and then traveling back (with likely a photo op in there somewhere). This way they could just walk a few blocks to Times Square, pretend to be thrilled at the projection on the side of the building and then get right back to work. That's maybe 30 minutes right there. (And seriously, they were overreacting something fierce to that bell ringing. Hopefully none of them are thinking of quitting fashion for acting!)


Looking forward to Cat Deeley next week! She's always a treat!

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I think the designers use neoprene as it will keep its shape and so they don't have to worry about, you know, construction.  Interfacings, seams, darts, you know are just too much for these designers.....and actually they may very well be with only 1 day to make a garment.


The closing bell is really not such a big deal-the opening bell is much more watched and televised when a person of significance has been invited to ring it.  I couldn't believe how they went on and on about nothing really.  And, to interrupt the 1 day the designers had to work on their garments in order to stand outside and shriek.  Ridiculous.


What's interesting to me is that the big prize is to sell a collection on QVC (and quite frankly it's an opportunity for the winner to quickly reach a huge potential client pool and make some quick sales), and yet I can't really picture many of these designers doing well in front of the QVC audience.  Michelle and her obvious distain of clients who aren't cool like her?  Helen and her scissors cutting her neck tattoo combined with her nails?  I just can't see either of them winning as I don't think the QVC audience would embrace them.  So, we have the influence of Marie Claire and judges who see themselves as fashion forward who will be awarding a prize that entails designing and selling to QVC's audience (by the way, I often shop via QVC as I like many of their brands-although I haven't bought anything from Isaac).  Guest fashion editor at Marie Claire and clothing line at QVC.  One is not like the other.  It will be interesting to see which one determines the winner.

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I've always said button-down shirts.  I've never heard the phrase "button-up" shirt before to be honest.  I love button-down dresses too, I think they're so sexy :)


Helen makes the same goddamn pieces over and over again since her season.  The fact that she's never called out on this, my god!


I find it so funny that the show wants to save Fabio every week so no matter what he does he's safe.  I like him too I have to admit.  This week I only liked his looks and Sonjia's -- I thought he'd be in the top!   His separates were at least ultra-adorable, no?  That top looked like leather, was it?  But as soon as I realized he made a skort I was like....... 


Dmirty's were weird, outdated, and I couldn't see the relation between the two of them.  I usually like him enough but this week was very 80's ballroom.  Remember how big royal blue was back then?  And corvette yellow.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3
Helen makes the same goddamn pieces over and over again since her season.  The fact that she's never called out on this, my god!

Only certain designers get called out for making the same things over and over. The judges are very selective about that, which makes no sense to anyone who has functioning eyeballs.

  • Love 11

Going into this episode, I thought this might be the one episode where the designers make things I would actually wear. So much for that. The only thing I'd ever consider purchasing is Sonjia's top. And actually, I did look at it on QVC.com, and am considering it. Even though they completely changed it. And now that it's black, you can't really see what they did to it.


I don't have the hate for Michelle that so many others here do. Whatever she did in her own season seems to have turned people off sufficiently, that there is nothing she can say or do that doesn't provoke a negative response. I'm seeing her without the bias of that past season, and I find her comments about other people's looks are often dead on and quite funny.  Unfortunately, she lacks the ability to turn that same critical eye to her own creations.  If anyone else made a head-to-toe matchy matchy outfit like she did, and claimed (a) it has mass appeal and (b) it would work for women of any size, she would have rolled her eyes so hard, they would have fallen out of her head and bounced around on the floor.


Having said that, I did like the puffy sleeves.


It seemed like a lot of the designers failed to understand that QVC is all about innocuous fashion with mass appeal. Much of the stuff on QVC is just plain boring. I can't imagine why these designers thought crop tops, overwhelming patterns, neoprene, and whatever Jay's pants were made of, were correct choices for this challenge. And I don't understand Fabio's logic in making a one-of-a-kind fabric for a garment that would have to be mass produced.


It was ironic watching Helen sit there with those nails, and those tattoos, and that attitude, talking about someone's else's choices being ugly.


When they are obligating the winning look to be worn or sold, they need to give the designers an extra day.  It's just not fair to the client.

Oh, I'd say it's fair to the client, considering they get to completely change everything about the winning look. With the exception of Heidi's blue fringe dress, I can't think of any winning garment that went out in public as-is. (Not that I remember umpteen seasons of winning garments.) But it does make me interested to see how Sonjia's gold Ceasar's Palace outfit will be transformed for Alyssa.


And I am so tired of the designers making black dresses and adding details in black that you can't see unless the camera zooms WAY in on them. It wasn't until judging that I saw she'd put that black floral lace on the shoulders of the black dress. It's invisible.

YES. Although in this case, that helped Helen out, since those embellishments were hiddy.  I would love to see a season where they're not allowed to use black as the main color for any of the challenges.

I didn't know this was a thing. I have never used the term, "button up", in my life.

Ditto. I've always called them button down shirts. But I have never called the casino game russian roulette.

I loved what a big deal they thought ringing the NASDAQ bell was.  It's not exactly the Dow.

Not that anyone cares about the Dow either. That was probably one of the most fast-forwarded moments of the entire season.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 5
Michelle said she knows what women, size 0 to 24, want to wear. That's it? Beyond 24 she has no idea?


As a woman who falls inbetween those sizes but much closer to the big number than the little, I'd say she does not know what women want to wear because there's no way a larger woman would want to wear that hideous print and those hideous designs. I'm a big enough girl already but add that print and I'm a fucking sofa. 


The only thing I would like for Sonjia's look for a plus sized gal I would like the top to be a little longer. It just kissed the waist band and for me that means if I have to lift my arms up for anything I'd be showing stomach and I don't like to do that. 



Here is the QVC page with Sonjia's top and skirt.  They changed both to black.     The top is now a jacket, too.

I do love it as a little jacket. If I could feel the fabric they're using before buying I'd consider it, but I have a huge fabric texture thing. 

  • Love 7

I felt bad for the QVC woman looking at those choices. I can just imagine her having to go back to the QVC execs with half that stuff. Sonjia was really the only option as the rest was just not feasible for selling to the masses (once they lower the hemline of the underskirt). I liked her yellow dress as well- it was to be fashion forward so the crazy neckline didn't bother me, but liked it better without the jacket.


Michelle's print was big and busy, then her design was big and busy. Looked like the 1975 Butterick pattern catalog.


I liked Dmitry's yellow dress, but neoprene is the strangest choice for ready to wear. I would love to hear a QVC host trying to talk up the positives of that "fabrication" (the QVC word of choice for fabric).


Fabio's dyed fabric was just a sad, pastel mess. When I clean up the mess that kids make after painting the Clorox wipe will look exactly like that. Adding a sagging ribbon would not make it a fashion forward dress.

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Why would they change Sonjia's outfit to black? Now you can't see any of the eyelet detail of the fabric, which was what made it so pretty. Sigh.


Also, I forgot to mention how hilarious I thought that bit at the end was where Isaac called out Fabio before he could leave the runway. "Hey, Fabio, you've been in the bottom a lot lately. Since we already earmarked you as the winner of this season, we're gonna need you to get your shit together and stop making such ugly crap, okay?"

  • Love 13

When I saw Sonjia's gray outfit I knew she was going to win.  The top was very pretty and I thought QVC could sell it to a lot of people.  Michelle's print - I swear I had a blouse or dress in a similar print back in the 70s.  I didn't mind the print that much or the design but both together was way too much!  Circus clown pajamas.  If the print had some solid fabric mixed in or if it was a smaller dress, OK.  Those two looks side by side were too much for the eye.  Since I just had my annual physical this morning, Fabio's dress reminded me of the tie gown you change into at the doctor's office.  There are some that have a similar pattern to his tie-dye look.

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Why would they change Sonjia's outfit to black? Now you can't see any of the eyelet detail of the fabric, which was what made it so pretty. Sigh.


I definitely agree it looks great in gray.  With it as more a jacket you could put a pretty colored blouse like pink or red under for a 'pop of color' and I think it would help highlight the eyelet detail. In the picture on the website it looks like it is over a basic LBD so you definitely can't see the detailing unless you zoom in. 

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Speaking of NASDAQ, why in the world did they drag the designers away from precious - and much needed - work time to stand and gawk from the sidewalk? So bizarre. And stupid.

ETA: Saw that Wootini covered that earlier. Reinforcing the notion that it was a terrible waste of time.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I thought I had a bunch of stuff that I wanted to post running through my head, but when I looked at the blank little box, I realized I'm not sure how much I even care anymore.

I FLOVE Dmitry, but he is underwhelming me and it saddens me. I don't have a problem with his colours in this challenge because at least he didn't do all black all the time 24/7/365. Do not get me wrong; I love black, but I am so tired of Helen ONLY using black, red or griege/beige/dirty white that I don't really want to see anymore black, at least for the next few days.

I am beginning to wonder if they ARE setting this up to be Helen's redemption. Not having anything to do with Tim and his insane, inane, unwarranted love for her, but just because Isaac, Georgina and Alyssa have no taste?? I can't figure it out. I must admit at this point, I'm fairly mystified with almost everything having to do with this show. Which I had been looking forward to. And now I'm just ready for a PR break.

Fabio is probably destined to go home next week. Or not. Obviously, Isaac's comment on the runway was setting up something. So it's either his *shocking* ouster or he'll win the challenge. He is boring me to tears. In fact, I thought Jay's was better than his in some aspects. At least it wasn't the same old hippie dippy shapes over and over again. With pastel tie dye. Kudos to him for not going to the black well for every challenge, though.

I want to like Michelle because she does at least TRY (albeit mostly unsuccessfully) to do some different shapes and patterns. Prints ARE HUGE right now, but not for QVC viewers. Also, there's her whole personality, which for me is the camel's backbreaking straw.

Sonjia's was the best, but I'm not sure how complimentary that is in the context of this show. I was disappointed to see that they made it black for sale on QVC because I loved the gray and that charcoal is almost as flattering as black for the figure-conscious shoppers.

I'm so confused by how weirdly everything has gone on the show to date that I can't even work up a good snark.

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Color me shocked but I liked Helen's outfits. The challenge was to make separate you could wear with other things as well as together. Someone could easily wear her red skirt with another top or that cute top with skinny black pants.


I HATED Michelle's. HATED. It was too much of an ugly print. If you're going to go full print, it needs to be small. Plus, once a woman has worn the whole outfit, it makes less sense to wear the bottom with something or the top with something, you've seen the print before, it would be too repetitive. It had no versatility.


And Fabio, ugh. I think they are waiting to give him the "redemption win." So, so, so ugly. I had a sundress in the 80's with those baby colors and frankly, I never wore it. Droopy sackdress is not design.

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I loved what a big deal they thought ringing the NASDAQ bell was. It's not exactly the Dow.
I didn't get this either. The designers literally stood in the middle of the street and lost their shit because...what...a damn advertisement they saw? I thought Helen was gonna piss herself over it? And they didn't even get to go into the stock exchange. They just stood out there like a bunch of jackasses. God why didn't a bus come by and plow them over?? And who in the hell is going to pay $5,000 ($5,000?!?!) for one of Helen's dresses. Bitch please!
Sonjia's was the best, but I'm not sure how complimentary that is in the context of this show.

IKR?  There is nothing that I really love so it's just which design sucks the least.  What is with Dmitry and his love for Neoprene?  The way he goes on about it you would think he invented it.  And that's a shame because I really like him but this time around he just bugs!

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I'm not disliking Michelle as a person this season like I did in her original season, but I can't understand why she always picks such ugly color combinations and patterns. Maroon and mustard yellow floral? Really? Her fabric was hideous, and nothing she did to it would have made it better. I also thought Sonjia's grey/mustard combo was ugly, but at least her designs were good.


My six year old did tie dye at summer camp that looked a lot like Fabio's fabric. That isn't a compliment.

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Why would they change Sonjia's outfit to black? Now you can't see any of the eyelet detail of the fabric, which was what made it so pretty. Sigh.

I agree, I thought it looked so bland on the website. Especially since the "detail" pictures were still relatively small and dark. I imagine in person it's more visible, but I still don't see why they wouldn't want to make sure you can actually see the detail that makes that top more than just a big black smock. I liked it better in the gray Sonjia did it in.

  • Love 4

Michelle's print - I swear I had a blouse or dress in a similar print back in the 70s. 



It made me think of really bad IKEA curtains or a bedspread.



I'm not disliking Michelle as a person this season like I did in her original season, but I can't understand why she always picks such ugly color combinations and patterns.


She does it consistently, so it's not a matter of a mistake.  It a matter of bad taste.

Edited by terrymct
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I didn't get this either. The designers literally stood in the middle of the street and lost their shit because...what...a damn advertisement they saw?


I can only assume they were happy to be getting some fresh air.  And, any publicity for their show might ultimately help them...I dunno, that moment lost me, too.  Especially when the bell turned out to be some kind of touch screen, and the judges didn't even look that into it (Georgina especially looked lost, imho).  


I like Michelle.  I also think she's deliberately making bad outfits for fun.


I don't think this season is Helen's redemption, because she sort of got that tonight via Michelle's comment about her weakness in RTW.  I think it's going to Sanjia.  To me, the judging has been the weirdest with her (except tonight- I liked her stuff tonight).  Her stuff is decent, but she seems to be floating through from what I remember.  I was really annoyed with her whole "I'm just a natural genius" schtick last night though, so I could be way off base.


I was disappointed in this challenge because it was introduced as the business of fashion.  I wanted them to have smaller budgets, or at least to explain how to translate their runway looks into something that can be easily mass-produced for sale on QVC, especially with something like what Dimitry made.  I wanted more of the basics, like what fabric they'd use to make it, what the price point would be- that sort of thing- and I wanted them to be judged partly on that.

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phoenix, I'd actually be okay with Sonjia's winning because a) she's not Helen; b) she's not Helen and 3) she doesn't have a tattoo pair of scissors sticking through her neck. Also, I've always kind of liked her. She was on season 10 with Dmitry, right? And I remember thinking at the time that I wish she had gone to Fashion Week instead of Melissa, who kind of did the same look over and over again.

Although I guess they ALL do that. Dmitry is doing his ice skater ballroom dancer skin diver outfits ad nauseum.

Fabio is doing 80s slouch/ oversized with a 70s twist.

Michelle is still doing her same colour scheme from her season.

Helen is doing capelets, cape dresses and capes. Sometimes the shredding and bath loofah details. I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out who would pay $5K for a dress from her.

They're all making my head hurt.

  • Love 5

99% of the world wears RTW clothing. I love how the contestants are stupified by the concept of RTW. Neoprene crop top and a pencil skirt. I have seen that eleventy billion times on PR. And those colors. Oh my eyes. 


I liked Jay's RTW top and the pants would have been fine if they were made out of another material. He FF dress was horrible. If you make a dress and it makes yor model who is probably a 00 and 6 ft tall  look wide, can you imagine what it would like on a normal person? Same for Michelle, her designs made her models look wide in the hips. I realize that most PR designers are print averse, but using a print does not make one automatically  innovative. 


Helen can have many seats with her complaining that she doesn't do RTW. Puleeze  Her FF look was ok, but her RTW, horrible. 


Oh, Fabio, his FF looked like a drop cloth used when painting a pink and blue bedroom. cut a couple of armholes, tie a ribbon around the waist and voila, fashion!


Sonji's was ok, but that crop top and pencil shirt would not translate well in to large sizes. And I wouldn't be caught dead in eyelet anything. 


Just as an aside, I wonder why George isn't on Fashion Police anymore. Julianna and Kelly are both still there, Kathy Griffin replaced Joan. I wonder if it was a mutual decison to replace him or did he get the heave ho.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Put on your button-down shirt before you button up your overcoat.  


I think leighdear explained it clearly on the first page of this thread.  At least, I assume she knows what she's talking about -- sure sounds like it.

Yes. Button-down is a specific term for a very specific piece of clothing -- a shirt (typically, a man's) with a collar that buttons down to the shirt front. If you call your blouse a button-down and show me an ordinary blouse that buttons up the front I'd be very confused.

  • Love 4

Looks like Sonjia's skirt comes in black and in "charcoal." Not a huge difference in the colors (both so dark) but the charcoal seems to allow for showing more of the squares detail. I also like seeing that both the top and the skirt come in sizes 2 to 28. That's impressive. Not that I'd buy it, because I'm not in love with the style, but I appreciate when any designer or company offers such a range. I HATE when I fall in love with an outfit and then I see the company only goes up to size 8. Seriously?

  • Love 1


Yes. Button-down is a specific term for a very specific piece of clothing -- a shirt (typically, a man's) with a collar that buttons down to the shirt front.

It is and the point was to keep the collar tabs from flopping up into your face when you were on the proverbial playing fields of Eton or on the back of your polo pony, as memory serves. There was a real reason for them beyond a fashion statement.


Just saying.

  • Love 5

Does everyone who hates Michelle's print also hate Mondo's mix of prints, which were always large (much larger than hers) and usually quite colorful?  Of course I'm one of the few who didn't find the print that awful, but I have to admit that I frequently wonder if disliking a designer shades what the opinion of the fashion is. 


Mondo is better at selecting prints and laying them out against/beside each other.  He occasionally lands a dud, but overall he's good at contrasting colors and patters.  Michelle's prints were two versions of the same thing with basically reversed colors.  That's what made the pattern too much for me, for a start.  


Here's his all stars final collection.  He dropped solids in there and contrasting patterns to break things up.   


And his regular season final collection.  Again, nothing was all in one pattern.

  • Love 7


Does everyone who hates Michelle's print also hate Mondo's mix of prints, which were always large (much larger than hers) and usually quite colorful?  Of course I'm one of the few who didn't find the print that awful, but I have to admit that I frequently wonder if disliking a designer shades what the opinion of the fashion is.


I think I missed Mondo's season (and I didn't see Michelle's season either), so I don't have a huge dislike of her or anything like that. The print itself wasn't even terrible to me, but the way she used it all over was too much. I even agree with the recappers Sarah and Tara that she did a good job of thinking of sizes with her color-blocking and side panels. But I think the print was just too much to have all over the entire garment, especially on the "fashion forward" one. For me this was a case of "less is more."

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Does everyone who hates Michelle's print also hate Mondo's mix of prints, which were always large (much larger than hers) and usually quite colorful?


When I think of Mondo's prints, the one that immediately comes to mind is the pink with black crosses that he made into a pair of slim fitting pants. 



I'm not into big patterns, or high waist pants, but the fabric is fun, I thought the pants were well made, and I could see a certain girl wanting to wear them. However, if he'd made a blouse in the same fabric, or in a reverse fabric (pink crosses on black) like Michelle did, it would've been a disaster. And when I mentally superimpose his fabric on top of MIchelle's designs from last night, I feel a massive headache coming on.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 6

And who in the hell is going to pay $5,000 ($5,000?!?!) for one of Helen's dresses. Bitch please!

Yeah, fashion forward women with the money to spend $5,000 on dresses wouldn't be caught dead in what Helen makes. Her aesthetic is very derivative to begin with (her collection for her original season was obviously inspired by the Balenciaga and Valentino archives), and her taste is off the majority of the time.  


I kind of think all of these "All Stars" should be eliminated. Since that can't happen, I'm just hoping that Gollum doesn't take the prize.

Edited by ThatsDarling
  • Love 3

I agree with many others that Michelle's print was just too much... the print itself might have been fine, but it was way, way too much of the print. A solid color in there would have helped a ton... and really, her RTW and FF looks almost looked identical, too much so even for being a coordinating collection.


I'm glad Sonjia won, I liked both of her outfits the best. I didn't mind the yellow dress at all, I thought the color worked well with the gray and it looked nice on the model.

I did like Dimitry's yellow dress as well, especially if I could pretend it wasn't made of neoprene. I do see the ballroom dancer in it, but it was visually appealing, and again, looked great with the model's skin tone. His blue outfit was less successful for me.

Helen's black dress was boring, and definitely made me think of a bug with the beetle wings on the back (and yes, she totally made a similar look her season) her separates weren't anything to write home about.


I agree that Jay had the worst looks and should go home... so I guess I at least agreed with the judges winner and loser even if their commentary in between made no sense. Fabio was definitly on the edge for me as well and I would have been okay with him being out as well.


I don't get why anybody cared about the stock exchange thing, but that's just me.


There was one great moment though, at least that I thought was hilarious- there was a talking head of Helen bitching about Sonjia's outfits and that the yellow was a horrible color and old granny.... and then it cut to a talking head of Michelle rambling about something else wearing a top that exact shade of yellow. It made me laugh at the editing monkey's handiwork.

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I am really surprised (don't know why anything on this show surprises me anymore!) the judges do not ever mention a designer using the same design they did in their regular season of PR.  This happened most recently as last night with Helen and last week with Dmitry.  Do the judges not even know what the designers created in their regular seasons?  If not, why?  If they do, why are they not asking the designers why they are repeating themselves? 

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I was disappointed in this challenge because it was introduced as the business of fashion.  I wanted them to have smaller budgets, or at least to explain how to translate their runway looks into something that can be easily mass-produced for sale on QVC, especially with something like what Dimitry made.  I wanted more of the basics, like what fabric they'd use to make it, what the price point would be- that sort of thing- and I wanted them to be judged partly on that.

Agreed!  I was hoping it would turn into one of those challenges where they meet with people in the industry and have to set a price point for the items, then make the simplicity/intricacy of the design and fabric choice fit into that price point.  I always find those interesting.  This, was not.


Jay's red dress was the top he originally had right?  He just tacked a bottom on it on the second day while the models were getting (product placement) hair and makeup?  I liked it as a top.

  • Love 1

Mondo never impressed me much...always seemed like he was designing to a very tiny specific group of people who lived in his head. He was pretty arrogant too. Michelle is just plain obnoxious, has bad taste, a swelled head, and presents herself, seemingly, to be as ugly as possible. I just can't with her. Can't look at her, can't listen to her, can't stand her designs. Hated both "looks". Picturing her in one of those dresses only makes it worse.

  • Love 4

I have been baffled by that fabric. Who - other than Michelle, who's batshit IMO - would buy that? Who would wear that? It would even be ugly as drapes. How did that fabric even get produced in the first place? Had someone I liked, like Sonjia, chosen that fabric, I would have been screaming at my TV worried that the fabric alone would get her booted.


It was the very definition of ugly.


Also, while I'm ranting, if someone is going to design me a gown, I want that designer to look like he or she could plausibly walk down the red carpet, too. I don't have a problem with tattoos and edgy hair styles on most people, and if the designer is going after whatever is hip these days, that's fine. But I want a gown designer to have less ink than Helen and less overall weird than Michelle. YMMV.

  • Love 8


I was disappointed in this challenge because it was introduced as the business of fashion.  I wanted them to have smaller budgets, or at least to explain how to translate their runway looks into something that can be easily mass-produced for sale on QVC, especially with something like what Dimitry made.  I wanted more of the basics, like what fabric they'd use to make it, what the price point would be- that sort of thing- and I wanted them to be judged partly on that.

I would have loved that too.  That's the kind of thing that makes for compelling TV when you're watching a reality show about a creative process -- at least, it would for me.  Instead, they give us the designers gawking at a neon sign and ringing a closing bell at a second-tier exchange.  Do TPTB really imagine that marketing-based coverage about their partnerships with QVC and CHI and Mary Kay makes for better TV than footage of designers actually designing?  Product placement is one thing.  Going completely off-topic to do it is another.  I don't believe for a second that their revenues are increasing from these decisions because they're turning off the viewers, so that more and more of their audience is turning the show off, no?

  • Love 3

I'll start out by saying I really don't know why I care anymore but what the heck..


1.  I'm alone I know but I hated Sonjia's look.  I think she's a serious one trick pony (lace, lace, cutout fabric).  I thought those separates would not size at all well on anyone over a Size 8, made her model look fat and no waisted, and the color very meh.   The skirt did nothing for me at all.   Her yellow dress, I didn't mind but without the jacket and it had to lose that ridiculous cowl neck: made the model look like a banana. In other words, it was ok as long as you changed everything first...

2. The fact that QVC completely, and I mean, completely, redesigned the top before offering it speaks volumes:  they are NOT the same design:  they've used an eyehole lighter weight fabric for a start and it also looks longer and has a more flattering sleeve.

3.  I like prints:  they hide stains beautifully!  Michelle failed by using too much of the print.  The top with a simple cream skirt would have been lovely.  I didn't care for the FF look very much: too granny 70s for me.  I also thought the fabric needed lining or something -- it seems very thin.

4. Fabio, oh Fabio:  Didn't mind the RTW, except that top looked uncomfortable.  I think he needs to learn how to cut wearable armholes and sleeves as it appears to be a problem with all his clothes.  That home made fabric might have worked had there been any actual structure to the garment, but it looked like a 1-hour shift we made in Home Ec class

5. Dimitry:  enough with the neoprene!  I agree with whoever said that he's using it because he doesn't need to finish seams in any way or use interfacing, or any real construction work thus saving time.   I want a hands-up of all of those who would actually wear neoprene outside of a swimming pool?  I quite liked the design of his blue outfit -- I thought the top especially nice, but never ever ever would I wear that in cobalt neoprene.  And the yellow monstrosity was right off the competition dance floor (except the dancers would melt away if they tried to dance more than 2 minutes wearing it)

6. I didn't hate Jay's work this week.  Am I the only one who thinks he looks like BD Wong's brother?

7. Helen.  Just no.  Another stupid crop top that does nothing for anyone.  And if I see that bloody cap/cape sleeve construction again I'll scream (oh wait, I did: several times)

I don't know what's going with with Izak and Fabio (shades of Anthony) but Fabio absolutely deserved the AUF this week.


OK Enough.  I've vented.  Waiting for the catharsis....

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Does anyone know if Michelle's model use to be on America's Next Top Model?  A few weeks ago I was watching an old ANTM marathon (college edition) and she looks like someone who was on that show.


Yes, that's Nastasia, and she was Fabio's model before the switch.  Nastasia made it to final four in cycle 19, she was my favorite.

Helen said last week that avant garde isn't her thing.  This week separates aren't her thing.  So what's left?  Dresses? Most of hers are crap on a cracker.


I have always really liked Dmitry, if for nothing else than "one way monkey", but his blue outfit was so Star Trek it wasn't funny. (Kudos for Madding crowd for calling it out first.)  Plus, I will never not associate neoprene with toilet dying.  Thank Ra'mon for that.  Michelle's prints were just pajamas, straight up and down.  One modern PJs, one old lady PJs.


I loved Sonjia's day wear outfit.  The yellow look, not so much.  Jay's and Fabio's looks were just so boring, I don't really have any memory of them.


What I do remember is this was a QVC challenge.  (Anyone remember when there were decent sponsors?)  Yeah, the Miz is on QVC, but this is what it produces:



(Notice the model in pink in the background, probably dying because she actually took 4th grade science at some point in her life.)


Previously, my snobbery about QVC as a PR sponsor was based on prejudice since I have never really watched the show.  But gah!  That clip is a horror!  Between the ignorance and the clothes! It would be hard to think of a worse representation of our nation.

Designers have no idea how to make marketable separates. I've been looking for a decent skirt for years.



I like to wear quality basics--blouses, shirts, skirts and jeans THAT LAST and I don't mind paying for them and jazzing them up with accessories but it's getting harder and harder to find them.  When I do, I generally buy them in multiples, usually in  different colors.  Most of what I see lately is, sadly, fads.

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Is having your looks on QVC something a designer really wants. Never once heard one say I want to be a famous fashion designer and hawk my clothes on a shopping channel.

I am convinced Dimitri is into S&M and his safe word is neoprene, he is really into that fabric!

Guess I am fashion challenged because I do not get or like Sanjis designs, but the judges are constantly slobbering all over her.

Okay Fabio no woman wants a dress with a bunch of fabric bunched up under her ass. Looked like the model had shat herself and was carrying the load around.

Alyssa looks and sounds so uncomfortable, seriously did she give birth to a 16 pound baby or what?!

Again Zannas outfit in the workroom has me convinced she got her job in fashion through nepotism or something that was one ugly dress.

Okay tirade over, on to next week

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Does everyone who hates Michelle's print also hate Mondo's mix of prints, which were always large (much larger than hers) and usually quite colorful? Of course I'm one of the few who didn't find the print that awful, but I have to admit that I frequently wonder if disliking a designer shades what the opinion of the fashion is.

I hate Michelle's prints but usually loved Mondo's. I think the first issue this week was scale. The print that Michelle was too large to work well head to toe. The second issue was the color combination of the print which made it look very 70s and dated. The third problem was her designing itself. If she had made the exact same outfits in another color or pattern, I might have hated those outfits less but even if I picture them, say, in plain black, I wouldn't love either of them.

Mondo, on the other hand, had an eye for choosing prints with the right color combinations and scale. Uli was also really good with prints. But on top of that, if you remade their designs in plain black, I would still like the design aspects like the silhouette.

For example, Mondo's outfit with the purple pants would still look chic in head to toe black or if you reversed the prints so the pants were the black/grey print and the top was the purple print. IIRC that purple print is the one he designed (to represent his HIV status). The plus signs were very bold and graphic so he kept the silhouette of the design sleek and paired it with a much smaller print.

Michelle, on the other hand, chose a large print and used it all over. That's hard to pull off in most cases. Once you factor in the ugly color combination and the actual pieces themselves, there is nothing there that I like.

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