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S05.E08: Wining And Dining

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Every other shot in tonight's show was a shot of Brandi downing a gulp of wine. The editors knew what they were doing. Brandi's an alcoholic. No excuse whatsoever for her vile behavior. The wine toss. The incredibly rude and crass comment to Babyface's wife. The crass finger f*cking comment. She's a nasty drunk and a bitch. Sadly, this seems to be the kind of drama Bravo loves. I just hope she offends enough people that they stop including her in things. I don't know what else would get her off this show.


I don't think she's going anywhere.  Brandi probably has no other source of income except this show.  She knows that if she's not outrageous, if people aren't talking about her, then she'll be shown the door because she's "boring."  The worst thing you can be on reality shows is boring.  No matter how crass or trashy you are, as long as people are talking about you, you're okay.

  • Love 8

There was an actress who played on Y&R years ago named Kimberlin Brown. She played this diabolical character named Sheila. She said one day she was in a public restroom when this random stranger started beating the crap out of her. She said the woman really believed she was Sheila until she snapped out of it.

I would never thought to have seen Babyface on a show like this. He always seemed so shy about his private life. But I guess he's changed post-Tracy. He wouldn't even let people call him Babyface. He wanted people to call him Kenny or just "Face." Which is so stupid because why choose it as your stage name? It's not like it was his childhood name. Bootsy Collins gave it to him.

And you're not likely to see him again, huh? : )

  • Love 3

You know when children like another child and they pull that kids hair, or push over their blocks, to get attention because they don't know how to express their feelings? Well, that's Brandi. She gets lots of feelings that she doesn't know how to handle, or express, so she throws wine/sits on laps/has verbal diarrhea. Same with the feelings she can't deal with post Eddie cheating.

Somewhere in her life she became emotionally arrested and is still dealing with adult emotions and situations in a childlike manner.

Reasons not excuses. Jeez...I'm so over her and wish she was off my tv. Brandi is NOT the RHoBH type person I enjoy watching.

It occurred to me how ashamed her mother and father must be watching Brandi behave like an out of control sociopath on National television. People will initially wonder what kind of f**ked up childhood she had.

  • Love 6

I went through a phase when I looked up naughty words in the dictionary in front of friends and accidentally on purpose would say 'shit' instead of 'this'. I thought it made me seem wild. Rebellious. Cool. The other fifth graders wouldn't be able to decide if they were afraid of me or wanted to be me.

But it was just kind of awkward and uncomfortable, so I stopped. Fast forward three decades and I'm watching Brandi pretending that references to eating pussy and finger banging carry enough shock value for the popular girls to be awed by her wildness. It's so desperate. There's something really off about Brandi this season.

  • Love 14


Ergo, why Lisa Rinna has won some permanent appreciation from me with "I'd be coming over that table" and "it would have ended with a call to the police."

The producers love to do this.  We have seen the trailer of Lisa Rinna going bat shit over Kim (we think) and throwing a wine glass of her own.  Oh Bravo - your editing is great.  Glass houses Lisa R.  Glass houses.


And as for the White Trash comment, does she remember who was loudly chanting, "Cunnilingus! Cunnilingus!" at lunch in the previous episode?


I think Lisa R. is going to get some rough treatment next season if she sticks around.  Her perpetually perky, upbeat attitude, her snarky daughters and her little comments may give the editors a lot to work with.  They love a challenge.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 6

Okay end of discussion about Brandi being hurt over Jeff's STD comment.  She is now tweeting: 


"People Jeff Lewis and I were  joking.  I turned it around cuz I couldn't stop laughing and we wanted to fool Andy."


Again Brandi is not a particularly good actress.

That whole thing looked like a setup to me. I checked the look that Jeff gave Brandi after the break and noticed a pause that Andy made before Brandi took the opportunity to throw the wine. It was all a setup.  All of it is a setup, even the wine thrown at Eileen. We would all rather 'believe' it's real than face the fact that these franchises are all contrived, scripted and setup intentionally to peak our anger and curiosity.

  • Love 2

I'm still not entirely sure I believe that JR cheated on her. In my mind, they had an open, on-off relationship. He finally got sick of her and moved on, maybe did it in a shitty way by just ceasing to call or return calls.


Or...His boss, Mauricio, gently or not gently, suggested he break it off with the loon or his services would no longer be needed?


This show is no longer fun to watch. Brandi does not fit in with these women. She has no class, no manners and she can NOT read a room. I was so embarrassed and appalled by her behavior. I applaud Eileen because I would have lunged across the table and ripped Brandi's weave from her head.  You could tell Eileen was hurt and angry and humiliated. I would have been too. Even Yolanda was shocked. And yet Brandi just sat there like the moron she is and didn't even offer an apology.


When she was asked on WWHL if she was sorry for throwing the wine at Eileen she said, yeah she was sorry she wasted the wine.

  • Love 3

There were two things that made me think the wine throwing was a set up - one was the hat that Eileen didn't take off until right before it and two was that you watched Brandi finish almost all of the wine in the glass before she threw it, so there was hardly any wine that was thrown.


Though I appreciated the ladies talking about it and TELLING Brandi to her face that they were talking about her/it, there was something about Eileen's reaction/retelling to others that rubbed me the wrong way.  Like she was some simpering historical belle of the south.  "Why, I have no IDEA why she threw all that wine at me. It was so horrible."

  • Love 7
Yes. I totally agree, and I find it repulsive that Eileen and Rinna find it so funny to openly make fun of her. Saying she's so "weird" and "crazy." I don't respect that behavior at all. But, if I've not made it clear enough across the board, I'm completely never okay with mocking or attacking people for reasons that they either have no or little control over and while drinking is literally voluntarily, there should be a suspicion of addiction and/or mental illness in this case...suspicion enough to show empathy or at least avoidance



I don't think Brandi's mentally ill at all. She's possible got a drinking problem, but the wine throwing seemed more about Brandi coming up with something she thought would be outrageous and it just not coming off at all. I think she's got as much control over her behavior as everyone else. Since she's watched Days she's decided to play up being a fan to Eileen. It's not crazy, it's just pathetic (either in a calculated way for attention or because, like many fans, she doesn't have a clear idea of how it's coming across). Her point to Eileen seemed to be that since Eileen was on TV Brandi was entitled to a certain kind of performance from her. I think they both had good reason not to have much empathy for her there. Brandi was, imo, clearly lying when she claimed she thought she was "in a soap opera" in that moment. She just, imo, thought it would be shocking in a way that made her seem hilarious.


I'm also so bored with the tears over kids going to college. Though I don't blame it entirely on the women. The show obviously pushes them to talk about this stuff as the thing happening in their life and I don't blame them for having sad feelings about it on some level. Kyle seems to mostly treat the whole thing in a healthy way instead of making it a huge deal, but she's not immune to the "my baby's growing up!" cliche either.


I did like the contrast of Kyle teaching her kid how to do laundry vs. Yolanda picking out a fancy NYC apartment for her kid who recently got a DUI.

  • Love 10

Here's the extended scene of the White Trash segment. Interesting to see how much ends up on the editing floor




I have a friend that loves to say inapporpriate things and has no filter. It's funny a few times, but then gets old reeeaaaallly fast. We did a girls trip once and I had to go home early because she was getting on my last fucking nerve. However, she's not as bad as Brandi.


Best scene of the night was LisaR in Yolanda's fridge!

  • Love 4

Is this the first time Yolanda has said she couldn't speak for two years?

...I heard it too...can somebody point out to Yolanda there is a couple seasons of footage of the little show she's on that points to the contrary...


...wasn't it last season she was bedridden for 18 months or something...

Edited by CyberJawa1986
  • Love 6

Here's the extended scene of the White Trash segment. Interesting to see how much ends up on the editing floor




I have a friend that loves to say inapporpriate things and has no filter. It's funny a few times, but then gets old reeeaaaallly fast. We did a girls trip once and I had to go home early because she was getting on my last fucking nerve. However, she's not as bad as Brandi.


Best scene of the night was LisaR in Yolanda's fridge!


After watching the clip, I call bigger BS.  Who says that, "I went right into Days of Our Lives mode" - WHAT?  That makes zero sense.  She can't even own her behavior.  Everything she does/says is because she's drunk or "in the moment".  And just because you tell someone you're going to throw a drink in their face, doesn't make it ok to actually do it.  

  • Love 7

Oh stop with the slut shaming.  Since she has been on the show, Brandi has only dated J.R.


You sure must be kidding or being sarcastic. Brandi has bragged about the footbal player, the boy toy from Australia? she has commented about her multiple scapades , I have even lost count, this woman will get under anything that moves. I read another blog that write about her podcast and the way Brand brags about her sexual scapades as an almost daily event is pathetic.


In the famous words of Phaedra, if it quaks like a duck and walks like a duck .......

Edited by Wendy
  • Love 10

I enjoyed Kyle's home scenes and how the dogs are so much a part of the family. In one scene the golden retriever is trying to get something off the kitchen table and in the next scene another dog is blocking the washer/dryer. Now that's reality.

One of my favourite moments last night was River trying to get in the mix during the laundry room scene.

  • Love 7

You sure must be kidding or being sarcastic. Brandi has bragged about the footbal player, the boy toy from Australia? she has commented about her multiple scapades , I have even lost count, this woman will get under anything that moves.


And Vanderpump will lord over anyone that moves, huh, it's a shame those two kids couldn't work it out

  • Love 2

Yeah, I'm of the train of thought that Brandi is not mentally ill, nor is she an addict.  In my opinion, though, she is mentally stunted (in that "arrested development" way) at about ...oh age 17. Not to mention a narcissist and an attention whore to the Nth degree.  While she used to make semi-entertaining television, she is now just painful and sad to watch.  I hope that this season is her last. 


I'm also so bored with the tears over kids going to college. Though I don't blame it entirely on the women. The show obviously pushes them to talk about this stuff as the thing happening in their life and I don't blame them for having sad feelings about it on some level. Kyle seems to mostly treat the whole thing in a healthy way instead of making it a huge deal, but she's not immune to the "my baby's growing up!" cliche either.


Agreed.  I mean, I get that it's sad when your kids leave the nest.  But she is going to be an HOUR away from home.  Um, people who work in NYC and live in Jersey or CT travel upwards of TWO HOURS every day each way just to get between work and home.  Like, get some perspective Kyle.  I could see if she was moving across the country like Gigi and Bella but....an hour?  Yep, Kyle's dramatic waterworks are getting the side-eye from me.


I do, however, agree that Kyle looks really great this season and I love her dogs!  

  • Love 5

Can't stand Brandi - never could but what bothers me more is the way Bravo edited that lunch.  After Brandi threw the wine the last shot of Eileen - you could tell she had been crying.  Her face looked like it and more importantly, her eyes were red and runny.  She claims in her blog she did cry but I deducted that from the show.  So it was way more important of a violation to her than Bravo showed.  I think they keep excusing Brandi's behavior and minimizing it.


I would rather watch Kyle boohooing all episode than Brandi go off on Kenny Edmonds implying to his wife there is something wrong with their relationship based on the size of her ring. 


Brandi is a twat!  An ill-mannered twat.

  • Love 20

I spoke too soon




Now this lunatic is saying that it was all a joke between her and Jeff to fool Andy. I don't believe it. Jeff's face was real and he hasn't said a word or replied any tweet that Brandi has tagged him on. I do hope that Jeff stays away form her, another burnt bridge for Brandi.


Maybe this is just another of Brandi's psychotic moments and she is trying to fix it by saying it was a joke.


For years I never thought that anybody on Bravo could be as loon as Kelly Bensimon but this chick Brandi surely is giving her a run for her money.

Andy won't confirm or deny it because (a) he is the butt of the joke (b) he does not want his show to appear scripted.

  • Love 1

Andy won't confirm or deny it because (a) he is the butt of the joke (b) he does not want his show to appear scripted.

But Andy could easily back her up and chuckle along with "oh that Brandi, her and Jeff got me good". If anything it would make his show seem less scripted, like he has no control over what his wild and crazy guests will do.

Andy and Jeff's silence thru her declaration of the "joke" speaks volumes.

  • Love 5


I do, however, agree that Kyle looks really great this season and I love her dogs!

+1. I really hope she doesn't see these comments and think it is because of the weight loss because it really isn't. I think it is because she is dressing so much better. Gone are the overly large shirts and hideous caftans. One think sorta feeds the other though because her wearing better clothing is probably due mostly to her feeling better about her body and no longer hiding behind Mrs. Roper inspired mumus. 


I hate looking for signs of relapse in Kim but she was sounding a bit spacey last night.


I had to double take. Did Yo say that she never hires people to help for parties and usually does it all herself? Did I imagine her 1st season party where she had that famous butler guy? I remember because I thought it was so fucking fancy and cool.  Anyone remember him? Here is a receipt of him and Yo sitting to plan the event, etc.



Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 8

Oh stop with the slut shaming.  Since she has been on the show, Brandi has only dated J.R.

Not really she brought the professional athlete to the finale last year-she was dating him.  She has talked and written a book about all the guys she has dated since her divorce and she has supposedly been dating JR for four years and been a free agent for five.  She wrote in her book she dated a guy that did some real damage to her rejuved vag and that is while she was on the show. She wrote about banging an NBA guy on the hood of his car. Is it really slut shaming when someone calls themselves a slut, writes about her unbridled sexuality and makes money off it?

  • Love 20

...I heard it too...can somebody point out to Yolanda there is a couple seasons of footage of the little show she's on that points to the contrary...


...wasn't it last season she was bedridden for 18 months or something...

Lord have mercy.  That speech Yo gave during her toast about losing her voice for 2 years was cringeworthy.  Didn't she also thank "the king" last year during their dinner party for seeing her through her illness? Is that why she invites folks over? To watch her publicly proclaim how grateful she is to have a husband who hasn't walked out the door in the face of his wife being sick? Shit, maybe they can give him the Oscar for that. 


And while we are at it, I just don't get the timing of Yo's symptoms.  I don't mean to question her diagnosis.  I get that Lyme is still fairly misunderstood by many. But honestly, we need to get a whole team of Scientists to work full time in trying to understand how it is that Yo seems to be fine whenever they are filming, but apparently is almost bed-ridden and voiceless when cameras are not around.  How is this possible? Maybe this is the potential cure for Lyme.  Just have a camera trained on the ill person all the time and they will be able to do anything. 

  • Love 22


Is it really slut shaming when someone calls themselves a slut, writes about her unbridled sexuality and makes money off it?

I think that if the implication is that she should some how be ashamed of her unbridled sexuality and that somehow correlates to her being an awful person, then yes it is slut shaming. Brandi is awful enough on her own with out her sexuality being a reason to condemn her.

  • Love 9



First of all, I'm over the scorned wife shit. I get it - being cheated on sucks. Being betrayed and left for another woman must be unspeakably awful. But she acts like she is the first, or only, person to be cheated on. Sadly, it's a phenomena that happens daily, so quit dragging the damn storyline out and acting like you're some spokeswoman for the jilted, and have the right to cast judgment on everyone else's relationships. 



Besides that, she is clearly drinking (and other things?) way too much and becoming unhinged. She was like some crazy, stalker, superfan - bullying Eileen to perform for her at dinner. Wow. She has no social awareness. Most people would realize it was making Eileen uncomfortable and that she truly did NOT want to do it, and let it go. But not Brandi. Like I said in the last episode, she's a pusher (tm Mean Girls). She just cannot let shit go.....to the point that she throws wine on another woman???? Again, no social awareness. She totally thought it would be funny - that it would catapult Eileen into taking on that Soap role and she could live out her Days or Y&R fantasy. Just bizarre. Poor Eileen. Seeing those tears in her eyes, she felt so uncomfortable. Bless her for holding herself together the way she did. 


But does that moment humble Brandi? No. She apologizes and gives some random "peace offering" (is that how everyone makes up on this show? Jewelry?) and is back to being a tacky bitch. For someone who bristles at the mention of anyone being even a smidgen unfaithful, she sure seems to like to flirt with married men. It's okay to sit your skanky ass down on David Foster's lap, what? Because his wife is right there? Yolanda must really love the Mother Superior role, because I do not know how she tolerates Brandi. Brandi is just a soulless, bitter, old hag and she cannot stand to see anyone happy. See a loving couple at dinner? Comment that the dude should have bought his wife a bigger ring. Then flirt shamelessly with other married men. Misery loves company and what-not. She's so gross. 


Seriously, Bravo, she does not belong on this show. Her behavior is getting more and more out of hand. Boot her ass! 



1. While I loathe cheating and find Eddie repugnant, I have to wonder about what was going on in their marriage.  I'm not blaming the victim here.  Because I'm not sure if Brandi truly was a victim.  It seems to me she was fine if Eddie banged someone else as long as he came home.  But I don't think that was a clear agreement the two worked out.  Eddie did cheat on Brandi with Leann Rimes.  But I suspect that was not the crime,  What he did was he left Brandi for Leann Rimes.  And that was a crime.  Frankly I think Brandi would find it self-serving in a sick way if she and Eddie were still married and he had a history of banging bolded names (in gossip columns). 


And the thing is if you treat the situation that happened as Brandi is doing, and even take her version as gospel, then you are making the cheating/leaving aspect something he is continuing to do to you.  Which is pathetic.  And I suspect again something Brandi enjoys.  It is the only thing that makes her "relevant" and bolds her own name in said columns.  And gets her on this show, sells her books, puts her on Celebrity Apprentice etc.*  But she also is wallowing in this act of betrayal.  It should be "he cheated on me and left me" but the way she really straps herself to the cross makes it seem that it is some kind of ongoing act she cannot move on from.  Not by the choice she is obviously making.  But as if she is simply not able to by the laws of the universe.  Loathe him, hate him, scorn him for the rest of your life.  Stop enjoying reliving it as if it is something he does simply by breathing.



I think the various substances give her courage to be more flippant, rude, trashy and angry.  I do think it has become a problem because it enables Brandi to be the Brandi we see on the show.  I'm guessing she is hoping VH1 brings back some addict show or she has a coupling in line to land a "therapy" show either VH1 or WE.  I'm betting she is cunning enough to have a backup plan when this show sends her on its way.  I think even the shock value has only so long it can go.  Aviva either pretty much refused to film with the rest of her cast or they refused to invite her other than the contractual events and she got the toss despite being a divisive reality character.  I'm not sure how long Brandi can stay on if the rest start icing her out.  Then again, if the two newer women with a little name power decide to take over Vanderrump and Lemony Foster might unite behind Brandi to maintain some kind of control.   I thinkVanderrump is small and petty enough to find Kyle having center credits annoying.  I cannot imagine the first time she appears at a PR event with either of those two and they get more and louder acclaim.




*Has CA been mentioned yet in an episode?  When did it film in compare to this show?  Quite a bit before, no?


ETA: I'm all for people slut shamming.   I judge.  So can anyone else.  If it happens to be different criteria than I prefer that's on me.  Being sexually active is a bit different anyways to me.  Like defining what is porn.  I know what it is even if I can't define it to someone else.  Brandi is a slut to me.  Not an empowered, sexually active non-relationship only for pleasure person.  But a slut.  She uses her sexuality.  Instead of simply being sexual.  She tries to define herself in a certain way publicly with it.  Gives me plenty of license to use it against if I so choose in my opinion.


I doubt I can shame her though.  Works like that don't shame.  Get offended yes.  Shame?  She should be a Republican Congressman she has such little idea of the word.

Edited by heebiejeebie
  • Love 14

I immediately thought something was about to happen right before Brandi threw wine (about 20 cc of it) at Eileen. Brandi was shown furiously stroking bronzer over her forehead, chin and Restylane-stuffed cheeks. I mean, who does that?


"I'm ready for my closeup Mister DeMille"




Two more cents to add to my other two-cents.  Something I had overlooked when I first saw this episode at the Royal couple (Fosters) home. When they all went out on the terrace for 'smores' and some were cheerfully roasting their marshmallows on a stick like little campers, I noticed that someone handed Mauricio a silver plate neatly stacked with 'pre-roasted' black marshmallows. How weird. Then there was the demonstration by Yolanda as she gyrated and danced like a sprite along the wall above the firepit. Obviously nobody could miss that.


I couldn't help but draw some comparisons to the rise and fall of great cultures like Rome and Babylon. Only this isn't an economic or political failure. These shows, these people and pop culture is more like a collective wave of moral decline.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 3

But does that moment humble Brandi? No. She apologizes and gives some random "peace offering" (is that how everyone makes up on this show? Jewelry?) and is back to being a tacky bitch. 

I loved Eileen's totally perplexed reaction to the necklace.  I couldn't tell if Brandi just pulled it out of her purse - was it in a bag or box and she opened it right in front of her?  Either way, weird.


Y'all have covered most of the Brandi stuff that annoys me pretty well.  I would just add, the apparently mandatory statement from her that her stomach is in knots or some such after she acts out. 

  • Love 7


Once again, Lisa V. and Kyle are right next to each other at a party and are clearly seen getting along with each other perfectly.  Can we just get the inevitable scene of those two "making up" already, because I'm bored by this supposed feud.  Same with Mauricio and Ken, although Ken was smart enough not to show up tonight.


Kyle and Lisa made up in the first or second episode didn't they? They haven't been feuding since the season started and they toasted to not talking behind each other's back during the sit down. They both realized that their feud wasn't interesting to fans and moved on.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 4

I think if someone throws wine in your face you're absolutely entitled to say they're crazy.

Although it's wonderful to know, once again, that Brandi is the innocent victim of Lisa R & Eileen.


If someone threw wine in my face, crazy would the nicest thing I would be saying.

I think it might start a little like this..."what the fuck is wrong with you psycho mother fuckin bitch!!" Then I would have to leave very quickly.

And I would also tell everyone who knew her that she is a psyco crazy bitch that threw wine in my face.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 10

I reallly love Yo's house it looks very comfy, yet still elegant.  If I could have my pick of any house it would be hers. I don't feel the same about Yolanda the person.  Eileen's house is nice but maybe too grand.  I can't stand Lisa V's especially the front.  Seriously who has a moat?


I hate to admit this, but I love the moat, and most especially the swans, applecrisp.  I'm not big on the whole mansion thing; but if I were wealthy I'd have fabulous grounds with ponds, rivers, trees and animals everywhere (surrounding a little shack with a nice bathroom & kitchen, no doubt).  ;-)


I think Brandi uses "anxiety" as yet another excuse for her bad behavior (and to score pills, most likely).  She'll do or say anything to draw attention to herself.  She's as much of a poseur as the rest of them.  She is intent on convincing others she is some quirky, authentic, special little snowflake, when the real thing wouldn't dream of describing or explaining herself in that way.  Perhaps she needs to learn the difference between "ingénue" and "jejune".  I'd call her a low-life, but that's an insult to low-lifes.


Yolanda needs to check herself and her idea of being a gracious hostess.  Her toast to Lisa was downright rude, as was subjecting her guests to the constant King-worship, not to mention the behavior of Brandi.  She could have shut that down when she saw Brandi was making the other guests uncomfortable by pulling her aside and reading her the riot act in private; then call her a cab and quietly oust her on Strike Two.  Tell the others Brandi wasn't feeling well and had to leave, if they ask.  She did nothing but jokingly slap and giggle with fake protestations of horror.  Yeah, right.


I love the little glimpses of Kyle's doggies.  More, please.  :-)

  • Love 15

Brandi is clearly getting the bad edit season...and rightfully so. I'd be happy if she was gone from the show but I think her behavior is exactly why they keep bringing her back..because here we all are talking about her lol

Brandi has become the BH version of NeNe: the most disliked character, but also the one carrying the show.  She can't demand a redemption arc, because people will stop watching if she's not the villain.  If Bravo canned her, I'm not sure Eileen and LisaR could carry the show.  None of the other women have anything interesting to add anymore.  The house/closet/lifestyle porn can only keep viewers hooked for a season.  After that, raising the drama bar requires ever-more producer intervention, which has become completely obvious and tiresome to the audience.  I think the entire Real Housewives concept is on life support.  I wouldn't be surprised if the viewer numbers plummeted exponentially for these shows next year.

  • Love 8

It occurred to me how ashamed her mother and father must be watching Brandi behave like an out of control sociopath on National television. People will initially wonder what kind of f**ked up childhood she had.

Imagine how her poor children must feel. Remember how kids are so easily embarassed by their parents.  I remember my brother being mortified because my mom kissed him goodbye in front of his friends before he left for school. Imagine having Brandi for a mom.

Edited by chlban
  • Love 8

...wasn't it last season she was bedridden for 18 months or something...

She got out of bed to film. They hid the IV so the cameras wouldn't catch it and let us all know how ill she was. Oh, and when she climbed the Hills of Lemons to paint tiles, there were little invisible people helping her take each step. She's been very clever to be able to film three seasons now, with an IV in her arm and no voice. A medical miracle! Call the Mayo Clinic!

Seriously.... I don't believe half of what she says anymore.

As to Brandi carrying the show ... she's carrying it into the toilet, in my opinion. We thought no one could bring crazy like Camille or Taylor. They are gone, and when Brandi is gone there will be someone to take her place. Lisa R. and Eileen may be the ones being groomed for that very job.

  • Love 10

Oh stop with the slut shaming.  Since she has been on the show, Brandi has only dated J.R.


I don't like slut-shaming either, jinjer. But in order for it to be shaming, the one being talked about needs to feel shamed.  And the way Brandi talks and writes about her sex life, I don't think she is.  Nor do I think she should be, if that's the way she is happy to roll.


From Wiki: (I've bolded all the things I think apply to Brandi and of which Brandi appears to be proud.)

Slut or slattern is a term applied to an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. The accepted denotative meaning is a sexually promiscuous woman [2] or "a woman of a low or loose character; a bold or impudent girl; a hussy, jade".[3] These definitions identify a slut as a person of low charactera person who lacks the ability or chooses not to exercise a power of discernment to order their affairs, similar to terms used for men, such as a cad, rake, or womanizer. The adjective "slutty" carries a similar connotation, but can be applied both to people and to clothing and accessories, such as Halloween costumes.[4]

The term is generally pejorative and most often used as an insult, sexual slur or offensive term of disparagement (slut shaming).[1][5] It can also be used to mean "dirty or slovenly".[5] The derogatory power of the term derives both from its denotative meaning of a promiscuous woman, but also from its historical and regional connotations or alternate meanings that identify a slut as a dirty or unkempt person.

The lack of a comparably popular term for men highlights the double standard in societal expectations between males and females.[6] However, in recent times, there have been attempts to "reclaim" the word, while some individuals embrace the title as a source of pride.[7][8]


ETA:  To keep this on topic I would use any number of examples that she provided on this episode or any other to qualify the bolding.  I mean, if she's rarely embarrassed or ashamed of her behavior how can she be shamed?

Edited by ryebread
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Brandi is clearly getting the bad edit season...and rightfully so. I'd be happy if she was gone from the show but I think her behavior is exactly why they keep bringing her back..because here we all are talking about her lol

I boycotted season 4 because I had no interest in The Brandi Show. I happily returned for season 5 because I wanted to see Eileen Davidson, and because it was obvious Ms. Glanville would be getting a less-than-stellar edit this time. She no longer has the Vanderpump muscle behind her and it really shows.

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Not really she brought the professional athlete to the finale last year-she was dating him.  She has talked and written a book about all the guys she has dated since her divorce and she has supposedly been dating JR for four years and been a free agent for five.  She wrote in her book she dated a guy that did some real damage to her rejuved vag and that is while she was on the show. She wrote about banging an NBA guy on the hood of his car. Is it really slut shaming when someone calls themselves a slut, writes about her unbridled sexuality and makes money off it?

She also dated the young furniture mover a couple times.  I think she said they slept together but they really did just sleep.


I hate to admit this, but I love the moat, and most especially the swans, applecrisp.

I love the moat, too.  However, I think all the Villa Rosa labels that flank the front gate, the front door and the entry rug are too much!

However, not even knowing which one is the washer and which one is the dryer???? That takes a special kind of ignorance. 


A lot of the newer washers are front loading and don't look much different from dryers, so one wouldn't automatically know.


The producers love to do this.  We have seen the trailer of Lisa Rinna going bat shit over Kim (we think) and throwing a wine glass of her own.  Oh Bravo - your editing is great.  Glass houses Lisa R.  Glass houses.


I'm not sure if your comment was edited, but when I quoted it I thought I read statements from you about Lisa Rinna talking about how she'd have been over the table if Brandi had thrown wine at her.  I just wondered how she's living in a glass house if she said what she'd do in the situation.


Brandi is clearly getting the bad edit season...and rightfully so. I'd be happy if she was gone from the show but I think her behavior is exactly why they keep bringing her back..because here we all are talking about her lol


I don't think Brandi is getting an "edit".  She is exhibiting horrible behavior and it's being shown.

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I don't think Brandi is getting an "edit".  She is exhibiting horrible behavior and it's being shown.

Bravo wouldn't dare edit the horrible behavior by Brandi, it's all she's got. She doesn't have wealth to flaunt, she's getting older and complicating the process by making herself look freakish with Restylane and Botox and she's a mental mess. The only thing she has to give Bravo in exchange for her paycheck is crazy. This woman is actually supporting herself and hopefully her children solely on the crazy behavior she exhibits. It's her claim to fame "I'm nuts and I get paid for it".

Edited by HumblePi
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I think that if the implication is that she should some how be ashamed of her unbridled sexuality and that somehow correlates to her being an awful person, then yes it is slut shaming. Brandi is awful enough on her own with out her sexuality being a reason to condemn her.


When her sexually explicit behavior offends and affects other of her castmembers then it absolutely should be condemn. It a work place (and this is their work place) it would be considered sexual harrasment.  


Whatever Brandi does in the privacy of her bedroom, bathroom, back alley or vehicle is her private business, even having several partners in open relationships is nobody's business, talking non stop about her sexual scapades is also only her business , if she wants to brag about her multiple partners and sexual poses and how she has had black our sex, that is also nobody's business.


It does becomes part of this show and open for discussion when she uses her slutty behavior to interact with her castmates and their husbands/partners.




Offering Lisa oral sex as a peace offering

Talking about her new vagina with the other castmembers'husbands are around.

Openly flirting with a dinner guest when his wife is sitting right next to her and then shaming them for the size of her ring and giving them her special kind of sexual inuendo ridden advice.

Interrupting the host at the dinner by interjecting that the position of his fingers remind her of some finger banging pose.

Ruining a perfect nice and elegant dinner with her sexual innuendo again and ruining a song by asking the term "finger banging" to be part of the recital

Sitting in the lap of the host's husband as if it is cute


That is only this season and we are not even half way through, seems like she is going to continue acting the same , so as long as she does I will continue commenting on her slutty behavior with no guilt or whatsoever.

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