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S04.E06: Luck Be A Lady

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Wow, so many posts and no one has commented on how yummy the guest judge is.  I've never heard of Michael Bastian but I think I'll have to google his name for sexy photos. :-)


I thought Helen's and Justin's outfits were pretty fugly and boring.  I think Fabio and Gunnar had a more difficult assignment, but between the two of them, I thought Fabio's was worse.  It's just sad that Gunnar was up against one of the chosen ones and it was his scripted time to go.  Next week Sam?

  • Love 2

Michelle at last designed in a color to match her personality - putrid. That mess of lace was all kinds of ugly. And who wants to see a dirty showing through? Isaac is nuts.

I must have missed the part where Dimitry rolled "Design an outfit for a time traveler who is having a night out at Studio 54."

I agree that Fabio's outfit was pretty fug, at least it was well made. Jay's sagged all across the bodice, Sanji's hem wasn't even, and Justin's was...blech.

  • Love 3

Saints preserve us--what a shitshow! EVERY single look was tried, overworked, and godawful. Sanji's was well-constructed, but it reminded me of a Barbie Doll dress I had circa 1972. You know, for the Hooker Barbie edition. And Michelle's look--I was screaming at the TV. It's like the lace drank too many Lemon Drops, threw up all over itself, then stumbled out in to the street where it was run over by a truck. Hideous colors, and it looked tattered and bunched up and tired on the first wearing. I actually liked Gunnar's top (and Gunnar himsef, who is a sweetie this season), and it at least attempted to be interesting. Fabio's most certainly did not. Again, I hark back to my Barbie doll dresses. Only this one was the homemade one my mom from a Sears Roebuck pattern 'cause we couldn't afford the storebought kind. And the styling? Okay, so sometimes, just to bug him, I put a honkin' ugly pearl necklace on my cat's head, but I wouldn't do it to a human.

Even my beloved Dimitri's look was slouchy and poorly made, but so glad he was safe, because his are the only clothes I would actually wear, and plus, I love that he is the male version of Natasha on the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show (okay, so I'm dating myself). His TH last week: "Fabio's look eez preeety. But eez dress, not coat. The challenge is to make coat." If I didn't know he was Russian, I'd swear that accent was fake. He even looks like Natasha--skinny, black hair, pale skin. All he needs is a cigaret holder.

Michelle reminds me of someone I know professionally who is very perky and fake to your face, but aggressively insecure and competitive behind your back. And although she had no right to say it, Helen was absolutely right about Jay's "club girl" look. When he said, "This is exactly like what a girl would wear to a brunch." Right. I'm going to go to TGI Friday's to sip mimosas with a skirt up my va-jajay and a bare back. I'd freeze to death. It's cold in TGIF's. The only good thing about it is it made me notice Jay, whom I never can remember.

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I liked Michelle's, thought the lace patterns were interesting and didn't mind the color combination.  I am definitely swimming against the tide because I liked Fabio's, pearls on the head and all.  I hope Dima makes it to the end, designs be damned.  I like looking at his face and listening to his voice.


While I disagree on Michelle's... I thought Fabio's pearls on the head thing was a perfect fit for his challenge... masquerade makes me think mask, so the pearls sort of served that purpose vs just weird makeup over the eyes.

  • Love 4

I liked the pearls on the head and I liked the makeup, they were somewhat avant garde. What I didn't like was that pink monstrosity dress. It probably is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen on this show. How disappointing, if they had had more time someone could have made a fabulous masquerade ball gown.


Does Michelle only design in the color green?


I thought Gunnar's was awful until I saw Fabio's.


Helen's dress was blah and overexposed at the same time.


I actually liked Justin's dress, it seemed perfect for the occasion of gallery opening.


All in all, disappointing runway.

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I didn't watch Dmitri's season, and so this is my first exposure to him. He's probably the only reason I'm still watching. I find his reactions to things to be worth the price of admission of this show.


For example, I loved his reaction to having to roll the dice. And it made me laugh to see how he rolled it.

So you missed his the coining of the phrase "One way monkey"? Best thing ever. I use it in real life.

Ok. Helen was in the top!?!? For real? That was so bad. I actually loved Michelle's. the top was gorgeous and I see where she was going where the exaggerated hips. I think they just needed more structure.

  • Love 1

So a Caesar's Palace cocktail waitress dress won?  Yikes!  I was a bit relieved that the guest judge called it out.  But it won.


I thought Dmitry's jumpsuit was the best look out of what was available.  Second was Justin -- an ill-fitting but nice dress.  Third - Michelle for the creativity (bit I have to imagine linings would have been allowed.)

Bottom three -- Gunnar, bad dress.  Sam, the clown college was not interested.  Sonjia -- Caesar's Palace cocktail waitress.  Any of them could have gone.  The taste level of the judges concerns me.


Finally, the show told Fabio (whom I respect as a designer, but don't love his aesthetic) to make a denim dress for a masquerade.  He made a perfectly nice pink confection that was absolutely flattering to his model and you couldn't even tell it was denim.  For that, he was in the bottom two?   I'm glad Chris March threw in the towel and is enjoying a vacation sequester.  Why bother with the feedback being offered.


Okay - postscript -- Zanna offering the feedback gets more ridiculous.  She basically told Helen to do the front slit and the look was a MESS!!

  • Love 5

Love reading everyone's comments. While I'm not bringing anything new to previous posters, gotta throw down my two cents worth. I don't know that any of the designers really nailed their looks for the occasions they were designing for. Worst felonies were Jay (it's brunch, dear, not hootchy brunch. Children and grandmas may be present), Sam (the napkins from Jays hootchy brunch artfully in place) and ... Fabio (too many crimes to mention). As for Alyssa, I have no doubt that Sonji's look will be custom made, custom fitted, and tricked out to display or hide ASSets as needed.

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What in the name of all that is holy was that hideous jacket Zanna was wearing during the workroom visit. And she is giving fashion advice!

Is anyone else worried Alyssa is gonna give birth in the runway during an episode?!

Yet another episode that proves either I know nothing about fashion or the judges don't because I disagreed with just about everything they said on the runway.

  • Love 11

My love for Michelle skyrocketed when she pointed out Helen's stupid Russian roulette slip. I screamed the exact thing to my TV when it came out of Helen's mouth.


I like Jay, but he was being a total a-hole. The earlier version of his dress with the bare midriff screamed trashy club wear, so unless wearer was heading to brunch the next day after an all night rave, I'm with Helen on this (bleggghh).

  • Love 3

I didn't like any of the outfits which is rare for me. I think Alyssa chose the right one to wear-the dress is rather simple and can be made slightly longer to fill Alyssa. I didn't care for the material, but brocade is a difficult material to work with in clothes. Fabio and Samantha had the worst outfits in my opinion, and it bugged me that the judges were not sure if it was denim or not. It didn't look like denim, but they could have looked at it close up to be sure.


Why do they bother with guest judges, then make it clear to the viewers that their opinions don't matter? The guest judge did look odd with his mouth hanging open, but he should have the same vote as the others.


Michelle's dress had some interesting details, but I hated the color and not everyone wants to show off their bra. I like Dimitry himself but am never a fan of his clothes-they all look they are 10 years behind the times to me.

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Is anyone else worried Alyssa is gonna give birth in the runway during an episode?!


Every. Single. Week. Which begs a question: Has PR ever done a maternity wear challenge? I'd want them to use actual pregnant women -- third trimester, please -- not six foot tall size 0 glamazons with prosthetic bellies. The whining in the workroom would be off the charts!

  • Love 8

I'm having even more trouble imagining Alyssa's breasts in Sonjia's top, which seems like she couldn't wear a supportive post-partum bra with it considering it was cut down the middle to her waist in the front, and those straps in the back.  Where exactly will Alyssa's breasts go and what will be holding them up?


As a former viewer of Charmed, including the episode in which Alyssa was dressed as a mermaid and topless except for nipple covers, I can say that Alyssa has large implants with minimal movement.  I'm assuming she doesn't quite have the same concerns as your average (natural breasted) woman.  I was shocked when she picked the gold roller skating costume, but I forgot about Alyssa's "built in" support.

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Does Jay even know what brunch is????


He told our favourite make-up artist, Moustache, that he wanted his model to look like she slept in her makeup for 12 hours then just got up went out in the same makeup. Or words to that effect. Maybe he was thinking of a hoochie club girl who passes out and then just runs out the door without bathing, combing her hair, brushing her teeth, or perhaps, even peeing?



Sam can go next and then Jay can go right after her. I can't believe I'm even thinking of their outsters before Helen's, but there ya go.

  • Love 3

On Justin's, I think the problem was that he went too far across with the white.  The black should have started sooner to achieve the slimming look, I think.  There was too much white so your eye just stayed on that instead of focusing on the black.


Is that what it was?  I liked it overall but it did seem like there was something a little off about it.

  • Love 1

As a former viewer of Charmed, including the episode in which Alyssa was dressed as a mermaid and topless except for nipple covers, I can say that Alyssa has large implants with minimal movement.  I'm assuming she doesn't quite have the same concerns as your average (natural breasted) woman.  I was shocked when she picked the gold roller skating costume, but I forgot about Alyssa's "built in" support.

This is true. I remember "seeing" her in some erotic vampire back in the 90's. I wanted to find out what happened to little Alyssa from "Who's the Boss". I found out. Shocking.....

I thought the episode was boring.  I didn't care about any of the designs.  I'm super-excited for next week, though.  Menswear!  Wasn't it Michelle's season where they had that male stripper challenge where something like 8 or 9 designers couldn't come up with a single outfit among them that even fit, much less looked good?  This should be a trainwreck.

Actually, there was one good garment that challenge. Mijchelle sabotaged the rest of her team to do it (spent a challenge where everyone on each team had to do three garments to get done working just on her one, offered in the last five minutes with the cameras on her to help with the velcro on her team leader's stripper shirts, decided sewing was too much trouble and hot glued the front together), but her steampunk vest was really good.

Also, can someone tell me the fashion-dictated difference between something I might wear to a gallery opening and something I might wear to brunch?


I think the difference is that Brunch is during the day and a bit more casual, while Gallery openings are usually in the evening and might require a cocktail dress.


Off course, this all depends on the restaurant you're having brunch in, the status of the gallery and the city where these events take place. Brunch in a Country Club is not the same as Brunch in TGIF's, and gallery opening in Paris is not the same as a gallery opening in Tallahassee.

  • Love 1

It was kind of hilarious watchin a woman who looked as if she just rolled out of bed with a pair of shears stuck through her neck talking about the fine distinctions of situationally-appropriate styling (almost as funny as Michelle talking about flattering fit or Isaac talking about vulgarity).

It's also kind of comforting, though, because you know this show can't afford to lose QVC, and you know QVC aren't hiring Michelle or Helen. So, I'm guessing Dmitry or Justin.

Edited by Julia
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I had Calvin Klein jeans in that exact pink denim in 1988. Honestly, in the little time they had, Fabio could not do much with his roll of the dice.


Conversely, Justin could have, as the judges pointed out. He completely blew the challenge. His dress looked undeniably old, ugly and unflattering.


The judges' poo-smelling faces and dropped jaws were hilarious. It's as if the editors were stoned and decided to be unusually sarcastic.


Michelle, give the fake happy, friendly schtick a rest cause it ain't foolin' nobody. We all noticed how you absolutely cannot resist taking passive-aggressive pot shots at your competitors, and you cannot resist being the schoolmarm who lectures everyone else when you think you know something they don't. And for the love of god, get some grownup styling for yourself. Your look is desperate and pathetic.


Who is Zanna's stylist, and does she hate Zanna?


Honestly, I feel as if this show has become a secret joke foisted on its audience, with production tittering behind the scenes. Zanna's and Alyssa's styling, the judges' bizarre preferences, the ridiculously short time frames...the show left its smart, sophisticated, interesting moorings a long time ago. And the designers are mostly just muddling through, as if they are in on the joke and are just hoping to get their "brand" out there as much as possible until they are eliminated. I mean, the prizes aren't anything to shout about. At one point, wasn't the prize car a one-year lease?

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 6

This cast. In the Conservatory. With sheer boredom.


I don't care who's in the top or bottom because everything they're designing is so fucking boring. (I would've had Michelle win with Sonjia and Fabio in the top; Jay and Justin in the bottom with Sam going home. Justin's was worse, but he has a better track record). I didn't care who was bitchier between Jay and Helen because it was so boring. (But for the record, I thought Jay was out of line and came off way worse than Helen in that scene). I didn't care who was sent home because they're all so boring. (I'm lying because I was worried for my love Fabio).


The best thing about this season is seeing what they make poor Alyssa wear on the runway each week. I could hardly contain my glee when I saw that disgusting dress she wore at the beginning of the episode.


I quite liked Michelle's dress. Because the "saddlebags" were made from sheer lace, I thought they managed to give the illusion of big hips while still being obvious that they weren't. I also thought Fabio's was really crisp and pretty. Wearable? Hell no. But it worked in a 1980s Molly Ringwald prom dress sort of way, which fits in with a Masquerade theme. That was such a ridiculous assignment that I think he should have been rewarded for going gaudy and making it work. Certainly preferable to the snoozefest that Justin sent out.


Gunnar, too, attempted something interesting. He should have been #4 from the top, IMO.


Agreed that Helen and Michelle are surprisingly tolerable this season. Michelle is even sort of likeable... her one-liners and confessionals are the only glimmers of interest this season.


To me, Helen's "critique" of Jay's work came across as desperation to find a friend or "bond" over sharing creative feedback. Helen relied on other people's opinions so heavily in her season that I truly believe she thought she was doing him a favor. I thought his reaction was ridiculously OTT.


All this and I still don't really care.

  • Love 6

So you missed his the coining of the phrase "One way monkey"? Best thing ever. I use it in real life.

Ok. Helen was in the top!?!? For real? That was so bad. I actually loved Michelle's. the top was gorgeous and I see where she was going where the exaggerated hips. I think they just needed more structure.

My daughter and I use "one-way monkey" all the time.  Best thing ever.  

  • Love 1


I have yet to see Zanna wear something that fits her properly and is not hideous looking. It is a bit of comedic relief to see what that walking drip-dry floor mop  is wearing. This is where I realize what a treasure Tim Gunn is as a fashion mentor. He critiques with discernment and diplomacy whereas Zanna comes across more bitchy and harsh in her critiques. I don't get the sense that she respects the designers and what they are doing.


My favorite part of the show is to see the monstrosity that Zanna wears.  Cutting edge?  LOL  She is truly comic relief.  My feeling about Zanna coming off bitchy is cuz she is trying to hard to be relevant - which she is not.  Her critiques are general (step it up) and she rarely gives helpful specific advice, but she tries hard to sound like she knows what she's doing.  Please find someone else!


I thought Helen was actually in the bottom cuz the judges seemed split on her totally-been-done-a-million-times outfit.  Why don't they point out she's a one trick pony?  She is the one I really want to see gone.  Thousand suns hatred.  Could you see Alyssa post baby wearing that?  


Didn't the designers know they were designing for Alyssa?  If so, so thought about her and her body type and her post baby body might have been taken into consideration.


I really like Dimitri (don't like the diminutive Dima) but I agree with other posters who think his designs are ice-skating designs from the 1980s.  I really want to like him.  My heart sank when i heard him say "jumpsuit."  Just no.


Michelle's design was just horrific to me.  Besides the colors, it did not flatter the model at all.  In looking at the photos it made her look huge and the exaggerated hips looked like a joke. http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway-all-stars/photos/season-4-episode-6-final-looks#id=7   It didn't fit right, and the model walked so awkwardly I am just at a loss whey the judges liked it so much.  So she threw some lace on top of each other.  That is cutting edge?  Alyssa wearing THAT?  Hell no.  


Alyssa, stop with the up-dos.  


Worst runway ever.  


However, I'm liking this better than PR original recipe that I just watched.  Less drama here and some very likable designers (except for Helen and sometimes Michelle).  Occasionally a wonderful design.

  • Love 2

Looking at the PRAS site, I still think Sam should have gone home.




Eye-gougingly bad.


It's been at least three challenges so far where Sam has produced hideous pieces that should get her sent home but yet she inexplicably gets put through with the safe bunch. She's now the weakest designer there (yes, even below Helen), so her time is running out.

  • Love 4

But darlin', illusions or not, who wants to look like their ass is the size of Kim Kardashian's?


It's the same idea as huge shoulder pads, palazzo pants, bubble skirts, babydoll/empire waist etc: Volume that provides a desired shape (in this case, curvy hourglass) but readily apparent that it's the fabric, not your actual body.


I generally get the criticism of these bottom-heavy designs that pop up every few seasons, because although there are cultural subsets that prefer more voluptuous hips, it doesn't really fit the target demographic of Project Runway (see: Kimberly Goldson's otherwise beautiful final collection). However, Michelle's rides a nice line between giving the shape without making it actually look like wide hips/big ass, thanks to the sheerness of the lace.

Edited by Oholibamah
  • Love 2

I echo everyone's sentiments that Sam's exit is long overdue.  I was shocked she wasn't in the bottom this week.  I was also stunned that Helen's hoochie Xtina red carpet look from 2001 (minus dreadlocks, piercings, and hooker shoes) was in the top 3.  It wasn't until they were deliberating that I realized she wasn't in the bottom.



However, Michelle's rides a nice line between giving the shape without making it actually look like wide hips/big ass, thanks to the sheerness of the lace.


I sort of wondered if Michelle purposely made the bottom of her dress that shape when she heard they were designing for Alyssa after she gives birth.  That's a feature that might help to accommodate/disguise extra weight in the stomach and hips post-partum.  While Michelle is pretty polarizing, I think she does deserve credit for being strategic (and probably a bit opportunistic) with how she approaches the show's challenges.  I remember when she won the Lord & Taylor spring design challenge in her season by making a yellow dress when everyone else made pink and red pieces.

I must have been in a mood to laugh today, watching the episode for the first time, because people were cracking me up. Dmitry started it with his astonished, slightly scathing, "Dice?" comment when Alyssa revealed the challenge. That just made me laugh. I also liked how Alyssa joked to the guest judge (when he asked how they solve too-close decisions) that "sometimes a cage comes down and we fight it out." LOL! And how Isaac thoughtfully asked if she needed to pee first because they might be going round and round for quite a while over who to send home this week, and she smiled demurely and said, "No, I'm fine." *GRIN* And then of course I cracked up when she was trying to get out of her chair to go say goodbye to Gunnar and she jokingly snapped at Isaac Mizrahi, "Isaac, help me!" Heee. I am nervous that she's going to go into labor at any time, though. Sheesh!


Though I could never wear them, I liked Michelle's bold colors and (in Isaac's words) the 'dirty wink' with the bra showing a bit. But I hated the hips on that skirt. Just awful.


I'm a little bummed that Justin didn't try something more elegant for a gallery opening design. I had hoped for something not black, and not short. Alas... I'm usually one of the first to like and champion Justin, but I wasn't wow'ed by this one.


I felt bad for Fabio. While I hated the pink (never choose pepto bismol pink ever, dude!), I thought he was sincerely trying to come up with something masquerade-like. I don't know if he would have gotten docked for being too "costumey" or if they would have been okay with it this once given that "masquerade" was his challenge, but I really wish he'd gone all out and really super dramatic masquerade ball costume, mask and everything. Just something really unusual, that's what I was hoping for. I'm glad he didn't get sent him though.


I join everyone else in the WTF over Sam's outfit. Seriously. WTF?? Not attractive, not one bit. And the hilarious part was she stated she was hoping to be in the top with this outfit. Um... no. 

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 3

Apparently, I am very much in the minority here (with the exception of Tara's picks), but my top two are Michelle and Sam. I didn't think either of them were amazing, but they were better than the others. And when Sam's came out, I thought that it would actually not be a bad look for AM.


Sonjia's isn't awful, but it is definitely a cocktail waitress outfit and not a good choice for AM.


Like most others, I absolutely can't believe that Helen was in the top. When she makes something that I actually kind of like (last week's coat), she doesn't get called out. And then she makes these two hideous scarlet dresses that put her in the top. Yes to whoever called this week's mess X-tina circa 2001.


I didn't completely hate Gunnar's dress and I think he's been sweet this season, but it was his time to go. He hasn't done anything great this season, and I thought he should have gone home last week for his coat.


I did like Fabio's use of the necklace as a head piece. That's about it.

I want every designer to go straight to the bathroom to shower, wash their hair and face, and then BRUSH THEIR HAIR. No makeup reapplication allowed. No time to sew means no time to put a bunch of shit on your face. Throw out the blue lipstick and hooker rouge. Then put on actual clothes before telling someone else how to dress. A gingham shirt is NOT A SKIRT. Stop tying up your hair with shoelaces and scraps of Cheetos bags. Go down to Walgreens and get some Goodies elastics. I'm not telling you again. You all look like you smell and like you live in the park, and it's distracting. Now straighten up.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 19


I generally get the criticism of these bottom-heavy designs that pop up every few seasons, because although there are cultural subsets that prefer more voluptuous hips, it doesn't really fit the target demographic of Project Runway (see: Kimberly Goldson's otherwise beautiful final collection). However, Michelle's rides a nice line between giving the shape without making it actually look like wide hips/big ass, thanks to the sheerness of the lace.

I hear what you're saying but, for me with my nowhere near tiny hips, for me the look is a cross between WTF, seriously? and ehh.

  • Love 1


God, this entire season. What a shitshow.

It's like they're having some kind of competition to see whose clothes can be more boring.


Dmitry started it with his astonished, slightly scathing, "Dice?" comment when Alyssa revealed the challenge. That just made me laugh.

I think that was my one favorite moment.

Edited by ratgirlagogo

Maybe I need a better tv or new glasses but when that thing walked the runway I could't tell that it was lace. Was that the point? Besides the ugly color? I couldn't see the lace until they did the close-up and the black bra appeared. I thought it was awful so knew the judges would love it.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 3

I also noticed that he mentioned he might make a two piece and it was Zanna that advised him to do a jumpsuit.  I still think a two piece would have been better.  I don't know why I felt vindicated since it had nothing to do with me, but I did for some reason. 


Yes and no.  I remember it very clearly because I like Dmitry, so when he opted for a jumpsuit, all I could think was "et tut, Brutus?".  In the talking heads when they were explaining their designs, Dmitry did say he was going to do a jumpsuit, and he explained how it was going to be asymmetrical, off the shoulder and so on.  Later, when Zanna was talking to him he said he was going to do a two-piece but that his original plan was to make a jumpsuit, and that if he had enough time he would do it.  To which Zanna replied with support for the jumpsuit (if he had time); she siad he should try to go for that.


I didn't have any particular feelings about jumpsuits before. I thought they were fine, not my cup of tea, but, whatever makes people feel good, you know? Now, I cringe at the very mention of the word.  It all started with Gretchen and her winning jumpsuit in the first runway of her season.  After that, every season in regular PR and PRAS, everyone is in awe of jumpsuits and one, or usually more than one designer, makes them. 

  • Love 2

It was several layers of lace in order to make the garment less transparent.  That was the point.

I kind of got that. At the same time, it appeared to me that her layered lace practically turned into a brocade. Until the black bra.

Were those dice weighted? I thought Dimitri might have had the right idea. So much brocade that I'm probably seeing it everywhere.



I didn't have any particular feelings about jumpsuits before. I thought they were fine, not my cup of tea, but, whatever makes people feel good, you know? Now, I cringe at the very mention of the word.  It all started with Gretchen and her winning jumpsuit in the first runway of her season.  After that, every season in regular PR and PRAS, everyone is in awe of jumpsuits and one, or usually more than one designer, makes them.

Every time I see a jumpsuit I think about the ease of use issue. And I am done. And I continue to be amazed that jumpsuits are still being designed. Top Chef's Padma wore an overalls/jumpsuit thing well but ease of use...

I agree with the poster upthread who expressed the opinion that Dimitry's jumpsuit would have benefited from a dissection.

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