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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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15 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I saw this article at the market yesterday. According to Kendra, Kody has been drinking a lot and thinks Robyn is whiny. Kendra said he has to have wine before he goes to see Meri just so he can tolerate her. 

So is Kendra just friends with Robyn? They way she talks about the family I can't imagine she's considered much of a "friend" these days. 

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I believe about half of it.

I believe Robyn is ready to split, and probably because Kody is trying for another wife. I believe they fight. I believe he says cruel things. 

I do not believe Kody drinks excessively, or that Robyn is his puppet. She's the Stealth Bitch Puppet Master. 

I also suspect she'll only leave if she can land a spin off and/or has another victim lined up for husband #3. I also suspect that when push comes to shove, he'll look for another wife and not give a rat's arse as to whether or not Robyn OKs it. I'm kind of excited for that bit of karma to smack her in the face.

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I couldn't get past the gross table manners in that video.  They were just shoveling giant forkfuls of food into their mouths that were already half stuffed, cheeks bulging out.  Chewing with their mouth open.  Yech.  You'd think that even if they all ate like pigs in private, the presence of the camera might cause them to be a little more mindful of their manners, but I guess not.

What a whiny little ass Kody is. I don't know if he is drinking or not, but he is bad enough sober.  I can imagine what he would be like with a snootful. He'd be one of those guys who just talks and talks and talks when he is drunk then gets mad when people don't want to hear it.  Then he starts yelling and gets really nasty.  Then after he has worn himself out he cries himself to sleep wallowing in a bed of self pity. 

Maybe his alleged new booze habit is why he seems to be getting along better with Christine.  They've become drinking buddies! 

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On February 24, 2017 at 3:45 PM, DakotaJustice said:

It's been over a year and a half since Robyn cut off Kendra. Anything she has to say is just... alternative facts.

I bet they are still friends. And Robyn feeds her crap, then Kendra sells it to the tabs and they split the dough, a la Teresa Guidicce. The rags wouldn't pay if they didn't know the info they were getting was fresh. Some of it may be true and some of it fake, but I think the Browns love it, they think we are all a bunch of fools/haters and love to think of us reading it and believing it. Look at how gleeful they all were when tabloid rumors were touched upon in the tell-nothing. There will probably be more bs coming out in the tabs during the show hiatus. They learned this dirty game from real housewives. I bet the part about Kody talking to Andy Cohen was slipped in there to make tlc nervous too. Like when I'm annoyed at my boss so I show up to work looking extra nice in professional clothing and take a "mysterious" lunch. Works like a charm :)

Edited by VedaPierce
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 Kind of a related and sad aside: Bill Paxton (Big Love) has passed away from surgery complications.  I don't know how ya'll feel about that show  and yeah I know it's a different show and cable, but I mean come on there are only like what 3-4 plyg shows , some of which are not on anymore, so it's sorta related.  I wish BL had run longer, thought the writing was very good, and well-cast, produced, etc.

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2 hours ago, BlackWidow said:

 Kind of a related and sad aside: Bill Paxton (Big Love) has passed away from surgery complications.  I don't know how ya'll feel about that show  and yeah I know it's a different show and cable, but I mean come on there are only like what 3-4 plyg shows , some of which are not on anymore, so it's sorta related.  I wish BL had run longer, thought the writing was very good, and well-cast, produced, etc.

So sad. What sort of surgery did he have?

i feel like it's ok to talk about Big Love here, because if hay show hadn't been a success, TLC wouldn't have wanted the 'reality version' with the Browns. The Browns also stole a couple of story lines, especially with the whole 'let's divorce wife #1 and marry #3 to protect the kids."

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56 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Just saw that he had heart surgery (and he was concerned about it going in).  He then had a stroke following the surgery, and that's what caused his death.

Very sad. Always been a fan of his. Normally celebrity deaths don't bother me, but he was a good egg. I know someone who worked with him on set and said Bill was humble and an all around nice guy. 

Humble and nice. Hear that, Browns? They could use a touch of that. 

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35 minutes ago, Runnergirl said:

Very sad. Always been a fan of his. Normally celebrity deaths don't bother me, but he was a good egg. I know someone who worked with him on set and said Bill was humble and an all around nice guy. 

Humble and nice. Hear that, Browns? They could use a touch of that. 

Probably my favorite role of his was "Chet" in "Weird Science". Chet was an asshole, but Bill Paxton made him a fun asshole.

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On 2/12/2017 at 7:05 PM, Adiba said:

I was also thinking that polygamy being legal would be a nightmare because then both women and men could have as many spouses as they wanted, and some could be same-sex, or even a mixture of both, creating a confusing web of "who is married to whom?"  For example, each of Kody's wives could in turn be married to other men and/or women, but those persons would not in turn necessarily be married to Kody. What a financial and legal disaster that could be.

I had thought of this, too. With enough effort and care, all adults in the entire country could be legally married to each other. Wouldn't that be exciting! (I have tried several times to figure out how legal polygamy, as a marriage structure, could be constructed in order to reduce/eliminate the financial craziness that could ensue. I have now officially given up because it makes my head hurt. It's almost like a recursive function call, where the state of the data is more important than the structure of the code.)

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On 2/27/2017 at 11:24 AM, MrSmith said:

Probably my favorite role of his was "Chet" in "Weird Science". Chet was an asshole, but Bill Paxton made him a fun asshole.

"Twister" is one of my all-time favorite movies, partially because the acting is so over the top, it makes me smile.  First Phillip Seymour Hoffman, now Bill Paxton.  I seriously don't know if I can watch it anymore.

And don't even get me started on Apollo 13.....

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On 2/27/2017 at 11:40 AM, MrSmith said:

I have tried several times to figure out how legal polygamy, as a marriage structure, could be constructed in order to reduce/eliminate the financial craziness that could ensue. I have now officially given up because it makes my head hurt.

The IRS would implode and cease to exist trying to figure out the exemptions.  Wait, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

42 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And don't even get me started on Apollo 13.....

Tom Hanks had nice words and stories about Paxton as did Kevin Bacon.

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Based in part on the Sister Wives lawsuit, Utah has passed a new bigamy law. The Governor has to sign off on it and he hasn't said if he will or won't yet.

From Newchannel KFOR:


His goal with rewording the law is to avoid any potential lawsuits, he told KTSU in February.

The law would now say a person is guilty of bigamy if he or she lives with a purported spouse while legally married to someone else. The current law said bigamy occurs when a married man weds someone ‘spiritually’ or when he cohabitates with someone.


The Browns, who moved to Nevada to avoid prosecution, told the Tribune polygamists in Utah might go further underground.

“My concern is all this is going to do is drive the good polygamous people who don’t have those abuses more into hiding and it’s going to make the people who do have those abuses just be able to do them even more,” Meri Brown, one of Kody’s ‘spiritual’ wives, told the newspaper.


The Dargers, a polygamist family who live in Utah, said on Facebook the new bill is a ”huge step backwards.” “This clearly targets plural Mormon families. This clearly targets free speech. This clearly is a bill of religious discrimination,” the Dargers said.

The cohabitation clause is what gave the Browns lawsuit teeth. It went too far and it's why the State would only prosecute if there were other crimes. This probably won't change that practice.

5 hours ago, okerry said:

haven't looked elsewhere on this forum, but just saw this on FB: http://getreallol.com/pregnant-tlcs-sister-wives-expecting-again/

anybody else heard about this? It's Robyn.

Ohhhhhhhhh.  wooooooooooow.  Really?  What is going on?  Floored.  Really?  NO, really?  Why?  What is the motivation? 

On 2/27/2017 at 7:48 AM, TurtlePower said:

Very sad. Always been a fan of his. Normally celebrity deaths don't bother me, but he was a good egg. I know someone who worked with him on set and said Bill was humble and an all around nice guy. 

Humble and nice. Hear that, Browns? They could use a touch of that. 

I met him once backstage at a 3 Six Mafia show.  He took his son (?) who was a big fan.  SUPER nice guy who was talking to everyone and seemed genuinely interested.  I really enjoyed meeting him and was so sad he died so young.

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On 4/9/2017 at 1:13 AM, Natalie68 said:

I met him once backstage at a 3 Six Mafia show.  He took his son (?) who was a big fan.  SUPER nice guy who was talking to everyone and seemed genuinely interested.  I really enjoyed meeting him and was so sad he died so young.

Bill Paxton is one of my favourite actors (loooove Twister & Big Love to pieces) - it's so heartwarming to read stories like this that confirm his character.

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9 hours ago, NotEatingKale said:

Bill Paxton is one of my favourite actors (loooove Twister & Big Love to pieces) - it's so heartwarming to read stories like this that confirm his character.

He was really good in The Evening Star too.  

I really did not like the way Big Love ended, but overall, it was a favorite of mine too.

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2 hours ago, AdorkableWitch said:

I have a friend who is a professional extra, and said Paxton was always kind and respectful to everyone on set.

I like hearing good things about actors that I like.  Bill was very attractive, and oftentimes I hear that certain actors are very rude IRL.

The way Kody is on the show (too full of himself) makes me believe he'd be a total snot IRL.

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InTouch had another article about the Browns.  The article said that Robyn was the only wife sticking with Kody, that Meri had flown to freedom in 2017 and nothing about what Christine and Janelle are doing.  (I always wanted Christine to hook up with the landscaping guy from a few seasons ago.  They shared a quirky sense of humor.)


The article did say that Mariah was getting a spin-off series because she was so mature and gay but that Kody would not be featured.  I do not know how reliable InTouch is.

3 hours ago, neh said:

InTouch had another article about the Browns.  The article said that Robyn was the only wife sticking with Kody, that Meri had flown to freedom in 2017 and nothing about what Christine and Janelle are doing.  (I always wanted Christine to hook up with the landscaping guy from a few seasons ago.  They shared a quirky sense of humor.)


The article did say that Mariah was getting a spin-off series because she was so mature and gay but that Kody would not be featured.  I do not know how reliable InTouch is.

It doesn't sound like a very thrilling show, and that has nothing to do with her being gay.   Gay/straight - a single woman in a relationship.  Uh...ok.........and?!???  (KWIM?)

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On February 8, 2018 at 10:51 AM, neh said:

InTouch had another article about the Browns.  The article said that Robyn was the only wife sticking with Kody, that Meri had flown to freedom in 2017 and nothing about what Christine and Janelle are doing.  (I always wanted Christine to hook up with the landscaping guy from a few seasons ago.  They shared a quirky sense of humor.)


The article did say that Mariah was getting a spin-off series because she was so mature and gay but that Kody would not be featured.  I do not know how reliable InTouch is.

So I went down the rabbit hole with Intouch and discovered that Robyn had a house lien for Dayton's medical bill from his eye surgery.  It was paid off in 2015.  But here's my question - the photo lists Robyn SULLIVAN as the owner of the lien, but didn't they make a big deal of their first Christmas in the cul de sac that she changed her last name to Brown and gave Kody a copy of her new social security card?  Wasn't that before Dayton's accident or do I just have everything jumbled up in my brain?

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4 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

So I went down the rabbit hole with Intouch and discovered that Robyn had a house lien for Dayton's medical bill from his eye surgery.  It was paid off in 2015.  But here's my question - the photo lists Robyn SULLIVAN as the owner of the lien, but didn't they make a big deal of their first Christmas in the cul de sac that she changed her last name to Brown and gave Kody a copy of her new social security card?  Wasn't that before Dayton's accident or do I just have everything jumbled up in my brain?

Dragonfairie, you are right; that is how I remember it.  However, the Browns have bent the space/time continuum....so who knows!

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On 2/24/2017 at 10:33 AM, TurtlePower said:

I saw this article at the market yesterday. According to Kendra, Kody has been drinking a lot and thinks Robyn is whiny. Kendra said he has to have wine before he goes to see Meri just so he can tolerate her. 

So is Kendra just friends with Robyn? They way she talks about the family I can't imagine she's considered much of a "friend" these days. 

 I think she was telling him what to do when the beginning and now  It probablyhas changed. I believe he is looking for a 5th wife, but I think she'll be a 4th wife, because Meri will leave.  It would be hilarious if both Robin and Meri leave. 

 You know things are not perfect in those households, and that is probably why the kids talk about being monogamous.


Just now, antfitz said:

 I think she was telling him what to do in the beginning and now  It probably has changed. I believe he is looking for a 5th wife, but I think she'll be a 4th wife, because Meri will leave.  It would be hilarious if both Robin and Meri leave. 

 You know things are not perfect in those households, and that is probably why the kids talk about being monogamous.

2 minutes ago, antfitz said:

 I think she was telling him what to do when the beginning and now  It probablyhas changed. I believe he is looking for a 5th wife, but I think she'll be a 4th wife, because Meri will leave.  It would be hilarious if both Robin and Meri leave. 

 You know things are not perfect in those households, and that is probably why the kids talk about being monogamous.


On 2/9/2018 at 5:46 PM, DragonFaerie said:

So I went down the rabbit hole with Intouch and discovered that Robyn had a house lien for Dayton's medical bill from his eye surgery.  It was paid off in 2015.  But here's my question - the photo lists Robyn SULLIVAN as the owner of the lien, but didn't they make a big deal of their first Christmas in the cul de sac that she changed her last name to Brown and gave Kody a copy of her new social security card?  Wasn't that before Dayton's accident or do I just have everything jumbled up in my brain?

 Just be glad it's not the girl and the Mexican guy who get the spin off. Ugh. I'd rather see a spin off of Caleb and his wife, IF I was  Desperate to see more of these people.

Janelle is -- supposedly, per an "insider" -- "seriously thinking" about leaving Kody.  


Following Christine’s lead? Sister Wives star Janelle Brown might be next to leave Kody Brown after he and Christine Brown split last year, a source exclusively tells Us Weekly.

“Janelle meant it when [she] said she would leave Kody,” the insider tells Us. “It’s going to happen.”

The 52-year-old reality star previously opened up about feeling her relationship with Kody, also 52, could be coming to an end during the Sunday, January 16, episode of TLC’s Sister Wives.

“I’ve had to really think. My children are almost grown and there’s not a huge necessity anymore to stay. It was a wonderful way to raise children,” she told the cameras. “With Kody and I right now, our relationship is pretty strained. And you know, it’s easy to walk away.”

Kody exchanged vows with Janelle in 1993. His other wives include Meri Brown, whom he wed in 1990, and Robyn Brown, who he married in 2010. Because polygamy is illegal in the United States, only his union with Robyn, 43, is recognized by law.

The source tells Us that Janelle has observed the positive impact breaking up had on Christine, 49, who married Kody in 1994.

“She sees how happy Christine is now that she’s ‘free’ from Kody and is strongly considering separating from him too,” the insider added. “Christine and Janelle are very close and they have conversations about it.”

The estranged couple confirmed their split in November 2021. “After more than 25 years together, Kody and I have grown apart and I have made the difficult decision to leave,” Christine wrote via Instagram at the time. “We will continue to be a strong presence in each other’s lives as we parent our beautiful children and support our wonderful family. At this time, we ask for your grace and kindness as we navigate through this stage within our family.”

The salesman added in his own statement: “Christine’s decision to leave comes with a great deal of sadness. We enjoyed many years together and I have a large amount of respect and admiration for her. Although we are moving forward on different paths, we will always remain committed parents.”

After their split, another source told Us that Kody was concerned about the others following Christine. “If anything, it sort of inspired the others in one way or another to reevaluate their position,” the insider revealed at the time. “[Janelle’s] really close to Christine, so she’s in constant communication with her. … [Kody’s] trembling and worried that Meri or Janelle are going to leave him.”

Kody is the father of 18 children. Christine is mother to six: Asypen, 26, Mykelti, 25, Paedon, 23, Gwendlyn, 20, Ysabel, 18, and Truely, 11. Janelle, meanwhile, shares Logan, 27, Maddie, 26, Gabriel, 20, and Savanah, 16, with the Wyoming native.

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20 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

Janelle is -- supposedly, per an "insider" -- "seriously thinking" about leaving Kody.  


Following Christine’s lead? Sister Wives star Janelle Brown might be next to leave Kody Brown after he and Christine Brown split last year, a source exclusively tells Us Weekly.

“Janelle meant it when [she] said she would leave Kody,” the insider tells Us. “It’s going to happen.”

The 52-year-old reality star previously opened up about feeling her relationship with Kody, also 52, could be coming to an end during the Sunday, January 16, episode of TLC’s Sister Wives.

“I’ve had to really think. My children are almost grown and there’s not a huge necessity anymore to stay. It was a wonderful way to raise children,” she told the cameras. “With Kody and I right now, our relationship is pretty strained. And you know, it’s easy to walk away.”

Kody exchanged vows with Janelle in 1993. His other wives include Meri Brown, whom he wed in 1990, and Robyn Brown, who he married in 2010. Because polygamy is illegal in the United States, only his union with Robyn, 43, is recognized by law.

The source tells Us that Janelle has observed the positive impact breaking up had on Christine, 49, who married Kody in 1994.

“She sees how happy Christine is now that she’s ‘free’ from Kody and is strongly considering separating from him too,” the insider added. “Christine and Janelle are very close and they have conversations about it.”

The estranged couple confirmed their split in November 2021. “After more than 25 years together, Kody and I have grown apart and I have made the difficult decision to leave,” Christine wrote via Instagram at the time. “We will continue to be a strong presence in each other’s lives as we parent our beautiful children and support our wonderful family. At this time, we ask for your grace and kindness as we navigate through this stage within our family.”

The salesman added in his own statement: “Christine’s decision to leave comes with a great deal of sadness. We enjoyed many years together and I have a large amount of respect and admiration for her. Although we are moving forward on different paths, we will always remain committed parents.”

After their split, another source told Us that Kody was concerned about the others following Christine. “If anything, it sort of inspired the others in one way or another to reevaluate their position,” the insider revealed at the time. “[Janelle’s] really close to Christine, so she’s in constant communication with her. … [Kody’s] trembling and worried that Meri or Janelle are going to leave him.”

Kody is the father of 18 children. Christine is mother to six: Asypen, 26, Mykelti, 25, Paedon, 23, Gwendlyn, 20, Ysabel, 18, and Truely, 11. Janelle, meanwhile, shares Logan, 27, Maddie, 26, Gabriel, 20, and Savanah, 16, with the Wyoming native.

They forgot Garrison. 

I do NOT think Janelle is thinking at all about leaving Kody, it's clear that the Christine-Kody split happened a year or more ago and they just waited until close to the season premiere to actually announce it. 

All those cozy "Al fresco" dinners in front of the RV... Janelle and Kody's Sedona trips...posted on IG during 2021. Oh no, no matter how shitty Kody treats her kids, passive Janelle isn't going anywhere. 

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51 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

They forgot Garrison. 

I do NOT think Janelle is thinking at all about leaving Kody, it's clear that the Christine-Kody split happened a year or more ago and they just waited until close to the season premiere to actually announce it. 

All those cozy "Al fresco" dinners in front of the RV... Janelle and Kody's Sedona trips...posted on IG during 2021. Oh no, no matter how shitty Kody treats her kids, passive Janelle isn't going anywhere. 

I agree, she's in for the long haul. If I watched my husband treat our son as badly as he did Gabe, I'd kick him to the curb without hesitation. Maybe she's top lazy to pack up his stuff, so it's easier to stay spiritually married.

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On 9/6/2022 at 4:51 PM, zamp33 said:

Not sure if this is the place to post this clip, but Kody is beyond infuriating here. I think this is a clip from the upcoming episode.

I really need that angry reaction right now. 😡  So he's justified in his actions because he's turned off by her behavior, but she's not justified being turned off by his behavior?!?  OK then.  Let's not forget he was also treating his children like shit, too.  I guess nobody knows how to behave except Kody, Robyn, and Robyn's kids.  So then I suppose we can extrapolate that good behavior, according to Kody, is kissing his and Robyn's royal asses and not thinking or living for yourself at all.  

I wish Christine would have differentiated between her jealousy of Robyn vs Meri, because there is no way on this planet Christine wants anything like what Meri has going on.  She should have said jealous of one, and fearful of becoming like the other.  Now that's a burn.  You just know that twat Kody blames Christine 100% for strain in her sister wife relationships. Takes two to tango. But again, Christine's was a strictly supporting role. 

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31 minutes ago, BAForever said:

"Man the F*** Up". Wow! Christine bought into polygamy more than any of the other wives, so good for her for getting out. We long-term viewers all saw that Robyn would be the end of this family. You go Christine. You and Truly go and live great lives.

Robyn was the family’s low-key Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter reference for those who don’t know). You could just see it coming — Kody was so smitten with Robyn — and over the course of a decade and some change, here we are. She destroyed the family. 

I once thought it would be Meri leaving at some point (because she almost did). It took me a while to let go of that enthusiasm and realise that she kept doing the same stuff — complaining, crying, cryptic posting, yet staying. Yawn. That fraidey cat is never leaving, but she’s jealous that Christine did and stole all her thunder.

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Robyn was the family’s low-key Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter reference for those who don’t know). You could just see it coming

True, but there is one difference: Umbridge did little to hide her nastiness. She seemed to revel in being as mean as possible. One thing I so dislike about Robyn is her "I'm so nice, caring and honest-attitude" while we all know how her powers are at work in the background.

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On 1/23/2022 at 11:13 AM, DakotaJustice said:

They forgot Garrison. 

I do NOT think Janelle is thinking at all about leaving Kody, it's clear that the Christine-Kody split happened a year or more ago and they just waited until close to the season premiere to actually announce it. 

All those cozy "Al fresco" dinners in front of the RV... Janelle and Kody's Sedona trips...posted on IG during 2021. Oh no, no matter how shitty Kody treats her kids, passive Janelle isn't going anywhere. 

I could be totally wrong.  But for all intents and purposes I believe that Janell and Meri are there in name only.  I really believe they only get together to film and maybe for the major holidays and birthdays.  Maybe they are okay with the situation as it is.

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On 9/8/2022 at 9:16 AM, LilyD said:

True, but there is one difference: Umbridge did little to hide her nastiness. She seemed to revel in being as mean as possible. One thing I so dislike about Robyn is her "I'm so nice, caring and honest-attitude" while we all know how her powers are at work in the background.

I know Umbridge was openly nasty hence why I called Robyn the “low key” version — knowing what she’s doing, but hiding it better. She was out to destroy the other wives while attempting to maintain an innocent, “I wouldn’t hurt this family” charade. Then we see Robyn and Kody flaunting at the mall, or a cowboy bar, or wherever they go together. 

Thinking about it, what Robyn did was vicious. The family wasn’t perfect and they had some issues, but had Robyn never been invited by Meri, had there never been a show and had they remained in Utah, it may have been business as usual. We never would’ve heard of them. 

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