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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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@Jynnan tonnix and @Happyfatchick:

What lovely pictures of your grandkids(and you HFC)!
I do miss seeing the little ones.  Even though I have not had any trick or treaters in the 10 years I’ve lived in this apt building, I still buy some candy.  CVS had some on sale yesterday buy one, get one free so I bought a few bags.  

My sister in law sent me a few pictures of her sweet grandson in his pumpkin costume.  It happened to have been the one she made for his father for his first Halloween.  He was part of Linus’ Great Pumpkin patch.



  • Love 13

we had no trick-or-treaters at all. our governor said no to the whole thing and i guess most people respected that.  i didn't even buy candy because i knew with me being high risk, we weren't going to have hoards of kids come over -- that was not a risk i could agree to. 

my good news is hubby and i had a fabulous steak dinner date tonight at a very nice restaurant. they had rented a 'wedding tent'  with chandeliers to put in the street part of an outdoor mall near us. its a 5 star restaurant doing the best they can with the covid restrictions to serve outdoors. it was very nice and relaxing. 

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, doodlebug said:

My good news is that lots of folks on my street went out of their way to make sure the kids could trick or treat safely.  I actually went to Lowe's and bought a PVC pipe to make a candy chute to send goodies from my porch to the goblins on the sidewalk.  Others set up tables in the driveway.  Multiple families brought their fire pits to the front yard and sat around them roasting marshmallows and greeting the kids from afar.  I had a speaker set up with a Halloween playlist from Amazon to set the mood.  A very enjoyable evening and I actually ran out of candy for the first time in several years.  Around 100 trick or treaters; I had to go inside and shut off the porch light with about half an hour to go; which was ok with me since my Buckeyes were playing Penn State and it was time for kick-off.

Good thing last night was fun.  Windy with rain and sleet turning to snow today.  Very icky.

Pretty much the same deal here. I’m not into Halloween, but keeping warm by the fire was nice, and I was glad to see the kids have a fun time during these monotonous days!  

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On 10/28/2020 at 7:38 PM, Happyfatchick said:

I sort of am assuming you mean “crown”.  (Or seriously, dont crowd?)  So don’t pull the stem???  Really.  Huh.  Mushrooms have a texture that screams bloody murder at my texture rebel.  But I loooooove the taste of sautéed shrooms.  I throw them in and chew real fast.  Also, if I have a potato or chicken or something to slide in with it, it masks the slippery slope a little.  

@Scarlett45.... alllllllllllll this time when you talked about your cousin and your aunt, in my head your cousin had a mental challenge.  I am now reprocessing everything I remember you saying in the past.  I am team @Absolom on this one.  You were crazy about that aunt, yes?    

I have perfected sauteing mushrooms, thanks to Joy of Cooking.  I use brown mushrooms, as they end up more chewy and not slimey like white ones.

First , I put the sliced mushrooms in the pan dry, no oil or butter.  Saute until they begin to bleed their liquid and keep sauteing until the liquid evaporates.  Then add one tablespoon of butter and one of olive oil.  Saute until browned.  When they begin to stick to the pan, de-glaze with a tablespoon of two of sherry or white wine.  They are now ready for any recipe.

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Found out my mom has covid. She's in a nursing home and they've actually been locked down since the beginning.  But her roommate had to go out for drs appointments and then she tested positive.  I knew after that it was only a matter of time before my mom got it. I'm really worried about her. She already has Parkinson's and she's in the stage where she's been having delusions.  My dad passed in January.  I can't lose another parent this year. 

36 minutes ago, beckie said:

Found out my mom has covid. She's in a nursing home and they've actually been locked down since the beginning.  But her roommate had to go out for drs appointments and then she tested positive.  I knew after that it was only a matter of time before my mom got it. I'm really worried about her. She already has Parkinson's and she's in the stage where she's been having delusions.  My dad passed in January.  I can't lose another parent this year. 

Oh my, losing your dad and puppy and now your mom being sick. Life is unfair. Healing thoughts to your mom and hugs to you!

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, beckie said:

Found out my mom has covid. She's in a nursing home and they've actually been locked down since the beginning.  But her roommate had to go out for drs appointments and then she tested positive.  I knew after that it was only a matter of time before my mom got it. I'm really worried about her. She already has Parkinson's and she's in the stage where she's been having delusions.  My dad passed in January.  I can't lose another parent this year. 

I'm so sorry @beckie. That's terrible. Praying for you and your mother. 

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, beckie said:

Found out my mom has covid. She's in a nursing home and they've actually been locked down since the beginning.  But her roommate had to go out for drs appointments and then she tested positive.  I knew after that it was only a matter of time before my mom got it. I'm really worried about her. She already has Parkinson's and she's in the stage where she's been having delusions.  My dad passed in January.  I can't lose another parent this year. 

My mother-in-law, also in a nursing home, had it a few months ago. At first they said that as frail as she is, she would have very little chance of beating it, but they used one of the drugs which was just in the process of getting approved for treating Covid, and she got through it with, really, very little in the way of troublesome symptoms. Just a bit of fever and slight wheezing. So it's not nearly the sort of death sentence for the elderly as it is sometimes thought of. I hope that your mother is also among the lucky ones. ((hugs))

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, beckie said:

Found out my mom has covid. She's in a nursing home and they've actually been locked down since the beginning.  But her roommate had to go out for drs appointments and then she tested positive.  I knew after that it was only a matter of time before my mom got it. I'm really worried about her. She already has Parkinson's and she's in the stage where she's been having delusions.  My dad passed in January.  I can't lose another parent this year. 

I am so sorry @beckie .


This weekend was LONG and HARD. WHOOOSH. Taking care of both of them (my Mom and my sister) is more than a notion. I was so TIRED on Sunday, I slept like a wee babe. Im so glad M (my sister's caregiver) is here to deal with them today. Friday my Mom has her follow up appointment, Thursday night I have my eye appointment. 

A blessing is that they don't wake up at the same time, mornings I can deal with mom, get her clean and some food in her, then in the afternoon my sister wakes up, rise repeat, and by 6pm I can "relax". When my sister aged out of school, her old caregiver G (who was with her for 16yrs and retired last year) asked my Mom if she wanted to wake her up early, and my Mom said "NO NO NO, let her sleep as long as she wants, so we can have breakfast and coffee in peace."(my sister is labor intensive the first few hours she is awake and the rest of the day she does her own thing in her room).

Thank god for Disney+!!!!!

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I guess I still can't wrap my head around how wearing a mask is fear/control but wearing shoes, a shirt, a seat belt or even a helmet is okay. I know not everyone agrees with all these "restrictions" but you don't hear much about how they are taking our freedom. 

Replying to @spacefly.


People did act a damn fool over seat belts. They really did, there is the case law on it. Also read the case law (I am not telling you to read case law, but I had to read this stuff in law school), over people acting a fool with child labor laws (as in they wanted to send their children to work and sued because new child labor laws prevented that), mandatory education for children, having to put cable on their rental property so tenants could have access to cable television, VCRs (yes VCRs)......because our legal system is based on English Common law we use law suits to solve social problems.

There are always people that get upset over new things- Im sure there were actually people who were upset that indoor plumbing is now required in dwellings designed for human habitation, (they didnt want to spend the money at the turn of the 20th century and would've preferred to just have outhouses).

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4 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Im sure there were actually people who were upset that indoor plumbing is now required in dwellings designed for human habitation, (they didnt want to spend the money at the turn of the 20th century and would've preferred to just have outhouses).

I think I've mentioned this on here before, but I have a neighbor who still has an outhouse in the Year of Our Lord 2020 because he thinks shitting inside is somehow uncivilized. 🤷‍♀️ This is also one of the dudes whose wife is buried in the front yard, so he has multiple eccentricities, but yeah. 

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31 minutes ago, Zella said:

I think I've mentioned this on here before, but I have a neighbor who still has an outhouse in the Year of Our Lord 2020 because he thinks shitting inside is somehow uncivilized. 🤷‍♀️ This is also one of the dudes whose wife is buried in the front yard, so he has multiple eccentricities, but yeah. 

Depending on where you live not having indoor plumbing would be against dwelling code. Now if he wants to have an outhouse that’s fine, but for a residential dwelling to be up to code indoor plumbing (including a toilet) is required. 🤣

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14 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Depending on where you live not having indoor plumbing would be against dwelling code. Now if he wants to have an outhouse that’s fine, but for a residential dwelling to be up to code indoor plumbing (including a toilet) is required. 🤣

He lives in the middle of nowhere on a dirt county road, so I don't know that it would be in violation of a code. (As someone who lives on the same road but looks askance at his outhouse, I'd ask the county why the fuck we have to drive on dirt* before I'd bitch about his outhouse personally). I could see officials within town limits perhaps having some ammunition in that regard, though. 

*I'm totally bitter that the road next to me, which is universally considered redneck apocalypse hell here, got paved before mine did. Ain't right! Ain't fair!  

Edited to add: I could see new housing have to meet that code in a way that older ones maybe don't. 

Edited by Zella
  • Love 6
48 minutes ago, Zella said:

I think I've mentioned this on here before, but I have a neighbor who still has an outhouse in the Year of Our Lord 2020 because he thinks shitting inside is somehow uncivilized. 🤷‍♀️ This is also one of the dudes whose wife is buried in the front yard, so he has multiple eccentricities, but yeah. 

When I went to Air Force basic training in 1977, I met a very nice girl who said her family had an outhouse.  I asked her if they were very poor and she said they weren't.  Their town just did not have indoor plumbing!  She was from rural Arkansas.

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1 minute ago, louannems said:

When I went to Air Force basic training in 1977, I met a very nice girl who said her family had an outhouse.  I asked her if they were very poor and she said they weren't.  Their town just did not have indoor plumbing!  She was from rural Arkansas.

Do you remember where she was from in Arkansas?

My family is originally from rural Appalachian North Carolina, so they're not strangers to poverty or rural life. (My grandpa used to joke they didn't realize they'd left the Depression until the 60s.) But my dad was absolutely astonished when he moved here in the early 90s and the town lights had just been upgraded from gas to electricity. And the cause was a certain person getting drunk and shooting out said lights, so they had to replace them. (I'm embarrassed to admit I'm actually family friends with that person. 🤦‍♀️ He sounds worse on paper than he is in person.)

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2 minutes ago, Zella said:

Do you remember where she was from in Arkansas?

My family is originally from rural Appalachian North Carolina, so they're not strangers to poverty or rural life. (My grandpa used to joke they didn't realize they'd left the Depression until the 60s.) But my dad was absolutely astonished when he moved here in the early 90s and the town lights had just been upgraded from gas to electricity. And the cause was a certain person getting drunk and shooting out said lights, so they had to replace them. (I'm embarrassed to admit I'm actually family friends with that person. 🤦‍♀️ He sounds worse on paper than he is in person.)

No, I was only 19, and knew /know almost nothing about Arkansas, being from Washington state.

 There was another recruit, from the Appalachian mountains, who received her first pair of real shoes from the Air Force!

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Replying to @spacefly.


People did act a damn fool over seat belts. They really did, there is the case law on it. Also read the case law (I am not telling you to read case law, but I had to read this stuff in law school), over people acting a fool with child labor laws (as in they wanted to send their children to work and sued because new child labor laws prevented that), mandatory education for children, having to put cable on their rental property so tenants could have access to cable television, VCRs (yes VCRs)......because our legal system is based on English Common law we use law suits to solve social problems.

There are always people that get upset over new things- Im sure there were actually people who were upset that indoor plumbing is now required in dwellings designed for human habitation, (they didnt want to spend the money at the turn of the 20th century and would've preferred to just have outhouses).

I do remember the seatbelt thing. I was a dumbass teen who didn't wear one until I put my head through a windshield to learn it's not too bad of an idea. I guess I don't remember the same type of backlash aimed at a conspiracy theory but then again different times. I do have a friend who's mother died seatbelted in her burning car, at 52 I do not think he has ever worn a seatbelt and in some ways I don't blame him.


39 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Depending on where you live not having indoor plumbing would be against dwelling code. Now if he wants to have an outhouse that’s fine, but for a residential dwelling to be up to code indoor plumbing (including a toilet) is required. 🤣

40 percent of Alaska Native Villages are without indoor plumbing and are now being ravaged by COVID. You got 10 people in a 2 bedroom home with no indoor plumbing and it is a recipe for disaster. I fear they are facing a diphtheria/small pox type of disaster.

Edited by spacefly
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9 minutes ago, louannems said:


 There was another recruit, from the Appalachian mountains, who received her first pair of real shoes from the Air Force!

Pretty sure my grandpa's first pair of shoes came when he was a teenager in the Army. 😞 My dad knew some recruits when he went in in 80 from Kentucky who were excited about C-rations because it was more than they ate at home. 

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My dad grew up Amish.  So, many layers of Amishness for me.  I’m happy to report they’ve all upgraded to Indoor plumbing.  Sadly, for many of them weekly bathing is still a thing.  My aunt (fathers sister) raised 18 children, only 2 of whom she didn’t actually produce.  When I was a little kid, they hauled water up for baths, heated it (in winter) and filled a tub in the kitchen.  Once a week.  And washed bodies until the water was disgusting, poured it out and started the process over.  They were a farming family, and none of the kids wore shoes all summer long.  They have specific words (Dutch slang) for poop squishing between the toes.  My uncle (fathers bro) was an actual no joke pig farmer.  I’m sure they had funky bath practices too - maybe we’ll talk about that another day.  Also with the outhouse.  
My odd cousin Bill (I mention him frequently) had only 4 children in his family - practicing Amish but indoor plumbing and regular baths.  No farm.  Whenever he would go to my aunt’s to spend the night and play with his cousins, his mom would always say “I don’t care HOW dirty you get, DO NOT get in that bath water!!! We’ll wash when we get home”.  

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7 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Sadly, for many of them weekly bathing is still a thing.  My aunt (fathers sister) raised 18 children, only 2 of whom she didn’t actually produce.  When I was a little kid, they hauled water up for baths, heated it (in winter) and filled a tub in the kitchen.  Once a week.  And washed bodies until the water was disgusting, poured it out and started the process over.

If one washes their face, genitals and armpits daily I can understand weekly bathing- especially in the winter without a heating system. 

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Oh man, that's how you get hookworm!

I don't mind cat baths, myself. You can clean your whole body that way without any trouble. The hard part is that you need a real bath or shower to really wash hair!

I’ve never heard it called that! “Bird bath” is the term in familiar with (Chicagoian). Yes many people (especially with mobility issues) have to bird bath for an extended period of time. My Mom did it for a few weeks before her shower conversion because she was scared of stepping over the tub. She doesn’t have hair (head is shaved) so no worries about that. 

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1 hour ago, Zella said:

Oh he has an outdoor shower that he is very proud of. 🙃 He's in his 80s now, and I often wonder what his kids are going to do when he passes. I doubt any of them want to live there and I have a feeling they'll have a hard time trying to sell it as is. 

He sounds a lot like my neighbor, hoarder George. I can't tell you if George has an outhouse or not because his backyard is hoarded to the point where you can't see anything but mountains of junk, but I wouldn't be surprised. George supposedly owes thousands in back taxes so I doubt his kids will be able to sell anything, but the whole lot would have to be razed because no one would buy it as is. 

ETA, I've never heard it called cat bath or bird bath, but I have heard whore's bath, lol. 

Edited by emma675d
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2 minutes ago, emma675 said:

He sounds a lot like my neighbor, hoarder George. I can't tell you if George has an outhouse or not because his backyard is hoarded to the point where you can't see anything but mountains of junk, but I wouldn't be surprised. George supposedly owes thousands in back taxes so I doubt his kids will be able to sell anything, but the whole lot would have to be razed because no one would buy it as is. 

Mine has a junkyard of cars. If yours was named Ralph, I'd assume it was the same guy. 🤣

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1 minute ago, emma675 said:

Maybe they are related? I swear, George's hoarding has built up his immune system to the point where he might be invincible. 

They could be. I try to avoid Ralph,  but as far as i know, he still gets around pretty good. The last time I saw him was at a funeral visitation for a relative of mine in which he alternated between really sincere sounding condolences and bitching about being banned from our Wal-Mart. I didn't think it was possible to be banned from our Wal-Mart, but trying to pick fights with the workers over God knows what will do it apparently.

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4 hours ago, Jeeves said:

@Happyfatchick, those grands are all adorbs.

Okay, people, remember that I wrote yesterday that YAY! my new treadmill is up and working and OH NO! it sort of looms over the other stuff in the living room?

Well, I had a "get real" moment last evening as I was tweaking the arrangement of the treadmill in the living room: I live alone. I'm 72 years old. COVID cases are rising where I live and the state and local governments have reinstated some restrictions on crowds etc. in response. I'm not a party-thrower anyway, and Just Who In Hell Do I Think is Going To Be Coming In Here to See My Awkward Living Room Setup, anyway?

NOBODY. No effing body. So who cares if it looks a little awkward as long as it works?

Sometimes I crack myself up. 

I've had an exercise bike in my living room since March.  I also live alone and virtually no one has been in the house but me and the dogs since then except for my sister and brother, maybe half a dozen times and my cleaning ladies who come when I am not home.  I moved the bike out of the living room into the dining room because it was in front of the fireplace which I now want to use as it gets colder; but that's as far as it goes this winter.

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2 hours ago, louannems said:

When I went to Air Force basic training in 1977, I met a very nice girl who said her family had an outhouse.  I asked her if they were very poor and she said they weren't.  Their town just did not have indoor plumbing!  She was from rural Arkansas.

Back when I was a kid in the late 60's-early 70's, we used to go to Pennsylvania to visit my aunt.  Sometimes we would go out to the country to visit their cousin, Homer (he looked like a Homer, too), who was married and had 8 kids.  They lived in a ramshackle house with no running water except for an old fashioned pump over the kitchen sink.  They had a big metal tub for bathing and would pump some water and heat it on the stove to warm it up.  They had an outhouse behind the house.

Interestingly, despite no indoor plumbing, they had electricity and had a color TV before we did as well as a big electric organ that the daughters used to play hymns.  They also had a large number of various livestock which often wandered into the house and I distinctly remember a rooster crowing in their kitchen, perched on the back of a chair.  Every time we went there to visit, my mother would warn us as we approached the house, 'No matter what they offer you, DO NOT eat or drink anything.'

Cousin Homer and his wife, Anna May had a thing for naming their kids after famous people.  Two of the boys were James Dean and Harry James.  One of the girls was Diana Lynn.

You cannot make this stuff up.

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:


ETA, I've never heard it called cat bath or bird bath, but I have heard whore's bath, lol. 

I call it a whore bath.  And, have done them on occasion.   I have sensitive skin and it gets uncomfortably dry in the winter.   When I was in grad school in Ohio and lived in a basement apartment, I had to limit my hot showers.  I prefer washing my hair over the tub and a whore bath over lukewarm showers when it's cold out.  Or a hot bath at night plus moisturizer and moisturizer and even more moisturizer.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, emma675 said:

He sounds a lot like my neighbor, hoarder George. I can't tell you if George has an outhouse or not because his backyard is hoarded to the point where you can't see anything but mountains of junk, but I wouldn't be surprised. George supposedly owes thousands in back taxes so I doubt his kids will be able to sell anything, but the whole lot would have to be razed because no one would buy it as is. 

ETA, I've never heard it called cat bath or bird bath, but I have heard whore's bath, lol. 

Our family called it that or a spit bath.

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31 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I call it a whore bath.  And, have done them on occasion.   I have sensitive skin and it gets uncomfortably dry in the winter.   When I was in grad school in Ohio and lived in a basement apartment, I had to limit my hot showers.  I prefer washing my hair over the tub and a whore bath over lukewarm showers when it's cold out.  Or a hot bath at night plus moisturizer and moisturizer and even more moisturizer.  

I think everyone has done a bird bath- between time, bathroom remodels, plumbing issues, other people using the shower (if there is only one in the residence).

I will probably switch to night showers now that winter is here, and I can lather up and put my jammies on. COCONUT OIL!

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3 hours ago, rue721 said:

Oh man, that's how you get hookworm!

I don't mind cat baths, myself. You can clean your whole body that way without any trouble. The hard part is that you need a real bath or shower to really wash hair!

Back in the day on the Deadwood forum, we used to call them whore baths! At least that was where I first heard that term. 

Edited by BetyBee
ETA: Sorry, I see whore bath has already been mentioned!
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My family calls them Navy baths. (Though apparently that's what normal people call turning off the water during the shower to save water.) I've also heard bird bath.

1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

Back in the day on the Deadwood forum, we used to call them whore baths! At least that was where I first heard that term. 

Ah, Deadwood! If I had to pick a favorite show, it would probably be Deadwood. I have to watch myself after binging the show because I start calling people hoopleheads (and even more salty things). 😂

My favorite bit I've stolen from that show is when they're having a "get together" and Johnny asks "how many's a fuckin' get together?" Because that's basically me in any party planning situation. 

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On 10/30/2020 at 4:42 AM, thehorseofpower said:

For me, Thanksgiving is nothing special. I can't cook to save my life - I'm worse than a Duggar daughter. Jill's gross beige food would be what I would need to aspire to at this point in my capabilities. 😂 So a holiday based around elaborate food and not much else is not my jam. Oh, and football. Thanksgiving is full of football and I cannot STAND football! Most of my memories of recent Thanksgivings are of going to my husband's family celebrations which are usually filled with people I barely know, and my husband will promptly disappear to watch football and I'm left to entertain my two kids, change diapers, make awkward conversation and count down the minutes till we can leave. And then beg my husband to leave while he fights me because the stinking game isn't over. And then the kids miss a nap or are late for dinner and fall apart on the two hour drive home and I seethe with anger. LOL....I can definitely skip right over Thanksgiving and be just fine! Though, both my kids are past naps and finally both potty trained now, so I can strike those two issues from the list!

Everything to do with Christmas for me is magical and just makes me happy. Growing up I spent Christmas break at each of my grandparents' houses. They're all gone now, but I have many of their decorations. I love telling my kids about where all our special things came from and sharing those memories. If there's something about Christmas I don't like, though, I don't do it, which really cuts down on stress and keeps things fun. As you can imagine, I don't cook fancy holiday foods. 😁

Oh, I love love love cooking so Thanksgiving is for me. But. I cannot stand football and do not allow it in my house. This has not been enjoyed by a few guests but they can cook for days and dictate what is on the TV in their house when I visit them. Which won't happen, because I am a better cook and will preemptively invite them (not this year, of course). So no football!

On 10/30/2020 at 5:42 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

I won't decorate my house until after Thanksgiving.  With my job, I get Black Friday off and use that day to clean the living room from the day before and put up the tree.  If we were getting a live tree, we would not begin to decorate until sometime in December.  I grew up in a home with an Ukrainian Catholic father and I am technically Ukrainian Catholic, so we always keep our decorations up until after January 6th.  

I grew up ELCA Lutheran and we never took the tree down before Epiphany, either. I still try to leave it up till then, even though I've now been an atheist for decades. 

On 11/1/2020 at 12:35 PM, crazy8s said:

my good news sunday is we had maybe 20 trick or treaters. we did giant spider web of treats so kids could just pick a treat off themselves. First kid that came was a girl who was 8 or 9ish. dressed as a dr/scientist, wearing a mask, gray wig - said quite proudly she was dr fauci.

I love this so much.

And I want to add to the positive energy being sent in @lookeyloo's direction. You've been in my thoughts a lot, Lookie. Hang in there and live this as best you can.

@beckie, I am so sorry about your mom.

Edited by jcbrown
my fingers got tangled up
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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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