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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Micks- so sorry to hear your vision is declining.  Hopefully you will find a device to help you.

Oh Happy - what an itinerary!!  Love Cooperstown and not just for the Hall of Fame. Cute little town & love the lake.  We visited Niagara Falls on one trip & loved it there also. We stayed on the Canadian side.  It's fun to do all the touristy type things.  Still have a picture somewhere where it looks like I went over the Falls in a barrel.

We have neighbors that started out camping with a pop up trailer. They loved it. Years later they traded up to a pull along trailer but there were still some things they liked better in the pop up. I used to work near a camper dealer that was located on the main drag. It was always "oh no" when one of the huge motor homes,  think Stink Bus, would pull out in front of you, knowing it was probably the first time the driver was driving it. 

  • Love 1

I just listened to this and thought it might be interesting to folks here:

Listening to Radiolab (The Girl Who Doesn't Exist)

In today’s episode, we meet a young woman from Texas, born and raised, who can’t prove that she exists.<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/radiolab/~4/pxGbADALp6Y" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>




Magpye I look like a slug compared to you! Sorry to hear about your daughter. I''ve heard from my oldest son twice in the last two months. .him initiating. .once because he was panicked about student loans and if they were allowed to take all the money out of his bank account and today cus he couldn't find his birth certificate and hoped I had it. Both panic calls. 

I basically stopped texting him cus i refuse to feel pathetic about the likes of his selfish ass! He's working  12 hour shifts and fairly newly in lovvvvvvve so no time for momma bear. I'm ok with it. 

Keep busy and she will  call you soon I'm sure. .there's always a panic call coming at some point for all of us mothers.

  • Love 5

Brought this over from...um...whichever thread it was that it took off in. Much more fitting to the Prayer Closet :) 




Just wanted to comment on the liquor restrictions I'm reading about.  I live in CA (California - not danger America) and you can buy wine and liquor anywhere.  I had no idea it wasn't readily available in all stores elsewhere at any time!  My mind is blown.... 



At least the states are small here! I remember a few times driving to Massachusetts or Rhode Island on a Sunday when we lived here at other times. Taking this to the Prayer Closet, too, in case anyone else was chiming in...it's too easy to get off topic!

On 9/19/2016 at 6:25 PM, Jynnan tonnix said:

We always pass exits for Rahway when we go to NJ to visit my husband's family. I know nothing about it except that the name amuses me and makes me think of cheerleaders for Motocross or something...

It always makes me think of the prison from the original Scared Straight! (which yes, I was subjected to as a teen) because they filmed it there.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Brought this over from...um...whichever thread it was that it took off in. Much more fitting to the Prayer Closet :) 

At least the states are small here! I remember a few times driving to Massachusetts or Rhode Island on a Sunday when we lived here at other times. Taking this to the Prayer Closet, too, in case anyone else was chiming in...it's too easy to get off topic!

The big one for me, growing up in the Philadelphia area, was to drive to Jersey or Delaware.  I specifically remember stopping at the Roger Wilco liquor store on the White Horse Pike on our trip down the Shore because we left on a Sunday and the State Store wasn't open.  (This was the most Philadelphia sentence I've ever written that wasn't about sports.)

In MA, alcohol is only sold in liquor or package stores. You won't find beer or wine in grocery stores or WalMart. And they just recently started being open on Sunday. Also, stores are closed on Thanskgiving, much to retailers chagrin but the joy of my family. I know that there are those that need to work on holidays--police and doctors etc. I just don't find shopping to be a necessity like those others. Then again, you won't find me shopping on Black Friday for love or money. I can't stand the crowds. Online shopping is perfect for me in that respect. Or, I choose the less crowded times--weekday mornings and some evenings. But standing on those lines after eating a huge meal? No thank you! I'd rather watch the football.

Oh, and @Happyfatchick a dear friend of mine was married 11 years ago in Cooperstown. At the big hotel at the lake (I can't remember the name). It's a cute little town and we had a fabulous time.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, frenchtoast said:

In MA, alcohol is only sold in liquor or package stores. You won't find beer or wine in grocery stores or WalMart. And they just recently started being open on Sunday. Also, stores are closed on Thanskgiving, much to retailers chagrin but the joy of my family. I know that there are those that need to work on holidays--police and doctors etc. I just don't find shopping to be a necessity like those others. Then again, you won't find me shopping on Black Friday for love or money. I can't stand the crowds. Online shopping is perfect for me in that respect. Or, I choose the less crowded times--weekday mornings and some evenings. But standing on those lines after eating a huge meal? No thank you! I'd rather watch the football.

Oh, and @Happyfatchick a dear friend of mine was married 11 years ago in Cooperstown. At the big hotel at the lake (I can't remember the name). It's a cute little town and we had a fabulous time.

You can buy beer and wine at grocery stores in MA; Stop and Shop, Trader Joe's and Hannaford all sell it in the metro Boston area. You can't buy hard alcohol (whiskey, vodka, etc.) in the grocery store though (although I have seen an exception to this at one grocery store in Hingham. I don't know why, and now I want to know.)

ETA: Congratulations emma675!

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, emma675 said:

.Also, I got the job. I just heard about an hour ago and I'm waiting for the formal offer letter. I'm both excited and nauseous. I'm terrible with big changes, even when they are ones I initiated. 

Whoohoooo Emma! I was just wondering a little while ago if you had heard yet. So happy for you. Completely understand the nerves. I'd be surprised if you weren't anxious.  ???

Edited by Love2dance
Repeated myself
  • Love 1

Liquor, including beer, can only be sold, in the Australian state I live in, by licensed pubs and retail liquor stores. Retail liquor is basically 9 am to 9 pm, Sunday it's 10 am til 6 pm. No retail sales allowed on Good Friday, Christmas Day, or before noon on Anzac Day. 

Speaking of Good Friday, why doesn't Easter get any public holidays in America? 

I just want to give this group a big online hug! Y'all are so nice.

I've spent the day madly making doctor's and dentist appointments before my current insurance ends (I'm sure I'll have a gap, most companies don't start you on their plan for 60-90 days). I haven't given my 2 week notice yet, as I want to get the offer letter signed and filed with the new company first, but already my productivity has dropped in favor of getting personal things done. I'm also going to have a paycheck gap because I had a two week vacation in the middle of October scheduled and I'm not going to start the new job until after that. I'm hoping my last day at the current one will be 10/7 and I'll start with the new one on 10/31. We'll see. They wanted me to start right away, but I have to give 2 full weeks notice and I'm sure as hell not giving up my already-paid-for vacation.

  • Love 8

Congrats @emma675

I am hoping Santa will help me get a new washing machine and dryer for Christmas this year. I saw a washing machine and dryer at Lowes I would love to get. The washing machine is a top load machine, and I would save at least $400.00 over the front load washer and dryer set I was looking at earlier. I would be able to wash comforter and bed linen without worrying the machines would be able to handle big, bulky items. Crossing fingers I will be able to get them because the nice young lady I talk with in the appliance department told me Lowes will have some good holiday sales. I check the reviews, and they were good for both the washer and dryer. I did read front load washers can have bacteria and other germs collect in the machine even with monthly cleaning, so a top load will work better for me. I might have to use a step stool because the tub is deep, but I can live with that.

1 minute ago, bigskygirl said:

Congrats @emma675

I am hoping Santa will help me get a new washing machine and dryer for Christmas this year. I saw a washing machine and dryer at Lowes I would love to get. The washing machine is a top load machine, and I would save at least $400.00 over the front load washer and dryer set I was looking at earlier. I would be able to wash comforter and bed linen without worrying the machines would be able to handle big, bulky items. Crossing fingers I will be able to get them because the nice young lady I talk with in the appliance department told me Lowes will have some good holiday sales. I check the reviews, and they were good for both the washer and dryer. I did read front load washers can have bacteria and other germs collect in the machine even with monthly cleaning, so a top load will work better for me. I might have to use a step stool because the tub is deep, but I can live with that.

You should refresh your training by reading TDFW's couponing treatise one more time if you can stand to.

The other thing you could do is grift for Lowe's gift cards.

All kidding aside, when family and friends ask you want you want for Christmas, you could tell them of your purchase plans, and let them know a gift card would be welcome.

I had a front loader washer and it got all moldy and nasty after about 3 years. It was grody for sure. Our top load Samsung washer is fantastic. It's deep, but we got used to it. 

  • Love 1
36 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Congrats @emma675

I am hoping Santa will help me get a new washing machine and dryer for Christmas this year. I saw a washing machine and dryer at Lowes I would love to get. The washing machine is a top load machine, and I would save at least $400.00 over the front load washer and dryer set I was looking at earlier. I would be able to wash comforter and bed linen without worrying the machines would be able to handle big, bulky items. Crossing fingers I will be able to get them because the nice young lady I talk with in the appliance department told me Lowes will have some good holiday sales. I check the reviews, and they were good for both the washer and dryer. I did read front load washers can have bacteria and other germs collect in the machine even with monthly cleaning, so a top load will work better for me. I might have to use a step stool because the tub is deep, but I can live with that.

I am hoping so too.  I just got the GE pair - top loader with agitator.  I love it.  Huge drum.  It is HE but has an override for the water level in case I am washing a quilt.  I left my 20 plus year old set of ordinary ones in the old house as requested by buyer.  Worked great.  Seller left us front loaders which were a problem from the beginning so I know what you are talking about with not wanting them.  Instead of a step stool you might try a grabber thingy.  I can barely reach into the bottom of mine if I stand on my tip toes.  But doable.  I hope Santa is good to you and you get them!!!

  • Love 1

The set I am looking at is GE. The washing machine has a deep rinse option which comes in handy to get rid of soap and fabric softener residue. The girl I talk with told me to use around one or two tablespoons of soap because the soap can build up in the machine and damage machine parts, plus soap residue can cause my allergies to act up. I was putting in at least half a cup to a cup of powder soap in the machine I have now. Oops... My husband likes to use a cup of soap, put his clothes in the machine, push at least one button, and hope for the best. We will not be doing this when we get new machines. It also comes with a deep fill option and a sanitize oxi cycle, and yes, it comes with bulky, towels, and jean cycles. Nice... I also will be able to wash things in hot water.

1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

The set I am looking at is GE. The washing machine has a deep rinse option which comes in handy to get rid of soap and fabric softener residue. The girl I talk with told me to use around one or two tablespoons of soap because the soap can build up in the machine and damage machine parts, plus soap residue can cause my allergies to act up. I was putting in at least half a cup to a cup of powder soap in the machine I have now. Oops... My husband likes to use a cup of soap, put his clothes in the machine, push at least one button, and hope for the best. We will not be doing this when we get new machines. It also comes with a deep fill option and a sanitize oxi cycle, and yes, it comes with bulky, towels, and jean cycles. Nice... I also will be able to wash things in hot water.

Sounds like mine. I love it. I make my own dry powder laundery detergent and use a coffee scoop worth. No suds. Gets clothes clean. Also this washer is faster than the front loader. 

@bigskygirl Hot water is always a plus. :D

The last three weeks have been soooo taxing. MIL had another fall in late August, not quite a month ago now, and nearly took out an eye. She was also lucky that she didn't concuss. But that's four falls in less than two years with a total of three broken bones (hip, wrist, humerus), and the head/eye injury (her face still isn't back to normal from the bruising. The facility she lives in (in the Independent Living section) advised us that it was really in her best interests to move her to Assisted Living. It also saves us money because we wouldn't have to pay for round the clock caretakers as she recovers from her myriad injuries. That care has cost her around $100k! No more. 

We moved quickly, and having to downsize by about 2/3, had a lot to give to the local Discovery Shop (benefits cancer research). Move day was yesterday, and thankfully, the facility hired movers to take EVERYTHING from her old apartment to the new studio. She insisted on taking an antique standing desk that's 7 feet tall, in addition to other large pieces that I measured and determined that she could take. She had to get rid of some sweet antiques (we took a gorgeous cherry wood chair to match our desk).  

Move day was yesterday, and it couldn't have gone more smoothly; MIL was placid. The caretaker took her to a chair exercise class to get her out of the way of the movers, then later lunch. We were unpacked and out by 2:30. At any rate, she can now call an assistant to help her do anything she needs, and she can walk herself to the dining room for meals (no kitchen in the new studio). She can't walk far without tiring, but she can go down one floor by elevator and walk 20 feet to a table in the dining room with her trusty walker. 

She has accepted this change far better than I anticipated. She's usually pretty cantankerous about just everything. Even now, since she was so disengaged from the process, she walked in to a nearly perfect apartment after lunch (we were finishing up placing pictures on the walls). I wonder if she really has a clue how hard my husband and I (and her caretakers, who helped keep her occupied, and yesterday, unpack and arrange all of her clothes) have worked to make this happen. 

Sorry for rambling, but I guess the point is, aging sucks. She's 84, and based on the physical she had on Monday, probably physically healthier than her children (SIL is NJ, no real help other than transferring money into the checking account) or me. It must be nice to have lived 84 years in a childlike state; all she ever really had to do was cook, clean, and raise two children (badly). *sigh*

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

The facility she lives in (in the Independent Living section) advised us that it was really in her best interests to move her to Assisted Living. It also saves us money because we wouldn't have to pay for round the clock caretakers as she recovers from her myriad injuries. That care has cost her around $100k! No more. 

We moved quickly,

You got her moved!  Yeah!  I hope this will be much easier on you now.

  • Love 4

{{{HUGS}}} @Sew Sumi    My dad is 82 and my mom is 78. My mom loves to put a guilt trip on me because I do not drop everything and go take care of her. Seriously...My brother will be turning 57 next month, and he has never moved out on his own. He can take care of her because he is her favorite, and she only pays attention to me when she wants something or wants to play mother. My dad is an alcoholic and had a heart attack last year. I am sure the doctors are telling him to stop drinking, but at his age and the fact he has been drinking for over sixty years, so good luck doctors. My darling step mother acts like she is the queen bee and wants to run the show, so she can have all the fun. I know that sounds terrible, but the abuse I put with up for years makes it not worth the time and effort in trying to be nice and patient. Plus the fact, my husband and I have been through the ringer for years with our own medical problems, so dealing with pain in the behind family members are not in the cards for us. I do not need the added stress. Of course, there are my in-laws. Luckily for me, I can use the ole I am sick and tired as excuses not to spend time with them. The nurses in the dialysis unit called me a saint for putting up with them. Ha!!!

My MIL has driven away most of her family. My SIL moved away after she graduated from law school to get away from her, and I don't blame her. It's so strange that I've never seen this woman more zen in the 20 plus years I've known her than she's been since she realized that she really needed help that family couldn't give her. My husband and I both work; I had to take a sabbatical to take care of this shit, because my hubby is the one with the Cadillac insurance, and he'd just taken his vacation a month earlier. He did what he could before he went into work (he works a swing shift) running boxes and boxes of stuff two blocks away to donate to the thrift store. Today, when I went over there to oversee the phone installation (the facility strongly suggests a technician because I guess there have been problems in the past with no dial tones, etc), she thanked me. I don't recall her saying a thing to my husband yesterday, and I had to bring him up today. 

Like I said, she thinks she was a great mother, but we are only doing this because we are the only ones left for her. She allowed my husband to be sexually abused as a child (by an older kid at their CHURCH - Lutheran) and a daughter who basically had to depend on herself to make anything of herself from an early age because her parents were useless. Nice Christians there....NOT. 

She goes off about how the world is going to Hell because of technology and how God will save her to anyone she encounters (the poor phone tech was her latest victim today). Thankfully, she doesn't hear well, and the poor, cornered phone tech, caretaker, and I kind of snerked our way through her diatribe. And this is a *good* day. LOL

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On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 0:21 PM, Kokapetl said:

Liquor, including beer, can only be sold, in the Australian state I live in, by licensed pubs and retail liquor stores. Retail liquor is basically 9 am to 9 pm, Sunday it's 10 am til 6 pm. No retail sales allowed on Good Friday, Christmas Day, or before noon on Anzac Day. 

Speaking of Good Friday, why doesn't Easter get any public holidays in America? 

I worked at a company that gave three hours off on Good Friday with the idea you would go to church to walk the stations of the cross.  You had to return to work after the three hours; couldn't just take it at the end of your shift.  The funny thing was the number of people who would either come back with a bit of a sunburn from hanging out along the Embarcadero (the road by the bay) or in a park.  Our Oakland location was across the highway from a mall.  People would carpool to the mall.  At 3 PM, you would see everyone in the parking lot moving their bags from the drivers car to their trunks. 

I worked with a guy who was very self-righteous about being Christian.  He always said he was going to church on Good Friday, but someone he always found a way to stop by Macy's too. 

  • Love 2

When I was a kid we had Easter week off for the spring holiday.  This also included Good Monday.  Which was fine for Christians who were Roman Catholic, Protestant, or any of the western successor religions.  Not so much if you were Orthodox Catholic, and didn't seem to overlap that well with Passover....

No matter what certain types of X-tians say, the U.S. has Freedom of Religion (it's in the Constitution, in those "boring" bits before the Second Amendment).  A state-sanctioned holiday for religious purposes is in conflict with that.  And yes, we all take Christmas Day off.  But it is generally accepted by most if not all Christians as it was an arbitrary date chosen to compete with the winter solstice celebrations, while Easter is tied to a very specific moon-related formula (which is why it bounces around), and the Julian/Gregorian calendar differences is why East & West don't agree.  

Anyway, in the U.S. the spring holiday week is Spring Break, which worships wild and crazy partying.

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Also since Easter is a Sunday, it is not a concern for businesses that work a Monday to Friday week.  I work implementing a payroll and time recording system.  Every US and Canadian company I have worked with has included Easter among their holidays if they have a workforce that might work on Sunday (e.g., businesses that are open almost every day - Starbucks; business that might send out an emergency crew - utilities; 24X7 businesses - hospitals).  People typically get holiday pay for working on Easter Sunday.  It is often automatic doubletime (2 X regular pay). 

However, unlike Europe, it is rare for US companies to consider the days around Easter Sunday as holidays.  I was once scheduling a business trip to Germany around Easter week.  One of my German colleagues told me to change the dates because so few people would be available and they had multiple days off during that period.  They take off from Maundy Thursday through Easter Monday.

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Guess who missed the step and badly sprained their ankle? This klutz! Right in front of the daughter who I sent to wake up hubby because I knew I had badly sprained it. A trip to the ER and some x-rays, no broken bones, but some ligament stuff. Got some crutches and an "air splint" which is the same boot I had when I had bunion surgery. What a day! I'm supposed to see Wicked this weekend, that should be an adventure. 

  • Love 7
On September 26, 2016 at 3:49 PM, emma675 said:

I'm turning in my resignation in 10 minutes. I'm actually a little nauseous, I don't relish doing this at all since I like most of my coworkers. It would be easier if I hated all of them, lol!

How'd it go @emma675? I always suffer such angst when I find myself in those positions. A couple of times I had no idea how much I loved a job until that final day. You have some exciting times ahead and I know you'll make the most of them. Congrats!

38 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Oh jeez, sending healing thoughts and a tater to cassie your way, frenchtoast. Feel better soon!

Now, let's not go crazy. Maybe ease @frenchtoast into recovery with those green bean thingies before we hit the tater tots. Chickenetti anyone? With Pinot, maybe?

Hope things have evened out for @Sew Sumi and @Happyfatchick and @CherryMalotte. I remember when I was young, and obviously stupid, I thought that things would get easier as I got older. Well, that was then. lol

Is @Arwen Evenstar gaining ground? Maybe just eyeing those dancing shoes?

Pretty easy to find alcohol in Florida though many moons ago we had to drive over the Skyway bridge for beer if we found our fridges empty and outselves beer-thirsty before noon on a Sunday. Pinellas County has since rectified that situation. 

In the early 90s there was a gas station there that actually had a beer tap inside the convenience store. Just in case you really needed a draft beer for the rest of your drive. Crazy!! 

Now. All of you! Be well! dammit.

ETA @Micks Picks 

You are missed! Wish I had a magic twinkle-stick that would fix everything!

Sorry for all others I've missed.

Peace to all.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 6

hi everyone, last week and this week has been so busy.  had a 2 hour test this morning where i layed flat on my back and not able to move....feeling pretty yucky now (the injection stuff has upset my tummy and the migraine won't go away). but i wanted to check in and see whats up. i read along but dont always have anything to say.

  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, zoomama said:

hi everyone, last week and this week has been so busy.  had a 2 hour test this morning where i layed flat on my back and not able to move....feeling pretty yucky now (the injection stuff has upset my tummy and the migraine won't go away). but i wanted to check in and see whats up. i read along but dont always have anything to say.

Ohhh. So sorry.

Hope your new place has helped to ease your tremendous discomfort.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Ohhh. So sorry.

Hope your new place has helped to ease your tremendous discomfort.

yes it has! i feel much better in fact. but i did have an episode start but caught it right away and took the anti-emitic meds prescribed. still have to figure out the cause though.

our new place is FABULOUS and i literally walk around with a dumb grin on my face out of pure joy. i am so much at peace and actually living my life again....like i said i have had a couple VERY busy weeks. but i take a moment (or three..) to just sit and enjoy our place as often as i can.

  • Love 6

Why am I even wasting any time here when I have an insane haul of veggies from the garden....? My husband, who never, ever does anything halfway, went typically overboard planting a vegetable garden this Spring. He retired a year ago this past March, and while last year's garden needed quite a bit of prep work which, combined with a late Spring, meant a slightly smaller plot overall, he put in three extra raised beds this year and planted what ended up as an absolute jungle of tomatoes and peppers among other things. Issues with his mom kept him from being at home through much of the early summer, and then he ended up accepting a job offer in Virginia a few weeks ago, so has only been home for one short weekend since early August.  I've been picking and preserving what I can, and giving away a sh**load of produce by the side of the road (we actually started doing this last year, and now you can often see cars slowing down as they go past our house to see if we have anything out there).

Here's what we hauled in on Sunday morning...about 90 lb of tomatoes, 40 of various peppers, plus a bunch of eggplant and a few other random things (we've had a bumper crop of kale which has kept producing all summer and will probably get its second wind with the cooler weather).

I've just managed to finish up with all the tomatoes and about halfway done chopping peppers for the freezer. Hopefully the eggplant will still be ok by the time I get to it. If not, it's not as though I don't have a whole bunch of it stewed or roasted in the freezer already...


  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Why am I even wasting any time here when I have an insane haul of veggies from the garden....? My husband, who never, ever does anything halfway, went typically overboard planting a vegetable garden this Spring. He retired a year ago this past March, and while last year's garden needed quite a bit of prep work which, combined with a late Spring, meant a slightly smaller plot overall, he put in three extra raised beds this year and planted what ended up as an absolute jungle of tomatoes and peppers among other things. Issues with his mom kept him from being at home through much of the early summer, and then he ended up accepting a job offer in Virginia a few weeks ago, so has only been home for one short weekend since early August.  I've been picking and preserving what I can, and giving away a sh**load of produce by the side of the road (we actually started doing this last year, and now you can often see cars slowing down as they go past our house to see if we have anything out there).

Here's what we hauled in on Sunday morning...about 90 lb of tomatoes, 40 of various peppers, plus a bunch of eggplant and a few other random things (we've had a bumper crop of kale which has kept producing all summer and will probably get its second wind with the cooler weather).

I've just managed to finish up with all the tomatoes and about halfway done chopping peppers for the freezer. Hopefully the eggplant will still be ok by the time I get to it. If not, it's not as though I don't have a whole bunch of it stewed or roasted in the freezer already...


Gorgeous!! I am envious. But not covetous, because that would send me to the prayer closet. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, frenchtoast said:

Guess who missed the step and badly sprained their ankle? This klutz! Right in front of the daughter who I sent to wake up hubby because I knew I had badly sprained it. A trip to the ER and some x-rays, no broken bones, but some ligament stuff. Got some crutches and an "air splint" which is the same boot I had when I had bunion surgery. What a day! I'm supposed to see Wicked this weekend, that should be an adventure. 

Oh dear. So sorry about your ankle, FRENCHTOAST. Crutches are no fun. But you are going to LOVE Wicked. I've splurged on tickets to see it twice. Enjoy!

Edited by Love2dance
1 hour ago, Love2dance said:

Seconding NEW DIGS healing thoughts and hugs to all who could use them. Seems like this group is going through some major (and not so major) things this month. Count me in for some homemade banana bread and a listening ear.

Yum! Banana bread...just please tell me we'll all start speaking Spanish and crying if Muffy crashes the party and just starts staring at us.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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