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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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All this talk of pasties is making me hungry! I love those things. However if you've never had rutabaga before, make sure you're not going anywhere after trying them! I found out the hard way that rutabagas can create a stinky situation.

I am recovering. I am alive. But the procedure was super traumatic. I was awake for it, and I wasn't fully numb. But I'm doing okay now. :)

I hope you will treat yourself to all the small things that make you happy. You deserve TLC even from yourself. 

  • Love 5

I'd say it's closer to summer sausage flavor-wise, but I actually like summer sausage (and would sell my mother for a case of landjaegers right now).


I'd sell a body part or two for a trip to the market in York, PA for some fresh Lebanon bologna. I can buy it here, but for some reason it just doesn't taste the same. On Roman Meal bread with cold butter is the way we grew up eating it. Today it's on pumpernickel with Cooper's cheese, mayo and grainy mustard.


I've been to the UP but didn't have a pastie while I was there. Pasties are pretty common in the taverns in Williamsburg though and in some of the pubs in Richmond, VA.

  • Love 3

If you have red hair, pain meds and anesthesia don't work as well as they do on everyone else.


On my emergency card in my purse, I have a note that I'm a natural redhead. My mom had cataract surgery where the pain meds worked but the relaxants didn't. She was supposed to be in la-la land, and instead she was wide awake. Yikes! When she went in for the second eye, she and the doctor talked about it and they had the head anesthesiologist handle every part of the pain control and sedation. Same thing happened again. My mom is very stoic, but I am not. Henceforth, all medical people I encounter will know that my hair is red! (or was until it started fading toward white)

  • Love 7

With tomato season behind us :( Does anyone make tomato pie?(pie crust, cheddar cheese and mayo)- not a pizza (some folks call pizza tomato pies) I love it but don't quite get it-You take fresh from the garden (juicy) tomatoes and drain all the juice from them in order to make it!

Oooh! Ooooh! *waving & raising hand* I do, I do!!! I make this a couple of times each summer. I either buy farmers' market tomatoes or use my own. I like Paula Deen's recipe; you take your par-baked pie shell and brush 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard on it, layer sliced tomatoes & shredded cheese, and top with a mayo & parmesan mixture, then bake for 20-25 minutes, YUM. The mustard gives it a little kick, as well as keeps the crust from getting soggy. Also, put your tomato slices on paper towels, salt them a little bit, and let them sit 20 minutes to bring out excess moisture. Okay, it's getting close to dinnertime, and I'm getting hungry, lol!
  • Love 7

I have a super high pain tolerance, but get nauseous incredibly easily from anesthesia. The worst part of my thyroid surgery was the anesthesia. Having a 3 inch cut through skin, muscle and tendons, and pulling out one of my organs didn't bother me. Getting sick from the anesthesia was the worst part. 



The quality of life and eating improvements made it worth it. (It was either braces or breaking and resetting my jaw).

Holy cow, that sounds painful! How did they break your jaw? Were you awake for it?

Ok how Have I never heard of aspic before? I even googled an image....I have never seen that before in my life. Is it a regional thing? A moment in time (think Kale salad) thing? An ethnic thing? I haven't tried of a lot of the foods you are all posting about but I have at least heard of them. I can honestly say I don't have one comfort food memory or food nostalgia. I'm just not very food orientated I guess .

  • Love 1

Ok how Have I never heard of aspic before? I even googled an image....I have never seen that before in my life. Is it a regional thing? A moment in time (think Kale salad) thing? An ethnic thing? I haven't tried of a lot of the foods you are all posting about but I have at least heard of them. I can honestly say I don't have one comfort food memory or food nostalgia. I'm just not very food orientated I guess .


It was very popular back in the days of Mrs. Beeton, when people made scratch aspic from bones. Then it became a huge thing during the fifties when powdered gelatin became available.

  • Love 3

Ok how Have I never heard of aspic before? I even googled an image....I have never seen that before in my life. Is it a regional thing? A moment in time (think Kale salad) thing? An ethnic thing? I haven't tried of a lot of the foods you are all posting about but I have at least heard of them. I can honestly say I don't have one comfort food memory or food nostalgia. I'm just not very food orientated I guess .

Aspics hit their peak in the fifties. I think they were also sort of in the very tail end of of the "spiciness = 1/4 teaspoon of paprika" food trend that was obliterated when ethnic food hit the scene in the sixties.
  • Love 3

With tomato season behind us :(

Does anyone make tomato pie?(pie crust, cheddar cheese and mayo)- not a pizza (some folks call pizza tomato pies)

I love it but don't quite get it-

You take fresh from the garden (juicy) tomatoes and drain all the juice from them in order to make it!

Yes, with fresh sweet corn and basil. Like Liz Tudor I set my tomato slices on paper towel for a while so they don't make crust soggy. I also put a light layer of cheddar on the bottom crust to help keep the crust firm. Best made with Duke's mayo. Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 3

Hugs to those who get depressed around this time of year. I was put on Wellburtin and Zoloft and it has made the change in seasons more tolerable. Not to mention, I associate negative feelings with cold weather.I'm one of those people who NEEDS warm, sunny weather. Alas, living in New England during the cold months really does a number on me. We have harsh winters. I really am considering moving to Florida. I'm not sure I can handle 39" of snow again.

  • Love 8

Hugs to those who get depressed around this time of year. I was put on Wellburtin and Zoloft and it has made the change in seasons more tolerable. Not to mention, I associate negative feelings with cold weather.I'm one of those people who NEEDS warm, sunny weather. Alas, living in New England during the cold months really does a number on me. We have harsh winters. I really am considering moving to Florida. I'm not sure I can handle 39" of snow again.

HUgs to you Joe. I'm a New Englander too. I dislike the extreme cold and any snow storm nearing a foot. But what I hate the most is how early it gets dark.

  • Love 6

My gold standard for unfortunate canned vegetables is Veg-All, which is canned mixed vegetables, all cubed except the peas, with little matching cubes of potato. We never had it, but we spent a fair amount of time with an aunt who did. The beleaguered husband, though, tells me that I fed him his first fresh spinach, because his mom only used canned.


They actually sell basically this mix, again minus the peas, in my grocery store now. Sooo much better than the canned "whatever."

If you have red hair, pain meds and anesthesia don't work as well as they do on everyone else.


On my emergency card in my purse, I have a note that I'm a natural redhead. My mom had cataract surgery where the pain meds worked but the relaxants didn't. She was supposed to be in la-la land, and instead she was wide awake. Yikes! When she went in for the second eye, she and the doctor talked about it and they had the head anesthesiologist handle every part of the pain control and sedation. Same thing happened again. My mom is very stoic, but I am not. Henceforth, all medical people I encounter will know that my hair is red! (or was until it started fading toward white)

I am a natural red head. I have never heard this. I have no problem with novocaine. I get the normal amount and it never wears off before it should. When I have been sedated, normal amount, normal reaction. Curious.


Aspics hit their peak in the fifties. I think they were also sort of in the very tail end of of the "spiciness = 1/4 teaspoon of paprika" food trend that was obliterated when ethnic food hit the scene in the sixties.

The hostesses tomorrow are mostly thin women who generally live on air (I like them very much) and I think they chose aspic as it only has about 75 calories per cup.  Most of them will have maybe one bite of the bread without butter and put the cake in a take out container.  I will pig out and eat everything and probably wish the serving of chicken curry had been larger, but if they have sufficiently soaked the cakes, I may not care.


  • Love 5

I am a natural red head. I have never heard this. I have no problem with novocaine. I get the normal amount and it never wears off before it should. When I have been sedated, normal amount, normal reaction. Curious.

Interesting that you don't have that reaction, but nothing of this kind will be 100%. I need triple novocaine. A redheaded friend of mine in Nova Scotia is a health professional, and she says she's seen medical records with notations about redheads and their reactions to pain meds.

  • Love 1

The hostesses tomorrow are mostly thin women who generally live on air (I like them very much) and I think they chose aspic as it only has about 75 calories per cup.  Most of them will have maybe one bite of the bread without butter and put the cake in a take out container.  I will pig out and eat everything and probably wish the serving of chicken curry had been larger, but if they have sufficiently soaked the cakes, I may not care.


OMG, I'm flashing on Knox Blocks - jell-o with added gelatine to make it solid enough to eat in cubes like a snack. It was huge for about three years in the seventies as a low-calorie snack (which was also high-protein, but nobody was really talking about that back then).

  • Love 3

I've never quite understood the jello salad thing, where you have various things suspended in jello. The first time I saw it on TV - in the episode of The Simpsons where everyone took one to the Mr. Burns work party, I thought it was something that had been made up for the cartoon.

For those of us that grew up with Jello- we don't think of it that way!  lol

A favorite at our home growing up was strawberry jello with canned pineapple, frozen strawberries and sour cream

We also tried the Jello with a pretzel crust - anyone else?


otoh- Jello squares were bad- I was in a woman's group that did a Christmas cookie exchange and someone brought them (cut in holiday colors and shapes)

  • Love 9

This is the tomato aspic that I remember.. usually served with a side of mayo. It generally had thinly sliced celery and carrots inside. And I must either be hungry or feeling nostalgic because this looks yummy.





I would totally try this! And have eaten many jello dishes that were great, even aspics. Apologies if I already told this story, but my mother used to make THE most delicious orange jello salad with carrots and celery suspended in it. Famous in our family - even my cousins would ask me at picnics "Did your Mom bring her jello salad?" So good on a hot Summer night. If it's flavorful enough, that's all that matters. I think a lot of the yucky aspics that have been described here recently were probably prepared with little or no seasoning, but with the right blends of salt, pepper, basil, dill etc I bet most Nasty Aspics could be saved.

  • Love 2

We do a jelly slice which is a crushed sweet biscuit base, lemony flavoured middle layer made with lemon juice, condensed milk and gelatin, and a red jelly top. It's pretty good, unless you're one of those people who don't liked mixed consistencies all in one bite. - my nephew won't eat jelly slice, or pavlova for that reason.


  • Love 5

Positive thoughts for burlsa today!


Way back thread I saw pickled herring referred to as Jewish, I think of it more as Scandinavian, along with lutefisk, lefse and limberger cheese.  Gefilte fish strikes me as Jewsih.  We loved pickled herring in a sour cream sauce on crackers and lefse with lingonberries during the holidays. Also good, butter the lefse, sprinkle with sugar cinnamon and roll up and pop in the mic for 20 seconds, YUM!

I was raised Jewish and love Gefilte Fish. It's so expensive I usually ask my parents to buy  me a jar around Passover.  Yes, I'm 38 and ask my parents to buy me food. Only child you ask? How'd you guess? ;)


My dad loves pickled herring but I can't stand the stuff. My grandfather was a butcher so as a kid I ate beef tongue until I realized what it was. Same with liver and chicken liver. Probably the only kid on the planet who ate liver and onions willingly.

  • Love 5

I have a super high pain tolerance, but get nauseous incredibly easily from anesthesia. The worst part of my thyroid surgery was the anesthesia. Having a 3 inch cut through skin, muscle and tendons, and pulling out one of my organs didn't bother me. Getting sick from the anesthesia was the worst part. ?


Tell them and they'll put anti-nausea medication in your IV. I've had 2 surgeries. The first time I woke up throwing up, which after nose and sinus surgery was literally the worst. I told them before my second one and they put something in the IV. No more barfing!

For those of us that grew up with Jello- we don't think of it that way!  lol


otoh- Jello squares were bad- I was in a woman's group that did a Christmas cookie exchange and someone brought them (cut in holiday colors and shapes)

My mom makes a cranberry orange jello mold at the holidays. It's a can of whole berry cranberry sauce, a packet of orange jello, 12oz of Sprite.


Remember when Jello Jigglers were a thing? Or Jello 123? Yum!



  • Love 6

The only way I'd eat a jiggler is if it is infused with vodka. Aspic is also something I have never heard of before and up until now I felt pretty food literate. To me it looks like tomato flan. I would try anything once, but I am going to be honest, it doesn't appeal to me. My MIL brought over a bunch of her mother's recipe books. There were a tub full of them, mostly from the 60s, including many church ones and women's group ones. We just eat so differently now. I look all my recipes up on the Internet. I just got rid of a shelf full of cook books I never use. As for the liver and onions...my mother LOVED that, but my father refused to eat it, so she would serve it and make us kids eat it whenever my dad went out of town for a business trip. It got to the point when he would leave town we would cry because we knew the liver and onions were going to be served. He just thought we were going to miss him.

  • Love 15

The only way I'd eat a jiggler is if it is infused with vodka. Aspic is also something I have never heard of before and up until now I felt pretty food literate. To me it looks like tomato flan. I would try anything once, but I am going to be honest, it doesn't appeal to me. My MIL brought over a bunch of her mother's recipe books. There were a tub full of them, mostly from the 60s, including many church ones and women's group ones. We just eat so differently now. I look all my recipes up on the Internet. I just got rid of a shelf full of cook books I never use. As for the liver and onions...my mother LOVED that, but my father refused to eat it, so she would serve it and make us kids eat it whenever my dad went out of town for a business trip. It got to the point when he would leave town we would cry because we knew the liver and onions were going to be served. He just thought we were going to miss him.

My mother is/was a Depression baby, one of seven kids, with a widowed mother. She loves the nastiest, cheapest cuts of meat, canned vegetables, etc. When I was growing up she'd make chuck steak with dried onion soup mix, jello molds, all kind of awful stuff. Her Sunday/holiday roasts, though, were to die for. Se just felt good food should be a treat.

OMG, I'm flashing on Knox Blocks - jell-o with added gelatine to make it solid enough to eat in cubes like a snack. It was huge for about three years in the seventies as a low-calorie snack (which was also high-protein, but nobody was really talking about that back then).

It was also supposed to be, and was, good for your nails. Keratin, from the horse's hooves.

  • Love 3

Late to the party again...............................damn


Everyone has moved on and I am sort of in shock. Just read about WW. I haven't read every post as there are so many pages!  I am so sad as I don't want it to be true. I have 2 questions to ask and if the response is somewhere in the last 15 pages please don't make me go looking as I tried. 1.) Is WW and the person who asked for money for school supplies the same person or is the school supply person still a regular poster?  If she is I do not mean to imply she is not a real person! When Absolom posted her warning I was trying to decide which of the two she was talking about.  2.) Was someone able to run the supposed picture of Maisie and found out it was a stock picture?   


WWs story began to sound off to me when she started discussing her divorce, custody and child support and the fact that she had already moved. So much in such a short amount of time. I am a step parent. My step daughter is fully grown but about 19 year ago I discovered the step parents boards on AOL.. remember dial up? I was very active and learned so much about every aspect of divorce, child support, custody etc. With her story everything was settled in such a short amount of time. Her cs was low, she had cancer, she had already moved...Courts do not look kindly on men who lower their salaries to pay less cs. Courts look at salary history and wasn't WM in a security job one, that would need people of some decent moral character, at least that was my impression. Anyway the flag went up and then the talk about the gofundme site which was not started by her.


I read some of the info on Razing Ruth on the Way Back Machine and have to say if she got that much money, gifts and gift cards I can't even imagine how much the Duggars get. It makes me sad thinking about people who really don't have money sending cash or girts to them when their father owns 2 planes and RE and other businesses. Such good Christians to take from people, then again the televangelists and their talk of seed money to get people to give them lots of cash.. Sadly it appears to be formulaic in how one gets people to believe their story and get the cash and so many people are using it to take advantage of people.  



  • Love 2

For those of us that grew up with Jello- we don't think of it that way!  lol

A favorite at our home growing up was strawberry jello with canned pineapple, frozen strawberries and sour cream

We also tried the Jello with a pretzel crust - anyone else?

Yes to both! I actually made the pretzel crust jello thing for a work potluck. It was appropriate for the theme -maybe retro foods or 70s & 80s food. Anyway, it was a surprising hit.

I guess because I grew up with Jello as a dessert (love the pretzel, cream cheese & strawberry jello bars) or a neutral salad (my fave is lime jello, crushed pineapple, cottage cheese and whipped cream) I can't wrap my brain around savory jello, like an aspic. And I LOVE all things tomato. But tomato aspic literally makes me gag.

We do eat a lot differently now than our parents/grandparents. That church cookbook I mentioned earlier was FULL of "cream of x" soup recipes from back in the day. One had FOUR cans of cream soup: two of potato, one mushroom, one celery. And don't get me started on Velveeta. After working on this particular cookbook, I thanked my Mom for not using this stuff, or using it sparingly. I've learned over the years that it doesn't take any more time, effort, or expense to make my own sauces/thickeners, shred cheese, etc. I have the benefit of knowing what's in it and it definitely tastes better!

  • Love 2

I'm a redhead now but of the L'Oreal variety, although I have pale skin, hazel eyes, and a kajillion freckles.  Anyway, when I went for my c-section with my son, I asked the doctor if he had just cut me open, and he said, "You felt that??!!"  I said, "Yes, but it didn't hurt."  So he told me to lift my feet, and when I did, he said, "You can't do that!"  Then he told the anesthesiologist to give me more drugs.


A few minutes later, he says, "Why are you grunting like that?"  I said, "Because you're pulling all my insides around."  He says, "You can feel that??!!"  I say, "Yes, but it doesn't hurt."  Cue the anesthesiologist again.


Needless to say, after I got to hold my son, they put me completely under to tie my tubes (and the doctor assured me he cauterized them!).


On the other hand, when they give me Demerol, I tell them to bring a basin with it, because no sooner do they give it to me than I vomit, and then it kicks in and I'm fine.  But I puke every time they give it to me.

  • Love 3

Late to the party again...............................damn


Everyone has moved on and I am sort of in shock. Just read about WW. I haven't read every post as there are so many pages!  I am so sad as I don't want it to be true. I have 2 questions to ask and if the response is somewhere in the last 15 pages please don't make me go looking as I tried. 1.) Is WW and the person who asked for money for school supplies the same person or is the school supply person still a regular poster?  If she is I do not mean to imply she is not a real person! When Absolom posted her warning I was trying to decide which of the two she was talking about.  2.) Was someone able to run the supposed picture of Maisie and found out it was a stock picture?   


We'd really, really, really like to move on. I know it's fresh for you, but it's starting to bring out some harsh responses here. We (the mods) are most definitely on top of everything.  Fundraising is not permitted. At this point, the only thing they can get is attention. I would urge you to post as you normally would. Kindness and respect and empathy only make the world a better place. If it seems kind of weird to you the best option is to not respond or respond minimally. But looking at the numbers, there is a huge super majority of wonderful people here. If there are two or three that aren't? There are still way more that are on the up and up. Let's all take the high road and just continue being the awesome group of people.


And now I have to say that analgesics and anesthetics make so nauseous. I was also sick after I had bunion surgery and the Vicodin made so nauseous I just took the ibuprofen. Worked just as well and no nasty puke bowl. (Bunion surgery meant I couldn't make the bathroom all that fast). When I was in the hospital for cellulitis (on the face) they gave me morphine. Maaaan, that stuff is goooood. But they gave me the anti-nausea stuff first. When I got home my brother was there watching the kids and I was saying how I liked the morphine. And he says, "It always makes me nauseous." And I said, "That's because you've never had it in the hospital." (He's a recovering addict, so he gets lots of issues with pain relief.)

  • Love 6

2 cans veg-all, 1 can golden mushroom soup, 1 can french fried onions on top.  Bake.  Instant casserole.  (My mother wasn't a great cook either!)


My grandmother destroyed all of her crystal bowls trying to make Jello in them.  She loved Jello, but didn't learn not to pour boiling water in them--  and she had a college degree and taught cooking!!  (Also probably the WORST cook in the world--yikes!)


I was having TMJ symptoms which disappeared "over night" after I started sleeping on a Sleep Number Bed.  No problems since, either.  Go figure.


My parents bought a freezer when I was a kid, and I don't think I had any fresh veggies except tomatoes for years.  Once I learned what I was missing, I became a huge veggie lover! Nothing but lots of fresh produce for me!!

  • Love 4

My grandmother destroyed all of her crystal bowls trying to make Jello in them.  She loved Jello, but didn't learn not to pour boiling water in them--  and she had a college degree and taught cooking!!  (Also probably the WORST cook in the world--yikes!)

Best to mix Jello in one bowl and then pour into another bowl (not sure if this would've helped save the crystal though!)


A favorite at our home growing up was strawberry jello with canned pineapple, frozen strawberries and sour cream.


springtime, you just made me so happy when you brought up this recipe as this was my mom's "go to" salad for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and any family get together.  My mom would add smooshed bananas to her strawberry jello.


Now that my mom is gone, I'm the one who makes the strawberry jello as the 20-something family members require it be served.  The best part is these young family members have also learned how to make this dish.  You made my night!

  • Love 5

Speaking of aspic....first of all, I have never een able to eat jello of any kind. Something about the texture sets off my gag reflex, though if it's whipped with something to where it's more of a mousse consistency I cn handle it. But, anyway, my parents are of "old country" Polish background, and one of my mom's special luncheon or special holiday dishes was always a pig's foot based aspic. She'd make it a day or two beforehand, as cooking those pig trotters down enough to make a gelatine took hours which would stink up the house. The she would salvage what meat she could and suspend it in an attractive pattern with other ingredients like onions, carrot slices, maybe some bits of boiled eggs and whatnot. It was served with vinegar (which is another thing I really don't care for...I'll happily eat almost anything else you throw at me unless it is jellied or pickled). Hell on a plate.


Our Christmas celebrations took me a while to warm up to as well, as a Polish Christmas Eve dinner is all fish and/or meatless. As a kid, I didn't like fish at all, though after I got past my teens or thereabouts, seafood in general became one of my very favorite things. So, of course, now I love all of it. I guess it must be related to the Italian "seven fishes" celebration - most probably a Catholic thing, though I'm not religious enough to pay than any notice. At any rate, our Christmas Eve consists of:


1) Oplatek--wafers of the same type you get for communion, but imprinted with nativity themes. Everyone gets a piece, then shares theirs with everyone else at the gathering (each person breaking off a piece of the others' and wishing them a blessed Christmas/all the best/etc).

2) Pickled (ugh) or creamed (yum!) herring with bread. And vodka, because "a fish needs to swim"

3) A cold fish dish known as "Greek style" fish, though not sure entirely why.  Cod chunks layered with a mixture of carrot, celery, parsnip and onion sautéed, then braised until tender. One of my favorite things ever! Especially after a day or two. I always make plenty, then stake out my share for breakfasts. Even if everybody else looks at me funny :) Naturally, this comes with more vodka. Though generally not when you eat it for breakfast.

4)Barszcz (borscht) with "uszka" ("little ears"--basically a tortellini stuffed with a ground mushroom paste).

5) A hot fish dish...can vary to be almost anything. I think carp is the most traditional, but we usually do a stuffed flounder. We pretty much switch to wine by that point.

6) dessert..."kutia", which is a mixture of softened whole wheat berries, raisins, slivered almonds and poppyseeds suspended in cream and honey.

plus, possibly, a fruit compote for those who are too full to even look at the kutia

7) And don't get me started on the homemade after-dinner liqueurs...wisniowka (cherry), malinowka (raspberry) and especially krupnik, which is a honey/spice liqueur served hot and guaranteed to cure whatever ails you!

  • Love 7

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one still traumatized from a childhood filled with canned vegetables. I went home last year to help my mother recuperate from an accident and she had an entire case of canned peas in the pantry closet. My reaction was similar to that scene in Sleeping With The Enemy when Julia Roberts opens the cupboard and realizes her ex has been in her house. I gasped in horror, trembled, backed away slowly and then ran for my life.

  • Love 7

Now I know how tense my poor husband is over tonight's Cub's game.

He just excitedly came in and spoke to me IN SPANISH about something that happened in the game.

LOL he NEVER does that..even when I try speaking to him in Spanish, he always answers me in English...He must be a nervous wreck, poor guy :) (I'm a diehard White Sox fan,but I do feel really bad for him)

Edited to add: Aaaaaand they lost. :(

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 7

If you have red hair, pain meds and anesthesia don't work as well as they do on everyone else.


On my emergency card in my purse, I have a note that I'm a natural redhead. My mom had cataract surgery where the pain meds worked but the relaxants didn't. She was supposed to be in la-la land, and instead she was wide awake. Yikes! When she went in for the second eye, she and the doctor talked about it and they had the head anesthesiologist handle every part of the pain control and sedation. Same thing happened again. My mom is very stoic, but I am not. Henceforth, all medical people I encounter will know that my hair is red! (or was until it started fading toward white)


No kidding! I never heard of this before, and there's a whole branch of the family on my Dad's side with red hair. I'll have to remember to ask about this at the next family event.

I realize I am totally late to the game, and y'all have fortunately moved on, but I just have to say how shocked I am about the WW situation.  I was an infrequent reader and hadn't read all of her posts but I was certainly taken in and had great sympathy for her.  Just before I went on vacation for two weeks I read about the possibility of a Gofundme account and was prepared to contribute to it.  While I was gone all of this hit the fan so I was spared that mess.


It's a great lesson to see how easily I was scammed and I can't help but feel just terribly for Meri and her catfish scandal.  All of us will recover from this, but it's going to be hard for Meri to move forward with or without her family.  I feel even worse for her than I did before.


Thanks to all of you that had a much better perspective, and skills to uncover the truth.

  • Love 1

Does anyone remember that dessert (the Jello 1-2-3 made me think of it, but it was not gelatin. Roughly the same vintage, though)..I don't recall the name or even who made it...but it was a fruity thing that came in a couple of flavors. We always got the peach, but I think it came in strawberry and maybe something else. You mixed it with milk, and it would turn into a sort of pudding/sort of yogurt (I guess something in there must have curdled the milk?). We used to love it but it vanished after two or three years.


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Does anyone remember that dessert (the Jello 1-2-3 made me think of it, but it was not gelatin. Roughly the same vintage, though)..I don't recall the name or even who made it...but it was a fruity thing that came in a couple of flavors. We always got the peach, but I think it came in strawberry and maybe something else. You mixed it with milk, and it would turn into a sort of pudding/sort of yogurt (I guess something in there must have curdled the milk?). We used to love it but it vanished after two or three years.

There's a food forum with a thread that could probably identify that for you. 



Okay, I just have to make one more point on the subject of GEML who some have felt had ties to WW.  I was interested in her because I live in the same community she claimed to live in.  Nothing she said sounded off to me.  When she mentioned her books on Amazon I checked them out and then looked her up in the white pages to see where she lived in relation to me. I was familiar with her neighborhood.  Then when she moved to Ireland her house was posted on Trulia for sale.  It all made sense to me.

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