Tara Ariano November 10, 2014 Share November 10, 2014 A bomb explodes downtown and the army, led by General Eiling, comes in and takes over the investigation, much to Joe's dismay. Meanwhile, Wells informs the team that Eiling experimented on his men to turn them into super soldiers; and Joe tries to get Iris to stop writing about "the streak." 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/
SimoneS November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Damn, Wells is hardcore. Poor Beth. Barry and Joe's discussion about his secret love for Iris was very well done. I like Iris a lot. She deserves better than this Streak story. ET: It was great seeing Clancy Brown. Edited November 12, 2014 by SimoneS 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557876
Enero November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Wells continue to unveil his not so nice side. After what he did tonight I now have no doubt that he's bad news. The Streak/Flash/Iris scene was great. Wonderful chemistry. I think her and Barry might be able to bring some serious heat when the time comes. Another thing I liked about that scene was him distorting not only his voice but his face so she couldn't make out who he was. I hate when super heroes are in uniform but fail to disguise their voice or face for that matter (looking at you Superman LOL). It's ridiculous to think that no one will recognize them. I really love the relationship between Barry and Joe. I laughed with Joe when Barry revealed his vocal cord trick. I enjoyed all of the Barry/Iris scenes tonight. I don't understand why he didn't just tell her the truth. Now he's ended the friendship, I'm assuming because he didn't want to tell her the truth, but also couldn't remain friends with her while continuing to keep up the lie. SMH. Who the heck is the monkey Grodd? Really good episode. Edited November 12, 2014 by Enero 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557889
Jediknight November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Lex Luthor trying to fool everyone into thinking that he's General Eiling, Plastique, and Grodd, that was awesome. There were in no way anvils dropping when Barry talked about friends not being friends for long, and it showed Eddie Thawne. Come on Barry, just tell Iris. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557898
Lantern7 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Grodd! Awright!! Sorry . . . I know we have Plastique and Clancy Friggin' Brown, but Wells' plans involve more than a throwaway reference from the pilot. If this show can make Grodd into a credible character, then we'll be dealing with some next-level stuff. I'm Cisco-level giddy. Tonight's episode? Once again surpasses Arrow in the sense that it's not gloomy, even when somebody gets killed. Plastique deserved better than to get killed and blown up, but it didn't feel extraneous. Meanwhile, Iris has a conversation with (eyeroll) "The Streak," and she doesn't come off as painful to watch as Laurel. Or Barbara over on Gotham. Iris might be a pain in the ass, but she's a relatable pain. And I hope General Elling comes back, because Clancy Brown rocks hard. I'm glad Wells didn't kill him. I'm also glad that Elling might know that Wells is faking, and that would make him into a worthy nemesis. We got to see Barry run on water and up a building. It's basic Flash-stuff, but it's good to realize it on screen. On the other hand, I can't recall a story where Barry (or Wally) couldn't get buzzed. 500 proof alcohol is no joke, and it's sad that Barry still can't feel a buzz for long . . . but I like sober Barry. Fewer hang-ups than Ollie. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557904
In2You November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Yeah I wasn't a fan of Barry talking to Iris as The Flash, listening to her story, and still keeping his secret. I thought we were over that cliche. On another note Barry and Iris had great chemistry in that scene. Barry takes off his mask so much i'm surprised no one has discovered his secret identity yet. That'll probably be how Iris discovers the truth. Asking the Team how fast he would have to run to run on water just took the momentum out of the scenes. So far the villains on this show have been pretty lame. I have no interest in seeing Gorilla Grodd on this show. I just can't see it being done well. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557906
AimingforYoko November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 QuoteWho the heck is the monkey Grodd? Gorilla Grodd. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557910
RandomWatcher November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I'm also for Barry telling Iris, don't drag that out I'm not a fan of that 'only able to give out partial information before dying' trope Wells had plans for Grodd. Can't wait for that to play out. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557913
Bandolero November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) I swear I don't have a thing against women... after all I'm a woman but I seem to develop a strong dislike for a lot of the women on these types of shows (Barbara on Gotham, Laurel on Arrow and now Iris). She has been asked by at least three people to stop writing about The Streak. The Streak himself comes to you and asks you rather nicely to stop writing about him as he would like to remain in the shadows yet you continue to do so anyway. You are warned that you may be putting yourself in danger yet you continue anyway. If she was doing it for fame or notoriety I would get that. If she had been portrayed as an airhead or self-serving then maybe I would get it but so far she has been portrayed as kind, compassionate and even protective of Barry. So why would she continue to do this when it is obvious that the person she is writing about does not want to be known? I think it is kind of a dick move and her reasoning for doing so is bullshit. Isn't it enough that he is helping people? Why does she now have to make it a point to put him on blast? The scene with Plastique dying before she could tell Barry about Wells was so ridiculous... I practically rolled my eyes out of my head. First episode where I felt immense disappointment. Barry running on water and up a building was pretty cool though. I also felt that when The Streak was talking to Iris that he could have been more forceful in why it was not a good idea for her to write about him... the danger to him AND her. Edited November 12, 2014 by Bandolero 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557915
foreverevolving November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Damn, this show keeps reeling me deeper and deeper. I didn't expect to like it this much but.. I do. And tonight for the first time i saw real spark between Barry and Iris. but Barry and Caitlin continue to spark too. Wells. Oh Wells. you naughty mad genius. I love you so much, you are seriously reaching Malcilm Merlyn levels of love from me- not an easy feat. Also you can so tell Cavanaugh is having the time of his life with this character. Is it just me or did he say something to beth that sounded similar to the "foresaw" line he gave Felicity two weeks ago? I can't remember the exact wording. Me think Beth will be back. I wouldn't mind seeing her again, I thought the actress did a good job. Apparently in the comics she's part of the Suicide Squad. Dear Ep's i wouldn't say no to seeing waller on The Flash too recruiting meta-humans. make it happen. Another person who is growing on me: Cisco. the guy playing him is slowly finding the character voice, so is Panabaker with Caitlin. I disagree regarding Barry telling Iris, I really want her, unlike her counter on Arrow, to put 2+2 on her own and not be mad. She seems like a smart woman. make it happen show, please. Edited November 12, 2014 by foreverevolving 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557934
Cirien November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 . I hate when super heroes are in uniform but fail to disguise their voice or face for that matter (looking at you Superman LOL). It's ridiculous to think that no one will recognize them. In all fairness when dealing with a super powered alien from an another planet, he doesn't have to. No matter how much Clark looks like him, no-one is going to think that someone with eye problems is actually a being who can start fires with his eyes. And as for the voice well. Superhero impersonators. Back on topic. I'm really loving the contrast with Arrow, with the lightness. Superman and the Flash, are my kind of heros as opposed to the darker broodier heroes of Arrow, or Batman. But Damnit Barry just tell her already! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557937
Writing Wrongs November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Every time they call him "The Streak", I hear that Ray Stevens song in my head. It also reminds me of how Lois named Clark "The Blur" on Smallville. I'm glad I stuck with this show. I'm really enjoying it more than I thought I would. Edited November 12, 2014 by Writing Wrongs 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557940
ybrik November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Grodd!! Wells is such a badass. He is intimidating without needing overwhelm someone with his physical presence. Liked Iris's reasoning for pursuing the Streak story but yeah the whole not telling her the secret is too cliché. Also liked seeing the team out of the lab hanging out. It gives them a different dynamic than the Arrow's team. Cisco's heartbreak over losing one of the suits was great only then to stop caring once he saw how hot Plastique was. Also his excitement over getting to test things getting blown up was very much him. I am really enjoying the Caitlyn character. Her worry about sounding like Felicity when talking about Eddie. Then her line about carrying the blood testing kit with her. Edited November 12, 2014 by ybrik 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557943
Tangerine November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Of course Joe knew about Barry's feelings for Iris. He really is the best detective ever. I didn't have feelings one way or the other when it came to the Iris/Barry pairing but um, the fact that Barry actually said he saw Iris as family makes it a bit squicky. Caitlin had the two best lines of the night for me: "Yeah, he's so hot....Genetically, I mean" and "I know how to perform a lobotomy." I also found it really refreshing to see two women having a conversation that wasn't about their romantic interests. It could have been Cisco in that scene to make it a romantic beat, but it wasn't and it was refreshing to see. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-557945
Enero November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Tonight's episode? Once again surpasses Arrow in the sense that it's not gloomy, even when somebody gets killed. Plastique deserved better than to get killed and blown up, but it didn't feel extraneous. I don't get the comparisons I've been seeing between Arrow and this show. IMHO it's like comparing apples and oranges. Arrow has always been a dark and gloomy show. It has it's moments of hilarity and at times great snark, but it's never IMHO had the lightness that this show conveys. Barry takes off his mask so much i'm surprised no one has discovered his secret identity yet. That'll probably be how Iris discovers the truth. Yeah. I was a little confused by the scene when Plastique was going nuclear. Barry was sitting there with his mask off, but no one saw who he was. Were they knocked out? Or did he move her to a different location from the soldiers? I looked away for a second and apparently missed a scene. Gorilla Grodd. Thanks for the link! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558014
wingster55 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 but Barry and Caitlin continue to spark too. I just don't see much there. The pairing is being pushed but I don't see much actor chemistry. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558087
Maverick November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Gorilla Grodd? Really? OK, it's official: Wells is a straight up bastard. How long are they going to drag out this "who is he" plot? I'm not suffering through 3 years of evil yet still somehow ambiguous mustache twirling and cutesy references to the future. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558106
ottoDbusdriver November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Gorilla Grodd? Really? In the pilot episode, there was a smashed cage at Star Labs after the accident with Grodd on the nameplate -- so Grodd should already be on the loose in Central City somewhere. Edited November 12, 2014 by ottoDbusdriver 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558159
In2You November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I don't see any chemistry between Barry and Caitlin whatsoever. I wish people would stop comparing this show to Arrow and Gotham. Completely different superheros who live in different cities and traditionally fight different types of villains. The Flash has always been a light hero with the more ridiculous villains.I mean one is a Gorilla! I'd sooner compare The Flash to Aquaman than Green Arrow and Batman. I especially dont understand the comparisons to Gotham. Nothing about Gotham was every light and overly campy except that crappy 60s show. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558162
Amelie06 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 This was another great episode. On another note Barry and Iris had great chemistry in that scene. I agree. I wasn't seeing it at all prior to the rooftop scene, but I've been won over. For once, Barry seemed more like a man in love, instead of a lovesick boy. At one point when he flashed behind her, it looked like he was checking her out. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I think he was looking at her ass. I thought Iris needed to be reminded that she had a cute boyfriend. I hope the show's writers understand the importance of Barry's relationship with Joe. They have great family chemistry. They obviously love each other very much and are very comfortable around each other. I love that Barry is always eagerly telling Joe about his new developments. Nothing can ever happen to Joe! I'm already over Joe's insane protection of Iris. She is an adult and his insistence on "protecting" her has got to stop. He knows that he is interfering in Barry and Iris's relationship. It seemed kind of odd when Barry essentially broke up with Iris. It doesn't make sense if you look at if from her perspective. Iris writing about some dude who runs fast shouldn't be a reason for Barry to break up their lifelong friendship. Also, who has a formal break up with their friend/family like that? I did like that this conflict showed us more about Iris. She isn't rude or strident, but she stands up for herself. Just because other people don't agree with what she is doing, doesn't mean she has to stop. She has worthy reasons why she believes it is important to continue writing about The Streak. Wells is a total dick. He basically told that girl, "Kill yourself. It's the only way." 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558170
benteen November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Really good episode once again. I'm liking this world The Flash is creating a lot. Great stuff between Joe and Barry at the police station. Iris is good but I still like Caitlin better. The water and explosion FX was top-notch. Only thing bothering me is keeping the secret from Iris. I have a hard time trying to figure out why Joe is so hellbent on it when it's clear it's just causing more harm that good. Barry should realize that too. It's a clichéd storyline that's been done to death and there's no purpose to it. It's a waste of time. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558298
bluebonnet November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 This show. I feel like a kid in a candy store when I watch it, it's that enjoyable. The one thing I still don't dig is Iris. It's such a shame because the actress is strong and she has great chemistry with the rest of the cast, but it looks like her future may be a period of damseling. It doesn't make sense for Barry not to tell her, especially based on who he is. He's not an Oliver Queen with patriarch complex. He's presented as this equal rights, feminist, intelligent, awesome person so this keeping it from Iris to protect her comes off fraudulent. Plus, these sort of things typically serve the purpose of make the female character a distressed damsel and, I'm sure we can all agree, YAWN. Been there done that since the beginning of time, it's bordering on offensive at this point. It would be lovely if this show is so awesome that Iris ends up getting attacked because of her perceived connection with "The Streak" and she saves herself and gives Barry the finger for being a patriarchal asshole. Maybe the set up to the damsel is actually a fake out and they are creating Iris in the Felicity Smoak image rather than the Laurel one. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558328
thuganomics85 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Clancy Brown! Hell yeah! Great seeing him as Eiling. I hope he will be a recurring antagonist for the group because, as far as I'm concerned, Clancy Brown can make anything better! Aw, I'm kind of bummed they killed Plastique/Bette. I thought the actress was pretty good in the role. I did like that we got a meta-human who wasn't evil, but had problems controlling her powers, and then went down a dark path thanks to Wells being a shady bastard. Wells is a dick and and a half. And, yet, I don't want him going anywhere. Holy shit, I can't believe that Gorilla Grodd wasn't just a Easter Egg in the pilot, but is going to be involved in this somehow. This could end up being a massive failure, but I can't help but to respect the show for even attempting to bring this character into the fold. Loved Joe's reaction to how Barry can change his voice. I just like it when characters just get a kick out of supernatural stuff, and can't help but to laugh. I'm usually lukewarm to Barry/Iris, but Flash/Iris was actually.... kind of good? Yeah, I saw some chemistry there. I think it was because Barry had more confidence in the suit, and wasn't being his normal self in front of her. Not surprised Joe knew he had feelings for her all along. Either he's a hell of a detective, or, really, Barry is that obvious. I mean, Felicity easily figured it out, and I kind of think Cisco and Caitlin know too. The only person who apparently doesn't is Iris herself. And, maybe Eddie, since he hasn't brought it up yet. Only negative I really have is Barry and Joe continuing to hide his identity from Iris. At this point, it's just better to tell her, and it is making them come off like jerks for not doing so. If anything, it would be safer for her to know, and for her to quit digging in, like she is. I just have a feeling it's going to blow up in their faces, and it's such a cliche. Plus, "The Streak" is such a lame name. At the very least, Cisco needs to plant better nicknames into her head. Like, maybe, The Flash. I did like seeing more of the Barry/Cisco/Caitlin trio. Not Original Team Arrow yet, but they were fun. Especially Caitlin trying to create a beverage that can get Barry drunk. It's all about the important things! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558347
Actionmage November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Lots to love. Joe's behavior isn't one of those things. Still working through my feels. Glad Grodd wasn't dropped as a story. Clancy Brown makes any show more fun and also more scary. He should be on as many shows as he wants. Hopefully, we'll see him again before the season ends. Plastique? As a soap vet, no body, no death. At least, not permanently. (Biobabble will save her!) 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558363
benteen November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Anyone hear the cover to a Flock of Seagulls "I Ran So Far" playing in the background? Joe laughing at Barry's voice was great. Edited November 12, 2014 by benteen 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558378
bluebonnet November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Plastique? As a soap vet, no body, no death. At least, not permanently. (Biobabble will save her!) Awesome! Didn't even think of that. Technically her meta skill shouldn't kill her, right? At least not directly. The weather guy wasn't harmed by tornadoes, gas guy not harmed by gas, Barry not harmed by super speeds. So Plastique shouldn't have been fatally harmed by her own meta skill. No body, no death is right. Maybe she really will partner up with Barry so they can learn about what Wells is up to. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558384
Latverian Diplomat November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Joe laughing at Barry's voice was great. Sometimes, being a father figure to a superhero should be just plain fun. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558490
Grammaeryn November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 My favorite LOL moment was when they were testing Bette's blowing up ability and Caitlin turned to Cisco with a boomerang in hand saying, "Didn't really think this through didja?" Another good episode that left me with a smile. I'm really pleased with the one off casting - Clancy, there can only be one, Brown and Kelly Frye. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558551
madhacker November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 when they do the Flash/Arrow crossover I wanna see Barry do his "vocal manipulation" just to see Oliver's reaction. How is possible that this show just keeps getting better with each new episode? I'm so delighted!! Cisco's getting pissed at finding out "his" suit got blown up was so awesome. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558597
cynic November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) I loved the Iris/Flash rooftop scene. I thought they had great chemistry. And when he was standing so close behind her, it actually got kinda hot. When Barry came in to talk to Iris, I thought for a moment that he was actually going to tell her the truth. Sadly, my hopes were dashed that the show would actually crush that particular cliche this soon. I still love Joe. Edited November 12, 2014 by cynic 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558598
calliope1975 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I'm really enjoying this show as a whole. Everyone's gelling together nicely. I like seeing Barry with his traditional Flash powers - running up buildings and on water. I hope they don't kill off all the nice metahumans, though. Wells is a straight-up dick and I actually enjoy that about him. I have no idea what his angle is, but I like his psychopath stingers at the end of each episode. Love Barry and Joe together; their relationship is great. Which brings me to my one problem with the show - Iris. Not Iris in and of herself (and CP is great) but how she is treated is horrible. It would be one thing if Joe hadn't wanted her to become a cop. Another to keep her in the dark about Barry. And yet another to not want her to run a Flash website. But all of those together equals an infantilization that is bothering me. I appreciate that she seems to be keeping on her own course despite how Joe and Barry are treating her, but I hate that they're treating her that way to begin with. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558607
twoods November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 This show is awesome. I loved Joe giggling about Barry's voice- it's so nice to see their relationship and how Joe is supportive of the new superpowers. Too bad Barry can't tell Iris the truth and be done with this cliche. Him standing close to her as the Flash was hot. Their last scene was heartbreaking. Poor Beth. Too bad they killed her off so quickly. It would have been nice to see what could develop with her and Cisco when she can't touch him. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558760
Oscirus November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I like that they found their first meta-human that wasn't a villain. They're doing a great job building the world. The friendships are being developed quite nicely ( I have no idea how people are seeing any sparks between Caitlin and Barry. They have the same relationship they'd have if Caitlin had a penis). It does seem strange that all the meta-humans have thus far been killed/ imprisoned while the human villains have gotten away. But I suppose it makes sense when you consider the experience factor. I love how protective Wells is over Flash. Maybe he has nefarious intentions but he's very persuasive. I love how his mood fluctuates on a moments notice. It'll be interesting to see what the fall out will be from his failed assassination attempt. He's easily the most intriguing character in the series. Which once again brings me to ,,, sigh... Iris. Let's start with the positive. In terms of superhero girlfriends/crushes, she's surprisingly low maintenance. I love how she stood up for herself and refused to be pressured into complying with Joe and Barry's wishes. That being said why am I supposed to root for Barry getting with Iris. If anybody put Iris in danger, it was Barry. He escalated the situation by giving her the idea to put her name on the blog Then, after learning of her intentions , he defriends her because she won't listen to him. I'm supposed to root for these two to get together? Not only do I think Iris could do better then him in terms of boyfriend material, but I also think that she could find better friends. They treat her like a kid then actually do kiddish crap to her when she won't do what they say. I was glad that she shut down her dad before he could start in on her. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558765
Slovenly Muse November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) I'm so in. This show continues to delight! But one ongoing issue is really starting to hamper my enjoyment. I HATE when this cliche gets rolled out, where the poor delicate little woman has to be kept in the dark and "protected" from knowledge that everyone else seems to be handling just fine, but would be bad for her because... ovaries? I guess? It ruined the first season of Reaper for me, and it's ruining this show too. It's especially atrocious when the woman in question is supposed to be the love interest of the main character, because then we have a character like Barry who wants to be romantically involved with someone and (theoretically) share his life with her for the long haul, but is not willing to share this huge secret with her. Like, how do you see this going? Are you going to date her, marry her, have two point five kids and a house in the suburbs and NEVER tell her the truth about who you really are? Because if you want something real, you have to tell her, and you can't have a real relationship with her UNTIL you tell her the truth. So, all the pining Barry is doing is his own fault, because he can't pursue anything with her until he tells her the truth. He's just waiting for himself, here! If he tells her the truth and she rejects him, then at least he'll be pining for the right reasons! Tell her. She'll be fine. Everyone else is. And in order to maintain this ridiculous notion that Iris is somehow "safer" NOT knowing that Barry is the Flash than she would be knowing she has a real-life superhero on speed dial, the writers are going to more and more insulting lengths to stretch out the story. If Barry and her father really wanted her to stay away from The Streak, then they (well, Barry as The Flash) would have (instead of asking her not to write about him with no explanation apart from "I don't do it for the glory") actually laid out that she was endangering both their lives with her blog, and that would have been that. And if they really wanted her to be safe, they would tell her the information she needs in order to protect herself, rather than leave her totally oblivious to the possibility of meta-human threats. The fact that that didn't happen only shows how far the writers are having to reach to keep this going. And it sucks. Iris is a really good character. But don't keep her in the dark! Like her namesake, she'll only really blossom in the light. Finding excuses not to let her be great is already getting old. Cut it out! Edited November 12, 2014 by Slovenly Muse 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558821
AudienceofOne November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 the poor delicate little woman has to be kept in the dark and "protected" from knowledge that everyone else seems to be handling just fine, but would be bad for her because... ovaries? I guess? The episode made it worse because a) Barry wants to tell her but hasn't because her Dad told him not to (!) and b) she would be demonstrably safer if they did. They even literally said exactly that. And then we had to have the Iris and Flash scene that suggested we were going to get another Lois Lane. I was tired of Lois Lane when it was Lois Lane. I don't need another. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558853
Kromm November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 "Dr. Welles he..." "...is nuttier than a jar of Peanut Butter." "...is an evil supervillian from the future who will do anything to protect you... so he can kill you later... " "...might be good on a wacky sitcom." "...looks like he could use a good hug." "...got you in this year's Star Labs Secret Santa." 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558974
Kromm November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 There's a lot I'm willing to hand-wave away, but a so-called Scientist saying something is "500 Proof"? That's a bit too far. A mere bartender knows this is impossible, so I'd think a scientist would. You don't have to be as smart as Gorilla Grodd to know this! 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558983
cambridgeguy November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Joe's dubious logic is that since Iris signed her name to the blog she's the link to Barry, just like Peter Parker is to Spider-Man thanks to taking all of those photos. This would be easily solved if Barry would just "out" himself to the media in general. He's already been seen by people (all those folks on the train with Capt. Cold, for example) so there's no reason to keep up this urban legend facade. Of course, the vastly simpler solution would be to tell her the truth and ask her to stop writing to protect Barry. That she would do instantly. If they want to protect her further they could just ask her not to make frequent visits to Star Labs: she's not a scientist so there's no reason for her to go there anyway. Unless they get Andy Serkis and Weta for Grodd I can't imagine them coming up with a plausible looking gorilla. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558988
Kromm November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Unless they get Andy Serkis and Weta for Grodd I can't imagine them coming up with a plausible looking gorilla. I don't want a talking animatronic Gorilla. But I have a concept of a few ways of how they could do Grodd. 1.) Always off-screen or in the shadows. We hear the voice only, or maybe just a silhouette. The problem with this approach is that people would STILL expect a reveal at the end of the storyline. Maybe they could budget some great CGI for a few minutes of an endgame episode though far easier than an ongoing thing. 2.) Through implication only. If rather than being a villain himself, Grodd is just a tool who's genius is being used by someone (like the General we met tonight--although it could be someone else who captured him), then we could just learn through exposition that there's some genius making all these genius decisions, and the endgame of THAT story would be a reveal that it's the Gorilla they keep in a cage we see in the background of some shot. Grodd doesn't actually have to be able to talk--just communicate with a computer or something like that. Of course this whole idea is already spoiled by us having seen his name now. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-558999
jaytee1812 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Of course Joe knew about Barry's feelings for Iris. He really is the best detective ever. He's gotta be good at something, he's a dreadful father. Why Iris even tolerates Joe or Barry is beyond me. Edited November 12, 2014 by jtrattray 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559070
Advance35 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Another really good episode. Some issues were present but not enough to detract from my enjoyment. Barry and Iris......It's still not quite right. But MUCH better. I will say I was genuinely touched when we were shown that one of the driving forces of her interest in "The Streak" wasn't because it was so out of this world awesome, but because she thought it could be a way of finding answers and that it would prove what Barry said as a child was worth investigating, that someTHING did in fact murder his mother. The actress did a really good job with that part too. The closing scene between Barry and Iris was well acted as well. There chemistry isn't over the moon good but it's servicaeble and if the writing with regards to their interaction could be tightened up a little, I could POSSIBLY grow to like it. Dr. Wells get's more and more sinister as the episodes go on. What he did to Plastique was truly cold. He's proving to be a truly DARK character on a show that is very upbeat a lot of the time. I like it. CANNOT believe we may see Gorilla Grodd. I've really liked a majority of what the writers have done with this show so I'm willing to give them some leeway and see what they do with the character. I continue to love both Cisco and Caitlin. Both so completely AWKWARD but in vastly different ways. Cisco attempting to flirt with Plastique made one cringe and giggle. Caitlin carrying around the items needed to take a blood sample?!?!?! lol. Adore them both and their infighting and snarking. Barry cringed like a big brother when Cisco was making his "play". And I thought it was really nice and proof of how she is "thawing" when Caitlin made a concentrated vial of alchohol to get Barry drunk. I do see chemistry with Barry and Caitlin. The writers could keep it as a friendship or make it more, I'd probably be fine with it either way. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559090
Chicago Redshirt November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I like how Flash is willing to borrow from the rest of the DCU for its characters and update/tweak them for its use. Bette San Souci/Plastique originally was a French-Canadian terrorist whose adversary was Firestorm. General Wade Eiling helped create Captain Atom and in at least one incarnation of the character became a supervillain in his own right called the General. I kinda hope that we do get some Captain Atom stuff down the line, even if it's only Easter eggs. In comics as in soap operas, no body, no death. Barry should have gone back to where he dropped her off to check. As for Iris: I pretty much agree with what the consensus is. "I'm chasing the Streak down to convince Barry he's not crazy" doesn't really work as a motivation when Barry tells you to stop chasing the Streak down, and when it is presumably public knowledge on some level, or at least police knowledge, that a guy has controlled the weather, another guy has turned himself into poisonous mist, another guy has had the ability to control multiple spontaneous clones of himself and another guy has a cold gun. I will give the show this: Iris has gone the most episodes of such a character without being directly threatened, kidnapped or held hostage that I can think of. (I'm not counting Multiplex because really all Multiplex wanted was to kill Stagg. So he posed little threat to anyone who didn't get in the way of that). So although it is obvious to anyone who has read a comic or watched a TV show that that will not be the case forever, I could see how a character might think that not telling her about his abilities might in and of itself be a form of protecting her. (As opposed to Smallville/Arrow/Gotham, where Lana/Laurel/Barbara's lives were/are in jeopardy on a biweekly basis, and where knowing about what Clark/Ollie/Jim actually do, what they are facing, etc. would have been useful.) In addition to what has been said, the contrast between instantly telling Bette, who he doesn't know from a hole in the wall, and not telling Iris, mainly because Joe said so because reasons, is striking. I do hope that Iris puts the pieces together. She knows that Barry is acting strangely, and that he had this weird accident happen to him where he was struck with lightning. She knows the Streak has a lightning bolt on his chest. She knows that the Streak saved the security guard from being shot by a gunman, and she knows that Barry was next to her one second and then was passed out outside shortly thereafter. She knows the approximate height of the Streak and that of Barry. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559103
wingster55 November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 "I'm chasing the Streak down to convince Barry he's not crazy" doesn't really work as a motivation when Barry tells you to stop chasing the Streak down, I think when he said he put his mom's death behind him, she knew it wasn't the truth. She would only stop if they told her the truth..and I don't think saying she'll be in danger will cut it. Joe seems way overprotective so she'll just brush off whatever he says. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559203
shrewd.buddha November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 (edited) Another enjoyable episode, but I felt the Plastique character was killed by the writers, not the general. It feels like lazy writing when a character is killed off because they can't think of anything else to do with them. I guess I should brace myself for a weekly dose of Barry+Iris drama. Maybe some people are enjoying that, but it seems really forced. To me, Barry's puppy love yearning for Iris makes him seem as if he is in virgin territory... You know, because he has to know she is getting her fluid levels checked on a regular basis by the hot blonde guy. Maybe if Iris knew Barry was pining for her she could dampen the flame by telling him how great the sex is.. ...If only Barry could meet someone else -- maybe join an all-male acapella chorus, maybe called the Warblers -- and sort himself out.. And they could tone down Iris' make-up. With Barry's baby-face, she looks practically like a cougar in comparison.. Edited November 12, 2014 by shrewd.buddha 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559270
In2You November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 There's a lot I'm willing to hand-wave away, but a so-called Scientist saying something is "500 Proof"? That's a bit too far. A mere bartender knows this is impossible, so I'd think a scientist would. You don't have to be as smart as Gorilla Grodd to know this! I thought I was the only one bothered by that. Nothing would ever stabilize enough to get that high of an alcohol content. I still don't like the team on this show. I just feel like there's no chemistry between them. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559288
cambridgeguy November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I thought I was the only one bothered by that. Nothing would ever stabilize enough to get that high of an alcohol content. 200 proof corresponds to 100% alcohol by volume (i.e. pure ethanol). It's not an issue of stabilization since by definition a pure substance is 100% of that substance. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559503
In2You November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 200 proof corresponds to 100% alcohol by volume (i.e. pure ethanol). It's not an issue of stabilization since by definition a pure substance is 100% of that substance. Even 200 proof starts evaporating once it hits the air and the proof drops. They should've just said highly concentrated instead of 500 proof. It made 2 scientists sound stupid. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559524
Chicago Redshirt November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 On another topic, usually I love the Joe-Barry interactions. But Joe being all "I've known forever that you wanted to break off a piece of my daughter, quasi-son, and I'm psyched about that!" was a little squicky. That said, Jesse L. Martin did his level best to pull that off. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559569
bluebonnet November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 I wasn't really bothered by the "it's basically 500 proof" alcohol because it seemed to me like it was just an exaggeration. It's like when I tell someone "don't drink that vodka! It's 1000 proof!". I'm not saying it's literally 1000 proof or that such a thing is impossible It's merely an exaggeration that everyone knows means that the drink in question is basically just strong. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559609
foreverevolving November 12, 2014 Share November 12, 2014 Even 200 proof starts evaporating once it hits the air and the proof drops. They should've just said highly concentrated instead of 500 proof. It made 2 scientists sound stupid. You do realize this is a comic book based show? where people have super powers- a man who can run faster than anything, a woman, who by touch, can make things explode.... It might be easier to consider all of these kind of shows as an alternate universe/reality with its own brand of science, some shit will be different some not. It makes viewing so much more enjoyable. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17986-s01e05-plastique/#findComment-559741
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