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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Today was a good episode I didn't skip nearly as much as I have been lately. 

JJ PULLED NO PUNCHES IT WAS BRILLIANT!! Unpopular opinion but I actually liked him and Haley wish the writers had done more with them. Also I was screaming at him to pull the trigger. Lol 

Tomorrow is gonna give me a migraine b/c I'm gonna have to endure Lani making a plea for Kirsten's life of all people and it's obvi it's a self-serving notion to get one over on Gabi, she needs Kristen's help. Great. I guess it would be too much to ask for JJ to shoot em both right?? Lani doesn't even have to die just shut her up. 

I'm ready for Hope/Gina to be exposed so it can be over with already. I want to see the look on Ciara's face when she finds out her mom's been trapped in her own mind and she didn't even notice. 

Gabi and Julie would be cool if it were under more honest circumstances. 

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On 12/8/2019 at 8:48 PM, KBrownie said:

Okay, so Eric is just as bad as everyone else.  So why is it okay for Xander to play daddy to someone else's kid and somehow Eric shouldn't get that opportunity in favor of Xander?  If they're the same, then Eric's actual biological tie to the child wins out and gives him certain rights that Xander, nor Sarah, get to arbitrarily decide to take away from him.

And how is Eric trying to control Sarah's every move?  He doesn't want the sociopath around his child.  The man who has on multiple occasions deliberately decided to harm and kill other people.  It ain't about Sarah.  And even if it were true Eric was trying to control Sarah, wasn't Xander doing the same when he tried to get rid of her link to Eric so he'd have a better chance with her when he let Kristen and Rolf try to take her baby from her womb?  If it's okay for Xander to do that and he's viable as a partner for Sarah and daddy to Mackenzie, then Eric should be cool if neither is any different than the other.

He might have a point of not wanting Xander but he sure would have let the sociopath Nicole around the child.  That is until he got angry with Nicole.

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35 minutes ago, TeamGabi said:

Today was a good episode I didn't skip nearly as much as I have been lately. 

JJ PULLED NO PUNCHES IT WAS BRILLIANT!! Unpopular opinion but I actually liked him and Haley wish the writers had done more with them. Also I was screaming at him to pull the trigger. Lol 

Tomorrow is gonna give me a migraine b/c I'm gonna have to endure Lani making a plea for Kirsten's life of all people and it's obvi it's a self-serving notion to get one over on Gabi, she needs Kristen's help. Great. I guess it would be too much to ask for JJ to shoot em both right?? Lani doesn't even have to die just shut her up. 

Yes I'd love it if JJ shot both of them he shot the wrong Carver a couple years ago...

JJ/Haley aren't my cup of tea but honestly he's had worse pairings(Lani was one of them) that outside their storylines I didn't entirely hate them. I just think they gave Haley the worst intro ever with via suicide attempt and then the lame immigration storyline. She already had a decent story with finding out Melinda was really her mother and go from there but no that would require having POC be a focal point in their own storyline. I watched this movie over the weekend "Falling From Grace" involved a romance of a Rich White man who comes from a WASP family but beats to his own drum and a Chinese Woman who worked her way to where she is and honestly I don't get why Days couldn't write something similar with those two. Instead they went the political route granted I didn't see a spark between them but the story could've been a lot better.

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JJ did far too much talking and handshaking with the gun. Stop the begging for life, and Kristen going on about being a nun and serving God. And now everyone is there to plead for her life. JJ, read the Zillion Rules for an Evil Overlord and get it done!

Who decorated Princess Gina's little hovel and painted the walls and brightened it up? Steffy?

Jennifer got a break from the blood pressure cuff and got some fresh air. The missing flash drive on the computer should have been a good clue. Eve did not have it, so who does.

Julie and Gabi being friendly? That'll change once the rigged pacemaker comes up. I hope it was fake on Gabi's part and that Lani fell for that power trip blackmail hook, line, and sinker. No Lani, Gabi did not ruin your life. You could have come clean to Eli and you would probably be working together to trap Gabi. You made the choice to run.

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3 hours ago, SueB said:

Kate, Kate, Kate - you got some ‘splaining to do.  How did you know where Steven-O was at?  And do you hate Kayla that much? 

This.  She just walked in (apparently they have as many locks and as much security in their lair as they do at the DiMeara mansion - random people just walk in whenever they want) and showed absolutely no surprise that it was Steveno in place of Stefano.  AND she was pissed that Chad was messing up.  Has she been working with "Stefano" ever since Tony forced her out?  This makes a lot more sense than Kate wanting to give up the corporate infighting and drama.

3 hours ago, SueB said:

JJ: telling Eli he sucks as a security guard.  Man has a point.  JJ is strung out on drugs and Eli didn’t catch him. 

And, I'm sorry, but if he couldn't even snoop on Chad's computer without being outsmarted by Abby then he really DOES suck at security.

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I haven't watched in so long, but heard about the time jump and that SN was playing "Stefano" (oh-kay), so I thought I'd check in.

A few episodes isn't enough to really know all that's going on, so if I watch more, my opinions may change. BUT- Eric is still the most judgemental Salemite ever on record. He can mess up, and that's okay, but if other people do, pfft. He write them off. Some things never change. And I like Zander, but I don't l like Sarah, but I like their chemistry. I realized yesterday who Paul T reminds me of. It's like as if Ian Buchanan and Billy Zane were thrown into a blender. Both their looks, mannerisms, and charm. Zander needs to stay semi bad. You can't waste that on a "reformed" good guy. But he could be an awesome anti hero. 

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15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I hope it was fake on Gabi's part and that Lani fell for that power trip blackmail hook, line, and sinker. No Lani, Gabi did not ruin your life. You could have come clean to Eli and you would probably be working together to trap Gabi. You made the choice to run.

On today's episode we actually had Kristin trying to spin both her and Lani's cowardice as actually facing up to their actions and that they prayed for themselves everyday (Eli had the line of the episode with his "slap on a habit and act self-righteous" for Lani and Kristin's sisterhood act) but here's the thing, women who truly are nuns spend their life in service working and praying for OTHERS, not themselves and Kristin would be worried about JJ's immortal soul if he committed murder and not talking about love healing him.  

I know we're supposed to be cheering Abs on as she works to uncover the truth about her mom's accident but she's just so horribly unpleasant that I want Princess Gina to punch her in the throat and throw her over the balcony.   And who is Chad kidding that Abby's under-estimated?  If anything, she's over-estimated especially in how endearing she clearly thinks she is.

I did love Chad's uttering the fatal soap line "We've never been stronger" which always leads to their relationship falling apart.  I can not wait for the destruction of the insufferable Chabby.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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I have not seen the show for 2 weeks(due to news interruptions, Impeachment hearings, etc).  I am So Confused!  After watching today's show, could someone explain to me what is going on with Steve Johnson 'becoming" Stefano DiMeara?!Is this some kind of 'hocus pocus" that Steffy's spirit suddenly came to life inside Steve Johnson's body?  Does Steffy know he is Steve? Does Chad know what is going on? Why is Kate working as a Waitress?!   Any explanations would be helpful: Thanks!

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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I have not seen the show for 2 weeks(due to news interruptions, Impeachment hearings, etc).  I am So Confused!  After watching today's show, could someone explain to me what is going on with Steve Johnson 'becoming" Stefano DiMeara?!Is this some kind of 'hocus pocus" that Steffy's spirit suddenly came to life inside Steve Johnson's body?  Does Steffy know he is Steve? Does Chad know what is going on? Why is Kate working as a Waitress?!   Any explanations would be helpful: Thanks!

Basically Dr.Rolf did to Steve what he did to Hope. Implant Stefano's memories in Steve so now Steve thinks he is Stefano. Yes, "Stefano" is aware that he is in Steve's body. 

Kate has been taking some time off, she doesn't need the money but enjoying a more "quieter life" at the moment working at the pub with Roman. 

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50 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Basically Dr.Rolf did to Steve what he did to Hope. Implant Stefano's memories in Steve so now Steve thinks he is Stefano. Yes, "Stefano" is aware that he is in Steve's body. 

Kate has been taking some time off, she doesn't need the money but enjoying a more "quieter life" at the moment working at the pub with Roman. 

Thank you for the info...Steve/Steffy was really putting the moves on "Catarina" today 🙂

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I'm really not liking the Kate/Steveno dynamic.  Kate acting like Stefano was this great love and her being all sad and vulnerable is NOT hitting the right notes with me.  I was hoping we could get some nice, fun, soapy mayhem NOT Steveno working on Kate's emotions and basically using her while he lusts after his "Queen of the Night."  I want it DONE!!  NOW!!

Why, oh why did JJ have to JUST keep talking?  I would not have been the slightest bit upset if the gun had gone off when Lani was standing directly behind Kristen.  He could have gotten a twofer.  Now these two tedious characters are also coming back.  

3 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

(Eli had the line of the episode with his "slap on a habit and act self-righteous" for Lani and Kristin's sisterhood act)

Exactly what BOTH of them have been doing but, of course, we're supposed to think they were all sincere and are now doing some "sisters standing up to the domineering man" thing and "reclaiming their power."

While I was originally somewhat hopeful that the time jump would be at least a little intriguing, they are very quickly falling back into the same old thing of bad writing for characters most people don't care about.

3 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I did love Chad's uttering the fatal soap line "We've never been stronger" which always leads to their relationship falling apart.  I can not wait for the destruction of the insufferable Chabby.

We can only hope.  And LOL today when Abby tried to be all "Crusading Reporter" going on about the TRUTH and Hope(Gina?) helpfully pointed out that she's been a reporter for all of about 5 seconds!

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I loved the Eli/JJ/Kristen/Lani scenes because JJ and Eli were cracking me. They just looked completely dumbfounded the entire time, which I can relate to lol.

I'm confused, Lani said Kristen never got to hold her baby but they showed a Brady memory via flashback of him and Kristen holding the baby. So like am I misremembering that Brady scene or did the writer of this ep not contact the writer of that ep?

Gina's, "You've been a reporter for 5 seconds,' slayed me. I don't care, I love Gina and I enjoy the hell outta KA playing her.

Honestly, I fast forwarded a good chunk of the Stevano/Kate scenes. I don't know but they were just too cringey for me.

I'm over everyone acting like Gabi is the most vile person on the planet. Hell, she doesn't even register on the vile scale in Salem! But also, I love Gabi as a bad girl/villaness because CB is just so fun that way. Also, and I hate myself for this, I was kinda hoping her and Chad would just fuck tbh.

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Well Chad uttered the infamous "We've never been stronger line" probably because possible spoiler


BF is on contract and KM isn't she may have left the show already. So I could see the show going the Chad/Gabi route(this part is speculation not spoiler) which is fine because really who else is there for her Eli will reunite with Lani, Xander, Brady and Eric are in other storylines. JJ is being written off the show. 

The TJ was never going to change the fact that Ron is a crappy writer. They just didn't know how to resolve the mess the made so they FF the storylines and here we are. Problem is bad writing is still bad writing no matter what timeline.

Recurring timelines work on a PT show like This is Us because its once a week and they pay attention to the details... Days has none of those things and here we are.

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On 12/8/2019 at 3:32 PM, KBrownie said:

But Eric . . . ", but talk to me when Eric has deliberately set out to and actually did harm and torture anyone.  The show would do better to acknowledge all this rather than present it as Eric simply being jealous and petulant about Xander around his kid.  It's way more complicated than that and they know it.  

As I said, I've missed a lot, but I can address this. Eric hasn't ever deliberately murdered anyone, but he has accidentally killed people. And quite frankly-if you deliberately, purposely get behind the wheel while you are impaired, and someone dies because of it, you are a murderer. And yes, it's just as bad as sitting around and plotting someone's death, because in your sober moments, you fully know what driving drunk or high can do. And then you make a sober moment decision to do it anyway. You are just as culpable as someone who planned it out, because you planned to take those drugs or drink that booze and then drive.

So no, I don't see a difference between someone who has so little value for human life, that he kills someone for love or money or revenge, and someone who has so little value for human life, that he goes out and does something that he knows beforehand could harm a complete stranger (which is, in a way, worse, because at least someone who is killing for revenge, is only out to hurt those who hurt them-not a pass, just an explanation).

I have no blinders on when it comes to anyone Eric ever comes up against. Eric is a judgemental douche, but he always has reasons for disliking those he dislikes. Valid reasons. And good points, if they were delivered by someone like the late Alice Horton. 

But here's my thing-Eric Brady should wake up every morning and kiss the ground, and thank God for the freedom he doesn't deserve. And yet....Eric Brady continues to be an entitled, self absorbed, jerk. Who truly does act as if he is...above every other person in town. I blame the writing, the acting, the character in general, because he was like this with Jensen, too. Maybe even worse with him, I cannot remember, honestly. I want to like Eric and be on his side. But then....he opens his mouth, and passes judgement, and points his fingers. And I'm done. And again...it's not even because he's "wrong". He's totally NOT wrong for not wanting Zander around that baby. But they just always have to have him act so high and mighty. Why ? I'll never understand it. You can stand for good, and want good, and BE good, but not be obnoxious about it. Eric has never gotten that memo.

So I root for the people he's up against, because it's the only thing that feels sane.

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4 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

We can only hope.  And LOL today when Abby tried to be all "Crusading Reporter" going on about the TRUTH and Hope(Gina?) helpfully pointed out that she's been a reporter for all of about 5 seconds!

Abigail pushing "Hope" to give a definitive eye witness statement wouldn't make it a good eye witness statement as eye witnesses often remember things incorrectly because the brain likes to play tricks. It was cringy.

2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I'll dissent: Gina and Stevano are ten-day old pieces of dried shit in the sun. END THIS.

I like Gina more than Stevano but I'm a bit nervous about what hap pens once Stevano is revealed. It should make people rethink some of Hope's odd behavior.  Or are they going to legit think there was a brain transplant?

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1 minute ago, Irlandesa said:

I like Gina more than Stevano but I'm a bit nervous about what hap pens once Stevano is revealed. It should make people rethink some of Hope's odd behavior.  Or are they going to legit think there was a brain transplant?

It's Salem. The dumbest theory/explanation is the one its citizens will believe.

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1 minute ago, WendyCR72 said:

It's Salem. The dumbest theory/explanation is the one its citizens will believe.

I just don't want them to be as dumb as Lani.

Oh, I do have a question about today.  I thought Kate and Gabi got along in general so I don't understand what today was all about with them basically having disdain for one another.

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1 hour ago, IWantCandy71 said:

As I said, I've missed a lot, but I can address this. Eric hasn't ever deliberately murdered anyone, but he has accidentally killed people. And quite frankly-if you deliberately, purposely get behind the wheel while you are impaired, and someone dies because of it, you are a murderer. And yes, it's just as bad as sitting around and plotting someone's death, because in your sober moments, you fully know what driving drunk or high can do. And then you make a sober moment decision to do it anyway. You are just as culpable as someone who planned it out, because you planned to take those drugs or drink that booze and then drive.

So no, I don't see a difference between someone who has so little value for human life, that he kills someone for love or money or revenge, and someone who has so little value for human life, that he goes out and does something that he knows beforehand could harm a complete stranger (which is, in a way, worse, because at least someone who is killing for revenge, is only out to hurt those who hurt them-not a pass, just an explanation).

I have no blinders on when it comes to anyone Eric ever comes up against. Eric is a judgemental douche, but he always has reasons for disliking those he dislikes. Valid reasons. And good points, if they were delivered by someone like the late Alice Horton. 

But here's my thing-Eric Brady should wake up every morning and kiss the ground, and thank God for the freedom he doesn't deserve. And yet....Eric Brady continues to be an entitled, self absorbed, jerk. Who truly does act as if he is...above every other person in town. I blame the writing, the acting, the character in general, because he was like this with Jensen, too. Maybe even worse with him, I cannot remember, honestly. I want to like Eric and be on his side. But then....he opens his mouth, and passes judgement, and points his fingers. And I'm done. And again...it's not even because he's "wrong". He's totally NOT wrong for not wanting Zander around that baby. But they just always have to have him act so high and mighty. Why ? I'll never understand it. You can stand for good, and want good, and BE good, but not be obnoxious about it. Eric has never gotten that memo.

So I root for the people he's up against, because it's the only thing that feels sane.

Fabulous post!  You explained it all much better than I've ever been able to do.  He reminds me of Elvira Gulch, wanting to take Dorothy's dog away in the Wizard of Oz.  You just WANT Toto to go and bite her leg again.  

Show would have benefited from a laugh track today, but then maybe the laughter would have caused me to miss Kristen's "I am psycho, hear me roar" speech.  When she said she was going back to Salem to take back her life, I wonder if she meant the 25-to-life jail sentence that she's VERY entitled to.  Interesting to see her and Lani go from whack-ass crazy pious church ladies to ripping off their veils and tossing them on the chapel floor with attitude, as if the nuns had kept them there against their will.   Do you think Show really wants us to see Kristen as some tragic heroine who is regaining her strength to claim the happiness she deserves?

I'm hoping she tries to fly from the balcony like Jenn did, and lands SPLAT on Lani.  I'm sentimental that way.

I haven't a clue what Show is doing with Kate, not a clue.  She supposedly loves Chad like a son, but she couldn't wait to run over and tattle on him to his NotDaddy Stefan aka Patches.  I don't buy for one micro-second that Steve Johnson is now inhabited by Stefano Dimera, not even a little bit.  That's just Steve with a better haircut.

I can believe that Kate would betray Chad, though, since Chad has become as insufferable an ass as his wife.  I always liked Billy Flynn's Chad but that feeling has passed.  He seems to have settled on "asshole" for his interpretation of the character and he's really good at it.  Ugh.

I so wish Gina Hope had tossed Abigail off that balcony.  And then, every day, Gina Hope brings another person up to that balcony and tosses them off, too.  It could become her thing......

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Ron isn’t even remembering his own writing. He’s as bored with his work as some viewers. @peachmangosteen clocked Lani’s line that Kristen “never even had the chance to hold her own baby”... and just days ago in a flash back she was shown holding her as Brady wrapped his arms around them and they talked about how beautiful she was. 

Chad has enough money to charter a private jet to Italy himself. Obviously he’s too lazy or cheap.  

I completely buy Kate wanting to dick around with a nothing goof around job and hang out snarking with Roman all day, but her disdain for servers and service has long been established. Roman also had an off hand throw away line that made it seem like she helped prep the eggs or some food item I forget what it was but that doesn’t happen. Gabi’s “tip”note  to Kate was super bitchy, I’m a waitress and my mom was one. Stiffing a server on tip is unforgivable since we make $4 an hr before we are taxed on our tips so make nothing hourly and on each rang total have to tip out 3% to the busser and 1% to the bar so when it happens you literally pay money out of your pocket to help people. And that snotty note ... fck you. I like Gabi but she ain’t shit for that and when returns to Brady Pub completely deserves Kate spitting in her drink or dropping her food on the floor and replating it. 

I totally agree about Chad I used to think he was interesting and actually hot and now groan when I see him. 

Lani and Kristen remind me of a Wallmart Great Value version of Bey and Gaga at the end of Telephone. Like hated baddies with axes to grind, watch out world, and it’s supposed to be a ki.giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f2929d4ef75adc49ad76f

Eli didn’t have to throw in Lani’s face he was sleeping w Gabi. That was cruel. 

Kristen is obviously going to use her DiMera shares to get Gabi to confess. Hopefully she will use it to also get her smug asshole brother out too. 

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I'd love a twofer if Kristen and Lani both were killed off as I said her redemption will be glossed over like Ben we'll be told they've changed and good and we just have to accept it. Meh.

I'm not bothered by Eli being cruel to Lani it will make him a fool at the end for trusting Gabi but he's not lied to anyone here. Lani could've told him she chose not to she also dumped him at the altar with no explanation. 

Wanting Kristen/Lani dead aside, I think you could dump half the cast and it wouldn't make a difference at this point its pretty bad across the board. 

I'm also glad someone pointed out that Eric killing Daniel drunk shouldn't be dismissed as an "accident" Eric could've called a cab or uber to take him home. Glossed over all this is that he almost killed Brady during that accident since he was in the car with Daniel.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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Abigail, please either wash or comb your hair. You are apparently a 'journalist' and should not be walking around unkempt. All you need is a raincoat to become a greasy Columbo.

Gina, the balcony was handy. Abs is a good target to throw.

Eli is now going to look after druggie JJ? JJ missed a really great opportunity to get a twofer and end the pathetic misery of the nuns in bad habits. They only cared about themselves and their own forgiveness and had no interest in helping anyone except themselves.

Nice of Eli to tell Lani's he is with Gabi. LOL.

Jenn is still in the hospital and not in any sort of extended care facility? And still in a wheelchair? She should be on her feet a little each day.

Chad, Kristen will make mincemeat out of you.

And Kate, surely you don't buy that the former Steve Johnson is now Steffy?

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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

I just don't want them to be as dumb as Lani.

Oh, I do have a question about today.  I thought Kate and Gabi got along in general so I don't understand what today was all about with them basically having disdain for one another.

Before the time jump Kate reached out to Gabi and warned her that her revenge would corrupt her. Within the year that supposedly has happened. 

Kate mentioned to Abigail that Gabi has changed and is not the same person. 

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2 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Before the time jump Kate reached out to Gabi and warned her that her revenge would corrupt her. Within the year that supposedly has happened. 

Kate mentioned to Abigail that Gabi has changed and is not the same person. 

Kate's animosity for Gabi is just irritating.  I don't agree with Gabi's actions but it would have made sense for Kate to be firmly on Gabi's side not only because Abigail tried to kill her but also because she is family because of Arianna.  Nothing makes any sense on this show.

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2 hours ago, boes said:

Interesting to see her and Lani go from whack-ass crazy pious church ladies to ripping off their veils and tossing them on the chapel floor with attitude, as if the nuns had kept them there against their will.   Do you think Show really wants us to see Kristen as some tragic heroine who is regaining her strength to claim the happiness she deserves?

Yeah, I'm in no way religious but I thought that was pretty callous for those "minutes away from becoming full fledged sisters" two women basically tear off & throw their (decidedly bad) nun getups all over the church & just split. Wow. So much for your gratefulness for having a safe place to spend your last year. That was about the worst & fastest way to dump a story arc I've seen in many a year!! Talk about a 180. Sheesh.🙄

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5 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Yeah, I'm in no way religious but I thought that was pretty callous for those "minutes away from becoming full fledged sisters" two women basically tear off & throw their (decidedly bad) nun getups all over the church & just split. Wow. So much for your gratefulness for having a safe place to spend your last year. That was about the worst & fastest way to dump a story arc I've seen in many a year!! Talk about a 180. Sheesh.🙄

Same here. Very disrespectful. They probably left without even an explanation to the mother superior. Bitches. 

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10 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Ron isn’t even remembering his own writing. He’s as bored with his work as some viewers. @peachmangosteen clocked Lani’s line that Kristen “never even had the chance to hold her own baby”... and just days ago in a flash back she was shown holding her as Brady wrapped his arms around them and they talked about how beautiful she was. 

Not sure, but I think that might have been a "Brady imagining what could have been" flashback, though at the time it did feel like an actually happened during the time jump flashback. 

7 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Yeah, I'm in no way religious but I thought that was pretty callous for those "minutes away from becoming full fledged sisters" two women basically tear off & throw their (decidedly bad) nun getups all over the church & just split. Wow. So much for your gratefulness for having a safe place to spend your last year. That was about the worst & fastest way to dump a story arc I've seen in many a year!! Talk about a 180. Sheesh.🙄

I also found those scenes disrespectful, especially at the very end as Lani threw her robe over a pew.  And, yes, one of the quickest ends to an arc yet.  😲

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Yeah, I'm in no way religious but I thought that was pretty callous for those "minutes away from becoming full fledged sisters" two women basically tear off & throw their (decidedly bad) nun getups all over the church & just split. Wow.

At least they didn't tear off more clothes and have sex on the chapel floor and have nuns walk in on them.

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11 hours ago, boes said:

Do you think Show really wants us to see Kristen as some tragic heroine who is regaining her strength to claim the happiness she deserves?

I'm not sure how they expect us to take it but if they really do think that we should be rooting for Kristen then I just, wow. Oh who am I fucking kidding, they expect us to love Ben for fuck's sake! They're complete idiots.

10 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Gabi’s “tip”note  to Kate was super bitchy, I’m a waitress and my mom was one. Stiffing a server on tip is unforgivable since we make $4 an hr before we are taxed on our tips so make nothing hourly and on each rang total have to tip out 3% to the busser and 1% to the bar so when it happens you literally pay money out of your pocket to help people. And that snotty note ... fck you. I like Gabi but she ain’t shit for that and when returns to Brady Pub completely deserves Kate spitting in her drink or dropping her food on the floor and replating it. 

This is when I realized that they want us to see Gabi as evil and for us to root for anyone against her. And I'm not here for it.

31 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Not sure, but I think that might have been a "Brady imagining what could have been" flashback, though at the time it did feel like an actually happened during the time jump flashback. 

But I'm pretty sure it looked just like all the other actual flashbacks of the past year that they've done. And they've been making the flashbacks to the stuff we actually saw air on the show in a different color scheme so if that Brady/Kristen/Haley/baby scene was supposed to be a fantasy sequence then they should have made it look different. This has made realize that now they can show 'flashbacks' but then if they decide to go a different way they can later just claim they were 'fantasy sequences.' Fucking hell!

15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

At least they didn't tear off more clothes and have sex on the chapel floor and have nuns walk in on them.

That would have made this story 1000 times more interesting.

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1 hour ago, Sidney said:

Being a little arrogant aren't we, Chad? What makes you think you're  Stefano's favorite son? lol

Because Chad is the son/child that Stefano spent the least time with?  Less is more where Dimeras are concerned.  Wait, Stefano didn't even know Stefan did he?  He should be the favorite.  I don't think I can even name all of his children.  The internet might run out of space if I attempted it.

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I am a Kayla&Patch fan, but I have to admit that Kayla & Justin's dinner scene today was sweet...they seem comfortable together & Justin had a point when he said they "could not live on Memories".   Meanwhile, why is Abby wearing such un-attractive, baggy clothes? And her hair is terrible.  Does "Steverino" know that Kayla has moved in with Justin? 

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Yes Stefano and Gina. Abby must die. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f298c36645c5fd7556b9b

I like Gina’s Van and Arpels necklace. She also has worn recently a longer one that wasn’t mother of pearl but all gold or silver. Today’s one is a cool $7,800 plus tax. I have to believe these are from KA’s private collection. Alison Sweeney and LK/Kate also wear their own jewelry. 

Why is Marlena, a psychiatrist, giving cancer results and informing prognosis? 

Wally Kurth/Justin did some good acting today in his scenes with Ciara and Kayla. 

The whole episode the camera mostly fixated on Eric’s face and reaction rather than Sarah, the mother. I really hate how this show fixates on who they want to prop or us to care about and they aren’t subtle about it at all. 

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25 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

The whole episode the camera mostly fixated on Eric’s face and reaction rather than Sarah, the mother. I really hate how this show fixates on who they want to prop or us to care about and they aren’t subtle about it at all. 

I know!

And Show should have been focused on his ass, since that's what Eric talks out of.

I just don't understand........

Edited by boes
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8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

So that she can provide counselling at the same time?  Doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.

Except it's Marlena.

I'd rather get my psychiatric care from Mickey D's drive thru window.  At least there's at least a good chance you could get fries with that.

Edited by boes
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59 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

The whole episode the camera mostly fixated on Eric’s face and reaction rather than Sarah, the mother. I really hate how this show fixates on who they want to prop or us to care about and they aren’t subtle about it at all. 

I didn't know you could detect cancer size and location by a blood test and NOT an MRI.  The whole "It's inoperable" based on a blood test did not ring true even a little bit. 

I may be the only person bothered by this, but when they were getting the news about Mickey  I was very annoyed by Sarah crying on Eric's shoulder while he was all supportively hugging her.  He just DEMANDED she give up her source of support for the last however many months but is suddenly all caring and concerned about her feelings while she cries in his arms.  First, Sarah lets Marlena be a total bitch about giving them the results (completely caving on having Xander there - like it is somehow Marlena's place to dictate terms) then she turns to Eric.  Yes, show, women are weak, pathetic creatures who will take "strength" from ANY available man (unless, of course, they are reclaiming their "power" by disrespecting the church which took them in.)  Make up your mind show, either women are pathetic things who can't withstand any emotional turmoil without crying on a man, or they're bad bitches who are sick of "being judged by some man."

22 minutes ago, buffynut said:

I keep wondering why Marlena, who must be close to 70 now, is still working. 😉

Marlena definitely is over 70 - show just doesn't want to admit it.

  • Love 13
46 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

The scenes of Chad & "Steveno" texting back & forth were boring...who thought that made for interesting TV?  

I thought they were hilarious. Chad is such a baby lol.

16 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Are we supposed to be upset that Stef and Gina are going to off Abigail?

I would cheer for it!

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