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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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1 hour ago, Lastwaltz said:

Agree with both of you. Then I scrolled up and read @boes beautiful post. I'm so glad, boes, that your father had someone so nice in his life again. It must have been a great relief to you to see him have a second chance at being happy. I guess it all comes down to mileage, as they say. 

100% agreed. My grandpa took over 10 years to move on after my grandma passed away from a terminal illness, so that was a lot of my basis until reading @boes's beautiful post. It's funny, though, even after all that time I had to be the one to pull my idiot cousins in line when some of them balked at it. It was nice to see him so happy again.

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4 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

High key creepy Clyde the child molester said he had no intention on returning baby girl Mickey even if Xander confessed and Ben was released, he intended to use the baby for his release too (howwww?) but wouldn’t say if even after he was free would return her. 

3 hours ago, ouinason said:

Maybe Clyde plans to trade Mickey for a get out of jail free card?  He's disgusting.  

Maybe this was covered but I truly don't remember.  Did Jordan say Clyde molested her as a child or that he was after her when she was a teenager?  While there is NO excuse for him going after her as a teen - if he did anything he's still a rapist and it's still REALLY creepy - there is a huge difference between being attracted to a 16 year old girl and being attracted to a child.  I guess I'm trying to say that I don't think Days is trying to go down the child molester road.

He probably found out that Kristen DiMeara used Holly as a get out of jail free card for all her crimes and figured it would work for him too.

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Does Eli have Gabi's approval to use all of DiMera's resources?

Ben is an idiot to tell Will all of this.

This Ray guy looks familiar.

Does Ray think Clyde would approve of him coming on to Ben/Ollie's girlfriend?

"What are you two up to?" Uh, they're a married couple.  Doing married couple things.  Something you would know nothing about, Eli.

"Because you spend so much time checking the perimeters of her bedroom."  Ouch!

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 I agree with @boes on this topic as well.  My friend was in her thirties with two toddlers, when her husband died a horrible death from cancer.  She started seeing people a few months later, she just wanted to live again and have some fun.  She ended up getting married about a year after he died.  It was definitely the right thing for her and the kids.

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5 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

Who knew Jennifer and Adrienne were so close?

Co-sign to Jennifer likely calming down once everything has sunk in....otherwise she was too rude to Justin and Kayla and I wish they had told her to mind her business.

Its a bit of a retcon they were close mostly because of Jack but I felt Adrienne/Kayla were much closer. Jennifer had closer friendships with Carly and Isabella than Adrienne.

On another note I appreciate that Clyde is still repugnant in that they haven't tried to defang him yet(or hopefully ever) he's an unapologetic villain and is treated as such..... 

I also can relate to the moving on part my mother died of cancer a year and a half after she found out. My dad ended up remarried a year and a half later. He's getting up there and my mom told me to welcome whoever his next wife would be into the family. I genuinely like her if I thought hating her would bring my mother back I'd gladly do it but sadly it doesn't work that way.  They were married for nearly 40 years. Justin/Kayla I think would be better received not so much for the timing as much as they FF'd their relationship and we never saw it play out. Sure there would be S&K and J&A fans who wouldn't be cool with it but I think it would be a lot more relatable if they played the beats. Course you need a writer that is capable of crafting such a storyline. That and she was killed by a drunk driver. Had Adrienne died of breast cancer I think it would've been different.. she's dying probably asks Kayla to take care of Justin etc.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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Was that four days of impeachment pre-emptions?  I was almost ready to quit the Show and move on to someone else.  

At least Nicole and Xander were interesting.  I like Xander trying to convince himself that he's Mickey's father.  I'm sure the show won't get too involved with it but it's nice to see them dancing with the idea of What-Makes-A-Father.  

Who thought it was a good idea to have Stefano speechless in multiple scenes?  It's ridiculous.  But I wonder if we're seeing the actual actor's hand, or they're paying an extra-without-dialogue a few dollars.  

I was really thinking that Ciara would get out of there while the kidnapper was passed out but I'm an idiot.   

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20 minutes ago, BoldDays said:

Actually I believe she was 15 but it is still disgusting.

Ben doesn’t know he did that to Jordan though. She never told him

I don’t think he would care.   

I may have yelled at my TV when Ben grabbed Will and that crazy scary look in his eye.   Keep your hands to yourself Ben.  

Edited by tribeca
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Whats the difference between thiS  psrticular baby snatching and the baby snatching storyline which involved baby Stephanie Johnson being snatched ? 

I just Wish Evan was the offspring of Eugene Bradford and Calliope . 

Why not? Sami's second name is Gene ,Cause she was named After Eugene. 

I could see Eugene doing something similar and Paying homage to Marlena by naming his son after her in a weird sort of way. 

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I'm liking this new Eli, the one who doesn't give a rats ass for how Chad or Abigail feel, doesn't feel the need to bow or scrape to either of them, the guy whose bitterness has given him an edge that frankly, makes me like him even more.   I think that Gabi is going to regret helping create Eli 2.0, because when he finds out what she did, all that new assertiveness and bitterness is going to be turned in her direction.

I know Gabi did some shitty things to Chad and to Abigail, there's no denying it.  But would it kill Abigail to ever own up to what she did?  Even before this return, Abigail's usual response, when her sins were brought up, was to look flustered and say nothing.  And she's doing it again.  Chad and Abigail may be right, but for me, they're both so entitled and ugly about it that I really don't care all that much.  I'm sorry to see that Chad, who I always liked before,  has finally become the perfect husband for Abigail.  That ain't no compliment.

I guess that nobody on the writing staff, or the production crew, the directors, nobody?, has commented on how obsessed and creepy Ben and Ciara's relationship is?  He's a total loon about it and her and she's a total blockhead, but one with a really great opinion of herself.   Show, at least for me, has never shown why these two would be so obsessed with each other.  Yeah, she says "he saved me" and he says "she believes in me", but COME ON, Show, what the hell else makes those two so irresistable to each other?  Matching magnets in their underwear?  Twin I.Q.s on the low side?  Do they fart out "The Sound of Music" in unison, or maybe she plays chopsticks on his abs?  Does he make her swoon by bellowing CIARRRRRRA?  What the hell makes these two evolutionary dead ends so HAWT for each other, anyway?  I just don't see it.

Oh great, Show has now made Will into a moron shipper, too.  NOW he sees that Ben is innocent, he sees that he's only protecting Ciara, and that any baby worth it's salt should be able to elude the kidnappers and crawl on home on its own.  

Love is a many splendored thing, indeed.

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17 hours ago, tribeca said:

Jack is extremely anger at Steve.  What happened to Steve ?  How awful for him to not even see Kayla just ghost her then divorce papers. 

Caught up!

You have to wonder when Steve stopped calling and talking to Kayla if she sprung divorce papers on him. 

Yesterday felt written by people who really didn't know much about the history of DOOL.  I could see Jack being disappointed and hurt that Steve is basically MIA on him and the whole family, potentially even angry for Kayla and Adrienne's sake.  But the talk of how Steve judged him was strange.  Sure, there was probably some judgment way back when but Jack would've agreed with Steve. And they really haven't shared much DOOL time since then.  I think the only other period they had together was when Steve had amnesia. 

Then there's the idea of Adrienne being Jennifer's best friend.  They got along, sure but Hope is probably Jennifer's current best friend. I think Jennifer's reaction was fine, though.  She just learned about Adrienne. It's understandable she'd have an emotional reaction she couldn't control.  Justin and Kayla aren't doing anything wrong but the speed is going to startle people.

They really milked Xander "confessing" to something quite a bit.  That tells me he's either going to confess to something we don't expect or he's not going to confess at all and we'll wonder what he and Victor were talking about. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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At some point, Gina's voice will come out of Hope when she is interacting as 'Hope'. No one can see the different wardrobe, makeup, handbag?

Ben, you should be talking to your lawyer about Clyde's doings. Not William.

If I was Ciara, I would have run out of the room when the dude was passed out.

The Steffy hand is annoying as is the laptop ding ding any time there is a message. No one there uses a burner phone?

Poor Nicole getting the marriage proposal she has always wanted.

Wonder what Xander is admitting to.

Boes and everyone else, I was touched reading your stories about love and loss. People do come in to your life when they are supposed to.

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1 hour ago, boes said:

I'm liking this new Eli, the one who doesn't give a rats ass for how Chad or Abigail feel, doesn't feel the need to bow or scrape to either of them, the guy whose bitterness has given him an edge that frankly, makes me like him even more.   

How is any of this new for him? The only Horton he cares about is Julie maybe lesser extent Jennifer he has no regard for the others so him not caring about Chad/Abby isn't that surprising. Him being a total dumbass thinking Gabi would have no grudge vs Lani is another story..

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You have to wonder when Steve stopped calling and talking to Kayla if she sprung divorce papers on him.

I kind of hate that Kayla just accepts that Steve would just leave her.   Now I know this was their story in 2015 but in the end it turned out Steve left to protect her and the kids.  It's a stupid story but the writers came up with it to explain SNs time on YR.  

 Why wouldn't she suspect something is wrong again?  He was working for the ISA and pursuing the Dimeras.  That should set off alarm bells for her.

Steve was arrested last year but Kayla was still talking to him. He was released and Kayla was still talking to him. He even sent her flowers at some points.   Why isn't she questioning why he suddenly leaves, signs her divorce papers and doesn't return for Adrienne's funeral.    I hate that she's not questioning that something might be wrong.  I hate that Steve has no one on his side.   Steve was on Bo's side in 2015.  Where's Steve's Bo?  It certainly isn't Jack!

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6 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

That and she was killed by a drunk driver.

So I am still catching up on episodes that were not aired here.  Will was drunk and driving and killed Adrienne?  I know he is said to be responsible for killing her, but I didn't hear about the drunk driving thing.  

So that explains Kate saying that Nicole and Maggie forgave Eric.

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1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

How is any of this new for him? The only Horton he cares about is Julie maybe lesser extent Jennifer he has no regard for the others so him not caring about Chad/Abby isn't that surprising. Him being a total dumbass thinking Gabi would have no grudge vs Lani is another story..

What was new for me was seeing him diss them, never saw Eli be anything less than polite before, with family, at least.

Today, also, he made a point of emphasizing his Horton kinship with Sarah when he offered his help in tracking down her baby so it seems he does care about it.   

Edited by boes
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45 minutes ago, SnK said:

I kind of hate that Kayla just accepts that Steve would just leave her.   Now I know this was their story in 2015 but in the end it turned out Steve left to protect her and the kids.  It's a stupid story but the writers came up with it to explain SNs time on YR.  

 Why wouldn't she suspect something is wrong again?  He was working for the ISA and pursuing the Dimeras.  That should set off alarm bells for her.

Even though I was a huge Stayla fan back with their original run, I kinda checked out on them years ago what with Steve’s long absences and Kayla’s turning into a doormat. But that was such a huge WTF for me too. He skips his beloved sister’s funeral and you don’t hear from him so you initiate a DIVORCE? Given his history and the fact you live in Salem, you don’t, I don’t know, assume he has been kidnapped, brainwashed, possessed by his never-before-mentioned evil twin, or died and rose from the dead without his memory?!? And you don’t ask his Black Patch PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR partner for help tracking him down. No, send divorce papers, that’ll do it 🙄

Edited by BoldDays
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6 hours ago, bannana said:

So I am still catching up on episodes that were not aired here.  Will was drunk and driving and killed Adrienne?  I know he is said to be responsible for killing her, but I didn't hear about the drunk driving thing.  

So that explains Kate saying that Nicole and Maggie forgave Eric.

No I said a page back Will stabbed Adrienne. 😫They haven’t revealed the context of how he did that accidentally. But did say in 2 episodes he stabbed her.   

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7 hours ago, boes said:

What was new for me was seeing him diss them, never saw Eli be anything less than polite before, with family, at least.

Today, also, he made a point of emphasizing his Horton kinship with Sarah when he offered his help in tracking down her baby so it seems he does care about it.   

Well Eli had never spent any extended period of time with Abby and Chad (as a couple and individually). I can see how they can grate on one's nerves with repeated exposure to them.

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15 hours ago, bannana said:

 I agree with @boes on this topic as well.  My friend was in her thirties with two toddlers, when her husband died a horrible death from cancer.  She started seeing people a few months later, she just wanted to live again and have some fun.  She ended up getting married about a year after he died.  It was definitely the right thing for her and the kids.

Oh, a young mother horribly widowed -- yes, by god, by all means. She's still a young person and if she's fortunate to find someone to share her family with, more power and happiness to her. I'm glad she found it!

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13 hours ago, BoldDays said:

Actually I believe she was 15 but it is still disgusting.

Ben doesn’t know he did that to Jordan though. She never told him

She absolutely did tell Ben later as an adult and did mention her age when Clyde molested her to Clyde in a convo when he was threatening her while he was dating Kate and she was with Rafe. The entire time he was with married to her mom he was grooming her and abusing her. 

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8 hours ago, boes said:

What was new for me was seeing him diss them, never saw Eli be anything less than polite before, with family, at least.

Today, also, he made a point of emphasizing his Horton kinship with Sarah when he offered his help in tracking down her baby so it seems he does care about it.   

Eli has always been kind of a jerk he was like that when he first met Lani had Rafe like tendencies even then.

I guess you must've missed how he was always dismissive of JJ and to a lesser extent Hope. He also didn't seem to notice the other Hortons like Lucas, Will etc. through the years. I get that they made him a Horton to tie him to the show but I always hate how this show drops the ball on forming relationships afterwards.  The Sarah/Eli thing is contrived before now the only time they interacted was during the Horton Family Christmas.

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She said when Ben was born she thought the abuse might stop and Clyde would become a family man. Given the age difference between them it shows it happened when she was young when it started but also in the conversation with Clyde when he was w Kate she mentioned she was 13 when he escalated into rape. When she pulled her mom’s car into a tree was after that because her mom was pregnant and didn’t believe her and Jordan didn’t want the baby to grow up in that kind of household and just had given up on life.  This is what she said to Rafe in shame and Clyde when he threw her mother’s death into her face. 

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59 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Eli has always been kind of a jerk he was like that when he first met Lani had Rafe like tendencies even then.

I guess you must've missed how he was always dismissive of JJ and to a lesser extent Hope. 

Yep, I missed that, didn't see him dismissive of either of them.  I thought he actually pretty nice to JJ, all things considered. 

 I never thought of him as being a jerk like Rafe - but then again, I think Rafe is in a category all his own in that regard.

Oh well.

1 minute ago, boes said:
Edited by boes
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The first question I’d ask if I was Jennifer is how did Adrienne die??? TELL ME.  How was Will, king of passive, of all people at fault?  giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f2959c2c0690119200969

Fax damnit. 

But Ron gonna draw this shit out as long as possible. This is why we still don’t know how Haley was pushed down stairs the day Bristen baby died and killed her, but still not found at fault but skipped town with no contact anyways. So the Adrienne stabbing by Will won’t be revealed like for 2 or 3 wks by this asshole. 

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4 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

No I said a page back Will stabbed Adrienne. 😫They haven’t revealed the context of how he did that accidentally. But did say in 2 episodes he stabbed her.   

Wow! I missed the first week of the TJ so I didn't catch that. It seemed like Kate and Will were purposely keeping everything vague during Kate's prison visit other than it being an "accident" so I thought how Adrienne died was yet to be revealed.

That is so bizarre!  How do you accidentally stab someone?? 

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17 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Who thought it was a good idea to have Stefano speechless in multiple scenes?  It's ridiculous.  But I wonder if we're seeing the actual actor's hand, or they're paying an extra-without-dialogue a few dollars.  

Per Ron's Tweet, it's an extra, or more specifically an *U/5.

*U5 – An under-five, also known as an under-5 or a (U/5) is an SAG-AFTRA contract term for an American television or film actor whose character has fewer than five lines of dialogue. UNDERSTUDY – Actor hired to perform in a show if the actor originally cast in the role is sick or unable to perform that night.Sep 25, 2015

www.nycastings.com › acting-terminology-101

Edited by buffynut
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1 hour ago, kassandra8286 said:

Wow! I missed the first week of the TJ so I didn't catch that. It seemed like Kate and Will were purposely keeping everything vague during Kate's prison visit other than it being an "accident" so I thought how Adrienne died was yet to be revealed.

That is so bizarre!  How do you accidentally stab someone?? 

Yeah I’m not singling you or anyone out but in general for people missing episodes or getting spotty views read the page or two of thread cuz some of us are caught up and answer questions/negate spec w current info. It was mentioned in two episodes last week Will stabbed Adrienne accidentally and I was as flabbergasted as you. Like was it very dark and he thought she was Abigail (kidding) or an intruder I mean even if it was an accident makes no damn sense he’s the biggest pacifist on show. Even if a python attacked him and he was coincidentally sharpening his machete, he’d still scream for John or Kate for help.    

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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Yeah I’m not singling you or anyone out but in general for people missing episodes or getting spotty views read the page or two of thread cuz some of us are caught up and answer questions/negate spec w current info. It was mentioned in two episodes last week Will stabbed Adrienne accidentally and I was as flabbergasted as you. Like was it very dark and he thought she was Abigail (kidding) or an intruder I mean even if it was an accident makes no damn sense he’s the biggest pacifist on show. Even if a python attacked him and he was coincidentally sharpening his machete, he’d still scream for John or Kate for help.    

I read that post that Will had stabbed her, but I never did see that episode, and there was something about the more recent ep that made it sound like drunk driving.  

I am having some trouble catching all of the "what happened in the past year" deets.  I have to pay more attention.  🥴

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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I've seen all the eps and I still didn't realize Will stabbed Adrienne lol.

Same. Granted, I don't give it my full attention so I sometimes miss details but a stabbing feels like it wouldn't be dropped as a 'blink or you'll miss it' detail. 

And if I Google "will stabbed adrienne" or "how did Adrienne die" I get nothing.  

@Petunia13 do you remember in which episodes this was shared?

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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

Same. Granted, I don't give it my full attention so I sometimes miss details but a stabbing feels like it wouldn't be dropped as a 'blink or you'll miss it' detail. 

And if I Google "will stabbed adrienne" or "how did Adrienne die" I get nothing.  

@Petunia13 do you remember in which episodes this was shared?

I remember it as well.  I thought there were posts asking about the same on here somewhere, too.

I've been waiting, like Petunia13 has, to find out exactly, somebody gets stabbed accidentally.

Edited by boes
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4 hours ago, tribeca said:

I wonder how many appeals Ben tried. It’s been mentioned a lot he only has one appeal left. 

The court system must move at a brisk pace in their reality, because in ours it seems unlikely that he'd be convicted and have time for an appeal in a year's time.

Thank you, @buffynut!  I never imagined I'd get an answer to that question.   

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8 hours ago, boes said:

Yep, I missed that, didn't see him dismissive of either of them.  I thought he actually pretty nice to JJ, all things considered. 

 I never thought of him as being a jerk like Rafe - but then again, I think Rafe is in a category all his own in that regard.

Oh well.

Really? I never saw it except when Lani was in the hospital.  I do think he was nicer to Abby though well MM's version.

He also told Rafe to automatically assume Hope was cheating on him a few months ago without asking questions.. because that's how he does it.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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43 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Really? I never saw it except when Lani was in the hospital.  I do think he was nicer to Abby though well MM's version.

He also told Rafe to automatically assume Hope was cheating on him a few months ago without asking questions.. because that's how he does it.

I think it's pretty wonderful that we can watch the same show and see completely different versions of it.

Better living through science.

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So I'm basically only watching for Will & Sonny, and at no point has it been stated on the show that Adrienne was stabbed. They've said it was an accident, that her internal injuries were too much to survive, and that's it.

I've gotten a little bit of a heads up on what did happen, and I'm feeling confident that it won't be revealed that she was stabbed (at least not by Will, if it turns out she ever was stabbed at some point).

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1 hour ago, QueenSerena said:

So I'm basically only watching for Will & Sonny, and at no point has it been stated on the show that Adrienne was stabbed. They've said it was an accident, that her internal injuries were too much to survive, and that's it.

  Reveal spoiler

I've gotten a little bit of a heads up on what did happen, and I'm feeling confident that it won't be revealed that she was stabbed (at least not by Will, if it turns out she ever was stabbed at some point).

You're right.  I went back and watched every scene either with Will or discussing Adrienne's death and I didn't hear anything about a stabbing.  This contradicts what I THOUGHT I remembered hearing, so Score 1 for false memory!

Now if I hear anyone saying anything good about Rafe I'll just chalk up another "win" for hearing it wrong - which will feel so right......

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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