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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I think the poem reading could have had a more uncomfortable effect, but KM played Abigail as super-unaware and blank, which probably made the scene seem kind of empty.



This to infinity!  This would have been a golden opportunity for KM to play how conflicted she is, that she feels guilty for hurting Sami and the kids but she still wants EJ.  But that isn't what we're getting.  KM is playing all of her scenes either like she's the wronged party or with a completely blank expression.


Meanwhile, AS continues to dominate with her nuanced performance--she is genuinely in pain over EJ's cheating and she's relishing the revenge but at the same time, we can see the love she has for EJ and her kids.  Well done indeed.

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Poor George... he's just lost without Orry around, you know? This is not going to be an easy storyline for me because I don't want to see George Hazard (and his adorable lisp) to be all evil. That just ain't cool.


Not cool, Soap Gods!!



Am I expected to believe that Shane wouldn't want to help out with his grand-daughter's higher education? Am I expected to believe that Shane bad-mouthed Eve constantly while Theresa-Jeannie was growing up? Because, from what I understand, they had a pretty good relationship... and then to go from 'don't grow up to be like Eve! She's just the worst!' to 'Oh, no, we were wrong... you're the worst.'



At this point, I don't even care who started what or who was in the wrong first with Eric and Nicole... they just don't work. Sorry. They don't. Even if Eric were to decide that being a priest wasn't his calling, the church is still deeply important to him and Nicole could not care less about it. That's a huge problem. When you are in a relationship. you should be able to expect your partner to at least respect the things that matter the most to you. Not take a gigantic shit all over them at every opportunity.


And even though I actually liked the red lipstick because it was a dash of vibrant color amid the sea of taupe mouths that populate Salem, it could not have been any plainer that Nicole was all "I AM A SCARLET WOMAN WHO IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! SCREW YOU, CATHOLIC CHURCH!" just by wearing it. 




Co-signed on all of the above; I can't approve of the show's treatment of George Hazard or of Shane Donovan! Also: Subtle, this show ain't got. Good call on the "I, THE FALLEN WOMAN, AM WEARING LIPSTICK (AVON #334 - Jezebel's Day Off)" note from the Wardrobe/Makeup Monkeys.


I forgot to add that I was disappointed with the poem that Abby had to read. With all of the buildup, I was expecting that it would provoke some kind of reaction from EJ or Abby, but there was zip.


I know they were going for something similar, but the audience was the only one in on the joke. With neither Abby nor EJ registering any sort of emotion or self awareness, I got nothing from the scene. Granted, none of these writers are Gloria Naylor, but I thought it was a huge missed opportunity for drama.


The poem could have had some "Burn" potential, except that it's essentially a resetting of the text of 1 Corinthians that Will just finished reading.


Oh, and I did like Brady's quip about there needing to be an app that shut your phone off when you were drunk!


Brady, buddy, it's called the Off button.

Edited by Sandman

Even when the bitch says nothing, Abby just irritates the living daylights out of me. Get the damn jealousy look off your face stupid. I'm still not understanding these looks, so maybe someone can clarify it for me. For someone that doesn't want to be manipulated by EJ, she sure as hell seems to be manipulated by his dick or is this still this alleged "Stockholm Syndrome" she's referring too. Even after EJ told her that he was gonna treat her like a whore and she's getting all snippy and angry at him after getting sex like what two times. She's acting like EJ promised her something or that he promised to dump Sami and run off with her. Abby is really making this story stank because she's a planet of confusion. It was so funny how EJ couldn't dance with her for five seconds before passing her off to Ben.


I'm glad Sami made her stay, so she can rub her marriage in Abby's face and making her feel uncomfortable. Abby don't know why this bitch is snapping at Will for EJ being arrested? Talking about how EJ needs to pay. Yea in Abby's mind EJ needs to pay for fucking her and then throwing her away cause EJ done drained all the water out of her used up sponge. GetOverIt.com Abby.


The graduation couldn't possibly be over cause Abby wasn't accompanied by Jenn or JJ. What did Abby do just went there took a peek and then left? How supportive she is of her brother JJ. She made such a big deal about not being late and showing up to support him.


Am I mistaken or did Ben/Ollie call Abby, Gabrielle?


When Sami was hitting Rafe with the flowers and that guy that was accompanying Rafe did he say, "Get off my man."? It sounded like he said that lol.


I usually like Lucas but he's really becoming a whiny ass lately and needs to tone that shit down some.


Sonny lay off the Abby compliments, they take away from your cuteness.


Were Roman and Mar seriously playing cards at a restaurant?? That woman can do so much better than Roman. I'm sorry but he's not a looker. Shallow as it is and don't care that she was throwing shade at Mar, try to get some damn emotion out of her but it didn't work cause she's forever a robot.


Are Hope and Aidan so stupid that didn't realize they need an MC for an event. They were so worried about the venue like it couldn't be held anywhere else. Hope and Aidan with that stupid look on their faces at Mar calling an MC. Is this MC her first test subject? Watching Mar on the phone was just painful, she's such a horrendous actress.

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Has James Scott checked out, or he just getting the usual amount of direction / support from the script? Which is to say, none whatsoever.

Wasn't there an article/interview somewhere that said JS went to South America and ate some kind of native druggie mushroom, had major hallucinations and then came home to announce he was quitting Days because He Had Seen The Light?  I know I remember something like that because it was a whole lotta WTF.  Anyways, maybe the script isn't sitting well with his new Shaman spirit and he can't bother to participate.  Could explain the lack of grooming too. You don't have to look nice when you are on a Spirit Quest - you just need your bong.

Edited by sunnyheart
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Shut the fuck up Abby, you irreverent, worthless piece of human garbage. You only want EJ to pay because he stopped giving you the dick.


It's amazing that Lucas realizes Sami is acting weird while EJ (the man the show has spent eight years trying to tell us is the love of her life) doesn't notice anything.


How lovely of Sami's worthless parents to be playing cards while she gets married. I don't know why Marlena was acting like she cared about not getting invited to the wedding.




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Look at Abby throwing shade at EJ. Hypocrisy is a Salem staple so I usually ignore it, but for some reason, when Abigail does it, it grates my balls (pardon my French). Maybe I just think about how I feel when I've done something bad. I tend to stay away from critiscising others because even if it doesn't make any sense, I feel like it will lead to my sin being discovered. I feel like Abby is being really stupid criticising EJ so vehemently because it's just calling attention to herself, never mind the fact that she has no room to judge. She can call Theresa a slut and laugh when she gets food dropped on her, but she can't even imagine what it would feel like if her own secret led to such humiliation. For someone that talks about how guilty she feels, the only fantasy she's had is about Sami storming in to interrupt her cooing over EJ's baby. Poor Sami has to imagine EJ kissing Abby on her wedding day, but why hasn't Abby been the one to have the fantasy of Sami dragging her ass for filth? EJ had to give us a preview from that stupid dream of his.

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Oh and I'm so glad EJ palmed Abby off on Ben so quickly. I'm sick of everyone singing Abby's praises and acting like her vanilla milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. EJ is already a write-off, but they'd better show him sniffing after only Sami after this. It annoys me that the show insisted that we should all love Abby over Sami because she's 'young, beautiful, educated and thin' insipid personality be damned. Anyway, Sonny better side with Sami on this one because I have been feeling for a while that he would be sympathising with Abby thus creating conflict with Will. Jennifer hasn't ever had a scene with Sonny on his own so I don't think #TeamJohnson even exists. Come to think of it, I think Jennifer last had a direct scene with Will when Alice died in 2010. I am just so happy Melanie is coming back so Abby can have a turn on the backburner. I'm so tired of looking at Abby's crazy eyes. This story needs to end soon. Regarding JS checking out, does EJ come alive when he's supposed to be looking at Abby? Because last week EJ's look of love at Abby didn't even register with me. Maybe I'm not seeing it. It just seems impossible for EJ to look so ragged and blah for most of the story, but still have time to have epic 'looks' with Abby.

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Sonny lay off the Abby compliments, they take away from your cuteness.



I was thinking the same thing!  Sonny, I love you but you really need to stop propping Abby and talking about how beautiful she is and how she's out-shinning Sami.  That's actually extremely rude to the bride and besides that, it's untrue. I can't believe that the dress she was wearing was her actual outfit for the wedding--I kept waiting for Abby to change out of that odd plaid dress and into something cute.


It is rather ridiculous the amount of people who claim Abby is beautiful.  Has anyone actually ever looked at Theresa?  The woman is twenty times more gorgeous than Abby and yet no one says word one

  • Love 3

Has James Scott checked out, or is he just getting the usual amount of direction / support from the script? Which is to say, none whatsoever.


It was bad enough that he was phoning it in at his own wedding, but he could have a least showed a little emotion when he got arrested. He have become so bad. Even Sami was her usual over top self. Everyone showed up but him. Good grief.

Wasn't there an article/interview somewhere that said JS went to South America and ate some kind of native druggie mushroom, had major hallucinations and then came home to announce he was quitting Days because He Had Seen The Light?  I know I remember something like that because it was a whole lotta WTF.  Anyways, maybe the script isn't sitting well with his new Shaman spirit and he can't bother to participate.  Could explain the lack of grooming too. You don't have to look nice when you are on a Spirit Quest - you just need your bong.




Edited by Sidney

I think AS/Sami is beautiful.  JL/Theresa is gorgeous.  KM/the boring twit is odd looking.


To me, JS looks ragged and blank.


I’ve seen spoilers/speculation/rumors about twists that are supposed to be coming up in this SL, and I keep thinking it’s just the writers trolling the fans, or having the actors/actresses do damage control for a SL that didn’t get the reaction they thought it would.


Either way, if it weren’t for Sami and Kate, I wouldn’t be watching.

Edited by TigerLynx
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KM is not doing her character any favours with the inappropriate facial expressions. I always agree with bantering that she should have played a vixen rather. As has been said before, Abby is behaving like EJ is cheating on her and I hav e to give EJ props for always being direct with Abby about the state of their 'relationship'. This is the perfect opportunity for Abby to bring up Sami and the kids, but instead, it's all me, me, me. EJ needs to pay because he's hurting me. Nothing about her stalking him to the shower and engaging willingly in sex twice with him at the cabin because she's a grown woman. I don't like Abby because she's passing the buck. If Sonny literally said Abby is more beautiful than Sami today, he is so rude. Why does the whole show act like Abby is Salem's answer to Helen of Troy? She couldn't launch a rubber duck IMO. Sami is not a great beauty either, but the propping is outrageous when it comes to Abby.

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The Claude, Tammy Faye, Oliver storyline reminds me of the Ford family on OLTL.  Sons being abused and forced to steal cars for their Dad, steal money and escape to Llanview, only to have Daddy catch them wherein chaos and murder ensue.  This is the pretty boy Ford boys that almost ate the show for awhile.  The eldest (Bobby) was killed by a falling chandelier while struggling to save Jessica et al from Mitch Lawrence.

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Theresa's character is stank but I find her to be very gorgeous, pretty smile, porcelain skin, nice figure. People don't compliment her beauty because her personality is so ugly.


Sami has days when she's very pretty and days when she looks haggard so she's hit and miss with me.


Abby IDK it's on and off with me. There are days when I say look she's pretty and days I go WTF.


Jenn may sound a little mean, but she needs all the makeup she can get cause I've seen her without it and yea. Kate, I really would have wish she left her face alone and Mar. Hope is pretty for the most part.


You all know how I feel about JJ and Sonny. I do find Eric and Brady to be very good looking guys but they're so damn stupid. Lucas is cute but needs more lips. T is cute. EJ use to be cute, but IDK what happened to happened to him lately. The rest of the men I don't find attractive.

I have watched this show on and off for twenty years and I can't recall them ever making such a big deal about a character's looks like they're doing with Abigail. No one even says how beautiful Nicole is for the last sixteen years, never mind Theresa. Sure people mentioned that Chloe was beautiful when she took the glasses off but I don't think they've done it since then. Sonny only mentioned that Will looked 'hot' in Jan 2013 and Will called Sonny 'handsome' in May 2013 and that's been it for them..

With Abby, I think it's mostly the Pantene hair. Once that's up in a bun, you can see what she's really working with.


I think Abigail's prettiness comes more from her physique, which is very fit,  than her face. Not that her face is that bad. I just have a strange aversion to the way her features are arranged. But I think that might be a personal idiosyncrasy on my end -- I imagine other people do like her features very much.


But, yeah, it is a bit weird how everyone is commenting on how pretty she is right now. I mean, she is, and I can imagine KM gets lots of compliments in real life, but storyline-wise I'm not sure if the writers are trying to say that the older man went for the younger woman because of her looks? Normally I've not heard characters say that the maid of honor might outshine a bride. I know Sami's dress is quite ugly, but Abigail isn't wearing anything great either --- isn't she just wearing an ordinary black dress? I don't think Abigail is prettier than Sami either. I just think she has youth on her side. I actually think Sami's face is more symmetrical. Older, but symmetrical. Abigail has good skin and hair, but she's still young. Not sure what she'll look like in a decade. Because the proportions of her face are a bit uneven (is that because of the smirk?),  I think of her as someone who benefits from good grooming rather than what her features look like.

Edited by bantering
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AS has been outstanding lately.  I totally buy Sami's pain, and loved her sly remark to Abigail that she would be next.  Kate muttering "Well played, Sami" was also awesome.  Bring it on, Sami! 


About the fainting thing.  I fainted early on in my pregnancies, so I wonder if Sami will end up being pregnant.  It might be an interesting way for her to leave Salem, and give another layer to her revenge on EJ and Abby.

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Yeah, I think AS has been really good.

How the heck is EJ not noticing the change in Sami's demeanour though? Has he ever heard her use that voice before? She's invented a new voice to take him down! Get your synapses firing, EJ! What the....


Abigail's facial expressions are too weird for me to understand, but I'm beginning to think EJ should get his synapses firing when it comes to her too! Maybe Sami isn't the only one who is going to put him in his grave!

Edited by bantering
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I thought Lucas was being totally inappropriate running down EJ in front of Sydney.  Keep your personal opinions of your ex's current lover from your child, please.


Sami told Ciara that she already had a flower girl.  Was the flower girl one of the staff?  We didn't get to see flowers strewn on the ground, it was done before the ceremony started, not as part of the wedding.


I loved Sami patting Ben on the shoulder after telling Abigail she was next to get married.


Who was taking care of Ari while the wedding was going on?  Stefano's staff?  Why couldn't Kate or Caroline have taken care of her, or even Lucas, since he only got invited at the last minute?

I can see Lucas almost having a tiny twinge of sympathy for Elvis: "Dude, my mom *and* Sami are gunning for your ass? Nice knowing you! Heh."

I know!


Lucas is starting to suspect something, I think. He has known Sami long enough to recognize that the words she are using are very carefully chosen to mean two very different things.


Can't wait to see EJ's and Abby's faces when they realize they have been played by Kate and Sami.


Gonna love seeing the big reveal at the gala of Abby/EJ. Of course it will all be about how this affects Jennifer - dare we hope to get a mention of the fact that Jenn was married to Peter DiMera, EJ's adopted brother?

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The attempts at *witty banter* between Marlena and the British chick Roman is dating (are they dating?  Who is this chick? Can someone catch me up?) were mortifying.


"I wish I could say join us but I can't...we don't have a seat for an old woman."

"Well, I think there was a rule about one odd woman per table."


What?  Who talks like that?  I don't think I've ever seen such a tragic attempt at shade.  

  • Love 3

Lucas and his one-liners need to be on every show.  Whenever someone is doing something stupid just have Lucas walk in and drop a bomb of truth and then leave.


Whenever someone does something stupid? When would the poor man sleep? Even Pop-Up Victor doesn't have that kind of time.

Edited by Sandman
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Lucas and Sami have had the last decade plus to move on from the kind of stuff they did to one another. I suppose if we had to endure 10 more years of EJ and Sami, they could do the same. As far as chastising her and condemning her behavior, Sami's behavior generally warrants that kind of attitude. I like that Lucas cares enough to call her out on it rather than constantly act as her enabler. 

So yeah, I think what Sami and Lucas have is love, even if it started out as one big old dysfunctional mess.

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OK I don't know if I should have high expectations for when Sami exposes EJ and Abby because I just got done watching Carrie slapping the shit out of Abby for the Austin thing and KM's reaction was rather stupid with the fake crying she was attempting to do. I think KM might bring down the exposure with her rather bad reaction acting. It's like she doesn't know how to react to situations that doesn't involve her being a slut, being judgmental, or looking smug. I mean she was shocked that Carrie slapped the shit out of her, which she shouldn't have been surprised at all. So if Sami goes upside her head with a shovel, she better not look shocked.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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The irony is that even though Lucas and Sami have there own trouble past.  You can still see the affection and history between them and they have actually and truly arrived at new place in life with each other.  Her and EJ have done just as much to each other in a quarter of the time and they haven't even come close to the "understanding" Lucas and Sami have.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I too think KM's acting during the reveal will probably be underwhelming. It's going to be on AS's shoulders to bring it. Not sure if Lucas would pop a one-liner because Abigail is involved.


Since Abigail is coming across as if she's the wronged party and that Sami took away her man, I can't tell if Sami is actually torturing Abigail. She seems to be testing Abigail to see how two-faced Abigail might be, but Abigail doesn't strike me as actually put off by what Sami is doing to her  in terms of trying to elicit a guilt reaction -- Abigail seems more put off by the fact that she thinks EJ is repressing her feelings for her and that she has to watch Sami carrying on with her man, like when Carrie had to watch Sami marrying Austin at various points. If I had tuned in to the show for the first time, I would have thought that Sami stole EJ away from Abigail, and that Abigail, as some kind of martyr figure trying to save EJ because Stephano might kill him if he doesn't marry Sami, has to stand back and watch the marriage happen as her heart breaks into tiny, tiny pieces yet she quietly and stoically  keeps her feelings to herself with great strength -- you know,  like in those Lifetime movies or any kind of movie starring Katherine Heighl, but with a way nuttier looking face in Abigail. That's how Abigail's acting seems to be weirdly playing out in this storyline, and I'm baffled.


I knew I wasn't going to expect to feel sorry for Abigail, but I suppose I didn't expect to go so far in the direction of thinking "Oh yeah, Sami, you really should  dumb a bucket of dead fish guts on top of Abigail's head just because." I thought maybe, just maybe, I might feel a twinge of sympathy for Abigail, but it's not happening. Because of how Abigail is coming across in terms of appearing as if she's sacrificing EJ for ....whatever (maybe she has something thought up in her mind), whatever Sami is doing to her doesn't even seem that harsh up to this point.

Edited by bantering
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I think AS is doing better work with KM, who has  been given some interesting material to deal with but doesn't seem to be doing much with it. Isn't this the kind of stuff that allows someone to show a range of emotion in terms of conflict? The poem reading was so freaking bland. There's no "there there" with Abigail...other than some boiler-bunny facial expressions.


Unless Abigail murders EJ, I don't get the point of the boiler-bunny face in this storyline. She should be looking guilty in the face -- not as though she might poison either EJ or Sami in their sleep.

Edited by bantering

KM and her stupid acting choices better not mess up the big reveal for me. Here's what needs to happen - Sami goes off on Abby, maybe slaps her around a few times, maybe a little gunplay, and then Abby can crawl back to her corner where she belongs. Sami can then focus all her attention on EJ and hopefully JS will manage to get it together long enough to give a decent performance.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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WHEN Lucas and Sami were being written for as a couple, they were written as toxic.  I have no doubt that Sami/Lucas fans didn't see it as such, but non fans did, just as non EJ/Sami fans see them as such

I think they were at their most interesting, couple-wise, way after all of the mutual destruction bits were over. But then Kate had to screw that up for them and eventually EJ came along. I don't want Sami and Lucas together romantically but I do think there is love between them and that she's at her best when she's in scenes with him. They may not be exciting and dramatic, but love, even on soaps, doesn't have to be.


But I get it, you don't like them together. What you interpret as Lucas treating her like a child I see as trying to keep her from making typical Sami Brady mistakes (huge ones, usually) because, as you were so kind to inform me, that's how shipping works. I like them together, but not enough to engage in a pissing contest over it.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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