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S04.E04: Edward Mordrake, Part 2

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And I definitely didn't get the impression Mondrake was looking for innocents.

No, he made it clear when looking at the pinheads at play, that they were safe because they were innocents.


Sorry to see Twisty go so soon--I found him more interesting than Dandy.  Dandy isn't all that clever--he's just a 5 year old in an adult body. Twisty's mouth was one of the nastiest things seen on this season.


 I think that Dell is lucky that Mordrake didn't go to his trailer before Elsa's.  Speaking of Elsa, it take's a lot of handwaving to accept that she survived that snuff film--both of her leg arteries would have been severed by that chainsaw. Poor Elsa--she was only a "star" in porno films.


I actually like the musical numbers but agree that they didn't fit into this episode.


Although Denis O'Hare's character is aiming for Dot and Bette, I think that the little people and the pinheads are in greater danger from him.  Although, I suppose that he could con the twins into a fake "separation" surgery.

  • Love 1

Wow, Elsa's flashback scenes were 10 shades of weird.  I mean like John Waters kinda crazy.


Good episode, I liked the back stories of Paul the Sealboy and the half girl but I felt they were rushed a bit.  Just barely a 5 min segment on each it seemed and that's it.  And whats up with no Amazon Eve or Ma Petit back story?!  Grrr.....

  • Love 4

Well, that was hard to watch. Not necessarily in a bad way, but wow.


So far, this feels a lot like Asylum. Asylum was REALLY dark, but it was still watchable because you had a shining heroic light in Lana Banana and endless entertainment in Devil Eunice. This season isn't quite as dark yet, but if it's going in that direction, we really need some lighthearted stuff to balance it out, because this episode was exhausting. 


I mean, it was GOOD. It was even kind of gripping. I don't want it to turn into Coven, which was highly watchable but had no story, but maybe they could find some sort of happy medium.


I don't know, maybe I just missed Frances Conroy.

  • Love 1

I'm gonna miss the walking shudder that is Twisty, but I knew when they showed his before- face and let us hear his voice, he was out. The biggest part of Twisty's menace was that he was a bit inhuman, like a huge evil doll.

Mat Fraser is one hell of an actor. And Rose Siggins 's stoic, bitter monologue was perfectly executed.

Edited by bunnywithanaxe
  • Love 4

Best episode of the season so far. The backstories were great, especially Elsa and Twisty's, both tragic too I might add.

I have a feeling that despite taking Twisty, Mordrake will resurface later in the season to claim some more victims, probably around the finale time.

Dandy took over Twisty's role pretty sharpish. Not shocked he killed Dora though. Wouldn't be surprised if Gloria is next too.

Jimmy being the hero of the episode was great too, though he does seem to be taken in too easily with Maggie, which will probably backfire on him.

Stanley didn't waste time getting into the camp or playing with Elsa's vanity either.

There wasn't really much for Bette, Dot, Desiree, Ethel or Dell to do in this one but that wasn't a bad thing, 9/10

  • Love 2
I have a feeling that despite taking Twisty, Mordrake will resurface later in the season to claim some more victims, probably around the finale time.




I thought Mordrake would only come if a freak performed on Halloween?


The flashbacks with Twisty were sad but he still comes across as a monster to me. It's one thing to be unhinged but I didn't see any evidence of the misunderstood guy who just wanted to entertain kids when he was committing his crimes. What gave him the impression that the boy's parents were "mean"? He talks about wanting to give them candy when it's clear that the kids were starving.


He goes back to get revenge on the owner of the toy store but doesn't feel murderous rage towards little people?


I also don't understand why he chose to kidnap the boy and not the girl. In his twisted mind he's giving these kids a treat so why wouldn't he go for the girl who was being bullied by her brother?


The whole storyline left me feeling confused.


I wonder if this is the last we'll see of Twisty's captives?


Well, that was hard to watch. Not necessarily in a bad way, but wow.



Yeah, I'm not exactly feeling the urge to watch the episode again. The stuff with Elsa was just beyond sick making because I couldn't help but think about what sorts of horrors have taken place in real snuff films and then I started wondering how many have been made over the years and...ugh. I'm feeling seriously disturbed over here.


I like that AHS gets people to think about the really fucked up shit that happens/has happened in the world but there are some things that are really hard to watch. It's hard to believe that people would actually pay big bucks to see something so unpleasant. Agreed that this is right up there with Asylum in terms of me just shaking my head at how awful the world can be for people at times.

  • Love 7

Wow, Elsa's flashback scenes were 10 shades of weird.  I mean like John Waters kinda crazy.


Good episode, I liked the back stories of Paul the Sealboy and the half girl but I felt they were rushed a bit.  Just barely a 5 min segment on each it seemed and that's it.  And whats up with no Amazon Eve or Ma Petit back story?!  Grrr.....

They are both total flippin' sweetie pies, and therefore Mordrake had no interest in them. But yeah, it would be cool if they got a chance to speak up, too.

And we'll never know Meep's story, I guess. :(

  • Love 2


I was actually pretty surpised Twisty was capable of talking, with as much of a mess as his mouth was. And it was decipherable!

Edward said something to Twisty about focusing his mind and the demon (face) would be able to understand. I think the audience was hearing the story in Twisty's voice, not that he was really able to speak.


This episode just made me feel weird...and not in a good way. Although I did love the ending with the townspeople coming to thank the freaks.




Does anyone know the male pintop names? I keep wanting to refer to him as Pepper's brother but I think that's wrong.

It's "Salty" :)

Edited by rubinia
  • Love 3

The flashbacks with Twisty were sad but he still comes across as a monster to me. It's one thing to be unhinged but I didn't see any evidence of the misunderstood guy who just wanted to entertain kids when he was committing his crimes. What gave him the impression that the boy's parents were "mean"? He talks about wanting to give them candy when it's clear that the kids were starving.

Wasn't that what damned him, that he didn't recognize that what he did was evil? His insistence that he was a good person, what he was doing was justifiable? ( insert political metaphor here.)

Maybe " damned" is the wrong word, but that was what Mordrake seemed to say was the thing he was looking for.

  • Love 4

I also don't understand why he chose to kidnap the boy and not the girl. In his twisted mind he's giving these kids a treat so why wouldn't he go for the girl who was being bullied by her brother?

I think it was because the little girl didn't like clowns. He wanted a child who might actually be entertained by a clown, so he chose the kid who dressed like one.

The stuff with Elsa was just beyond sick making because I couldn't help but think about what sorts of horrors have taken place in real snuff films and then I started wondering how many have been made over the years and...ugh. I'm feeling seriously disturbed over here.

So far as we know, snuff films are just an urban legend. There are various recordings of people being killed (like Lee Harvey Oswald, for example, or terrorists killing people on camera), but there aren't any known examples of people actually being killed strictly for the purpose of making a movie.

  • Love 6
Guest Accused Dingo

Wasn't that what damned him, that he didn't recognize that what he did was evil? His insistence that he was a good person, what he was doing was justifiable? ( insert political metaphor here.)

Maybe " damned" is the wrong word, but that was what Mordrake seemed to say was the thing he was looking for.

Which is why he didn't take the other two. The one just had a sad desperate life and the other recognized what they did was wrong. Both were still good people despite their past.

Elsa...i am not sure if her story makes me feel sorry for her or worry about her because Mordrake was ready to take her which means she feels no remorse or insight about her life. That is worrisome.

Why he took twisty is simple. Twisty was incapable of feeling remorse becase he doesn't understand that what he was doing is what he is doing. What he thinks happened is not what actually happend. Twisty isn't evil just misguided and simple enough not to have insight or remorse.

Edited by Accused Dingo

"I even got them a pretty babysitter!" transposed with "STABSTABSTABSTAB" was a really moment of extreme creepiness for me. I was so glad Bonnie and the kids made it out. I bet that kid never teases his little sister about her caulrophobia again.


I also enjoyed the little spotlight on Legless Suzi and Paul the Illustrated Seal. If you look up regular pictures of Mat Fraser, he is very handsome in a Steve McQueen/Daniel Craig, sort of way, and I was glad they pointed that out in his monologue.


Now that Twisty is gone, Dandy is terrifying. There is no reason in his demented little brain--everything he does is purely for his own amusement, and he has zero empathy for anyone else. At least there was some sort of sick dividing line with Twisty.

Edited by Nutjob
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I also enjoyed the little spotlight on Legless Suzi and Paul the Illustrated Seal. If you look up regular pictures of Mat Fraser, he is very handsome in a Steve McQueen/Daniel Craig, sort of way, and I was glad they pointed that out in his monologue.


I watched a Youtube a few days ago on Mat and it was really fascinating to hear him talk.  He's a very confident and interesting guy.  Here's the Youtube (pardon me if it's been posted before):




eta:  If imbedded links are not allowed, I can change it.

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 6


That didn't seem very well thought out at all - why kill off your star dominatrix? And if it's a snuff film, why turn off the cameras and leave before the victim dies?

Her death may not have been the point of the film. At the time, the gas-powered chainsaw was a fairly new invention, so there would have been a novelty factor in seeing someone getting limbs chopped off by one. It wouldn't have taken much rewriting to make that scene the production of a sales film for doctors.

This was a marvelous episode for me.  I loved the back-stories provided, but I will miss Twisty.  When we first got a glimpse of his destroyed mouth in an earlier episode, a botched suicide was my first thought.  And SHAME on them for not having Miss LaBelle do one musical number; jerks!


On a separate issue, I truly believe snuff films have been made, and still ARE being made, on a very routine basis, sad to say.  With all the missing/murdered people each year, mostly women and children; some HAD TO have been snuff movies.  Adam Walsh may have been; the only proof of such depravity will be the actual film, and those folks who have the money and inclination for shit like that will have a VERY solid safe and will never share their stuff.  The reason that this is still being considered an "urban legend" is so there won't be panic and/or more sadists producing them.

  • Love 3
IMO we didn't get Ma Petite's backstory because people would have difficulty understanding too much dialogue from her character.

I thought of that as well.  English isn't her native language and it seems that when she does deliver lines she seems to be struggling with the dialogue or maybe in the pronunciation of the words.  But still no Amazon Eve wth Ryan?!  You put a beauty like her in the show and don't give her anything to do.


So Twisty is in hell now?  But he's happy about it?  It did seem to be like a family welcoming in another member when Mordrake brought Twisty into the fold so to speak. 


And kudos to Ryan Murphy for showing that so-called freaks aren't immune to the cruelness of humanity.  I was fully expecting it to be one of the normals that teased Twisty but to see another freak behaving that way speaks volumes about about subcultures.

  • Love 1

Wow, thank you for that video of Mat Fraser. He is really extraordinary. It's funny that he had a line about his handsome face, because I was just saying to my husband that if he were of normal proportions (Mat, not my husband), he'd be a stunner. (I used to say that about Peter Dinklage as well, but I've come around to thinking he doesn't need to change a thing to be handsome.) Love the accent, love the confidence, love the humor. I hope he does go on to do other great things.

  • Love 3


A group of men she called "the watchers" who routinely paid in unmarked bills to watch her do her thing offered to make her a star.

I think she was saying that they weren't paying her in "Marks," i.e. Deutsche Marks. They lost a lot of value after the war so the fact that they paid in some other currency meant that they were paying very well.

  • Love 6

The flashbacks with Twisty were sad but he still comes across as a monster to me. It's one thing to be unhinged but I didn't see any evidence of the misunderstood guy who just wanted to entertain kids when he was committing his crimes. What gave him the impression that the boy's parents were "mean"? 



I read this on the main page in the recap:


"Twisty killed the mother of the boy to whom he tried to sell his toy and then kidnapped him.'

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 1

I know I am in the minority on this issue, but I like her accent.  For me, it adds to the strangeness of her character.

I like it, too. I'm used to it now.

I read this on the main page in the recap:


"Twisty killed the mother of the boy to whom he tried to sell his toy and then kidnapped him.'

I noticed that was the store where he killed the owner, at the beginning of another episode, as well.

  • Love 1

My life in horror stories:  this morning I watched Twice Told Tales--which had a profound impact on me when I saw it in '63, when I was six--and then AHS.



Well, weep not for Twisty.  He had a pretty good ending for a mentally challenged mutilated kidnapping serial killer.  He touched the demon's heart, got his face back, and finally made some friends he could hang with. . .a clown posse. 



  • Love 3

I don't know. This season is going the way of last season for me.... big on promise, low on delivery. Twisty was the only thing I really found interesting and scary and while I love Finn Wittrock, that mask isn't even remotely scary on him. It doesn't fit. 


Somehow when there's that much crazy in an episode, my reaction shouldn't be "Meh. What else ya got?"

  • Love 1


I thought Mordrake would only come if a freak performed on Halloween?


I'm a bit confused about this as well. My understanding is that Mordrake appeared because the freaks (well, Elsa really) performed on Halloween which is against the Freak Rules or something, but Twisty wasn't in the Freak Show so I don't get why Mordrake chose him.


I don't see the point of hiring someone as famous as Patti LaBelle for such a small and insignificant part, unless she's going to come back as a ghost or something. And sing. Maybe she's not actually dead and she'll wind up in the Freak Show as the Amazing Throat Slashed Lady. I'm sure LaBelle doesn't work cheap, they could easily have hired a nobody for scale for such an irrelevant part.


This episode really felt like it should have been the season finale the way the townsfolk showed up en masse and embraced the freaks for saving their town.

  • Love 1


I'm a bit confused about this as well. My understanding is that Mordrake appeared because the freaks (well, Elsa really) performed on Halloween which is against the Freak Rules or something, but Twisty wasn't in the Freak Show so I don't get why Mordrake chose him.

Twisty was performing--he was playing the music while Dandy was attempting to saw Esmerelda in half. That's why Mordrake could find him, because he heard him "performing" in his and Dandy's little show.

  • Love 9

I'm a bit confused about this as well. My understanding is that Mordrake appeared because the freaks (well, Elsa really) performed on Halloween which is against the Freak Rules or something, but Twisty wasn't in the Freak Show so I don't get why Mordrake chose him.


I don't see the point of hiring someone as famous as Patti LaBelle for such a small and insignificant part, unless she's going to come back as a ghost or something. And sing. Maybe she's not actually dead and she'll wind up in the Freak Show as the Amazing Throat Slashed Lady. I'm sure LaBelle doesn't work cheap, they could easily have hired a nobody for scale for such an irrelevant part.


This episode really felt like it should have been the season finale the way the townsfolk showed up en masse and embraced the freaks for saving their town.

I thought it seemed like a very trite finale, too. They've hired other stars on Patti's level (Patti Lupone, Stevie Nicks, etc.) for mini story arcs, too. so as sad as I was to see her go, it doesn't surprise me.


I'm guessing Mordrake chose Twisty because they needed someone really ominous to pop in and out, kill Twisty, and thus allow Dandy to become the main villain. If any of the season long characters killed Twisty, we'd all be mad. 


Apparently there wasn't much of a time frame between when the dwarves scared off Twisty, he went to the toy store, shot his face (not sure how long that decomposition would take, and how long before he either bled out or died from infection), then started killing and kidnapping. His connection to the Freak Show was shown when Jimmy was barking for tickets, and Twisty was making balloons. Not sure how Jimmy didn't recognize the filthy Twisty in the woods, or how Twisty didn't seem to recognize him in the trailer.


I'm chalking up the unexplained bloody scalp as a Ryan Murphy Unsolved Mystery that will just never be explained.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 1

I totally believe there's a snuff movies  market. Sadly, the world is full  of sickos. 


RIP, Twisty, your story was very sad. You have  to be stopped one way or  another, but I don't think you deserved going to hell. 


Elsa's flashback was disturbing, OMG. No wonder she's a bit off. However, I think  she still can tell right from  wrong and there's no excuse for some of the things she's done  or wants to do. Otoh, I loved the way she assumed Mordrake was a fan and started flirting with him, lol. Can't wait to see her scenes with Denis O'Hare.


Dandy... This is going to be fun.

Aw man, right when Twisty rockets into that spot where I'm no longer too creeped out to mock him, he overshoots into that place where I feel too bad for him to mock him. No "Blowhole the Clown" jokes or anything. I'm glad he's dead. It wouldn't have worked if he just kept on doing creepy clown stuff after seeing his backstory. Even if it's Hell, it still seems like a mercy.

Dandy's gonna be the kind of villain who is fun to watch and fun to watch die. Killing your maid is like the "taking your cousin to prom" of serial killer moves. He'll probably become more ambitious but I don't think I'll be scared of him.

Jimmy's happy ending was so ideal that it almost convinced me he was dreaming while still locked up. Things are going to nosedive for him. There's no way somebody achieves acceptance and happiness on this show unless it's a set-up for god-awfulness later.

The snuff film genre is just the less socially acceptable precursor to torture porn, imo. I wonder who thought up that scene. There was something different about Elsa's past that makes it incongruous to the mood of AHS. Does that make sense? Either way, it kicked up the icky part of horror like the bottom of a fish tank. Like that scene of Gabrielle Sidibe having sex with the minotaur last season, watching Elsa have her legs cut off blackened my soul a little. This show is dirty and it makes me feel dirty.

  • Love 3
I totally believe there's a snuff movies  market. Sadly, the world is full  of sickos.



Until seeing this episode I'd never really thought about it but I can't help but think back in the day when it was easier to get away with shit...I'm pretty sure there's some sick stuff out there. Who knows what sort of foreign option there might be. Damn it, I'm back to feeling disturbed about this shit again. 


Not the same thing but it does sort of remind me of people being surprised to see something like porn from the early 20th century. 


Good call, to the poster who said that they should have tied the James Cromwell character into those flashbacks. They could have cast the actor's son again!

  • Love 1

Welp there went 75% of my reason for watching. Dandy better take over and be super extra creepy from here on out or I am done. :(

Yeah,  but if you think about it, life's already pretty tough for an Evil Murder Clown.  I mean, except for Mimes, they're the absolute bottom of the Clown Barrel. After graduating Clown College, when they line up at the recruitment tables at the job fair, the Evil Murder Clown line is probably the shortest (since being a Mime seems to be popular, even though they're hated). Even being a Birthday Clown probably isn't as bad.  Although I suppose we could have a nice debate about Rodeo Clowns too--they get all the chicks, but probably have even worse injury and mortality rates than even Evil Murder Clowns.


So here's Twisty, doing his darnedest to be the best Evil Murder Clown possible, and now some AMATEUR with no training is going to take over his Evil Murder Clown duties?  How humiliating.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 7

Anyone ever heard of murderer Maury Travis? If not google him , snuff films definitely happen and are real. I think they just aren't caught that often because the victims are usually sex workers(like Elsa) and the murderers usually keep the videos for themselves.

Poor Elsa, I was hoping we would hear how she become so fame hungry in the first place.  They only went back to 1932, so she would have been in her 30's , 40's?? 

Edited by blaase
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There is no way Elsa could have survived her legs being cut off with a chain saw. The blood loss and shock would have caused her death within minutes, there are large arteries in the legs. I love Jessica in general, but every time she is on I am bored. I don't like her accent, her flashbacks or her singing.


I love scary or at least suspenseful shows, but don't feel either with this season. Twisty was cool when he was just a murderous clown, but I can't feel sorry for him and be scared. Dandy will eventually kill one of the freaks and be turned into one himself (don't know any spoilers, just guessing) and I think this whole season will end up being an odd mashup of Marlene Dietrich and the movie Freaks.

  • Love 1

Anyone ever heard of murderer Maury Travis? If not google him , snuff films definitely happen and are real. I think they just aren't caught that often because the victims are usually sex workers(like Elsa) and the murderers usually keep the videos for themselves.

No one's disputing that there are some sickos who have recorded their crimes on film. But the term "snuff film" is generally used to describe a death video made specifically for the purpose of distributing it for entertainment or profit.

If there's any kind of a snuff film market out there, it's been kept entirely secret from authorities, journalists, etc.

  • Love 1

Anyone ever heard of murderer Maury Travis? If not google him , snuff films definitely happen and are real. I think they just aren't caught that often because the victims are usually sex workers(like Elsa) and the murderers usually keep the videos for themselves.

Poor Elsa, I was hoping we would hear how she become so fame hungry in the first place.  They only went back to 1932, so she would have been in her 30's , 40's?? 


The definition of a snuff film is that it's made with the intent to distribute for financial gain. Thankfully there's no real market for that. The only reason they're a myth is because of a technicality. That doesn't mean there isn't a stock of degrading torture footage taking up room in a lunatic's garage, filed with PD, or even hidden in the deep dark corners of the internet.

Edited by rho
  • Love 3

I enjoyed the backstories of the tattooed man and torso lady the most this episode. Elsa's backstory was a little hard to watch and reminds me of the slave torture scenes from last season for which I had to avert my eyes everytime they are shown onscreen. Glad Twisty's victims escaped unscathed, especially the little boy and the girl whose boyfriend was killed. I am going to miss Patti LaBelle. I wish she would have a bigger role and was eagerly anticipating the big Lady Marmalade musical number. I am not sure I like Dandy as the big bad for the season. My guess is he will go on a rampage to murder all the circus freaks from this point onwards so every week, but at the end the freaks get their revenge and he is turned into a freak himself or is killed. Also, we need more anachronistic musical numbers! So disappointed there wasn't one this episode!

I never thought I'd ever feel sorry for Twisty, but I (kind of) did.


I am so glad the kids got away. I thought for sure Jessie's brother would be killed and I was pleased he wasn't. I do think, though, that once Dandy gets to killing more, and I think he will, that the town people will go back to scorning the freaks and may even think Jimmy did it and killed Twisty to cover himself up.


Other than that, nothing much to say. I am annoyed by Emma Roberts in general, so her character is obnoxious to me. I was hoping she'd get an ax to the back or something, but maybe something nefarious is in the works.


ETA: I am not a fan of Elsa. I really think they wasted Jessica Lange as this character. All she does is interrupt the really interesting parts, IMO.

Edited by SpaghettiTuesdays

I am annoyed by Emma Roberts in general, so her character is obnoxious to me. I was hoping she'd get an ax to the back or something


Same! I can't even pinpoint exactly what my problem with her is. She just plain bugs me. It's magnified because I really like Evan Peters, so my incredibly biased perspective of all storylines and scenes involving the two of them is that he's being "saddled" with her, "burdened" with her, etc., and I'd so much prefer she be gone so I could more fully enjoy him. So silly--I have no idea why she makes me bristle so. When she yelled out, "Come and get me!" I thought, "No really, please, go and get her." 

  • Love 6

Same! I can't even pinpoint exactly what my problem with her is. She just plain bugs me. It's magnified because I really like Evan Peters, so my incredibly biased perspective of all storylines and scenes involving the two of them is that he's being "saddled" with her, "burdened" with her, etc., and I'd so much prefer she be gone so I could more fully enjoy him. So silly--I have no idea why she makes me bristle so. When she yelled out, "Come and get me!" I thought, "No really, please, go and get her." 

I don't know what it is about her, either, but I was hoping Dandy would get her. Unfortunately, I think she's here to stay.

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