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S04.E04: Edward Mordrake, Part 2

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Meanwhile, Elsa recalls her days in Germany.

So does this mean we'll find out what happened to her legs?  Perhaps in a confession to Edward?  I know he isn't going to take Elsa Mars so I'm still racking my brain with who it will be.  Whomever he takes means we'll get a sort of backstory from them so if its someone like Paul the Sealboy or Amazon Eve, while I will miss them on the show, it would be nice to hear something about them.

I kind of feared this when this was the last episode Twisty was listed in on IMDB. I felt sorry for his pitiful backstory, so they kind of had to get rid of him now that he was more sympathetic.


I don't like Elsa's backstory. Most of that was just perversion and not horror, IMO. I'm glad we were spared another song.

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Much better episode than part one for sure! Now I wouldn't have minded an extra 20 minutes on this one instead of last week.


Holy hell, that is NOT how expected for Elsa to lose her legs!  Damn that was awful.  Was that little drink supposed to knock her out?

Didn't seem to help.  Poor Elsa, that was brutal.


And also didn't expect Twisty to leave us this early and again, not how I expected to find out about his gnarly mouth.  He must have moved the gun a bit because the back of his head should have been blown away too.


I had a feeling that the next time Dora dissed Dandy that he would snap and really kill her.

Edited by Valny
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I kind of feared this when this was the last episode Twisty was listed in on IMDB. I felt sorry for his pitiful backstory, so they kind of had to get rid of him now that he was more sympathetic.


I don't like Elsa's backstory. Most of that was just perversion and not horror, IMO. I'm glad we were spared another song.

I'm not sure why I continue to watch, it has pretty much been perversion starting with season 1. I am convinced Ryan Murphy is a misogynist. I am a fan of many of the actors, but the show itself is starting to wear on me.

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Summary of my reaction to this (very good) episode:


"What. the. fuck -he killed Patti?!?!" "Oh hell no."


I assume that the rest of the season will consist of every black and/or gay person in America hunting Dandy down for this crime.

Isn't Gabourey Sidibe supposed to play her daughter? When does she show up?

I'm not sure why I continue to watch, it has pretty much been perversion starting with season 1. I am convinced Ryan Murphy is a misogynist. I am a fan of many of the actors, but the show itself is starting to wear on me.

Yeah, I personally would rather be scared than grossed out, and I do like the camp. I was hit or miss with the first season, but it was spooky. Coven made no sense, but it was fun and still somewhat scary. I couldn't get past the first episode of Asylum, because it was just gore combined with tragically real situations (people being committed and mistreated). Jury is still out on this season.

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I didn't expect Twisty to be the one Mordrake took even after he told his story. Kind of disturbing that he's consigned to Hell despite not understanding the nature of his sins, though I don't suppose the other option would be appropriate either.


Is it just me, or was Wes Bentley far more sinister when smiling at the pinheads than during any of his more threatening moments?

Edited by Bruinsfan
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Guest Accused Dingo

OK first off I need to discuss Twisty.  Poor Twisty.  I don't think I have ever felt more sorry for a serial killer before.  He just wanted to be a good clown.   He was a little slow and bad shit kept happening to him.  He legit didn't understand that he was kidnapping kids.  He thought he was doing a good thing and giving them a good show.  He wanted to be a good clown.  He just wanted to be a clown. Also didn't expect Twisty to go out so early in the game.  


Now on to topic two.  Jimmy the Hero.  I liked the scene with the townsfolk showing up with their kids.  "I want to shake your hand."  It doesn't sound like much but to someone with a deformed hand in 1953 it is everything.  If this was the end of the story I would think it was a super happy ending to a horror show but we are barely into the story so I will take my happy moments where I can get them


Topic 3:  Elsa the dominatrix.  Wow.  Also Poor Elsa being in that snuff film.   Damn that was mean.   Hiring a whore to whip you is one thing, consenting adults and all that and even paying to watch but.....snuff film?   Those are beyond cruel.


And the final topic.  Dandy.  Oh my Dandy. Well I guess you have your first victim and you already liked kidnapping people and now you know you like killing them.  You really are a little psychopath aren't you?  But you will be fun to watch. I'll give you that.   

  • Love 6

I felt bad for Twisty but at the same time he was still a killer.


I liked that Jimmy didn't run and tried to help the girl it reminded me of Kit Walker.  The people coming to thank him at the end was beautiful. He shook the mans hand.


I laughed when Twisty clapped at Jimmy knocking Dandy out. Damn I liked Dora the maid. I already don't like Dandy and this is not helping.

  • Love 3

I'm intrigued by what's coming in the previews.

Me too, there was A LOT of screaming.  I have predictions on why Elsa was screaming but I'll save that.




Isn't Gabourey Sidibe supposed to play her daughter? When does she show up?

  Oh that's right I forgot. I don't know when she shows up but it's because she hasn't heard from her mom I believe.


I love Dandy's tantrums, they're hysterical.  He has a taste for blood/murder now.  This should be good.


I laughed when Twisty clapped at Jimmy knocking Dandy out.
Yes I thought that was funny too ShadowHunter. And it was also funny that he wanted the others to clap.



Edited by Valny
  • Love 1

I know the idea is that Elsa is buying into Emma Roberts and Denis O'Hare's scam because she wants to believe it...but I still don't buy her being this stupid.


"I can't find a seat, and I came here all the way from Hollywood, California!" Oh, brother.


Holy hell, that is NOT how expected for Elsa to lose her legs!  Damn that was awful.  Was that little drink supposed to knock her out?

Didn't seem to help.


I think it did exactly what they intended it to do - prevent her from fighting back, but keep her conscious, and capable of feeling pain, so that they could get off on her misery.


(And with that, I think I'm done trying to get inside the heads of Weimer-era snuff film fetishists, at least for tonight.)

  • Love 6

I didn't expect Twisty to be the one Mordrake took even after he told his story. Kind of disturbing that he's consigned to Hell despite not understanding the nature of his sins, though I don't suppose the other option would be appropriate either.

I didn't take it was Hell. He gets to perform with people who won't hurt him. Sounds just like what he wanted in life. Did Mordrake take only innocents? And Twisty's mother told him he was a good person. That became his mantra. Didn't work all the time but he felt he was.

  • Love 2

One of the grossest moments of the episode was Dandy putting on that dirty, slobbery mask that had probably not been washed in... forever.

I was thinking the same thing. It must have the foulest smell ever!

For a second I thought the little person was giving Twisty an exploding cigarette and that's how his mouth gets messed up. Heh, I was picturing it like how a cigar explodes like in the cartoons. 


Edited by Valny
  • Love 8

I didn't take it was Hell. He gets to perform with people who won't hurt him. Sounds just like what he wanted in life. Did Mordrake take only innocents? And Twisty's mother told him he was a good person. That became his mantra. Didn't work all the time but he felt he was.


Mondrake said more than once that he was looking for someone to bring back to hell. His ghostly cohorts were wearing the freak show costumes they presumably wore when they were alive, but I didn't take that to mean that they were still performing their acts.


And I definitely didn't get the impression Mondrake was looking for innocents. He was prepared to bring Elsa, who's one of the least innocent people there. He seemed disgusted by Twisty's inability to realize that his actions were evil, even though most people would regard that as a mitigating factor - but he never said he was fair.

  • Love 4

Yeah, that ending with the townspeople was just too happy. It worries me.

For a second I thought the little person was giving Twisty an exploding cigarette and that's how his mouth gets messed up. Heh, I was picturing it like how a cigar explodes like in the cartoons. 


I had that same thought! I mean, we're watching a show about evil clowns and malicious circus pranks, so it actually seemed like that particular trope might be in effect.

I'm still disappointed in this season. Still watching, because I remain curious about where the "always about to go totally off the tracks" Ryan Murphy will go careening off to. But hands down, this is easily the least scary season for me, which is hugely disappointing because I love scary. It's had some great dark humor moments and I've thoroughly enjoyed those... of course, several of them involved Twisty, so.... bummer.


I have actually quite liked the anachronistic song scenes, much to my surprise. Had you asked me in advance whether I'd like the addition of a song scene to AHS eps, I would've given you a firm "Hell no."


The fact that I've enjoyed them as much as I have, though, is indicative of how much more compelling I've found the other seasons at this point. I didn't want to waste a single minute, I was still so enthralled by the unfolding mysteries and questions and weirdnesses. This season, though... I don't mind losing a few minutes to some entertaining tangent because there's nothing particularly mysterious, no compelling questions, no weirdnesses I just can't get out of my head & can't wait to find out more about.


I realized after last week's ep the thing I was left thinking about the longest was how much I liked the shot of Edward Mordrake approaching, with the ferris wheel standing large in the background, and how well I thought that particular shot was framed. 


And when the framing of a shot is what sticks with me after an episode of AHS... something's lacking.


Dang it, I miss the scary. Leave more to my imagination. Stop spoon-feed-telling me so much. Make me wonder. Spook me with what lurks in the shadows of possibility. Creep me out. Leave some eerieness someplace... this season just isn't doing it for me.

Edited by encyclopedia brown
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1. Poor twisty.. I got teary eyed at the attempted suicide part.. Glad twisty is at peace (or so I see it)but he was also guilty. Even though he didn't understand.

2. (prediction) I think Neil Patrick Harris and his RL husband will be simese twins that fall for dot and Bette

3. Edward Mordrake is bae.. Lol

4. Germans are the real freaks

5. What was up with Dell he seemed.. Weird when he came out of the trailer am I right??

  • Love 5

Oh, Twisty. I wish they could've let your storyline play out a bit more. You enabled a few great slasher film homages, but so much potential remained! But once we were allowed to ogle that gaping, gooey maw of a mouth and hear your tragic backstory, you were no longer an unsettling monster. And at least you met your end at the hands of the hunky Mordrake. Woof, my good sir. Oh, my!

Despite the fact that the powers-that-be decided to establish this fact by having him kill off Patti m-effer Labelle, Dandy is actually gonna be a better villain than Twisty. Dandy is straight-up sociopathic. That slow, purposeful slide after killing Dora from a look of oh-crap confusion to holy-crap glee? Bone-chilling, wholely earned, and exciting. Dandy is a villain for the long, twisted run of this season. (But, honestly, how did we not even get a dream sequence musical number featuring Patti Labelle and Francis Conroy?! Just criminal.)

Final observation (I'm not a crackpot, but): what was up with the prominent placement of the top hat on the coffee cup the copper handed to Esmeralda? Does it relate to the diner featured prominently in a few episodes? Or is it one of those enigmatic clues that Ryan Murphy apparently hides in each season about next season's setting? I'm saying it now: next season is gonna be about Victorian era spiritualists. <drops mic; exits stage>

Edited by Jaceratops
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So, will Dandy clean up his own LaBelle mess or will he get his mother to do it for him?

I've enjoyed the backstories but Mordrake himself kind of left a lot to be desired.

At first it didn't make sense to me why the watchers would snuff the act they seemed to get off on watching, but I guess they were scouting for their next victim?

Edited by joelene

Damn they killed off Patti Labelle. You bastards! I did not think that was how Twisty was going to die. If the townsfolk thought Twisty was bad they are in for a surprise when Denny comes around. That kid is sick as hell. I have a feeling Jimmy and his dad are going to be duking it out before the season is through. I love Angela Basset she can do no wrong.

At first it didn't make sense to me why the watchers would snuff the act they seemed to get off on watching, but I guess they were scouting for their next victim?


That didn't seem very well thought out at all - why kill off your star dominatrix? And if it's a snuff film, why turn off the cameras and leave before the victim dies?


Dell seemed very angry.

I took it as a continuation of his earlier "if you let them see you for free, they won't pay" argument.


Was Elsa letting the people in for free? She invited them to get tickets, but I didn't get that impression she was giving them away. I thought Dell's anger was more about Jimmy being seen as a big hero.

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That didn't seem very well thought out at all - why kill off your star dominatrix? And if it's a snuff film, why turn off the cameras and leave before the victim dies?

Yeah, letting her bleed out off screen didn't make sense either. Why not take it further, even? Idk, cut off her arms too? Not that I would want to see that but from their perspective it seems like a huge production error.

Was Elsa letting the people in for free? She invited them to get tickets, but I didn't get that impression she was giving them away. I thought Dell's anger was more about Jimmy being seen as a big hero.

And yes, she invited them to buy tickets. I thought Dell seemed angry with Jimmy as well, and probably for this reason.

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