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S05.E02: Strangers

Tara Ariano

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It seemed to me that on Talking Dead, Chad Coleman meant that he the actor (not the character) thought Martin was dead.  It sounded like he was surprised when he got the script for this episode/saw the final product to see Martin in the last scene.


But I didn't get the impression Tyreese thought Martin was dead.  Didn't he say to Carol, "I took care of it."  Yeah, okay, Tyreese.  Should have killed him.

I don't think Bob would have been saved anyway, but I'm sure some blame will be thrown on Tyreese, if Carol is still around to witness all this going down.


  • Love 2

Rick was right: they should have finished off Terminus when they had the chance.


Gareth cannot die slowly or painfully enough to satisfy me.

So much YASSSS to this!! And it betta be slow and painful. None of that governor shit. Pissed me off to no measure that the governor got a cleaner, more humane death than poor Herschel. How many whacks did it take to decapitate him and then he turned on top of that. Utter mess!!! Next is Martin. If only Rick and his group had some hot tar laying around.


I think Father Gabe's sin is greater than merely failing to let parishioners in. Speaking of which, that must be some kind of enchanted church. They couldn't break through the windows or doors. Pick the locks? I tend to think Gabe isn't tied to the Terminites. Too brutish and they didn't strike me as needing anyone stationed at an outpost to funnel 'fresh food' to them. They were doing just fine with the signs and daily broadcast. He is probably affiliated with the mystery hearse folk, which was hauling ass when Daryl and Carol saw it. Haven't studied my bible in a while but wasn't one of the signs of Jesus coming back to Earth, the dead rising? Probably some crazy ass cult.


Tyreese is a giant Teddy Ruxpin bear. His kind heartedness is sweet with Judith and his sister but outside of that I am gonna need him to get with the program quick, fast and in a hurry. Don't really blame him for Bob getting snatched. That would have happened with or without Martin in the group. However, it is one more asshole that bolsters the Terminite crew and makes them that much more threatening.  It kills me that I semi-stanned for him last week, truly believing that he had killed dude with his bare hands only to find out it was a lie. Wished Carol had gone in to check and make sure. 


For all Maggie cares Beth's name might as be Felicia as in 'Bye, Felicia' Just so not a good look after her moving hell and high water to find Glenn. We get a few second mention of Maggie inquiring what happened to her and that is about it. No doubt good post apocalyptic peen who can also protect, hunt and gather is hard to find but damn girl, try to show at least half they concern for your sister that you show for Glenn. 

  • Love 6

She can't be straight with him about what? At this point, I am assuming Darryl would like to hear from her why she murdered Karen and David. Why can't she tell him what she told Rick?



I don't think she owes Darryl an explantion either. I was responding to the idea that Carol couldn't be straight with him. If the point being made was she couldn't be straight with Darryl about what she did to Karen and David, I wondered what the big deal was ti simply tell him what she told Rick.

  1. Because my personal feeling is that maybe she didn't and Lizzie did it.
  2. Because being fully honest about what she is holding back means clearing the whole slate; i.e. Lizzie and Mika.  And no matter how you tell it, for people who weren't there it would be mind-blowing. There's never been anything before that Carol wouldn't tell Daryl...and either he senses she will keep a secret from him or she would have to lie to him or she would have to say oh yeah and then this thing happened with the girls...Tyreese was right when he said to just not even bring it up the others don't need to know.
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I was just thinking about that black car with the white cross and how awfully close it was to Carol. We didn't actually see the car until Daryl saw it speeding off, but considering that the tires screeched before it took off, led me to believe it had been sitting there for awhile, possibly watching Carol? But what would they want with her?

Edited by kelnic86
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We know (the viewers and rick/gang) that the virus in in everyone because we went to the CDC back at the beginning and received that information from the guy whose name I can't remember.  Mullet and the Gang probably aren't privvy to that information, or the Termites for that matter.


I just can't see how anyone could be this far into the ZA and NOT know. Maybe Father Gabriel, if his story holds water. But for people who have been on the road and lived through some rough stuff, surely they've had a moment like the one with Shane....you thought a dude was dead and he pops back up. 

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Now don't get me wrong, I still love this show like crazy and am not planning to miss a frame of it if I can help it. Still, I'm getting a bit of psychopath fatigue. When the Terminites showed up again? I mean, yes, ew, ick they're eating Bob's leg, etc. But mostly I just thought, "ugh. These people again? I thought we were done with this." Of course, I knew they'd have to show up again. I'm just getting a bit tired of watching villains torture people for the sheer enjoyment of inflicting pain. I don't know what I would propose instead to keep the stakes sufficiently high. I'm just getting a bit weary of this particular device.

  • Love 10

Doesn't cannibalism turn you mad? I just wonder if the first time they ate someone it wasn't out of vengeance for what had been done to them? Or desperation - if they'd been holed up a long time and supplies were gone? But then they got a taste for it? Or it drove them so crazy that now they're just all about eating humans all the time?


There is a fatal nervous system disease called Kuru that is caused by eating diseased human brain or contact with open wounds or sores. It was discovered in a people called the South Fore in New Guinea. They would eat the internal organs of their dead (no, they did not kill them). Kuru has a long incubation period (as much as 30 years) so it would take a while for an individual to present with symptoms. If you want to know more: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/kuru/kuru.htm

Edited by SimoneS
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I don't think Gareth knows Bob from the past. I think he likes saying "Bob" a lot.


As evil leaders go, I find him more interesting than the Governer, but with less charisma and presence that that fellow who led the rapists-thugs that Darryl ran around with for a while.


I guess the photo of the priest with the glasses lady proves that he IS indeed a priest.  A very cowardly one, obviously. But it's not a costume.

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Ok, on rewatch (apparently this episode makes me think -and write- a lot, but hey, it's my day off...):

Carol starts looking at the door during Abraham's Big Rousing Speech of let's do something with our lives, which I hadn't caught on first watch, and that makes me think that she was actually planning to leave, not just keeping her options open. So it seems to me that, while she could maybe handle being back with her group, the prospect of new people, with whom she didn't spend hours or days locked in a boxcar, was too overwhelming and difficult to accept. The others have known Abraham, Rosita and Eugene for a while, and have witnessed them in action. They've seen Abraham stay at the fence and help everyone over before going over himself. Glenn and Tara have seen them come back to help them through the tunnel of walkers and debris. Carol has no idea who these three are, no clue on whether they can take care of themselves or not, no reason to trust them or even want to trust them. To her, they are potential burdens who she may even have to "take care" of, and in my opinion it's pretty obvious that she didn't like taking care of Karen and David. Add to that the still extremely fresh trauma of Lizzie and Mika, and I think it's natural for her to want to run away.

The only gripe I have is that she really should have told someone, anyone; just leaving without a word is going to make everyone assume the worst.


Also, I loved the whole Judith of it all even more, because it's pretty clear to me that everything after she coos is adlibbed, and you can see Chad Coleman crack up, and hear Lauren Cohan laughing, and it's all so light and lovely.

Best of all, when everyone is whooping and cheering for the decision to follow the trio, you can hear her giggle, and baby giggles are my kryptonite (seriously, I thought I hated babies, and then my cousin's baby daughter giggled at me, and I realized no, I actually love them, as long as I get to give them back to their parents at some point).

  • Love 3

I couldn't be sure since the camera kept a tight focus on Bob (who looked like he was spacing out, as in a bad acid trip), but it seemed that the BBQ boys had quite a fire going.  And were being loud.  And they were cooking meat.  So, why are there never any Walkers when you (the audience) needs them???


By the way -- have we seen the red-handed machete?  Ever?

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Im sorry but it still doesnt cut it with me because either Tyreese stopped just short of killing Martin (my pet theory) or he thought Martin died and just walked away leaving him to turn for no reason whatsoever.Idiotic.

I think Tyrese simply couldn't bring himself to kill him and figured by the time Martin came to, they'd be long gone and no one would be the wiser. 

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Living in Hawaii has it's perks, lava to lure walkers to and all, but I'm always late to post.

Re: Bob. When they were walking and kissing all I could think was " this guy is literally WEARING a faded RED shirt!"

I could believe he was either bit or not. I could believe any number of reasons for being outside including either or both being on watch and needing down time to have a cry over past or future possibilities even in the midst of a pleasant dinner.

I don't think Bob would have knowingly led his new group to terminus. But maybe he would have...... Maybe he escaped and went along with returning, expecting to be welcomed as some coming to terminus are.....as citizens. How Gareth could be familiar with him? He may have been part of a group Gareth was with pre terminus, pre bad stuff and part of the in crowd at terminus, or Gareth may simply be speaking to the irony that Bob was one of the imminent victims at the slaughterhouse, escaped, and is now back in the frying pan.

I believe that Gareth and co got the taste for human flesh by being forced to eat their own as a part of their own torture when captive. I think that is the scenario where they learned the techniques for preserving the life of people they eat, whether for entertainment or to have fresh meat. I'm interested in why they took Bob's leg first. Seriously. If they are on the go wouldn't they eat a couple of arms and leave the legs so the meat could follow them? Do they have experience with reluctant victims and did they use the leg first since it's heavier to carry? Are they just torturing Bob and planning to leave him and just hunt another?

Re: Maggie not mentioning Beth. I choose to believe that they just couldn't air every conversation and chose to spare us that debate.

I wouldn't be surprised if the church was an outpost of terminus or that the priest was someone faking it to lure people in. I do not understand the marks on the trees. Do people randomly stand by the marked tree? Does the priest tell people that's the place to keep watch? Do the "hunters" mark the trees as successful places where prey tend to pause and reflect?

Re: Carol: She told Tyrese she wasn't going to stay at Terminus. She told Mary that "I'm not here either." I think she's tying up loose ends now that the community of the prison failed, the girls are gone and her obligations are over. She was leaving and got caught. Maybe she hopes to fast track forgetting her past by finding a new start with people who didn't know Ed, Sophia, Karvid, or Mizzie. Her story could either have her move on, dead or alive, or have her make her peace with living with people who know where she came from. Daryl's mission is to help her make her peace with her past and understand that being with people who know your past and accept it offers more stability than hiding yourself from new groups.

I think it's realistic that Abraham, Rosita and Eugene (AbRosGen or RosGenAbe?)seem like they've been plopped into the story. They actually have been! They are a small group on a mission that met up with an individual who was searching for his wife. The strength of Glenn's determination was greater than Rosgenabes. That strength caused Rosgenabe to pause in their mission, then the circumstances led them to follow the strong individual who found most of his large, even stronger group. Funny that. When they picked Glenn and Tara up they never could have imagined the outcome.

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You know those Walking Dead bad lip-reading videos on Youtube?  I can’t be the only one that when the cross-car went by added the sound of gunshots and yelled out “BETH JUST DID AN EVIL DRIVE-BY ON ANTHONY!!” (For those who haven’t watched, Daryl has a pet turtle. Named Anthony.  Beth does not like Anthony because he’s ‘mushy’ and threatens his life. Daryl responds by disinviting her to her own birthday party, which is to include flaming cars, trailer-folks, shrimp-dogs, and pizza. She also does not get to ‘touch the blind kid’).

  • Love 2

Re: Carol: She told Tyrese she wasn't going to stay at Terminus. She told Mary that "I'm not here either." I think she's tying up loose ends now that the community of the prison failed, the girls are gone and her obligations are over. She was leaving and got caught. Maybe she hopes to fast track forgetting her past by finding a new start with people who didn't know Ed, Sophia, Karvid, or Mizzie. Her story could either have her move on, dead or alive, or have her make her peace with living with people who know where she came from. Daryl's mission is to help her make her peace with her past and understand that being with people who know your past and accept it offers more stability than hiding yourself from new groups.


Yeah, I agree with you here. I also think Carol may have PTSD (Or TSD? Since it's hard to be post-trauma in the zombie apocalypse?). I think she probably has trouble being with other people while she's trying to come to terms with what happened to Lizzie and Mika. When Daryl asks her what she's doing and she says, "I don't know." It broke my heart a little. On the surface she seems pretty strong but she's probably pretty close to cracking. 

  • Love 7

"Letting a baby lead the group? I am intrigued!"

Hell, she can't be a worse leader than Rick. I can't believe people in the group keep following him and deferring to him. He's just so incompetent, his plans are badly thought out, and if it wasn't for a combination of luck and the actions of others, the whole cast would be dead by this point.


Of course, the one time he does have a good idea - finishing off the Terminus people - the group objects to that. i guess they're setting us up for people to really prop up Rick's leadership "skills" with a "Oh God, Rick was right all along and we should always listen to him!" moment for the future?

God, this show is like a car wreck. No matter how bad it gets, I can't stop watching.

Edited by AndySmith
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Am I the only one who's completely distracted every time Abraham's nipples are on screen?  He could cut glass with those things.

I haven't noticed. Too distracted by his traffic-cone orange hair.


Between Darryl's inky-black emo hair, Abraham's Bozo-the-clown-colored shock top, and Eugene's shoe-polish-black mullet, this show needs a new colorist/stylist more than Gareth & Co. need to get off their human-stocked rodizio grill diet.

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It's not Tyreese's fault.  For being shot, Gareth looked pretty hale and hearty.  They knew Rick & co had buried something in the woods, could have found the unburied spot and followed from there.  Rick's group weren't trying to cover their tracks (which apparently Gareth's group were doing, since even Daryl could not track them).


I don't blame an act of omission for someone else's later action.  


This is similar to people being up in arms because ZOMG that poor hitchhiker by the side of the road! but if he had been picked up and raped or killed a couple of people it would have been ZOMG why did they pick up that guy!

But he ACTIVELY stopped Carole from entering the cabin, by saying that he took care of it.

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Oh yeah, Rick, and leadership. I'll go with those who have mentioned he's had a couple of days on the road and at least one in the prison to digest Abraham's mission and assess how his group, and his son feel about it. I'll add that going on the mission isn't so far fetched. Let's face it, they are on a mission to find a place to live already and any place is as good as any other. That they might get in fueled vehicles and drive a ways together isn't such a bad prospect either. Add in the possibility they could do some good, have a reason for having done what they needed to do to still exist, and the mission is looking like a vacation from guilt ridden survival.

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I pulled these quotes from your post because they are great and I want to expand a  little. I find it incredibly far fetched to think that anyone LIVING in the za would think eating another human being is the way to go. You're surrounded by GHOULS that eat humans, why would you want to be like that and if you did want to be like that, go give one a big ol' hug? Seriously, the hunters are all healthy human being with weapons and extremely cunning brains, they can set traps, track and otherwise enjoy the bounty provided by those lush forests they find themselves in. It makes no sense unless every single hunter is a psychopath but even that doesnt cut it because very very few serial killers work in teams, the majority of them are loners and the hunters are clearly serial killers.


I too think Carol was trying to slip away without anyone noticing because I think she is becoming undone with her guilt and having Rick mend fences with her so tenderly was pretty much the last straw for her. As another poster said, I would very happily trade Beth (even 50 Beths singing in perfect farm girl harmony) for Carol. Carol is my very favorite character on this show, I even mostly agree with her decision to exterrminate Karvid, I just think her sloppy handling of it was pure, sloppy plot contrivance.


Not only was Martin still alive but that quick glimpse of him we got it didnt look like he even had a bruise on his stupid face! Remember after that beating Rick took he looked like hamburger meat so I dont see how Martin could have looked fine after that smack down Ty laid on him. Seriously though Tyreese knews better than to not expose the brain, even if he killed Martin, without brain exposure or at least a little brain puncturing (see Andrea's killing of various zombies with a one inch letter opener), dead people reanimate.


I thought it was funny both TWD and Z Nation killed zombies with mixers this week.


Finally, Im a firm believer that most surviving human in the apocolypse would decide they had been given a fresh start and could make up brand new rules for themselves so I dont see why Glenn / Maggie / Tara couldnt be a triad because as yet another poster pointed out, Tara and Maggie have chemestry......far as Im concerned, more chemestry than Maggie and Glenn have ever had (I find the character of lesbo boots [another TWOP reference] annoying beyond the telling of it though) but anyway, all the shmoopy lovey dovey crap is just boring and annoying.


Oh I guess that last point wasnt final after all because I gotta say I find it very hard to believe that hypervigilant Rick would sit there and get his drink on like that.

Yes,  baseball hat idiot is lying on his back, having his face pummeled by the biggest and probably most powerful man on the show and nary a bruise?   At best he would be bruised and his eyes swollen shut, and at worst, and the likely scenario, he would have fractured facial bones, thus making him less likely to be able to enjoy the BBQ.


Speaking of the BBQ,  Gareth got hit in the shoulder.   Even if he was just nicked, the force knocked him down, and would have resulted in a great deal of bruising and pain, yet here he is all laizzez faire like he's Ashley Wilkes receiving guests at the Twelve Oaks BBQ.   God, the holes just bug me so much. 

  • Love 7

I am still annoyed that NO ONE from Team Rick mentioned they had been to the CDC and been told "there is nothing left" and that it exploded. Why is no one saying anything to challenge Eugene and his bullshit story? Going to a military supply store to look the part, and playing a ton of Call of Duty pre-ZA does not make you some militarized genetic scientist. Also, has anyone ever seen a scientist with a mullet? Even one from TX? Also, mullets are not a military approved hairstyle. Just, no. Eugene is full of shit, end of story. I wouldn't be surprised if Abraham wasn't in on the scam....but the only reason is why? The only part of his idea that is remotely smart is getting out of the Atlanta area. There might be other better places to live outside of northern Georgia.

Not to mention, that all that infrastructure ole' mullet head was talking about is more than likely gone by now.  As someone else pointed out, DC is a densely populated area.  And also, apparently Eugene thinks he was the only person on that project smart enough to think about heading to the lab or whatever and utilizing these resources?


Eugene is an idiot.  But smart enough to find a way to stay alive. 

  • Love 3

Poor Bob. Wish we had gotten to know him better. I like Lawrence Gilliard from his days on "The Wire" so I was hoping that he would be around longer. Not sure why he was outside - guard duty? - or why he was crying but I hope that we get answers for it. Otherwise, it would seem rather random as would that last kiss.


I don't want to see an extended story line about cannibalism so I hope that the Grimes Gang puts an end to the Termites quickly. I didn't want to see it in Terminus and I don't want to see it now. FWIW, I don't believe that Bob knew Gareth prior to their first encounter in Terminus. Gareth is just a total psychopath.


Neither do I believe that Father Gabriel was working with the Termites. He is just a cowardly man that fortified himself in his church and ignored everyone else. Now, I still question how his church withstood desperate people trying to get in and hoards of walkers who - at some point - must have come by. I guess that we have to "hand wave" that away. Also, was he hiding in his church from the start of the ZA?


Some of these storylines have to play out soon: Carol's remorse and her desire to move on; Tyreese's inability to do what is necessary; the group believing that Eugene actually knows something; no one but Darryl wondering where Beth is. I really don't want to spend the entire season discussing the same things.



I haven't noticed. Too distracted by his traffic-cone orange hair.


Between Darryl's inky-black emo hair, Abraham's Bozo-the-clown-colored shock top, and Eugene's shoe-polish-black mullet, this show needs a new colorist/stylist more than Gareth & Co. need to get off their human-stocked rodizio grill diet.


Yes, a stylist is much needed. I don't know how Darryl can use that crossbow with the bangs in his eyes. And as long as Abraham's hair is that color, he can be spotted miles away. Someone needs to give him Rosita's hat.

  • Love 4

I looked for this but didn't see it - sorry if I missed it.  But do we have a theory as to why Bob was out crying by himself?  Did anyone else wonder if maybe he got bit or scratched by the slime-walker that dragged him under the sewer-puke water?  That was my first thought.  Then, when he got conked on the head, I thought - Morgan?  Then, when we saw the last scene I thought "oh come ON you stupid Terminus bastiches, we couldn't have a little down time?  Jerks."  I also thought "eeewwww' really hard.  But Barry the Fairy showing back up proves for all time - if you don't see them die, they're not dead. 


But sorry, getting back to my question - was Bob just overwhelmed by the love he's feeling from Sasha, or do we think this is about something else - either his alcoholism or other deep dark secret?  Whatever his issue, I think it's safe to tag it as OBE.


* ETA - damn simulposting - looks like several of us are on the same page here. 


So, if Bob was bitten, or scratched - does that mean that the jackholes who dined on him are infected now too? 

Edited by RedHackle

Not to mention, that all that infrastructure ole' mullet head was talking about is more than likely gone by now.  As someone else pointed out, DC is a densely populated area.  And also, apparently Eugene thinks he was the only person on that project smart enough to think about heading to the lab or whatever and utilizing these resources?


Eugene is an idiot.  But smart enough to find a way to stay alive. 


Yes, it is densely populated with a notoriously high violent crime rate. No WAY that most of that hasn't been destroyed by now. Also, the political community inside Washington would most definitely have self-destructed and murdered each other inside of a month. I'm definitely on the 'Eugene is full of shit' team.

  • Love 2

Maybe letting Martin live didn't directly cost Bob his leg (like I said it "helped") because letting him live strengthened the Termite group to track and attack CDB.

I think we'll get some details filled in next of what happened with the Termites prior to dining at Camp Dinner Bob.

Letting Martin and  probably his stupid walkie talkie live allowed the Termites to find their location, so yeah,   Tyrese sort of caused his maybe future brother in law to lose a leg. 

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You know, THIS CROWD!  They get pissed when Rick can't make a decision, then they get pissed when he makes a decision and they follow it to tragedy.  But this time he made a decision: "We're going back to kill them all" and everyone's, "Oh, man, Rick, that sounds wacky-doodle.  Let's just keep going and we'll never see those guys again."  Yeah, right.

They've fallen victim to a different infection than the zombification virus - a darker, more insidious infection:

The LORI Infection.

Tyreese may not know that they all are infected.

I think it's been pretty well established upstream Tyreese does know the dead-to-undead transitive properties of the current reality - but even if he doesn't, EVERYBODY ELSE DOES. If Tyreese does nothing more than imply he laid the baby-strangling Termite douche low, why does nobody double-check, if for no other reason than to ensure they don't get surprised by a brand new rambling shambling Walkin Douche, either now or later?

Doesn't cannibalism turn you mad? I just wonder if the first time they ate someone it wasn't out of vengeance for what had been done to them? Or desperation - if they'd been holed up a long time and supplies were gone? But then they got a taste for it? Or it drove them so crazy that now they're just all about eating humans all the time?

Laziness, I expect. Relatively speaking, still-respirating humans are the biggest, slowest, easiest-to-hunt chunks of meat roaming the post-apocalyptic suburban savanna. Easier than squirrels or deer, anyway.

I do think however that one of the termites has Michonne's kitana (which deserves it's own credit in the show, next to Carl's hat) and that killing him will get her back her weapon.


I'm betting on Douche. We've already heard him voice a specific preference for it.

Father Gabriel seems guilt-ridden and seeking forgiveness - but isn't likely to receive it.  Speculating, he probably hoarded the collected canned foods in the church, locked the chuch, and shut out his parishioners (including that woman with glasses) out of cowardice and fear.  It's strange how clean and new his clothes still look, and how well-fed he himself seems, despite claims of running out of food.


My bet is on this as well. As soon as the ZA started kicking into high gear, I expect he locked the doors of the church - with him and about a year's supply of food inside - and left his beloved flock to the tender mercies of the rambling shambling hordes. Until hunger forced them to make a fatal attempt at the overrun food bank downtown. Which is why his wife/fiancée/girlfriend/organist-boffee-of-the-week ends up treading water in the basement. I can even envision a scenario of him AND her locked securely in the church, but her going outside to help their friends while he cowers in the chapel - and him refusing to re-admit her when she returns....

Gotta admit, though - my radar IS going a little beep-beep-beep-ish at a supposed man-of-the-cloth popping up at roughly the same time as a black car with a white cross is ramming the roads at night and making off with folks. Hmmmm....

Ahhh! I see what you're doing there. You're not going to get me to bite.

Just as well. Garth doesn't strike me as a sharing-is-caring kind of guy.

  • Love 1

Just after someone says something about no more splitting up, Daryl and Carol rush off to chase that car.



Sasha and Bob were happy, so of course he had to go. :/ I like him, so I'm sad to see him go, if he is gone, and doesn't end up hobbling around like Herschel.


In the preview, Sasha said that

three people were gone. I thought that Gareth worked right away, catching two more, but then I remembered Carol and Daryl taking off.


I don't mind the slower pace, and the conversations.



I actually thought that Bob went out there to kill himself which is why he was crying. I was sure that he got bit from his reaction when Sasha asked if he was alright after getting the walker off him. When he asked her for another kiss and held onto her hand, I figured that was his way of saying goodbye to Sasha. 


I think that Morgan is tracking the Termites/hunters. He likely saw them murder and/or eat someone and is intending to take them out. I expect Morgan to save Rick and his people just as the Hunters are about to take them out.


I wonder if those scratches in the trees, are the Termites indicating where they've been - although that one marking last week, was different.


At first, I wondered if Bob was just going to the loo, but then I remembered that the church would have bathrooms. I figured that he'd been bitten, when he was crying. I don't think he would have taken the group to Terminus, and been a part of that. I could be wrong - I thought maybe he was drinking out of guilt, last season, as to his reasons for being with the group. That was before I saw "Alone" earlier this year.


I much prefer watching this at 7am, so that I have the rest of the day to get over it. Just like Hannibal.

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Yes,  baseball hat idiot is lying on his back, having his face pummeled by the biggest and probably most powerful man on the show and nary a bruise?


He was in rough shape, but the hoodie kept some of it hidden. I rewound that part about 10 times last night to be sure I was seeing him and there is one part crystal clear where he has some damage to his face.

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"Members of my flock often told me my sense of humor leaves much to be desired." "It does." Aaaaaaaaand we have instance 100 billion of why I want to marry Daryl. Or just have sex, IDGAF.

Take a number.  The person I watch with complains that Daryl doesn't talk enough. I always argue back that he doesn't need to talk more:  what he does say is always golden.

  • Love 7

I'm interested in why they took Bob's leg first. Seriously. If they are on the go wouldn't they eat a couple of arms and leave the legs so the meat could follow them? Do they have experience with reluctant victims and did they use the leg first since it's heavier to carry? Are they just torturing Bob and planning to leave him and just hunt another?

Simple. How's he going to run away now? ;)

Re: Carol: She told Tyrese she wasn't going to stay at Terminus. She told Mary that "I'm not here either." I think she's tying up loose ends now that the community of the prison failed, the girls are gone and her obligations are over. She was leaving and got caught. Maybe she hopes to fast track forgetting her past by finding a new start with people who didn't know Ed, Sophia, Karvid, or Mizzie. Her story could either have her move on, dead or alive, or have her make her peace with living with people who know where she came from.

Yeah, I agree with you here. I also think Carol may have PTSD (Or TSD? Since it's hard to be post-trauma in the zombie apocalypse?). I think she probably has trouble being with other people while she's trying to come to terms with what happened to Lizzie and Mika. When Daryl asks her what she's doing and she says, "I don't know." It broke my heart a little. On the surface she seems pretty strong but she's probably pretty close to cracking.

I think Carol's initial intention was simply to help her old friends out of a jam. I don't think she was planning on sticking around, because I also don't think she expected to be accepted back into the group. Now she's trying to sort out what all of this means, and what exactly DOES she want to do now...?

So, if Bob was bitten, or scratched - does that mean that the jackholes who dined on him are infected now too?

It should. We've already seen multiple examples of Zombie Flambé continuing their wily decaying ways, so extreme heat apparently doesn't affect the virus. But then again - Production is God in this little masticating microverse, so it can work however they want. Maybe the virus dies if separated from the part of the body still connected to the brain...?

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Yes,  baseball hat idiot is lying on his back, having his face pummeled by the biggest and probably most powerful man on the show and nary a bruise?   At best he would be bruised and his eyes swollen shut, and at worst, and the likely scenario, he would have fractured facial bones, thus making him less likely to be able to enjoy the BBQ.

Speaking of the BBQ,  Gareth got hit in the shoulder.   Even if he was just nicked, the force knocked him down, and would have resulted in a great deal of bruising and pain, yet here he is all laizzez faire like he's Ashley Wilkes receiving guests at the Twelve Oaks BBQ.   God, the holes just bug me so much.


Maybe it was all a dream, brought on by the feverish state of having been bit? 


I know, I know....just trying to help....

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1.). Seriously. If they are on the go wouldn't they eat a couple of arms and leave the legs so the meat could follow them?

2.) I wouldn't be surprised if the church was an outpost of terminus or that the priest was someone faking it to lure people in. I do not understand the marks on the trees. Do people randomly stand by the marked tree? Does the priest tell people that's the place to keep watch? Do the "hunters" mark the trees as successful places where prey tend to pause and reflect?



1.) That's one of the favorite sentences I've ever read.


2.)  http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PB-O1yT5EYg/SuJViHkZumI/AAAAAAAAuV4/QvAU6xKS8O0/s1600/36_playboy_gahanwilson.jpg

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Re: Maggie's lack of interest in Beth


I don't have much issue with it, possibly because i don't care much for Beth, but also because what are we expecting her to do? They don't have a vehicle, she doesn't know who took her and where. She can't just wander aimlessly down all the streets hoping to run into her. I'm sure there were conversations had, but it's been a day since they got out of Terminus. Sasha didn't care much about finding Tyrese and vice versa after the prison fell and no one said they were terrible people.


Also, Beth and Maggie are half sisters, right? Not to dig too deep into their relationship because obviously they got closer than anything in the last 2 years, but to me, it didn't seem like they grew up together. Maggie is probably 8-10 years older than Beth, presumably went away to college (I think Lauren Cohen mentioned something that she had gone away), so they may not be all that close. It will be answered, I'm sure Maggie cares, but being upset isn't very practical in this world.

But he ACTIVELY stopped Carole from entering the cabin, by saying that he took care of it.

Which, maybe he thought he did, and if so ....not too smart to not be sure by spiking through the head or what have you.   Or maybe he lied (which would be more stupid and OOC but who knows).


We don't know that the guy being alive had anything to do with them finding Rick's group; like I said, could have tracked them from the spot of the bag, could have made a legitimate assumption and headed for the church and its nearby town.  Let's say the guy being alive does and because of him they found the group; still doesn't change my opinion.


 You can go back as far as you want to blame someone for someone else's actions - in this case you could say It's Rick's fault for not following through on killing everyone, it's Glenn's fault for not wanting to go back and kill everyone and possibly influencing the decision, it's Rick's fault again for not telling everyone that Daryl thought there was someone in the woods, it's Daryl's fault for not telling everyone anyway, hell, it's Carol's fault because she was there when Daryl thought there was someone and she didn't say anything...etc etc.  Or it could be said a good part of the blame lies with Bob, who, if he was acting as lookout was pretty piss-poor; at the least was pretty unaware for someone who did manage to survive on his own for a while.


I don't blame Rick for Lori's death or Carl for Dale's either.  For me it doesn't compute.  Mileages vary and all that.


In the case of Bob, it's all on Gareth and his group.  Their motive isn't survival, it's vengeance.  Our group wasn't even attempting to hide their tracks so didn't appear worried about being followed.


At any rate, I reallly hope this latest psycho story is wrapped up pretty quickly.

Edited by raven
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Couple things. I don't know if Tyrese thought he'd killed the guy, or just couldn't do it once the guy was unconscious. Last weak I'd assumed he went all Mountain on the guy's head and that's why he didn't want Carol to see. But I still don't blame him for what's happening to Bob. Rick was right last week, they should have gone back and finished the job. I'm usually not in the "kill 'em all" camp on these debates (I was against killing Randall in Season 2), but these guys were murdering people and eating them. While they were down would have been the perfect time to kick them.


The signs on the trees look like hobo signs to me. According to Uncle Google, the x in a circle means they will feed you here, and the straight dash means they won't: http://www.we-find-wildness.com/2010/05/hobo-signs/ Which makes sense, if the handout sign was carved back when Terminus was an actual sanctuary, and the doubtful sign was carved re: Gabriel (he seems to have kept all that food to himself). I have no idea who would be carving these - nobody knows what they mean anymore. I guess you make your own fun in the apocalypse?


Re: letting Carol back in the group. They've all done bad things. She was wrong to kill Karen and that other guy, but they probably would have died anyway. Her thinking was by killing the first infected, she could stop the disease from spreading. Obviously, it didn't work, but it was a plausible theory. She rolled the dice and the house won.


Last, Maggie and Daryl did have the Beth conversation, in the boxcar at the beginning of No Sanctuary. But they mumbled, I only know what was being said in that scene because I was watching with closed captioning on. 

  • Love 8

"Letting a baby lead the group? I am intrigued!"

Hell, she can't be a worse leader than Rick. I can't believe people in the group keep following him and deferring to him. He's just so incompetent, his plans are badly thought out, and if it wasn't for a combination of luck and the actions of others, the whole cast would be dead by this point.


At least Judith never talked to imaginary people. I mean, at least not yet.

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At first, I wondered if Bob was just going to the loo, but then I remembered that the church would have bathrooms. I figured that he'd been bitten, when he was crying.

The bathrooms wouldnt work anywhere and besides, if Preacher Scaredy Pants really kept himself in there for a year and a half, the toilets in there would be so rank! Anyone read Wool ? And this is probably kind of silly of me but for a second I thought Bob was out there crying because he really really really wanted a drink :(

  • Love 2

Obviously this means nothing on the show but at Walker Stalker Con Lauren Cohan was asked how come she was only searching for Glenn and the answer given was that Glen is the symbol for safety amongst the group, so writing Glen means all but she did say she desperately wanted to tag "and Beth" every time she left a note.


I definitely thought something was up with Bob being outside crying, either he was bit or he's done something that compromised the safety. Either way Bob is as dumb as a box of hair.

Edited by nachomama
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Count me in with all of you guys who think that Maggie not even mentioning Beth after that vague line at the beginning of 5x01 is beyond jarring. The show just has too many characters now and it's hard to keep track of everything, I guess. but yeah, before saying "yay, DC!" they should've at least talked about trying to find Beth before going to DC, even if they decided it was hopeless because they had zero clues. And in that case, you know, they should've at least felt about about it for 5 minutes.

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