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  1. Yes, I remember you saying this and it made shudder how correct you were. Plus it made me despise Starbucks even more! Side note, Starbucks uses prison/slave labour to make their cups (I guess that's alright because they give back sooo much to the community).
  2. I disagree somewhat. I think one of the show creators early in the show stated in an interview that we will not be seeing any women being raped and brutalized on this show. I think it was in response to some people saying how come in such a place as the ZA there weren't any rapey rapes going down. I believe it is a personal choice of his and not him/ them being politically correct. I think he also mentioned something about not wanting to expose his mom to that either cause she watches the show ( I might have made up that last part). But it made me respect the show/runners a lot more and I don't watch with dread waiting for women to be displayed in these usual dehumanized roles.
  3. There was an ASZ character in the beginning who looks like Tobin and was bit while out scavenging. He wrote a death note or something to somebody ( his wife?). And yeah I think he died at a fence or was eaten at a fence. But Everytime I see Tobin I pause because I think it's him.
  4. I had to log in just to up vote this!!!! Monty Python references always gets me.
  5. On another note, even in death Spencer is a coward. He waited until Negan left to turn. Chicken-shit!
  6. I'm guessing they weren't quite in despair, they figured God isn't watching anymore so to hell with it. Just do whatever immoral thing they can get away with. Even Chippy and the Indian. I figured their current lives were pointless and they figured offing themselves without God watching and judging, gives them a free pass to heaven. Then again, they probably saw how shoddily heaven was being run (with that crappy imposter and no HD - that video of 'God' was pretty Low Def) and figured to hell with it. Pun intended.
  7. I respectfully disagree. That town is basically a corrupt pit with poison flowing through the citizens' veins. Poor Brewster probably had the purest, uncontaminated clean filtered blood you could find in them that parts.
  8. Here's a hand grenade: the fact that KB is throwing support behind a certain candidate with outright racist leanings would seem to give credence to ... wait for it, no wait for it... VICTORIA ROWELL's accusation of racism and discrimination backstage on the set. I know she (VR) has been basically whitelisted for speaking out of turn about such things. But that was the first thought that popped in my head when MrDemig yell down the hall hat a YR actress was speechifying at the convention. Then the next thought was that it must be a 'has been', she I was correct!
  9. All nice and crispy, traumatized and gunning for vengeance against Jessie.
  10. Tara's confession to Father Gabriel and Jesus was hilarious. The irony of that situation was priceless. I totally just got got this!
  11. Kill or be Killed? Elle's alive and kicking. I sure do hate Lucious for Killing Bunky.
  12. I just realize what I love about this show. It is totally and unapologetic about everything. It's soapiness, it's ultra-fast unrealistic pace, it's portrayal of everything good and bad. And it's freakin' amazing actors! They put the cap/cherry on this whole beautiful mess!
  13. Ugg! Fuckin' Show! Had be bawling like a baby at the end!! And I was on the fence at times regarding Mr Sensitive T!!
  14. Not unlike quite a few people with the disorder.
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