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S12.E01: Sudden Death

Tara Ariano
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Season 12 opens with 16 chefs beginning their battles in Boston. Here, the chefs must cook revamped versions of the first dish they created. Richard Blais serves as a judge. Appearing: Ming Tsai; Lydia Shire; Todd English; and Tiffani Faison.
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I'm confused.  Did they leave us with a cliffhanger for the Sudden Death Tease or did my DVR just cut off early, because I never saw the conclusion.  When I went to the website the video seemed to cut off at the same point.  I was assuming they'd tell us who lost the relay but not how the ensuing cook-off came out.


Are we seriously going to be subjected to Blais as a judge all season???

I know.  Ugh.  Do they really think the viewing audience likes him?  Can he possibly do well with focus groups?  Or is this some tyrant's (Colicchio?) exceedingly bad taste?

Edited by Harry24
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Sadly, they keep trying to make DickBla happen with the TV audience.  I know his food is good, and his restaurants make money, but I'm so damn tired of seeing him on my screen.  I know he has a new show starting soon, something about traveling around somewhere with some kind of food...I think. 

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I don't know how hard one has to work to be the biggest jackass in the room when Blais is in the house, but the guy who dismissed Keriann managed to pull it off.  I'm surprised he didn't call her Barbie.  Was he the same one who decided he was entitled to do the lobster because he wanted to, nevermind that she did, too, and stunk it up?  Whoever that was, assuming her assessment of her skills - that she'd be best at the lobster but would be good at the clams, too - was correct, she'd have done a much better job with the lobster than he did. 


I'm suspicious of anyone who chooses to associate with Mike Isabella, so I'm not sad to see his partner go no matter what his credentials.


Are the subtitles on Katsuji really necessary?  I don't have any trouble understanding him (although, many of my clients are Mexican immigrants, so that may help).  I do, however, have trouble comprehending what he was doing with those clams.


Mr. "I can't reach my ankles" (Ron) cracked me up with that response.


I like Joy's attitude.


I also like the format of the judges giving immediate feedback.


What I don't like, even when judging a competition, is someone spitting out food.  There is little which is truly inedible, and one bite of "too much fat" does not rise to that level.  Criticize the hell out of it, sure.  Even chew it to the back of your mouth, walk away and spit it out, then say at judging, "I couldn't even get a bite down."  But to spit food into a napkin right in front of the person who made that food?  No.  That may be good TV, but it's bad form.


Mei's food looked great and I liked her all episode, so I was happy to see her win.  From the bit we saw of Michael's food, that seemed to be the right choice (and the fact we barely saw him seemed to telegraph that), but it's hard to tell at this point.   Tom has his faults, but I don't think he's close-minded when it comes to food, and Tom wasn't the only one who disliked his dish, so that wasn't a very wise exit interview.

Edited by Bastet
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Sour grapes from both of the first evictees. Wow, and they are all so susprised that they are getting critiqued for their food? WTf?

And I wish they'd stop showing far-off previews. Or people cussing at each other. I remember when Katsuji Tanabe won Chopped, so I was surprised to see him in the bottom right off the bat.

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I took a couple seasons off from this show and I remember why. Padma sucks, I cannot tolerate Tom's eye rolls, and I'm tired of being forced to have an opinion on Blais. Gail's awesomeness cannot overcome this.

Think I'll wait until this herd is thinned a bit before jumping back in.

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I never had the antipathy others have had for Richard, but tonight he truly turned me off.  I sure wish I could taste some of those dishes. Bacon powder! Who knew there was such a thing? 

Edited by JES004
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Not that I think broccoli salad was an appropriate choice, but how is it a 'side dish' but corn soup (of which we had at least 2 versions) is not?

I've never understood a lot of the comments over the years to the effect that 'Padma is high', but listening to her voiceover for the opening credits even I thought she had to be smoking something. It sounds - off.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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So sick of seeing Richard Blais. He's going to make this season hard to watch.


I thought restaurants were a hard business to maintain. How do all these chefs have multiple ones? Do people eat out that much?

Edited by Writing Wrongs
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I know this won't be the last time I say this, but stfu Richard Blais! Jesus. When he trailed Tom during the sniff & sneer in his red chef's coat - the color of naked ambition - with the sleeves earnestly rolled up I remembered again why I was so glad that Stephanie beat him. Such a pretentious douche.

Michael's dish sounded disgusting and I knew he was a goner when he argued with Tom. Just shut up and take your lumps, people. You will never win that argument.

I loved that the Isabella partner didn't make it out of the quick fire. So far I really dislike the guy with the hat who gave Padma the fatty pork. I agreed with her that his station was disgusting.

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Is Blaise being groomed to replace Tom some day? I hope not! His faux humility (I've been in your shoes) was grating, plus his I know the ropes tips--please! Padma seemed really mean, too. I don't see why she can't deliver criticism with civility. Now I'm sorry I named a lamb after her, although that lamb is pushy and greedy. Tom does the eye-roll, but usually the other person is the jackass first. The losing guy saying Tom is getting old and will be left behind; well, I don't think Tom will be passed up by corn soup and fish eggs.


I like Mei Lin (Voltaggio's chef), Joy, blond girl who can shuck clams, Gregory--sort of. I liked seeing the views of Boston, especially the Charles River. I think this will be a good season.

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I knew the fishy guy was a goner the minute he said that the judges' palettes were wrong and his was good. Just screams I'm eliminated.


The guy with the hat sounds like a big douche. Surprised he didn't make it down to the bottom three since they didn't like his pork belly even without the extra fat Padma got. Station all nasty not keeping it clean.


That one guy Gregory might be a threat but I will also say that the other guy who says he's small in stature might be a threat himself, judging off the previews, when someone said he's a beast I think they're referring to him. 


What do everyone have against Richard Blais? I don't see a problem with him. If any judge is tap dancing on my last nerves it's Tom, at times he comes off as a big douche.

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Dick just tries so hard to make himself happen. And people help him!!!!

WTF Top Chef?!?!! I mean, he has a new show coming out on Food Network and I thought it was a no-no to cross Food Network and Top Chef like that.


Oh well, at least he's not competing and we don't have to deal with AS MUCH faux humility.

Hated the guy in the stupid looking baseball cap with the filthy station. I'm assuming he's going to be the season bad boy/ villain?

Too many people to even make a guess about who might be a contender at the end, but I, too, like the 3 who were in the top tonight...so far.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Dick just tries so hard to make himself happen. And people help him!!!!

WTF Top Chef?!?!! I mean, he has a new show coming out on Food Network and I thought it was a no-no to cross Food Network and Top Chef like that.


Oh well, at least he's not competing and we don't have to deal with AS MUCH faux humility.

Hated the guy in the stupid looking baseball cap with the filthy station. I'm assuming he's going to be the season bad boy/ villain?

Too many people to even make a guess about who might be a contender at the end, but I, too, like the 3 who were in the top tonight...so far.


Not so much anymore. Antonia is usual judge on Cutthroat Kitchen and I remember Katsuji competing on Chopped. 

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The power of a humorous recap--I now know way more of the chefs' PTV nicknames than I do their actual names.  


For me, the worst part of the episode was watching Blais and Padma fuel eachothers' nastier sides.  While the critiques themselves weren't necessarily over the top, you could almost see their respective mean spiritedness recognizing their mirrors in the other person, and flowering in their tone and expressions.  


But the best part was Padma's iciest expression of all--when Gail only semi-gently made the "pork belly is fat" comment (at which I outright cackled, because it's both true and not--pork belly is fat, but there's good fatty pork belly and fat cap nasty gelatinous/chewy pork belly--and was therefore somewhat unfair (boo.hoo) to Padma).

Edited by some1105
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Yeah, it's okay so far. Good challenge to start and I like Richard, especially since Stephanie won. But he has had several grace notes on the show and he works hard.

This was the first time I have ever heard Padma say something nice after the dismissal.

Edited by SFoster21
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I wondered why hell would you allow a Kosher Mexican chef to destroy the clams, I was like why on earth are they not letting him handle the one kosher item, the mackerel. Then he made a shrimp quesadilla with chicharones and I hated him and was on team clam!

Edited by biakbiak
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If you looked up "trying too hard" in the dictionary, Dick Blais's awkward grin would greet you. It's obvious he was a major dweeb growing up and now has some fame and wants to take full advantage of it but his true nerdiness keeps tripping him up. What was with that motorcycle analogy?? And that hair! I never thought I'd prefer his sad fauxhawk but here we are.

There are two clear douche front runners so far. Douche with the baseball hat who served Padma a slab of fat and the annoying hipster douche who clearly watched a lot of videos of Spike. The baseball hat douche has some seriously mean eyes. He looks like he'd piss in your soup. I think he's gonna be our villain.

Anyone who would willingly associate with Mike Isabella deserves to go.

Are they not doing Last Chance Kitchen this season? Not that I ever watched it.

Edited by LoganTheHuge
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There's too many people for me really pick people out, but there seems to be an excess of arrogant assholes this season. 


 I remember Katsuji competing on Chopped. 

I don't remember him at all, & he really annoyed me tonight. I was hoping he would get eliminated, but I figured it was going to be broccoli salad lady. What a stupid thing for her to make, something you would eat at a potluck picnic.

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Statman: Nope, I'm done. As with The Apprentice, Project Runway, and various other shows, once the judging turns too bullshitty, I lose all interest in watching. These fun recaps will be more than enough.

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I have been really excited about this season because one of the chefs, James Rigato, owns my favorite local restaurant (The Root in  White Lake, Michigan) and also catered my son's bar mitzvah. So I have a rooting interest for the first time.


He wasn't in this episode much (he is the skinny guy with the glasses on the Blue team) but I love his food so I'm hoping he represents Michigan well.

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But the best part was Padma's iciest expression of all--when Gail only semi-gently made the "pork belly is fat" comment


I thought this was funny, too!


I like Padma, she is an excellent host and judge. 


This is going to be a good season.  Already I have Mei and Keriann (smoked through clams) pegged as ones to watch. 


I liked having all of them observe the judging. I don't think that will be part of the format but logical since there are so many.  


I want to eat a bowl of Mei's congee.  NOW.  

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I'm always glad to see the arrogant assholes hit the road, and we got two of 'em in the first show!  This is gonna be a good season.


Guys, there's a difference between arrogance and confidence.  Learn it.  Love it.  Live it.

Edited by Puffaroo
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DickBla has made it clear that being a chef isn't enough for him. He wants to be a *"STAR!"*. I wish he'd stay in his own kitchen.


Maybe he's rerouting into star because his restaurants keep failing? Tom will never stop trying to right that 'wrong' of Stephanie beating his golden child, even though she's gone on to have a more successful career. I'm pretty sure deep down Blais is still pissed at Isabella for 'stealing' his pearl idea on All Stars, so probably not a great association for the sudden death guy to have. 


Isabella-lite would not have been long for this competition anyway if he got so bent out of shape so quickly. He's pissed because he couldn't bully Gregory into taking the clams, then was pissed he was slowest as he maybe would have sucked less at the mackerel, then was pissed when Gregory smoked him at the quickfire. I'm pretty sure you just got flat out beat, dude. If he'd taken a step outside of his alpha rage, he could have chosen people who were as bad, or worse, than he was at their station. It would at least lessen their ingredient options against him. 


At least the tattooed guy was properly embarrassed when Keriann destroyed those clams. It was probably for the best, because if that was his level of skill they might have been there until morning with him at the clams. Mei was also in beastmode very early. I hope she doesn't start off too high that the judges get bored with her by the end of the season, they seem to value redemption stories and all that other stuff as much as the food.


I was already rolling my eyes when Gail started to talk about Gregory's dish with scotch bonnet. Surprisingly, she did not launch into a 3 minute spit-take about how outrageously spicy it was. Did the editing monkeys just cut it out as it didn't fit the storyline, or did someone lock her in a room with nothing but hot peppers for a few months? Baseball cap must have made some sort of remark that was not shown, because Padma was already stonefaced when she came to the table. What idiot doesn't hold prime cuts back for the judges anyway? If your braised pork belly is all over the place, you don't just leave it to the wind what cut the judges get. Hope he's out next. 


I totally wanted Dougie's fried chicken with watermelon. It looked amazing.


No one wants fishy corn soup, man. Except people with no options. And even then, they kept it separate for a reason.

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Insta-loathe for Adam, the messy, baseball cap wearing douche. He seems to reserve most of his sneering contempt for his female competitors, which makes me dislike him even more, if that's possible. First rule, dude--A good chef works clean.


I'm desolate that I didn't realize that Top Chef was filming in Boston, looks like this summer. I work at MIT right across the river from the Museum of Science party site, and lord alone knows what else I missed, boo! I am obviously rooting for my Boston homie, whose name I don't even know yet. Also like blonde award winning woman, challenge winner Mei, Joy, and Gregory, who I think will continue to be quirky and interesting. I was never a Blais hater, but man, after last night I am already screaming "uncle!". Jesus dude. Shut up every once in a while. I have never liked Padma, I usually just want to slap her.  And Colicchio is a spectacular douche, but I like the work he is doing to feed hungry kids, so I'm giving him a pass. I've always been a watcher but never really a fan, if that makes sense. But I'll be paying attention this season.


Squee! Tiffany Faison and Kristen Kish--two of my favorite cheftestants EVER!!

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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Not that I think broccoli salad was an appropriate choice, but how is it a 'side dish' but corn soup (of which we had at least 2 versions) is not?


A side dish is something you serve with the main course.  Soup is a course in and of itself.


I actually like the start of the season so far. I like the fact that the judges are apparently giving critiques immediately after the catering challenges. I also like how they are calling out the entire group so no one has an idea of who is going to be at the top or who is going to be at the bottom.


I wondered about all of them standing there.  Are the judges questions with the top and bottom 3 shorter?  I hear they used to be quite long, and if so, those poor chefs just standing there at the side for who knows how long.  I know the deliberations can be really long (like all night long with decision as the sun is rising) and I think they were at least sent to the back room for that.

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I love Richard Blais - there I said it! His season was my favorite, I love Stephanie too. I'm happy he's here.

These first challenges I always wonder how they keep up with each dish. Surely they keep notes? I think Richard was making a point of new trends are not his favorite - olive oil snow and bacon powder. Thought this was funny considering his season he was all about new trends. To be fair his was more of techniques (liquid nitrogen) and not menu items, but still really?

Think it is hysterical that Isabella's lackey left first. Mei is a force to be reckoned with

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Isabella-lite (love that!) had a pre-show interview in the Washington Post in which he merely said that this was the hardest thing he'd ever done. At that point, I figured he was an early out, though this early is comical.


Isabella has some excellent restaurants to back up his cocky attitude, but he and his clone are Exhibit A for "shut up and cook" - especially the shut up part.

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Branchop, I'm joining you at the Richard love table.  It will be a smal one though.  I agree with you about his season being on of my favorites.


I kept falling asleep during the show.  Not that it wasn't interesting, I just couldn't stay awake.  I did see the girl win, but will have to watch Comcast to see who was kicked off.  At thist point, I have to watch the show a couple of times to figure everyone out.  There are just too many contestants.  

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I need to pull a chair up to the I love Blais table as well.  I like him.  I like the food he has cooked.  I think his "I've been in your shoes" comments are a dictation from production - I doubt that anyone would have normally ground the idea into the ground like that.


Mr. baseball cap bugs. 


I was only half-watching during the relay, so I wasn't sure how the green team came from behind to pull out the win.  I'll have to catch it on a repeat.

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Looks like they've cast several assholes this season - including the Shia LaBeouf look-a-like (Adam?) who insisted on prepping the lobster and then took forever to finish.

Edited by tv echo
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Oh yeah. Another misogynistic turd waving his dick around. He and baseball cap wearing, messy guy are members of the He Man Woman Haters Club. All about control. He was going to show that little blonde who was boss. What a dink.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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I enjoy seeing all returning Top Chef contestants.  And I like all the judges, even Hugh!  Blais is not a favorite of mine and that is only because he dismissed Stephanie's win as if it was by default.  Not cool.  She is my favorite winner.   I can tolerate him as a guest judge here.  He will not be on every episode.  He made some good points, one being the oil snow.  Molecular tricks can be overly done and inappropriate in some dishes.  I do trust that he knows more about this than the others.  A few seasons ago foam use was over the top.  


I love Tom, Gail and Padma; they are the glue and I cannot see this show without them.   


So nice to see Tiffany and Kristin!   

Edited by wings707
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I thought it was awkward that they only showed about half of the chefs' intros at the beginning. I'm enjoying Blais a lot more as a judge than a contestant; without his talking head segments he actually comes across as knowledgeable.

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I thought this episode was okay... definitely some jerks for contestants, but there are so many right now, I can hope a lot of them vanish quickly. I'm not a huge fan of Richard, there has just been too much of him over the years for me, so I could do without him as a regular judge.


Overall, there were some interesting dishes. It sounds like they made the right choice with the winner and loser. I don't have as much of a problem with the broccoli salad thing, assuming it tasted good (which may not have been the case, but that should have been the critique, not that it's a 'side dish' ) It semed to fit the parameters of the challenge- which was elevate the FIRST thing you ever cooked. Which, sure there is no way to verify, and the chefs could take some liberties there... but even as not a chef, the first things I ever cooked were things like toast or macaroni and cheese... maybe a grilled cheese sandwich- or helping parents make a dish for a potluck or something. So the broccoli salad would fit that.   I guess they could have been thinking the first thing they ever cooked as a meal or as a real chef or something... but there were dishes like the fish and 'tartar sauce' that had a nice story of my grandfather would make the fish and i'd make this, which is why I chose this dish.  But it was sort of an odd challenge, IMO, since the contestants could still pretty much just make up whatever they wanted (which I guess they could do for just about any challenge based on their pasts)   But I wonder if broccoli salad was trying to follow the challenge more than some?


I guess i'm glad she wasn't eliminated for that... since with a ton of other food stations, it's not like the customers were depending on her dish to be a full meal. I don't think it was a winner, but I would have been bothered if she got eliminated for it just because it was a "side dish".

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It semed to fit the parameters of the challenge- which was elevate the FIRST thing you ever cooked.

Right. For me, that would be scrambled eggs. I guess I could make them something more than just an egg, but it was as if they changed the rules mid-stream. It suddenly became the best entree instead of best single thing.

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