Tara Ariano October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 During the investigation, Mark is caught in a lie and subsequently brought in for questioning; Gemma opens up to the detectives; and Carver has a chat with Ellie's husband, Tom. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/
Primetimer October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 That reference is particularly apt for Mark this week. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-475954
Actionmage October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Well, Pete was not only a doofus, but sleeping on the job! Well played, sir. Also the crappy attempt at getting Beth to open up. Did totally the opposite and now the ladies, minus Grandma, are going to be as helpful as a wall of paneling. I can't wait until Carver hears about this! (Seriously, Tennant gives good rant. It could be spectacular.) You'd think that a mention of a scar or healed area would already be mentioned in the initial coroner/ME's report. Read it again, Carver. Sheesh. Mark's dream was appropriately evocative. of what, I am not certain, but it was parts aching and creepy. Jackie Weaver- damn. She barely speaks, but when she does? You pay attention. Loved Nick Nolte's Reinholt having none of Renee's business after the cigarette purchase. Owen's money situation may bring him over to Renee's side, unless she starts to treat him as a fellow journalist and not another mark. I did like that he pushed back on the 'can't wait to leave this icky little nowhere town' line Renee thought was automatic. Upset that the show is continuing with the 'Danny's body can't be released' crud. That is so easily disproved, maybe easier than Mark's lies. My mom called and I missed- did Gemma see Beth? Also, Ellie? If you want to be a professional, don't trash talk your boss in front of your kid, especially one that was just interrogated by said boss. Then repeat the trash talking later when there's a chance he could hear you. I am also disappointed that you couldn't run the meeting. If you SHOW everyone that you were in fact cheated out of the position, they might be more inclined to trust you over Carver. Yet, he gets under your skin without even trying. Be the grown-ass woman you think you are, Ellie. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476026
LeGrandElephant October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 If this murder hadn't happened, what would Ellie's job consist of? Because it is clear that she would suck at running this particular investigation on her own. We could chalk that up to her being close to the family, but she also sucked at dealing with Gemma buying cocaine from kids. So... What does she usually do? She just doesn't come off like a cop of any level. Wish they had said Danny's body couldn't be released yet because the ME isn't done, not that it will be kept forever till they convict someone. That makes no sense, but there are plenty of plausible excuses they could have used to keep it for a little while longer. Can't believe Mark waited that long to tell them he was cheating. How else did he think this could get resolved? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476059
Sakura12 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 (edited) Can't believe Mark waited that long to tell them he was cheating. How else did he think this could get resolved? He didn't even tell them. His daughter called his girlfriend and told her to tell the cops. Basically he's an idiot and a coward. He was willing to be accused of murdering his son instead of confessing to cheating on his wife. One of those is the lesser of two evils. Ellie is still not good at her job. It's a good thing she didn't get the promotion since she has no idea what she's doing. I do agree with her that Carver's an a-hole but he is doing his job unlike her. He's trying to find out who murdered a 12 year old not placating all the townfolk. Be a cop, investigate whatever leads you can. I do wonder what Danny was up too since Ellie's son deleted all his messages on his phone and computer. Somebody needs to punch reporter lady in the face. Edited October 17, 2014 by Sakura12 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476169
Actionmage October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I was slack-jawed at Ellie's reaction to Gemma coming in. 'Is this about the cocaine thing? Can we do it another time? Is that good with you?" Just really, chick? Now we also have the mysterious meeting with Carver's doctor(?); there is something that's "a time bomb" but he took this stressful case on as "penance" and he's what? Willing to potentially die from something treatable because he screwed up on a case involving a child previously? Dude, I get wanting to do something to right your wrongs, but the spectre of Rosewood, even without Renee the Vulture, may not actually be helping you. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476236
thuganomics85 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Yeah, even if looks like he wasn't the killer, Mark just made himself the Top Asshole of the night. Not even about the affair; at this point, that is nothing new in TV land; but, he really just wasted Carver and Ellie's time in solving this case, and who knows how that could effect things going forward? He claims he "loves" Danny and his family, but apparently not enough to quit stone-walling the case. At the very, very least, he should have finally confessed as soon as Carver placed him under arrest. Jackass. I know he's totally a dick, but I honestly agree with Carver most of the time. Really, I think the case would never be solved, if Ellie was running the show. She really thought it was that unlikely that Mark could have done it? Has she not, I don't know, seen all those horrible real-life stories out there about fathers who have? I get this is a small town and Ellie likes to see the good things about her neighbors, but that is really naive for someone whose been a detective for a while. At least she seems to be coming around at the end; much better then her complaining to her husband about what a big meanie Carver is. Reporter lady is still up to no good, although it was great watching Nick Nolte tell her to buzz off. I wonder what's up with Owen apparently having money problems. Perhaps it will cause him to take her up on that offer? Now that Beth knows about the affair, I'm all for her getting some revenge on Mark, with Preacher Kevin Rankin. Was that blood we briefly saw in the apprentice's van? Hmm. Reluctant Psychic can leave anytime now, thanks. Seems like Carver's meltdown last week was only the beginning. If he keeps this going, it could get even worse? Uh oh! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476250
Constantinople October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Ellie is still not good at her job. It's a good thing she didn't get the promotion since she has no idea what she's doing. Somebody needs to punch reporter lady in the face. In particular, when your boss is questioning someone, don't interrupt to say he already knows the answer. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476271
LeGrandElephant October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Ellie makes it obvious that there's a difference between a cop who actually thinks you're innocent and a cop who's playing good cop. The two of them sort of come off like good cop bad cop except it's clear she's not playing a role - she's actually on the side of the suspect (mark) or perp (cocaine lady). 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476297
benteen October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Good episode. You can see why Carver is needed for this case to provide an outside source in the investigation. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476412
tpplay October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Can we petition to get a better actress to play Danny's Mom and also (especially) Renee and even Ellie. They're all MEH and if they were GREAT it would make for a far better show. OH. And girlfriend of Mark too. Come on. There are a zillion great actresses out there. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476472
Netfoot October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 "He said his dad hit him." "What?!??" "Maybe twice." "Oh, my GHODD!! Call INTERPOL!! Tell Madame Tussauds they need to make room in their Chamber of Horrors!" 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476523
ElectricBoogaloo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Carver may be a dick but he is the only one with half a brain in that town who is actively trying to find Danny's murderer. Ellie is too busy running around apologizing to people and arguing with her boss. I loved when she asked him if he thought Mark really had something to do with Danny's murder and he told her to look at the evidence and quit acting like she was Mark's defense lawyer. Mark really can't see the forest for the trees. He would rather be arrested for his son's murder and send the police down the wrong path than admit he had an affair? IDIOT. That reporter is the very reason why so many people don't want to talk to reporters. What really annoys me about her is that she is acting like she wants to find out the truth about Danny's murder but that's all just a means to an end to improving her career. I hope Ellie's nephew doesn't get sucked into that mentality. I know covering a small town's happenings isn't the most exciting job in the world, but if he likes living there and his goal isn't to write for the New York Times, what's the harm in that? I can't stand when people like Renee assume that everyone wants to get to the big city. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476706
riverheightsnancy October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I really hate the actor playing Danny's father. His affect is so flat. There is no "there" there. All of his reactions are one note. Just nothing. Sometimes an actor needs to give more than the stoic, brooding silence to engage the audience that there is more there. He just gives nothing. In regards to Ellie, (yes I saw the original and not comparing because I don't remember a lot of the specifics about the original actors, other than liking the show a lot), but I find the actress playing her almost too neurotic. Too anxious. Too nervous. She does not act like a person who understands what a cop is supposed to do and is internally struggling with what she knows she should do and believe (about perps) and what she thinks she knows and believes about the people in her town that are her friends. I see no inner life and struggle. I know that she was on Breaking Bad (which I didn't really watch), but has she lost a lot of weight? She looks too thin and like she has a lot of botox (in the lips). For me, she comes across as too old for the role (because of the skinniness and perceived botox) and not really fleshing out the underlying struggle between her perceived reality and what her job requires that she do as a COP. She comes across like a nervous first year cadet with zero experience working a crime EVER. The actors are really taking me out of the story which is a shame because I am enjoying it again. I think the Nick Nolte character and the lady with the dog are spot-on great. Curious to see where this will all go. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476871
Texasmom1970 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 This show isn't the worst on television by far. I am still having issues with a lot of the actors. I am trying to give it a chance but having watched "Broaddhurch" it is hard not copare the actors abilities. They are just not cutting it for me! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-476899
Sammich63 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I also am not too happy with Michael Pena's acting. However, I guess he is in a new war movie coming out and my son claims he's a great actor. His affect is flat on this show and I don't know if this is on purpose, but it affects how I feel about his performance. On the other hand, I like the actor playing Beth. I think she fits the bill nicely because she does look like a young mother and I think she shows a great range of emotion. I agree that Anna Gunn looks too old to play a mother with a two year old. I've never seen her in anything before, but I'm very unimpressed at this point. Another disconnect I have is how Tom looks so incredibly young compared to Danny. Danny looks older than 12 to me, and Tom looks like he's 10. I'm pretty happy with the rest of the cast, especially Kevin Rankin and Jacki Weaver. I didn't watch Broadchurch, so I can't make any analogies between the two shows. I think it is hard to watch a remake of any show without making the comparisons. I've always found it interesting how someone can be allegedly good on one show (Anna Gunn on Breaking Bad), but then fall short on another one. I've never seen Kevin Rankin in any show I didn't enjoy. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477087
Constantinople October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Upset that the show is continuing with the 'Danny's body can't be released' crud. That is so easily disproved, maybe easier than Mark's lies. I'd like to raise a continuing objection to the stupidity that a murder victim's body isn't released until the case is closed. You'd think that a mention of a scar or healed area would already be mentioned in the initial coroner/ME's report. Read it again, Carver. Sheesh. Good point. This also undercuts the "rationale" for not releasing Danny's body. In the last episode, Ellie told Beth that Dany's body was "the best evidence" they had. But what good is that if they don't even keep track of the existing evidence they have from Danny's body? 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477110
LakeGal October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I am having trouble with Ellie. She acts like she should be a crossing guard not a detective. They are definitely showing us why she did not get the promotion. She is too busy running around making sure everyone isn't upset by being questioned. She would rather not hurt their feelings than find the killer. Danny's mom looks so young that I am constantly reminding myself which actress is the mom and which is the sister. It takes me out of the show for a moment when that happens. I love the scenery. They have the feeling of a small town wrapped up in a tragedy. It is bleak and sad. Perfect setting. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477155
LeGrandElephant October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 (edited) But at least she's supposed to be young. They said she got pregnant in high school and had her daughter at 17. It is unbelievable that they even were considering promoting Ellie. Ok, I can cut her some slack on the murder since she's never worked a death and she knows the family. But she also sucks at dealing with Gemma and thr cocaine. So what exactly does she usually do as a cop? Edited October 17, 2014 by LeGrandElephant 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477381
CooperTV October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 So what exactly does she usually do as a cop? I think they usually investigate petty crimes, like that thing with the farm equipment and the fence in the first episode that Carver was grumpy about. I really hate the actor playing Danny's father. His affect is so flat. There is no "there" there. All of his reactions are one note. Just nothing. I have a feeling Michael Peña is trying to duplicate the same acting Andrew Buchan did for Mark in Broadchurch. But I thought Andrew Buchan was absolutely terrible in his role, so I don't know what the point of it here. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477867
Callaphera October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I'd like to raise a continuing objection to the stupidity that a murder victim's body isn't released until the case is closed. Can I add a somewhat related objection? The fact that they left Danny's room blocked off with crime scene tape... and yet allow the family to have access to the room. Yes, it was during a dream sequence this time, but in the last episode, the mom also stopped outside the tape to the room. If they were concerned with keeping that room taped off for further investigation, wouldn't they either ask the family not to stay in the house to make sure no one goes in, or have someone guarding the room? Nope, just some strategically placed crime scene tape across the door that one could get through without much bending and stretching and without disturbing the tape. Feel free to remove or place potential evidence! Don't worry, our police department works on the honour system! Okay then. Crack team of investigators there. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477921
Netfoot October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 You'd think that a mention of a scar or healed area would already be mentioned in the initial coroner/ME's report. Read it again, Carver. Sheesh. Good point. Just to note -- Some years ago, I injured the bottoms of my feet so badly, that the doctors briefly considered amputation. Six weeks later, when everything was all healed up (and to this day) there remains no sign whatsoever of the injury. Tuesday night this week, as I walked barefoot in the garden, something punched deep into the sole of my foot. The wound bled profusely for about a minute then dried up. Next day when I went for a Tetanus shot, no visible sign of the puncture could be found. It was and is still sore and painful, but there isn't anything at all to see. Now, Danny supposedly cut himself only three weeks prior, but it is conceivable that little or no sign of the cut remain. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-477988
iMonrey October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 They have already investigated Danny's room, they found that wad of bills tucked under his mattress. I would assume they have already gathered whatever evidence they could and I can't think of any reason they'd have the room blocked off with police tape at this point. Anything he had in there in the way of laptops, phones, or whatever, would have already been taken in as evidence. I had the opposite reaction to this episode than the recapper did - I actually thought last week's was much better, while this one was slow and annoying. We just didn't really seem to learn anything of value this week, and I'm just really tired of Carver being such an asshole. I know this is the way the character is supposed to be, but it's tiresome. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-478017
grooveshinney October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Was that blood we briefly saw in the apprentice's van? Hmm. I noticed that too. Hmm indeed. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-478108
ElectricBoogaloo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Coincidentally, on last night's episode of The Vampire Diaries, a new character was shown washing a bunch of blood out of the back of his van and tried to play it off as some kind of red moss that stained, which was a hilariously bad excuse. I can't wait to hear the assistant's excuse. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-478586
missy jo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Danny's mom looks so young that I am constantly reminding myself which actress is the mom and which is the sister. I've gotten them confused twice in two different episodes! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-478666
Irishmaple October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 Mark Solano is seriously annoying, but his flat affect isn't bothering me. I think he's stunned and depressed and not processing things properly. He dug himself a giant hole with his silence and seemed content to sit in jail. He half-assed an alibi that would have fallen apart under the prying questions of a three-year old never mind an experienced investigator or two. If Gemma hadn't come forward, he'd probably still be there. He still didn't seem to understand that his arrest raised serious questions about his guilt or innocence. Beth was all over it, but Mark seemed genuinely surprised that she doubted him. He even asked Gemma what he should do. Mark's lost. I'd feel bad for him, but he's annoying. I can't believe Gemma is still free when she procured cocaine from a minor and then gave it back to her. Ellie seems to consider the whole thing a nuisance, which I do not understand. She must have spent most of her life in that small town, but even small towns have their horror stories so I'm not sure how she's remained so insulated. I like Anna Gunn in the role though, she's giving Ellie an edge that I like. She's starting to hold her own against the testy Carver. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-478877
alexvillage October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I agree that the cop lady sucks at her job. Before this all happened, she was probably giving pep talks and apologizing to people for having such a hard life they have to sell drugs, shoplift os whatever happened in that place, as crime goes. I never saw the actress on anything else, although I think I heard her name a few times associated with awards (?). Not impressed at all. I still don't understand why so many flaws in the procedural parts of this show. The room would not be taped anymore. The forensics team would work on it until they were satisfied. Besides, the room is not a crime scene. The body being the forever evidence is ridiculous. But I think they tried to correct that statement from last week's episode. Am I just wishful thinking? The cocaine story wins the absurd. Notice to drug dealers: We are too busy and overwhelmed today to arrest you for dealing drugs and involving minors. Do you think you can come over tomorrow? Does it work for you? I am sooooo sorry I have to cancel your arrest, but drug dealing is not that serious after all, is it? Really, I hope you don't take it personally and again, I apologize for not booking you today. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-478915
Lemons October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 This show isn't the worst on television by far. I am still having issues with a lot of the actors. I am trying to give it a chance but having watched "Broaddhurch" it is hard not copare the actors abilities. They are just not cutting it for me! I don't like any of the actors except the outsider detective. It's ruining the show for me. The mother and daughter look the same age. The father is unlikable and I didn't care that he got arrested. The female detective is just stupid. The "townspeople" are supposed to be quirky, but it isn't working. Casting sucked. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-480639
ButterQueen October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 This episode was a big snooze for me, and did nothing to further the mystery. I do not like Danny's mom, and my husband keeps thinking she is the daughter. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481002
GreyBunny October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I don't like any of the actors except the outsider detective. It's ruining the show for me. The mother and daughter look the same age. The father is unlikable and I didn't care that he got arrested. The female detective is just stupid. The "townspeople" are supposed to be quirky, but it isn't working. Casting sucked. So much this. Ellie is a terrible cop. She couldn't even run a simple briefing and she spends more time making excuses for and trying to protect the feelings of the townies than she does doing actual investigating. "You took my job!" Oh, honey, you can't do that job. When she snapped at Carver that she didn't need training, I agreed with her at the time, but after a few episodes she clearly does need to go to remedial detective school. The more time goes on the more I think Carver is the Only Sane Person. Mark is a complete idiot. If he didn't want to tell his wife about his affair he had plenty of opportunity to quietly tell the police and they could discreetly check out his alibi. As a viewer I feel like my time was wasted with all of the unnecessary garbage around Mark's stonewalling and dumbass lies. I'm almost at the point where I don't really care whodunnit. If some aliens decided to nuke the town from space, I wouldn't cry. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481105
seacliffsal October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I'm enjoying the show. I find it interesting that the mom and daughter decided to stonewall the police due to the father's arrest. What? They'd rather prevent the police from solving the murder of Danny than cooperate and hopefully help them? Okay then. I like Carver and his no nonsense ways. Yes, his priority is to solve the crime, not make sure that nobody is offended. Ellie so would not have been able to work this crime had she received the promotion. Her attitude towards Carver is actually impeding the investigation. Carver is much more restrained than I would be-especially when they were interrogating Mark. " So, who owns the cabin" and Ellie interrupts "the park service, I already told you that..." It was a smack to the head moment (and for the record, I have never smacked anybody to the head....). She is willfully impeding the investigation. Carver asked her to call the daughter about the cocaine and she refused. All of her 'it can wait until morning' is BS, because the more time that passes the more difficult to solve a case. And her telling him to step away from her was ridiculous as he was on the other side of her desk. She is an exhausting character. Sigh. However, I'm in-I like the atmosphere and storyline. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481277
Ellaria October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 This episode was a big snooze for me, and did nothing to further the mystery. Same here. I fell asleep, woke up, replayed it and fell asleep again. This can't be a good sign. I'm almost at the point where I don't really care whodunnit. If some aliens decided to nuke the town from space, I wouldn't cry. They are trying too hard to show us that there are strange, suspicious individuals in town. I know that its early but character development has been lacking. I don't care about Danny's parents and their individual issues (extramarital affair, secret pregnancy). The eager reporters are a cliche. I had high hopes for this show and I am disappointed. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481318
Netfoot October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 I like Carver and his no nonsense ways. Yes, his priority is to solve the crime, not make sure that nobody is offended. I don't like Carver. By all means, make the crime your first priority, but you don't have to be an )*(hole about it! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481412
Haleth October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 I'd like to compliment the direction and camera work. The shots of the beach and those at the house really conveyed the seclusion and loneliness of the characters. Nicely done. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481590
Automne October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Carver isn't an asshole. He's surrounded by the incompetent (Ellie) and idiots who would rather stonewall out of spite or obstruct a homicide investigation in order to keep a stupid secret. Add to that dealing with an illness and you've got Homicide Detective House, with a lot less cruelty and intentional meanness. For the "Carver is a total asshole!!!" crowd, watch a few episodes of Homicide Hunter. Lt. Joe Kenda is a genial man, but it's quite clear that there is a hardness there that comes after one has dealt with a fair amount of homicide cases. And Lt. Kenda's personal life was a pretty happy one: solid marriage, couple of kids, good home, etc. Now you all know that the Rule of Drama dictates that Carver's personal life and background is going to be revealed as a heartbreaking mess. If you're not incompetent at your job, stupid, intentionally obstructing or stonewalling his investigation, annoying him to get interviews and soundbites, or withholding evidence, Carver will not be an asshole. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481761
CarpeDiem54 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Weighing in on the "keeping Danny's body forever" issue - that's total crap. I have worked in the mortuary business. At the most, even when the person's death needs to be investigated, it only is kept by the coroner's office for a week or so before being released. Bodies decompose, even when refridgerated. All the tissue samples necessary would be taken during the autopsy, detailed drawings and photos as well as X-Rays taken. Keeping the body would serve no purpose. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481945
Netfoot October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Carver isn't an asshole. Every word out of his mouth that isn't directly connected with the case -- and half the words that are -- just drip with sarcasm. The words "please" and "thank you" are unknown to him. He treats everyone like dirt. Perhaps prick would be a better word to describe him. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-481964
miles2go October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 I rather like Carver myself, although I'll grant you he lacks social skills. He's neither a prick nor an asshole, but a very intense man who doesn't have much time for social niceties. Maybe he should learn a few, but I'd much rather have him in my corner than Ellie Miller. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-482015
Automne October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Every word out of his mouth that isn't directly connected with the case -- and half the words that are -- just drip with sarcasm. The words "please" and "thank you" are unknown to him. He treats everyone like dirt. Perhaps prick would be a better word to describe him. See the part where he's surrounded by the incompetent and idiots. Honestly, the sarcasm is probably the only thing keeping him from just punching everybody he sees. I really wish he had gone completely off on Mark Solano: "Look dick, I really don't give a crap about who you were screwing. But you just wasted 48 hours of my time, time I should have been spending TRYING TO FIND OUT WHO KILLED YOUR SON, BUT YOU'RE TOO WORRIED ABOUT PEOPLE FINDING OUT ABOUT YOUR AFFAIR. By all means, let me continue dancing around in circles while you keep inconsequential secrets because clearly, finding out who murdered your son is of no importance. Your life is already is at the lowest point it can possibly be. Your child has been murdered. So man up, deal with the fallout of your affair, and get on with it because you've got bigger things to deal with right now." 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-482021
CarpeDiem54 October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 I'm on Team Carver, too. If I had to work with the insubordinate incompetents he has to, I'd be in a terminally bad mood. I keep getting Beth and her daughter confused. They look too much alike and too close in age. Tom is a really skeevy kid. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-482063
GreyBunny October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 Carver is an asshole but considering the incompetent clods he's surrounded with I don't blame him one bit. I'd be snapping at these idiots too. Someone needs to put a boot up Gracepoint's ass and Carver is the only one doing it. He gets a complete asshole pass from me. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-483012
truthaboutluv October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) Tom is a really skeevy kid. That's Ellie's kid right? I don't know if I'd say he's skeevy but he's definitely a little creepy and well after the Pilot with him deleting texts and erasing his hard drive, he clearly knows a lot more than he's told so far. I still think whatever it is, is drug related - like he and Danny were selling it or Danny was and he knew or something. See the part where he's surrounded by the incompetent and idiots. Honestly, the sarcasm is probably the only thing keeping him from just punching everybody he sees. Yeah I think I'd call him more rude and definitely anti-social than an asshole. Because honestly rude and pissy though he may be, he seems to be the only one truly determined to find Danny's killer (along with all the CSI guys and people we don't see on a regular basis of course). Like I said last week, when I knew Mark was an obvious red herring, I would have still put his ass in jail for wasting the investigators' time with his stupid stone-walling about where he really was that night. So I cheered hard when Carver arrested his ass. I know Ellie thinks she cares more than Carver because she knows these people and "they mean something to her" but Carver is right, she's letting that nostalgia and that personal connection with these people cloud her judgments and override her ability to do her job and put finding Danny's killer first. Of all the things I've eyerolled about Ellie, the biggest for me was actually when Mark and his wife gave her the list they made of possible suspects and she looked at them, all stunned, "these people are all your friends." Like that is so unbelievable and shocking and I remember thinking, "um Ellie, most people who are murdered are killed by a family member, close friend or someone they knew and trusted. And as a detective wouldn't you know that?" It just made her seem so naive. The eager reporters are a cliche. It's not even that she's a cliche, which she is, but just how awful she is at snooping. The woman lacks zero subtlety. Just about everyone figured out immediately that she was a reporter and then she inevitably has to come clean and they quickly walk away from her and shut her down. She sucks. She also doesn't seem to be doing any investigative journalism other than just trying to ask people questions and not being subtle about it. I'm enjoying the show. I find it interesting that the mom and daughter decided to stonewall the police due to the father's arrest. What? They'd rather prevent the police from solving the murder of Danny than cooperate and hopefully help them? Okay then. I actually think because of Pete's questions to her which she was able to see right through and then later the husband being held in prison, that she panicked and thinks that the police are trying to pin Danny's murder on one of them. So what she was telling the daughter is that they have to be careful around him because he is not their friend and instead they might use them as a scapegoat for solving Danny's murder. Edited October 19, 2014 by truthaboutluv 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-483038
Happytobehere October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 (edited) If this murder hadn't happened, what would Ellie's job consist of? Because it is clear that she would suck at running this particular investigation on her own. We could chalk that up to her being close to the family, but she also sucked at dealing with Gemma buying cocaine from kids. So... What does she usually do? She just doesn't come off like a cop of any level. Ellie is incompetent, entitled (she clearly didn't deserve to be promoted, from what I can see, she doesn't deserve to be employed in her field), obstructionist and downright unlikable. You want the killer to be someone right under her nose so that it reveals how unqualified she really is because she is just that awful. Having seen the original, the change in actress was not for the better, because this one can't pull off the role without making me hate her. I like Carver and his no nonsense ways. Yes, his priority is to solve the crime, not make sure that nobody is offended. Ellie so would not have been able to work this crime had she received the promotion. Her attitude towards Carver is actually impeding the investigation. Carver is much more restrained than I would be-especially when they were interrogating Mark. " So, who owns the cabin" and Ellie interrupts "the park service, I already told you that..." It was a smack to the head moment (and for the record, I have never smacked anybody to the head....). She is willfully impeding the investigation. Carver asked her to call the daughter about the cocaine and she refused. All of her 'it can wait until morning' is BS, because the more time that passes the more difficult to solve a case. And her telling him to step away from her was ridiculous as he was on the other side of her desk. She is an exhausting character. EXACTLY. Carver has been undermined, lied to, bad mouthed, disrespected and generally treated like crap by his underling and the townsfolk ever since Ellie made her grand reappearance. He is the villain because he expects professionalism and cooperation from his co-worker rather than obstruction and self-serving venom. This perception by some makes no sense to me. If he was holding Ellie's hand and giving into her foolishness, people would be complaining because rather than doing his job, he was patronizing this silly woman, who is clearly out of her element. Carver isn't an asshole. He's surrounded by the incompetent (Ellie) and idiots who would rather stonewall out of spite or obstruct a homicide investigation in order to keep a stupid secret. Add to that dealing with an illness and you've got Homicide Detectiv House, with a lot less cruelty and intentional meanness. For the "Carver is a total asshole!!!" crowd, watch a few episodes of Homicide Hunter. Lt. Joe Kenda is a genial man, but it's quite clear that there is a hardness there that comes after one has dealt with a fair amount of homicide cases. And Lt. Kenda's personal life was a pretty happy one: solid marriage, couple of kids, good home, etc. Now you all know that the Rule of Drama dictates that Carver's personal life and background is going to be revealed as a heartbreaking mess. If you're not incompetent at your job, stupid, intentionally obstructing or stonewalling his investigation, annoying him to get interviews and soundbites, or withholding evidence, Carver will not be an asshole. PREACH!!! How Carver is to blame for others faults, shortcomings, and lack of ability is beyond me. Edited October 20, 2014 by Happytobehere 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-483498
mehtotheworld October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 You can be a prick and still be a good detective, and obviously I'd rather have Carver investigating, but Carver's pretty much been prickly since he got there so I don't buy that it's because he's surrounded by idiots. It's probably the secret pain his conversations with his boss, the journalist, etc. are alluding to which will make it completely understandable in the end and have Anna Gunn feel bad for how she viewed him and blah you know how it's going to go. I suppose I'm just over the whole "intense detective who doesn't care about interpersonal relations but gets the job done, dammit!" thing. Maybe I just like my assholes to be otherwise charming or funny in some manner, or else it just annoys me. I haven't ever mixed up Beth and the daughter because the daughter looks like she could truly be half Hispanic, while Beth doesn't so much (at least stereotypically). The only thing that confused me was due to me only half-listening in some scenes of the first episode, so I initially thought the daughter was Mark's younger sister. The mystery is interesting to me and I'll stick around since I thought the latest episode was good, but nothing so far seems new. Small town with secrets, nothing is as is appears, etc. I mean, obviously the father was having an affair, of course his kid died the same day, blah blah blah. I'll wait it out and see how everything ends up, though. From all the Broadchurch hoopla I expect this might pick up and surprise the hell out of me by the end. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-483537
Netfoot October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 You can be a prick and still be a good detective, and obviously I'd rather have Carver investigating, but Carver's pretty much been prickly since he got there so I don't buy that it's because he's surrounded by idiots. It's probably the secret pain his conversations with his boss, the journalist, etc. are alluding to which will make it completely understandable in the end and have Anna Gunn feel bad for how she viewed him and blah you know how it's going to go. Lots of people have problems. Five personal friends of mine are battling with cancer, and two of them are circling the drain and know it. But they don't go around treating everyone like crap, because they know they'd never get away with it. And because they aren't that type of person to begin with. Carver has been a dickhead from the moment he got there, so as you say, the performance of his colleagues isn't the reason behind it, and any personal problem he has doesn't justify it. He's behaving like a dickhead because underneath it all, that's what he is. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-483740
mehtotheworld October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 Lots of people have problems. Five personal friends of mine are battling with cancer, and two of them are circling the drain and know it. But they don't go around treating everyone like crap, because they know they'd never get away with it. And because they aren't that type of person to begin with. Carver has been a dickhead from the moment he got there, so as you say, the performance of his colleagues isn't the reason behind it, and any personal problem he has doesn't justify it. He's behaving like a dickhead because underneath it all, that's what he is. Yeah, my comment was less of a justification and more of a prediction that the show was going to attempt to excuse his behavior with some secret pain he's hiding related to the journalist or whatever, after which Anna Gunn and the people around him will feel sorry for him and blah he'll be redeemed. It's tv and the redemption of a dickish character through the revelation of some prior trauma is not an uncommon theme, regardless of how anything might play out in real life. The reaction to that kind of character is a whole different story and obviously will vary. My main reaction to the character is that, while I don't think we've been shown too much about him to say whether Carver is a dick or not, those kinds of characters don't really do it for me anymore so I don't care if he's acting like a dick for this reason or that reason or just because he's a dick at his core. It's annoying to me, so until they give me a reason to care I'm going to resent him being the ultimate savior of the Gracepoint PD. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-483946
breeze2day October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 I'm loving this so far --- I think that Carver's dicki-ness is justifiable given that he probably came to small town Gracepoint to make it easier to help him slow the pressure and stress down, for whatever medical condition he has ; and he is thrust right into a nasty horrifying murder involving a child. Then he's saddled with a debutante who returns from vacation and is so inept and unprofessional. Enough to make anyone grumpy. Was I wrong in this -- when Mark's alibi is proved, she claims that she dropped him off at about 1. He got home at about 4. Why did they let him go, given the huge time discrepancy? Did I hear this wrong? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-484644
CooperTV October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 (edited) Carver has been a dickhead from the moment he got there, so as you say, the performance of his colleagues isn't the reason behind it, and any personal problem he has doesn't justify it. He's behaving like a dickhead because underneath it all, that's what he is. Well, there's huge difference between being a jerk and being not very nice to talk to. So far? Carver is mostly shown to be not very nice to people show a) bad at their job (like Miller, for example); b) trying to ruin the investigation (like the father, who is a real jerk in the situation). I've no idea how Carver's a total dickhead and should be more nice to people, honestly. He's a police detective, not a couple counselor, it's not his job to please anyone, especially suspects. Speaking of Miller. She's the one who always aims to please other people and wants them to like her. And I think she's constantly trying for Carver to like her as well (she's the one bringing him food and drinks he doesn't appreciate), while badmouthing him to his face and to other people. And Carver, who is obviously hard to talk to, stonewalls those efforts but is kind of calm about Miller's personal remarks to him and her refusal to follow his direct orders. Edited October 20, 2014 by CooperTV Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-484661
ElectricBoogaloo October 20, 2014 Share October 20, 2014 Of all the things I've eyerolled about Ellie, the biggest for me was actually when Mark and his wife gave her the list they made of possible suspects and she looked at them, all stunned, "these people are all your friends." Like that is so unbelievable and shocking and I remember thinking, "um Ellie, most people who are murdered are killed by a family member, close friend or someone they knew and trusted. And as a detective wouldn't you know that?" It just made her seem so naive. What simultaneously cracked me up/annoyed me about Ellie's reaction was imagining who she thought would be on the list. I mean, if she's shocked that it was a list of their friends then who did she originally think the family would suspect? Some random guy who they saw at the gas station the last time they were on vacation? The creepy looking stranger who they saw once five years ago? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/16348-s01e03-episode-3/#findComment-484724
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