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S06.E03: Dear God

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Cary’s freedom lies in the hands of his pretrial service officer, Joy Grubick, as she interviews his colleagues to determine whether or not he should remain behind bars. Meanwhile, Alicia and Dean find themselves in unfamiliar territory when a client’s case ends up in Christian Arbitration.




Cary wouldn't know enough about pre-trial bail release regs to not VOLUNTEER that he was with a witness (Kalinda)?


Gloria Steinem looks pretty flippin' AMAZING for 80. Wow. I don't know how I feel about Alicia becoming the feminist cause du jour though. Especially since she's only running for State's Attorney. If she's got this kind of passionate backing from these kinds of people, she may as well just run for Congress or something right now, lol. The increasing delusions of grandeur about what Steinem really meant were very Alicia (and I don't mean that as a compliment, really).


Aside from the silliness about admitting to hanging out with Kalinda, I continue to feel really bad for Cary. He's just going to continue to get steamrolled at FA. The show wouldn't surprise me if he somehow ridiculously wound up back at LG by the end of the season. Glad he didn't go back to jail (who was the actress playing his pre-trial social worker type thing?).


The Christian court just vaguely annoyed me. Whatever, glad the two guys just sorted things out for themselves. And glad to see Grace does still exist despite all the declarations of Alicia having an "empty nest."


Is Kalinda working for FA now? Why can't Alicia be Cary's lawyer since they're partners in the same firm, but Diane can still be?


Castro's terrible, and I think a lot less of Finn now. But I didn't want Alicia to run. I don't think it's smart, and I don't get why Eli doesn't see that at all?

Edited by mattie0808
  • Love 3

What a thoroughly irritating episode. Deleted it as soon as I watched it. Don't know what was more annoying - the Christian kangaroo court, the endless repetitions of "I'm not going to run" ending in the inevitable (she is going to run), the cartoonish villain (didn't we already see Evil!D.A. in Glen Childs?), the Grace sighting, or poor Cary continuing to get screwed over by his shitty partner and the LG mess she brought into their firm.


I find it hilarious that the first order of business Diane and Dean bring forth is buying the floor above the office. They clearly learned nothing from LG pissing away money on another office floor.

  • Love 7

I don't think Cary took the woman's position of power strongly enough - he has a bit of arrogance about him, and/or clasism.  It's toned down a lot.  


Very effective use of flash backs this episode, I usually hate flashbacks.  And wow, hottt Cary/Kalinda scenes went by way too fast.


OH WOW....John Boy!!!  That was more fun than Gloria! And Wilson, perfectly cast.


That SA is the creepiest, perviest creepy creep outside of shows like Stalkers I've seen in a long, long time.  And man, he's got Alicia syndrome too?  Thinks it's all always about him huh?  In "his" courtroom. ha. 


I liked the bail judge, he was just the right amount of quirky.


If this becomes Alicia runs for office, I'm out.  And I think it will, dammit. 


Taye Diggs improved greatly this episode.  Kind of liked him.

I thought it was pretty funny that the pre-trial bond person kept insisting Cary had to have an "employer."  Really, Cary is the first business owner ever arrested and out on bond in Illinois/Chicago? 


Is Christian court really a thing?  Because, seriously?  At least Grace showed some usefulness.


Yeah the whole thing about why Finn wouldn't run for State's Attorney, but Alicia will (with similar 'skeletons') is pretty far fetched.


So is Diane purposefully kept in the dark about who the CI was, or just play acting well in front of Cary?

  • Love 3

I admire Gloria Steinem. Using her as a device to get Alicia to run is supposed to make me root for this. But that chat about things to come between Alicia & the bald asshole did nothing for me but preview a soapier soap opera to come.

At which point show can stop pretending it's anything but.

Edited by buttersister
  • Love 1


Is Christian court really a thing?  Because, seriously?  At least Grace showed some usefulness.

That picking and choosing random verses from both the New and Old Testaments was interesting. Some fundamentalist Christian sects don't really pay much attention to the Old Testament beyond the early parts of Genesis. I wonder if the show was trying to make some kind of point there.


But that chat about things to come between Alicia & the bald asshole did nothing for me but preview a soapier soap opera to come.

ICAM. All that was left was for the guy to start twirling his mustache.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 1

Lots of chess pieces moving around, but not a lot of logic.  The theme wasn't "Dear God" at all -- it was "how can I lose control of my own life?" (and yes, I do know that could veer around to "Dear God" but I'm not going there right now.)  Cary can't make a single decision that won't come back to bite him; he made up with Kalinda (and how) and his timing couldn't have been worse.  He had a beer with Kalinda -- what could be wrong with that?  Alicia is responding to everything around her (I knew Michael Cerveris would make a good troll) and letting it move her towards a bad decision to run for SA.  Diane is out for vengeance and that means molding FA to her image -- and with both Alicia and Cary sidelined, she'll get to try.  It was a very frustrating episode.


(I have a feeling they ran pretty long.  There was at least one bizarre cut and I also think they must have intended to have a reveal around the Linda Lavin phone conversations ("he didn't say that, he can't have said that," etc.).  


I did, as always, enjoy seeing RSL.  Pity they couldn't do more with him over time.  Probably his decision.



The show wouldn't surprise me if he somehow ridiculously wound up back at LG by the end of the season.


I don't know what place LG (or whatever they're going to call it) will have in this show anymore, but I agree -- Cary is definitely on a trajectory towards leaving.

Edited by mrsdalgliesh
  • Love 1

I'm distracted by John-Boy worrying that other men "taking [his] seed" without paying would put him out of business, juvenile, sure, but I giggled every time they talked about seed misappropriation.


Are we supposed to be cheering for Alicia running for office with this setup?  I'm confused. 


Thus, I am distracted and confused, not burning my bra on my couch in support of Alicia, which is what I think (?) they were going for?

  • Love 2

Alice, John Boy, and Wilson in the same episode--sweet!


So, we're two eps in and already in-fighting at Florrick and Agos? I'm shocked. They want to take over the top floor? And they're not solvent yet, so Diane has to front the cash? No, this couldn't possibly end badly.


Taye Diggs is so uncompelling as an actor. And how did I know that they would pull a Chase (hey, another House reference) and make him a preacher wannabe in a past life?


I have never been a fan of Kalinda, so I really want the writers to get her out of Cary's orbit. Were we supposed to think the vertical window sex scene was hot?

  • Love 1

I can't believe Eli believes Castro is just gonna roll over and play dead when/if Alicia runs. The first thing he is going to do is bring up is Alicia's affair with Will. She stood by Peter on his "sexgate" and now he endorses her, in his old job; and women trust her? Yeah right. If the only other choice that Eli has is Alicia and he is asking Alicia for a name,for Peter's endorsement. Eli should be looking for another job. Cary would make a great state's attorney, he has worked as a ASA before. He sure has a beef with Castro and Finn. Besides, I didn't know it was the staff assistant's job to pick someone to run for office. The governor doesn't like the present state's attorney so he endorses and support his wife, a defense attorney. Defense attorneys do not become prosecutors.

  • Love 2
...seed misappropriation.


There is actually a factual basis for that lawsuit.  Monsanto sued a farmer for replanting their GMO seed that he had gathered at harvest time, instead of buying new seed at the beginning of the planting season.  I don't know the outcome, but it's not really germane to this episode anyway.  I liked the juxtaposition of attorneys pulling biblical quotes, one after another, out of the hat instead of obscure legal decisions.  Same court, different location.

  • Love 4

Alicia is so flipping weak. "I'm not running," she says 90 times a day. Then Gloria Steinem pops out of a burning bush (that's brilliant, mbutterfly), and suddenly an announcement is "a little premature"? For a character that's supposed such a strong, feminist character, she sure lets other people make a lot of her decisions.

The Christian arbitration thing got a little crazy with the Bible quote one-up-manship, but I did appreciate the idea that two basically decent men could sit down and work out the issue between them. Sometimes all the legal wrangling just forces people into opposing corners, when their original positions weren't that far apart. Also, I loved the continuing theme of Cary having a much better feel for the pulse of their clients than Alicia, first with Chumhum and now with this client. I feel like Alicia and Cary are being written much more as equals this season (all the crap with Diane notwithstanding).


I find it hilarious that the first order of business Diane and Dean bring forth is buying the floor above the office. They clearly learned nothing from LG pissing away money on another office floor.

Yeah, let me see if I have this straight. FA agree to take on Diane. She, without their knowledge or prior approval, recruits Dean. Then Dean, without FA or Diane's knowledge or prior approval, recruits six other people to join them. And now they're bitching that FA doesn't have enough space for them, but Diane and Dean can solve that problem. All Cary and Alicia have to do is sign over half the power in the firm they created. I have great affection for Diane, but she's really stretching it thin right now.

I applaud Diane and Co.'s dreams of diversity, but I don't understand why she didn't just start her own firm. She had however many million in billing, plus Dean and the six department heads. Couldn't they make a go of it on their own? There's just something that really bothers me about all of the "women-led" talk when one of the name partners, a founding partner, the very person whose vision created the firm, is a white man. What does that say about the role they see Cary having in this idyllic future of theirs? Alicia's the only one who ever even mentions him in these conversations, and now she's off talking to a burning bush.


And Wilson, perfectly cast.

Thank you! I knew I should know him.


Were we supposed to think the vertical window sex scene was hot?

Hey, it worked for me. lol

  • Love 10

Did Kalinda warn the witness that Bishop knew he was the one who wore the wire?



I think Kalinda was completely freaked out by the murder last week and so warned the confidential informant. After all if she could work it out that easily, so could Bishop.


I still think the idea of a defence attorney becoming a top prosecutor with no prosecution experience bizarre. But then again, as an Australian, the idea you would ever politicise any aspect of law enforcement is bizarre so what would I know.

  • Love 3

I think Kalinda was completely freaked out by the murder last week and so warned the confidential informant. After all if she could work it out that easily, so could Bishop.

Yep, she told Cary that she told Bishop who the CI was, and then told the CI that Bishop knew.

eta: I just rewatched it, and she didn't actually say that, but I think it was heavily implied.

Cary: I'm not worried about suborning perjury. Did you threaten Trey Wagner?

Kalinda: No.

Cary: You told Bishop he was the CI?

Kalinda: (sighs) You don't want to know, Cary.

Cary: And then you warned Trey that Bishop was coming after him, and that's why he took off.

Kalinda: (looks aside) I have to go.

Edited by photo fox
  • Love 1

I did like the specifics they came up with as to how Alicia was tipped over the edge into running: the feminist icon playing to Alicia's egotism, and the vile, manipulative SA threatening her with airing her dirty laundry. I found it very convincing that both of those would work so strongly on Alicia that she would find it impossible not to run. Persuasive factors of that strength were required not to make it seem like a sudden and unconvincing about-face on her part. How she was persuaded to change her mind and run felt very in character.

  • Love 7

Knowing one of his three crewmembers had worn a wire, Bishop killed one at random.  When Kalinda goes to him and says, "You killed one of the guys we needed for Cary," he makes her expose the CI by stating which of the surviving two she wants still breathing.  Otherwise he's going to kill both. 


Signing the CI's death warrant was a tough spot for Kalinda last week and they came up with a good solution.  Bishop's smart; Kalinda's smart.  Maybe they could clip a few moments of Alicia not/running and design a couple more chess moves for Bishop and Kalinda.


The guest stars were such a treat!  I expected Diane to lose patience with worker bee Linda Lavin's personal phone drama--and again, the writers were more clever than that.  Good job, show.

  • Love 2

Cary: Where's Trey?

Kalinda: Uh...he's with with my husband... (that would have been funny...)


I think that was the least annoying that Grace has ever been. What is she, in about 10th grade now? She's clearly been thinking about religion and ethics; she's the sort of person who could end up a minister or social worker. Or, she could end up in a compound waiting for the second coming...she's still a teenager. (And it was emblematic of their relationship that Alicia was surprised that Grace sounded "smart.")


I wonder if Alicia's almost-aside of "YOU can run" to Eli will end up coming into play [sort of a take on Rahm Emmanuel]. And is it his Florrick-worship that keeps Eli from seeing what a problematic candidate Alicia would be? There have certainly been more misbegotten candidates in real politics, but if Alicia runs, it really looks like it will be a trainwreck.


And Michael Cerveris is deliciously evil. This show is good at villains.

Edited by kwnyc

I don't think Cary took the woman's position of power strongly enough - he has a bit of arrogance about him, and/or clasism.  It's toned down a lot. 

Very effective use of flash backs this episode, I usually hate flashbacks.  And wow, hottt Cary/Kalinda scenes went by way too fast.

OH WOW....John Boy!!!  That was more fun than Gloria! And Wilson, perfectly cast.


I read Cary's smirk to be a completely-normal-human thing that resulted from having been a DA and having a good understanding of what it's imperative that he do while out on bail. I mean, for the number of cases that someone like Alice would have on her roster, she could cool her proverbial heels while raking Cary over some of the bureaucratic coals. Not that he's special, just it would be a waste of her time. What was the point of her freaky behavior on the stand though? I had to suppose it was that she knew Castro was there and was tense about saying Cary was following the program?? What was the point though of her bringing up that he would be considered  a flight risk because of people Cary had put away wanting to murder him in jail if the show has never really addressed why sticking him in gen pop is completely irresponsible/ridiculous? Also show: stop trying to put Cary back in jail and get on with something else for a damn minute! We get it already...


Count me in as a fan of the Kalinda/Cary scenes; that was well done for a network show (and by cable standards too). I'm such a dork about Matt C's career that I always do a happy clap that he managed to move on from Rory to Kalinda!


Yes, John Boy, Gloria, Wilson, Alice: oh my! The minute Wilson showed up, I immediately realized I wanted him as the new addition because he's an interesting actor and was pretty underutilized for all of those seasons on House. And as I spent the episode cursing that this casting was not so, I realized that maybe I like the idea so much because he's similar to Will in some way (maybe it's a Dead Poet's thing?). And Gloria, if there's a next time, bring your stepson Christian Bale! I would love to have him stomp out of David Lee's office saying that he's "f*cking done with [them] professionally"!


Taye Diggs is so uncompelling as an actor. And how did I know that they would pull a Chase (hey, another House reference) and make him a preacher wannabe in a past life?


Oh my god TV writers/showrunners/casting people: we.get.it.Taye Diggs is so hot, intense, and sexy that it just can't be possible that he could be a humble doctor, or a humble lawyer, or a humble cop, or a humble student of God (ad infinitum). I'm so over it. He's never sells it, and, does he even receive new scripts or do they just cross out the words specific to the older role and let him rinse and repeat.

Edited by meisje
  • Love 1

OH WOW....John Boy!!!  That was more fun than Gloria! And Wilson, perfectly cast.


So last week's musical muscle included Christine Baranski, Alan Cumming, Michael Cerveris and Taye Diggs; this week's episode added to the Broadway roster not only Robert Sean Leonard and Richard Thomas, but Robert Joy, Christian Borle and Linda Lavin?! (I recognized her voice before Cary's Pre-Trial Services Officer turned around.)


It's like they want me to bop Eli on the head!


I don't want Alicia to run either. I liked how Lavin handled the scene with Joy's report to the hearing. Poor woman looked like she thought she'd get Castro-ated.


ETA: Aw, yeah! How great would it have been if Robert Sean Leonard had guest-starred when Knox Overstr -- er, Will Gardner was still on the show?
Edited by Sandman
  • Love 4

"I really do not want Alicia to run. I don't want to watch a campaign for a season. Why are they moving on so quickly from the totally badass plot thread of Alicia and Diane co-ruling Chicago law/the world?"


I couldn't agree more! I feel like we are getting this "Alicia should run" crap shoved down our throats with the more evil that evil Castro, and now Gloria Steinem! urging Alicia on. I am sick of it. I don't want to see Alicia arguing against her former partners. I can't even see her in that role. Everything the show has told us about Alicia up to this point makes her a good Defense Attorney, not a prosecutor. No amount of Eli bugging or guest stars is going to change my mind.

  • Love 3

Wouldn't you hate to be Eli's executive assistant? I mean, don't get me wrong, the whole


Int: Eli's office, Day:


Alicia stands over Eli, lying on a couch in his office

Norah, offscreen: Eli, Alicia Florrick's here to see you.

Eli: Really, Norah? Your precognitive abilities AMAZE me!


made me laugh, but, honestly, he'd be be unbearable to work with. (And probably he'd sell you out to your Pre-Trial Services Officer.)

  • Love 3

While I like Taye Diggs fine and Dean is a decent charater he is no Clarke and I miss Clarke. Is NL not coming back at all?


Loved Johnboy and Wilson in this story. The christian mediation was interesting and funny, though I high doubt it EVER goes like that. I thought it funny that they actually made the lawyers seem to be evil money grubbers who cause litigation.


Love Cary and his calm assessment of everything. I hope this prison thing doesn't hold over the whole season b/c it kind of cripples him in the partnership a little too much for my liking.


Kalinda can't get wacked by Bishop fast enough for me. ugh! I dislike her so much and she is totally wrong for Cary.


Funny how Alicia is my least favorite part of the show anymore. The Gloria Steinem grandious musings were totally off putting. The whole running for office due to emotional upset at Castro is very insulting. The realtiy is Alicia doesn't want to be in politics but is being emotionally goaded into it. Not at all feminism I want to get behind. Two strong women running a major law firm, much more compelling to me.


Finn just needs to go. He annoys me and is being a terrible asshole too.

  • Love 6

The Gloria Steinem grandious musings were totally off putting.


Most of those were Alicia's fantasizing of what she'd like Gloria to say, no?  I kind of liked that device.  In fact, I liked this episode on the whole more than either of the first two.  I appreciated Alicia's restraint in her final scene with Castro.  I would have slapped that man's smug face but hard. 

  • Love 2

I'm distracted by John-Boy worrying that other men "taking [his] seed" without paying would put him out of business, juvenile, sure, but I giggled every time they talked about seed misappropriation.



Same.  It didn't help that in the Biblical context, "seed" usually ain't referring to plants.  I think that if it was something other than Christian mediation, with all the Bible references flying around, I wouldn't have found it quite so funny!

  • Love 1


I miss Clarke. Is NL not coming back at all?

Nathan Lane is in a play on Broadway and, unlike Alan C, is not doing double duty.  (It may have something to do with age, and something to do with the role -- AC is doing a role he's done before).   I will take these problems if it means the show keeps filming in NYC and gets one fantastic guest star after another.


BTW, Alan C posted a tweet in which he said something like "guest starring for three episodes:  my wig!"


The Gloria Steinem fantasies seemed exactly right.  This is what would happen in my mind, anyway, if I were in Alicia's situation.  It's not something I'd admit to anyone, but I'd be imagining it.  This is what Alicia did with Will's last phone message.  I think the writers and JM do a great job of giving us a glimpse into Alicia's inner life --- much more so that any show I can think of.  It's not always complimentary, but it rings true for me.


I hate what's about to happen with this campaign, but I will say that its one good side is more Alan Cumming as Eli.  If I were a writers for this show, it would be damn tempting to write the campaign plot just for that reason.

I love that Alicia is ambitious. Its nice to see a woman with her ambition on my screen every week. I think Alicia's Gloria fantasies are very real and many people would do that so I think its really well done, but I do not want Alicia to run. It makes no sense, its going to hurt herself, her family, her business and it doesn't feel like something Alicia would do. I loved her insistence that she wouldn't run and I'm sad she's caving now. I want her to not be manipulated by Eli, Peter and Castro and just focus on her own goals and dreams.

  • Love 4

I really thought Alicia was going to give Taye Diggs characters name to Eli as someone who could run for State's Attorney.  Granted he has spent time in NYC at the office for who knows how long plus we don't know much of his past/skeleton's in his closet, but I mean seriously show, you think that Alicia will have an easy campaign?  Geez, she is just as compromised as her husband.

So Alicia, equipped with a Georgetown Law pedigree and, presumably, a liberal arts undergrad degree (not to mention a brother who works in academia), is so vapid and intellectually vacant that she has never encountered the proposition that the Bible is metaphorical rather than literal - or even considered religion enough to contemplate that argument herself? Because it's pretty elementary and one that I imagine would crop up during oh, say, political discussions. I remember a season or two ago she asked Grace what she should do while Grace was praying. Thus, the fortysomething longtime wife of a public servant and politician hasn't figured out what constitutes respectful/appropriate deference to someone else's acts of prayer? The presentation of her atheism does not suggest to me that she's thoughtfully eschewed faith; it just makes her look like a total idiot.


In that same vein, I initially enjoyed that the Kings were willing to risk an unlikeable title character. Alicia has been awful since season 2 - hypocritical, megalomaniacal, sanctimonious, immature. However, her flaws have generally been relatively subtle and balanced by the rest of the ensemble. It feels like the writing team is actively trolling now, though. That's the only explanation I can come up with for the Gloria Steinem fantasias. The direction and visual articulation of that trope connotes social disorder for me and recalled real-life politicians (hi, Todd Akin) who attribute their runs to a direct calling from God.


Concur with those who have said they do not want to watch a lazy "you go, girl" take on feminism in which Alicia is literally emotionally manipulated into running.

Also, Chicagoland politics are rampant with corruption, so maybe she would win in reality. But I have a hard time believing that a woman would be able to withstand slut-shaming as successfully as a man like Peter could manage to live down sexual misconduct.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 3

I only just now watched the ep. During the day today I was wondering if I actually wanted to keep on watching this show. I was uncomfortable with Cary being jailed but since he was released I figured I would stick around. In watching just now I am leaning more towards dumping it.

It saddens me b/c I really do like Matt C very much. But this show just isn't fun for me anymore. Perhaps fun is a poor choice of words. I am no longer excited by the prospects of watching TGW. Kalinda's no longer intriguing and I hate Alicia running for office. 

I may give it one more try next Sunday. We'll see.


Taye Diggs.. I like him. The smile is killer. Not a great actor but he never ruins anything for me, If the Kings wanted to have a POC (person of color) in there they should have kept Michael Boatman. He can most def act and man, I have been a fan since China Beach.


Anyway, I haven't lost hope. I'll be back.


Kings, please bring back Gary Cole! 

  • Love 3

I too just watched this after reading a recap and find it annoying that Alicia can seemingly be so easily manipulated into running for SA.  And really, again, how does Bishop being your client not come back to bit you in the butt along with whatever is found based on next's weeks promo?  I thought I'd be more conflicted about skipping this in real time and watching PBS' Inspector Lewis instead, but, no.


I get it, this is the King's show and JM is a producer but it's like they are throwing things at the wall to see what will stick.


OTOH, possibly more screen time for Alan Cumming which isn't a bad thing for.


Castro makes a great villian.  I have no idea what Finn's purpose is here now though.  I thought it would be promising at first.  Not to set him up with Alicia as a romantic partner but as a possible friend which she apparently doesn't have.


Which brings me to Diane.  When the rumors came out that Alicia and Diane would get closer I was all for it.  I'm not sure what the heck is going on now.  The joining of FA with Diane and her LG cohorts does not bode well for FA.  When this storyline was first mentioned (FA going out on their own) I didn't see it lasting past one season but I was looking forward to LG and FA butting heads.  When Josh Charles left I think something shifted and another plan was thought up.  I'm not loving this current plan because there's no way that it ends well.


Which leads me to Cary.  It's nice Matt C got a storyline and even if I thought he was a child throwing a tantrum in earlier seasons regarding Alicia I liked the idea of the two of them trying to make a go of things.  That looks like it's in the toilet.  I can't see how if Alicia runs for SA and seemingly lets Diane have her way, that Cary is going to stick around to the bitter end.


Also, I still like Kalinda (though the Kings are making that harder every season it seems) but I've never been a fan of her being with Cary.  I didn't find their sex scene hot and I really would prefer they just stay apart.  They have no business being together unless it's strictly about the sex because there's no long-term there, there.


Grace didn't bug this episode but once again Alicia comes off as someone with no basic understanding of religion which I find hard to believe unless she grew up in a cave.  Regardless of where you fall, Alicia just always sounds like an idiot in that regard.


I loved seeing Linda Lavin, Richard Thomas and Robert Sean Leonard.  This show continues to have great guest stars.  Though the Steinham dream-sequence was over-the-top but standard Alicia.

Edited by milkyaqua

There is actually a factual basis for that lawsuit. Monsanto sued a farmer for replanting their GMO seed that he had gathered at harvest time, instead of buying new seed at the beginning of the planting season. I don't know the outcome,

The case is Bowman v Monsanto and it went all the way to the Supreme Court, who decided for Monsanto


Edited by k1ptog2
  • Love 1

The best part about the whole epi for me was Linda Lavin. I really hope she gets an emmy nomination for guest actress for that performance. The first scenes where she barely even looks ar Cary were brilliant. As was MC's reaction to her. And the scenes with Alicia and Diane were pretty entertaining as well.


Also enjoyed John Boy and Wilson but could have done without Gloria Steinem. But I knew after Valerie Jarrett's appearance last week there would have be another woman egging Alicia on this week. I just expected it to be Michelle Obama. I really hate this whole storyline and don't know how much longer I will continue to watch if that becomes the focus of the season.


I really do not like Cary and Kalinda together - to me they have no chemistry (at least sexual) what-so-ever.


Kings, please bring back Gary Cole!


Totally agree with this! He and CB - now that is chemistry!!

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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