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S47.E03: Belly of the Beast

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Tensions run high as tribemates begin to get on each other’s last nerve at camp.  Three castaways go on a journey and make a big decision that will impact the game.  Then, in the challenge, tribes must climb their way to the top to earn a reward that will provide comfort at camp, as well as safety in the game.

This is the actual episode thread for after the episode has aired.

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This season is going down fast.  I find more and more of this cast insufferable every week.  Rome, Teeny, Kishaun, Andy, Anika, Sam, can not get off my screens fast enough.  Of course Rome would have to be the one to get another advantage.  He's Q 2.0 (not Boston Rob's Godson).  If Teeny and Kishaun have any working brain cells together they may want to vote him off next and get that out.  They have to be setting him up for a blindside.  I just can't believe he isn't going down in epic fashion.  

I really hate the tribes of 6.  They need to go back to tribes of 2 with more members.

On the plus side, I'm glad every tribe has lost so far.    


Edited by LadyChatts
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As much as I hated losing Aysha tonight, she ultimately did it to herself.  Like Teeny said, she shouldn't have been so stubborn about the vote.  If she'd agreed to Sol, then she'd still be there.

I had a long drive today, fresh off my prior night shift, so I hadn't been to bed yet and thus ended up so tired, I nodded off during Tribal Council.  @LadyChatts, what did Teeny and Kishan say or do tonight that was so heinous?

I don't know what was worse, though.  Losing Aysha or seeing Rome so pleased with himself over it?

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1 hour ago, awaken said:

What is up with Sue obviously wearing mascara?  

Sue has obvious tattooed eyebrows and eyeliner, along with enhanced lips. But, yeah, there must be some kind of permanent fake eyelashes she's got, right? It's not a good look close up.  

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Like that all three tribes are in equal numbers now. What I don't like is also the three tribes of six. It's boring and stale. Go back to two tribes of ten or eight. 

I didn't think it was possible to dislike a tribe more than Gata. Lavo takes the cake on that one. Especially Rome. Can't stand him at all. Cocky and arrogant. Don't really feel any type of way about Aysha leaving, but I'd rather her stay than Rome. 

These journeys are overdone, they always end the same with either a lame advantage or "lose your vote". Of course, Rome had to be the one to get the advantage over Kyle and Anika. Now that he played his idol, and if someone else finds it, vote him off.

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58 minutes ago, dancingdreamer said:

Otoh , Gata   Sam says ,we have all this fishing gear, and nobody  goes out. Including  him! 

No kidding.  I was wondering why, when he was clearly trying to keep his cool during the hectoring from Anika, he didn't just let her build the clothesline and go fishing.



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*sigh* I might have to go back to recording this show. I watched "live" and I didn't feel myself getting invested. I'm sure there are some good people and stories in there, but I'm not compelled to dig that hard to find it.

3 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Long gone are the days of Ozzy fishing  every day, climbing  trees for coconuts etc.

These new tribes are all about emotions  and feelings.

I'm about emotions and feelings, but I'm not offended. That's a bitter irony . . . with the current casting process, I could probably apply for this show and get in without breaking a sweat, but I don't feel like almost dying in Fiji even with dozens of production people surrounding me at all times. Also, y'all would probably roast me. No thank you.

Who wrote "Asia" and decided to draw a rough map of the continent? I don't know whether to be annoyed or impressed.

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I'm sad to see Aysha go. She is such a joyful and good person but I was kind of scared of her when she was voted out. After hundreds of times she must have discussed in podcasts how good it is for someone to accept the loss gracefully, I would expect her to do this, instead she seemed really angry and it was not a good look for her. I hope I see her to play again. Someone check how Rob Cesternino is doing after Aysha being voted out.

I don't mind Rome that much after this episode. I realized he was just saying these things on purpose to get air time and he succeeded. He prefers to be a memorable player than a likeable player who will win.


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Well, I cheered! That seething "good luck" or whatever her final words were was a choice! 

Rome is obviously very trying to live with - but I enjoy his toothy confessionals. He reminds me of someone from the past, but I can't place it. A teenage sitcom character, maybe? It's driving me nuts.

So glad Sol stayed. Also glad we shaved off one from every tribe so it is even.

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2 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

I'm sad to see Aysha go. She is such a joyful and good person but I was kind of scared of her when she was voted out. After hundreds of times she must have discussed in podcasts how good it is for someone to accept the loss gracefully, I would expect her to do this, instead she seemed really angry and it was not a good look for her. I hope I see her to play again. Someone check how Rob Cesternino is doing after Aysha being voted out.

I don't mind Rome that much after this episode. I realized he was just saying these things on purpose to get air time and he succeeded. He prefers to be a memorable player than a likeable player who will win.


I was all for the bitter exit and I was hoping for more.  I do think most people think they’ll be able to handle getting voted off-I’m not even sure if Asyah can say she was blindsided really because she had to know she was on the bottom based on what Teeny and Kishaun were telling her.  In a way, I’m kind of glad she stood her ground rather than saying she was just going to be 5th in their quartet (assuming it stays a quartet, I’m curious if Teeny and Kishaun will dump Rome now that his idol is gone).  

I think what annoys me about Rome is this is new era Survivor.  It’s basically Big Brother on an island.  The shot of the Gata camps fishing gear was set up like a display on The Price is Right.  And people are more concerned with getting clout than playing the game.  Personally I think Rome’s a bit of a bully, after the way he treated Sol at the IC.  So I think it’s a combo of he knows what he’s doing to get screen time but actually fancies himself some big shot because he’s hogging the fishing gear and catching fish.   Now that part does remind me of old school Survivor.  

10 hours ago, Rodney said:

As much as I hated losing Aysha tonight, she ultimately did it to herself.  Like Teeny said, she shouldn't have been so stubborn about the vote.  If she'd agreed to Sol, then she'd still be there.

I had a long drive today, fresh off my prior night shift, so I hadn't been to bed yet and thus ended up so tired, I nodded off during Tribal Council.  @LadyChatts, what did Teeny and Kishan say or do tonight that was so heinous?

I don't know what was worse, though.  Losing Aysha or seeing Rome so pleased with himself over it?

Last night I was bitter so I probably should have waited to write anything out lol. But I will say Teeny and Kishaun did kind of bug me.  Kishaun had a sense of arrogance at TC, especially when he said they had a solid 4.  I also didn’t like how him and Teeny were saying how they didn’t want to hurt anyone and were trying to subtly tell Asyah but she wasn’t getting it-I mean did they come right out and tell her if she refused to vote Sol she was gone?  There was no ifs, ands, or buts about it?  I’m going to be curious to read her exit interviews today and see how it all really went down.   And Teeny just came across kind of wishy washy.  I don’t know, I guess I’ll wait and see on them.  

And for me, seeing Rome pleased with himself was worse than Asyah getting voted off. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Personally I think Rome’s a bit of a bully, after the way he treated Sol at the IC.  So I think it’s a combo of he knows what he’s doing to get screen time but actually fancies himself some big shot because he’s hogging the fishing gear and catching fish.  

I noticed that, too, and added in Sol saying he disliked him since day one, and that usually comes with a good reason.  There's really no one on that tribe I really like.

There is someone on another tribe I really dislike and that always makes me enjoy the season more.  SUE!  How many times has she told everyone she makes more money than any of them, and she's the boss of a fab business, and she won't allow any negative talk, and she's going to drink Kyle's blood for writing her name down?

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10 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Sue has obvious tattooed eyebrows and eyeliner, along with enhanced lips. But, yeah, there must be some kind of permanent fake eyelashes she's got, right? It's not a good look close up.  

It was more the morning after mascara smear/flakes that I noticed.

Do they still get to bring one personal item? Guess that was hers. Unless the fake lashes hold onto mascara much longer than natural ones.

Edited by snarts
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I'll admit that it took me a few seasons to come around, but this New Era? Whoaaaaa. The incredible gameplay, all the strategy, the tension over who would be voted out? Dang. My muscles were sore by the end from clenching in anticipation.

And the challenge? Unbelievable. I mean, who comes up with these things? Players had to climb up and over OBSTACLES (and there were no stairs or ladders, BTW) and jump in the deep, deep ocean (with shoes on, no less), swim over, then walk across a tiny, tiny beam of wood, slick with water, then untie 3,749 knots to retrieve a key. But wait, that's not all. Then they had to swim over the deep ocean AGAIN and somehow get themselves up onto a big wooden platform. But then imagine how the players must have been crushed to find out they weren't done yet. They opened a bag to find out they had to SOLVE A PUZZLE. There must have been over 500 pieces in each one. And the pieces were all different! 

Frankly, I just about pooped my pants from stress by this point as I watched each team struggle. But finally we had a winner. I was exhausted, as I know each of the brilliant, competitive players were.

In the end, my mind boggles with thinking about the production folks who could design such a unique, intricate challenge. I don't know that they'll ever be able to top this one, but even if they can't, it will go down in the annals of reality show complexity. An Emmy would not be too much reward for these brilliant producers.

As for me, I will be trembling with excitement over what unique, nerve-wracking, never-seen-before challenge they've come up with next episode. Bring on The New Era!! 

Edited by dsteele
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My biggest impression from this episode was that I thought the seahorse puzzle was beautiful!  

My biggest laugh from this episode was Andy proclaiming how good he would be at each stage of the challenge and the thought bubbles that must have appeared over all of the other Gata members as they realized they chose to keep him over John.

My biggest eye roll from this episode was Sue vowing total revenge on Kyle as he dared to cast a vote for her.  Whatever Sue.  I guess she forgot that she also cast a vote for someone at that TC.  Oh, and that this is a game, not a personal blood vendetta.  

My biggest 'oh no you didn't' from this episode was when Rome dared to compare himself to Boston Rob.  No.  Just no.

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

It was more the morning after mascara smear/flakes that I noticed.

Do they still get to bring one personal item? Guess that was hers. Unless the fake lashes hold onto mascara much longer than natural ones.

Yes, I noticed that as well.  do they bring one personal item?  I can think of a lot of things I would choose to bring before I chose eye makeup! - scented lotion, sunscreen, a small pillow, mouthwash, hairbrush.  who cares about makeup?

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

Do they still get to bring one personal item? Guess that was hers. Unless the fake lashes hold onto mascara much longer than natural ones.

Her mascara is clumpy. That's what weird. Clearly they're allowing her to use mascara. Why? Are they so hard up for contestants they have to give in to demands like that? It's so damn distracting it's all I notice whenever she talks.

The other weird thing I've noticed is that several of the players are wearing necklaces that look like hidden immunity idols. Sierra, Aysha and Sol all have similar looking bead-and-block string necklaces. There are probably others I haven't noticed yet. Did they all stop at the Survivor gift shop before filming started or did production costume and outfit them to make them look more island-y?

1 hour ago, dsteele said:

and jump in the deep, deep ocean (with shoes on, no less),

That's another weird thing. How long do you think it takes to dry out those tennis shoes? I noticed a few of them were in their bare feet but a lot of them were wearing shoes and jumped into the water in them. 

I suppose one could credit Rome with hustling to find an idol, but the "journey" thing is just dumb luck, and it speaks to how little "game" is actually left in Survivor these days. Most of it is just dumb luck. There's very little Outwit or Outplay, it's mostly just Outlast whatever shit the show throws at you.

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I wonder if the "new era players" would be able to compete in the old Survivor?

When Rome told his alliance that he had an idol and an advantage, there was no talk about a blindside move.

I wonder if the producers ask or suggest to players that find HII to tell others about it?  If I found an idol, hell no, I would not tell a single soul!!

I hope Rome is gone next!

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10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

*sigh* I might have to go back to recording this show. I watched "live" and I didn't feel myself getting invested. I'm sure there are some good people and stories in there, but I'm not compelled to dig that hard to find it.

I’m with you, Lantern. I was so bored I turned it off. Give us something fresh, show!  Although I may watch the rest just to see Elsbeth staring at Jeff’s crotch. 

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How many different people are playing the part of Genevieve? She looked different every time she was on screen. Maybe next week, she'll get a speaking part.

I don't really care that Aysha is gone except that it bothers me that Lavo is so weak that they're letting an idiot like Rome be their leader instead of doing the logical thing and moving their camp to an unknown location while he was off on the journey. He never shuts up. Even when he was unnecessarily playing his idol, he talked all the way through it, like it was some revolutionary move that needed explaining. Fuck that guy. He's not a great player; he's been lucky and the luckiest thing of all was landing on a team with Teeny and Kishan who didn't have the wit to count to four and join Aysha and Sol in voting out Genevieve because they were afraid Rome would play his idol for her? Yeah, Rome who ate two of the four fish because he was the one who caught them is always thinking of others and would definitely, definitely risk his own safety to save someone else.

4 hours ago, violet and green said:

Rome is obviously very trying to live with - but I enjoy his toothy confessionals. He reminds me of someone from the past, but I can't place it. A teenage sitcom character, maybe? It's driving me nuts.

I was thinking J.J. Evans from Good Times, but it's been so long since I've seen that show, I'm not sure if that's accurate. Maybe it's just because of the hat and the very studied casualness of the way he sits during his THs. But also I could see Rome answering the phone with a "Chello!"

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Well, that was certainly an episode of Survivor.

In old classic Survivor, we had themed seasons; we had outrageous characters; we had unique tribal dynamics.

But in New! Era! Survivor!, every episode is interchangeable with every other episode; every tribe is interchangeable with every other tribe; and every season is interchangeable with every other season.

And the challenges are all exactly the same.

So how is this "better"? 

Sue's rants against Kyle may have been ridiculous, but at least they had a flavor of classic Survivor, where everything was personal and the entire game could turn on personal grudges. 

As for Rome, he's obnoxious and unpleasant, BUT he's also smart and playing the game well (as much as anyone can 'play the game' when so much of it is luck and arbitrary advantages).

And yes, Kishan was getting pretty damn cocky at TC, babbling about a Core 4 - I bet his alliance loved that! -  when that's exactly the sort of thing you keep to yourself. Great gameplay, buddy.

And dsteele, you owe me a new snark meter. After reading your post, my old one exploded.

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The "new era" players are way too camera ready for me. It gets worse every season.

And it seems like most of the cast has learned how to play Probst and has arrived with crafted "story arcs/character notes" that they know will appeal to him and get them more TV time.  

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The eyeliner and jewelry are part of this whole new era of extensive wardrobes and comfort rather than surviving. I find it so very distracting.

I know they've moved away from early Survivor where people had to wear only whatever they show up in, with it eventually falling to rags by the end. But c'mon, this is too much.

Romeo kicking the shiny new Nikes in his obnoxious "I'm so cool" pose? Everyone wearing layers of clean clothes of various types, only to be seen in completely different clothes a moment later?

Might as well put some nice patio furniture on the beach and provide mai tais. There's no struggle to survive, no effort to improve their accommodations, no effort to fish or find other food. It's just deciding what clothes to wear during this pause until the next swim/haul/dig/run/puzzle race.

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11 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

The idol was only good for that one Tribal Council. It would have been idiotic to not play it.

Yeah, I don't think he was stupid for playing it. I just think he was annoying for giving that long explanation about why he was playing it.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Did they all stop at the Survivor gift shop before filming started or did production costume and outfit them to make them look more island-y?

Yes, the Survivor gift shop is located next to the Build A Hut store with all the pre cut bamboo and palm fronds. Just a short walk takes you to the Spa and Stuff area where you may select your wardrobe for the day and get a massage. This IS “NEW ERA” Survivor, after all. Sheesh!

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14 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

*sigh* I might have to go back to recording this show. I watched "live" and I didn't feel myself getting invested. I'm sure there are some good people and stories in there, but I'm not compelled to dig that hard to find it.

I'm taping it and it makes no difference.  I'm not invested and I'm dozing off even when I can fast forward through commercials.  That ain't good.  

This is going to be a hate-watch season for me.  I hate Gata for getting rid of Jon and keeping psycho Andy.  I hated TK and laughed to see him get the boot but I REALLY hate Rome with his lame, goofy, insufferable self.  I kind of love Sol now for not being with Rome's bullshit so of course, he'll be the next Red to go. 


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20 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Rome's idol was for only one tribal council so he would play it no matter what. What blindside move are you talking about?

When Teeny and Krishan told Aysha about Rome having an idol, I was hoping she would suggest blindsiding Rome.

Edited by rr2911
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Ok so I watched Rob's interview with Aysha and she cleared up how things went down: Teeny and Kishan told her that Rome had an idol that had to be used that tribal and that he would use it either on him or Genevieve so Aysha suggested they make Rome feel he is the one who they will vote for so he uses his idol on himself and they three (Aysha, Kishan and Teeny) vote out Genevieve instead. Teeny and Kishan AGREED on that and so Aysha thought they were voting with her. She also said that Rome is really annoying, she is a patient and calm person and it takes a lot to be annoyed by someone, but Rome did this to her. And finally she said that Rome and Genevieve are very close to each other.

I like Aysha a lot and it was a shame she left like this. If you happen to watch reality shows like Love is blind, Married at first sight, The ultimatum, you should go ahead and listen to one of her podcasts. She is a really kind hearted and good person.

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On 10/3/2024 at 8:23 AM, LadyChatts said:

I think what annoys me about Rome is this is new era Survivor.  It’s basically Big Brother on an island.


20 hours ago, TVbitch said:

And it seems like most of the cast has learned how to play Probst and has arrived with crafted "story arcs/character notes" that they know will appeal to him and get them more TV time.  

100% to both of these, especially the Big Brother on an island comparison.  Is it because it's only 26 days instead of 39 so the "survival" aspect isn't as great?  Is it just that everyone applying has seen the last 40+ seasons of this show and have crafted the perfect character they think will bring Probst to tears?  New Era has less and less in common with the actual game of Survivor with every passing season.

And was it Rome who mentioned Q and his shenanigans?  I didn't think the players were even able to watch the season prior to theirs before the start of filming.  The problem for me is the players who are trying to get more TV time by being outrageous in some way are taking away from the ones who are actually there to play the game, who then become invisible. 

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29 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Is it because it's only 26 days instead of 39 so the "survival" aspect isn't as great?  Is it just that everyone applying has seen the last 40+ seasons of this show and have crafted the perfect character they think will bring Probst to tears? 

They've redefined "Survivor" to mean "survive the social game of alliances, backstabbing and blindsides." Going a little hungry and having an uncomfortable sleep are now just devices to put the contestants more on edge so we get more conflict (just as Probst's constant needling during challenges always had a purpose beyond Jeff being a dick - it's to keep poking, poking, poking until people lose their cool). 

The game is no longer about actual survival. Maybe that's good, I dunno - people were literally starving in some of the  early seasons and that wasn't fun to watch, either.

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9 minutes ago, Gummo said:

The game is no longer about actual survival. Maybe that's good, I dunno - people were literally starving in some of the  early seasons and that wasn't fun to watch, either.

True, I wouldn't want to go back and re-watch Earl's winning season (I think) where they had a tribe literally fainting due to starvation. 

New Era seems to be a hodge-podge of too many confusing journies/advantages/idol challenges, a dash of survival, and a lot of camera preening now.

Edited by laurakaye
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22 hours ago, Gummo said:

In old classic Survivor, we had themed seasons; we had outrageous characters; we had unique tribal dynamics.

But in New! Era! Survivor!, every episode is interchangeable with every other episode; every tribe is interchangeable with every other tribe; and every season is interchangeable with every other season.

And the challenges are all exactly the same.

So how is this "better"?

It's not. It's generic and stale. I haven't taken the show off series record so it still pops up on my DVR, and I find myself fast-forwarding through a lot of it - especially those tiresome, recycled challenges, and all the blah blah blah from Jeff at tribal council. I don't know why I bother. The only reason I decided to watch this season is because of Jon Lovett and he's gone. Not sure why I'm still watching. I bailed on Big Brother after a couple weeks, I probably won't make it thru this season either.

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21 hours ago, bioprof said:

Yes, the Survivor gift shop is located next to the Build A Hut store with all the pre cut bamboo and palm fronds. Just a short walk takes you to the Spa and Stuff area where you may select your wardrobe for the day and get a massage. This IS “NEW ERA” Survivor, after all. Sheesh!

I'm with you on the Sheesh!  But the bamboo has a very simple explanation:  they are in the exact same place season after season and the previous contestants cut it down.  If they were to leave Fiji and move to Samoa, for example, they'd be back to cutting their own.

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