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"The View": Week of 9/15/14

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Hell hath frozen over, because for four days in a row, I am NOT fast forwarding this show. THANK YOU, ROSIE O and Rosie P.!


And it's interesting how we all watch the same thing, but come away with different impressions.


I will say, I'm getting weary of Whoopi defending each and every parent's acts that are clearly abusive as not being abusive.  Especially with her double downing of the father who had his four year old holding that sign.  Now, I watched very carefully, after reading everyone's posts here first...it seemed that they all wanted to continue the conversation, and Rosie asked that of Whoopi, because it seemed like Whoopi was done. And Whoopi said her standard "continuing conversation" and then Rosie also said like 'Also to those in the booth" can't we discuss this. So she was saying/asking it of both Whoopi and whoever is in the booth.


Today was also fabulous.  Of COURSE Whoopi had to play all dog in the manger about not having anything to say, rather that she wasn't "allowed to say anything" after Rosie did her spoof rant against Blossom. Which was a hoot! And poking fun of the split screen!


Again, Whoopi was taking out of her ass. Loved the debate and discussion amongst them, without it resorting to screeching and talking over each other.


Also thought the ISIS conversation was good, and thanks be all to Jaysus that Nicolle did not come out with Obama having had six years to fix this.


And I don't understand what bug has crawled up Whoopi's ass, since she, as the MODERATOR, never, or rarely said "Take a little time to enjoy the View" in the past. That was Bawawawawa who did it. So what if Rosie asked what was said?

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So tomorrow we find out if Friday shows are taped.

Why will I not be surprised if they are taped?

Ro confirmed weeks ago that Fri shows would continue to be prerecorded. Lots of live shows have similar taping schedules. It's not particularly unusual. From Ask Ro:

Bobby writes:August 28, 2014 11:59 pm

Are you going to tape an extra show during the week and have Friday's off like you did before this year on the View? can't wait to have you on daytime again!!!!!! xoxo :)


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I was disappointed with the much-touted Streisand, umm, interview.  Produced and directed by, with clips, set, makeup, lighting and soft-focus camera lens provided by, Barbra Streisand.  C'mon, Babs.  We, the aging Viewers, will love you more for aging along with us as you continue to pump out the talent.



I wasn't disappointed so much as squeamish (kinda).  I certainly hope Barbra enjoys and expects that type of gushing adoration Rosie always provides.  It was uncomfortable to watch.  Guys, when I'm a big time star, please just treat me the way you always have.  I was born in 1940...so there really is time.

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I'm sorry I'm a little late to the discussion. I was busy teaching my son to look both ways before crossing the road by blindfolding him and pushing him out of the car on Interstate 25.



...and the award goes to............Milk-Eyed Mender!   Best post of the new season!  

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I thought of The Cheers episode where Rebecca was forced to smoke 100 packs of cigarettes and did so with no problem at all.  I don't even see what the point in the lesson was.  I was a drinker in college and could easily drink to the point of passing out or being an idiot and wake up the next morning eager to do it again; hangovers didn't start to become a big problem with me and my friends until we got older.  But if a bar over serves you or if a Frat forces you to drink and something bad happens they will be held liable in some cases in court.  Whoopi resents the government ever telling us what to do, but we have rules in order for our society to function, and you're not allowed to provide alcohol to minors.  And I'm with Rosie, I wonder if the dad was playing the drinking games with his son as well.  It's funny that usually Whoopi would say "We don't know, we weren't there" but this week she has been strict that the dad wasn't drunk and the 4 year old being punished for hitting didn't have any developmental disorders.  The facts are concrete when they support her opinion, if they don't they are under speculation.


And I've been noticing her shaved sides on her hairline this week too, and I thought maybe I just never noticed before.  Not sure about that style choice.  She does look a lot better weight wise though.

Edited by Morbs
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I don't like Whoopies shaved sides at all, but she and Ro do look great with they're weight loss. Rosie does gush when it comes to her idles, but that's Rosie and part of her charm. Can you imagine sitting with, and chatting with someone you have loved since a little kid and so many memories are connected with her love of Barbra, her mother being the big one. I liked Nicole today, I WANT to like her! I don't want this show to become what it had over the years and I am going to give it a good month before I start judging them.

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I can't imagine being able to talk to some celebrity I'd admired all my life and fawning/drooling the way Rosie does.  I'd be afraid the "star" would apologize--create a "forgotten appointment," and run out of the room...screaming.  Maybe Rosie needs/appreciates that kind of admiration...but it just isn't normal behavior.

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I just have to say the show has been fantastic the past two days, imo. A few hiccups here and there, but I believe that's natural. I even watch the interviews, and I usually skip those on most talkshows unless I'm a fan of the celebrity. I think it's better they only have two co-hosts for them, too. The only thing that would make me happier is if they threw Joy in there.


I think right now, my only issues with any of the co-hosts is to Whoopi and Nicolle. Whoopi for being domineering (this panel isn't as dumb as Sherri, Jenny, and Elisabeth, and Whoopi definitely ends up in the wrong doing it to this group), and Nicolle for interrupting. It was at its worst in the Dunst interview, but especially today when they were talking about some political subject and Rosie O seemed like she was consciously waiting until everyone else spoke before saying anything and almost immediately being interrupted by Nicolle before Whoopi went to break. Hopefully, both of them will get over this in the next week or two.


And I think Rosie P has Whoopi beat as far as making facial expressions that say everything that's going unsaid. Her face when Whoopi is going crazy--priceless.


Also, I personally like both Frozen and Streisand, so I found both those parts of the show entertaining.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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So here's my take on Whoopi after listening to her defend Adrian Peterson and the dad who forced his kid to drink alcohol until he passed out.


When she first became a mother she was a poor teenager living in a housing project who was (according to her) spanked/whipped and saw everyone around her do the same thing to their children and she hasn't gotten out of that mentality. I don't believe she has any intellectual curiosity because if she did she wouldn't be spouting the same things year after year.


RosieO has changed a lot over the years and she had just as crappy of a childhood as Whoopi and so did RosieP. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. Even Nicolle Wallace changed her tune on some GOP people/talking points over the years and is a different person now than she was working for Bush Jr.

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Whoopi is cracking up. The whole thing with the 4 year old, she didn't want to hear a thing. Rosie tried, they all did actually. Rosie P's face was the best though. Whoopi was OTT, in my opinion. The co-hosts kept their composure imo, it was a relief.

It was great to have a performer on and when he was done singing there wasn't any screeching and jumping around, LOL. I guess I like sedate.


Today a funeral for a State Trooper was televised, so sad, a young guy with a wife and two children. No show today.

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I posted my opinion on the Rosie interview with her idol before I saw the Barbera S. interview. I just saw it and would like to say that I did not see any gushing at all. I saw a very professional interview as only Ro is known to give, and even though I defended her reasoning for gushing all over the star for reasons I stated earlier, I did not see ANY gushing . Obviously. I'm a Rosie fan and I'm not downing anyone for their view, I just didn't see it.

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I'm loving it!!!!!   


Rosie O bringing the logic and sanity. Rosie P bringing the thoughtful comments and sanity.  Nichole? Meh so far, but I have high hopes.  Whoopi getting confronted by the others for her arrogant, entitled lunacy defending adults vs. children.  Evil laughter.   Mwahhahahaha.


Seriously, I find myself listening closely and watching to see/hear the interactions.  LOVE how they are polite about recognizing the other's opinion, and then stating their own, as well as waiting for each other to finish, except Nichole; somebody needs to talk to her asap about that.


So HAPPY that the Mensa twins are gone and Whoopie has to step up and get her shit together or she will be left in the dust. 


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Whoopi is really in a predicament....no idiots anymore, nor a cranky mid 80's boss, let alone Geddie hopping on stage to "talk" to her for an appearance himself.

Nor is she able to suggest "you may not want to go there" like she did before with SS....although she did once this week with NW, iirc. Whoever it was went there and it was not a big deal, whatever it was.

After the child discussion today WG's WTF expression today seemed to me to be wondering that this really can't be happening again! 3 days in a row!

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So here's my take on Whoopi after listening to her defend Adrian Peterson and the dad who forced his kid to drink alcohol until he passed out.


When she first became a mother she was a poor teenager living in a housing project who was (according to her) spanked/whipped and saw everyone around her do the same thing to their children and she hasn't gotten out of that mentality. I don't believe she has any intellectual curiosity because if she did she wouldn't be spouting the same things year after year.


RosieO has changed a lot over the years and she had just as crappy of a childhood as Whoopi and so did RosieP. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. Even Nicolle Wallace changed her tune on some GOP people/talking points over the years and is a different person now than she was working for Bush Jr.


Yes, exactly. I believe we become wiser people as we age (well, most hopefully), because we are able to learn and grow from our experiences. We evolve.

In Whoopi's world, it would seem that all children who were abused as children will continue to do so to their own children; children who observe spousal abuse in the home will grow up to either abuse or become victims of domestic violence, and the worst part is she believes that that is ok, because no one should be allowed to tell anyone else how to live their lives or raise their children. Apparently she doesn't seem to believe that the cycle can or should be broken; it's just how it is, how it's always been. She just seems so unwilling to learn or grow from speaking to others, seeing others' points of views, or educating herself to improve or change her views. I love hearing others' opinions because it allows me to either change my perspective or makes me feel more confident in my own view.


I have really enjoyed this show this week. I have not watched since Rosie left the first time, because I just couldn't bear to listen to Bitsy's shrill voice, or her inability to have a single autonomous thought or opinion.


I love Rosie Perez, and I think I will really enjoy Niccole as we get to know her better.

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If the show can do a recap of what Rosie P wears every day, I'll be a happy camper. LOVE her outfit today.  


Rosie going off on Blossom was hilarious.  Especially since she was right; the movie was more about the relationship with the sisters than anything else and the guys were pretty much secondary.  I think the children of the world could have told Mayim the exact same thing! The only drawback about that is I think the split screen flew over people's heads and the audience didn't respond to it.  


As for the Barbra interview, she did a good job with it.  Maybe because they do have a friendship now that was based out of "idol worship" but I feel Rosie asked questions that a fan would WANT to ask her outside of the basic Q+A hat delved more about the duets and Barbra seemed more comfortable answering her than with most journalists.


The more Whoopi speaks, the more it highlights that the 2 village idiots disguised how much she got away with as they couldn't challenge her back (though the "HUSH CHILD" stares were worth it.)  But now she has at least 2 people would will call her out, will stand up to her overtalking and counter point her effectively.  


I am willing to give Nicole more time but she needs to start getting more involved on topics that are out of her comfort zone.  I

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The only drawback about that is I think the split screen flew over people's heads and the audience didn't respond to it.  



For me, the split screen made me uncomfortable because at first I did not know if it was mean spirited and meant to poke fun at her profile (nose). The pic chosen was very unflattering. However, having observed Rosie for a long time I knew she is not like that and I then realized the purpose of the side/profile shot was so Mayim could face Rosie and Rosie could face Mayim. And the bonus was that it was the hated split screen.

And you're right; unfortunately it seemed to fly over the audience's head. It wasn't until the end that I suspected (and maggiemae reinforced my opinion) that it was all in good fun. I just think it was clumsily executed. Or maybe it's too early on to do that type joke - like how you first meet someone and they tell you a joke and you don't know them well enough to pick up that they are joking...? That's what I mean.


Loved how Rosie said full disclosure; that Disney owned Frozen and ABC and all - but she'd say she loves Frozen anyway. She's very passionate about it. And again, nice touch giving away the movie and inviting Mayim on to talk about it (which I'm sure works out for Disney as well as Mayim publicity-wise)



Edited by Stacee
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Re the Barbra interview: I was totally distracted by the soft focus dim lighting and all I could think about is how Barbra manages everything. I've heard a few of the songs from the album and, for me, they're nothing special. They will be for others, I'm sure and I really don't want babs to fail. Anyway, I FFd through much of the segment.

Whoopi re the alcoholic father giving his son so much hooch the EMTs had to come: yes, Whoopi, dad did the "best he knew." But it was wrong. He got arrested, he put his kid in grave danger. Regardless of whether dad was doing his "best," his best was wrong, illegal, and dangerous. Just because dad thought he was doing the right thing doesn't make him not culpable. It's not rocket science. STFU, Whoopi.

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Really Stacee. I'm on the west coast and had read the show's fb posts re Rosie's spoof of Frozen....posters didn't really seem to get it was all in fun. But then I find that site rather hateful in any case.

I think RO has been tense this week and some just don't "know" her well enough for her comedic creativity. But it worked out. And I think she is relaxing ( a tiny bit.)

Can't even imagine what is going on behind the scenes but every day seems to get a little more cohesive with a ways to go. Not unusual for really a new show. The only constant is WG.

But then for the week so far it is WG's WTF face 3 days in a row face that stands out for me this week.

I am really looking forward to Billy Crystal tomorrow! WG and RO do great interviewing together.

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I can't imagine being able to talk to some celebrity I'd admired all my life and fawning/drooling the way Rosie does.  I'd be afraid the "star" would apologize--create a "forgotten appointment," and run out of the room...screaming.  Maybe Rosie needs/appreciates that kind of admiration...but it just isn't normal behavior.



Normally I would agree with that, except I think this is different.  For one, Rosie is very famous herself which makes her not just another random fan.  Also, it is normal behavior...for Rosie.  She's certainly toned it down (yes, that was toning it down, lol) presumably because they are friends and have been for years now.  Hard to believe, but the Rosie O'Donnell Show started over 18 years ago.  I think Rosie began courting Barbra to appear on her show straight away.  They didn't know each other, and Barbra really doesn't appear on talk shows or give interviews (she's entitled to that).  But given Rosie's fame, power, call it what you like, and given the ratings for her show, Barbra was advised by people she trusts to appear on her show.  Rosie today showed the letter that Barbra had written her, noting that it's possible Rosie would be disappointed once meeting her and she would not wish it to be an iconoclastic moment for Rosie.  Rosie did lose it when Barbra came out, very human, I love that about her, and Barbra did ask her:  What is it that makes you feel this way about me?  Is it my music you love?  I recall Rosie explaining that yes, she does love her music, but when she walked out on that stage to greet her, Rosie felt like it just as well could have been her mother walking out there.  Barbra was very soothing and calming and Rosie carried out the show beautifully.  I didn't see any drooling today.  Fawning yes, but no drooling*.  A nice interview.  Barbra has a new CD out, or there would be no other reason for an interview.  As far as an interview for a new CD goes, this was as nice and personal as that would get and I really enjoyed it.



The only thing that would make me happier is if they threw Joy in there.



Oh, from your lips to the producers' ears, TheGreenKnight.  I'm secretly hoping Nicolle discovers this is not what she wants, leaves, and Joy is brought back.  Imagine the chemistry.  We already know Joy has chemistry with Whoopi and Rosie, there's no doubt she'd have it with Rosie P, too.  Or maybe, Whoopi melts down and leaves, Rosie becomes moderator, Kathy Griffin is added, leaving Rosie, Joy, Kathy and Rosie P.  Imagine the chemistry.**  Before I am clobbered with "there has to be one dissenting opinion",*** I can easily address that by saying I never wanted The View to go political anyway.  I was happiest when it was not political.


Rosie knows how to cover, but I detected a little disappointment when the split screen was not well received by the audience.  I hope she realized after, that that was a good thing.  It means the audience (ie. the general public) is so over that whole thing now, and moves us closer to Bits not being able to flog it for all eternity to keep herself relevant.



* I can guarantee that anyone, and I mean anyone granted the privilege of interviewing Barbra Streisand would be fawning (and drooling).  But most likely the fawning would be false, and in this case, the fawning was entirely genuine.  And I like to see fawning when it's genuine.


** At the very least, I hope Joy could be their "go to" guest host whenever the need for one should arise.


*** We don't know (and I don't even care at this point) what Rosie P's political leanings are.  I want discussions on all different kinds of topics where even politics could be discussed, but the way it used to be - the issues and how the co-hosts felt about the issues, never allowing themselves to engage in brawls because of which way anyone leans.

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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and Nicolle for interrupting




Rosie O seemed like she was consciously waiting until everyone else spoke before saying anything and almost immediately being interrupted by Nicolle



She is being rewarded for interrupting.  With such a limited window for all before the next "we're going but we're coming right back", which ends any given topic of discussion, she would like to be heard and, unfortunately, interrupting is the only way.  Although I am liking the new show, I am getting increasingly frustrated with the discussions going nowhere, and the co-hosts having to resort quickly to interrupting to voice an opinion.  And they'd better voice that quickly, and we're lucky if we get a rushed, abbreviated opinion, which is followed with no discussion.  They want and need time to talk, and I want to hear how they feel about things.  I feel they, and we, are not being given that chance.  Since when do they go to commercial so freaking often during the hot topics?  Hoping this can change.

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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 Barbara Streisand was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon earlier this week and yes, he was fawning and yes, she was boring.   I've read she is rather controlling about her media appearances (remember when Streisand was on Oprah?  Here is a recap)  But I enjoyed the taped interview RO did with Streisand.  What a difference 17 years makes.   Can you imagine something like this going on if Babs was still involved?    She would never allow it, lol.  



Rosie isn't wearing an earpiece this time go-round either, is she? She was adamant about not wearing one during Season 10, and in "Celebrity Detox" (yes, I'm one of the five people that bought it), she wrote that one of her proudest accomplishments was convincing Elisabeth and Joy to stop using theirs as well.

Now that you mention it Jakey, I think you are right.  She did call out the control booth but it was clear Whoopi was responding to the booth. 

I laughed at the spoof with Mayim Bliak and the split screen.  I thought it was a great way to hit a topical subject AND give the movie away.    I wonder if it fell flat in the studio audience because they couldn't see the screen?  


I wondered if Nicole Wallace would have much to say about anything but politics since she's outside her comfort zone. But unlike Bitsy, Wallace is a pro and I think she will get there.  When the Topic today was about two year olds getting into a preschool I thought she would be the logical person to speak since she is the mother of a two year old!  And she tried but Whoopi was going on and on about how two year olds only care about pooping, oh except it's a great age to teach them a foreign language.  What?  The? Hell?    


Hey Whoopi, this is 2014 and a New View so you need to step up your game.  There are alot of things different about the world from when you were a kid and even when your kid was a child.  Hell, I grew up in the 1970s and almost everything is different now.  That's not necessarily a bad thing.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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1. I know Whoopi has gotten a little riled up about some topics this week , but, honestly, I don't mind even when i don't agree with her, because she is being genuine about it and does try to explain her point. Totally different from the extreme annoyance I would feel when inarticulate Elizabeth would try to present a point. she was charming explaining how her great grandchild loved melon and how that mesh holder helps develop hand coordination.

2. I loved the movie Frozen (I'm a sucker for most Disney films) and would love to see Miyam and Rosie discuss the movie..I'm sure she'll be invited as a guest. They both have good points, but I agree with rosie about the overall positive message in the film. The music was great and I liked the themes. Elsa sticks up for her sister and the relationship between her and sis takes precedent over the one between her and Kristof, so it's not the typical "girl gets boy" main message. Well played, Disney! And the song lyrics "conceal, don"t feel, don't let it show" ...well, this is the main tactic and coping mechanism for many people but ultimately damages relationships and can isolate you. So "letting it go" and being true to yourself is the way to go...nice message for kids! (Geez, I'm humming the snowman song as I write this....)

3. So we still have Friday's show to watch while all the cohosts have already started their 3 day weekend. I am enjoying the new season. Great job, ladies. Enjoy your time off and read up on current events so you are ready for next week!

Edited by CathInAZ
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I despised Bush as a president, but the RO and RO are totally unable to ever see that Obama does anything wrong. I agree with RO in 99% of what she believes, but I still think the rumors that she is a bully when she is crossed are at least somewhat true.

Also, I thought Bush was an ass with Katrinabut Obama was not any better as the BP oil spill destroyed ocean life and the livelihoods of those around it. Also, comparing the comment Kanye made about Bush was totally stupid on Rosie's part.

I think Nicole was saying us that Obama is not a people person. I agree with that, and I think it's a liability in politics where wheeling and dealing us necessary . But why a woman who is a commentator couldn't have used different words baffles me! I can't imagine being a commentator with a different view from Rosie O - she is always one step away from exploding. I think Rosie has a good heart, but she is unable to step back and put emotions aside and stop and think logically when she feels strongly about something.

Rosie P is ok, nothing spectacular, but at least she's not a total moron like Sherri or Elisabeth . Those two were an insult to women.

I did love Rosie O commenting that no one would think the was clad on this panel! If Sherri was dumb enough to say if, it was fair game. Glad someone finally admitted Sherri is and idiot and Elisabeth is an empty vessel who had to have her little brain filled with talking points by Geddie! Yay Rose for that!

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This is the first time Whoopie has had any competition on this show. She's always been the biggest name and the most popular, surrounded by nit wits, and, Barbara. She is still the biggest name but Rosie Perez is no Jenny McCarthy, Rosie O is more popular, and if Nicholle can get it together, she's no Elizabeth. Don't know that any of this plays a role, but, these 4 just don't seem comfortable with each other. I know it's early, but, something's not working here.

Joy was no nit wit.

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Whoopi needs someone to ask her if her bosses at Disney have the right to switch her if she flubs a line or two despite being asked repeatedly to rehearse her blue cards?  If she goes to a premiere party the night prior to a show and imbibes is it okay for them to force her to drink herself insensible until she learns her performance which they pay for is suffering needlessly due to her perhaps drinking more than she can tolerate for an early morning call to set? 


It's really simple and I think it is funny as people like her try to defend or mitigate such behavior.  If as an employer you would face jail and civil suits for trying to punish an employee in the manner these parents are "disciplining" their children, or as an employee you would pursue legal action should someone over you tried to do such things as a means of "punishment", it shouldn't be done to a child.  No matter what age as long as the parental figure holds financial and custodian powers over that child. 


I'm not surprised though.  This is Rape-Rape Whoopi.  Heck I'm waiting for the NFL player to be arrested for sicking his fighting dog on his toddler after the tyke pulls the dog's ears too hard as "teachable moment" then makes the kid watch as his goes Michael Vick on the dog when it loses in the pit.  And Whoopi can defend that as a cultural "choice" that is private and a parent's right.  Her stupidity at times make Sherri Shepherd look like....oh hell I'm stuck here between a rock for brains and a rock.

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I liked Joy, too. I could see why some people found her annoying sometimes, but mostly I liked her. I wanted to like her show on HLN, and it was fun at first when she interviewed pop culture people. Then it all had to be about Jodi Arias which was most certainly not Joy's niche. 

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Her stupidity at times make Sherri Shepherd look like....oh hell I'm stuck here between a rock for brains and a rock




I don't necessarily think Whoopi is stupid.  But I do think she makes some truly stupid statements.  IMO mostly because she has a very inflated view of herself.  Yes she is famous. Yes she is an award winning actress.  But so what?  If she wants to speak as an authority on comedy or acting go right ahead.  But she really needs to stop presenting herself as a parenting expert.  I mean Jesus, this week alone she has approved of a child being publicly shamed, a child being beat with a switch and a father letting his child drink to the point of needing emergency treatment.  I used to think she just liked having a contradictory opinion to everyone else but now I just think she sees the world in a completely different way than most people.  I think she sees control and intimidation as appropriate ways of treating people. 


Now Sherri, OTOH was/is dumb as a stump.

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I don't think Whoopi is stupid either.

I think she has made a lot of mistakes in life and when people talk about others in certain situations she relates. And she feels that if people judge them, they are judging her

Also I did not feel Nicolle was defending Pres. Obama regarding ISIS due to her backhand remark about him not being "serious" before, but is now. Pres. Obama has always been serious about ending the war and not embroiling us in a new one. Unfortunately Iraq is ruined and it is in large part due to going to war with them in the first place.

I just can't compare an oil spill situation to Katrina - where people were seen on TV in serious distress. That was a natural disaster and it seemed there was little to no compassion from the administration at that time. The oil spill was man-made and required the company to make ammends. That took time.

I've always seen Pres. Obama as a passionate, caring man who loves and wants to do the best for the American people. I think he hates the game playing, theatrics and childishness of the DC press and the party that on the night of Inauguration 2009 said they would oppose any and everything he does. I certainly don't blame him for that. 

Edited by Stacee
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So the alcoholic dad got his 15 year old drunk? And Whoopi is cool with it? She really needs the curtain of dummies. They did her many favors.

John Benjamin Hickey called WG "Gandhi like", on WWHL. I adore JBH but, good lord!

I don't know if this has been mentioned but, Sherri said on Wendy Williams that Rosie O helped her with her contract when she first joined the view. I thought that was interesting.

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I liked Joy, too. I could see why some people found her annoying sometimes, but mostly I liked her. I wanted to like her show on HLN, and it was fun at first when she interviewed pop culture people. Then it all had to be about Jodi Arias which was most certainly not Joy's niche.

That is actually the reason why HLN cancelled her show.  They wanted to move towards even more Jodi Arias-like coverage and Joy's talk show didn't fit the bill anymore.   Which was a huge, ginormous, terrible shame because it was a fabulous show.  It was Joy at her best.  I loved it.  One of the best celebrity interviews I have ever seen was Joy interviewing Malcolm McDowell; and it's not like I am a big fan of his or anything, it was just that good.  I wished so bad that CNN would have fit in her show somewhere but alas, they never did. :(

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I've always seen Pres. Obama as a passionate, caring man who loves and wants to do the best for the American people. I think he hates the game playing, theatrics and childishness of the DC press and the party that on the night of Inauguration 2009 said they would oppose any and everything he does. I certainly don't blame him for that.




I totally agree with you.  That man has had to put up with constant criticism since he stepped foot in the Oval Office.  He could bring peace to the entire world, cure cancer, stop climate change and he would still picked apart by a sizable percentage of the country.

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That is actually the reason why HLN cancelled her show.  They wanted to move towards even more Jodi Arias-like coverage and Joy's talk show didn't fit the bill anymore.


Unfortunate for Joy.  I liked her show.  Meredith says she has a clause in her contract that at the end of the season, if the ratings are not good and the show runners want to go in a direction that she is not comfortable with, she can get out of her contract.  Evidently, Kate Couric was not comfortable with the direction that her show was going.  She wanted more hard news stories and they wanted more fluff, celebrity gossip.  On The View, they definitely make them discuss network shows and Whoopi has no interest in them at all.

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So the alcoholic dad got his 15 year old drunk? And Whoopi is cool with it? She really needs the curtain of dummies. They did her many favors.

John Benjamin Hickey called WG "Gandhi like", on WWHL. I adore JBH but, good lord!

I don't know if this has been mentioned but, Sherri said on Wendy Williams that Rosie O helped her with her contract when she first joined the view. I thought that was interesting.

Just watched this. Is there no common sense voice here? The man is an alcoholic, with a string of arrests. It doesn't occur to him that he set an example for his son? "Physician, heal thyself!"

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One other thing about this week's episodes. When Nicolle was saying that Obama isn't a people person she didn't expand on that to say that Obama gets along with people in certain settings but he isn't the cocktail party type. Obama and Rachel Maddow are similar in that way. Maddow never shows up at any event where she has to make nice with people over cocktails. She would rather be the bartender which she is the role she plays at the NBC/MSNBC after party following the White House Correspondents Association Dinner. Both of them are way too intellectual to be able to stand the small talk that is necessary in those situations which makes them seem standoffish but in fact its just that their minds run a million times a minute. I have the same problem BTW.

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Joy's show on Current was good, even if the production values were pretty cheap. She's at her best when discussing politics with celebrities, she manages to bring out a thoughtful side.


I think Couric was also frustrated with the current trend in daytime to do quick zippy segments with little information. I read one report that said costs were higher on her show because her shows required a lot of editing for time, she'd over go way over. In the end, she was doing her show live so that she couldn't go over.


Of course, we're seeing RO come smashing against that trend. I'd love it if she were able to change that and, maybe, let an entire segment stick to one topic if the discussion is good. She knows how to make a good talk show. I hope Bill Wolff figures out how to work with her to make that happen. It's a trend that needs to be killed. Plenty of segments work for Rachael Ray or The Chew (almost) where they can post the full recipe online, I'm not going to read a blog where Nicolle says all the things she wanted to bring up when she was cut off by a commercial break.

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Both of them are way too intellectual to be able to stand the small talk that is necessary in those situations which makes them seem standoffish but in fact its just that their minds run a million times a minute. I have the same problem BTW.




I am the same way.  I simply cannot stand talking to people standing in line at a grocery store.  However put me a room with someone and I will gladly discuss climate change, the Pittsburgh Steelers or what exactly we need to do about ISIS.  Some people might call me an elitist but I like to think of myself who doesn't have the time or desire to talk about a bunch of meaningless crap.  I always cringe when some reporter will ask President Obama a ridiculous question about DWTS or some other reality show.  I mean really?  You are given the opportunity to ask the POTUS a question and this is what you come up with?

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Hi Roger. I remember those days of smoking the whole pack of cigs when caught. My point was more about Whoopi being confronted and not coming across as the know-it-all she loves to be. In fact, I think Whoopi will really start to dislike this new territory.

Hi whydoiwatchtv.... I was telling my mom yesterday that if it continues like this... Ill be surprised if Whoopi lasts the whole year


About the smoking.... I didnt have to smoke a whole pack...... I got tired of hiding it so I reluctantly told my mom that I was smoking.. she was so up set... I KNEW IT!!!! you have been hanging around those people... I knew you would start drugs..... huh?? No mom.. Im smoking cigarettes...... she was so revealed so she wasnt as concerned   hahahahaha

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Today was delightful. Calm and funny conversation during Hot Topics and a lovely one-on-one with Whoopi and Billy Crystal. You'd never know this show once had a shrill buffoon yelling about shaking her breasts in her son's face. It's like there are finally some adults at the table.

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Was anyone else sweating during the vagina discussion?? I thought Nichole W was funny when she kept saying... this is my job now... I cant believe this is my job.... from Air Force One to vaginas...... It really cracked me up because it seemed so genuine.... which has been missing from The View


And honestly..... I thought Whoopi handled that discussion much better than expected.... she didn't go the gross route like she does a lot

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Dreamboat Annie, I SO agree with you.  Wouldn't it be awesome if Joy was the go-to guest host?  


I also think Whoops will have some "projects" come up and be unable to be on the View for a few weeks here and there, cuz she's in over her head with Ro an Rp.  Then Joy could come back!  YAY!


I also suspect that Whoops and Bawa had a clause that said the other panel members had to shut up when they talked and not challenge them.  Whoops probably tried to get that renewed this year, but RO would not go for it.  Thank Goddess.

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Was anyone else sweating during the vagina discussion??

Hee, nope, not me but the 'it's-normal-everyday-business-for-kids-to-poop-in-the-tub' conversation was certainly enlightening for someone like me who has no kids.  I had no idea!  lol.

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I don't think Whoopi is stupid either.

I think she has made a lot of mistakes in life and when people talk about others in certain situations she relates. And she feels that if people judge them, they are judging her

Also I did not feel Nicolle was defending Pres. Obama regarding ISIS due to her backhand remark about him not being "serious" before, but is now. Pres. Obama has always been serious about ending the war and not embroiling us in a new one. Unfortunately Iraq is ruined and it is in large part due to going to war with them in the first place.

I just can't compare an oil spill situation to Katrina - where people were seen on TV in serious distress. That was a natural disaster and it seemed there was little to no compassion from the administration at that time. The oil spill was man-made and required the company to make ammends. That took time.

I've always seen Pres. Obama as a passionate, caring man who loves and wants to do the best for the American people. I think he hates the game playing, theatrics and childishness of the DC press and the party that on the night of Inauguration 2009 said they would oppose any and everything he does. I certainly don't blame him for that. 

WELL SAID STACEE!!! You can speak for me anytime you like

Im glad you posted this, Im just sorry that I waited so long to read it  :thumbsup

Hee, nope, not me but the 'it's-normal-everyday-business-for-kids-to-poop-in-the-tub' conversation was certainly enlightening for someone like me who has no kids.  I had no idea!  lol.


Ill tell ya Cementhead... not having kids sure does make a person see things differently...... sometimes I see my perspective as being on the outside looking it.... honestly... I see parenting quite amusing, especially with little kids and how adults lose their minds

Edited by RogerFromOhio
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That is actually the reason why HLN cancelled her show.  They wanted to move towards even more Jodi Arias-like coverage and Joy's talk show didn't fit the bill anymore.   Which was a huge, ginormous, terrible shame because it was a fabulous show.  It was Joy at her best.  I loved it.  One of the best celebrity interviews I have ever seen was Joy interviewing Malcolm McDowell; and it's not like I am a big fan of his or anything, it was just that good.  I wished so bad that CNN would have fit in her show somewhere but alas, they never did. :(

I really liked Joy..... but to be honest I was really disappointed in her HLN show. She did way too much snagging The View guests for her show..... it also made her less confrontational so she wouldn't step on the toes of her other gig..... I saw Joy as a sell out.... losing a piece of herself for her shows..... I was disappointed

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I really liked Joy..... but to be honest I was really disappointed in her HLN show. She did way too much snagging The View guests for her show..... it also made her less confrontational so she wouldn't step on the toes of her other gig..... I saw Joy as a sell out.... losing a piece of herself for her shows..... I was disappointed

Yes, I can definitely see that perspective of it.  And I agree with the part I bolded as far as her becoming less active & interested on The View.  She did start to check-out at that point.  But you know what?  So did I.  I was just as uninterested in the show as she was at that point and just watched the show out of sheer habit and so I could keep up with what the peeps on twop were saying.  So I never held it against her.  And the double booking of the guests worked both ways because I am sure that the guests & their agents were just as proactive at getting them on both shows as her talent bookers were.  It just made good business sense.

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