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S13.E05: Sutton-ly Suspicious

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The last time Kyle wore a hat like that she stormed into LVP's house to force a confession and brand her "friend" a liar.   Worked out just about the same way.  The hat is bad luck Kyle.....

Kyle's hair looks very thin and the color is so unflattering.  She used to have PATNENE girl hair but I bet it's falling out after wearing it so long for such a long time or because of something medical.  Maybe that's a reason for the hat.  

Kyle is such a control freak and this is the source of all her issues with everyone.  She can't control the narrative and Sutton is a loose cannon.  I really enjoyed the scenes where Sutton was out with J. Tilly and realized how that was actually entertaining while watching the others rehash the same BS is not.   This is a true threat to Kyle who needs to be the center of attention all the time and needs constant validation and praise at a neurotic level.  No husband can "fulfill" that.  No friend can either. Marriage crisis does not surprise me one bit.

Crystal is crazy is she thinks it's ok to dominate her brother this way and clearly he is an emotional mess.  No one has  a right to live someone else's life and she doesn't get it.  She should help him get back with the ex and make up for the damage she did--if that is even possible.

Edited by tranquilidade
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A scene with actual friends (sutty & meg) having a frivolous wealthy folk day meeting the new horse...no screeching, over-acting or backstabbing...more please.

Dorit breaks out the ptsd when it suits her. She's all jumpy and nervous for camera time, then that's over and she's fine for more serious moments that get her camera time.

Well, Vyle, the list of Suttons overreactions goes way back, so how is she "off" for doing it now? We all see the "you're choosing Kathy over me" behind your mean girl bs.

Mama Erika is trash, just like her daughter. Dig some gold for us baby!

Denise agreed to appear on camera...testing the waters for a comeback now that child support has dried up?


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  On 11/23/2023 at 2:07 AM, SnarkAttack said:

I get Kyle's exercise obsession.  I was that way for a bit, felt I'd lose what I had gained if I missed even one workout.



I don't usually empathize with Kyle but I feel she's struggling with the onset of menopause. Watching her change her routines, style, weight brings back memories of me feeling discombobulated and desperate for relief. My family members were supportive, although I was acting out, trying to be something that I couldn't define, and hubby was kind throughout even when I wasn't. My residual guilt makes me feel bad for Kyle.

Edited by Chalby
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I guess I'm the only one who found Sutton to be very odd when Kyle was at her house. It was like she hadn't any sleep, babbling away name 1 name 1 and I understood why Kyle said shut up and I will name them. Kyle was keeping to herself at garcelle's event, but Sutton had to go over and bring up are you okay. Why?And then they're both trying to get a confession, or what?  I wish they would say what they mean and mean what they say. Sutton wants to tell the world about kyle, and Kyle's told her to just do it. They both give off thinly veiled threats.

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Ericka only brought her mom on in order to humanize herself and maybe also as a slight F U to her mom.  It seems to be the go to for evil housewives to bring on the moms (I.e. Tamra on RHOC in season 8, Monica on SLC this season, etc) in order to humanize them.

Sutton is correct about Kyle trying to keep heat off herself.  

Anytime I see a comment from someone saying how people are judging Kyle... I point out that Kyle had no problem judging Kim in season 1.. and also outing her business during Limogate.  She outed it on purpose and had a look of scorn and vindication on her face after doing it.. and only pretended to have remorse after she had a lot of backlash for doing it.. and even Kathy said it was painful for her to see.   

So Kyle is getting exactly what she deserves... and I'm not on either her nor Mauricio's side... but I do understand why he's been checked out for a couple of seasons.  You'd have to in order to stand being around Kyle.

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  On 11/23/2023 at 1:27 AM, RoseAllDay said:

Erika…a bitch even to her mother.


Oh, and can we have a moment of silence because she can only afford to have a cleaning lady one day a week? 😓GTFO.


If my mom visited my home, I would never tell her to wash dishes. 


This redemption arc is not working.

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  On 11/23/2023 at 11:56 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Ericka only brought her mom on in order to humanize herself and maybe also as a slight F U to her mom.  It seems to be the go to for evil housewives to bring on the moms (I.e. Tamra on RHOC in season 8, Monica on SLC this season, etc) in order to humanize them.

Sutton is correct about Kyle trying to keep heat off herself.  

Anytime I see a comment from someone saying how people are judging Kyle... I point out that Kyle had no problem judging Kim in season 1.. and also outing her business during Limogate.  She outed it on purpose and had a look of scorn and vindication on her face after doing it.. and only pretended to have remorse after she had a lot of backlash for doing it.. and even Kathy said it was painful for her to see.   

So Kyle is getting exactly what she deserves... and I'm not on either her nor Mauricio's side... but I do understand why he's been checked out for a couple of seasons.  You'd have to in order to stand being around Kyle.


100. I have despised Vyle ever since she did that. Plus she's a vapid imbecile.

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Like mindthinker I too noticed the odd match in Kyle's Smokey Bearish chapeau.

My thoughts were perhaps it was merely an off- beat style wink by the designer. But then it occurred to me that maybe Kyle added it herself in an attempt at humour. But she's never shown propensity for that sort of subtlety.

Then I had a flash that in light of the crumbling chaos her life seems to be becoming maybe she was indicating an intention  to set herself afire!!

Nah..we're not that lucky.....😎


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Sutton in her TH re: Kyle - “Take off the hat” cracked me up. Kyle is a bitch and the previews of her for next week were 🙄 (are we allowed to discuss previews?)

I love that Garcelle is killing it and probably making at least half of them jealous. Her boys are nice kids. I have two boys and it’s like pulling teeth to get them to wash a dish so color me impressed that her son cleaned up after himself- I realize this needs to be ingrained in them but my attempts to drill this into their sweet heads have been a big fat failure.

Im also glad Garcelle explained to Dorit the issue with her - it’s sad that she needed to explain in the first place but it’s Dingaling Dorit, so…

Crystal *yawn*

Erika is the trashiest piece of crap ever. I hate her.



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I have not watched the Denise seasons so I am SHOCKED by her face. She was so beautiful back in the day and I know she is older (aren't we all) but damn.

Kyle is sad and brittle and 2 steps away from a full nervous breakdown, she is hard to watch. She is trying so hard to protect her perfect life as she tears it down around her, she is actually spinning in circles. She is one confused lady.

Kyle's posse is on the offensive trying to paint Sutton as a drunk to get the focus off what a shit show Kyle's life is right now. Too bad it is working. Sutton doesn't seem to be any more drunk than in previous seasons to me.

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  On 11/24/2023 at 3:24 AM, Kiss my mutt said:

When Denise showed up I couldn’t figure out what she was doing with her face. She was making very odd faces that looked involuntary like twitching. I wonder if a nerve was cut during her surgery. It’s was so bizarre. 


I was excited to see Denise. I wasn't expecting her to show up this soon.


Edited by Surrealist
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  On 11/23/2023 at 10:08 AM, RoseAllDay said:


When someone comes into her house and acts like an asshole, Sutton can respond however she pleases, IMO, and Sutton hasn’t been the only one to mock others’ behavior. After awhile she was just goading Kyle for the reaction, and seemed to be enjoying it.

Sutton tried to be civil at the party, but once again Kyle went straight on the defensive.


We've seen Kyle do this before, when she went to LVP's house and accused Lisa of lying regarding puppygate.  Hence, the infamous "Good-bye, Kyle".  

Kyle likes to play that she is only being a "good friend", but she can be very manipulative and mean at times, as we've witnessed first with LVP and now with Sutton.  Actually, twice with Sutton because of last year's confrontation regarding miscarriages.

I don't really like Kyle like this....I feel like this is a learned behavior from when she was young.  Supposedly being "nice and caring", when it's really a way to drag the other person down.

Also, didn't Kyle impersonate (or make fun of) all of the other housewives when they were on their Provence, France trip?  So, she shouldn't be blasting Sutton for doing the same thing as she's done.  

Granted, I think Sutton had over-imbibed and was pretty over the top, but her impersonation of Erika was actually pretty spot on!  

Edited by njbchlover
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  On 11/24/2023 at 7:00 PM, MaggieG said:

Interesting that Dorit was uncomfortable at the movie premiere because it was crowded but not uncomfortable in the crowds of Las Vegas 


If anything I'd think she would have a hard time going into her closet, like why the crowd bothers her and not her closet where it was literally the scene of the crime.

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Be open and honest Kyle!

Sutton has been over dramatic and unpredictable but I wouldn't say she was unhinged. The only unhinged people on this show have been Erika, Brandi and Rinna.

I really wish none of the women would bring up missing Kyle drinking. That is just a terrible thing to say and possibly insensitive as that is a personal issue and she has addiction in her family. The concern about her working out I am 50/50 on. On the one hand, she isn't hurting anyone and getting healthy. On the other hand, she is someone who has a past eating disorder and excessive working out may be a new manifestation of the illness. 

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  On 11/23/2023 at 1:24 AM, Emmeline said:

I thought she had the horse brought to CA.  


That was same riding club was saw Teddi and Laurie have a scene together, The Paddock Riding Club...$47,000 is not a crazy amount to spend on a horse but it is if she never rides that horse, that would be a crime.  I rode a horse that sold for $900,000 at his yearling sale, (it was supposed to be trained to be a racer but was not a fast horse at all but just a lovely horse to ride).  There was a horse at the barn where I ride that came from Ireland, that horse had a passport! 

Jennifer Tilly called it correctly when it came to explaining Kyle, all the dieting, exercise and sobriety is her way of controlling that which can be controlled, plain and simple.  

  On 11/23/2023 at 1:26 PM, Mindthinkr said:

 Sutton cracked me up when she wondered if Hermes made a western saddle.


I know for a fact they make English saddles so I am shocked that Sutton does not ride English but instead rides Western.

Jax is becoming a little too reality TV suave (weakly) confronting Erika for screen time.

Garcelle's movie in my opinion looked not good, cheesy and cheap production not to take away from the importance of the message of inequality of solving crimes against people of color but the movie did not seem good.  I wish Garcelle did not dress like waitstaff.

Kyle wore a hat to a screening knowing people would be seated behind her.  Kyle chatting with Garcelle pre screening sounding so awkward and phony.

Sutton was wearing pj's (the ones with the cartoon eyes), those were from Kyle x Shahida collab! They are $398, fabric is described as bio degradable fabric.

Erika's Fendi x Versace denim blazer is on Poshmark for $1600 (down from $5800) in case anyone wants to buy an ugly denim blazer.

Crystal's brother should ignore his family and do what he wants with his relationships, Crystal does not need to get involved, I do not like that Crystal at all. 

Did Sutton wear pleather leggings in case there was a male stripper at the screening?

I am thinking about getting a step and repeat for when I have people come to my house (think Xfinity repairman, plumber or family and friends for dinner), I noticed that Garcelle's name was on the step and repeat and not the name of the movie so it makes me think this was not a sanctioned press event from the movie people.




Edited by Baltimore Betty
To, too
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  On 11/23/2023 at 1:26 PM, Mindthinkr said:

    I thought Kyle was rude wearing a hat to a screening. I hope the people behind her could see the movie. At the very least she should have taken it off for the movie. Also, what was the single match that was placed in the headband? 
    Sutton cracked me up when she wondered if Hermes made a western saddle. Is she going to ride that new gelding or is he for someone else to show? He looks like he might be a handful. 
   Denise looked so different. She also looked a bit off as in a bit loopy. I wasn’t a fan of her tight bun on the top of her head. Almost too severe for her new face. 


I thought Denise looked older….didn't know about her new face.  That tight bun looked painful.

The match in Kyle’s hat drove me crazy.  Maybe it was solid gold since her other stupid hat had REAL diamonds.  Kyle looked rough without makeup.  I have never liked her, and she has turned into such a bitch.  If she loses more weight, she’ll look worse.  She can never be humble about anything.  She had to have her exercise session filmed.  BORING.

Erika is the devil.  She looks horrible in her TH’s with the damn rhinestone tie.

Dorit looked like Cindy Lou Who in her TH’s.  She and Crystal are so boring.

Garcelle is awesome.  Congrats to her.

 I’m on the fence about Sutton.  She acts like such an old lady and she’s too thin.  She looks physically weak to me.



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  On 11/24/2023 at 9:05 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Jennifer Tilly called it correctly when it came to explaining Kyle, all the dieting, exercise and sobriety is her way of controlling that which can be controlled, plain and simple.  


I was glad Jennifer said this too because I think it's closest to the truth.

Once again, I need a Jennifer and Sutton show of them just doing rich lady things.

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  On 11/23/2023 at 1:25 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

Erika bringing her mom on to humanize her lol her PR team is working overtime this season to course corre


But not very well. I felt for her mother. 


Erika pleading poverty really grinds my gears. I would LOVE it if her mom could be the new Lois. That woman can obviously put Ms, Pat the Puss in her place. I liked her.


Yep. Erika's mom has her number. 


When someone comes into her house and acts like an asshole, Sutton can respond however she pleases, IMO, and Sutton hasn’t been the only one to mock others’ behavior. After awhile she was just goading Kyle for the reaction, and seemed to be enjoying it.


I used to come here and read about what a horrid person Kyle was. I used to think, “She’s not that bad.”

But she is. She is that bad. 


Had Sutton had a few drinks? Probably. But Kyle came over to Sutton's home and was rude. I am team Sutton all the way. 

I thought Kyle looked rough in the scene where she was doing her make-up. I guess lighting and filters help a lot, because I noticed the difference in that scene. 


 I have not watched the Denise seasons so I am SHOCKED by her face. She was so beautiful back in the day and I know she is older (aren't we all) but damn.



She didn't look her best. My guess is she had too much filler. I'm still glad to see her back. I wish she was a full cast member! 

Erika was not even sheepish when Jax came over to her, instead of Erika being the adult and apologizing to him for what she said a year ago. The woman is a narcissist. She has no empathy or awareness of how her behavior affects other people. 

Looks like next week we get to see Morgan's Kyle "stalked me" comment. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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  On 11/24/2023 at 7:00 PM, MaggieG said:

Interesting that Dorit was uncomfortable at the movie premiere because it was crowded but not uncomfortable in the crowds of Las Vegas 


I would LOVE for one of the housewives to bring this up.  She did this last season, also, at Sutton's store event, but was perfectly happy at Kyle's event.  🤷🏼‍♀️. She needs to be called on it.  Maybe if she appears on WWHL, a viewer will ask why her PTSD is so discriminatory.

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  On 11/24/2023 at 3:59 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Kyle AFTER going after Denise and Lisa V and her sisters and everyone else in past seasons NOW its  HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME ... she is so full of shit


Full of shit and a gaslighter.  Everyone else is 'unhinged,' 'irrational,' 'mean,' but she can say anything she wants.  You announce who you are every time you open your mouth, Kyle--loud and clear.

And massive, MASSIVE, eyeroll at Dorit enabling Kyle and saying it sounded like Sutton was "threatening" Kyle by asking her what was going on with her. 

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  On 11/23/2023 at 1:08 AM, RoseAllDay said:

The only person stirred up at Sutton’s was Kyle. Sutton, overall, handled that pretty well, IMO. Sutton is right…Kyle goes after everybody else to keep the heat off herself.

Sutton should have given her a big push out the door via the backside.


Sutton was obviously drunk when she was screaming "name em", and while impersonating Erika by the elevator. That's not handling well. She only reinforced the point that there is something wrong with her. 

Edited by ZettaK
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  On 11/23/2023 at 3:30 PM, tranquilidade said:

Kyle's hair looks very thin and the color is so unflattering.  She used to have PATNENE girl hair but I bet it's falling out after wearing it so long for such a long time or because of something medical.  Maybe that's a reason for the hat.


Ozempic can do this to one's hair.

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  On 11/23/2023 at 8:20 PM, Chalby said:

I guess I'm the only one who found Sutton to be very odd when Kyle was at her house. It was like she hadn't any sleep, babbling away name 1 name 1 and I understood why Kyle said shut up and I will name them. Kyle was keeping to herself at garcelle's event, but Sutton had to go over and bring up are you okay. Why?And then they're both trying to get a confession, or what?  I wish they would say what they mean and mean what they say. Sutton wants to tell the world about kyle, and Kyle's told her to just do it. They both give off thinly veiled threats.


Sutton's behavior was strange. She was drunk, her house manager didn't want to fix her another cocktail (he suggested tea), she started screaming "name em" many times, and she then imitated Erika by the elevator in an exaggerated way.

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  On 11/24/2023 at 6:36 PM, ButterQueen said:

I didn’t think Sutton was inebriated at her house.  I missed something.  


Her own house manager suggested tea when she wanted him to fix a cocktail. He knows her better.  She then started screaming "name em" several times, and she imitated Erika in an exaggerated way.

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Kyle being a mean jerky asshole doesn’t make Sutton less of an asshole. I’d say they’re equally yolked this season.  Whatever is going on with Kyle I still question if her marital issues are real. 
Dorit and her on again off again PTSD. I’m starting to get PTSD from watching too much Dorit. 
I thought it was classy of Jax to approach Erika who verbally abused him on camera and say no hard feelings. 

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  On 11/24/2023 at 9:05 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Jax is becoming a little too reality TV suave (weakly) confronting Erika for screen time.

Garcelle's movie in my opinion looked not good, cheesy and cheap production


Absolutely agree.

Sutton is exaggerating the southern accent and mannerisms, and I think the tipsy Sutton is an act; her houseman is in on it. Perhaps Sutton is channeling Talullah Bankhead. It's odd and off-putting.

Wasn't it Dorit who used to show up late all the time? Now it's Sutton keeping Dorit waiting. Dorit, your status is slipping.

Erika's scene with her mother was so scripted it was silly. Probably her mother put in an obligatory appearance and then beat feet to her grandson's home.

ETA: didn't Garcelle's boys live with their father when she first appeared on the series? I had the impression she borrowed them for production.

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  On 11/25/2023 at 7:32 PM, pasdetrois said:

Absolutely agree.

Sutton is exaggerating the southern accent and mannerisms, and I think the tipsy Sutton is an act; her houseman is in on it. Perhaps Sutton is channeling Talullah Bankhead. It's odd and off-putting.


I doubt it's an act. It's not a good look for her image (she is on the ballet board, etc.), or brand as she called it in Las Vegas to appear drunk on tv.

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I realize Sutton was late and kept Dorit waiting, but I laughed at the amount of times she checked herself in her big lighted mirror while in the car complaining.  I know I always ride around with a big lighted makeup mirror 😂 I can’t believe she is still on this show….she and PK are such posers.  

Erika is just trash.  

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  On 11/23/2023 at 3:30 PM, tranquilidade said:

Kyle's hair looks very thin and the color is so unflattering.  She used to have PATNENE girl hair but I bet it's falling out after wearing it so long for such a long time or because of something medical.  Maybe that's a reason for the hat.  


Sadly,  Kyle has been sporting hats since S1 despite them rarely looking good on her, although I did like howbthe diamond cowboy hat looked on her. 

  On 11/25/2023 at 4:36 PM, ZettaK said:

Ozempic can do this to one's hair.


So can menopause. 


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I love how "southern" Erika sounds during her mother's visit. She's allowing her natural accent to come through, and it's a trip.

Not surprised that Crystal's scenes were about her brother. Her life is as dry as a bone. Nothing to see there. Her talking head regarding Garcelle's son and Erika was weird. Why was she so proud of Jax? So damned nosy. Always policing others because she has nothing going on herself.

I wish the producers would beg Jennifer Tilly to take Crystal's diamond.

Sutton seems boozier and boozier with each passing episode. It was especially noticeable during her talking heads. Allegedly.

Kyle's new hair color washes her out. Maintaining dark hair when you're greying is probably hard work, but not everyone can pull off blonde.

I'm happy that Garcelle is championing this subject matter. I'm watching a show called Found, and it has a similar concept.

Dorit needs to follow Teddi out the door. Why is she even there? I wish Garcelle would stop engaging her because it's obvious that Dorit doesn't like Garcelle. I find her to be condescending and sarcastic during their interactions. It's funny that a woman whose entire personality is based on designer labels thinks she's so important.

I loved seeing Denise!

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  On 11/23/2023 at 3:30 PM, tranquilidade said:

Kyle's hair looks very thin and the color is so unflattering.  She used to have PATNENE girl hair but I bet it's falling out after wearing it so long for such a long time or because of something medical.  Maybe that's a reason for the hat.  



I know her behavior wasn't her prettiest, but I think the most beautiful Kyle ever looked was season 1, limogate. She looked so much like Demi Moore. I know she had some youth on her side here, but I think not being extremely thin helped. And she did have her all natural glorious hair. 


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  On 11/24/2023 at 3:59 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Kyle AFTER going after Denise and Lisa V and her sisters and everyone else in past seasons NOW its  HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME ... she is so full of shit


I totally agree. It's been going on for a while now! Kim,  LVP,  Denise, Kathy, now Sutton.   I think this is just her M.O. on the show.  She still wants to be the Queen Bee. And Lawdy, if when she SHOULD be the Queen, her perfect life falls apart!  And she wants to stay home and read a book.  Whoa!

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Erika's mother was a horrible mother. I can't imagine almost any mother taking her teenager at a club, it doesn't matter if they were close in age. It was amusing her mother was asking inconvenient questions about the law firm, but I think she wanted to help Erika by mentioning that she visited the law firm only a couple of times in decades (so she was not involved in the fraud).  

It was sad to hear that Crystal, and her mother were responsible for her brother's engagement ending. Crystal had the nerve to say that she knows what is best for him. He was 41 when the episode was filmed. I believe what her husband said- that she competed with the fiancee for her brother's affection. Jeff doesn't seem to be over the end of the relationship. 

I really don't care about seeing Dorit. 

Denise looks different, and not in a good way.

Edited by ZettaK
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