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S17.E10: The Knife in the Kidneys


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More numbers:

Someone on starcasm researched the Coyote Pass finances. There are four lots that cost $820,000 all together at the time. The two biggest ones were paid for by the Browns (Note: that doesn’t mean they actually used their own money, it could have been paid for by securing more loans!) For the two smaller lots, they only did a downpayment of $23,900 for each. So there’s still a minimum amount of $292,000 to pay for. (Or more if they used loans for lots 1 and 2 which were $480,000)

So technically, just C Pass was enough to use up all of their profit, which says something about all the money that was still needed to buy those two houses, pay for the expensive rentals and Janelle’s RV.

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15 hours ago, VioletNevermind said:

This “porch meeting” reminds me of my last day at a former job that I loathed.  I had to sit through one last all-hands meeting in the conference room and pretend to be able to stand any of my colleagues.  I may have been sitting there, smiling and nodding professionally, but in my mind, I was gone.  By the time Kody got to the “knife in the kidneys” part, I would have gotten into my car and peaced the fuck out.  No one should have to sit there and witness the spectacle that is Kody Brown putting on his one-man show- while standing next to Robyn, no less.  This is the same “man” who told Christine that he was never attracted to her and even made fun of how and how much she ate.  I tip my hat to Christine for having the strength to sit there and listen to that bullshit.  Hang on, girl.  It’s almost over.

As for Robyn, she might as well be rubbing her hands together and cackling under her breath.  She can stick the sobbing and lamenting the loss of her ridiculous “family” right up her duplicitous, manipulative ass.

Bravo!  Great post!

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6 hours ago, Onecattoo said:

Watching an unhinged lunatic, complete narcissist and his equally horrible wife have an epic meltdown is somewhat entertaining.  I’m actually pretty certain neither of them were acting.  I think Christine’s therapist is Gold! (Nancy was worthless).  She has clearly brought Christine to the point where she comprehends it’s the reaction to the actions, the gaslighting, the attacks, that the narcissist wants….and she simply won’t give it to him any more.  She understands she doesn’t need to defend her choice to leave or justify it, or counter anything he says.  He’s like a toddler having a meltdown tantrum that just continues to escalate.  

Then Kody - He never loved her….the sacrifices he made to love her - Which is it?  I actually think him admitting he never loved her is a rare moment of truth from him, so he has to attempt to cover that with his knife in the kidneys comment.  And there were no sacrifices for Christine!  She was always the lowest on the totem pole, always the one playing friendly peacemaker, watching all the kids and cooking and being welcoming.  When she had the audacity to share her feelings and needs with her “husband”, she got nothing back, he was just offended that she dare tell him she needed them to have a relationship too.  Robyn coming in was the catalyst that broke the family but only because Kody made it so.  Kody is the one who treated Robyn differently from the start.  Kody is the one who put Robyn’s kids above all the others.  Kody is the one who stopped being intimate with three of his wives and expected that to have no repercussions.  Kody is the one who has failed to develop and maintain relationships with each of his children.  Kody is a blame master….nothing is ever his fault.   They can be impressed with how he played with the kids when they were babies, I’m not.  Except for Robyn’s kids, by the time the others were Sol and Aris age, he’d stopped engaging meaningfully with them, except for his favorites which was mostly Maddie, Mariah a bit and the boys - when he could roughhouse with them.  

I won’t even go into Robyn’s sad performance (non-existent) tears.  Once again every statement she makes is all about herself.  


And isn't it funny that last year he told Meri that until she changed her attitude towards the other wives he would not show her any love. That was when she was literally begging him to kiss her. I can't stress enough what a dick he is.

Meri comes across as totally heartless. Either that or brain dead since she is exactly in the same boat. Seriously, what is wrong with her? I felt sorry for her until she backed up Kody. 

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2 hours ago, altopower said:

Did they really? Or did Kody make the decision for the family and the opinion of the wives be damned? That would be my guess, even if he asked them.

All of them were familiar with or born into polygamy.  They all knew what a toxic stew they were getting into.  Multiple relatives had bailed out over the years - did Magical Mystical Kootie somehow hyponotize them into believing it would be sunshine and roses?  They have all had to declare bankruptcy over the years.  They all saw the minute amount of time Kootie had to spend with each kid as they brood grew out of bounds.  Their "religion" encourage subjugation of women, tamping down jealousy, keeping sweet.  It's a cult that they all willingly entered, surely they didn't think it would somehow be anything other than regular visits by Little Kootie to spread more sperm around. They are all women with low self esteem, incapable of critical thought.

I have alll the sympathy in the world for the offspring.  They had nothing to do with any decisons made including selling their children into the slavery and depravity of "reality" TV even knowing the lifelong stigma it would carry.

The adults can all go straight to hell.

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4 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

All of them were familiar with or born into polygamy.  They all knew what a toxic stew they were getting into. 

Oh, I don't question that. They knew what they expected out of polygamy. What I meant but didn't say clearly was that they probably didn't realize what they were getting into with the TV show. I'm pretty sure Kody made the decision to do the show even if he did ask the wives. He was still being patriarchal when they started, and head of the household. I'm pretty sure that Christine was worried about going public, but that was a long time ago so I may be mis-remembering. But going on TV led to fleeing to LV where their single house+Robin ended up being 4 houses. That's when things started to really splinter. 

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3 hours ago, JoannKBC said:

My interpretation of what he was really saying in this moment was "The sacrifices I made to [pretend to] love you!" He wasn't attracted to her; he's admitted that multiple times. So in his mind it was a big sacrifice to suck it up and pretend to be affectionate and pretend to love her. I wish he would just listen to himself and realize -- what kind of person would want to stay with someone who considers having to love them a HUGE sacrifice?

Not only that. But we find out this episode that he went looking for a third wife to try to stop his first wife from being a b***h to the second wife?

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As much as I understand and agree with Christine’s decision to leave Kody, I cannot help but feel she is privately enjoying all the attention.  (From Kody, her sister wives, and the tv audience.)  It is written all over her face.  I don’t think I ever remember her being considered a camera forward member of the family.  In my observations from watching the show since season one, I have noticed attention from Kody is something she has always craved especially since Robyn came into the family.    Her jealousy of Robyn was apparent.  Christine has admitted as much.  

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Re: Robyn sobbin in Meri's arms. 

Texts before filming scene: 

FROM ROBYN: Meri, we need to practice me weeping in your arms. It needs to be perfect.

Meri: You got this boss babe. Just keep your head on my shoulder, I'll hold you up.

ROBYN: You're the best. We have to rebuild our brand.

MERI: Backatcha. You were born to do this!!!!

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16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder if when Robyn is in line at the grocery store or bank, she gets these mean scowls from people who recognize her. I mean, you know they would recognize her.  I bet she doesn’t go out much, so she can avoid being called names or called out on her behavior.   

Robyn only goes out to Victoria's Secret and only then when escorted by Kody. 

3 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

I believe the nanny also has to kind of lift up Robyn's goiter and give it a good scrubbing daily.

and maybe she's also a hair and makeup artist (who trained in the 50s)

Edited by magemaud
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3 hours ago, eskimo said:

Now I'm wondering if one of the equity withdrawals from K & R's home in the last year-ish was to buy Janelle out,  on her way out the door. 

Not a chance! K&R are not giving any of what they obviously believe is their $$ away to any one, except to pay back taxes. And it looks like they waited as long as they could to do that!

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19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I really do like Christine, but I was a little surprised at her response to Kody saying she treated certain people poorly.  She wasn’t taken aback at all.  She actually kinda admitted it, but said it wasn’t on purpose.  I guess she did it out of frustration or in an emotional state.  And, maybe it was well deserved. Lol. Sort of funny.  

No point in arguing with a circular firing squad that is all aimed at her.  Janelle sort of stood up for Christine, but the rest had all their weapons out.

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2 hours ago, tinderbox said:

As much as I understand and agree with Christine’s decision to leave Kody, I cannot help but feel she is privately enjoying all the attention.  (From Kody, her sister wives, and the tv audience.)  It is written all over her face.  I don’t think I ever remember her being considered a camera forward member of the family.  In my observations from watching the show since season one, I have noticed attention from Kody is something she has always craved especially since Robyn came into the family.    Her jealousy of Robyn was apparent.  Christine has admitted as much.  

I would too. 

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There is one lot that is titled in Roby and Kody's names and it is supposedly motgage free. The decent thing to do is to sell that property and pay Janelle back the money that she gave Robyn to buy her hosue. Also give Meri an equal share. But no Kody has some convoluted reason as to why he can't or won't do this. I wonder if Janelle has any legal recourse to go after the money that she put into the family pot that went for Robyn's house. But I also wonder if she took out the money to buy the RV that now sits parked somewhere an costing her storage fees. 

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11 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I had to laugh when Janelle was talking to the wives about how it was starting to get cold and Robyn was noting that the winters in Flagstaff out on the property could be difficult. If she is such a devoted sister wife, wanting the entire family to be together and get along, wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity for to offer to have Janelle and Savannah spend the winter in her mansion? Yet she didn't do that. Hmmmmmm...

I thought the exact same thing!  Robyn is a sociopath.

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2 hours ago, kassa said:

I found the Ariella stuff concerning. Yeah, they tried to spin the "your daughter needs to learn better boundaries" talk (on the first day!) into how friendly and kind she was, only to have her blow it up on camera. That unbridled emotional energy is not unfamiliar to us, having watched her older sisters when they first came on the scene.  But what really concerned me was the whole "man stealing" thing. That was just... weird. Somebody's listening to a lot of adult conversations she has no business being a part of, or the "family culture" in that house takes in a lot of toxic reality relationship shows/discussion, because she wasn't coyly talking about having a "boyfriend" as kids that age might do in an effort to seem sophisticated. It was creepy and would have been age inappropriate in a child twice her age.  I'm thinking of the move to Las Vegas and Meri scolding one of the girls for wearing short sleeves, and now they've got a kindergartner who's reciting dialogue out of 90 Day Fiance.

That whole segment might have been full of weird interactions, sister-wife grooming remarks or getting their scents out there. 

  • Ari says that some other kindergartener who had a man who cut her off ("Break it up.  Yeah.") was jealous because Ari was engaged.
  • Sol points and says to Ari, "You're shy.  Why are you offended?" and Ari faints like her older sister.
  • Kody says to Ari, "Were you being too much of a pest?" And, Robyn says, in a high-pitched command, "We don't use that word.  Let's be nice."  Ari answers twice, "I was bothering her."  Kody replies, "You were buggin' her?" and Robyn ho-ho-hos.
  • Kody asks Sol and Ari, "Did you have a great day at school?"  Then, in the same sing-song voice he asks AuroraBrianna if she had a great day at school.  When she says that she did, Kody teases her, "Probably because a boy was there."  Robyn then revives her push-the-ceiling dance move and says, "Senior!  She's gonna graduate this year.  Woo!  Woo!"

Fortunately, the neighbors didn't have to experience it.

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6 hours ago, Onecattoo said:

Imagine that poor girls report of her own first day of Kindergarten - this horrible girl kept bothering me and no matter what I did or said she wouldn’t leave me alone…it was awful! 

Ari's behavior sounds eerily similar to the way Robyn was hounding Christine about having a relationship with her.  Christine very politely deflected and talked about needing space, but Robyn wouldn't let up.  I would have told her flat out to back off.

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7 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I thought I read they owed back taxes?

3 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Not a chance! K&R are not giving any of what they obviously believe is their $$ away to any one, except to pay back taxes. And it looks like they waited as long as they could to do that!

How did I not remember they had back taxes?  Did they have to take equity out twice to cover them?  

I have no reason to believe they gave Janelle anything,  but her comments this episode, coupled with the timing of the refinances, made me wonder.  The only reason I could see Kody doing that would be because as the land appreciates Janelles share also gets larger. He'd pay her today's market price and sit on it for however long and make more later.  He'd only do it if there were a benefit for him and his wife. 

Unless...Janelle said she'd get what's due her, one way or the other, and they could cash out some equity or she could go completely scorched-earth in a tell all book that would make her way more money than she was asking for. Bring receipts for the financials and all.  I know she'd never threaten him like that, but it's fun to imagine Kody's head exploding over it. And Robyn might shed actual tears. 

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Pied Pauper

Unfortunately, I think that is what Christine may be - and the rest may be Un-Pied Paupers.


I have no reason to believe they gave Janelle anything,  but her comments this episode, coupled with the timing of the refinances, made me wonder.  The only reason I could see Kody doing that would be because as the land appreciates Janelles share also gets larger. He'd pay her today's market price and sit on it for however long and make more later.  He'd only do it if there were a benefit for him and his wife. 

Can anyone recall how long Coyote Pass had been on the market before someone heard angels singing and the Browns bought it? Reason I ask is that I thought I remembered it had been for sale for a long time (possibly because of the need to pull utilities) and the realtor seemed eager to get it sold. In theory, property grows in value over time but only if there exists out there a willing buyer. I'm wondering if the Browns would have a hard time finding a buyer and might have to hang onto it for a really long time and/or sell at a loss to unload it. I think Janelle would be very wise to have Kody and Robyn buy her out now and let them have the headache of having to sell it later on, when they finally accept that they are never going to build out there.


Not a chance! K&R are not giving any of what they obviously believe is their $$ away to any one, except to pay back taxes. And it looks like they waited as long as they could to do that!

Does anyone remember for sure if they did have to take out additional mortgages and if so, were those for taxes? I thought I remembered reading that here but I'm old and my memory is crap.

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1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

But what about all those boxes of books in Christine's garage? 🤣

For some reason, I kind of doubt they were "books". Maybe gun magazines or even guns for his shows and Christine was just covering for Kootie in the packing. Kootie just doesn't seem like the book reading kind of guy. Just look. at his "quotes" this episode...

Edited by Gramto6
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I’ve had 24 hours to absorb this episode and here’s what I came up with: Kody does not live on this planet.  He’s so removed from reality that he may never find his way back. There is no other explanation that can describe how his version of Christine’s role in the family is so not based in reality.

In addition, he and Robyn think Christine should somehow be required to live the rest of her life bowing  to their whims - just because.   It’s like trying to reason with a  toddler 

Edited by mythoughtis
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No doubt Kody and polygamy are the primary reasons for the mess this family is. Kody sucks as a fair, loving and reassuring husband and polygamy incites infighting and competition among the wives. 

It seems to me (understandably) Christine had as much trouble accepting Robyn as Meri had accepting Janelle. Kody being Kody didn't put in the effort to reassure either one that they still matter. So rather than having grace and giving the current wife or wives time, he punishes them by withholding whatever their currency is. In Christine's case her currency was attention and affection.

Its not much different than how kids need to adjust to having a new sibling. Once they realize they still matter, they're fine.

Yet we're talking about grown consenting adults here. I believe the wives were onboard with building this family and I think they all had a part in it falling apart. And Kody really failed them all.

Edited by GeeGolly
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11 hours ago, kassa said:

But what really concerned me was the whole "man stealing" thing. That was just... weird. Somebody's listening to a lot of adult conversations she has no business being a part of, or the "family culture" in that house takes in a lot of toxic reality relationship shows/discussion, because she wasn't coyly talking about having a "boyfriend" as kids that age might do in an effort to seem sophisticated. It was creepy and would have been age inappropriate in a child twice her age. 

Robyn has used her kids a lot to steal a narrative, depict their family as victims or to present things a lot nicer than they really were. While it may be shocking that she even uses Ari at her young age for this, it cannot really come as a surprise. She did the same to Breanna and Aurora after all. 

The best example I can think of is how Robyn tried to change the Covid storyline from them being the bad ones (shutting the others out by enforcing a strict Covid regime) to them being the victims (The others do not want to put up with some rules and inconveniences so they can see us. We obviously do not matter to them) Breanna and Aurora were crying on the sofa when they made those ridiculous accusations. 

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I don't know how many of you watch Survivor, but the one with the tie breaking vote is always on the bottom of either side. Clearly we can see that with Meri. She's aligning with team KR, with IMO, no chance of becoming an equal member of the team. If I were her, I would throw out an olive branch to team CJ, at least with them she would have a chance at a fluid spot on the team and the big bonus is, she would remake/strengthen her relationships with the kids.

Come on Meri, wake up, Kody's not worthy of your loyalty. Its not going to make him want you. Invite Janelle and Christine to Lizzie's and have a coming to Jesus, kumbaya weekend and regain your self-respect.

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42 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't know how many of you watch Survivor, but the one with the tie breaking vote is always on the bottom of either side. Clearly we can see that with Meri. She's aligning with team KR, with IMO, no chance of becoming an equal member of the team. If I were her, I would throw out an olive branch to team CJ, at least with them she would have a chance at a fluid spot on the team and the big bonus is, she would remake/strengthen her relationships with the kids.

Come on Meri, wake up, Kody's not worthy of your loyalty. Its not going to make him want you. Invite Janelle and Christine to Lizzie's and have a coming to Jesus, kumbaya weekend and regain your self-respect.

Yeah and with C and J, she might get a spot, along side them on The Single Life. (My theory) More money and exposure.  I can’t see those opportunities coming to R and K.  So….seems she did pick the wrong alliance.  Lol

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So kody and Robyn got Meri to divorce Kody.  Then Kody got the group to move to coyote pass for Robins son to go to college.  Then Kody convinced the family to use family funds to buy  the McMansion Robyn and Kody own and live in!!

Now we find Janelle no longer controls family funds.

There's a saying. "There's no fool like an old fool"!  That would be you Janelle!

Meri and Christine seem to have seen the family fall coming and prepared.  Janelle continued to keep hope alive!

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So I listened to Janelle explaining her financial situation. She said that she gave 1/2 of the proceeds from the sale of her Vegas house in addition to pulling out a lot of money from the family pot to buy Roby a house. Janelle has nothing and Meri has nothing from the family pot of money. She says their pot has been replinished but Kody says they do not have any money.  It's mind blowing to me that Janelle went along with this. I can see Meri going along because she hopes that kissing K&R's asses will get her back in Kody's good graces.  I have no idea what Janelle can do legally  but if Kody doesn't find the money to at least repay Janelle the money that she gave for Robyn's house she needs to go after him and Robyn big time. No idea why Janelle wants to hang on to this tumble weed waste land but she would be so much better off if they sold the property and she got her share of the money. She could then start over in a house not an RV and maybe have a little nest egg. It's hard for me to believe that thier finances are as tangled up as they are making them sound. 

As far as Ar's little spiel about the friend at school,  "was engaged and she had a man, but he cut her off." what a bizarre thing for a small child to say. I think Robyn has been saying things about Kody and the other wives around her children. Who knows what this kid has been saying about the family situation at school..

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