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S17.E09: A Polygamist Divorce


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22 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I wonder how Meri will feel when she see's Kody saying he doesn't consider himself married to her, doesn't love her and doesn't care if she leaves to "marry" someone else.

Yep. Every time Kody says something to the cameras that’s totally icy regarding Meri, I wonder what Meri must think when she finally sees the show and hears his commentary. For her to witness Kody’s anger about Christine’s departure, considering it an ultimate betrayal, followed by his declaration that he wouldn’t give a sh** if Meri did the same thing, has to sting. I don’t care how deeply she’s suffering from Stockholm Syndome (or whatever delusion she’s got going on), that’s just brutal. I cannot imagine participating in such an obviously out of balance relationship. Blind misery.

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I wonder if part of Kootie's hatred/dismissal/disdain for Meri has to do with Leon's choices.  That whole thing must just eat at him, I don't believe for a hot minute he accepts Leon or Audrey.  Even though he only pays lip service to his faux-religion, the LDS codes says that "acting" on same sex attraction results in all kinds of discipline.  With the AUB being even more loony, I can't even imagine how that would go over. 

And I imagine his gun-toting cronies have a field day with it.  Good Ole' Boys are seriously single-minded on anything out of their narrow world which means men in charge and women barefoot, pregnant, and silent.

I can imagine him saying "you raised her, this is all your fault".

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17 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

That stands to reason though. There are - what? Seventeen of them, with more than 20 years age difference between the oldest and youngest, and four different birth mothers. Clearly some of them will be closer than others and some will get along better with others. 

Exactly. I'm only 1 of 3 and there are still cliques.

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6 hours ago, Shauna said:

Maddie sitting at the table eating lunch/dinner with the family and wiping her hands on her pants instead of using a napkin.  What adult does this?

An adult that grew up too poor for paper towels in a pack of small children who was lucky an adult put food in front of them let alone taught them table manners.

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I think Kody was done with Leon when they announced. Up to that point he treated them like any of the others.

Knowing how much Meri loves Leon I would think that would cause separation between Meri and Kody but so far it hasn’t. 

That leads me to believe Meri loves being on a reality show and the big house and the $$ and having those on Luluroe functions ohh and aaa over her. 

No woman would ever stay like Meri stays. She sees the talking heads and listens to Kody talk about her and how he no longer cares. 

It’s actually kind of sad. 😞

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Holy sh*t, what was that tantrum Kody had at the end of the episode, something about "I gave up everything to love you/(Christine)".  What the h#ll???  God, the producers and edit monkeys must be having a field day skewering this jerk!  This plus the fact that we were subjected to Meri and her bestie giggling about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for several minutes.  I guess they could only come up with a certain amount of footage of Kody making a total @ss of himself.

This has GOT to be the final season!  Unless, Jenelle steps up for a farewell season . . .

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On 11/6/2022 at 11:59 PM, Onecattoo said:

3. Meri coming to the realization that when Christine simply states she’s no longer married to Kody since their marriage was spiritual and associated with a church none of them have attended for years, the marriage is in fact over…. it means no matter that Meri “stays”, Kody has actually already done the exact same thing to her so in fact he is NOT her husband and she’s not married because he has outright said multiple times he doesn’t consider himself married to Meri - that was fun!  On a side note…that hurts doesn’t it Kody?  You do not like it when someone else just decides they aren’t married to you anymore and just walks away without giving you the opportunity to agree that you will end your relationship.  Maybe you’ll have a little empathy for how Meri feels now (or not, you are a raging narcissist).  Yes Christine, you do just get to decide you’re divorced. 

I've been sitting here agreeing with every one of the posts so far and didn't feel like there was anything to add, but I do not believe that this was a Come-to-Jesus moment for Merry.  She's known for a long time that she and Kotex are kaput; her pretense that she's just waiting for him to come 'round is to protect her pride and to provide an excuse for her to be on tv, making easy money.  Plus it's free publicity for her tights business.

I'm interested to see what happens if they ever do build on Plague Prairie--as if--but if they ever, ever do, will Merry get a house?

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On 11/7/2022 at 5:15 AM, zamp33 said:

I also think Christine was finally validated in her conclusions about her marriage by her kids telling her she had a terrible relationship, and  by Kody not showing up for Ysabel's surgery and ignoring the children. Look at the gaslighting and lies we saw on camera - imagine how terrible it was behind the scenes.  That happens often enough you question your sanity. So at this point it probably is legitimized as being "for the kids" for Christine, but we now see in the talking heads, filmed afterwards, that Christine realizes the full toxicity of Kody.

It was Kotex who is making it all about the children.  Christine has been expressing concern about Truely all along; I guess she thinks (correctly) that the other older kids have been aware of her unhappiness or are at least comfortable with the idea that a wife might leave her husband.  The only younger children beside Truely are Rubbing's kids, and I think it's a fair bet that they're been kept up to date with Christine's perfidy since day one.

As I see it, Christine's only concern about Truely was the fact that Kotex ignores her, and that's likely to be more pronounced when they move away and he makes absolutely no effort to be in her life. 

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On 11/7/2022 at 11:40 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am surprised that Christine didn't just stand up and knock Robyn and her goiter into the pines. If anyone came to my house and accused me of lying, they would be gone.

I feel certain that this confrontation patio party was demanded by TLC--why otherwise would Christine subject herself to it?  And I think that its being fake (in terms of the set up) is a large part of Christine's being able to control her temper.

Like you, I sure wouldn't have sat there and taken it.

Until it dawned on me that we were being manipulated, I was so proud of Christine's even temper, but remember in other settings when Kotex infuriated her and said things that weren't true?  She steamed off--she wasn't going to listen to that crap, and I think if this had been a true confrontation, she wouldn't have sat still and kept quiet as much as she did.

I think Kotex's and Rubbing's reactions were genuine, and I wish we could somehow see them when they watch this episode.  They both are harpies, Rubbing petty and mean, Kotex demonstrating concern only for how he is being treated.

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On 11/7/2022 at 12:11 PM, GeeGolly said:

If Maddie did really ask Christine what was going on with her and Kody, why did she tell her? Her marriage is none of Maddie's business. And IMO, no parent should talk smack about the other parent to the kids. Kody is their father, most if not all still love him and its up to them to figure him out. Its up to them to have, or not have, a relationship with him. It is not up to them to be Christine's shoulder to cry on, or up to Christine to point out his shortcomings. Christine actually said she called Janelle's kids and asked them if they'd still like her if she left Kody. Like really?

No one wants to think their dad is an ass and, IMO, if Christine keeps pushing the agenda it may backfire on her.

I agree with you wholeheartedly--nobody should talk smack to their kids about the other parent, and nobody should put any of the weight of the divorce issues on the kids' shoulders.

We don't really know what Christine said to any of the kids (except to Truely), but I suspect she did lean on the older girls more than she should.  It's wrong, but it's certainly understandable.  Does she have any adult other than Janelle to talk to about grown-up matters?  Ideally, Janelle would have been enough of a confidante, but we don't know how available she was or how willing she was to hear Kotex bad-mouthed.

Kotex certainly believed Christine was spreading crap about him to the children.  Whatever she was saying to whom can't be as vile as the things he says about her to the tv audience.

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2 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Kotex certainly believed Christine was spreading crap about him to the children.  Whatever she was saying to whom can't be as vile as the things he says about her to the tv audience.

The only thing I am certain of is that all the "adults" have said sh*t about all the "adults" for years - on camera - to each other - and to the kids. Many of the kids were both instrumentally and emotionally parentified. And all of them have been exploited in order to keep a tv show on the air. 

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

Until it dawned on me that we were being manipulated, I was so proud of Christine's even temper, but remember in other settings when Kotex infuriated her and said things that weren't true?  She steamed off--she wasn't going to listen to that crap, and I think if this had been a true confrontation, she wouldn't have sat still and kept quiet as much as she did.

I do remember those confrontations, and that's what Kody, Meri and Robyn were probably expecting of Christine - emotionally blowing up and storming off. But what they got was much, much more powerful and effective. Christine was calm, composed, not arguing or going on and on. She stated what she wanted to say, then stopped and let them rage, knowing she had made her decision and was proceeding ahead on her own course. 

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I'm in the Christine's had counseling camp. Either that, or she's been watching the heck out of gray rocking narcissicts on youtube. I decided to go back and rewatch and I had forgotten that that she saw the writing on the wall from the very first episode. It's so sad to me that women in polygamy are naturally jealous and think it's a character flaw and they need to suck it up and overcome it if they want to get into heaven.

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10 minutes ago, waterytart said:

I'm in the Christine's had counseling camp. Either that, or she's been watching the heck out of gray rocking narcissicts on youtube. I decided to go back and rewatch and I had forgotten that that she saw the writing on the wall from the very first episode. It's so sad to me that women in polygamy are naturally jealous and think it's a character flaw and they need to suck it up and overcome it if they want to get into heaven.

She must have.  They probably even reviewed previous footage. lol.

Ysabel reports a "very rough time" so we never really saw the depths of Christine's lows/emotions.

By the time of filming for these staged scenes, she knew exactly how to approach confrontational moments - especially for tv purposes. Kody will likely blow up. Stay quiet. Robyn may get defensive. Stay composed. Meri doesn't usually say anything at all - ignore her. Janelle will have my back.

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:27 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

I want to just address this directly to Kody:

First of all, you don't get to unilaterally decide that you are not Meri's husband any more then turn around and whine about how Christine ended your marriage without your consent.  You don't get your own special set of rules, dude.  Seriously.  What's good for the goose and all that. 

You cannot in one episode complain about how Christine has been saying for ages that she is thinking about leaving you, then in the next episode protest that her leaving is unfair because you didn't get enough notice she wanted out.  It's on tape, you dipshit.  The audience has watched it all.  Years of it.  Your kids have watched it.  They lived it.  Everyone sees you, Kody.   Honestly, calling what you do "gaslighting" is too sophosticated a term for it.  You're just a stinking liar. 

You don't get to shame Christine for refusing to subjugate herself to the rules of a church that none of you belong to anymore.  And it was pathetic how you sat there and watched Robyn lecture her about the church and re-write the family history.  Clearly, she carries your balls around in her handbag.  It's sad.

You also don't get to complain about Christine taking Truley away then go without seeing Truely for weeks because you are mad at Christine.  Jeebus, you actually admitted it.  On  camera.  You don't have to just sit at Christine's house with Truely, you know ... take your child out for a pizza or something, you asshole.  Maybe bother to make space for her in Robyn's mansion.  Create the opportunity for that bond to develop between her and Robyn's brood you complain doesn't exist instead of just whining about it. 

And while I am on the subject, you are a little bitch to suggest Christine somehow poisoned Truley against you just because the kid wasn't as upset about the divorce as you had hoped she would be by the time you bothered to see her.  You are just pissed you weren denied the opportunity to weaponize Truely's sadness to punish Christine.  That's all that is about. 

You also do NOT sit on national TV and name certain of your children as not fitting into the family.   What the fuck are you thinking?  Are you actually trying to make your relationship with them worse?  What does "fit in" even mean, anyway?  I have the feeling the kids you say don't "fit in" are the ones who have challenged you or spoken out.  By the way, it was super shitty of you to try and get Christine to name which of the kids she had spoken with about leaving you.  Thank goodness she wouldn't tell you.  Clearly, your intention was to make them pay for it.  What a vindictive cocksucker you are! 

And in closing I want to point out that if you are "connecting" and communicating with Robyn and your children with her so much better than with other family members, maybe it's because YOU LIVE WITH THEM.  

YES!!! ❤

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For her to witness Kody’s anger about Christine’s departure, considering it an ultimate betrayal, followed by his declaration that he wouldn’t give a sh** if Meri did the same thing, has to sting. I don’t care how deeply she’s suffering from Stockholm Syndome (or whatever delusion she’s got going on)

It was interesting to me to hear Meri say that her "superpower" is "sticking it out." I think that is part of her delusion; that it's a virtue to stay in a loveless "marriage" with someone who not only doesn't love you or respect you, but states publicly, as often as possible, that he wishes you would just go away and leave him alone. Admittedly, I guess that does take a certain kind of strength, but walking away and facing life without a "partner" (at least in your own mind) would also take strength. Meri has done an excellent job of convincing herself that her ability to suck it up and accept a toxic marriage in the name of promoting polygamy is a virtue somehow. 

Just goes to show that people really can convince themselves of just about anything...

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4 hours ago, Mothra said:

She steamed off--she wasn't going to listen to that crap, and I think if this had been a true confrontation, she wouldn't have sat still and kept quiet as much as she did.

Do you mean when Meri followed her and stupidly told her to "look at the mountains" like that was going to solve anything. 

I've decided Robyn is a "Wife" and the other three are "Handmaids" called Ofkody. 

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On 11/7/2022 at 5:11 PM, Chalby said:

I was watching in disbelief as Robyn and Kody furiously vented about Christine destroying the family cohesiveness, but in the next breath Kody is urging Meri to leave, stating he's fine with that. Even Robyn was asking why she stays... Maybe Christine brought in more family income than the others? I just don't understand the rage.

I think Kotex and Rubbing are concerned that Christine's leaving will invalidate their TLC meal ticket.  As somebody here said, now the show is about a married couple and the husband's baby mamas, not about polygamy and how weird/fun/wonderful for all concerned it is.

Potential loss of income is something, maybe the only thing, that would send the two of them into a blind fury.  IMO.

Christine and Janelle were the only two other wives that maybe the audience could be made to believe were in a real marriage with Kotex, until Christine started telling everybody they didn't do sex any more.  Kotex himself blew the sex myth when he let us all know he despised Merry.  I think we all are suspicious about what goes on with Janelle.

So, we're left with a show about a man in a monogamous marriage who has financial obligations (or not) to two other women.  If the monogamous wife were charming or even likable, or if there were truly concerns about their religious beliefs,  maybe something could be made of it, but now imo anybody who isn't hate-watching has rocks in the head.

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:49 PM, Adeejay said:

I don't feel sorry for Meri; she deserves everything that she is getting.  "Congratulations, you're leaving the family!" sarcastically said the woman who was on her way out until her suitor turned out to be a catfish.  Every time she opens her mouth to say anything negative about Christine, someone should remind her of her little speech in that restaurant in Alaska.  I think Meri is just jealous that Kody is losing his ever-loving mind over Christine leaving but is on national television telling her to go the eff away.  I can’t begin to imagine what she would have done if after the catfish saga, the family had treated her the way they are treating Christine. 

This. Meri also spun it to make it seem like she had no idea it was a catfish when she’d been warned by at least two people, one being her child. So she received more pity than she deserved, except from Leon who called Meri out on that  

And now she’s criticising Christine as if she forgot how everyone rallied around her, trying to figure out how to make her happy again. NONE of them even attempted this with Christine. It’s so hypocritical coming from Meri. 

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18 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Holy sh*t, what was that tantrum Kody had at the end of the episode, something about "I gave up everything to love you/(Christine)".  What the h#ll???  God, the producers and edit monkeys must be having a field day skewering this jerk!  This plus the fact that we were subjected to Meri and her bestie giggling about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for several minutes.  I guess they could only come up with a certain amount of footage of Kody making a total @ss of himself.

This has GOT to be the final season!  Unless, Jenelle steps up for a farewell season . . .

I don't understand what exactly he gave up. And he loved her? He calls being an asshole loving her? He never listened to her and continously just acted like she didn't exist.

So what did he give up to love her? What? He gained ao much by marrying her. His children for number one and a mother to mother the majority of them while he twitted around saying how great he was. If anyone gave up shit, it's Christine. And why in the fuck is he saying shit like that. Like dude all your kids can see this. Lime calm the fuck down and quit with that hate. Like just be calm and don't say mean shit. Be thankful that Christine helped with your children and leave it at that. What a complete asscanoe

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On 11/7/2022 at 9:59 AM, 65mickey said:

I don't remember her saying that but in What context was it said? Many parents say that they willl not let a child live at home after 18 if they are not in school or working. I doubt seriously that she would throw one of her children out of the home when they turned 18.  She told Kody that she was thinking about not selling the house but leaving it so Gwyn to have a place to stay and to rent out to her roommates. I also remember her saying she didn't want Gwyn to feel abandoned by her moving to Utah. 

Christine in no way comes across to me as an unconcerned parent. Kody holds a lock on that title.

What I remember is she wouldn't let Mkelti move home after leaving school.  She needed to do something so Mkelti moved to St George and got a job, met Tony, had tacos and voila, babies!

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

And now she’s criticising Christine as if she forgot how everyone rallied around her, trying to figure out how to make her happy again. NONE of them even attempted this with Christine. It’s so hypocritical coming from Meri

Given what we see now... and given that we know this family has lied about so much for over a decade... Do we really think Kody rallied around Meri when he found out "she was leaving my ass?" Do we really think those "adults" weren't talking about Meri and picking sides? The adults who literally said they didn't want to be around her?

I get that Meri has had a lot of issues over the years and I get that she "plays victim," is emotionally immature and an outright b*tch in her past. She's not getting a pass. I don't feel sorry for her either. 

But I just find it incredibly interesting that Kody's agenda this season is to railroad Christine as the "problematic, selfish, mean sister wife all these years."  He's pulling allies. 

It sounds so familiar. I think Kody pushed that same agenda on Meri. I think he pulled his allies then too. 

This family is prone to picking sides and icing people out - and it starts with Kody.

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I feel sorry for each of the OG3 - to a point. I applaud each of the OG3 - to a point. They've all made their beds, have laid in them, and some of them are selling their beds 😁.

What bothers me most about the 3 of them (and Robyn & Kody) is lack of accountability. Not one of them, IMO, has owned up to their own bullshit.

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On 11/7/2022 at 8:05 PM, b2H said:

Thinking about Sobyn’s reaction, it was a sincerely cult response to tell Christine she was lying, in the face of Sobyn’s successful relationship with Kotex.  She is no more convinced of Kotex’s responsibility in this than a Koresh member or Jim Jones member would be convinced of their leader’s responsibility.  

We see it as heinous because we aren’t cult members, but Sobyn is in for a penny, in for a pound.  The others, not so much.

I agree with you, but I'm not so sure Rubbing would be such a committed cult member if she did not hold the position of Queen Bee.  It's easy to be all rah-rah when you're the head cheerleader and dating the quarterback.  The clarinet player who doesn't have a boyfriend might not have so much team spirit.

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Meri also spun it to make it seem like she had no idea it was a catfish when she’d been warned by at least two people, one being her child. So she received more pity than she deserved, except from Leon who called Meri out on that  

Merry never did acknowledge that she was to blame.  All she wanted was to be the victim of catfishing--and then so what?  If "Sam" had been genuine, it's pretty clear she would've left Kotex for him--as who wouldn't?--and only Kotex and Leon have been willing to believe and to point out that it wasn't the catfishing that was wrong; it was betrayal of her husband and her entire family, and that betrayal was all on her.

I can't recall Merry even apologizing to her husband that she did him wrong--and no wonder he wants nothing to do with her.  Who wants to be married to someone who doesn't want to be married to him?

Edited by Mothra
oh never mind
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Thinking more about Robyn's ludicrous argument that Christine isn't really divorced until she has sex with someone else...

That means Robyn wasn't really divorced until she married/has sex with Kody. It also means she was courting/kissing him while still married.

It also means that people who divorce and never date/sleep with anyone else are forever married to their exes.

GTFO out here with that nonsense, Robyn. And quit making shit up on the fly. You're not quick enough on your feet.

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

Oh. I see.

It seem even Mother Nature's loathes this PoS.

1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

Thinking more about Robyn's ludicrous argument that Christine isn't really divorced until she has sex with someone else...

That means Robyn wasn't really divorced until she married/has sex with Kody. It also means she was courting/kissing him while still married.

It also means that people who divorce and never date/sleep with anyone else are forever married to their exes.

GTFO out here with that nonsense, Robyn. And quit making shit up on the fly. You're not quick enough on your feet.

IIRC, didn't Sobyn sleep with him before they were married? I seem to remember a lot of shenanigans going on during their 'courting' that went beyond anything he ever did with the other wives...So maybe that's what Douche told her so he could get it in before the wedding...

Edited by gingerella
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I'm been thinking this after watching this episode two two times:

Polygamy is perfect breeding ground for narcissism.  Kody is a classic narcissist who pits one wife against another to manipulate his agenda (triangulation anyone?)  So it's not that Kody is a crappy husband who favors Robyn...nooooo....it's somehow Robyn's fault she is favored. 

You heard Kody rant and rave all the time about how "unfair" the family is to Robyn.  What a victim she is because she is perceived as "the favorite".  Robyn certainly buys into that story hook, line and sinker.  And the other wives tip toe around it.  They whisper but are afraid to say "favorite"

Thats all such an abusive classis ploy.  To say the other wives are against Robyn and Kody has to protect her.

But Christine's conflict isn't with Robyn.  It's with Kody. She isn't mad that Robyn is Kody's favorite wife.  She is mad her polygamist husband is sheirking the rules of having a favorite wife.  It's not about Robyn.  It's about Kody.

So you get these weird outburst.  Robyn is lock andoaded ready to fight back since Kody been telling her the other wives are coming at her.  She hears things that aren't being said.  She misunderstands context.  

And classically, Robyn and the other wives can't resolve all this conflict because it's not really between them and they don't have any ownership to it.

Christines conflict is with Kody.  Kody needs to stop all this nonsense and deal direclty with the consequence of HIS actions and choices.

And this:

When Kody saids he favors Robyn's kids because they "communicate" with him (god, he was so weird the way he kept saying that)...he means he favors the cause they say what he wants/expects to hear.

According to him, Christine doesn't "communicate" well.  She said she wants a divorce and is leaving.  Kody didn't want to hear it.  He claims now he was "blindsided".

Again classic narcissism; he hears only what helps/promotes/benefits him.  

The living situation at Robyn's house must be pure hell.

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I wish there was a way to have a pillow talk version of this show, but the only couple is Kody/Robin. I just would like to get comments from the adults as they are shown clips of the current show comments from the others plus flashbacks from past shows that confirm or contradict their own statements.  The tell-nothing shows should do that, but they are always a massive fail.  
I think everyone sees the end of the show and they are terrified except for maybe Christine. Kody hates Meri in part because of the catfish but also because if her financial independence. He really was not happy about her bnb and I am sure she isn’t giving any of her Lulu money to the family pot. 

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1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

I'm been thinking this after watching this episode two two times:

Polygamy is perfect breeding ground for narcissism.  Kody is a classic narcissist who pits one wife against another to manipulate his agenda (triangulation anyone?)  So it's not that Kody is a crappy husband who favors Robyn...nooooo....it's somehow Robyn's fault she is favored. 

You heard Kody rant and rave all the time about how "unfair" the family is to Robyn.  What a victim she is because she is perceived as "the favorite".  Robyn certainly buys into that story hook, line and sinker.  And the other wives tip toe around it.  They whisper but are afraid to say "favorite"

Thats all such an abusive classis ploy.  To say the other wives are against Robyn and Kody has to protect her.

But Christine's conflict isn't with Robyn.  It's with Kody. She isn't mad that Robyn is Kody's favorite wife.  She is mad her polygamist husband is sheirking the rules of having a favorite wife.  It's not about Robyn.  It's about Kody.

So you get these weird outburst.  Robyn is lock andoaded ready to fight back since Kody been telling her the other wives are coming at her.  She hears things that aren't being said.  She misunderstands context.  

And classically, Robyn and the other wives can't resolve all this conflict because it's not really between them and they don't have any ownership to it.

Christines conflict is with Kody.  Kody needs to stop all this nonsense and deal direclty with the consequence of HIS actions and choices.

And this:

When Kody saids he favors Robyn's kids because they "communicate" with him (god, he was so weird the way he kept saying that)...he means he favors the cause they say what he wants/expects to hear.

According to him, Christine doesn't "communicate" well.  She said she wants a divorce and is leaving.  Kody didn't want to hear it.  He claims now he was "blindsided".

Again classic narcissism; he hears only what helps/promotes/benefits him.  

The living situation at Robyn's house must be pure hell.

This entire post is fantastic and totally on point, especially the bolded parts! You are so right, none of the wives really can go at it with another wife because the connecting point in the husband, really, if you're following polygamy correctly, or so I think... Robyn has probably been fed soooo much bullshit directly from DoDouche's deranged head to hers, and we all know 99% of what comes out of his mouth is deluded bullshit so for as much as Sobyn Robyn is at fault for perpetuating this favoritism of Robyn, she too probably hears alot of BS from him that he just makes up. Most of what he says is just 'KoDouche knowledge', aka made up in his pea brain when the hamster wakes up and takes a few turns on the wheel up there in his noodle noggin'.

6 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I wish there was a way to have a pillow talk version of this show, but the only couple is Kody/Robin. I just would like to get comments from the adults as they are shown clips of the current show comments from the others plus flashbacks from past shows that confirm or contradict their own statements.  The tell-nothing shows should do that, but they are always a massive fail.  
I think everyone sees the end of the show and they are terrified except for maybe Christine. Kody hates Meri in part because of the catfish but also because if her financial independence. He really was not happy about her bnb and I am sure she isn’t giving any of her Lulu money to the family pot. 

First, I hope none of the OG wives is giving one penny of their earnings to the 'Kody and Robyn' post because, fuck that shit! They're all on their own right now. This asshole wants nothing to do with the leftover wives, just wants out of polygamy now, and to hell with the wives he took on. We all know Robyn doesn't do shit so she isn't bringing money into the home because she has young children and has to supervise the nanny while her college aged children do what exactly? She had no issues using other children to nanny her kids and probably do housework too, but her own kids can't do that?

As for the Couch? I'd love to see Kody/Robyn on one couch watching, with some of the kids watching on other couches and commenting. That? Would be a thing of beauty! And I'd realllly love it even more if Christine and Janelle were together on a couch. Janelle might not have formally left noodle noggin's ass yet, but she's done with him, you can tell. It's almost humorous to her when she asks him to come to the trailer and take out the trash, because she knows he has to...hahaha! Jokes on him!

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23 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Kody was done with Leon when they announced. Up to that point he treated them like any of the others.

Knowing how much Meri loves Leon I would think that would cause separation between Meri and Kody but so far it hasn’t. 

That leads me to believe Meri loves being on a reality show and the big house and the $$ and having those on Luluroe functions ohh and aaa over her. 

No woman would ever stay like Meri stays. She sees the talking heads and listens to Kody talk about her and how he no longer cares. 

It’s actually kind of sad. 😞

Yes, and wouldn’t you say behind the scenes, Hey Meri, you know we are so done as far as being married, however for tv purposes we need to appear to at least be working on things.  But, he doesn’t do that.  She says she’s trying and he leaves her hanging in the wind.  Gives her ZERO chance….it’s done, why is she still around.  Poke a long Meri and find another man.  Bye bye!  It’s bizarre.  I guess he’s to the point that he doesn’t give a flip about any of it. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

It seem even Mother Nature's loathes this PoS.

IIRC, didn't Sobyn sleep with him before they were married? I seem to remember a lot of shenanigans going on during their 'courting' that went beyond anything he ever did with the other wives...So maybe that's what Douche told her so he could get it in before the wedding...

I don't think this has ever been said, but I wholeheartedly believe this to be the case.

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10 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Because at some point, the grateful little waifs he resuced from a trailer will grow up and stop being such adoring, agreeable stooges.

The same catty little trailer dwellers who made derisive comments about Savannah’s room in the RV? 

Edited by magemaud
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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

The same catty little trailer dwellers who made derisive comments about Savannah’s room in the RV? 

Yep. Exactly. 

I suspect they've heard Kody say worse about the accommodations at Janelle's so they think it's okay to be rude little jerks, just like Daddy.  But let one of them decide to start challenging his assholery one day, though.  They'll end up on the Island of Misfit Kids with Leon and Paedon. 

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3 hours ago, Elodia said:

But that didn't stop this self-centered idiot from being at the forefront at the opening and cutting the ribbon. The audacity of this guy! I still wonder to this day why Meri allowed it.

Because it was Kody and she still hopes for a relationship with him even though he wants none of it. He always wants to be front and center, the hub of everything, so naturally he expected to cut the ribbon.

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:30 PM, JayDub1987 said:

When do you think I could plan on you packing your shit and moving out of my house?" 

Reading your comment reminded me of my father's beliefs. As soon as we were 16 he told us we could move out legally and there would be nothing he or mom could do. My dad felt that since he left at 16, we should too.This was the late '70s.

What happened to me? I moved out at 16. I didn't know there were other options out there and luckily, I've done all right in my life. But after having 4 kids, I look back and I just cannot believe he did that to us six kids.(yes I know my grammar is wrong)

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:47 PM, Tuxcat said:

She left with all those relationships. She left with twelve children on her side. His entire family rock structure comes crashing down. And that is killing him. 

I love this part:.. she left with 12 kids on her side...

Christine always appeared to be the "fun mom" and also the one to plan a party, organize support for another, help with school projects. (Robin's good at encouraging anxiety and panic attacks).

Given Christine's nature and keen interest in the kids' lives, I could see a show being offered to her. Would Kody be entitled to a %, or could he legally demand a percentage?

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On 11/8/2022 at 11:41 AM, Spectator said:

I’ve been trying (and failing) to define Janelle’s position right now and you just nailed it - she’s “quiet quitting”. She just doesn’t care anymore and often shows defiance, indifference or lack of respect for Kody (all well deserved!). I think she stays because she’s not interested in dating anyone else, so why not just stay and squeeze whatever she cZn out of him. Kody can help fill her RV water tanks or help with the generator. She’s really just using Kody at this point and he’s too self absorbed to even notice that she either mocks him or ignores him whenever he speaks. 

I also loved that she said “yay” when Christine announced she sold her house and that Kody was pissed by that reaction. Christine has shown a lot of strength this season, but Janelle is pretty kick ass too…the quiet hero. 

I said once before that they should have a spin off show with Janelle and Christine in Utah, dating, working, living their best life. Ironically, I even said the theme song should be Unwritten, the same song they sang at Y's grad party.

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