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S16.E22: Power Of Veto Competition #7

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Is getting everyone in a room together to see who's telling the truth really a police technique, or has Derrick been reading a few too many Agatha Christie novels?


Escape goat was cute.  But English isn't Victoria's first language.  I'm not sure what Caleb's excuse is.


I think the TPTB have abandoned Donny.  He's not even getting much DR time on the show any more.  Maybe they're still pissed that he refused that TA task a couple of weeks ago.

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Man - Zack's DR was...raw.  I was taken aback.  Don't worry Zach...given Frankie near the bottom of every poll...unless producers pull a fast one...I can't see him getting the votes he needs for America's favorites.


Victoria and the Escape Goats is going to be the name of my Nirvana Cover Band.


Frankie - you SUCKKKK!!!!!!  God...Just when I think I've found the depths of my loathing for him - he plumbs his way down to more! 


I am not sure I've ever seen a season where none of the dolts who make it to 'jury time' consider jury votes when it comes time to nominate people.  In the freakish chance Christine makes it to top 2...you just kissed Nichole's vote buh bye. 


Edited by BeatrixK
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Is getting everyone in a room together to see who's telling the truth really a police technique, or has Derrick been reading a few too many Agatha Christie novels?

Heh! I wondered about that, too, but whatever his methods, I think Derrick is playing an awesome game.


Nicole and Donny on the block.  It's going to be a sad Thursday night.

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Nicole, hon, shouldn't you take your mascara off before you get in the shower? What glamour that shot of her in the shower was...


Hah, I hate when shows make up their own hashtags but... #EscapeGoat is the best, along with the *blink blink* sound effects for Victoria.


I loved that this was like a combo Otev & Zingbot. I also loved how quickly the 'superfan' houseguest pegged that it was time for Otev.


Wow, Derrick is good.


How can Christine see the parade of women sent packing by her beloved Detonators and NOT realize she is the lowest rung on that all-male totem pole?? But don't feel "betrayed" when that goes down because it's not your 'fault' you were just born without a dick to swing.


I bet Donny survives just because he's "a bro" as Zach would say. We edge closer and closer to this being a frat party not a game of Big Brother.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Live Feed:  

It looks like production has made a concentrated effort not to show any interaction between Cody and Christine on the show, but during the closing credits it showed them in the HOH room embracing in a long hug.  Of course, those who only watch the show have no idea about their "disgusting" (Christine's favorite word) behavior, dammit! 


People comment on how many of the girls always play with their hair (the Kardashians are the worst), but I find it just as annoying that Derrick is always stroking his facial hair.  It's distracting.

Edited by CuriousParker
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Sure sounded like Gilbert Gottfried to me. Zach made me laugh out loud twice tonight - first when he was outraged at Otev swearing, yelling "my brother watches this!" and second when he compared himself looking for the tokens to being a truffle pig. I've really started to like that fruit loop dingus fooligan. And I felt really bad for him in his DR session - that seemed like the most genuine he's been the whole time.


Christine is just a ridiculous hag.

  • Love 4

Nicole, hon, shouldn't you take your mascara off before you get in the shower? What glamour that shot of her in the shower was...


Hah, I hate when shows make up their own hashtags but... #EscapeGoat is the best, along with the *blink blink* sound effects for Victoria.


I loved that this was like a combo Otev & Zingbot. I also loved how quickly the 'superfan' houseguest pegged that it was time for Otev.


Wow, Derrick is good.


How can Christine see the parade of women sent packing by her beloved Detonators and NOT realize she is the lowest rung on that all-male totem pole?? But don't feel "betrayed" when that goes down because it's not your 'fault' you were just born without a dick to swing.


I bet Donny survives just because he's "a bro" as Zach would say. We edge closer and closer to this being a frat party not a game of Big Brother.


I bet Donny survives because he's less dangerous than Nicole.  Donny isn't going to mess up their game, so he'll get to stay.  Nicole might be able to have a heart to heart with Christine and she might be able to convince her that the house is about to turn on her.  See ya Nicole.  


Derrick.  Damn son.  He thinks...hey, I want Nicole to be on the block and blink...it happens and he gets Caleb to be the one to go and tell a lie to get it done.  

Derrick walking in, still dressed  in his sports-casting suit, telling the four guys to go hash their shit out in private?  Looked like a dad coming home from a long day of work and finding his four sons being dumbasses and telling them to take it elsewhere.


Is having 1 million youtube followers a big deal?  Like, seriously.  Who gives a shit.


EscapeGoat!  Damnit, I wish I could have a new log in here bc that would be it ;)

  • Love 13


Is having 1 million youtube followers a big deal?  Like, seriously.  Who gives a shit.

It would be more of a big deal if it were actually true.  Unfortunately for Frankie, I will quickly fact check that and.... 268,907.  And that's the number right this moment after he has been self-promoting on national television for almost 2 months.  

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I'm such a sucker for Zach but I used to teach preschool and my favorites have always been the trouble makers who lack self control and that's what Zach reminds me of. Whoever said his DR was raw said it perfectly. That wasn't an act. He's really trying for that money even if it doesn't seem like it.

I can't wait for this season to end so Donny can get back to people who love him and see how much the viewers love him. I really hope he wins America's favorite. He'd be so touched.

  • Love 7

There were some good moments in this episode.

The "Disneyfying" of Victoria when she head about Ariana complete with swelling music and eye blinking sound effects. Pure Gold!

Zach's  tearful breakdown in the Diary Room...random as hell and completly unscripted....also hilarous as hell.


That said as a whole the season is a write off because of the stranglehold The Detonators have on the entire game. Every time there is even the slightist chance fate manages to save them from going home as witnessed by Zach's veto win and Caleb missing his chance to screw up the BOB competition allowing Frankie to win. Oh, well I am at least happy Frankie's
"Big Reveal" fizzled.


I did find it amazing that Caleb think the Bomb Squad is still in full effect-having no clue it reformed as the Detonators leavaing him out.

Meanwhile the producers of LOST should sue because tonight's episode was a complete rip off of the LOST episode where we got to see Nikki and Paolo were completly engaged in their own little storyline the entire time all the other big events were playing out. BIG BROTHER's take on this was that there was this entire storyline and alliance between Derrick and Victoria that's been going on this ENTIRE TIME with his obvious intention to bring her to the end as a final two goat and ensure victory and in 54 days there was not even the slightest hint the two had even spoken to each other let alone had a one on one alliace. Call the lawyers J.J.!


Lastly the TEAM AMERICA thing has completly fizzled much like all the other stuff they've tried to use to jazz up the show...most notable THE SABATEUR being voted out the first week. I guess that's Karmen Electra for trying yet again with another unworkable twist.

Edited by North of Eden
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So when I read the bios before the season begun, I said no way does Frankie keep his life as a 'media mogul' and his 'major, major pop star' sister secrets even a week. His occupation was listed as YouTube personality, that's all I needed to hear. I have to give it up to him, he managed to get through six weeks before he did exactly what I thought he'd do. But he did it in a much more douchey way, so there's that.

DVRed the show, so haven't gotten to the POV fun yet, but I had to rant about Frankie for just a little bit. He's the worst.

Edited by Katesus7
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Derrick walking in, still dressed  in his sports-casting suit, telling the four guys to go hash their shit out in private?  Looked like a dad coming home from a long day of work and finding his four sons being dumbasses and telling them to take it elsewhere.


Ha ha that's perfect. Awesome

Most vomit inducing exchange of the season:

Nicole: "You're fricken famous!"

Frankie: "I know"

  • Love 6

It would be more of a big deal if it were actually true.  Unfortunately for Frankie, I will quickly fact check that and.... 268,907.  And that's the number right this moment after he has been self-promoting on national television for almost 2 months.  

I would say, if you add up his Instagram, twitter, youtube channel, FB, myspace, yahoo ask...and whatever the hell else he is on, then his numbers might make sense.

Edited by BeatrixK

Gilbert Gottfried tweeted tonight-yes, it was him as OTEV. They probably wouldn't have included Frankie exclaiming his name if it wasn't his voice.

I really loved the "blink, blink" sound effects for Victoria's reaction, too. And Zach's DR pain over feeling he didn't stand a chance for winning anything over Frankie and his charity was raw and quite moving. I think he does stand a good chance of Fan Favorite if he doesn't mess up.

Nicole's final whine in the DR-"I can't count on ANYONE now...(whimper)...gosh" became officially, for me, a living example of a Kristen Wiig character on SNL.

But those aren't unique users. That doesn't work.  Maybe that's how they market it to get advertisers?


I am a fan of all things Zach, but enraged Zach is by far the sexiest. He should swear and scream every week.  Only at Frankie.  (eta: not crying snot streaming Zach. Not sexy.)


I thought the reveal actually made Frankie look dumb.  I am severely prejudiced against him as a human though, so maybe I'm projecting? I thought the edit was not super positive. Well, the whole thing was not positive, but I feel like production is not kissing his ass.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Poor Victoria.  She really is that dumb.


Frankie:  "My name is Frankie J. Grande."

Christine: Immediately catches on.  "Nuh uh"

Frankie:  For the slower folks - "What's my sister's name?"

Nicole:  After much encouragement - "Arianna?"

Victoria:  Nothing

Frankie:  Spelling it out slow and clear - "My sister's Arianna Grande."

Victoria:  Mouth drops open.  Blink blink.  Hamster slowly spins the wheel. 

Cross Talk

Victoria:  Finally gets it.  Shrill screaming.

My favorite part of the show was Derrick saying "Amanda Grande" and Frankie correcting him.  Yeah, she's a mega-mega pop star.


Hah, I loved that too. The best was that, like I'd called, that it went over mostly to a chorus of degrees of WTF? I loved how he mentioned his "real" name and then fished for "And what's her first name???" and got mostly blank stares. As I said it was like he expected them to all act like they were just told they were going to Disneyland and to throw themselves at he feet of his might celebrity. If anything it just again shows how little he really gave a shit about everyone and how amazingly crushingly vain he really is at his core.

  • Love 4


Lastly the TEAM AMERICA thing has completly fizzled much like all the other stuff they've tried to use to jazz up the show...

I think it probably served its true purpose, that is, to give Frankie more camera time and to keep Donny from being one of the first people voted out. It also helped give Derrick a fairly constant good edit. The producers must have realized from the beginning that he had the kind of skills that would take him far as long as they gave some protection.

She is a hugely popular pop star, though. Derrick was on the right track when he said "Amanda." He didn't say "Heather" or "Gina." I've never heard a song of hers but I am aware of her and Derrick has to have been to almost get her name right. He said later on that he knew her from a TV show on Nickelodeon his sisters watch. I'm no Frankie fan, either, but he ain't lying when he said she was a mega pop star. She is.

Edited by TimWil

If they ever do a real Team America type thing, it needs to be a player going into it from the get-go who HAS to do all of the missions and whose objective is to do that. Having actual players messes with it because they'll always choose their game over the mission if it benefits them.

They did. Season 8. Eric was America's player, and even had to give up his vote and try to convince other people to switch their votes based on what "America" wanted. It sucked. Mostly because what "America" wanted and what I wanted were two different things, so I didn't really care about "America". Neither should the players, quite frankly.

As for the episode, wow. Zach's DR reminded me of his veto comp last week. When he gets frustrated, he REALLY gets frustrated.

Zach made me laugh out loud twice tonight - first when he was outraged at Otev swearing, yelling "my brother watches this!" and second when he compared himself looking for the tokens to being a truffle pig. I've really started to like that fruit loop dingus fooligan. And I felt really bad for him in his DR session - that seemed like the most genuine he's been the whole time.


Christine is just a ridiculous hag.

ITA. It's like Zach knows what's the "right" thing to do, but the devil on his shoulder (plus ADD or whatever) turns him the other way 80% of the time. I mean, he swears like a sailor, but everyone knows the veto comp gets to the television show. I love how ally862 compared him to a preschooler - so perfect! I used to work in an elementary school, and was always drawn to the little imps who would chew with their mouths intentionally open, ask weird precocious questions, and smile a shit-eating grin. That's Zach to me - (slightly) grown-up naughty and adorable.


Oh, and yes, Christine is a complete sea hag. WTF was with the scorched-earth speech to Nicole? I almost want Christine to be final two with someone like Zach or Caleb, and see her get slammed. (Nevermind. If the slamming were by Cody, she'd be orgasmic.)

WTF was with the scorched-earth speech to Nicole? I almost want Christine to be final two with someone like Zach or Caleb, and see her get slammed. (Nevermind. If the slamming were by Cody, she'd be orgasmic.)

Apparently Christine thinks everybody being sent to Jury should be torched with a flamethrower, to sear in their Jury vote along with all the other little bubbling juices.

To which I can only reply:

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em." -- Pepper Brooks, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story


Don't worry Zach...given Frankie near the bottom of every poll...unless producers pull a fast one...I can't see him getting the votes he needs for America's favorites.

Except those polls are of people who watch the show. If Arianna tweets regularly on her account and Frankies to tell followers to go vote for Frankie- and they will. It doesn't matter that they don't watch the show.


The reveal of Arianna made me laugh. Derrick getting "Amanda" was a lot better than the "who is that" of most people his age when Frankie was cast and talked about his famous sister.  And Victoria, who is a fan of hers, not being able to put Arianna and Grande together until Frankie said it all for her was pretty darn hysterical.


I don't understand why Donny refused the TA mission. It seems like getting someone as the replacement nominee and voted out would be in his best interest, since he would be sitting next to them!

Edited by Skittl1321
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I don't understand why Donny refused the TA mission. It seems like getting someone as the replacement nominee and voted out would be in his best interest, since he would be sitting next to them!


I think because having Donnie 'plead the case' for someone to go up while he was on the block would seem extremely fishy:  'Hey, you wanna go up next to me.  I really wanna go out, and having you next to me means I'll go to jury and you can stay here.  I only want to sit next to you to guarantee I'll get the votes to get sent packing! '

  • Love 1

I was dreading Frankie's big reveal because - WHO CARES??? But the look on Victoria's face made it entirely worth it. Could. Not. Stop. Laughing. 


God help me, I am starting to love Zach. He may such at competitions and strategizing, he may be a hothead who tries too hard....but I just can't help it. He cracks me the fuck up. "My brother watches this show!" and "digging like a truffle pig" were two of my favorite lines of the night. And I kind of loved him melting down and screaming at the cameras that Frankie is basically set up to win this. 


And Derrick....Derrick is a smooth mofo. His alliance was all but about to blow up in face, and he totally deflected that shit and had everyone pissed at Zach. He is pretty damn brilliant at this game. 


But, ugh, Nicole and Donny on the block. Two of my favorites. Either way tonight, I'm not going to be happy. 

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I can't stand it when someone uses his own sister as an escape goat.  

I was wondering if thats where term "scape goat" came from?  It sort of makes sense, like if you were trying to escape on a goat and it didn't move fast enough you could blame it...thereby making it the "scape goat"....or maybe I've just gone too long without sleep.


I think because having Donnie 'plead the case' for someone to go up while he was on the block would seem extremely fishy:  'Hey, you wanna go up next to me.  I really wanna go out, and having you next to me means I'll go to jury and you can stay here.  I only want to sit next to you to guarantee I'll get the votes to get sent packing! '

I guess I was thinking he wouldn't have to do it directly- but if he did, yeah, that doesn't work.  But with the rumor not all 3 of them seemed involved in the actual talking to others, so Donny would just need to figure out with the other two who the target was, and then they do the work.  Donny should have spent more time getting Frankie and Derrick to do it.


But of course, Frankie and Derrick want Donny out...

Wow, Derrick is good.


How can Christine see the parade of women sent packing by her beloved Detonators and NOT realize she is the lowest rung on that all-male totem pole?? But don't feel "betrayed" when that goes down because it's not your 'fault' you were just born without a dick to swing.


I bet Donny survives just because he's "a bro" as Zach would say. We edge closer and closer to this being a frat party not a game of Big Brother.


I think Christine loves the idea of more women leaving because with every woman that leaves, she becomes prettier and prettier.  I think once Victoria leaves she will feel comfortable leaving the house, because it means that Cody will either be in the house full of dudes, or a jury house with her.


Has Zingbot come yet?


Am I the only one that still likes frankie? (Maybe he'll introduce me to arianna)

But seriously, I do like him. I think he's a good person playing the game no holds barred. Thats just my opinion, please don't shoot.


No worries, if we were all meant to have the same opinion the world would be a boring place indeed :)

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I really didn't understand Frankie's strategy for deciding that now is the time to let everyone in on the secret that he's been lying to them the entire game and his sister is a moderately famous Nickelodeon actress turned pop star. And the way he said it all self-important like it was the biggest deal in the entire season was typical Frankie. Ugh. But I don't see how he thought that was going to help. "You think I've been lying to you all along? Well, I have. My sister is like, super-famous." And then knowing full well that everyone's reactions are going to be "Well, then you clearly don't need the money, douche," he quickly follows up with "I'm going to use any prize money I get to build schools for children in Africa!" Seriously? And everyone just bought that? Where were the clips of people going "He's a huge massive liar. Do we really believe this African children thing? I mean, really?"


It sucks that Nicole is probably going home because she's more of a troublemaker than Donny (and also doesn't have a penis), but at least it seems like Frankie is still pretty roundly disliked in the house. I felt like he was super popular with viewers going into it but after a couple weeks, his constant camera-hogging and production's insistence on making it the Frankie Show all the time seems to have had the opposite effect. It turned people off. Which is good.


Derrick continues to be the only one really playing this game at all. I genuinely hope he wins. He also needs to keep Caleb around as long as possible, because seriously, he's the easiest mark. Derrick likes to persuade other people to do his dirty work for him without them realizing what's happening and Caleb is the most easily manipulatable person I've ever seen on this show. All Derrick has to say is "It would be nice if this would happen," and Caleb immediately goes "Oh, hey! I volunteer to make that happen! That's a great idea! I'll do it! Me!"


I hope that at least this time we see someone on the block actively campaigning to stay in the house. Every other week, the outcome of the voting has been a done deal even before Thursday rolled around, so everyone just seemed to sit back and let it happen. Or else the editors just didn't bother including any footage of them trying to drum up votes because it wasn't going to matter, so why waste airtime. But I'd like Nicole to try and save herself. Just point out to everyone that Donny is kind of flaky, and also popular, so he's not someone you want to take to the end.

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