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As others have mentioned why wasn't Dorit's dog barking at the sound of the glass breaking? That would've been her first clue that something was amiss. 

Also she is all nervous when Kyle's dogs start barking, yet she sits outside alone when PK goes to find his phone, and dogs start barking and a siren is going off in the distance. Yet Dorit sits alone and doesn't run back inside. There is a lot of acting going on by Dorit. 

Erika is sitting around with her big panther ring on. If that was stolen when Tom confronted the burglar in her home, shouldn't the bankruptcy trustee be interested in that? 

Sutton clearly wasn't playing along with whatever Kyle was serving at their meet up. Surely it was days or maybe even weeks later. Sutton doesn't do well with pretending, and this is why Kyle and the others can play with her. 

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34 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

Did anyone else notice the weird smiley crazy eyed look Erica had on her face the whole time they were all in the living room at Kyles when PK came in and Dorit was all schmoopy Bubba hugging and crying at, and with him? 

Everyone else was showing downturned mouths and projecting awww poor Dorit and PK who have been so violated.... you know, the proper way to be if your friends had just experienced what they claim to have happened.

Erica was like she was gleefully watching some movie with a very weird smile and wild eyes the entire time. It was SO WEIRD!

YES!! I thought that was weird too. She looked like she was enjoying it all. "Gleeful" is a perfect description.

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17 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

Yes! That and more. Her eyes were wide and bugging out with Glee and she even had her teeth showing in a sort of smile, lol, at times. In your picture above she is literally smirking! 
Such inappropriate facial expressions for the tone of what was going on in front of her.

She is wildly inappropriate at times!



  • LOL 13
2 hours ago, SassyCat said:

Did anyone else notice the weird smiley crazy eyed look Erica had on her face the whole time they were all in the living room at Kyles when PK came in and Dorit was all schmoopy Bubba hugging and crying at, and with him? 

The producers/editors certainly did, lol!  But yes, Erika is a terrible actress - especially when she forgets to act human. 

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22 hours ago, ladle said:

Most, I think? The arrest rate for burglaries in the US is only 13%. 


Technically, what happened to Dorit was not just a burglary but a robbery. The distinction matters if you’re looking at solve rates. The solve rate for robbery is close to 30%, more than double that of burglaries. 

In case anyone is curious, robbery is when you take someone’s possessions by force. Theft is when you take someone’s possessions, which are not in their immediate presence. Burglary is entering a place with the intent to steal even if you don’t actually take anything. So what happened to Dorit was both burglary and robbery but the most serious offense was robbery. 

Edited by glowbug
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On 5/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, Pattycake2 said:

The get together at Kyle’s house definitely was not the night after the robbery. There were plenty of flights from London to Los Angeles which would’ve gotten PK into LA earlier that day. 

Actually, I think the timing here is plausible, even if I'm not sure the filming actually happened on the date that they are claiming.

PK said he got the call from Dorit around 6-7am London time. He probably did not have time to book a ticket and get to Heathrow in time to make a late morning flight (and he said something about sitting in the lounge at Heathrow, so he had time for that). The early afternoon flights from London would arrive at LAX late in the afternoon California time, and by the time he cleared immigration and got to Kyle's, it could be dark outside--this all happened in October.

[Pre-pandemic, I was flying from London to California about once a month, so I got VERY familiar with this particular journey.]

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16 hours ago, SassyCat said:

Did anyone else notice the weird smiley crazy eyed look Erica had on her face the whole time they were all in the living room at Kyles when PK came in and Dorit was all schmoopy Bubba hugging and crying at, and with him? 

Everyone else was showing downturned mouths and projecting awww poor Dorit and PK who have been so violated.... you know, the proper way to be if your friends had just experienced what they claim to have happened.

Erica was like she was gleefully watching some movie with a very weird smile and wild eyes the entire time. It was SO WEIRD!

It was like that same look she had on her face when trying to make Garcelle believe that she had been basically exonerated from the charges, which of course she hadn’t been, but was trying to push that lie on Garcelle and the desperate look on her face while closely watching Garcelles reaction, in hopes that Garcelle was going to fall for the fib. 

Saying that there was no written proof of this at her fingertips to show Garcelle, or the producer she was sniping at. Snappily telling them to go look through all the info her lawyers have publicly dispersed to find this supposed exonerating info (that isn’t there). She had one sick look on her face during that part of her conversation with Garcelle. Literally a sick look on her desperate face.

The crazy smiley look on her face while watching Bubba and Dorit suffer through their performance at Kyles was like an insane persons face and reaction to the pain being shown by the two victims of the burglary. 

If you can, go rewatch these 2 parts of her conversation with Garcelle, and then her wild look of delight while watching PK and Dorit suffering together in Kyles living room.    Scary crazy.

Two words: She’s soulless.


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11 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

Two words: She’s soulless.


I have been singing, "It's Exhausting to Be Me" instead of Expensive to Be Me.  

Maybe Erika is just a little miffed that her divorce, law suits, etc...have now been over shadowed by the robbery.

If it was Vicki G. that got robbed at gunpoint she'd want a casserole or two, I have to hand it to Dorit, she is not going over the top with all that.  I still have my doubts about certain details but it must have been scary.


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On 5/13/2022 at 1:33 PM, gingerella said:

Yes, and why was that? Because this vapid piece of human shite crisis and preens on TV showing off her closet of expensive purses and jewelry. Moron Vyle basically gave her robbers a road map of exactly where in her house they should go for the good stuff. Yeah, this is why I have zero empathy or sympathy for these useless people. They get what they put out unto the world, and in this case they put out 'Hey look how great I am because of thr material wealth I have! Look at all my expensive stuff that still doesn't fill the empty void in my life!" Bah, I wish all these franchises would just tank already.

I'm curious; why do you watch?

  • Love 1

Heh. The WWCL guys had the same reaction as I to Erika telling Rinna that the tea she just made was going to be “hot.” They joked, “Really? She’s just figuring this out now?”

Also WWCL, paraphrasing:
“Did you know preparing tea involves boiling water?”

”’I’m coming for you’ isn’t a threat. My Uber driver texts me, ‘I’m coming for you.’”

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
  • LOL 10
40 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I have been singing, "It's Exhausting to Be Me" instead of Expensive to Be Me.  

Maybe Erika is just a little miffed that her divorce, law suits, etc...have now been over shadowed by the robbery.

If it was Vicki G. that got robbed at gunpoint she'd want a casserole or two, I have to hand it to Dorit, she is not going over the top with all that.  I still have my doubts about certain details but it must have been scary.


I think she’s just incapable of any human emotion such as empathy or sympathy. She’s shown that over and over with the widows and orphans. She does not give one tinker’s damn about them, and is actually angry, I think, that they’ve disrupted her life like this. Same with Tom. Her sequined gravy train’s off the rails. That’s all she cares about.

I still believe Dorit until I have reason to think otherwise. Having been through a similar situation, events can seem crazy and not make any sense after the fact. When you’re going through it, though, all you want to do is stay alive.


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I am leaning towards this was a set up, but that Dorit did not know about it initially. For all her faults, I don’t think that Doriit would intentionally expose her children to that experience. Plus, she is not that good an actress. But, I can see PK doing it. I think PK set it up, told the “burglars” to terrify Dorit so she would really sell it, then he paid off his gambling debts with the insurance payout. He would never put Dorit and the children in real danger, but a little trauma to Dorit to get debts paid seems highly likely. And, magically, she has an interesting storyline after a season when it seemed she may be on the chopping block. Win win for Bubba.

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1 hour ago, MMLEsq said:

...and make sure you keep your phone, apparently.

THIS all of this.. hi sirs I know you just threatened to kill me and my family but if you could just leave my phone cause I have super important phone numbers in there and I PROMISE not to call the police that be GREAT....

Robber: sure no problem just give me a 40 sec head start and just look for the light next to the door to the street .. thanks and have a great rest of your evening ....

. (BULLSHIT I CALL BULLSHIT and I will keep calling bullshit because not even the most bumbling of thief’s WOULD do that…  ) 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 5/11/2022 at 8:12 PM, ZettaK said:

It's obvious, Bravo is going to rehabilitate helium balloon voiced Erica. Like Teresa Giudice....

If that's Bravo rehabilitating her, I can't imagine what going after her would look like. They seem to be out for blood with those talking heads. I don't think for a second they haven't seen that side of her all along, but they didn't air it.

Note to self - place tile trackers in all my comforters.

Forget the dickering over the phone. Don't alarm systems have panic buttons? Sure she'd sit tight for however many minutes first to make sure they were out of the house, and that would buy them time, but factoring the time it would take her to go outside and FIND her phone rather than hit the panic button? No other internet-connected device? 

And there's no land line in the entire house? I know people have gotten away from them, but in a place that size there's no little princess phone in the butler's pantry in case the local cell tower goes down? Linked to the alarm system which I assume needs a land line of some sort?

I go back and forth. I can believe that it was set up, but went terribly wrong, as in they expected it to happen while they were away, it didn't, and they were going to have to go back to square one and set it up all over again, not dreaming that the bungling burglars would show up that night. Which would double the freakout factor - the burglars themselves may have been third party contractors and who knows what they might do, and knowing the whole thing was botched instead of a nice clean "this terrible thing happened while we were out of the country" makes the stories they tell after much more fraught with legal jeopardy. 

I don't think she was purely making up being terrified, but that would happen if you found yourself in a scene you weren't supposed to be present for.

On 5/12/2022 at 7:37 AM, 65mickey said:

And is this something new with Kyle calling Mauricio Moe? I just don't remember this. She and her daughters were even doing this on WWHL. I guess Moe sounds cool. 

In an early season I seem to remember Kim mocking Kyle calling him "Mauricio" because they'd been calling him Mo for 20 years. (She was drunk/drugged and angry so it was a weird but probably legit accusation)

On 5/13/2022 at 9:17 AM, WhatAmIWatching said:

I still think that it's someone who has worked for them in some capacity, or is close to someone who has. Someone unnoticeable in their orbit, so they know the family's comings and goings and what's kept in the house. (That is, if it wasn't a set up, which I still can't wave off yet.)

I once had to account for anybody I might have mentioned my boss's travel to. The most casual "my boss is away next week so I'm going to take a long weekend" can have repercussions.


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On 5/11/2022 at 6:24 PM, sistermagpie said:

If so that's an even better to turn on the alarm system! I'm shocked she wouldn't turn it on.

Absolutely.  I live alone (empty nester) and the kids made me promise to get an alarm system.  I get up all the time during the night and move from room to room.  Yes there are motion sensors but usually you direct them at the front door when the system is armed.  Otherwise, it activates if a door or window is opened.  

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I wonder if the robbers’ fingerprints were on her phone. Why is the phone info even introduced? Seems like one of those sketchy too many details things that liars do. How is the phone important enough to be included. Gun to the head part? Check, important! Just fucking kill her? Relevant detail! Location of kids? Important!

The status and location  of her phone during and after the traumatic event? Does not really seem like an important point, unless she’s offering that detail to hedge against future questions.

Film Noire is right, this is a Columbo episode!

And I guess the main thing is, thank god Dorit’s phone  made it!


Edited by Jel
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On 5/11/2022 at 9:10 PM, thesupremediva1 said:

No but seriously… is he selling client information? Do the systems just not work? Or are these robberies staged?! So. Many. Questions.

Dorit explained on WWHL that she didn't have the security alarms armed because her kids sometimes get up during the night and trip the alarm.  At least the cameras were working.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Did the burglars take Dorit's wedding rings?  That seems like easy pickings for a thief to demand she hand over to them but she still has them, right?  

Like everyone else is posting about this, yes so many questions.

Which probably won’t be answered until the cops finish their investigation, which  I’m sure they’re still working.

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8 hours ago, swankie said:

Dorit explained on WWHL that she didn't have the security alarms armed because her kids sometimes get up during the night and trip the alarm.  At least the cameras were working.  

she had been robbed twice before .. she didn't want her kids to set of the alarm? LOL why even have a freaking alarm? 

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15 hours ago, swankie said:

Dorit explained on WWHL that she didn't have the security alarms armed because her kids sometimes get up during the night and trip the alarm.  At least the cameras were working.  

Which again, if were actually true, there would be ample records from the Security company showing false alarms.  I highly doubt this ever actually happened before, which would blow a hole in her story if anyone ever asked for the company records on false alarms.

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7 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

she had been robbed twice before .. she didn't want her kids to set of the alarm? LOL why even have a freaking alarm? 


6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Twice before!?!?!?!

All right. This is idiotic. They pay for that security system every month but don’t use it?

Theory: PK arranged for the burglary/robbery. They were supposed to execute it while the family was out of town. Last-minute change of plans. Dorit goes back one day earlier. PK forgot to update the thieves.

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On 5/17/2022 at 3:26 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

All right. This is idiotic. They pay for that security system every month but don’t use it?

Theory: PK arranged for the burglary/robbery. They were supposed to execute it while the family was out of town. Last-minute change of plans. Dorit goes back one day earlier. PK forgot to update the thieves.

I wouldn't be surprised. PK is the only entertaining thing about Dorit, and I feel they needed to bring something this season.

Sutton doesn't seem to be buying it either. Gotta say, Sutton is bad-ass. She's not always right, but she can still run circles about each and every one of the others. I'm mostly watching for her. 

Edited by Jextella
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16 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:


All right. This is idiotic. They pay for that security system every month but don’t use it?

Theory: PK arranged for the burglary/robbery. They were supposed to execute it while the family was out of town. Last-minute change of plans. Dorit goes back one day earlier. PK forgot to update the thieves.

I am wondering what their insurance company is gonna do tho with the fact that she ADMITTED to not having it on at the time and admitting to NOT using it because of her kids setting it off  ... IF they were required to have a alarm system for discounts and such will the insurance pay out if they weren't using it? 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 5/11/2022 at 7:30 PM, FlyingEgret said:

As much as I side-eye Dorit, I am very glad she and her kids were not hurt during the break-in; how terrifying...

Me too. I can't think of much more traumatizing than being held at gunpoint. My heart truly goes out to her, and I hope she gets all the therapy, security and anything else she needs to feel safe. I can't begin to imagine. 

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My take on the crazy weird animated glee Erica is showing during Dorits performance is this... 

I think she is just LOVING sitting back and watching a liars act while on center stage instead of it being HER that’s the one being scrutinized under the microscope of the viewers. One liar watching the performance of another liar and digging it. Maybe taking notes. Just loving the fact it isn’t her own deviance thats going under the microscope for once. 

Happy that someone else is just like her and playing a part for the deception of gaining money (insurance dollars) in an unscrupulous fashion. 

She doesn’t feel so bad about what she does (if thats possible) because right there, is someone else on center stage, putting on the performance. The only glee she didn’t show was a standing ovation. 
Funny also, is that Sutton wasn’t invited to the show that night. She would not have been a good audience member and they know it. Her eye rolling would not have been helpful to Dorits cause and performance.

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On 5/12/2022 at 5:41 AM, rlc said:

I'm not going to speculate as to whether or not the break in was real, because I'd hate to think that someone could be that duplicitous.

That said, come on Sutton- I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! 

Erika is the worst. Okay, maybe she's tied with Rinna.




On 5/12/2022 at 6:37 AM, 65mickey said:

And is this something new with Kyle calling Mauricio Moe? I just don't remember this. She and her daughters were even doing this on WWHL. I guess Moe sounds cool. 

I remember Kyle saying Moe before. I'll take anything over Love Bean. 


On 5/12/2022 at 8:35 AM, Cosmocrush said:

Nor should he.  He had some laughs at Erika's expense and I thought it was hilarious. 

Honestly, that was some of the funniest shit I've seen on the show all these years. 

I thought Sutton's reaction was strange but give her benefit of the doubt. She actually comes across as a nice person. I agree with the posts that perhaps she didn't buy the burglary was real or it was just an awkward reaction she didn't mean/editing, something beyond not giving AF Dorit could have been killed. I don't think Sutton is that cold.

Edited by RealHousewife
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It's been a while since I watched the show when Teddi was on, but wasn't she the one who got the "homophobic" ball rolling with regard to Denise/Brandi? I vaguely remember her targeting Denise about it with questions, and then the others joined in.

Not sure why anyone thinks Teddi isn't (also) a shit stirrer.

Edited by Surrealist
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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I thought Sutton's reaction was strange but give her benefit of the doubt. She actually comes across as a nice person. I agree with the posts that perhaps she didn't buy the burglary was real or it was just an awkward reaction she didn't mean/editing, something beyond not giving AF Dorit could have been killed. I don't think Sutton is that cold.

OR maybe that IS the real Sutton.   Remember how rude and cold she was to Teddi about being boring (not wrong, but still rude).  Or the Sutton that freaked out because she wasn't let in on the martini joke  (even though to the point that she had to get her face roller out).  How about the Sutton that walked in on Crystal and then implied Crystal was doing something she shouldn't?  Crystal was traumatized and Sutton made it all about herself. 

Sutton learned a little and got lucky by questioning Erika - a true bully and by contrast Sutton looked much much better. 

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I agree with many of the above theories on Erica’s DEMENTED facial expressions but I’d also like to throw in that I think it may be also amplified by fresh Botox. Just a theory. 

From personal experience, injections can cause “crazy eyes” initially because everything kind of cliches before it freezes, so it takes a couple weeks to “settle.” During that initial period especially it can be hard to modulate facial expressions.

Obvi erica is evil and demented so the expressions of course could have been completely organic. But last season it looked like she stopped all Botox and filler injections and everything fell. She looks pulled tight again this season from what I can tell so far. 

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26 minutes ago, HelloOutThere said:

I agree with many of the above theories on Erica’s DEMENTED facial expressions but I’d also like to throw in that I think it may be also amplified by fresh Botox. Just a theory.

Ha!  My grandma used to tell us, "stop making those faces or it will freeze that way."   Oh how right she turned out to be.  😀

  • LOL 14
13 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

OR maybe that IS the real Sutton.   Remember how rude and cold she was to Teddi about being boring (not wrong, but still rude).  Or the Sutton that freaked out because she wasn't let in on the martini joke  (even though to the point that she had to get her face roller out).  How about the Sutton that walked in on Crystal and then implied Crystal was doing something she shouldn't?  Crystal was traumatized and Sutton made it all about herself. 

Sutton learned a little and got lucky by questioning Erika - a true bully and by contrast Sutton looked much much better. 

I mean it's possible, I don't know Sutton personally. But I saw a combo of awkward and hormonal with a lot of the above, not cruelty. 

I'm one who believes the robbery was real. I think PK and Dorit are shady, but I don't think they're capable of something that crazy. I don't think either would dream of frightening their children. I also believe the kids could have slept through the whole thing.  Kids can be heavy sleepers, and their house is pretty big. 

Dorit leaving the kids alone because they were so tired makes sense too.

Where I ponder . . .

While I always have my alarm on, especially if it's late and no one else is around, I know folks who don't always use theirs. What I don't get is if their alarm is so sensitive they can't use it due to their kids, why use that alarm system? What's the point exactly? For when the entire family is away? I'd think if you have some celebrity, flaunt lots of expensive things, have made a lot of enemies, have been robbed before, have friends who've been robbed before, are a slight lady who's sometimes alone with small children, you'd want the best alarm system and you'd want it on at all times, especially at night with your husband away. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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12 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I mean it's possible, I don't know Sutton personally. But I saw a combo of awkward and hormonal with a lot of the above, not cruelty. 

I'm one who believes the robbery was real. I think PK and Dorit are shady, but I don't think they're capable of something that crazy. I don't think either would dream of frightening their children. I also believe the kids could have slept through the whole thing.  Kids can be heavy sleepers, and their house is pretty big. 

Dorit leaving the kids alone because they were so tired makes sense too.

Where I ponder . . .

While I always have my alarm on, especially if it's late and no one else is around, I know folks who don't always use theirs. What I don't get is if their alarm is so sensitive they can't use it due to their kids, why use that alarm system? What's the point exactly? For when the entire family is away? I'd think if you have some celebrity, flaunt lots of expensive things, have made a lot of enemies, have been robbed before, have friends who've been robbed before, are a slight lady who's sometimes alone with small children, you'd want the best alarm system and you'd want it on at all times, especially at night with your husband away. 

Exactly!  I think it’s these kinds of questions that are making people wonder.  Plus some of the information she has volunteered. Plus her history of obfuscation (the dog). Ordinarily I believe people when they tell me things, but based on her past behaviour, she has kind of earned the mistrust, at least to my mind. 

  • Love 9

If what happened to Dorit is actually true, I feel terrible for her because that is one of my worst fears. But what I don't understand is why she didn't have an alarm set? I thought all of these multi-million dollar houses in these fancy neighborhoods had multiple top of the line security systems that are set and ready at all times. I live alone in a tiny crappy apartment and I still have an alarm system set, and you better believe if I had small children and millions of dollars worth of stuff in a multi-million dollar home I would practically have security guards in addition to the top of the line alarm system at all times! It just doesn't make sense. Is Dorit really that naive to think that no one could ever want to break into her house (...if it did happen)?

Edited by sara1025
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