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S01.E06: Gods and Monsters

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Whew, *so* glad that Steven was resurrected along with Marc!

Favorite parts of the episode had to be those with Layla/Taweret showing off her "Egyptian superhero" moves! They say the hippopotamus is one of the world's most dangerous animals, after all!

Plus: The MCU really knows how to craft their mid-credits scenes. I think they've got me wanting more!

  • Love 11

Favourite MCU TV series so far for me. And I think because it was so self contained with no links or influence on any other property. That final episode just flew by. And while it keeps it open for more appearances it has a nice conclusion if nothing does eventuate with the character.

The reunion between Marc and Steven in the Duat was quite moving and so glad that Steven didn't stay dead and he learnt some moves while dead.

From the previouslies, I knew we were going to get the 3rd identity but then the show ended and I thought guess not, I didn't expect the mid credit sequence to be so revealing from a plot point of view. Usually it's just a fun Easter egg. We got Jake and we got the death of Harrow. Although, the mid-credit sequence does confuse me about if the Asylum is real or not OR was Harrow in a different asylum. While I know it keeps the character of Moon Knight active, if only Marc and Steven knew about Jake so they could be free of Khonshu forever. Steven should have said free this body forever, not just free Marc and I.

Love Layla telling Khonshu he has to be joking about using her as an avatar. Loved that she didn't just go with the flow. I hope she keeps being Tawaret's avatar though. Was her superhero in the comics, or was this created for the show?

Oscar Isaac's performance throughout the show was amazing, the way he easily switched between Marc and Steven and allowed us to quickly know who was who was incredible. I'm really impressed with how he made it feel like the two identities were separate people that you cared about for different reasons. And I'm so grateful there was no references to the multiverse.

  • Love 13

I am not sure why Steven didn't give Layla the Ammit statue when he told her to run from Harrow.

How did Layla manage to kill the only Harrow lackey that didn't have a gun and she still hadn't managed to procure a gun by the time she reached Cairo.

Very good action scenes, too bad they didn't spread them out evenly throughout all of the episodes. I am not sure why serving a Hippo god would give you the power to fly, it seems like it would give you super strength and the ability to swim or float really well in water (and to eat a lot).

The best scenes were the ones they didn't show, I feel the story would have greatly improved if they would have shown what Jake Lockley could do, rather than just implied it. The show could have used more action of the superhero variety.

  • Love 3

It was a good finale even if it felt very rushed. I liked Layla as the avatar of Taweret. Wish it could have been explored further. Does she have a cool name a la Moon Knight? Maybe she can have a spin-off show.

So Ethan Hawke looks to be one and done as Harrow. I doubt we see him again. I do think his asylum was real. It looked different and much less completely sterile and actually had some color. 

Killer mid-credits scene I have to say. Leave them wanting more.

I still think Layla will be more attracted to Steven, and that's going to cause a lot of problems.

The whole show was a tour de force for Oscar Isaac. I always liked him before in a vague way. Now I'm a fan. Hope he gets Emmy consideration for this show.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 10
54 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I am not sure why Steven didn't give Layla the Ammit statue when he told her to run from Harrow.

How did Layla manage to kill the only Harrow lackey that didn't have a gun and she still hadn't managed to procure a gun by the time she reached Cairo.

Very good action scenes, too bad they didn't spread them out evenly throughout all of the episodes. I am not sure why serving a Hippo god would give you the power to fly, it seems like it would give you super strength and the ability to swim or float really well in water (and to eat a lot).

The best scenes were the ones they didn't show, I feel the story would have greatly improved if they would have shown what Jake Lockley could do, rather than just implied it. The show could have used more action of the superhero variety.

So the rest of the show could happen and/or he knew that if Harrow didn't find the statue on him, he'd go after Layla and kill her too.  Marc cared more about Layla than about stopping Ammit/Harrow.

She was already pushing things by sneaking on the trucks with the other cultists and Harrow.  Trying to get a gun would probably have gotten her found out and killed.

Screw it, Taweret's a god.  If she wants to grant her avatar the ability to fly that's fine by me.  Whatever Adorable Hippo Goddess wants, Adorable Hippo Goddess should get.

Figure two main things.  First Jake seems to be considerably more vicious/violent than even Marc so figure Moon Knight Jake is likely killing those cultists is some ugly, horribly violent ways unsuitable for a PG-13 Disney+ show.  Second I thought it was kind of bold to just do one more "Jake kills everybody" cut to beat Harrow.

Finally, the second and third episodes, which were the ones with the most superhero action were honestly the least interesting to me.  The show really took off in the final three plus the first one with Steven trying to figure out WTF was going on.

  • Love 16

Steven's leg restraint system is really pointless. It can only really stop Steven from leaving the apartment; Marc (if he isn't surprised by it) and apparently Jake, can slip the cuff at will.

What is the deal Oscar Isaac took with Marvel Studios? Was this a one and done? What about Layla? If Moon Knight is "Marvel's Batman", then she's Marvel's Wonder Woman. I guess "temporary avatar" gives them a lot of latitude to drop the character but I hope they don't. Anyways, why did Marc/Steven wake up alone?

23 minutes ago, johntfs said:

She was already pushing things by sneaking on the trucks with the other cultists and Harrow. 

Yeah, no kidding. How does Harrow have like 10-20 henchpeople and he doesn't know all of them? Hell, how do the henchies not notice there's an infiltrator riding along?

Overall I felt like it was a little lacking; I wanted a little more closure on Marc's arc. And Layla's arc. And a little more about Jake. And who was Steven calling all those times when he thought he was calling his mom?

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, vb68 said:

The whole show was a tour de force for Oscar Isaac. I always liked him before in a vague way. Now I'm a fan. Hope he gets emmy consideration for this show.

I'm in the same boat. I'd always enjoyed him in other things I'd seen him in, but I'd never had that "wow" moment that makes so many people devoted fans of his (maybe because I haven't seen that Llewyn Davies movie?) But I get it now.

SO glad Steven was able to come back. Marc going back for him in the Duat, and making that speech, was lovely. Their experiences in the asylum really helped them appreciate each other and collaborate more. Throughout the final episode, there was no arguing between them over who was going to take control of the body, and Marc didn't have any self-consciousness about letting Layla see their switches--they just moved seamlessly between one another. When they found Layla again after their resurrection, I liked their quick switching back and forth because both of them were so happy to see her. Steven being "jazzed" to show her their new skills was too cute.

Layla as Taweret's (temporary!) avatar was fantastic. Even without the "Egyptian superhero" dialogue, you could see EVERYTHING in that girl's eyes when Layla rescued her. Loved the wings, and while the Wonder Woman comparisons are understandable, she used them in the fight a lot like Sam Wilson does.

Obviously, we were getting teases about Jake throughout the series, and when the episode ended without us officially meeting him, I figured he had to be the mid- and/or post-credits scene. So far, though, I'm not really feeling it. I know we've only seen a tiny glimpse him (along with the aftermath of some of his "work,") but that glimpse doesn't really portray him as a PERSON, if that makes sense. I could picture both Marc and Steven having a "normal" day when either of them are fronting--work, meals, hobbies, spending time with Layla, whatever--but I can't picture Jake doing anything other than killing people. If we get more Moon Knight (fingers crossed!), I assume we'll see more of him and he'll hopefully get fleshed out as more than just the "evil alter" (ugh,) but that's the vibe I get so far.

  • Love 8

So Harrow becones Ammit's avatar  but doesn't get a cool suit like Layla and Marc?  That staff doesn't cut it, he already had that.  Really weak, Ammit!

Disappointed we didn't get to see more of Jake and hoping a second season rectifies that.

It felt like we skipped a scene when Marc was revived and suddenly Khonshu and Marc are outside in daylight, the battle with Ammit is done and Harrow et al are driving away.

I wonder if it would have been a good idea for Layla to start smashing the other statues and let more gods free to battle Ammit?  Or would it have backfired? 

  • Useful 1

Agree it was a bit rushed - so far I’ve felt like all the 6 episode shows should have been 8 as it would let the characters have a bit more space to breathe and wouldn’t make the last episodes so frantic. 

So Jake is a Spanish speaking murderous billionaire? Love it. High school must have been an absolute mess in that case, if Marc was switching from American in math class to badly done British in history and then acing Spanish class but with a terrible attitude to his classmates. I would pay to see that.

Love Layla’s costume, of course Taweret would give her avatar a really fabulous costume; she seems like the most kindly of the gods so far so she’d want them to be really happy with their powers and appearance. 

I enjoy Marc and Steven getting an extra fish so they both have one and presume they will have an AntMan/Wasp situation with Layla, although I don’t see Marc letting Steven get further than first base which will probably be an issue as Steven obviously loves Layla just as much as he does (as they are just aspect of the same person). I like the central idea that, just like the gods appearing as aspects of themselves across different lands and times, with different names, people are always showing different aspects of themselves in life. Although obviously not usually in such a dysfunctional way.

The show also sets me wondering if whoever takes up ‘The Falcon’ designation now that Sam is Captain America, might end up being an avatar for the god Horus, who was the original Falcon.


  • Love 6

I enjoyed this show. Although the finale did not answer all the questions, it left me satisfied and wanting more.

Yay, Marc and Steven live. Marc's speech to Steven was very touching. I liked Layla as Tawaret's avatar. I guess the other gods (Osiris and the rest) really were stupid and not sinister. I thought they would have some sinister evil plot that would be revealed.

I still think a door was left open for Harrow/Hawke if the show/characters continued and Hawke wanted to return. The mid-credit scene definitely got me wanting to know more about Jake. I am glad that they left Khonsu as a problematic character.

  • Love 6

Obviously I would never, ever question the methods of a God, but if Khonshu really wanted to convince someone to be his new avatar, maybe don't follow their initial rejection with "Listen here, you little insect!"  Just saying: way, way less vinegar and more honey might help you out there, buddy!

No surprise that Marc would take on look at the afterlife and be like "Yeah, no.  No beautiful fields can compare to my precious little British buddy!" about it and go back to save Steven.  Not too surprised that it would all work out, but I ain't complaining!  Steven is the best and the world/MCU is better with him still around.

Did not predict the brief team-up with Layla and Tawaret and it was all kinds of awesome!  Tawaret would totally make sure her temporary avatar has the most awesome suit a god could create!  Although, if he ever finds out about it, you just know Sam is going to grumble about it being a ripoff of his (and then Bucky will naturally be like "Yeah, but hers is cooler!" and cause another fight between them!)  Hope this isn't the last time Layla gets to get her heroing on.

The fight scene between Harrow, Layla, and Moon Knight was good: especially when Knight kept jumping back and forth between Marc's version and Steven's.

They finally reveal the third personality!  His name is Jake and... yeah, he seems pretty violent.  If we do get a second season of some kind, I wonder if they'll show flashbacks to all of the scenes he was in a.k.a. Marc and Steven's "blackouts."  Anyway, thanks to Jake, Harrow's time seems to have already come to an end.  But it looks like Jake and Khonshu are going to keep working on the down low.  It also looks like while Khonshu might not be a fan of Steven himself, he seems to dig his style!

As usual, I'll probably need a few days to process everything and I do think it was another show that could have used another episode or two to really hit the mark (ironic that the Marvel shows on Netflix were criticized for being too long/having too many episodes, but the Disney+ shows seem to have the reverse issue), but I thought it was very intriguing all around and successful at introducing a completely new character (or characters) to the MCU, and making him shine.  Wasn't really familiar with Moon Knight going in, but I'm curious to see more going forward assuming that is the case.  Perfect casting too as both Ethan Hawke and May Calamawy shined in their roles.  And then there was Oscar Isaac.  Honestly think he's already in the top tier of actors in the entire MCU, because he really hit everything out of the park and made me love Steven and Marc, and already intrigued by Jake.  Certainly hope this isn't the last time we see him put on the white cape and suit.  Or tuxedo!

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

Did not predict the brief team-up with Layla and Tawaret and it was all kinds of awesome!  Tawaret would totally make sure her temporary avatar has the most awesome suit a god could create!  Although, if he ever finds out about it, you just know Sam is going to grumble about it being a ripoff of his (and then Bucky will naturally be like "Yeah, but hers is cooler!" and cause another fight between them!)  Hope this isn't the last time Layla gets to get her heroing on.

Brief?  Temporary?  Unless you saw something that I did not, as far as I could tell Layla will likely be on Team Taweret going forward.  Layla didn't want to be Khonshu's avatar because Khonshu is an arrogant, domineering asshole of a god.  Taweret is kind of the opposite of that.

  • Love 5

I still have quite a few questions, I would have liked one more episode, but I still thought this was a great season finale. I know I have said it a billion times, but Oscar Isaac really is excellent and it sucks that Emmys don't acknowledge shows like this. If this was an artsy drama on HBO and his performance was exactly the same just without superpowers, I am pretty confident he would be looking at an easy Emmy nomination. I am so impressed at how easily he makes the transition from Marc to Steven and now to Jake, I loved that bit in the office where we see him going into Jake, you could tell even before he said anything that this was a new person. I am so happy that Marc managed to save Steven, the MCU would be a lesser place without his sweet cinnamon roll self, plus saving Marc might get him some closure about being unable to save his brother. 

Harrow might be a terrifying mass murdering cult leader, but I give him some credit, he's not a hypocrite. He was totally accepting of Ammit taking his soul as he knows his scales aren't balanced, and he did manage to get some hits off of marc and Steven when he doesn't really seem like fighting is his usual thing. I know it looks like he's gone, but I do rather hope he makes a return, he's a great villain and Ethan Hawke was excellent, really bringing that necessary sense of gravitas and a twisted sincerity to the part.

I knew that Jake, the third more violent personality, had to be coming, and Khonshu saying that he would specifically release the "two of you" basically confirmed that there was a third personality that would keep serving as his avatar. Oh Khonshu, you knew exactly what you were doing there. I also loved him turning the sky (yet again) while Steven just sort of laughs at the drama. I guess if i was an ancient Egyptian crow moon god, I wouldn't be very subtle either.

I didn't see Layla becoming Taweret's avatar coming, complete with an awesome new outfit, but I love it. I know that she said that she was only going to be her avatar temporarily, and Taweret seems like the type of god to honor her word, but I would love to see Layla keep her powers for a bit longer. Plus, it would mean we could see Taweret more, which is always a good thing. Our favorite perky Hippo goddess makes everything better. She had some great fight scenes, as did everyone, and I am really curious as to how she, Marc, and Steven will navigate things going forward. Being married to a guy who has another guy (plus one more) is certainly going to make things interesting, even without the Egyptian magic thrown in. It also must have been really nice for her to hear that her father is at peace in the afterlife, and while the dialogue was rather on the nose, the little girls excitement to see an Egyptian superhero was still sweet.

I love crossovers and continuity as much as the next nerd, but I do like that this was a mostly stand alone story set in the MCU. I'm sure that when the show comes back they might add in a few more references and we might even see Marc/Steven and company somewhere else in the MCU, but I am glad that, after the rest of their shows were very focused on greater MCU stories, that this one is doing its own thing. It also makes it accessible to new viewers, and I am always happy to see new fans of this franchise. 

All in all, I thought this was a great show, and I am really excited to see what trouble Jake brings next season. Great performances, great effects and designs, I love all of the ancient Egyptian mythology, great characters, and it actually managed to stick the landing. I have enjoyed all of the MCU shows, I would say this one ranks pretty highly. Possibly only second to WandaVision, but I would say that this had a stronger ending. 

  • Love 8

I really enjoyed this finale. I wish it was a little longer or maybe even one more episode so we could have had a little bit more. I didn't even want to watch this show when they first announced it and that they got me hooked, had me finish it out and want more, I think they did a really good job. Oscar Issac was awesome and such a pleasure to watch. Layla was hit or miss for me but really enjoyed the actress and I loved her in this episode especially when she got her outfit and was helping Steven/Marc in the fight. She looked amazing!  I thought the switches between Marc/Steven and their suits while they were fighting was also pretty cool. All in all very enjoyable.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, arc said:

Anyways, why did Marc/Steven wake up alone?

Maybe Layla's enjoying being an Egyptian superhero. Taweret is the defender of mothers and children after all. Plus maybe she let her speak to her father. Taweret seems like a much better partner then Konshu.  I'm not sure where the wings come from, she supposed to have the head of a hippo, the paws of a lion and the tail of an crocodile. I guess she is known as the lady of heaven. 

This was the best episode, finally some superhero action with Moon Knight, Mr. Knight and Layla. And we finally meet Jake the deadly one. I don't know if I consider him the evil alter, he feels like all the pent up rage that Marc probably has at what happened to his brother and how his mother treated him. Marc feels the guilt, Steven feels the hope and Jake feels the rage. 

Is it over? I finally want more and it's done. I mean I suppose he can show up in other MCU projects. Even though they never really referenced anything. 


  • Love 3
2 hours ago, johntfs said:

Brief?  Temporary?  Unless you saw something that I did not, as far as I could tell Layla will likely be on Team Taweret going forward.  Layla didn't want to be Khonshu's avatar because Khonshu is an arrogant, domineering asshole of a god.  Taweret is kind of the opposite of that.

Layla outright insisted it be temporary.

Obviously she could change her mind, but without other evidence, our base assumption is probably that she meant it.

Although the show ends by once again slightly casting doubt on the reality of events we've seen, to at least some degree.  Harrow's fate (the rather blatant parallels to Mark's temporary fate) doesn't totally make sense, and I'm sure that's intentional.  If Layla shows up again anywhere else in the MCU, we'll have our answer.  Or if Moon Knight does, and directly addresses the events described here.  Did dozens of people in Egypt suddenly drop dead, in reality?  We shall see. 

Edited by SnarkShark
  • Love 1

Well hello, Jake. You are definitely the most badass personality.

Knew Khonshu wouldn’t give them up so easily. Though I have to agree it was a smarter move to kill Ammit/Harrow to make sure they don’t escape from the asylum.

Layla’s Scarlet Scarab costume was GORGEOUS! And I had to laugh at Marc and Steven going from Moon Knight to Mr. Knight. It was like Batman turning into Deadpool.

Despite my nitpicks about the origin story, the show was okay—oh who am I kidding, I was just here to enjoy Oscar, and he delivered. Wouldn’t hate a season 2!

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 8
13 hours ago, cdnalor said:

So Harrow becones Ammit's avatar  but doesn't get a cool suit like Layla and Marc?  That staff doesn't cut it, he already had that.  Really weak, Ammit!

Disappointed we didn't get to see more of Jake and hoping a second season rectifies that.

It felt like we skipped a scene when Marc was revived and suddenly Khonshu and Marc are outside in daylight, the battle with Ammit is done and Harrow et al are driving away.

I wonder if it would have been a good idea for Layla to start smashing the other statues and let more gods free to battle Ammit?  Or would it have backfired? 

I openly admit that I'm potentially wrong, but my impression is as follows:

Harrow never was empowered to be Amnit's avatar. Avatars are a way for gods to work in the world through a person by making a deal. The gods agreed to use avatars as proxies while they did whatever retreat from mortal concerns for whatever reasons. Ammit was bound until just recently specifically because she wanted to continue in the world directly and the other gods didn't want that. Harrow managed to get the staff that was invested with Ammit's power without any direct help from Ammit. Harrow freed her and now Ammit was fine with Harrow continuing to work on her behalf but never allowed him to be her proxy because she didn't need one. She intended to continue to work in the world directly.

Smashing random gods could easily have led to more complications. Some of those gods might have been imprisoned because they held views similar to Ammit.

ETA: went back to rewatch the scene and Ammit does say that he is to become her avatar, so my bad.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
9 hours ago, arc said:

I thought Layla explicitly specified her avatar position with Tawaret would be temporary.

In story that is absolutely true. In the MCU there is no way it is temporary. She is badass, got one of Marvel’s best introductions and is the only actually Egyptian in a show about Egyptian superheroes. Emphasizing that she intends for it to temporary was a very smart move to maintain Layla’s agency in the whole thing. 

11 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Smashing random gods could easily have led to more complications. Some of those gods might have been imprisoned because they held views similar to Ammit.

I'd be surprised if none of the statues were smashed when the main chamber was damaged, they don't exactly seem durable and there seemed to be quite a lot of destruction. In fact, I was fully expecting the post-credits scene to have something to do with that.

Edited by silverstream
  • Love 1
18 hours ago, cdnalor said:

So Harrow becones Ammit's avatar  but doesn't get a cool suit like Layla and Marc?  That staff doesn't cut it, he already had that.  Really weak, Ammit!

To be fair, it does suit Harrow's self-flagellating personality not to adopt a cool costume. He puts glass in his shoes! One of the biggest points of shoes is so you don't cut yourself on something sharp on the ground.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
On 5/4/2022 at 3:46 PM, tennisgurl said:

I still have quite a few questions, I would have liked one more episode, but I still thought this was a great season finale. I know I have said it a billion times, but Oscar Isaac really is excellent and it sucks that Emmys don't acknowledge shows like this. If this was an artsy drama on HBO and his performance was exactly the same just without superpowers, I am pretty confident he would be looking at an easy Emmy nomination. I am so impressed at how easily he makes the transition from Marc to Steven and now to Jake, I loved that bit in the office where we see him going into Jake, you could tell even before he said anything that this was a new person. I am so happy that Marc managed to save Steven, the MCU would be a lesser place without his sweet cinnamon roll self, plus saving Marc might get him some closure about being unable to save his brother. 

Harrow might be a terrifying mass murdering cult leader, but I give him some credit, he's not a hypocrite. He was totally accepting of Ammit taking his soul as he knows his scales aren't balanced, and he did manage to get some hits off of marc and Steven when he doesn't really seem like fighting is his usual thing. I know it looks like he's gone, but I do rather hope he makes a return, he's a great villain and Ethan Hawke was excellent, really bringing that necessary sense of gravitas and a twisted sincerity to the part.

I knew that Jake, the third more violent personality, had to be coming, and Khonshu saying that he would specifically release the "two of you" basically confirmed that there was a third personality that would keep serving as his avatar. Oh Khonshu, you knew exactly what you were doing there. I also loved him turning the sky (yet again) while Steven just sort of laughs at the drama. I guess if i was an ancient Egyptian crow moon god, I wouldn't be very subtle either.

I didn't see Layla becoming Taweret's avatar coming, complete with an awesome new outfit, but I love it. I know that she said that she was only going to be her avatar temporarily, and Taweret seems like the type of god to honor her word, but I would love to see Layla keep her powers for a bit longer. Plus, it would mean we could see Taweret more, which is always a good thing. Our favorite perky Hippo goddess makes everything better. She had some great fight scenes, as did everyone, and I am really curious as to how she, Marc, and Steven will navigate things going forward. Being married to a guy who has another guy (plus one more) is certainly going to make things interesting, even without the Egyptian magic thrown in. It also must have been really nice for her to hear that her father is at peace in the afterlife, and while the dialogue was rather on the nose, the little girls excitement to see an Egyptian superhero was still sweet.

I love crossovers and continuity as much as the next nerd, but I do like that this was a mostly stand alone story set in the MCU. I'm sure that when the show comes back they might add in a few more references and we might even see Marc/Steven and company somewhere else in the MCU, but I am glad that, after the rest of their shows were very focused on greater MCU stories, that this one is doing its own thing. It also makes it accessible to new viewers, and I am always happy to see new fans of this franchise. 

All in all, I thought this was a great show, and I am really excited to see what trouble Jake brings next season. Great performances, great effects and designs, I love all of the ancient Egyptian mythology, great characters, and it actually managed to stick the landing. I have enjoyed all of the MCU shows, I would say this one ranks pretty highly. Possibly only second to WandaVision, but I would say that this had a stronger ending. 

Oscar may not win but the Emmy have acknowledged this. WandaVision got plenty of nominations.

6 hours ago, WritinMan said:

Well, I feel like my time has been wasted. This felt like only part of a show. Disappointing, rushed and scattered. Bleh.

We throughly learned about Mark's backstory.

The villains arc played to its conclusion.

Marc had a full arc where he was able to accept both sides of himself.

They answered the question of who was doing things when Marc and Stephen didn't know.

How was this half a show? How did this waste anyone's time? What else was were we supposed to be doing?

The show being open ended in terms of Jake is literally the type of thing every show does that is not ending. I know Oscar hasn't signed for more yet but they wouldn't have done this if they didn't think he was coming back.

  • Love 9

I like that the show gave a shout-out to one of MK's comic artists by naming the psych hospital at the end after him.

Also, is there a term that's the opposite of "fridged"? Because Layla pretty much saved the day here. She freed Khonshu, powered up, saved Marc, and imprisoned Ammit. 

If they don't do a second season of Moon Knight, I'm down for a first season of Scarlet Scarab.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 12
On 5/4/2022 at 10:27 AM, Tachi Rocinante said:

The Godzilla vs. Kong battle was pointless

That was a bit silly. Which was too bad because the Layla/MK/Harrow fight was awesome. Plus could people actually see the two giant gods fighting? Because the bystanders in the street just seemed to be going about their day, and I am not sure that even in the MCU this kind of thing would be boring to people.

  • Love 2

I was happy to see Steven resurrected, and Layla as Taweret's avatar was fun.  Other than that, the finale was a little anti-climatic.  I enjoyed the series, especially the actor playing Marc/Steven, though I can't say I need to see more (though I would, if there were another season).  I'm glad this didn't require any knowledge of the MCU since I'm still stuck at "Iron Man 3" or "Thor 2".  It stopped me from watching stuff like "Wanda Vision" or the latest Spiderman movie until I caught up.  The only other recent one I watched was "Shang-chi" and that seemed okay to watch out of order.

How did Taweret expect Steven to be reborn when she contacted Layla via dead soldier?  It seemed like Marc saving Steven opened the door of light.  Why didn't Layla's soul get sucked out along with the Egyptian police when Harrow hit the staff onto the ground?  It would have been nice if the other god's avatars played a role in the end with trapping Ammet into Harrow's body.  I wasn't sure how Marc and Layla suddenly knew the right spell.  Jake was necessary to defeat Harrow because he was just a better fighter than Marc/Steven?  

17 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

That was a bit silly. Which was too bad because the Layla/MK/Harrow fight was awesome. Plus could people actually see the two giant gods fighting? Because the bystanders in the street just seemed to be going about their day, and I am not sure that even in the MCU this kind of thing would be boring to people.

It was established earlier in the season that only avatars can see gods. That was why so many people thought Steven was going mad at the start of the season when he kept running and screaming and there seemed to be nothing there - when he thought his experience had been captured on CCTV, even, but nothing showed up except him. It's why Layla couldn't see Khonshu even when Marc/Steven was talking to him right in front of her. So those bystanders could not see Amit and Khonshu fighting, no.

  • Useful 2
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Well, that was a thrill ride but -- as with the entire series -- I found it hard to follow.  I guess the good news/bad news is that since I could not entirely follow the plot (and what I did follow is rapidly fading from my brain) I can come back in a few weeks/months time and re-watch the whole thing again, seeing it as if for the first time.

I also have to say that there is a lot of talk on this board about "Jake" who I presume is the third personality that we caught a glimpse of in the teaser at the very end.  But how do you all know his name is Jake?  Is it because that's a known fact from the comic book?  (*Is* there a comic book?)  And how is he now tooling around in a limo with the corporeal manifestation of an Egyptian god?  Isn't one of his alternate personalities married to Layla?  Wouldn't she wonder about his disappearances?

I now realize that the existence of a 3rd personality (a very violent personality) was hinted at by the recurring instances of Marc and/or Steven suffering "lost time" during which some serious fighting (and international travel!) went on.  But for me, that revelation came right out of the blue and feels like a bit of a cheat.  

Then again -- as some on this board have already mentioned -- "cheating" appears to be a major theme in Khonshu's dealings with the world, as shown when he very specifically released only Marc and Steven from his service.  So this third personality is still (presumably) bound to him.

Well anyway, that was fun.  If there is a second season, count me in.  If not, I probably won't even notice.  

Edited by WatchrTina
2 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

I also have to say that there is a lot of talk on this board about "Jake" who I presume is the third personality that we caught a glimpse of in the teaser at the very end.  But how do you all know his name is Jake?  Is it because that's a known fact from the comic book?  (*Is* there a comic book?)

Jake is from the comics. I had to look him up. I figured the third personality was Scotty, since that's what people at the museum kept calling Steven. They have said no Moon Knight S2. But I would be up for seeing Layla and Taweret being Egyptian Superhero Scarlett Scarab. 

  • Useful 1

So, when Marc/Steven's mother died, that's when Marc was no longer able to control their body, and Steven started noticing things, right?

That happened just a few months ago?

So Steven is just leaving voice messages for his mother, because her phone is still active? Or is he imagining he is actually talking to her?

If Marc/Steven grew up in London, how did Marc develop an American accent?

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