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S01.E18: Farnsby & B

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As Sam and Jay await the arrival of their first official B&B guests, they face obstacles triggered by a Norse curse placed upon them by Thorfinn. Also, Isaac takes a huge, centuries-in-the-making step in his personal life

Original airdate 4/21/22

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Season Finale
Tristan D. Lalla  (Mark – Contractor)
Kathryn Greenwood  (Margaret Farnsby)
Mark Linn-Baker  (Henry Farnsby)
John Hartman  (Nigel Chessum)
Betsy Sodaro  (Nancy)
Vartan  (Other Ivar)
Lindsey Broad  (Judy)
Stuart Fink  (Stuart – Cholera Victim)
Nigel Downer  (Nigel – Cholera Victim)
Arthur Holden  (Creepy Dirk – Cholera Victim)
Christian Daoust (Jenkins)
Larry Day  (Josh)
Jayne Heitmeyer  (Leanne)

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5 minutes ago, Kiddvideo said:

So relieved Nigel wasn’t sucked off. Please don’t let Jay be dead, just let him see the ghosts.

I was thinking "Hold on! What if Jay died for half a second?!"

LOL at Hetty misquoting the Hamilton musical to Issac.

Jay was so happy that Sam might still see the ghosts after the curse reversal.

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1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

I thought they would use the ghosts in the Farnby's house against them. I'm sure they have a lot of stories about them. The one they met looked like a 50's housewife. 

Straight out of Why Women Kill, right?

A very tightly written finale. A tapestry of threads weaving the themes of Life and Afterlife.

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Oh my heart, this little show is the best.

I also thought for sure the ghost at the Farnsby house would have more to say and I was disappointed Sam didn't try to get any info out of her. I can't imagine what it would be like, being able to see ghosts everywhere you went. Sam has quite a challenge with her ability.

I loved all of the ghosts saying thank you to Sam (and Jay, but not Mark, hee). I was tearing up until Alberta's over the top drama had me laughing again.

Please, please, please let this fall through the floor allow Jay to see the ghosts next season. He was moving at first but then he looked like he passed out and went still. I can't believe I'm cheering for a character to have head trauma, lol. But I want Pete and Jay to be able to see each other and bond without Sam's help.

Bring on season 2!

Edited by emma675
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I loved this episode!  So glad Isaac and Nigel finally communicated, look forward to seeing Nigel more often.  Also the scene where the ghosts told Sam what they wanted her to know in case they weren’t able communicate anymore.  
I personally could do w/o the Farnsbys but that’s a minor quibble.  
This show is just outstandingly good, so much heart and really funny!  I hope there’ll be many more seasons.  

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I loved it. The ghosts telling Sam how they felt was so sweet. I hope Sam and Jay are able to make the B&B a success they are nice people and I hate seeing something go wrong at the last minute. I don't think Sam will lose the ability to see the ghosts she has a connection to Woodstone Manor that Jay doesn't. I think it would be fun if they both could see the ghosts. It would make the show like a modern Bewitched.

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9 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I wonder if Jay being knocked out means he'll be able to see the ghosts next season. 

Sam had a near-death experience.  She didn't just get knocked out.  So, I don't think so.  Plus, I think it works better when Jay has no idea what's going on.


7 hours ago, meatball77 said:

The potion being sugar and cinnamon was pretty funny.

Why not just sell cinnamon?  They'd be rich.  That was great.


9 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I thought they would use the ghosts in the Farnby's house against them. I'm sure they have a lot of stories about them. The one they met looked like a 50's housewife. 

I also definitely thought that ghost was going to come into play to help them.  I hadn't thought of the blackmail angle, though.  Wasn't really sure how it was going to work.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Sam had a near-death experience.  She didn't just get knocked out.  So, I don't think so.  Plus, I think it works better when Jay has no idea what's going on

Agreed. Jay not seeing the ghosts is golden. 
But I think it would be fun for him to temporarily see some ghosts. 
Heck, I already misremembered that happening in the possession episode. 

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10 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I was wondering if they would ever watch Hamilton with Issac's hatred of him. I loved Hetty incorrectly quoting it too.

I figured it was a way around copyrights and royalties! 😏

I will miss this show until it's back. They will be filming during the summer, though, so??? https://deadline.com/2022/04/ghosts-joe-wiseman-joe-port-hunt-season-2-1235006939/

2 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Agreed. Jay not seeing the ghosts is golden. 
But I think it would be fun for him to temporarily see some ghosts. 

Maybe a head trauma enabling that until he heals by the second episode?

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This was a really great episode and a good season finale.

I really felt bad for Isaac.  So happy Nigel didn't get sucked off.  Maybe he can move into the house with Isaac?

Thor cracked me up with the curse.  Go to faraway land for....cinnamon.

I felt bad for the Farnsby's ghost.  Sam didn't even answer her question.  

I like the idea that Jay can see the ghosts temporarily due to head trauma.  But it's better that he's clueless when he doesn't know they're there.

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3 minutes ago, madmax said:

I really felt bad for Isaac.  So happy Nigel didn't get sucked off.  Maybe he can move into the house with Isaac?

Isaac shares a room with Hetty. That could be awkward.

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9 hours ago, CattyK said:

I loved this episode!  So glad Isaac and Nigel finally communicated, look forward to seeing Nigel more often.  Also the scene where the ghosts told Sam what they wanted her to know in case they weren’t able communicate anymore.  
I personally could do w/o the Farnsbys but that’s a minor quibble.  
This show is just outstandingly good, so much heart and really funny!  I hope there’ll be many more seasons.  

I'm late to watching this show, and I love it!

I agree about the Farnsbys, but I'd like to see more of their 50's housewife ghost!  I want to know her story!!


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22 minutes ago, madmax said:

Thor cracked me up with the curse.  Go to faraway land for....cinnamon.

He is really not very observant, is he? Even if he is not into smelling things the way Sass or Alberta or Hetty are, he has spent a fair amount of time in Jay and Sam's kitchen. Even if he never noticed cinnamon, I am sure he's had a chance to see a (gasp!) pound of sugar.

The whole time they were talking about pickleball, I was picturing shuffleboard for some reason. And then it was like "wait, this is pickleball?"  Good job, Jay, thinking you can do things in real life because you played videogames.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

Sam had a near-death experience.  She didn't just get knocked out.  So, I don't think so.  Plus, I think it works better when Jay has no idea what's going on.

If I remember correctly, Sam actually died, I think it was for 3 minutes or something, and then was brought back.  "near death" doesn't do it for ghost seeing ability.  You have to die.  But I totally agree about Jay - the show is so much funnier with him not being able to see the ghosts.  I wouldn't mind if he got a small window to see them and interact, just to see what they look like and it would make them bond even more.  But I love it just as it is.  Of course, what's the point of them falling through the floor if it isn't going to switch something up for Season 2, right?

10 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Thor building up the drama about the ingredients was great. As was him telling everyone they had to wait fifty years, and then, "Just a little curse humor!" :D. 

And don't forget "I'm sorry.  I said it, now you have to forgive me."  (Paraphrasing here, his line was funnier.)  🙂

I'd love a bit more of the 50's housewife nextdoor, and also thought she'd come into play with some juicy info for blackmail purposes.  Noting tawdry, but something quirky like Mr. Farnsby secretly hoarding beanie babies or something like that.  But, for every minute spent with another ghost we lose time with our beloved ghosts.  oooh, so that makes me think...  if housewife ghost went to the edge of her property, and our ghosts were at the edge of their property, they could all interact, right?  That would be fun, and could be a new love interest for Pete, but as star-crossed lovers as they could never actually be together.   (Or maybe Thor & Flower's third.)  Unless Sam, Jay and the Farnsby's all agree to co-own part of the property.  Maybe a shared driveway or something...  OK, I'm getting ahead of myself now... 

Hamilton quotes... I posted last week (I think) that I thought it would be hilarious if Alberta kept commanding Alexis to play Hamilton songs, with Hetty and the rest constantly humming, singing, etc., as it would drive Isaac nuts.  But I also felt (as noted above) royalties would prohibit that.  But...  I wonder if they've approached Lin Manuel Miranda about a guest spot.  He's usually game for things like that.   So many fun things could be done with that.

I love this show and will miss it for however long it will take to get it back on the air.  I hope they're aiming for fall, but  I'm not holding my breath.  I miss the days of 22+ episode seasons.  I would love it if the cast would do a belated podcast, like The Good Place did.  Can we start a petition for this???  😁


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It looked to me like Jay had a broken leg...bad enough for him in the immediate future. I don't think they'd kill him. OR that he will see the ghosts. But he really likes them, too, and Pete especially considers him a friend. 

Maybe the '50s housewife ghost will come in handy in future episodes. I wonder if there was a scene cut for time?

Ooh, and Nigel's ex was BITCHY! Can't get over it in 150 years? Good riddance!

I almost wished that the last two episodes were swapped...that the prom episode was the season finale so we could see them dancing into the night, but I like how this episode tied up a lot of loose ends and actually finished what Sam & Jay started: opening a B&B.


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The actor who plays Isaac did such a terrific job last night- when he thought Nigel had been sucked off, and then when he finally admitted his feelings for him.

Pickle ball is played on a tennis court?  I thought it was, like, half the size of a tennis court.  Funny that Jay had only played virtually.  Hee.

I am so looking forward to next season!

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Jay not seeing the ghosts is half the show. His reactions are gold. I also love the fact that the ghosts like and include him when it would be so easy to ignore him.

But now that he's knocked out (I also suggested he died for half a second), I want him to be able to see them at least for a few seconds/minutes and get excited. Or maybe be able hear them (at least sometimes.) Ohhhh, what if he can suddenly feel them and invisible beings are taking care of him when recovering from the fall.

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I still think they need to lean into the ghost thing and advertise as a haunted B&B, if the ghosts are agree to it of course. That would give them an edge over other B&B's. Sam could write a book on all of them to sell as well as a book on the history of the property. Jay could try to make meals from the different eras. I think that would be fun, I'd stay at a place like that since Sam can actually communicate with ghosts. 

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7 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I still think they need to lean into the ghost thing and advertise as a haunted B&B, if the ghosts are agree to it of course. That would give them an edge over other B&B's. Sam could write a book on all of them to sell as well as a book on the history of the property. Jay could try to make meals from the different eras. I think that would be fun, I'd stay at a place like that since Sam can actually communicate with ghosts. 

Yes, and when crap happens like Sam and Jay dropping through the floor just as they're greeting their first B&Bers, we could get lines like:

  • [JAY] Ha hah! Scared you! It's just the Curse Of The Norse Ghost. We'll be right up! Honey? You got the ladder?
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What a great finale for a great season. It had that perfect mix of laughs and sincerity that makes this show one of the best new network comedies I have seen in quite some time. So after Chekov's termites finally took out the floor, will Jay be able to see ghosts? I am so torn, Jay seeing the ghosts would be a fun new dynamic for the season season, but I love his reactions to all of the shenanigans going on that he cant see. 

I was heartbroken when it seemed like Nigel got sucked off before Isaac got a chance to tell him how he felt, thank goodness he was still here and Isaac finally told him about his feelings. Poor guy, between that and having to watch Hamilton, and having to deal with Hetty badly quoting it, it was just not his day, until the very end. I gasp in your honor, sir. 

Thor and his curse was killing me, especially the sugar and cinnamon. Why open a B&B when they can sell cinnamon and live like kings? 

I was thinking that the 50's ghost would come into play with their struggle against the awful Farnsby's, hopefully we see her again if they cause more problems. Pete's right, they are terribly hard to root for. Even if they have a cute name for their B&B. 

I think they should lean into the history/ghost angle going forward with the B&B, people love that sort of thing. Plus, imagine a ghost hunter show coming to the mansion! It would be hilarious, plus free publicity. They could theme every room around a different time period where something happened, write up stories about the ghosts, it would make them stand out.

Loved everyone trying to pretend like they didn't know about Isaac to give Hetty a win, one of my favorite things about the show is just watching everyone react to things, its such a great ensemble, everyone is a winner. The only real disappointment I had with this season was that we didn't get a few more episodes, but that just leave me wanting more. I am so glad that this show has done well and we already have a season two in the works, I would hate for such a great show to be sucked off too early. That one was for you, Trevor...

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49 minutes ago, kwnyc said:

Ooh, and Nigel's ex was BITCHY! Can't get over it in 150 years? Good riddance!

Can you imagine living for eternity with no one but your bitter ex? Maybe Nigel will move into the house now, because being stuck in the shed with his ex is intolerable.


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Jay not seeing the ghosts is half the show. His reactions are gold. I also love the fact that the ghosts like and include him when it would be so easy to ignore him.

Agreed. Even if he was able to see the ghosts just once it would ruin half the charm of the show. I think over the course of the series he could become better acquainted with them, like how he was possessed by Hetty this season, and saw Trevor's picture. Just little bits along the way. Not a full-blown ability to see and hear all of them.

This was a great finale, but as others have already pointed out, it seemed like the next door neighbor ghost was introduced for no reason and I expected her to come into play in the resolution somehow. That was strange. But I loved Jay's "Sorry for your loss. Of you."

I may be in the minority but I got a kick out of seeing Nancy again.

If I had one nit to pick, it would be that the ghosts are maybe a little too woke in their acceptance and even enthusiasm for Isaac and Nigel. Hetty in particular seems the least likely to approve of a same-sex relationship given her stuffy, Victorian morality. This is a woman who thinks Sam has "harlot hair." Out of all of them, only Flower strikes me as someone who would readily accept such a relationship, and possibly Sass, since homosexuality was more acceptable in various indigenous tribes. 


I still think they need to lean into the ghost thing and advertise as a haunted B&B, if the ghosts are agree to it of course. That would give them an edge over other B&B's. Sam could write a book on all of them to sell as well as a book on the history of the property. Jay could try to make meals from the different eras. I think that would be fun, I'd stay at a place like that since Sam can actually communicate with ghosts. 

That's certainly what I would do, but the problem is that they would quickly become overwhelmed by the publicity, and the government might eventually haul Sam off to do medical experiments on her. We know she can actually prove the ghosts are real, as she demonstrated to Jay's sister. That kind of confirmation that ghosts are real and people can see them would turn the whole world upside down. And it seems like Sam and Jay already know this, having asked Bela not to tell anyone.


Vartan  (Other Ivar)

Wait, what? Was there a flashback of Other Ivar? Did I miss this or was it cut? (Other Ivar is one of the Vikings that abandoned Thor.)

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Billing the B&B as a haunted house might be fun, but may also be too much trouble. I don't want the show to be about characters coming with equipments and film crews to prove or disprove it, or simple looky-loos. It will make money for Sam and Jay though.

If they don't advertise, it will fun for the guests to experience odd things and suspect, or for a few guests to figure it out and keep the secret. Maybe a ghost helped them. But I trust this show to make it work with whatever they decide.

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On the UK show so I'm putting it in spoiler tags


they had ghost hunters come to the house but none of their so called ghost finding equipment actually worked in finding ghosts. So they could go with that way too

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

Can you imagine living for eternity with no one but your bitter ex? Maybe Nigel will move into the house now, because being stuck in the shed with his ex is intolerable.


Maybe the ex would go down on them for lying?

(God, I'm like Trevor, I get such a Beavis & Butthead type kick out of those phrases.)

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

If I had one nit to pick, it would be that the ghosts are maybe a little too woke in their acceptance and even enthusiasm for Isaac and Nigel. Hetty in particular seems the least likely to approve of a same-sex relationship given her stuffy, Victorian morality. This is a woman who thinks Sam has "harlot hair." Out of all of them, only Flower strikes me as someone who would readily accept such a relationship, and possibly Sass, since homosexuality was more acceptable in various indigenous tribes. 

I look at it like they've all had a long time to get used to the idea.  And surprisingly, the Victorians were a lot less uptight about male morality than they were about female morality.  Or maybe not that surprising.

I liked seeing Nancy again.  She's funny in small doses.  I just wouldn't want another episode as heavy on Nancy as the previous one.  I enjoyed it, but it was enough.

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Maybe the roles will be reversed next year? They both die for a few seconds which disables Sam’s ability but enables Jay’s.

Is Pete jealous of Mark and that’s why he wanted Jay to stop hanging out with him?

The 50’s housewife at the Thornsby’s surprised me. She was dressed like a Volvo driver rather than a wealthy society wife. I would’ve expected a tea length gown and pearls. No servants to make cookies for Wally and the Beav? I can guess as to why  the living Thornsbys don’t have full-time help (dwindling generational wealth, social mores), but not the 50’s.

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6 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'd like to see more of their 50's housewife ghost!  I want to know her story!!

Me, too! I don't even watch this show!!

I've seen a handful of episodes because it was on between other things I was watching so I just kept the TV on. The only other episode I watched on purpose was because I saw the preview and I wanted to know how Trevor lost his pants. 😄. Saw the preview for this earlier in the evening that said it was the season finale and figured what the heck, I'll watch. And now I want to know about this random ghost no one knew existed before.

I think I'll have to see if they have all the episodes available on demand when I get home.

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The Farnsby's not wanting the disturbance in the neighborhood that they think Sam and Jay's B&B will bring, and combating that by opening their own competing B&B and thus siphoning guests away Sam and Jay's business.....makes no sense.  That just moves the disturbance and interrupted routines closer to them rather than just experiencing them on the periphery.  Also?  How did they poach the first customers?  How could they possibly have found out who they were in order to entice them away?  Facebook?

I do like that the Farnsby's were petty and vindictive like that, in a "cut off your nose to spite your face" kind of way.  The illogic of it all cracked me up.

Even the Farnsby's ghost looks to be prissy and buttoned up!  I do wish Sam could have had a quick convo with her, maybe by asking to use the bathroom and gesturing to the ghost to follow her.

FINALLY, a mention of Newhart!  I want the ghosts to discover that show on, I dunno, TVLand or Nick at Night or something, and binge on it to really understand a B&B.  Then Pete and Sass and Thor can do a whole "Hi!  I'm Larry.  This is my brother Daryl, and my other brother Daryl." schtick that at first becomes annoying but then pops up in later episodes as random comic relief.

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49 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I think I'll have to see if they have all the episodes available on demand when I get home.

PlutoTV app has them all on demand if they’re not available on Paramount+.

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7 hours ago, chaifan said:


Hamilton quotes... I posted last week (I think) that I thought it would be hilarious if Alberta kept commanding Alexis to play Hamilton songs, with Hetty and the rest constantly humming, singing, etc., as it would drive Isaac nuts.  But I also felt (as noted above) royalties would prohibit that.  But...  I wonder if they've approached Lin Manuel Miranda about a guest spot.  He's usually game for things like that.   So many fun things could be done with that.


This is a possibility.  Utkarsh Ambudkar was the first Aaron Burr until he got distracted by parties.  https://decider.com/2020/07/17/hamilton-original-aaron-burr-utkarsh-ambudkar/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons  I had no clue of the connection between the two until I read the articles from the cast's Paleyfest appearance.

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6 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I still think they need to lean into the ghost thing and advertise as a haunted B&B, if the ghosts are agree to it of course. That would give them an edge over other B&B's. Sam could write a book on all of them to sell as well as a book on the history of the property. Jay could try to make meals from the different eras. I think that would be fun, I'd stay at a place like that since Sam can actually communicate with ghosts. 

I was thinking last night that it'd be really entertaining if they had an episode with a medium coming to stay there. Either one who really could communicate with ghosts, or one who was just conning people and claiming they could. Whichever route they went, it'd be fun to see how the ghosts would react to them. 

As for the possibility of Jay having more direct interaction with the ghosts, I wondered if perhaps he might wind up being able to hear them but not see them. That could potentially be an interesting way to go. 

Add me to the list of those who'd love to hear more from that ghost who haunts the Farnsbys' home! What's her story?

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