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I cringe every time I see the preview of Kylen in labor in the tub, screaming in pain and the midwife saying, "I think we should call an ambulance" and that little shit Jason replying, "I'd rather not..." 

Edited by magemaud
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I cringe every time I see the preview of Kylen in labor in the tub, screaming in pain and the midwife saying, "I think we should call an ambulance" and that little shit Jason replying, "I'd rather not..." 

Makes you wish the Universe would come up with a Freaky Friday plan and Jason and Kylen would switch bodies just in time for the most painful part of labor.

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28 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

I cringe every time I see the preview of Kylen in labor in the tub, screaming in pain and the midwife saying, "I think we should call an ambulance" and that little shit Jason replying, "I'd rather not..." 

Makes you wish the Universe would come up with a Freaky Friday plan and Jason and Kylen would switch bodies just in time for the most painful part of labor.

Makes ME wish there were a way to SUE "The Learning Channel" for damages and have JASON arrested.

But no such luck.  I hope a healthy baby has been born.  I can see that little asswipe inviting his loser friends over (where?) to watch HIM star on a television series.  They'll all do their underage drinking/whatever, laugh it up, and have learned that's the way we treat our wimmenfolk.

Edited by Back Atcha
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I agree that we have not seen anything that CPS could act on to protect Kylen. It's legal to make terrible decisions about which guys to date and procreate with. Kylen has a roof over her head, food to eat, access to medical care, and no physical beatings that we know about. CPS doesn't take action just because your boyfriend is an emotional abuser and encourages you to shut out your dying dad. They have their hands more than full with kids whose lives are in immediate danger. I don't see liability risk for TLC's crew, either. For the most part, third parties have no legal obligation to intervene even if they see a child being whipped. They can stand by and record all the emotional cruelty in the world without any risk to themselves. It's Kylen who has to act if she's had enough of Jason's crap, and I see zero signs that she's moving in that direction.

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On 4/28/2022 at 1:20 PM, magemaud said:

I cringe every time I see the preview of Kylen in labor in the tub, screaming in pain and the midwife saying, "I think we should call an ambulance" and that little shit Jason replying, "I'd rather not..." 

WHAT an azz'ole! He seems to want her to suffer

'Birthing Center is a bathtub full of, after 14 hours, cold water in the midwife's bedroom?

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I haven't hated many people in my life, and very few as much as I hate Jason right now.

Someone should kick him in the balls repeatedly and when he yells say, "Oh, it doesn't hurt. Wah." (And I've never said that about anyone else before in my life.)

Edited by JeanJean
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The midwife should have her license revoked.  The mother is in hard labor and instead of doing what is best for her, she is taking orders from a lowlife mouth breather.  The hell.  

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5 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

The midwife should have her license revoked.  The mother is in hard labor and instead of doing what is best for her, she is taking orders from a lowlife mouth breather.  The hell.  


I think Kylen has to ask for something herself before they can give it to her.

According to the previews, Kylen's about to call him a dumb piece of shit and I am so here for it!


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Just now, HulaTallula said:

The midwives are incredibly unprofessional. They should have stepped in and spoken to Kylen directly and not deferred to Jason. I am legit angry at this episode. 

She could have had a stroke!
Ffs in his basement? I hate that kid!

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I was glad (and a bit surprised) to see Lilly's mom grow a backbone and go out and enjoy her life and be too busy to take Lilly's calls begging for help.  

As for Emersyn's mother, it makes her crazy that everyone hates her and prefers the drug addict MIL to her.  But she's such a negative, critical person that it is unsurprising that everyone hates her.    

It really did seem to be an incredible amount of liability the midwives were taking on by letting an underage girl leave with that moron.  If I understand correctly, they were in contact with her parents, which means they should have had a written release from Kyleen to disclose medical information to her parents.  Why didn't one of the three of them leave to call Kyleen's parents to tell them that their daughter was in danger?  They clearly understood at that point that Jason was a complete moron who refused all reasonable medical interventions and controlled his underage girlfriend.   The midwives should have delayed kicking them out until Kyleens parents arrived in the parking lot. If Kyleen's parents were in the parking lot of the midwife center after they were thrown out I think she would have gone with them straight to the hospital when her idiot boyfriend insisted she wasn't really in labor.  Now we do know he eventually took her to the hospital, but we don't know how delayed this decision was, and I really think it would have helped her a lot to see her parents in that parking lot as they left the midwife center.   Even Jason's parents would have insisted on taking poor Kyleen to the hospital at that point so it might have been helpful to have them there too. 

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I have never despised young men as much as I do on this show. That Jason needs to be run out of kylen's life because I think we can all see he is an abusive mate, waiting in the wings, planning to use that child to manipulate her into doing whatever he wants. And the father that says there's nothing hard about being a parent to two children, needs to be left alone with his children for 5 days. I don't know why I watch as I always have to turn it off because my blood is boiling. I just wish I could put my brain into those young girls heads just for a day. Those boys would be singing a different tune.

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I wish at least one of those midwives had called her parents, or at least got that plant creature away from Kylen.  If I'm her parents, I don't give a rat's butt what he wants, I'm down at the birth center in the parking lot, if need be.   I hope someone is smart enough to get his parental rights revoked.  Jason reminds me of the addicted, emotionally abusive boyfriend of Chloe (?).  

I really wish I hadn't watched, now.  My adult (23) daughter has a terminal brain disease brought on because her brain didn't have enough oxygen at some point during my very long labor with her.  She always had health issues, but we didn't get the prognosis until last year.  In the name of negligence, how do they let this horrible guy make all her decisions and then keep her there without even knowing her progress?  I hope the baby's all right, but he needs to be gone.  

The whiny girl with the two small kids?  I had three in under three years, and had no help nor even family nearby.  There was plenty of chicken nuggets and Kraft dinner nights, and the house wasn't immaculate, but I had to make clean clothes and food appear periodically.  We all made it.  This moron is reaping what she sewed.

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I'm in shock an ambulance wasn't called with her vitals and her laboring so long.  She could have had a stroke.  

They were all fools to allow Jason to call the shots!  Four midwives and not one calls for help avoiding that nitwit Jason!

Then he wants to take her home!  

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OMG! This ignoramus Palm Tree Head! The midwives saying they didn't have a plan and weren't on the same page was slightly incorrect. Jason has a plan he wishes he could carry out. It's for her to go out in the cotton fields on the back 40 and drop the baby there, then resume picking. 😡

Ridiculous that he didn't want her to have fluids and insisted they were drugs. Idiotic that he wasn't concerned when her BP and pulse were elevated and refused the ambulance, saying she "just came here too early" and "wasn't even dilated," and they should just go home and go back in the morning! How the h-e-double-hockeysticks would you know? You wouldn't even let them check her progress!

My most gratifying moment was when she said, more than once, "Are you trying to kill me, you dumb ****?"

He wants to know what the hospital can do that the midwives can't. Throw your jerk ass out, that's what. I  think I'll stock up on confetti and champagne for the glorious moment!

ETA: AR Traveler, I'm so sorry about the prognosis for your daughter. I pray she will surprise the doctors with a long life.

Plant creature, LOL. Good one, AR Traveler!


Edited by renatae
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This episode made me stabby. Clearly Jason allowed Kylen to go to that birthing center and not a real hospital because he caught on that it was situation he could manipulate. It doesn't look like there was any real security. Also, why not just call 911 and let them refuse help? I suspect Kylen might have gotten in an ambulance if it had been parked outside.

Also, I know TLC is not obligated to do anything, but it speaks to the quality of the people running this show that they watched a child, in labor, with high blood pressure who actually seemed to want to go to the hospital get pushed around by her boyfriend. Could someone filming have tried to distract Jason so the midwfe could talk to her? Or turnoff the damn camera and call 911 themselves? I know they have no legal obligation to do that, but really this just show the character of the people making this show.

Emersyn leaving was pretty predictable. The situation was only going to escalate after they broke the rules. And really, Mason's house might actually be the better choice. Maybe they can share night duty now and Emersyn can get a little sleep.

Lawrence coming home directly walking up to and baby talking his baby and giving no attention to Aliyah and Lilly says everything. This relationship won't last. I hope Lilly's mom hasn't repurposed their rooms at her house.

Edited by TooMuchRealityTV
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1 hour ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Lawrence coming home directly walking up to and baby talking his baby and giving no attention to Aliyah and Lilly says everything. This relationship won't last. I hope Lilly's mom hasn't repurposed their rooms at her house.

Lawrence seems to be a seething, self-absorbed hothead with Lisa Simpson hair. "What you do isn't hard." Clueless.

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HIPPA laws probably prevented the midwives from doing anything more than they were already doing...I mean, Kylen refused a vaginal so they had no clue how far she had progressed, she was refusing the simplest of medical intervention, and she was letting Jason make all the decisions on her behalf.  What were they supposed to do?  I'm sure they wanted to step in but honestly their hands are tied at that point.  Jason refused the ambulance and was going to take her home?  He is beyond stupid and dangerous. (But yes, if I was her parents I would have been parked in the parking lot.)

Lawrence is horrible.  Nothing else to say.  Nobody treats my child like they are a second class citizen.

Wow they are really trying to make up a storyline for Tiarra and family.  The struggle is real.

I hate Emersyn's mother.  I wanted her to shut up.  


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Last night I wanted to hurl something at the TV so badly. Watching the Jason/Kylan segments was painful. Jason is an IDIOT!!! "We should have just had it in my basement!" Yeah, that's a plan.😲

I was wondering why the midwives couldn't just call 911even without Jason's permission. Number one, just out of concern for Kylan but number two, they are opening themselves up for a lawsuit if something happens.

Also, if she goes to the hospital (which it looks like in the previews) would she have to have a parent there since she s a minor? I remember back in the Reanna episodes her mom said she had to be there for her daughter's c-section because Re was a minor.

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Before I read the luscious snark that's surely going to brighten my morning:

I fast forward past the baby factory family. No interest in the assorted drama going on there.

Lilly and Lawrence: "What do you do all day?" If I was on a jury of a woman accused of snapping and killing her husband when he asked her that question in the tone that Lawrence used, I'd have a hard time convicting. The clip looked cut up a bit but when he came in from work, it did not look like he acknowledged Aliyah at all. Way to go, Mr. Authority. Nice message to send. Their cohabitation is going to be just a wonderful thing to watch unfold here.

About a year or two ago, I read this book that I highly recommend called The Death of Expertise. The premise is that no one is allowed to be an authority anymore. About anything. If someone in this group is an attorney and says, "I know your best friend slept with your boyfriend, but that does not free you from having to pay her back the $50 that you borrowed from her and said you'd pay," someone coming along and saying, "Well, I just feel like that's bullshit," the idea is that their view is just as valid as the lawyer's. Here is a quote from the book:

“It is a new Declaration of Independence: No longer do we hold these truths to be self-evident, we hold all truths to be self-evident, even the ones that aren’t true. All things are knowable and every opinion on any subject is as good as any other.”

This is a real attitude and the poster boy for this is Jason. He knows nothing, yet knows everything.  He was vicious and cruel in the birthing center. On another note: why didn't Kylen want them to see how dilated she was? What on earth was that all about? How would the midwives know what instructions to give her if they have no clue what is going on?

I think the people at the birthing center should have called the ambulance because it was their duty to do that if a person there is in danger. Letting her leave that facility with the guy that was calling the shots, while she bawled in pain and could very well have passed out, didn't seem like the right thing for them to do. 

I cannot stand Jason. I saw the video on YT of that guy giving them money and stuff and he came across a bit different there, but in this show, he is nothing but a vile, disgusting piece of shit abuser and Kylen is a total doormat. I wonder if he hits her. Why would Kylen accept what he says with no pushback. Because she's afraid. My question is what is she afraid of? That he will be mad at her? Yell at her? Or beat her?

I am liking Emersyn more each week. She defintely has a snot quality but I hate her mother even more. I get the whole "my house, my rules" thing but there is something about her mother that just is nails on a chalkboard. They're not having sex. He's there to help her with his baby too. I think under those conditions, mom needs to back off some. Her pearl clutching about the boyfriend's mom was just high dramatics rather than geniuine concern. You can tell that she expects to be right about everything and for Emersyn to hang on her every word and opinion. She's not. The boyfriend's father seems the most stable person in the bunch. Emersyn's step father is very like whipped.

Edited by configdotsys
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Jason is the most infuriating person I've ever seen on TV. He is such a know it all -- but her really knows nada. I want to slug him. I would slug him if I were Kylen's parents. I don't see a happy future for her or their child. He's controlling, belittling and he literally is putting her life and the baby's life in danger with his willful ignorance. 

I didn't understand why they wouldn't get an exam to see how far along she is. I also don't understand how he thinks IV fluids are bad but a magical french fry will help. Dimwit. I don't know when I've been that angry and frustrated at a TV show. 

Don't have much else to comment on, except I really don't need to hear Tiarra talking about her "titties" every episode. 


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4 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:


Also, I know TLC is not obligated to do anything, but it speaks to the quality of the people running this show that they watched a child, in labor, with high blood pressure who actually seemed to want to go to the hospital get pushed around by her boyfriend. Could someone filming have tried to distract Jason so the midwfe could talk to her? Or turnoff the damn camera and call 911 themselves? I know they have no legal obligation to do that, but really this just show the character of the people making this show.


It's like "The vulture and the little girl" ethically, the documentarians don't/can't step in even if there is something life threatening.. not that I think TLC is honorably documenting world horrors, but I imagine they take this ethical line.

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2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

On another note: why didn't Kylen want them to see how dilated she was?

My guess is that edict came from Jason because that way he could claim she wasn't really in labor because they couldn't prove whether or not she was dilated. 

I also was surprised the midwives allowed her to eat anything in case she needed an emergency caesarean but I guess Jason was calling all the shots. 

Edited by magemaud
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Why is Jason in charge of any medical care that Kalen gets? They are not married, she is under age, and at 18, isn't he too for medical purposes? Some states require a person to be 21 to sign for a medical procedure..until that age, they still see a pediatrician.

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If for no other reason than to protect themselves I wish the midwives had called an ambulance and ushered them into the room explaining that Kylen refused to be examined or get an IV.

Jason wants to run everything while knowing less than nothing. I enjoyed the producer telling him that labor starts when contractions start not when the water breaks. I know it can be either but he didn’t and it was great to watch him be told he was wrong.

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11 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

I enjoyed the producer telling him that labor starts when contractions start not when the water breaks. I know it can be either but he didn’t and it was great to watch him be told he was wrong.

Shrug* and a dismissive "My bad"

Edited by magemaud
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48 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Why is Jason in charge of any medical care that Kalen gets? They are not married, she is under age, and at 18, isn't he too for medical purposes? Some states require a person to be 21 to sign for a medical procedure..until that age, they still see a pediatrician.

I suspect that Kylan also got no or very little prenatal care.  Jason also seems extremely ignorant on child birth. I also assume they didn't take any child birth classes.

I couldn't understand why she refused a cervix exam. How else would they know how dialated she is.

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

It's like "The vulture and the little girl" ethically, the documentarians don't/can't step in even if there is something life threatening.. not that I think TLC is honorably documenting world horrors, but I imagine they take this ethical line.

If this were an actual documentary I could see them taking this line. However, it's not. If we are being honest they have probably helped stage some of the scenes on this show to give some of girls plot lines (I'm looking at you Tiarra). They can't go claiming they are documentarians now.

I've had some cooling off time since watching and I'm still annoyed no one just called 911. Even if Kylen didn't go in the ambulance at least everything possible was done to try and help a child having a medical issue.

Edited by TooMuchRealityTV
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2 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Why is Jason in charge of any medical care that Kalen gets?

Because that's the choice Kylen is making. If she wants to outsource her power to an asshole, she has a right to do that. It's just horrible to watch.

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Haven't watched yet, it's my weekend treat, but read up on this thread. I'm guessing the midwife group was hoping this would be good publicity for them. Sounds like that didn't happen. Wonder if they regret allowing filming? 

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35 minutes ago, BAForever said:

Haven't watched yet, it's my weekend treat, but read up on this thread. I'm guessing the midwife group was hoping this would be good publicity for them. Sounds like that didn't happen. Wonder if they regret allowing filming? 

Oh they have to be regretting getting involved in this fiasco.  They look really bad.  Not one of them had the sense to call an ambulance or dial 911!

If you see a man choking you don't worry about Hippa or whatever it's called.

You get help and save his life!  Those midwives were useless during a very challenging event!

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when Jason was saying about getting in the birthing pool "You BETTER NOT shit in there...."  <facepalm>

and you just know he was the reason she didn't have a cervical exam to see how dialated she was.... he's the kind of jerk who doesn't believe in women using tampons 🤬🤬

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22 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Those midwives were useless during a very challenging event!

  • Those midwives were useless during a very challenging event!
  • Those midwives were useless during a very challenging event!
  • Those midwives were useless during a very challenging event!

WORSE!   If that baby is not okay, JASON and the midwives should be charged with something...or at least sued.  Is Kylen old enough to sign contracts?


From something online called "TVSHOWSACE."   "Prior to the show beginning, Jason had been making TikToks. It appeared his wall had holes punched into them. This led to physical assault allegations and, according to Starcasm, it has only gotten worse. The now-father of baby Xavier has been arrested three times. More than that, he has eleven pending charges. Viewers may have seen him get arrested at the hospital while Kylen was in labor last August. Yes, he was causing trouble in the delivery room but that is not why he ended up getting arrested. He actually had an outstanding warrant.

"It seems to have started in March 2019 when he was charged with reckless driving. Though it was changed to negligent driving, a guilty verdict was handed down in November 2019. He was again arrested in July 2021 for driving with a revoked/suspended license. Fast forward to March 2022 and a warrant had been placed for Jason’s arrest. He was actually physically arrested in February of this year with 11 charges. They include:

  • Disobeying an Officer
  • Aggravated DUI
  • Reckless Operation
Edited by Back Atcha
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18 hours ago, HulaTallula said:

The midwives are incredibly unprofessional. They should have stepped in and spoken to Kylen directly and not deferred to Jason. I am legit angry at this episode. 

I would have called local law enforcement for HELP, explained that I'm a midwife, and FEARFUL of an angry teenager father.

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15 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

The whiny girl with the two small kids?  I had three in under three years, and had no help nor even family nearby.  There was plenty of chicken nuggets and Kraft dinner nights, and the house wasn't immaculate, but I had to make clean clothes and food appear periodically.  We all made it.  This moron is reaping what she sewed.

Is this about Lilly?  Lilly and Lawrence?  Her house isn't immaculate either--but it looks pretty good.  STILL LAWRENCE demands it be impeccable--and does nothing to help--only to criticize her about how "easy" she has it.  She probably wouldn't appear "whiny" if she had a bit of appreciation.  At this  point, she knows she's not going to get any HELP.  She doesn't need berating from that ignorant superority complex.

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9 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Also, I know TLC is not obligated to do anything, but it speaks to the quality of the people running this show that they watched a child, in labor, with high blood pressure who actually seemed to want to go to the hospital get pushed around by her boyfriend. Could someone filming have tried to distract Jason so the midwfe could talk to her? Or turnoff the damn camera and call 911 themselves? I know they have no legal obligation to do that, but really this just show the character of the people making this show.

This needs to be read again and again.  And again!

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6 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I am liking Emersyn more each week.

Me too.  I don't think that she was raised in the most healthy of circumstances.  Her attitude would probably be different with a mother substitute.

6 hours ago, configdotsys said:

She defintely has a snot quality but I hate her mother even more. 

How and why is her mother such an expert.  She has six kids?  How many fathers are involved?  What happened to them?  Her current husband or baby daddy (I don't know) is probably a kind and gentle sort who is happy to take orders and follow her rules.

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So, in New Hampshire, birth centers aren't run by CNMs (nurse-midwives with master's degrees). They are CPMs, who may or may not have a college degree and don't have the same degree of training. A lot of them are very hands-off and into natural birth. A friend of mine had a really bad experience in an NH birth center. I really feel like this played into the problem. Kylen could have had preeclampsia or another complication. 

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I am in the minority because I think Emerson's mom and stepdad are right. Mason sits there saying he doesn't want his child around chaos and yelling, but I don't believe Mason himself even has a job. I think Emerson's mom's house is more stable  - maybe not tremendously so, but at least she'd have her own mom there, and she appears to be sober. Emerson is 17 or 18. I was 34 when I had my first and I had literally no idea what I was doing. 

But I agree with the majority,  actually I think we unanimously all hate Jason. I understand from reading here that Kylen has handed over all medical decisions to that bum but can he even make these decisions  ? She's a minor but he's not her guardian and they are not married. Jason's stupidity is appalling. Water usually does not break. They did not arrive too early. Let her get checked and see what's happening. Let her get the damn iv. I can't stand this kid.

Tiarra is so dainty, talking about her breastfeeding mishaps. 

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7 hours ago, applewood said:

I suspect that Kylan also got no or very little prenatal care.  Jason also seems extremely ignorant on child birth. I also assume they didn't take any child birth classes.

I couldn't understand why she refused a cervix exam. How else would they know how dialated she is.

There was one point, I believe when they visited the birthing center maybe, that someone asked Kylen who here doctor was and she was completely clueless and had no idea what she was being asekd. She then asked if they were talking about the baby's doctor. So I agree, I think she got no prenatal care except the orders she received from Dr. Jason Douchebag.

Again, I too wondered about the cervical exam. Someone posted above that Jason is against tampons? Was that in the show somewhere? Is this one of those, 'I own your vagina and no one gets to see it but me," type things?


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22 hours ago, Chalby said:

I just wish I could put my brain into those young girls heads just for a day. Those boys would be singing a different tune.

A couple of octaves higher than usual, I imagine...

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

Again, I too wondered about the cervical exam. Someone posted above that Jason is against tampons? Was that in the show somewhere? Is this one of those, 'I own your vagina and no one gets to see it but me," type things?

Yes, that was my speculation based on his asshole-level.

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9 hours ago, applewood said:

I couldn't understand why she refused a cervix exam.

Jason is probably uncomfortable thinking about it. Therefore, he decided it wasn’t necessary.

7 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

"It seems to have started in March 2019 when he was charged with reckless driving. Though it was changed to negligent driving, a guilty verdict was handed down in November 2019. He was again arrested in July 2021 for driving with a revoked/suspended license. Fast forward to March 2022 and a warrant had been placed for Jason’s arrest. He was actually physically arrested in February of this year with 11 charges. They include:

  • Disobeying an Officer
  • Aggravated DUI
  • Reckless Operation

He’ll get another slap on the wrist and then feel like he can do anything he wants because he never really gets punished.

3 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

I am in the minority because I think Emerson's mom and stepdad are right. Mason sits there saying he doesn't want his child around chaos and yelling, but I don't believe Mason himself even has a job.

I agree with you. If EmersYn wants to be a grown up, then she needs to act like one. If she doesn’t like her mother’s rules, no one is forcing her to stay in her house. Boyfriend Mason needs step up and get a job. And maybe get his driver’s license at some point.

Mother EmersYn has a boatload of little kids. Perhaps she thinks EmersYn and Mason sleeping together before marriage is a bad example for the littles. 

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18 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

This episode made me stabby. Clearly Jason allowed Kylen to go to that birthing center and not a real hospital because he caught on that it was situation he could manipulate. It doesn't look like there was any real security. Also, why not just call 911 and let them refuse help? I suspect Kylen might have gotten in an ambulance if it had been parked outside.

Also, I know TLC is not obligated to do anything, but it speaks to the quality of the people running this show that they watched a child, in labor, with high blood pressure who actually seemed to want to go to the hospital get pushed around by her boyfriend. Could someone filming have tried to distract Jason so the midwfe could talk to her? Or turnoff the damn camera and call 911 themselves? I know they have no legal obligation to do that, but really this just show the character of the people making this show.

Emersyn leaving was pretty predictable. The situation was only going to escalate after they broke the rules. And really, Mason's house might actually be the better choice. Maybe they can share night duty now and Emersyn can get a little sleep.

Lawrence coming home directly walking up to and baby talking his baby and giving no attention to Aliyah and Lilly says everything. This relationship won't last. I hope Lilly's mom hasn't repurposed their rooms at her house.

I know the male nurses where I work wouldn't have put up with his shit for 5 seconds!

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5 hours ago, xls said:

I know the male nurses where I work wouldn't have put up with his shit for 5 seconds!

Those two midwives looked pretty stout. They should have just kicked his punk ass.

Again, I like to think that some point, something really horrible is going to happen to Jason.

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