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S01.E02: Episode 2

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Marquel, we wore those glasses in the late 70s because we had no other options, not by choice.  



Poor Marquel is being dissed over just about everything but now he's getting it for wearing glasses? I have to wear glasses because contacts don't work due to my dry eye condition. With all the wind there seems to always be in that location, maybe there's always grit being blown around and he can't wear his contacts. Maybe he has severe astigmatism which makes wearing contacts difficult. I don't know. There are all kinds of reasons to wear glasses instead of contacts. Maybe he just likes them? He certainly looks good in them - to me anyway.

  • Love 2

I can't imagine what anybody needs to actually see on that island.....They all seem to be just using hands & tongues for everything.


Besides, I'll bet Lacy's boobs, Elise's desperation, Chris's doucheyosity, Ashlee's crazy, and Sarah's misery can all be seen easily without any corrective lenses....

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 6

Poor Marquel is being dissed over just about everything but now he's getting it for wearing glasses? I have to wear glasses because contacts don't work due to my dry eye condition. With all the wind there seems to always be in that location, maybe there's always grit being blown around and he can't wear his contacts. Maybe he has severe astigmatism which makes wearing contacts difficult. I don't know. There are all kinds of reasons to wear glasses instead of contacts. Maybe he just likes them? He certainly looks good in them - to me anyway.

I think it meant more the style as opposed to the glasses. They were the large 70s esque style. Like he was going for " a cool, hip look". In a way I wouldn't be surprised to learn they were fashion and had no prescription. He's that guy. The suspenders, the glasses, the insert latest would be fad here.

I am wearing readers as I type this. Wouldn't be able to type it without, sadly. Glasses are cool, cliches are kind of boring. And his specs seemed a bit that.

Edited by KnoxForPres
  • Love 3

Secondly, were my eyes deceiving me or was there a very quick shot of two of the ladies kissing each other on the beach? If that is the case, I am curious to know which two women they were.

I thought I saw that too although the shot was so quick it was hard to see much. I just assumed it was the alcohol & all the lurve in the air. Kiss your bestie & giggle at how risqué you are. Tee-hee-hee.

Pretty sure it had to be Money cause you know she likes to booze it up like crazy y'all! "Blame it on the Goose, Got you feeling loose, Blame it on Patron, Got you in the zone, Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol, Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol" If BiP would pay for rights & play that over some great edits of the stupidity that goes on I would probably pee my pants from laughing.

  • Love 1

I can't imagine what anybody needs to actually see on that island.....They all seem to be just using hands & tongues for everything.




Poor Marquel is being dissed over just about everything but now he's getting it for wearing glasses?


Eh, he'll be alright.  I feel more sorry for him than anything, because nothing about the women currently on the show indicates that they're open to dating and "finding love" across racial lines.  Might as well address the elephant in the room.  But then, I didn't watch the first episode, so maybe he and Money are more romantic than they appear.  On this episode, she didn't seem all that into him.

  • Love 1

I'm finding this show to be so much more boring than Bachelor Pad. The conversations are dull and repetitive, the dates are boring and nothing really happens. I guess I'm supposed to feel sorry for the dumb Putz who jumped off a balcony, but unless he was high as a kite, who does that?


Didn't understand Michelle Money's sobfest over Ben considering we never saw her express interest in him. Part of the problem is I really felt some attraction and actual hook-ups on Bachelor Pad, and here I feel like no one is really interested in anything but not getting voted off. The contestants seem to change partners like the wind, and nothing makes sense. I also have to fast forward through a lot of the conversations.


I don't quite get Marquel either. He does not appear to have a genuine interest in any of the girls, makes no attempt to kiss or get close to anyone, why is he there? i get the idea of people wanting to be on TV, but are they really going to get some fame or fortune for a few weeks on this show?


As far as hotness goes: I think Dylan and Robert are pretty cute and thats about it. Don't remember there Zak guy at all, and Chris is unattractive in every possible way.

  • Love 2




nothing about the women currently on the show indicates that they're open to dating and "finding love" across racial lines.  Might as well address the elephant in the room.


And there has been absolutely nothing about the women currently on the show indicating they're NOT open to finding love across racial lines.


I have heard several women make comments about Marquel being hot and I have seen many of the guys sitting around shooting the shit just like Marquel is doing - they're not all shoving their tongues down womens throats 24/7. It looks to me like Marquel fits right in with all the men and the women.

  • Love 3

I'm finding this show to be so much more boring than Bachelor Pad. The conversations are dull and repetitive, the dates are boring and nothing really happens. I guess I'm supposed to feel sorry for the dumb Putz who jumped off a balcony, but unless he was high as a kite, who does that?

My coworker said he didn't like this show because it was boring, and my other coworker and I looked at him and each other like he was crazy, and rattled off all of the things that happened this episode. Most Bachelor/ette shows are lucky if they have ONE dramatic event to play up for previews per episode, and this show was nothing but one surprising turn of events after another. But then I read your sentence about supposing you're supposed to feel sorry for the Putz and then focusing on the dates and the connections, and I THINK that you, like my coworker, might be Right Reasons watchers. Do you hope that they find love on the journey? Meanwhile, as a Wrong Reasons watcher, I think this is the most incredible display of must-watch train wreck TV that I have ever seen in my life. I agree with you that the dates themselves are boring, which is why they only subject us to 3 minutes per date maximum, then back to the "resort" where the REAL action is happening! You're not supposed to feel sorry for the Putz; you're supposed to laugh at and ridicule him. This show is all Wrong Reasons viewing, although maybe some love will be found along the way. But I can totally see that for those who don't enjoy Wrong Reasons snarking, like my one coworker, this is not the show for them. In fact, it's almost too much for my other coworker who DOES enjoy snarking on contestants, but also is slightly more in it for the Right Reasons journey. I think it's great if these people find love, but there better be some Wrong Reasons drama to pique my interest--and so far this show is ALL Wrong Reasons drama!

  • Love 9

To look at the Right Reasons for a moment, I think that the most ironic facet of BiP is that the contestants are actually spending more time together than a Bachelor/ette and his or her FR do during the entire course of that show!  I think they're also really liking the opportunity to stand on the other side of the rose ceremony for once, and play Bachelor/ette... some of their comments mentioned that.


I'm unspoiled, so I have to wonder what the endgame is for this show.  The number of Paradisians isn't going down, it's not like there's a drive to a F2, so at some point will Chris just come in with his wine glass and spoon and tell everyone to take a moment and say their goodbyes, it's over?

  • Love 4

No I'm not looking for "right reasons". On Bachelor Pad they had games, sports, and activities which were designed to pair people up for better or worse. This show seems 99% people sitting on couches. Where are the mean alliances, the people forced to do games with someone they don't like etc?

I don't care about people finding true love, but 90 minutes of Elise or Lacey whining on a couch like pre-teen girls just isn't fun snarky to me.

  • Love 5

No I'm not looking for "right reasons". On Bachelor Pad they had games, sports, and activities which were designed to pair people up for better or worse. This show seems 99% people sitting on couches. Where are the mean alliances, the people forced to do games with someone they don't like etc?


And most of the people aren't even that interested in anyone!  They get a date card, consider the options and basically tell their prospective date, "Uhhhh...well, I gotta pick someone, I guess you'll do."  I would love to be hypnotized into thinking this was better than Bachelor Pad.

I'm sure it wasn't Michelle K.  What was she guilty of?  Screwing a Putz?

I feel kinda bad for Michelle K honestly.  She hasn't done anything wrong.  Actually she did everything correctly!  She went on this show but found interest in another man that wasn't part of the cast so she asked to leave first night.  R.S. said it best when he pointed out that the producers are to blame for this.  There was no need to send in anyone to check on her especially Chris Harrison, there was no need for him to be spying outside her door, and there was certainly no need for a reenactment.  This is pretty simple to follow, no need to spell it out in crayon for us.


No I'm not looking for "right reasons". On Bachelor Pad they had games, sports, and activities which were designed to pair people up for better or worse. This show seems 99% people sitting on couches. Where are the mean alliances, the people forced to do games with someone they don't like etc?

This show would be better if they did something!  This getting a date card and going swimming in the ocean is just boring.  Its too much like summer camp for horny 13-year-olds.  And the people they are bringing in--who the F are they?  I don't remember them from their season.  From the previews for next week one of the new girls coming in I do recognize from Juan Pablo's season and I swear she said a total of 5 words on her season!  Nothing special, controversial, or remotely important about her was shown so why is she here?  Bring back the crazy Courtney from Ben F's season or hell even Vienna from Jake's season.  At least we know who they are.



  • Love 3

I like this show an embarrassing amount. I had it DVR'd and only saw it last night. Elise really borrowed AshLee's crazy crown this week.


Dylan: I've taken a restraining order out against you.

Elise:  He's playing hard to get. I like that.


I do hope we return to some AshLee drama in next week's episode. Even if it's an awkward date where she stares her laser beams of death into Graham's eyes and tells him what they are going to name their children. I think there's a good possibility that she'll give him a love fern.


I agree with the folks who have commented on the accommodations, but I guess "Bachelor in Ramshackle Cabins" isn't as catchy. Just watching it makes me feel sweaty and itchy (though that might be VD oozing from the screen). I hope that ocean is treated with Valtrex.

  • Love 6

I'm also not seeing too many "connections" on this show.  Mostly it has been about Elyse and you get the feeling she will continue to hook up with anyone who asks. (On the last Bachelor Pad the girl that got around was Holly but at least her "triangle" was more interesting).  I'll bet Elyse's biggest fantasy would to be The Bachorette but I sincerely doubt that would ever happen. 


Like someone else said with the accomodations and just hanging around all day and drinking, it really does seem more the Survivor on alcohol.  These people seriously have a better chance of finding one of their fellow Bachelor alumni to hook up with at one of their gatherings than this show.  It is definitely a downgrade from Bachelor Pad (and that was of course often cringe-worthy), although I am still watching it for some reason!  Maybe it will get better.

  • Love 1
I'm unspoiled, so I have to wonder what the endgame is for this show.


I always thought it was more a slice of life. Like this is what we, the unwashed masses, would see if we attended a Bachelor Family weekend. I think this is what they look like - no rhyme nor reason, random hookups, deluded women who think one kiss equals true lurve fo-evah. A few courses of antibiotics after its all over. That type of thing.


My fantasy hookup (for the wrong reasons, of course) on this show is Elyse and AshLee. I've always wondered what would happen when that kind of crazy and deluded found itself in the embodiment of another person. 

I somehow prefer this to Bachelor Pad, though I only watched the last season of that show. I just found the challenges sort of pointless, and they always spent the last half an hour at least on the boring-as-hell cocktail party, where a couple of people were trying their hardest to not get voted off while the rest were playing Survivor style mind games and talking about alliances and "trust". Yawn. It wasn't very "romantic" that people were kicked off in the middle of their budding romances. Not that this show is very romantic either, but at least you only have to impress one person of the opposite sex to stay in it.


The dates, however, are a joke. As Sharleen put it, they're BUDGET Bachelor-style dates. Massage and swim in the ocean. Walk around some ruins and swim in the ocean. Dinner on the beach and staring at some candles. Wow. Like nothing they've ever experienced befor... oh wait. At least Marquel and Michelle got to ride some horses. I suppose all the money went into paying them to even take part in this silliness, since there's no other incentive apart from screentime.

  • Love 2


Meanwhile, as a Wrong Reasons watcher, I think this is the most incredible display of must-watch train wreck TV that I have ever seen in my life. I agree with you that the dates themselves are boring, which is why they only subject us to 3 minutes per date maximum, then back to the "resort" where the REAL action is happening! You're not supposed to feel sorry for the Putz; you're supposed to laugh at and ridicule him. This show is all Wrong Reasons viewing, although maybe some love will be found along the way. But I can totally see that for those who don't enjoy Wrong Reasons snarking, like my one coworker, this is not the show for them.


And most of the people aren't even that interested in anyone!  They get a date card, consider the options and basically tell their prospective date, "Uhhhh...well, I gotta pick someone, I guess you'll do."  I would love to be hypnotized into thinking this was better than Bachelor Pad.


I'm all for Wrong Reasons enjoyment, but I agree with Bugs, that not much is really happening at all. That's why I'm finding this show is Fake, Fake, Fake, they're doing (admittedly amusing) Renactments and making fun of their own crew (include the producer as well as the cameraman), because they realize the show IS dull and they're going to be losing viewers fast if they can't hold them with dramatic or ridiculous moments. 


I have actually gone to Reality Steve's website and I don't think I'm giving anything away by telling you that he's said all along that they don't have a plan, they're winging what happens episode to episode. I think that's quite apparent by what we're seeing onscreen. It's quite a fizzle. Not Paradise Hotel, like we were hoping for, nor the deliciously tacky Bachelor Pad. We haven't seen anything interesting in the locale, unlike Bachelor or Bachelorette. I'm pretty sure they won't repeat this experiment, because the viewers won't support it and I'm thinking that their cast won't either, given that they're staying in a dump, they're not having a fun time, and there's no monetary reward, Back to the drawing board, Fleiss and Harrison! 

Edited by PreBabylonia
The dates, however, are a joke. As Sharleen put it, they're BUDGET Bachelor-style dates.



Didn't even watch the episode because I kind of really didn't care, but I read Sharleen's recap and I swear I can almost feel how pained she is having to one, watch this mess and two, write about it. My guess is she agreed to do the recaps after her Bachelorette ones were so well received not knowing just how bad this show was going to be. Her irritation and ragging on Marcus is hilarious though.


That's why I'm finding this show is Fake, Fake, Fake, they're doing (admittedly amusing) Renactments and making fun of their own crew (include the producer as well as the cameraman),



And don't forget deliberately editing it to look like Clare was talking to a raccoon like anyone with any sense didn't know she was talking to a camera person and/or producer.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1
But I will agree, the apparent complete lack of any organized activities makes this the lamest summer camp ever (with the possible exception of Meatballs Part II - With 100% Less Bill Murray).


My 10 year old watched the Fred movie with him at camp on Nickelodeon. If you don't know who Fred is count yourself lucky, this rates even lower than that.


My mom is one of the "Right Reasons" watchers so she is not into this show at all, while I enjoy this more than the regular series.

I'm definitely a Wrong Reason watcher and find this vastly more entertaining than the regular seasons, with their repetitive focus on "connections" and "amazing journeys" - talk about boring dialogue. My only request would be casting fewer D-list bachelor/ette rejects - with the exception of Claire, Chris B (ugh) and Michelle M, the rest are pretty unremarkable. I don't even remember most from their original seasons - I swear I watched Desiree's season but I seriously have zero recollection that Zach or Robert ever existed. Or maybe they just picked the people who failed the psych test the worst? 


As for the ending, they're clearly borrowing heavily from Paradise Hotel - I just wish I could remember how PHo whittled the contestants down after they stopped adding people.

  • Love 1

Or maybe they just picked the people who failed the psych test the worst?

That is brilliant! I like that idea. I agree that there are still some solid 2nd & 3rd tier rejects to rehash on a show like this. I'm still disappointed that none of the Chicago boys looking for tall, rich women aren't on. Just imagine them going on a date on a boat? Awesome!

I'm completely & totally a Wrong Reasons Watcher. I may even have to make up my own song....

  • Love 2

I watched Paradise Hotel and you, show, are no Paradise Hotel.

I concur, though I feel the need to hold off on my ultimate judgement until we're more than 2 episodes in.  The first show was mostly about intros, and then the second had the major distraction of the Michelle K drama.  It will be interesting to see what they do with the show when there's a little less time dedicated to stuff that advances nothing going on in 'Paradise'. 

The first show was mostly about intros, and then the second had the major distraction of the Michelle K drama.  It will be interesting to see what they do with the show when there's a little less time dedicated to stuff that advances nothing going on in 'Paradise'.

The thing is this show has people constantly coming & going.  And it's people nobody remembers!  Maybe if the same 10 or 12 people that showed up on the first episode stayed and nobody new came along it would be more interesting.  Like if there was a prize of some sort for the last couple standing kind of thing.  If not a cash prize then another paid vacation for the happy couple to some place real exciting. 

  • Love 1

I watched Paradise Hotel and you, show, are no Paradise Hotel.

In fairness, though, Paradise Hotel was trashtastic lightning in a bottle - never again will a bunch of ridiculously awful, self-absorbed trainwrecks get their comeuppance so brilliantly (and even AshLee's brand of crazy can't hold a candle to bug-eyed Toni). I'd be happy if this show provided 1/10 the entertainment of Paradizzle.

  • Love 3

The thing with Paradise Hotel was the first version was WAAAAy back in 2003.  Romance focused reality shows were in short supply. We had Survivor, Big Brother & Real World dominating.  The first Bachelor was in 2002, then Bachelorette in 2004.  That's when the roses and the hookups really started flying.


PH didn't come back til 2008, but that was still 6 years ago.  Nothing in that genre is new & fresh anymore and most participants just want their 15 minutes of fame above anything else.  There have been SO many crappy "find love" shows, most of them just blur together at this point.


But throw a Bachelor/ette tag on a show & it's guaranteed an audience. At least for now.  Everybody can just phone it in now.

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 1

Is Dylan serious? Tells her cocky to her face that he wants to explore other relationships and when she goes and does it with Chris, all hell breaks loose ..... grow up Dylan! Don't give me a rose? Yeah Elise, don't dare give him a rose ... the sooner he leaves, the better :D


I've always wondered in these things if it's forbidden in their contract to discuss things bluntly. Admitting that he didn't feel a deeper connection with Elise, and proposing they keep each other safe for the week so they have another opportunity to meet more people, seems a lot more logical. It certainly couldn't have gone worse than his passive aggressive, "I would be happy if you engaged in actions that I clearly want and you clearly don't. Now give me reciprocal permission, woman!" 


Dylan's misery seemed mostly of his own making anyway. If the topic of conversation is boring, change it. If you don't want to be trapped on the beach while Elise prattles about whatever, encourage her to join you in socializing/strategizing with other couples. If you expected it to be BangBus 24/7...probably shouldn't be on a reality show that still buys its contestants engagement rings. He looked like the saddest puppy in the world, collapsed on the beach chair, and clearly thinking "I just wanted easy makeouts, why god." I can see how Elise is single as her surefire method of making a guy come around is flinging herself at nearest passing male and then asking her smothered bf "are you jelly yet?" And then saying "no, I wasn't trying to get a reaction out of you" when she gets called on it. 


Chris B is one of the most physically awkward Brohammers in the history of reality tv. I'm curious to see him try to play baseball, I think he'd knock himself out with the bat. Marcus is such a good friend, pulling in Marquel on his determined march to obtain screen time this episode. The rest of the gophers show why no one remembers them by simply standing and gawking like normal people while Michelle Money almost assaults the camera crew to get a high-definition shot of her Right Reasons Tears.


This is a fairly poor follow up to what was, imo, the best reality tv moment everrrr in BP3. Hopefully Harrison is furiously retooling it behind the scenes and this is an appetizer to keep the Bachelor/ette rejects in fighting shape.

Edited by rozen
  • Love 1

Poor Marquel is being dissed over just about everything but now he's getting it for wearing glasses?

Marquel's actually my favourite person on this particular show, but seeing those glasses took me right back to my 1978 yearbook picture. I've worn glasses for almost 45 years (and hate contacts), so I'm not going to diss him for wearing them, just those particular ones :-) 

Like someone else said with the accomodations and just hanging around all day and drinking, it really does seem more the Survivor on alcohol.  These people seriously have a better chance of finding one of their fellow Bachelor alumni to hook up with at one of their gatherings than this show. 

It sounds like day to day life in Paradise is even more boring than in the Bachelor mansion- I was listening to the Afterbuzz podcast the other day (Zach and Robert were the guests), and there is literally nothing to do except be sleep deprived (apparently the production team keeps the very bright lights on in the compound most of the time) drink, lie on the beach, and talk to each other. Which actually means that they're getting to spend a lot more time getting to know each other than on most of the other shows- I think that it was Robert who said that he and Lacy had spent most of 3 days together hanging out together and talking before the Marcus thing. 


And it does sound like they're winging it as to when to introduce new characters- Zach said that he'd been in his hotel room for days, and no one knew when he was actually going to start filming.  It didn't sound like it was much fun- he was allowed TV which is different than most of the shows (even if it was horrible tv, and mostly not in English), but still, no books, no contact, no phone, no internet, and nothing to do except order room service until they decided that they wanted him on the beach ASAP.  

The whole "got a girlfriend/boyfriend" back home spiel is getting a bit old. I don't even believe it anymore. When did it start, with Justin the wrestler on Ali's season? Ever since, seems there's always someone getting accused of having someone back home. I suspect Ben simply agreed to be "that guy" this season. It's a plot trick, nothing more.


Regarding Michelle, I'm guessing she got really drunk, maybe more than once. I can see why Marquel would have an issue with that, but at the same time, I can't say that I wouldn't do the same in that setting. If they keep bringing free drinks and I'm vacationing in "paradise" where there's nothing else to do, I too would probably go a little overboard with the drinking. Doesn't mean I drink like that in everyday life.


And speaking of "paradise", do the contestants get a 100 dollar bonus every time they use that word or something? How they can even keep a straight face while uttering sentences like "I really do believe it's possible to find love here in paradise", is beyond me.

  • Love 2

All I could think this episode was 'when did Dylan become a douche'? He seemed much more likeable on Andi's season.

He just rubbed me the wrong way with his attitude toward Elise.

If he was so annoyed with her, he should have just manned up and said it.

Not tell her to do something and then get angry at her when she DOES it, then actually blame it all on her.

I don't blame her for getting some mixed signals.

  • Love 1

The whole "got a girlfriend/boyfriend" back home spiel is getting a bit old. I don't even believe it anymore. When did it start, with Justin the wrestler on Ali's season? Ever since, seems there's always someone getting accused of having someone back home. I suspect Ben simply agreed to be "that guy" this season. It's a plot trick, nothing more.


Regarding Michelle, I'm guessing she got really drunk, maybe more than once. I can see why Marquel would have an issue with that, but at the same time, I can't say that I wouldn't do the same in that setting. If they keep bringing free drinks and I'm vacationing in "paradise" where there's nothing else to do, I too would probably go a little overboard with the drinking. Doesn't mean I drink like that in everyday life.


And speaking of "paradise", do the contestants get a 100 dollar bonus every time they use that word or something? How they can even keep a straight face while uttering sentences like "I really do believe it's possible to find love here in paradise", is beyond me.


The earliest I'm aware of was Wes, on Jillian's season (he of the "Love, It Don't Come Easy" song), who actually said in the limo after his dismissal that he was pretty pleased with himself for making it to F5 on The Bachelorette with a girlfriend.  I didn't watch a lot of the seasons from the beginning through to Deanna's, though, so I don't know what went on in those.


I'm not sure how you can really tell how much a person drinks in RL when you meet them in the context of a TV franchise that may as well be about people doing one funnel after another.

  • Love 2
Regarding Michelle, I'm guessing she got really drunk, maybe more than once. I can see why Marquel would have an issue with that, but at the same time, I can't say that I wouldn't do the same in that setting. If they keep bringing free drinks and I'm vacationing in "paradise" where there's nothing else to do, I too would probably go a little overboard with the drinking. Doesn't mean I drink like that in everyday life.


I completely agree about the circumstances. But even if she was getting completely sloshed and passing out every night, why bring it up?  They're not in a relationship. If they were in a relationship, close friends, something like that I can see saying something or wanting to try to help her.  Even then he could've brought it up differently, but in fairness to Marquel I got the feeling that whole conversation was really chopped up.


But given the situation where there's a bunch of men and women in a totally manufactured scenario where they're theoretically supposed to be mixing and mingling and looking for "love" or a relationship - if that's a problem or deal-breaker for him, just move along!  Isn't that what he'd do in real life if he went on a date with some girl and she got hammered on their first date, or their first few dates?

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 1

I think that's the problem Marquel is having on this show, and on his previous attempt with Andi... he's treating it like a real-life situation in which he's trying to find a love match.  But the Bachelor (in any format) is not even remotely close to real life and most people there aren't in it for love.  They're just a bunch of fame whores looking for a good time and some time on screen.  There's nothing wrong with that, if it makes them happy, but it makes it difficult for the minority like Marquel who seem to really be there for (I really hate to use this phrase!!)  the right reasons.

  • Love 1

All I could think this episode was 'when did Dylan become a douche'? … If he was so annoyed with her, he should have just manned up and said it.

YMMV, but, I read that whole thing really differently.  I thought Dylan was pretty clear at first, indicating that the relationship was too intense and he wanted to ease off and spend time with the crowd at large.  If Elise had just mingled, instead of implementing plan make-Dylan-jealous, they might have drifted back towards a -thing-. 

But she tried to make Dylan jealous, and went way too far by making out in the ocean with Chris in front of everyone.  Dylan was both embarrassed and grossed out, and became a lot more invested in having nothing to do with her, but her inability to read that was infamous.  

So, IMHO, Dylan wasn't a douche, but Elise was clearly reading way too much into a summer vacation romance.  

Edited by fib
  • Love 13

Yeah, I don't think there's anything that Dylan could have said that would have gotten through Elise's deluded ability to hear only what she wants to hear.

Dylan: I want to cut off my own head to get away from you!

Elise: Oooh, his feelings are so strong he would die for me! I love you too, baby.


I also don't understand the argument that Dylan encouraged her to date others because he himself wasn't getting any action. With Elise's level of desperation, it would have taken literally zero effort to get her into the sack, if that was his endgame.

  • Love 7

Yes. And arguably, turning down a rose (that would have let him stay on free vacation and allowed him to play the field) was the most selfless thing anyone has done since Ames escaped the Bachelor Pad with Jackie.
He even told her in advance to allow her time to plot and plan and save herself embarrassment once he realized she might give him the rose. Not douchey in my book.  

Chris Bukowski? douchey.

Edited by fib
  • Love 7

Dylan said that from Day 1 he was paired up with Elyse and everyone was seeing them as a couple.  I think he started to realize he was not hanging out with anyone else, and if a new girl was introduced he would stand no shot of meeting her.  I think he just wanted to circulate and mingle more, not be totally hitched up from Day 1.  I do not fault him for that at all.  I do think he was beating around the bush too much, but given her reaction I seriously cannot imagine any way he could have told her more plainly and gotten through.


I was thinking that maybe he should have just accepted the rose just to stay there and told her they still had things to work out, I mean rejecting a rose is very risky (obviously for him it was) but I think in light of all the "right reasons" talk that went on for this episode, he probably felt like he had to be straight with his feelings.

  • Love 3


I think that's the problem Marquel is having on this show, and on his previous attempt with Andi... he's treating it like a real-life situation in which he's trying to find a love match.  But the Bachelor (in any format) is not even remotely close to real life and most people there aren't in it for love.  They're just a bunch of fame whores looking for a good time and some time on screen.  There's nothing wrong with that, if it makes them happy, but it makes it difficult for the minority like Marquel who seem to really be there for (I really hate to use this phrase!!)  the right reasons.

BUT this isn't Marquel's first go-round in the Bachelor-verse either so I'm inclined to think he's there for more screen time just like all the rest. Plus, the way to guarantee his conversation with Michelle would be seen was to use a hot topic like her drinking too much. She, of multiple Bach incarnations, was an easy target to make sure he got more tv time because if he'd seen any of her past, he knew she'd go nuts with an accusation of anything. And to touch on his Andi season - IF that "blackies" comment was even uttered, which I seriously doubt, but who knows, he played it up and beat that horse until it was a pile of dust. Nope, I didn't buy all of his uber-sensitivity at his age, I think he wanted to be on tv as much as possible because at that point, he didn't know he would be tapped for BiP and get even more tv time. Marquel's playing the famewhore game just like all the rest.


I think Dylan just wanted to get as far away from Elise in any way possible, and if it meant rejecting the only rose he'd be offered, so be it. Although he did try awfully hard to play Sarah. Glad she saw through it. He seemed relieved to be heading home in the limo.

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All I could think this episode was 'when did Dylan become a douche'? He seemed much more likeable on Andi's season.

He just rubbed me the wrong way with his attitude toward Elise.

If he was so annoyed with her, he should have just manned up and said it.

Not tell her to do something and then get angry at her when she DOES it, then actually blame it all on her.

I don't blame her for getting some mixed signals.


If a person you're into told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?

Elise has a brain of her own, and her inability to use it, aside from trying to make Dylan jealous, is reason enough to steer clear of her. I think he sensed her delusion and just wanted some distance and time to hang out with other people. Her reaction was to go hook up with the nearest unattached man to make him jealous. He saw right through her immature antics when she reported back to him about her "swim with the sharks", during which she was "thinking about [him] the whole time!". Yeah, I can't blame him for being turned off. She is just too stupid to date.  

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The thing that would make me steer clear of Elyse was her "apology." Dylan says something like, you keep talking about our deep connection but I saw you making out in the ocean with another guy. Elyse says, "I'm sorry." No explanation really, and I admit she had reasons and excuses if she had wanted to work them, but it was just "I'm sorry," almost immediately followed by an angry, "I said, I was sorry!" I never like it when people think those are magic words that erase the past and if you want to talk about it a little more then you're just unforgiving and mean.

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I watched that "REENACTMENT!" more than once.  Laughed every time.  I can't blame the cast handler for laughing.  It was ridiculous.  


Elyse is all kinds of crazy.  There was nothing Dylan could do to discourage her.  He flat out tells her "if you give me a rose, I won't accept it," and then we have her talking head during the rose ceremony all "the question is, if I give you the rose, will you acccept it?"  Honey, did you not hear him?  It would not stun me to find out she contacted him after filming, thinking they were going to pick up with their "relationship."  


Hell, I give him points for trying to be polite about his rejection of her rose.  He could have stayed back in his spot on the line and said "I told you I wouldn't accept a rose from you tonight.  Have you heard a damn thing I've said?" 


She should go seek out Putz if he's done with Michelle K.  He seems like her speed. 

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