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Extreme Guide To Parenting - General Discussion

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How is the kid going to act and also take a million lessons a week?

See, I don't think Marisa was a legit Push/Tiger Mom at all. I think she just used Austen as a hook to get a spot on this show for her acting ambitions for herself and now, it seems, for her son.

So all those supposed million lessons are soon forgotten and easily dismissed. She'll rationalize that show biz is THE best classroom of all.

Can I say how much I hate that the Eisenbergs want to pursue a career for Austen? It's a real shame for that lovely child.

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Austen may be a cute kid (of which there are many in the world) but I can see Marisa making it tough for directors or whoever to work with him. She seems like the type of woman who "always knows best" and will butt in with her opinion regardless. Total pushy stage mom, for sure. Most directors don't give a shit what the mom thinks, it's about what they think.

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Depressing. I hope this show is staged. Leila was a lovely child and the emotional games her parents play are awful. The most loving thing Mom did was "pound it out" fist bumps. And telling a child she needs to lose three lbs? The mother is abusive... And I'm getting a closeted vibe from her as well. Don't project your insecurities onto your children.

The other mom had lovely children. She came correct in the end. A much more pleasant episode.

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I have got to believe this show is staged as mini auditions for the participating families' own reality show on Bravo.  I got fairly disgusted with this episode about half way through, and changed the station, but I did catch the tail end where the mom with the 3 accomplished girls was less harsh on her daughter.  But at least those girls were teens, and one was 18 right?  It might not be easy to tell Mom "no", but they sure have more of a voice than kids under 10.  (I'm still haunted by the 4 year old king of everything from last week.)

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I wonder what Oakland mom of 3 teens does for work.  I'm assuming se must be in marketing or image consulting with her stress on how one "presents" oneself.  The girls were beautiful and obviously talented, but there was too much focus on how Bianca "looked".  I had tears in my eyes during the scene at the salon.  Poor girl probably felt so unattractive and insecure at that moment.  I'm really happy the mom seemed to ease up a bit toward the end.  I'm super impressed with Bianca's career. She's a working writer/reporter at 16.  She's off to either Cornell or Columbia and her sisters appear to be successful in their chosen talents as well.  The mom was critical but she did a fantastic job raising those 3 young women, so she did something right.


The other parents...I don't know.  I get that you want your kids to excel but I think there's a lot to be said for raising well-rounded kids and letting them explore a few creative or academic outlets vs. high intensity laser focus on one.  I'm so happy for little Leila that she can keep dancing.  I hope the "warrior" parents remember that moment of joy/relief in their daughter's face when the other kids want to try different activities. I hate that they are creating body issues for their kids at such young ages.  I know "weight class" is an issue for many competitive sports (dance included), but it's a fine line to walk.  If you keep healthy foods in the house and cook healthy things & you model the eating habits you want for the kids, that's the best you can do. Telling a kid she can't have more rice b/c her body stores it as fat isn't the way to go with a 9 yr old.  Why not say "if you're still hungry, there's more carrots/chicken/sushi.  I'd rather you have more protein or veggies than rice b/c they build muscle & strong bones for your sport."  And some kids are just going to be bigger than others regardless of what they eat.  Warrior mom and dad look physically fit but neither of them is exactly in the feather weight class themselves.

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I tried to give this show a try last night but couldn't get through it. The first family's (Warriors) scenes were scripted or re-enacted and the delivery was just horrible. I must say that I was a little concerned with the way the father woke the kids up in the morning. Maybe that was added for drama? I hope so.

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I tried to give this show a try last night but couldn't get through it. The first family's (Warriors) scenes were scripted or re-enacted and the delivery was just horrible. I must say that I was a little concerned with the way the father woke the kids up in the morning. Maybe that was added for drama? I hope so.

Thank you!!  I thought he was about to wake his daughter up with a hug.  When it was some weird ass jiujitsu move, I was saddened and also a little bit creeped out in a manner which I can't put my finger on.  If these parents are participating in these shows as actors, shame on them for putting their children through the charade.  If this is actual documentary footage, please pray for Leila.  She has a rough road ahead.

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I' m actually relieved this episode was boring and excessively scripted. I am still sad about how Austen is going to internalize his food being withheld because he couldn't live up to his mother's standards in the competitive parenting episode.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I hate saying this about a kid, but Yonah is creepy. I wouldn't want to spend 5 minutes with that kid. Future serial killer territory.

I did want to know more about that family though. Do the kids have the same dad? Is he involved? What is up with the BF? Why is he even there? The mom must be great in bed to keep snagging man after man. She's cute enough, but I can't imagine putting up with Yonah. I know that sounds awful to say, but no way on earth would I live with that spoiled little sociopath.

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They nomadic thing didn't bug me. I could see it being a good experience for the family. I just thought the dad was an asshole, but I think he would have been an asshole no matter what the family was doing. He seemed like a very superficial lifestyle oriented person. It's all about image to him. I'm sure if he woke up one day and decided that the lifestyle he wanted was one of a high power attorney he'd enroll his kids in private school the next day and expect his wife to join the country club. It's all just a reflection of him.

I did think it was odd though, for someone who kept saying he wanted to be with his kids all the time he seemed really hostile toward them. Every time he was interacting with them there was a mean spirited sarcasm to his tone. He seemed to really resent them. I wonder if he found out he didn't like being a father when they had kids and freaked out and thought it was the role of the suburban dad that was the problem and this never ending road trip would make him love his kids. He just seemed to kind of hate his kids. That was strange to me.

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These people are horrible. These kids are way to young to have to be deprived of just basic things necessary for a childs development. I mean all the toys this little boy has is these thousands of lego's. Nothing else. And just because he wants a new toy, they are making him give away his lego's to get another toy. These 2 are forcing this style on their kids to live a lifestyle they want. Yea you want to travel and take your pictures but think about your kids. Your kids need stability, they need interaction with other children, they need good food for god sake. You are destroying your kids at such a young age in their lives when development is so critical. Who cares about what state you go to now, think about your kids. 

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I just woke up from a nap, in the middle of this show (which I've never seen.)


Holy shit, they've made a reality show about child abuse.


The little girl who has to give up dance if she doesn't win jujitsu gold brings tears to my eyes. The girl at the beauty salon who wants her natural hair makes the tears run down my face.


WTF.  Is Iyania on her way?  Dr. Phil?  Anyone?

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The hypnotist mom actually isn't as weird as I expected. But the sex mom is downright creepy. I'm not even sure I want to watch the rest of this episode.


I missed the first 5-10 minutes of the episode, anyone know why sex mom calls her husband daddy? Is that for the baby's sake, or her own?

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The hypnotist mom actually isn't as weird as I expected. But the sex mom is downright creepy. I'm not even sure I want to watch the rest of this episode.


I missed the first 5-10 minutes of the episode, anyone know why sex mom calls her husband daddy? Is that for the baby's sake, or her own?

It's for her sake. She's in a D/s relationship with him.


As for my thoughts, while I approve of the sex-positive mom teaching her kid the proper names for intimate parts, I don't approve of the leaving sex toys where kids can get them.

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I agree with sex mom teaching her daughter about her body and not to be ashamed of being sexual. But I don't think that encouraging a toddler to masturbate is a necessary thing. The little girl is 2, there's plenty of time for her to discover her body and sexuality. Hell, let her learn to pick her own nose first!

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Where in the hell do they find these people? I am all for teaching your kids to have a healthy body image and to know the proper names for body parts, but these people are hypersexualizing their very young daughter and to me that is almost abuse. At the very least it is extraordinarily inappropriate. I am at a loss. Oh and put your f*cking toys away!

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Where in the hell do they find these people? I am all for teaching your kids to have a healthy body image and to know the proper names for body parts, but these people are hypersexualizing their very young daughter and to me that is almost abuse. At the very least it is extraordinarily inappropriate. I am at a loss. Oh and put your f*cking toys away!

I think it is abuse. This episode really upset me and left me in tears.

And while I respect their D/s relationship, being open with the Daddy/little stuff and sex in front of the ACTUAL little girl and Daddy is beyond worrisome. I don't personally have any reasons to think the father would sexually abuse that real daughter...but I do think it's an emotionally abusive and very confusing situation because the mom is raising the child to experience all of this. Sex is more than a "hug with your genitals." That's not shaming anyone for their body or for adults having sex. But you bet your bottom dollar that exposing a child to sexual Daddy relationships is shameful and disgusting. I've never been so offended and worried by a reality show. I think that woman is clinging to feminism as a cover for some deep dark trauma. That was certainly not what feminism means to me at least, though I know I can't speak for everyone.

I hope my post isn't offensive. I'm just pretty upset.

The boys in the other family seem very nice and smart.

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Ug. I had to stop watching when Madison took out the urine lining at the playdate. W.T.F. And her whole shtick about how playdates were "learning experiences", she clearly meant they were learning experiences for other people, not herself. Madison's insistence on making people uncomfortable and forcing people to just deal with her is nauseating. Yes, people think it's weird to have toddlers play with uterine lining! Yes, people think it's weird for children to be exposed to sex toys! That doesn't mean that they're being "body negative" or shaming their children! Her whole way of acting "surprised" that someone would object to what she's doing really somehow bugged me the most of all. She can't interact with "straight" people, but they're supposed to all just accept her insanity. And then when she just giggled telling her husband about the playdate -- arg! I hate her!

I don't think there's anything wrong with being open about bodies. My mother showed me a medical textbook and explained to me how babies were made when I was just a little older than Emma. But I really think the way Madison is insistent on "pushing boundaries" and "can't live in the straight world" is selfish. It's all about her and her self-image and not about her daughter.

In other news, I found the hyno-mom amusing and silly but not Upsetting. I'm glad they had her and her kids in the episode to show some fun crazy instead of disturbing crazy.

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Teaching a child barely past being a freaking toddler that Mommy's D/S relationship means that her father is Mommy's daddy with benefits/owner is beyond inappropriate. Also kind of ironic, since Mommy is topping from the bottom to the point where "Daddy" is pretty much a mobile sex toy. I could absolutely get behind court ordered therapy for this family.

Edited by Julia
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Body positive? No, this woman was body obsessed. Make that, vulva obsessed. I agree with her husband - teach her about the liver too! For pete's sake. The vulva is not the only part of the body. Hey, I'm all for teaching kids the anatomy of their reproductive parts and not to be ashamed, etc. etc. But not at TWO. That kid has no freaking clue what you're talking about!!!


I agreed with the point the playmate lady was driving at - it didn't seem so much that the mom was just encouraging her daughter to express herself and love herself, but she was trying to FORCE her views on the kid. I have little boys and a little girl, and I know firsthand that gender stereotypes aren't always accurate. My daughter does love purple and princesses, but she also loves Transformers and racing cars with her brother. We have a little of everything and just let them play what they want, but it's totally child led. I feel like everything in that house is MOM-led. 


She lost me with her analogy about sex just being a hug on the inside....or whatever crap she said. Again, sex is wonderful and no one should be ashamed of the pleasure it gives them - alone or with someone else. But please don't equate it to a hug. Hugs don't get you pregnant. Hugs don't give you STDs. You hug your grandpa, you don't have sex with him. And you don't leave sex toys out where your little kid can get into them! Dear God, I hope she sanitizes. 


I don't even want to know where that woman stores her menstrual blood in between playdates. 


I wish the dad would have stood his ground more and not even ALLOWED Em at the performance in the first place. What two-year-old wouldn't get freaked out seeing their mother bound up in ropes??? Plus, it was probably past her bedtime. If she even has one. Do vulvas approve of bedtimes? At least he got her out of there before the throwing started. It's pretty sad when the porn producer is the more "conservative" one in the family. 


You know, it took me the entire episode to realize that these were two people with the last names of "Young" and "Mogul". I kept thinking Bravo was giving the parents the descriptions of "young moguls". And I'm like - A. they're not particularly young. B. This is what it takes to be a mogul???? Lol, I chalk it up to being up every 30 minutes the night before with my sick child. 




Now, the hypnotist mom was so boring in comparison. I thought she was very well meaning, but too attached. Her boys cracked me up! I thought they were very bright, well behaved young men and I appreciated them speaking up and mom eventually listening. And I learned something. I mean, who knew all I had to do to get my kids to listen to me all these years was tap my fingers in between my eyes and speak in a soothing voice?

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Porn mom is definitely in need of some therapy. She is forcing her obsession with sex on her kid IMO.  Like many others have said here, it's great to teach kids to biological terms for their genitalia or body parts.  Help them be unashamed of bodily functions and changes. However, it's also a good idea to let those discussions go at the child's pace.  When kids ask the questions, then it's time to answer them as directly and as age appropriately as possible. I don't believe the 2 year old is going to want or retain a lengthy discussion about your labia and orgasms when she sees you naked one day and asks "what's that"?


Hypno mom seems fairly harmless.  A little quirky maybe, but if she believes in it and thinks its helping her dubious kids, meh.  I do think the cat is laughing at her attempts to hypnotize him. 

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Argh. This show seems to suggest that every child is going to suffer the crimes of their grandparents. If a woman feels that her mom was too conservative wrt female human anatomy and puberty, she will overcompensate when she has a daughter of her own. Same with the hypnotist.

It is interesting how we all feel as if the hypnotist was fairly harmless, when juxtaposed against the porn mom.

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I wouldn't invite my 2 year-old to an evening work event of mine, even if my job wasn't erotic performance art. If nothing else, someone should have explained that to Madison on a practical level. A kid kept up past her bedtime is going to have a meltdown, and Madison is not going to be able to focus on her job if she's having to deal with a toddler meltdown. It's completely unprofessional to bring your child along, not to mention horrible parenting.

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That was absolutely an upsetting, disgusting and worrisome show.  I mirror what everyone else is saying, so I won't be repetitive, but I do have a couple of other thoughts.  It's obvious that Madison must have suffered some severe traumatic sexual event (most likely as a child) and her obsession is her attempt to gain "control" of the event.  Very sad and she needs some really strong therapy.  What would be done if a Mom was having her child smoke cigarettes and drink?  Or drive a car?  If everything is a free for all and age shouldn't be taken into consideration for the exposure, isn't this really just the same type of behavior?  I hold the Dad just as responsible for this shit show.  Put your foot down loser!  I think he's just afraid of losing his freak in the sheets if he stands up to her.  Also, did anyone else think it looked like Emma's hair had been cut with a dull butter knife?  Her clothes not only seemed gender neutral but leaning towards boyish.  Fine, I get it, no tutus and tiaras for you, but what angered me was that Madison had lovely, long hair and wore a ton of make-up and feminine clothes.  Why doesn't she chop her hair off, go bare faced and wear a burlap sack to express her strong beliefs???  Yuck....I still feel today like I need to go take a shower.


The hypno Mom may have been a little odd but obviously she did something right....they seemed like a wonderful, loving family.  Can Emma go live with them??

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Also, did anyone else think it looked like Emma's hair had been cut with a dull butter knife?  Her clothes not only seemed gender neutral but leaning towards boyish.  Fine, I get it, no tutus and tiaras for you, but what angered me was that Madison had lovely, long hair and wore a ton of make-up and feminine clothes.  Why doesn't she chop her hair off, go bare faced and wear a burlap sack to express her strong beliefs???  Yuck....I still feel today like I need to go take a shower.


That was the problem I had with it. It seemed all these things were the mom's choice - not Emma's. The child did not seem very verbal yet, so I'm pretty sure she didn't tell her mom to cut her hair short or what kind of clothing she wanted to wear. It was like the mother was dressing her "like a boy" intentionally to be provocative. And when she was reading that book about the little girl who hated pink, or whatever that was, it just felt too forced. Let the child explore on her own. And if she decides she hates pink and wants short hair, by all means support her. But give her room to grow into her own person, damnit. 

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Her clothes not only seemed gender neutral but leaning towards boyish.  Fine, I get it, no tutus and tiaras for you


I don't get it. She's teaching her child a heavily sexualized version of patriarchal power hierarchies in which the person who controls your body and your expression of sexuality is your father (sorry, "Daddy"). I don't buy that the kid is going to be tragically gendered by a freaking tutu.

Edited by Julia
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Fine, I get it, no tutus and tiaras for you, but what angered me was that Madison had lovely, long hair and wore a ton of make-up and feminine clothes. Why doesn't she chop her hair off, go bare faced and wear a burlap sack to express her strong beliefs??? Yuck....I still feel today like I need to go take a shower.

I held back on saying this in my last post, but I still have a sneaking suspicion it's partly so Daddy doesn't like the real little girl better than the wife. If the daughter's hair is chopped off and she's put in typical boys' clothes, maybe the wife thinks there's less competition. Sickening thought, but I think she's a sickening woman.

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Agree with everything above. Also, extremely odd phone call with her mom when she was practically begging her mom to be proud of her. It felt really immature, and seems to support the idea that she has some major unresolved issues.

I also agree with the comments about this waving abuse flags. Isn't one of the things that pedophiles say is that the children are sexual and the kids led the sexual activity? I am NOT saying that this mom is physically abusing her daughter, but that the mom is placing her daughter into sexualized scenarios in order to satisfy some need of the mom's.

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Oh dear....when Emma pulled out the sex toys and well held the faux penis" to her ear I about fell off my chair! Poor mom..."Emma, you're in mommy's kegel exerciser"!


NO way..come ON...


I felt sick...I could not watch the whole episode....I hope Bravo gets blasted about THIS...this is not extreme parents...it's child abuse.

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I worry that the sex lady's teaching her child about her sexuality at such a young age is going to have that child being "curious" with other kids once she gets older.  I wouldn't invite that child to any of my kid's sleepovers, that's for sure!

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We had a situation come up when my son was in second grade. One of the boys in his class, Michael, told them all about sex and how babies are made at the lunch table. When my son got home and told me about it, I called the teacher. She already had been contacted by other parents, too. She was shocked when she heard what our kids had been told in graphic detail. She contacted Michael's grandmother, because that's who he was being raised by because his parents were in jail (Dad) or just left them (Mom) and was told she (grandmother) didn't want her grandkids to make the same mistakes her kids made by having kids early and they wouldn't/couldn't take care of them and raise them themselves, so she told them all the details so they'd know. It was way too much for second graders. I'm all for being honest with the facts of life, but there is age appropriateness that must be factored into the situation. Grandma did a bang up job with those grandkids because they were some of the wildest, and worst behaved, kids coming through the school system who had behavioral issues and drug problems. As far as I know, neither of those grandkids produced any greatgrands before they left high school. Her goal was accomplished, I guess. 

Edited by Macthekat
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Madison looked like a cheap version of Claire Danes.  Would it kill her to let her daughter wear some pink or purple?  She (the mom) obviously has some deep rooted issues.  Get yourself into therapy and leave your daughter out of your nightmare of a job.  I hated her.

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Bravo needs to apologize for that episode.  I feel badly for the other story having to share that disgusting wierdo with their story.

This episode is so problematic I would not be surprised if it is destined for the dustbin of history, removed from any further displays, downloads, on-demand performances, etc.  Could be legal trouble for Bravo airing this. 

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