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S16.E03: Not Social But Very Distant


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On 12/6/2021 at 1:47 AM, Tuxcat said:

However, Kody could have gone. Quarantined, tested Christine's family  and gone.  

I don't understand why he said he had to go for 8 weeks. He could have gone to NJ, quarantined for two weeks before the procedure, stayed for a week post op and gone back alone to AZ, quarantined for two weeks there= 5 weeks. 

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On 12/5/2021 at 8:53 AM, Kid said:

The only emotion that Kody seems to express about any of his wives, including Robin, is contempt. And he does that with a sneer on his face.  He is demeaning every chance he gets - even when the are in agreement.  I will never understand how those women can even stand to be around him.

He has the nerve to ask his daughter if she’s going to grow up to be a bitter HOUSEWIFE because he’s not going for her surgery.  Too bad he can’t imagine her growing up to be something other than a housewife. Like a doctor. Or a lawyer. Or a teacher. His attitude toward women is painfully obvious. What an asshole he is. But then again, he has spent years with women that put up with his bullshit and he has no respect for them and women in general as a result.

Instead of assuring him that it’s OK that he’s not going with her, his daughter should have told him what she said in the talking head.

He is such an outrageous asshole.  I can't believe all this faux Covid drama probably entirely created by him taking advantage of the epidemic to create drama for 'his show of shows'. Why do they never wear masks if he feels so threatened, especially him?  He talks like his wives are out traveling and galavanting about during this time yet fails to mention they go to see their kids and grandkids on occasion. His lack of respect for his wives and kids has no bounds. 

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On 12/7/2021 at 10:57 AM, islandgal140 said:

She always appeals to Kody's vanity and plays the Mormon dutiful wife to perfection, all while acting as if she sacrifices so much and puts the entire family unit as priority.

Indeed.  I am not and never will be a member of Mormonism in any form, but my understanding of the Brown Family’s Sect goes like this: 

In the Fundi-LDS world that’s exactly what not only Robyn, but the rest of his wives are SUPPOSED to be doing because they willingly, as adults, vowed it to God.

Cue Kody’s simmering rage ever since the Catfishing With Meri incident happened.

Meri can spin it however she wants, but she intentionally and repeatedly disobeyed him AND broke whatever vows she made to him.

Christine & Janelle have both disobeyed his COVID protocol and included their respective children in disobeying his mandate.  Now his simmering rage is periodically boiling over.

For example:

1.  his reactions to Christine-“You’re not social distancing!”  and Ysabel-“I didn’t know you were in so much pain”and “sorry, can’t go with you” are veiled references to his extreme frustration that if only ALL of his wives and children would have been obedient to his authority, he would have KNOWN she was in so much pain as he would have spent the time with them they are whining about not getting.

2.  Growing up with that many siblings and moms, Ysabel should know she’s getting, at BEST 1/22 of the time he allots out of his life to “wives and children”.  She has also grown up watching her moms and siblings accept Kody’s denial of their requests for attention, regardless of situation or excuse, yet continue to obey him and “keep sweet” whether is comes easy or they struggle with their jealousy.

Comparing their basic situation with what most consider the “norms” of monogamous pairings is the carrot that fans and haters chase all the way to improving the Brown’s ratings and generating “trending” status on social media platforms.  After all, every single adult appearing on the show is invested heavily with TLC and the storylines handed to them to play out.

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On 12/6/2021 at 3:39 PM, bichonblitz said:

Christine was smart to buy her home instead of renting. She made a very nice  profit on that sale. I remember hearing that Kody was not on the deed, either. Ha ha asshole, you lose! Now I want to know what happens to her share of Coyote Pass property. Do they buy her out? Does she sell it? Does she sign it over to them? Inquiring minds want to know. 

I'm thinking that Christine should keep her section of Coyote Pass because they were talking about how it will be given to their children as an inheritance.  On some off chance that any of Christine's children wish to live near the future Brown compound, they should have the same rights as their siblings.  However, the way Kody is treating his wives and children (the legal wifey and offspring excluded), the second generation may not wish to live anywhere near that jackass.  

I agree with so many of your comments about Kody's lack of empathy regarding Ysabel's surgery.  Her TH interview just gutted me, and I really wish she had told Kody her true feelings.  I hope Kody gets canceled and we can follow the adventures of Christine and her new life.

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6 hours ago, nosedive said:

So here's something about which I'm puzzled.  The penalty for polygamy in Utah has been reduced from that of a felony, with some exceptions, including abuse, coercion and force.  If Kody were to be prosecuted in Utah, he could be fined modestly and required to do community service.  Polygamy in Arizona is a felony.  Punishment could be time in jail followed by probation (potentially amounting to as much as five years total) and/or a hefty fine.  I presume there are more polygamists living in Utah than there are in Flagstaff.  Why, given the greater risk of prosecution, as well as being isolated from other like-minded peers (polygamists), does it make more sense to the Browns to choose Arizona over Utah?  Add to this the higher cost of living in Flagstaff compared to St. George, or somewhere else in Utah.  Their reason to remain away from Utah (avoiding persecution for polygamy) doesn't seem to be valid, based on the actual law.  

I lived in Phoenix in the late 80s.  There were known  polygamous communities north of Phx. At one point, there was a special news story on plural families living in the mountains near Cottonwood and further north. Families were interviewed. That was my first peek into my current obsession!

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JMO but for the last couple of seasons kody seems to be more and more angry….

I’m wondering if he feels trapped in the role of “bad cop” so that Robyn can act all innocent and like everything is Kodys idea, we know that it’s Robyn behind the strict Covid rules but she keeps saying it’s Kody making the rules.

at the fire pit family hoe down Kody couldn’t care less about Areola, Soloman and the 6 ft rule… it was Robyn freaking out not Kody…  I think he’s starting to resent being the bad cop and taking all the shit.

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15 hours ago, nosedive said:

So here's something about which I'm puzzled.  The penalty for polygamy in Utah has been reduced from that of a felony, with some exceptions, including abuse, coercion and force.  If Kody were to be prosecuted in Utah, he could be fined modestly and required to do community service.  Polygamy in Arizona is a felony.  Punishment could be time in jail followed by probation (potentially amounting to as much as five years total) and/or a hefty fine.  I presume there are more polygamists living in Utah than there are in Flagstaff.  Why, given the greater risk of prosecution, as well as being isolated from other like-minded peers (polygamists), does it make more sense to the Browns to choose Arizona over Utah?  Add to this the higher cost of living in Flagstaff compared to St. George, or somewhere else in Utah.  Their reason to remain away from Utah (avoiding persecution for polygamy) doesn't seem to be valid, based on the actual law.  

What really amuses me is the following: The Browns only talk about  prosecution because of polygamy, yet no one ever considers the possibility of adultery! That is also against the law (though hardly ever enforced)

One could argue that Kody is legally married to Robyn and keeps Janelle and Meri as his mistresses (well sort of, I doubt much is still happening in that department now). The fact that they're no longer living together but in three separate households, makes an adultery charge more likely than a polygamy charge...


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31 minutes ago, LilyD said:

What really amuses me is the following: The Browns only talk about  prosecution because of polygamy, yet no one ever considers the possibility of adultery! That is also against the law (though hardly ever enforced)

One could argue that Kody is legally married to Robyn and keeps Janelle and Meri as his mistresses (well sort of, I doubt much is still happening in that department now). The fact that they're no longer living together but in three separate households, makes an adultery charge more likely than a polygamy charge...


Interesting question.   In Arizona, adultery is a misdemeanor as to both the cheating spouse and the person with whom he cheats. However, under Arizona law,  adultery can only be prosecuted on the complaint of the noncheating spouse. 

So, bottom line,  Robin holds all the cards and has Kody by the 🏀🏈🎱🏐.  By that I mean, in the event of divorce of the legal union,  she could try to get a leg up in a property settlement or custody by charging Kody, Meri, Christine and Janelle with adultery.  Don't think she wouldn't try. 

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13 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

However, the way Kody is treating his wives and children (the legal wifey and offspring excluded), the second generation may not wish to live anywhere near that jackass.  

 Aptly demonstrated by the fact that not one of his older kids has chosen the plyg life to this point and none of them are in Flagstaff or even Arizona.

Edited by b2H
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I watched the rest of the episode. I didn't take the "bitter house wife" comment as harshly as some others on here seem to. I felt like Kody was trying to make sure Ysabel wasn't angry with him. And Ysabel was right to be angry, but I also felt like Christine was contributing to the problem. She's pissed off and it's coloring everything, and she was traveling all over during Covid, which is a dick move for so many reasons. I kept wondering what Christine was saying to her kids about their father when the cameras weren't on. And Christine definitely said "two week vacation" before the surgery.

Kody needs to work on developing a relationship with his kids separate from their mothers. But I doubt he will. 

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On 12/6/2021 at 4:09 AM, suev3333 said:

And I can't even imagine the legal issues regarding this clusterF.... all these kids, wives, partners, land/mortgages, etc. 

Even if there were no other issues, this one alone imo justifies making polygamous marriage illegal or at least not recognized as legitimate.

And while Kody is the supreme asshole of all time (he didn't realize Ysabel was in so much pain, when we all sat here and watched her tell him repeatedly that she was in terrible pain) I do appreciate his concern over Covid spread.  If he were truly the patriarch he wants to be, though, he would have laid down the law early on, allowing no exceptions to behavior he felt was safe.  I wonder if they are vaccinated--oh, yeah.  Sure they are.

I want to punch dumbass Janelle, who needs land for multiple greenhouses (because she will grow all their food and have leftover to sell) and who encourages Gabe to continue to socialize outside the family (he and his girlfriend make out with masks in place) and I want to send smartass Gabe to a Chinese re-education camp.  These two are amazingly ignorant about Covid and how it is spread.  If that family becomes infected, I will know who's to blame.

If I were a worse person than I am, I would hope that obese Janelle who sounds to me as if she has asthma gets Covid and winds up on a ventilator.

Run, Christine, run!

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On 12/7/2021 at 11:23 PM, Desert Rat said:

That's what I was wondering. Would the city or County even allow greenhouses there to block the view? Would greenhouses even work in that climate over 7500 feet and averaging over 120 inches of snow a year? Flagstaff doesn't seem the optimal place for a greenhouse. She didn't grow shit in Utah or Vegas and those were better growing climates , I think. Janelle is a fraud. No interest in growing squat. 

Pfft, those are silly questions!  Who cares about zoning or climate or the fact that Janelle has never met a canned vegetable that she didn't like?  It's the ONE BIG HOUSE all over again - Kody had an architect draw up his stupid multi-level plyg castle complete with secret passageways and probably a turret and moat before even considering if Flagstaff would be cool with it on Coyote Pass.  Janelle telling everyone that she needs a plot of land for her greenhouses is just her passive-aggressive way of getting the plot she wants, and Kody is going along with it so Meri and Christine have to take what's left.  Janelle's greenhouses are never going to come into fruition and if they do, I will eat a soup made of canned cabbage and nutmeg doused in Plexus. 

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52 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

It's the ONE BIG HOUSE all over again - Kody had an architect draw up his stupid multi-level plyg castle complete with secret passageways and probably a turret and moat before even considering if Flagstaff would be cool with it on Coyote Pass. 

Hmmmmmm . . . I guess with Christine gone now, there is nothing to stop them from having the one big house he had designed.  He could move into Christine’s apartment and the central area could remain a community space.  I DON’T want this show to be renewed, I want it to be cancelled and send Kootie and Sobyn to the bread line.  But it WOULD be funny to watch Sobyn and Meri back pedal furiously on their original “Yeah, I’d live in your plyg palace Kootie!” attitudes . . .

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

 Kody had an architect draw up his stupid multi-level plyg castle 

Actually she was a draftsperson, not an architect who wouldn't have even begun the process without having the retention pond & regional gas line easements and planned utility lines surveyed by a professionally registered land surveyor.

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3 hours ago, Mothra said:


I want to punch dumbass Janelle, who needs land for multiple greenhouses (because she will grow all their food and have leftover to sell) and who encourages Gabe to continue to socialize outside the family (he and his girlfriend make out with masks in place) and I want to send smartass Gabe to a Chinese re-education camp.  These two are amazingly ignorant about Covid and how it is spread.  If that family becomes infected, I will know who's to blame.

If I were a worse person than I am, I would hope that obese Janelle who sounds to me as if she has asthma gets Covid and winds up on a ventilator.

Run, Christine, run!

Wow!! I have not seen or heard anything from the Browns that would justify a felonious assault against them. I also think it's wrong to wish severe illness or death on any of them. Sure,  they are a bunch of idiots and worthy of snark, but not violence. 

As for Janelle dealing with COVID, it is highly likely she would do just fine. The average person who dies of COVID is over 80 years old and has at least 4 comorbidies. I know many purple in worse shape than Janelle who had no significant problems with the virus. I wish them all well when they, as we all will, catch the virus. 

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Janelle does fit the bill of many people in our county who have died of COVID.  The average is around 70 currently and quite a few of them have no known risk factors except lack of vaccination.  Janelle has at least one major risk factor.   The average age being 70 means quite a few people in their 40s and 50s are dying to balance out the over 80s for whom it is a huge issue. 

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This was a very telling episode, for sure. Kody's epic fail at trying to play both sides, as it were- telling Christine how he had always planned to retire in St George (buttt.... don't you have to have a JOB to retire?) and then turning on her at the family property meeting pretty much told us what we already know. Kody laments that Christine is never happy; he is so burdened with trying to please her and oh, woe is Kody.  

Christine looks exhausted and sad. She has aged tremendously over the past few seasons. Knowing that your daughter is not a priority in her father's eyes must be the most sad realization a mother can have. 

I was laughing at Robyn's "sincere" attestation that (all said in a flat monotone with her expressionless, bloated face) "all I care about is having a relationship with these kids"- most of whom she really couldn't care less for. And I was furious to hear her so "innocently" proclaim that she gets to spend the most time with Kody because "he has had so much trouble with the other wives following his rules." 

Unlike many others, I am finding Meri really annoying this season. I think she is putting on a big show of being "oh, I don't give a f$&%^; look at how I've moved on and I am wearing my IDGAF t-shirts and laughing at Kody every chance I get"; in reality I still think she would lap up his crumbs if he offered them to her.

I found a point made above interesting: this lifestyle (or "family koolture," as Robyn calls it) IS something they all went into eyes wide open. Their belief is that a man should take as many wives as God sees fit and should procreate and be the Master of his Domain, so to speak. Which worked for a while, more or less- they all had little kids; some wives did the bulk of the raising of children (Christine) while others worked (Janelle). Then they all got a little tired, a little on the cusp of perimenopause, the kids grew and become more independent; and as the wives wore more on each others' nerves, Kody got more manic and disjointed. Enter Robyn, and enter TLC to chronicle their lives. And now, we see the result of not only the infiltration of the 21st century and the contrast of these women most modern American women, but the infiltration of their taste of "fame" and love of the limelight- and the cash. They have all come to realize that their situation is NOT ideal, fame has corrupted them, and they are all aging without a real life plan (and I daresay without much savings).

In an ideal world, I sometimes think that having sister wives would be like a big girl-party: we can commiserate on child rearing, share the household chores, always have help on hand with kids and daily comings and goings, etc.  But then I think of my female roommates during my college years and how easily we could annoy one another, how we all lived differently and had different standards, etc- and, I'll be frank- even in my work dealings I found interactions with other women often fraught with delicate emotions and petty conflicts. And I realize that putting four women in close proximity (and sharing a husband, no less) is an inevitable recipe for conflict. 

As for the COVID restrictions, I am a healthcare provider so I went out, every day, to a hospital where the virus existed. My husband had open heart surgery during the pandemic (delayed for several months) and we navigated it all without freaking out about our kids coming to see their dad while he recovered. Maybe I am less afraid of it due to my job and not being able to quarantine for several months but I think all of the gyrations we see this family going through (keeping kids apart while running around outside, etc) is a lot of theater so that a) TLC feels like they are showing people being responsible and b) the Browns can show how virtuous they are by trying to enforce often pointless rules, such as Kody making everyone stay apart while he bounces from home to home.

6 minutes ago, Absolom said:

The average is around 70 currently and quite a few of them have no known risk factors except lack of vaccination.

In my experience (healthcare provider), almost EVERYONE had comorbidities/risk factors, primarily obesity, diabetes and heart or kidney disease.

Edited by KateHearts
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Our county is running over 90% with co-morbidities for deaths, but that still leaves almost 10% with no prior reason to think COVID might lead to death.  I know someone who almost became one of those statistics.  45 years old, average weight, no health problems, and almost died.  He was in the hospital more than three weeks.  He had a week or so in the ICU and then had long COVID when he got out of the hospital. NOW he has high blood pressure that he didn't pre-COVID.  I think Janelle should be more cautious than it appears that she's being.   Even people who survive sometimes never get back to where they were before having it.  I do think Robyn is driving Kody's attitude and she seems to be using it to drive wedges between Kody and the other wives.  

Edited by Absolom
For some reason posted twice.
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8 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Unlike many others, I am finding Meri really annoying this season. I think she is putting on a big show of being "oh, I don't give a f$&%^; look at how I've moved on and I am wearing my IDGAF t-shirts and laughing at Kody every chance I get"; in reality I still think she would lap up his crumbs if he offered them to her.

I think there are many, many of us who feel this way.

I'm all for watching Christine give Kody a hard time, because she's seriously standing up for herself and not going to take it anymore, but I don't find Meri entertaining. She's full of hot air. 

Watching someone proclaim themselves to be a "strong woman", while alternately begging for Robyn's sloppy seconds and being a passive-aggressive windbag, is not funny or entertaining to me at all, it's just annoying.

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2 hours ago, deirdra said:

Actually she was a draftsperson, not an architect who wouldn't have even begun the process without having the retention pond & regional gas line easements and planned utility lines surveyed by a professionally registered land surveyor.

Exactly!   Also those lots were sold as 4 separate lots, and I would imagine it would be pretty tough to go through the City/County process to be able to build one big hotel-like place.  I expect the neighbors would have something to say too.   They also have never mentioned the money it will take to bring all utilities and sewer from the street.   When those lots were subdivided, prior to the sale, the owner would have had to have plans submitted for the utilities/sewer.   If I'm remembering right, the owner cut the price because Kody said they would have that specific work done.  We just had a client that had a plot of land in NV, asked us to come up with some plans - and yes, my husband and I are LICENSED architects (unlike Kody's draftsperson).    He got an estimate to bring utilities and sewer on to his site (similar to Coyote Pass), it would be a little over $500K.     This group assumes they can build whatever, however, they want!   In Vegas they picked out interior materials - they didn't built those homes.  But no, now Kody thinks he knows everything about being a developer/contractor. 

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10 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Exactly!   Also those lots were sold as 4 separate lots, and I would imagine it would be pretty tough to go through the City/County process to be able to build one big hotel-like place.  I expect the neighbors would have something to say too.   They also have never mentioned the money it will take to bring all utilities and sewer from the street.   When those lots were subdivided, prior to the sale, the owner would have had to have plans submitted for the utilities/sewer.   If I'm remembering right, the owner cut the price because Kody said they would have that specific work done.  We just had a client that had a plot of land in NV, asked us to come up with some plans - and yes, my husband and I are LICENSED architects (unlike Kody's draftsperson).    He got an estimate to bring utilities and sewer on to his site (similar to Coyote Pass), it would be a little over $500K.     This group assumes they can build whatever, however, they want!   In Vegas they picked out interior materials - they didn't built those homes.  But no, now Kody thinks he knows everything about being a developer/contractor. 

Very interesting, thanks for the info.

I mentioned a couple of episodes ago that because these nitwits chose from a few set options in Vegas, they now think they know how to "build houses". This is similar to believing that because you know how to drive a car, or once bought a car, you now know how to create a car from scratch. 

The utilities prices are shocking. I believe this is why Kody sits there and does nothing towards building - perhaps he hasn't even admitted it to his wives, but if he's looked into it at all, he knows there's no money for this, and he knows he got fleeced.

The lots being purchased as 4 separate lots is why I am totally disinterested in these dumb storylines about one big home, or now, 5 lots and who is going to get them. There aren't 5 lots, you idiots, and we all know it. This is nothing but a daydream. I'd sooner watch some rando with no money looking at the Trulia website, deciding which million dollar home to "buy". 

For me, if they want me to be interested in any footage about Prairie Dog Pass, they'd better sit there and discuss the FOUR legally described lots they have, and how they haven't got the money to pull utilities to them. Enough with the bullshit scenarios.

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@notnowimbusy wow, thank you for explaining this and showing how much it actually costs to get utilities/sewers sorted. 500k for things that are absolutely necessary but invisible. So much money you have to spend and then you’re not even close to building the actual house…

Kody probably had no idea when he easily accepted a price cut and considered it the deal of the year!

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1 hour ago, Sasha888 said:

I think there are many, many of us who feel this way.

I'm all for watching Christine give Kody a hard time, because she's seriously standing up for herself and not going to take it anymore, but I don't find Meri entertaining. She's full of hot air. 

Watching someone proclaim themselves to be a "strong woman", while alternately begging for Robyn's sloppy seconds and being a passive-aggressive windbag, is not funny or entertaining to me at all, it's just annoying.

THIS! “Windbag” 😂

Meri’s claims are all BS and a lot of us are over Meri’s pattern of cryptic “strong woman” posts. Meri whines and cries on the show, but has her fake “strong independent woman” SM persona. Then, she goes crawling back to her miserable family (the one she was so ready to ditch in 2015). What’s maddening is that she keeps pining for Kody 🤮, as if his revulsion towards her will somehow be reversed. 

 The strong one here is Christine, and she doesn’t have to remind us every week like Meri does (because strong people don’t need to tell everyone they’re strong). 

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6 hours ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

Hmmmmmm . . . I guess with Christine gone now, there is nothing to stop them from having the one big house he had designed.  He could move into Christine’s apartment and the central area could remain a community space.  I DON’T want this show to be renewed, I want it to be cancelled and send Kootie and Sobyn to the bread line.  But it WOULD be funny to watch Sobyn and Meri back pedal furiously on their original “Yeah, I’d live in your plyg palace Kootie!” attitudes . . .

Robyn's mansion can be the plyg palace: Robyn in the main house, Meri in the guest house and Janelle in the RV (or U-Hauls).  

Fortunately for the Browns, that scenario would be feasible and closer to fiscally responsible.  Therefore, Kody would have to mandate COVID isolation for eternity and beyond so that he'd never leave his house and encounter Spiritual Wives Nos. 1 and 2.

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

THIS! “Windbag” 😂

Meri’s claims are all BS and a lot of us are over Meri’s pattern of cryptic “strong woman” posts. Meri whines and cries on the show, but has her fake “strong independent woman” SM persona. Then, she goes crawling back to her miserable family (the one she was so ready to ditch in 2015). What’s maddening is that she keeps pining for Kody 🤮, as if his revulsion towards her will somehow be reversed. 

 The strong one here is Christine, and she doesn’t have to remind us every week like Meri does (because strong people don’t need to tell everyone they’re strong). 

Yes!  I posted on a now-defunct board years ago that I hoped Christine would leave.  A know-it-all poster that lived in Utah replied that Christine would be the LAST to leave, because of the way she grew up.  If you read this, Mr. Know-Everything-On-Earth-And-Especially-About-Polygamy, you were WRONG, and I'm happy that you were!

Meri is a fraud, pure and simple.  Robyn is a snake, Kootie is a shark, Janelle is a sloth, and Christine has a backbone and finally used it.  

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In this episode, Christine begged Kody to tell her what each sister wife has to say about moving to Utah.  Kody dutifully followed Robyn's command not to and told Christine, "I don't want you to feel like your sister wives are against you."  When she pushed, he replied that there are mixed emotions about it altogether, and he doesn't want to tell her where everyone is at so that she can figure where she's at.   And, in his talking head, he recounted

  • Meri will go anywhere he chooses to goes.
  • Janelle refuses to leave Flagstaff.
  • Robyn would love to live in Utah, but that's impossible to feel that her children would be safe.

Christine, in her talking head, griped about Kody's going behind her back and having those  conversations - For extra drama, she spoke quickly, repeating herself, and gesticulated emphatically.  Then Kody griped that Christine "hasn't heard us all say no."

It's incredible to me that she wouldn't have lobbied each of her sister wives herself or confronted each one individually, since this is her make-or-break issue, and the sister wife bond is so sacred.  Meri's and Robyn's answers leave room for negotiation (or for Christine to call them out). As a lowly monogamist who is smarter than the Browns, I just can't understand!

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3 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Exactly!   Also those lots were sold as 4 separate lots, and I would imagine it would be pretty tough to go through the City/County process to be able to build one big hotel-like place.  I expect the neighbors would have something to say too.   They also have never mentioned the money it will take to bring all utilities and sewer from the street.   When those lots were subdivided, prior to the sale, the owner would have had to have plans submitted for the utilities/sewer.   If I'm remembering right, the owner cut the price because Kody said they would have that specific work done.  We just had a client that had a plot of land in NV, asked us to come up with some plans - and yes, my husband and I are LICENSED architects (unlike Kody's draftsperson).    He got an estimate to bring utilities and sewer on to his site (similar to Coyote Pass), it would be a little over $500K.     This group assumes they can build whatever, however, they want!   In Vegas they picked out interior materials - they didn't built those homes.  But no, now Kody thinks he knows everything about being a developer/contractor. 

And to boot, that area the property is in has septic systems and trucked in water. I would assume they could tie into the gas line but electric would have to be paid (often by the foot) to bring in 4 (or 5?) hook ups.

Looking at the extra 5th lot, there is little to no space to build that conforms to whatever the code would be for the ditch, gas line and property lines. Meri and Christines little strips of land also are close to the same things, with the trees having an upward slope and potential bedrock issues.

Without knowing all the codes I am assuming a full site plan would need to be submitted and approved before any test could be done for septic systems or water cisterns, plus where each house will go for the electric to be pulled.

And...that is only going by the swiss cheese storyline cooked up by Kody and the producers. In reality (as its been mentioned upthread) the four actual and real lots have very different actual and real property lines that don't line up to Kodys fairy tale print out. Then Robyn's statement of how "the wives can only subdivide and pass down their OWN properties to their own children"...when her name is on every single one of the 4 plots of land.

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4 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I'd sooner watch some rando with no money looking at the Trulia website, deciding which million dollar home to "buy". 

Me! That rando is me sometimes. I don't know why I do it, but it's sort of like when I catalog shop and circle a bunch of stuff I'll never buy.   
  I'm super picky and judgmental over a lot of the homes and lots. Can't spend my imaginary millions just anywhere. When can you come over? 🤣 

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On 12/5/2021 at 11:37 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

 Christine is the one who said the first two weeks she and the girls were going to NJ was their vacation. And while Kody should have gone for the surgery, Christine should have NOT traveled extensively over the summer of 2020 before there was a vaccine with children.  AND to vacation weeks immediately before Ysabel’s surgery was just reckless. What’s wrong with her?  It really is ridiculous.  I get why Kody’s  pissed over that.  Taking unnecessary risk with covid makes no sense when you have a child with Ysabel’s  condition. Can you imagine the pain if she has incessant coughing?  Christine has a cavalier attitude about covid.  I’m not sure why….it’s concerning.  

As someone who works in healthcare and am battling health issues because they were not deemed essential, trust me there is no hospital that would have A) approved surgery or B) given up a bed unless this was considered extremely necessary, especially in the NY/NJ area at that time. I have a blood condition that must be monitored every quarter and it was not considered essential so I was not monitored again until I ended up in the ER with a ferratin of 1. My sister is a police officer who was in a horrendous car wreck right before COVID where she had to be life flighted. After COVID hit all her subsequent surgeries were put off as they were not considered emergent while she was at home with drains hanging out of her body for months. For Ysabel to be approved and given a bed in a hotspot, it means that this was much more serious then the show is playing it off as. 

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1 hour ago, mscav said:

As someone who works in healthcare and am battling health issues because they were not deemed essential, trust me there is no hospital that would have A) approved surgery or B) given up a bed unless this was considered extremely necessary, especially in the NY/NJ area at that time. I have a blood condition that must be monitored every quarter and it was not considered essential so I was not monitored again until I ended up in the ER with a ferratin of 1. My sister is a police officer who was in a horrendous car wreck right before COVID where she had to be life flighted. After COVID hit all her subsequent surgeries were put off as they were not considered emergent while she was at home with drains hanging out of her body for months. For Ysabel to be approved and given a bed in a hotspot, it means that this was much more serious then the show is playing it off as. 

Tragic. A friend of mine, her 17 year old son who suffered for five years with severe depression was denied admission in May 2020 for inpatient psychiatric treatment. Despite his severe symptoms and 2 recent suicide attempts,  he was sent home for his parents to deal with his severe condition. No in-person visits with psychiatrist. Why? His condition was non essential. COVID was more important. In June 2020, 3 weeks after denied admission,  he hanged himself in his bedroom. He died because he was refused treatment because of nonsensical restrictions. 

I'm happy Ysabel is able to get the help she needs. Of course her surgery is essential and no one should judge otherwise. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Wow!! I have not seen or heard anything from the Browns that would justify a felonious assault against them. I also think it's wrong to wish severe illness or death on any of them. Sure,  they are a bunch of idiots and worthy of snark, but not violence. 

As for Janelle dealing with COVID, it is highly likely she would do just fine. The average person who dies of COVID is over 80 years old and has at least 4 comorbidies. I know many purple in worse shape than Janelle who had no significant problems with the virus. I wish them all well when they, as we all will, catch the virus. 

I have asthma and other factors that put me in the higher risk category, no experimental vaccine. Hubby who is fully vaxxed and not high risk got Covid last month, and gave it to me and my our teen children. He, ironically, was the sickest. I had to take care of him, while I was also under the weather. But thankfully I was able to still function with a headache and lost taste for about a week. He was also sick for a few days after his last vaccine. He regrets now ever getting it as does my elderly mother who is having longer term side effects after her jab. She has had to quit working before her planned retirement and is now worried that she won’t have enough to live on. I certainly would never wish harm to come to anyone who chooses what they do or don’t put in their body, especially when many medical professionals have stated quarantining and masking up are not encouraged. 

When Covid first came out I was admittedly staying at home, not seeing friends or family. Not to mention my kids at home because all schools went to remote learning. After many months, I not only was tired of living with fear and more so was seeing the impact isolation had on my school aged kids. I had to accept that life has inherent risks, and my risk of getting killed driving to pick up my curbside, no contact grocery order was higher than me dying of Covid. I respect those who choose to stay home, mask up or vaccinate, but I don’t think healthy people who choose to live life should be shamed or wished harm. Good for Gabe, I’m glad he is getting out there, and for Janelle allowing her son the choice to interact with other humans, unlike Robin. I’m surprised she didn’t choose the island in the middle of plague pond as her plot. 

As you said, Desert Rat, we’ll all catch it eventually. Christine and Janelle probably realize this as well. 



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1 hour ago, mscav said:

As someone who works in healthcare and am battling health issues because they were not deemed essential, trust me there is no hospital that would have A) approved surgery or B) given up a bed unless this was considered extremely necessary, especially in the NY/NJ area at that time. I have a blood condition that must be monitored every quarter and it was not considered essential so I was not monitored again until I ended up in the ER with a ferratin of 1. My sister is a police officer who was in a horrendous car wreck right before COVID where she had to be life flighted. After COVID hit all her subsequent surgeries were put off as they were not considered emergent while she was at home with drains hanging out of her body for months. For Ysabel to be approved and given a bed in a hotspot, it means that this was much more serious then the show is playing it off as. 

My husband is a nurse working at our nearest hospital. They also stopped most surgeries or anything else deemed not an emergency. Partially to keep beds available for the influx of Covid patients. They even set up in the parking lot for the patients they could not fit in the hospital. The influx never happened, many beds remained empty and the hospital eventually sent out an email that there would be absolutely zero OT for ANY employee. There were simply not enough patients to justify it. Fast forward more than a year later and all the people who held off on surgeries (that didn’t die while waiting) are now coming in at record numbers. They started paying double time to get employees to come in, because they’re so understaffed. 

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17 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Tragic. A friend of mine, her 17 year old son who suffered for five years with severe depression was denied admission in May 2020 for inpatient psychiatric treatment. Despite his severe symptoms and 2 recent suicide attempts,  he was sent home for his parents to deal with his severe condition. No in-person visits with psychiatrist. Why? His condition was non essential. COVID was more important. In June 2020, 3 weeks after denied admission,  he hanged himself in his bedroom. He died because he was refused treatment because of nonsensical restrictions. 

I'm happy Ysabel is able to get the help she needs. Of course her surgery is essential and no one should judge otherwise. 

I’m so sad to hear about your friend’s son, it should never have happened. We have a local family (friends of friends) who son who took his own life…he was only 16. 

I suspect the number of teens who died by suicide related to Covid, is higher than those who actually died of Covid. 

Edited by Awfarmington
Another typo
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How dare that idiot Kody tell Christine—his supposed WIFE—to social distance from him while he’s licking his fingers and touching every page that he signed.  She should have refused to touch them after that disgusting display, and said “Great genius, now we need all new forms!”  

And Robyn needs to learn the Czech word for “Grandmother.”  It is not “Bubby.”  It is Babicka—pronounced “Ba-beech-ka,” or Babi for short—sounds like Bobby.  Every time she says “Bubby,” I cringe.  

Edited by JDAlexander
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It is possible that Ysabel had her surgery at an orthopedic or spine specialist surgery center that operates independently of the regular hospitals with COVID patients.

Bubbe (pronounced “buh-bee”) is Yiddish for grandmother, but I doubt Robyn's was Jewish. And of course Robyn has no interest in the other ladies' grandkids, only her own and they will call her "grandma". I saw a promo for the new Sex in the City show (pointless without Samantha) and "Charlotte's" forced, fake, one and only smile and long waves reminded me that she must have been Robyn's inspiration for a TV persona since she had no personality of her own.

Edited by deirdra
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1 minute ago, JDAlexander said:

How dare that idiot Kody tell Christine—his supposed WIFE—to social distance from him while he’s licking his fingers and touching ever page that he signed.  She should have refused to touch them after that disgusting display, and said “Great genius, now we need all new forms!”  

And Robyn needs to learn the Czech word for “Grandmother.”  It is not “Bubby.”  It is Babicka—pronounced “Ba-beech-ka,” or Babi for short—sounds like Bobby.  Every time she says “Bubby,” I cringe.  

That really bothered me, too. He wasn’t worried about social distancing, it was just another opportunity to make his ‘wife’ feel alienated. 

  • Love 17
10 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

And for him to leverage his power as patriarch, under the guise of virtuously “protecting” his family. 

Agreed, he makes me sick. Robin could have been licking hospital floors and he’d not say boo about it. Christine finally understands how much Kody despises her and has broken free of the Brown Cult. 

  • Love 10
19 hours ago, LilyD said:

As for Janelle encouraging Gabe to socialize: She doesn’t. She merely said that Gabe should choose his girlfriend over his dad, which says all about asshat. To me, socializing is hanging out with friends. Gabe is seeing his girlfriend which i totally understand. To me, wanting to spend time with your partner is not socializing. I dare say it’s a necessity. 

Janelle continues to talk out of both sides of her mouth....she tells Gabe to see his girlfriend because she KNOWS that her kids at home are not Kody's priority.  But then she whines to Kody that she barely ever sees him.  She seems to be trying to play both Kody and her sons, because she knows that her boys are speaking truth about their dad not bothering to try and see them, but she still needs to make sure she maintains her position as one step below Robyn on Kody's Daily Wife Ranking.  It's actually really gross, IMO...throwing shade at her boys for Kody's sake, but then telling them to go ahead and live their lives because daddy isn't going to bother coming over here anyway.  Her spine is made of Jell-O.


8 hours ago, JDAlexander said:

And Robyn needs to learn the Czech word for “Grandmother.”  It is not “Bubby.”  It is Babicka—pronounced “Ba-beech-ka,” or Babi for short—sounds like Bobby.  Every time she says “Bubby,” I cringe.  

The hosts of Surviving Sister Wives would really like Robyn to consider the nickname they came up with: "Beelzebubby."

Edited by laurakaye
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10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Tragic. A friend of mine, her 17 year old son who suffered for five years with severe depression was denied admission in May 2020 for inpatient psychiatric treatment. Despite his severe symptoms and 2 recent suicide attempts,  he was sent home for his parents to deal with his severe condition. No in-person visits with psychiatrist. Why? His condition was non essential. COVID was more important. In June 2020, 3 weeks after denied admission,  he hanged himself in his bedroom. He died because he was refused treatment because of nonsensical restrictions. 

I'm happy Ysabel is able to get the help she needs. Of course her surgery is essential and no one should judge otherwise. 

My heart breaks over this and I totally “get” it. I was also denied in person visits for my PTSD/anxiety and, although fleeting, I thought of doing that very same thing in my closet. If you didn’t have covid, no one have a shit about you. 

I’m also glad Ysabel finally got her surgery and was taken care of. Poor kid suffered too long. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Janelle continues to talk out of both sides of her mouth....she tells Gabe to see his girlfriend because she KNOWS that her kids at home are not Kody's priority.  But then she whines to Kody that she barely ever sees him.  She seems to be trying to play both Kody and her sons, because she knows that her boys are speaking truth about their dad not bothering to try and see them,

both can happen.  They can live their lives and Kody can come visit but keep his distance.  That he doesn't speaks volumes. 

  • Love 22
11 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

suspect the number of teens who died by suicided, related to Covid, is higher than those who actually died of Covid. 

This! The focus lies on people dying of Covid, but no one ever talks about all those people dying because they can’t/won’t be treated because of Covid. Think about suicide risks, undetected cancer, cancer that isn’t dealt with fast enough, people with serious risks on strokes, heart attacks etc. And that excludes the people who are not in an immediate danger but suffer on a daily basis like Ysabel….

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

My heart breaks over this and I totally “get” it. I was also denied in person visits for my PTSD/anxiety and, although fleeting, I thought of doing that very same thing in my closet. If you didn’t have covid, no one have a shit about you. 

I’m also glad Ysabel finally got her surgery and was taken care of. Poor kid suffered too long. 

So much truth right here. It became the only disease in the world that anyone gave a shit about. I'm of the mindset that people treating it like that only furthered the divide. Glad that you didn't give in to those thoughts.

  • Love 9

While I agree with and respect what people are saying about mental health during the pandemic, I don't believe for one second that either Christine or Janelle ignored Covid rules for mental health reasons. Christine ignored Covid because she wanted to travel and stick it to Kody, and she decided she was going to do what she wanted. Announcing her "two week vacation" pre-surgery was a total FU to Kody and Robyn, not an act of compassion because she was worried about her daughters or their mental health. 

Janelle ignored Covid because Janelle is lazy and passive as hell and has no say over what her kids are doing. Janelle wants to let her kids wander on by while she drinks Plexus and works on her greenhouses.

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