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S16.E01: There’s no Me in Polygamy

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1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

He could get a pair and divorce her.

They're already divorced.  They don't seem to be practicing their religion so canceling their sealing is kind of moot.  Depending on whether she's around for more than filming maybe they've really gone their separate ways except for on camera.  Given Meri's IG, it looks like they have.

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1 hour ago, Grifter Lives said:

Kody said that Janelle's sons are disrespectful of his COVID isolation protocols.  They call his restrictions dumb and stupid.  Kody thus concluded that Janelle's must be complaining to her sons that Kody's rules are dumb again and again, and they're just repeating her.  Later, Robyn blames Hunter for not offering to meet her children outdoors or to pre-arrange a visit that adheres to her inter-family social distancing rules.  Kody then complains that everyone wrongly blames Robyn for the rules that they disregard.

To the bolded:  When Janelle is marveling over their long printed list of covid rules, he proceeds to throw Robyn under the bus and says they're her rules! He is such a spineless little twit. He never owns up to or takes responsibility for anything. 

 I do believe that Janelle has grumbled about the covid restrictions, but not in Kody's earshot, or at least not as strongly as she does around her kids (or in her TH's) They're all spineless weenies. No wonder they are always at odds and unhappy. No one ever says what they really mean or think when they're together. 

Edited by WhatAmIWatching
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9 minutes ago, Teafortwo said:

The show was so boring, it makes their social media look interesting (and more snarkable) than usual!

I'm over halfway through and haven't learned a thing new.  Now we're at the production set up surveyor.  Yawn.

So the second half proves Kody is a selfish jerk.  I must say that again.  

Would that "pond" please dry up and go away?  

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The Browns are some of the dumbest people out there.  Kody's plan to speed along the development of the land is to bring a surveyor to redefine all the property lines based on a drawing he made - as if the plots, deeds and transactions wouldn't have to be recorded or could be changed spontaneously. 

The wives don't realize that they already own recorded lots for which they have been paying mortgages or taxes.  One or more of them are losing land for Kody's fifth plot.  And none of them could imagine their land until Kody ran around, yet again marking the territory. 

Meri's so oblivious that she doesn't even realize that she's banned from building on the plot with "the pond," because she was so horrible to the children in Lehi - even though Janelle said so last season.  To prevent the wives from actually hearing useful information from the surveyor (e.g., Building on a hill of rocks will be challenging.), Kody herds them away by whistling.  

Also, the Browns went back in time for this visit (and season).  Early in the episode, Kody said that Janelle and Christine had upcoming travel and someone referred to their meeting in the summer.   Janelle went to NC for Evie's surgery and Christine went to NJ for Isabelle's in August or September 2020.  But both wives were on their ways at the end of last season.   Last season remains endless.

Also: Janelle is a complete tool around Kody, maybe because he wore his tight jeans and ponytail.  And, Christine is the worst of passive-aggressive keeping sweet.

Edited by Grifter Lives
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Here are the original and revised boundaries.  The drawings seem to be flipped, based on the tree density and the "pond." 

They split Robyn's lot to push out Meri and Christine, and Robyn gets full use of a lot that Janelle partially owns.  Janelle gets the lot that Meri partially owns. 

Grifters gotta grift, even if it's each other, if any of this is true.



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21 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

My three favorite moments in this episode:

2.  Janelle saying she might be able to open her own farm-to-table restaurant.

Especially when that was followed by needing a bigger lot for her greenhouses, because she wasn't going to walk 10,000 steps to water them

Edited by orangesmartie
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13 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I agree, I enjoyed surveyor guy's comments on the land and also his "who gives a shit" attitude about their relationships to each other. He is there to do his job and collect his paycheck. These chuckleheads need to get over the idea that every random person they meet in real life cares about their family structure.

I felt that I got a better look at their land than the usual shots of just them sitting at the picnic table, and I was surprised at the things surveyor guy pointed out. I don't know much about developing, but some of those things look like problems that could cost a lot of money and also be costly time-wise.

I think the Browns are in over their heads with this property...I would bet that they bought it without checking into all those issues, and just estimated in their heads how much they thought it would cost to build homes. They probably think they know all about building homes because they built in Vegas, but the truth is they had a developer and contractor doing all the thinking and planning there...they only had to choose options from a few specific sets of plans that were allowed in that neighborhood. Even then, Meri came to the site and bothered the workers so much that she was asked not to come back!

Now they are starting out with raw land, with no utilities already in place, with debris in some places, it's not level, there's not a nice paved cul-de-sac street already in place, and they are finding out just how much was already done for them during the Vegas build.

Agree. This land *can* be built on, but is very problematic. If one has tons of $$ to throw at it, no problem—but this land has way more variables than Captain Dumbass cared to take notice of. 

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14 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:


What a sad family they are. To whom ever was asking about the blonde to the right of Kody that was Meri. Robyn was to his left with the five kids around the table. 



12 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

He could get a pair and divorce her. Meri may be pathetic, but she does want him back. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with her, but he won’t cut her free, which is just another reason he’s an asshole.


12 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I think Meri is in it just to annoy Kody.   She knows he's not interested, and he assumed a long time ago (post catfish) that she would leave if he ignored her, demeaned her, and basically dumped her.   So, what better revenge, and a way to keep a paycheck, than hanging around.  She is still a "wife" and is still entitled to her share of things. 

Meri seemed to be laughing about "maybe he'll come visit me." I'm sure she knows that ship has sailed. Still, she stays for the show and for the family she has with Robyn. Robyn's kids like Meri and Meri doesn't have another family waiting in the wings. It would be hard to completely break ties especially when you are getting older. To have nothing or no one that she can call family is a little scary. She's living independently and can do whatever she wants, plus she keeps the ties. I don't see that as pathetic.   Christine on the other hand, has her family in Utah. Kids, grandkids...the whole works.  She doesn't need to stay with Kody or Robyn anymore.



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17 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:



Meri seemed to be laughing about "maybe he'll come visit me." I'm sure she knows that ship has sailed. Still, she stays for the show and for the family she has with Robyn. Robyn's kids like Meri and Meri doesn't have another family waiting in the wings. It would be hard to completely break ties especially when you are getting older. To have nothing or no one that she can call family is a little scary. She's living independently and can do whatever she wants, plus she keeps the ties. I don't see that as pathetic.   Christine on the other hand, has her family in Utah. Kids, grandkids...the whole works.  She doesn't need to stay with Kody or Robyn anymore.



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That may be and if she does indeed choose to stay for that reason, Meri needs to stop with the awkward flirting and hoping the love will return. It will not be reciprocated—I feel like Kody made it 100% clear to her where they stand relationship-wise. 

If she’s ok with that, great. But, Meri does not seem to be ok with that—she always wants more. She needs to accept where the relationship is and stop pressuring Kody with those little comments of hers. 

If Meri wants a romantic relationship, she’ll have to get it from someone else. She just needs to make sure they’re real 🤣

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Kody is spending the majority of his time with his two youngest kids by his youngest wife, and 3 kids that aren't biologically his children and who he only adopted a few years ago. I wonder how his other kids feel about that. The difference between the amount of Dad time Solomon and Ariella get and the amount of time Truely gets is heartbreaking. 

It was comical how they tried to make it look like Kody doesn't live at Robyn's most of the time when he was pulling in to "visit" with her. Also, was that large parking lot part of Robyn's driveway?

And, at one point Kody was talking about sub-dividing the lots. Is Robyn planning for her kids to live right next to her as adults?? Are they never leaving? As either Janelle or Christine pointed out, none of the other kids are interested in living in Flagstaff. Mady just bought a house in North Carolina, and most of Christine's kids are in Utah. Mariah is in Utah as well. 

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Well, we all have an idea where this all goes. It's laughable that Kody stands on that property talking about five houses, a "growing area," a greenhouse, etc. These people are incredibly delusional. They are constantly borrowing from Peter to pay Paul; meanwhile, Kody doesn't even seem to have a job at this point.  

While Janelle seems rather phlegmatic and bored, I think that's how she stays and remains happy. "I don't really give a shit; give me my house and my hobbies and leave me alone." I laughed when she said that Kody staying more than a few days made her want to be alone.

The theme of this episode seemed to be "we all hate each other and we hate Kody more." He seems painfully aware that his control over the family is dwindling rapidly and he hates it! His agitation grows and grows. He made some comment like, "in a plural family you have to just say you do this; you do this..." How's that working for you, Kody?

The entire social distancing thing seems like a lot of posturing to me. I don't know many FAMILIES who restricted themselves from each other during lockdowns. And for Kody to act so superior that he is trying to enforce distancing rules while tootling from house to house is just grandstanding. 

Christine needs to stop penciling in her brows for the talking heads- she is way too fair to sport the Groucho Marx look. The rest of them all look bloated, tired and aggravated. Stress sure shows on the face.

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:05 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

According to my dictionary

POND: A Body of water smaller than a lake

DITCH: A narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage.  Also what Christine did to Kody



I have to give it to the editing crew this season - every time the word "pond" was mentioned, they inserted a shot of this huge E. Coli filled mud puddle.  Well played!


22 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Janelle: I don't think Janelle knows what farm to table means. You can't grow Twinkies and Ding Dongs, and it's evident that most of her diet consists of those.


Maybe Janelle is thinking of adding some of her "rockstar" ingredients to whatever non-weed items she pulls out of her pathetic garden....maybe zucchini deep-fried in ghee and topped with a cup of nutmeg?  Or carrots basted in peppermint tea and tossed with a compote of Skittles and ranch dressing?  

Or maybe what Janelle meant was "farm to garbage can."


21 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Why did Hunter have to go to Robyn’s? Why isn’t Robyn saying “let us know when it is a good time to cover over and see Hunter.” 

When Janelle whined about how Hunter "wanted to see Robyn's kids" but couldn't, I called complete BS on that.  I think Janelle was pulling a for-instance out of her a$$ and she threw Robyn's name in there to gain half a brownie point (lol) from Kodork.  Not to take anything away from Hunter's good heart, but I doubt he lost sleep that Robyn forbade him to step foot on her property without a full hazmat suit on.


13 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I think Meri is in it just to annoy Kody. 

I expect the person who feels the most cheated by Meri's presence is Janelle - which only is a bonus for Meri.

Ahhh, now THIS makes sense.  Meri seems almost gleeful that she's hanging around like an orange mosquito tormenting poor widdle Noodlehead on a daily basis.  She's lost most of that pathetic hangdog pathos she carried around for years.  If she has, in fact, moved on and is sticking around just to piss off Janelle, it lines up with what we know about how she's been treating Janelle for years.  


4 hours ago, orangesmartie said:

Especially when that was followed by needing a bigger lot for her greenhouses, because she wasn't going to walk 10,000 steps to water them

10,000 steps is 5 miles.  Let's be rill, Janelle wouldn't want to walk 10 steps to her greenhouse.  She is just trying to throw a wrench into the plans in order to sow chaos and delay the building process.  

I love this stupid show so much.

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:03 AM, GeeGolly said:

To me the surveyor look like he was secretly laughing at their land. The land is sloped and full of large rocks. If they really build, they'll have to live there a good 10 years or so, to even think of making any money on resale.

I agree, there need utility lines, water & sewer lines, access roads.  There is a tremendous amount of work to do on that land before they start building.  Every time they go to coyote pass with there chairs, I think the neighbors must be laughing.  I would love to know how what they paid for the land and if each of the 5 of them put in an equal share.

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12 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I agree, there need utility lines, water & sewer lines, access roads.  There is a tremendous amount of work to do on that land before they start building.  Every time they go to coyote pass with there chairs, I think the neighbors must be laughing.  I would love to know how what they paid for the land and if each of the 5 of them put in an equal share.

I've read they bought the land for somewhere between $800,000 and $900,000.

Maybe they're playing us and the land is an investment they plan on selling as is. But I'm not sure how many suckers buyers they would get.

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15 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I agree, there need utility lines, water & sewer lines, access roads.  There is a tremendous amount of work to do on that land before they start building.  Every time they go to coyote pass with there chairs, I think the neighbors must be laughing.  I would love to know how what they paid for the land and if each of the 5 of them put in an equal share.

There were some earth movers there, and it looked like there's something going on, like a road scraped out up that incline? A lot of logs were in that stack, so they're clearing trees. Something is happening on their land.

 Isn't there an access road that cuts through the properties with the trees and pond? How do they plan on building houses over that?


Janelle was certainly gleeful, and all teeth and giggles, over taking the spot where Christine wanted her house. 

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Someone else mentioned the process of making the land livable (I can't recall where the post was), and I don't think that's been enough of a discussion.

My wife and I built a home on a largely undeveloped piece of land. The process of getting utilities (water, sewage, electricity, phone, internet, all of it) took forever. That was all in addition to actually having the home built. If they're gonna build five homes on that land while also having all of the things that you have to have to live in the homes, in addition to the road/roads, they're looking at years of work. 

With the ongoing financial issues (maybe they don't get paid a ton for this train wreck of a show), there's no way that this little Coyote Pass Compound ever happens. 

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21 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I agree, there need utility lines, water & sewer lines, access roads.  There is a tremendous amount of work to do on that land before they start building.  Every time they go to coyote pass with there chairs, I think the neighbors must be laughing.  I would love to know how what they paid for the land and if each of the 5 of them put in an equal share.

See page 2 of this thread to find the exact numbers and who owns what😉

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Did anyone else clock when Kody - Grand Poobah of Covid Protocols and Germ Warfare - "visited" Robyn in their shared backyard and greeted her with a kiss?  So he's supposedly the lone traveling person in his family, the only one allowed to move from house to house, but he's cool with kissing Robyn, which means that he - using his own rules and logic - absolutely cannot and will not kiss any other family member?

But now as I think on it, I don't suppose anyone else would rilly care at this point....Christine knows that ship has sailed, Meri knows that Kody wouldn't kiss her if she were the last woman on Earth, and Janelle probably prefers that Kody doesn't kiss her at all.

Of course, Kody is the king of changing the rules to suit himself, so whatever - kiss away, dorkwaffle.  You and the Queen of Darkness SO deserve each other for eternity.

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55 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Did anyone else clock when Kody - Grand Poobah of Covid Protocols and Germ Warfare - "visited" Robyn in their shared backyard and greeted her with a kiss?  So he's supposedly the lone traveling person in his family, the only one allowed to move from house to house, but he's cool with kissing Robyn, which means that he - using his own rules and logic - absolutely cannot and will not kiss any other family member?

But now as I think on it, I don't suppose anyone else would rilly care at this point....Christine knows that ship has sailed, Meri knows that Kody wouldn't kiss her if she were the last woman on Earth, and Janelle probably prefers that Kody doesn't kiss her at all.

Of course, Kody is the king of changing the rules to suit himself, so whatever - kiss away, dorkwaffle.  You and the Queen of Darkness SO deserve each other for eternity.

Dorkwaffle 🤣 😂 🤣 wheeze

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Well, at least half of that episode was from last season.  

Meri-- they still need her for the show, and she probably likes being filmed plus it may get her a few more customers for her mlm.

Janelle-   tied with Robin for least favorite.  She will never stand up to Kody.  She didn't want to take Gabe out of school, but folded like a cheap suit and moved to AZ.  She will not move from Flagstaff unless Robyn orders it. 

Christine---she and truly need to live near her kids in St George.

That land looks like a nightmare to develop.  They should never have left the cul-de-sac except that TLC probably told them they had to do something different to stay on the air so they decided to move.  Kody and the first wives lived such a peripatetic life before LV than I am surprised anyone would ever want to see a uHaul or packing box again.  But then, the mortgages in LV were probably too much......

Robyn---waiting for them to be unable to pay the mortgage. 

I don't think I can stand a season of this.  I would watch a yearly update --60 minutes tops.

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Meri’s Instagram makes it look like she has a pretty happy life with people from LuLaRoe. She’s constantly on trips with them and seems to be one of the only sellers still thriving with that company, probably because of her “fame.” Between LLR and the bed and breakfast, I think Meri is doing just fine. I don’t know if Mariah and her fiancé are still nearby the inn in Utah, but if so, I think Meri could very happily leave Flagstaff behind, other than having genuine affection for Robyn’s two youngest kids. I agree that she’s sticking it out to make Kody’s life harder, to keep the TLC paycheck, and to stay on TV because it helps her businesses. 

I absolutely feel the worst for Truely in all of this. She’s the youngest by quite a bit in her only family with just Christine, she’s never had proper attention from Kody, and she never got the experience of actually feeling like her siblings from the other moms are her true brothers and sisters. The closest kids in age to hers are Robyn’s, and she always seems like she does want a relationship with them, but Robyn uses covid as an excuse to keep them apart. Meanwhile, she was moved from Vegas to Flagstaff and now Utah, with mostly covid homeschooling during the last couple years of her life, so she really has no close friends either.

I think Janelle just wants to be settled somewhere and doesn’t want to shake up her whole life. As long as she can putter around doing her hobbies and her MLM businesses with enough money to visit her adult kids, she will be content.

Edited by truebluesmoky
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5 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Robyn's kids like Meri and Meri doesn't have another family waiting in the wings. It would be hard to completely break ties especially when you are getting older. To have nothing or no one that she can call family is a little scary.

While your sentiment is certainly true about having no other family, I have to point out that I don't believe this is actually the case for Meri.

Meri has many other people she can call family and spend holidays with. She does not have to choose from only the people on the show. She does not have to hang around Kody and Company or have a lonely Thanksgiving/Christmas, etc. The only possible reason I'd even consider that, if I were Meri, is if Mariah were there and saying she wanted to spend the holiday with the whole family - but Robyn's not even allowing the whole family to get together at this point. (In the preview, we see Meri and the Kody/Robyn family, no Mariah...she's not there for her daughter.)

Meri has a very large family of siblings that she seems to have good relationships with, and many of them seem to be in Utah, where she is anyway a lot of the time for her B&B. If Mariah is busy, I bet she has tons of relatives to spend time with.

Kody is nothing more than an ex who doesn't want her around at this point - I certainly wouldn't choose that over my siblings if I were her.

I think Meri simply films a "family" get together when TLC asks for one because she wants the money, not because she has no one else to be with. 

As a bonus, she enjoys pestering this group who doesn't want her around and especially enjoys harassing Kody. She laughs while making her innuendoes, knowing the answer will be no, because she is a vile person who enjoys dishing out torture wherever she can, and she's discovered that this is what bugs Kody the most. If she can bug him, she doesn't care if she makes herself look pathetic and desperate.

I've been subjected to many unwanted advances, it is not fun nor is it a joke. Meri is disgusting and she makes me really uncomfortable.

Edited by Sasha888
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8 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:


As a bonus, she enjoys pestering this group who doesn't want her around and especially enjoys harassing Kody. She laughs while making her innuendoes, knowing the answer will be no, because she is a vile person who enjoys dishing out torture wherever she can, and she's discovered that this is what bugs Kody the most. If she can bug him, she doesn't care if she makes herself look pathetic and desperate.

I've been subjected to many unwanted advances, it is not fun nor is it a joke. Meri is disgusting and she makes me really uncomfortable.

I can understand her motivation for remaining a participant on the show, it does benefit her LLR and BnB business.  That said, it is not necessary for her to demean herself further by making overtures to Kody and then the "face-saving" snark after the inevitable rejection. 

It's petty and childish.

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Polygamy.org on Facebook called BS on Robyn’s TH about refusing to let her children be treated unfairly in Utah — even though polygamy has been decriminalized and her family members live in liberty there.
How badly would they be treated in their own polygamous community? Flagstaff is preferable to a place where they can attend church and hobnob with like-minded believers? 
And now we’re on to something. Robyn may not want to move to a polygamous community where her children will be different - since R & K are actually now monogamists. 

OR Kodes and Christine broke up long ago and this is just the fake narrative the cast members are following to get us all caught up - without throwing shade on their old or current polygamous community. Although, that has been done regularly just by turning on a camera. 

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5 minutes ago, Just Wondering said:

Polygamy.org on Facebook called BS on Robyn’s TH about refusing to let her children be treated unfairly in Utah — even though polygamy has been decriminalized and her family members live in liberty there.
How badly would they be treated in their own polygamous community? Flagstaff is preferable to a place where they can attend church and hobnob with like-minded believers? 
And now we’re on to something. Robyn may not want to move to a polygamous community where her children will be different - since R & K are actually now monogamists. 

OR Kodes and Christine broke up long ago and this is just the fake narrative the cast members are following to get us all caught up - without throwing shade on their old or current polygamous community. Although, that has been done regularly just by turning on a camera. 

Oo good points! Could it be that Robyn is afraid that Kody will shop for new wives if they're back in the fold?

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4 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

While your sentiment is certainly true about having no other family, I have to point out that I don't believe this is actually the case for Meri.

Meri has many other people she can call family and spend holidays with. She does not have to choose from only the people on the show. She does not have to hang around Kody and Company or have a lonely Thanksgiving/Christmas, etc. The only possible reason I'd even consider that, if I were Meri, is if Mariah were there and saying she wanted to spend the holiday with the whole family - but Robyn's not even allowing the whole family to get together at this point. (In the preview, we see Meri and the Kody/Robyn family, no Mariah...she's not there for her daughter.)

Meri has a very large family of siblings that she seems to have good relationships with, and many of them seem to be in Utah, where she is anyway a lot of the time for her B&B. If Mariah is busy, I bet she has tons of relatives to spend time with.

Kody is nothing more than an ex who doesn't want her around at this point - I certainly wouldn't choose that over my siblings if I were her.

I think Meri simply films a "family" get together when TLC asks for one because she wants the money, not because she has no one else to be with. 

As a bonus, she enjoys pestering this group who doesn't want her around and especially enjoys harassing Kody. She laughs while making her innuendoes, knowing the answer will be no, because she is a vile person who enjoys dishing out torture wherever she can, and she's discovered that this is what bugs Kody the most. If she can bug him, she doesn't care if she makes herself look pathetic and desperate.

I've been subjected to many unwanted advances, it is not fun nor is it a joke. Meri is disgusting and she makes me really uncomfortable.

Same. Right there with you. 

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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

As a geologist, I've been intrigued by their property and the "access road" (remember when Robyn wanted Kootie to just park the damn moving vans but he said he couldn't block the access road so parking took 3X longer than expected). It could just be for access by the National Forest service, but the straightness of it in rocky terrain makes me think it could run alongside a regional natural gas line (and there are rules restricting buildings and other things within a certain distance of them). And those aren't "rocks" that can be easily moved, but bedrock that requires blasting (which requires more permits) to put in the utilities and probably some of the house foundations. All things normal people would have taken into consideration BEFORE buying the lots.

I'd love to see what the stormwater retention pond and the properties upslope from it look like during a bad storm. For scientific purposes only, of course. 

YES! Thank you for your insight and memory.
I'm also super curious if they would have to do a septic tank out there, at least for now? AND can their land pass the PERC thing?

 We have 10 acres, and could apparently put two more houses up, since the whole property passes. (It's all forest and we would never!)But the land on both sides of us (one is for sale) can't pass, and there's no public utilities out here. I've heard that no one can build because they can't put in a septic, but I'm not sure how it all works. I was also told neither side can dig a well, but I have no clue why, maybe bedrock? Could it be the sulphur or bacteria issue? (I do know there's a whole bunch of sinkholes on the one side) I wonder if the Browns have even researched digging wells or anything by now? It's not cheap, but I don't know any rules they'd have to follow.

I do know the current realtors for the 3 acres next to me have lied to the looky-loos, (who all come knock on my door to ask me questions as if I'm the realtor), because they think digging a well, throwing in a septic is as good as done, not to mention tapping into the electric grid. Lmao. They must be kin to the Browns! 

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5 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

There are friends and there is family. I'm sure she does have plenty of Friendsgivings.

I actually never suggested friends, though. I said she has siblings, and their families, and Mariah. That's not friends, that's people she's literally related to.

I'd prefer that to Kody & Robyn, if I were Meri, and perhaps Meri would as well - but TLC doesn't pay Meri to hang with her own Barber side of the family.

6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

He had four wives and dragged her through the mud.

Kody's a jerk and a bad husband, but Meri dragged herself through the mud, in my opinion. Kody didn't force her to start up an online affair. Meri did that all on her own.


6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

For the record, HE is not leaving her either. So fair game.

He legally divorced her and tells anyone who'll listen that he wants no romantic relationship with her. He rarely has any contact with her outside of filming for the show. I don't know much harder you can leave a person than that.


6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Why shouldn't she needle Kody?

In my opinion, sexual harassment is wrong, even if the target, Kody, is widely disliked. YMMV

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No disrespect to Christine, who I actually like, especially in light of recent events, but I couldn't believe it when she said that she was disappointed that the homes were to be built so far apart on Coyote Pass, unlike the cul de sac they had in Vegas.  She was lamenting being so far apart...Girl, you are the one who put the kibosh on the one giant home idea!  

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I have a little bit of a different take on Meri. I think she'd give up LLR (and the LLR posse) and the inn in a heartbeat, if Kody would take her back. I think her 'fling with Sam' was a kneejerk reaction to the divorce and Kody's glaring attraction to Robyn. And now LLR and the inn are her acceptable substitutes for life without Kody's love.

I go back and forth of feeling sorry for Meri and embarrassed for her. On one hand props for following your heart and knowing what you want, even when rejected. On the other hand, show some self-respect and know when to throw in the towel.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think even Meri would fake her desire to get Kody back, on national TV - for money. She could still ride the show with a different narrative that looks less desperate. I really think she deeply loves Kody, even if that love is twisted, and would choose him - always.

I kind of hope for Meri's sake I got this one wrong.

Edited by GeeGolly
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