Tara Ariano July 29, 2014 Share July 29, 2014 The Power of Veto competition is held. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/
Maverick July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) I'd certainly like to talk to old Jacosta. She be can't more boring than current Jacosta. I'm also super curious what her ubiquitous neck ware of choice is. Clip on tie? Bolo? Ascot? Cravat? Maybe old Jacosta doesn't have neck ware at all and opts for a different fashion accessory. Maybe a muff. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. I'm all for not being a little tart, but if you can't even slip Hayden a little tongue then you can't complain you like him enough that some other woman shouldn't be moving in. Take a cue from Russia Nicole, if you want something you have to make an effort. you can't just call dibs on Ukraine. Also Nichole, about that lederhosen strip tease: you madam are no Heidi Klum. Jacosta, would you please get off the phone with the Block. Ritalin's calling and it needs to talk Zach. I need it to talk to Zach. Victoria: stop saying you won POV last week. You did not 'win' it. It was handed to you in a sheer move of stupidity. Saying it over and over does not make it true. Zach, you may want to take note of how Frankie rode that horse in POV. Just sayin' I know Caleb wants a part in Pirates of the Caribbean but in that getup he looks more ready for a high school production of Pirates of Penzance. Caleb, you're not going to get into a Hollywood movie. There's a movie filming in West Hollywood called Pirate's Booty you'd have a good chance at though. Just take note of how Frankie rode that horse in POV. Do you want two members of Team America to win HOH? Uh, no. Oh, and you mean this shit I still going on this week? Who the hell isn’t going to for the vote against the house option. Something needs to stir up this season of Stepford Voting. Mission failed! Yes! If they gave them $5k for that shit it would have been a joke, even by this show’s standards. Edited July 31, 2014 by Maverick 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246847
BeatrixK July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 CBS: I am NOT liking the pass you are giving Beast Mode Bunny Boiler with his psychotic behavior, and 'blaming' it on Amber. Glad Team America's mission failed...and extremely glad Amber showed class in not responding to Zach. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246876
car54 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I have been pretty disengaged this season---so far I'm watching but not really paying that much attention to the feeds, but this America's Team provoking fights thing might just suck me in. That was very entertaining to watch and it would be so great if one of AT made it to the final 2. It would be so sweet to see them tell the jury that they've been doing this AND socking away cash for it all along. I can just see their jealous/confused faces. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246886
Morbs July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) I don't think CBS is giving Caleb a pass; I thought he came off as a complete idiot and Amber came off normal and reality based. I mean, Caleb called himself the king of the house while everyone else just laughed at him. I guess CBS could have made it more on the nose, but I think most viewers who have been paying attention realize that Caleb sucks at comps, has no relationship with Amber, and everyone treats him like a joke. Frankie's DRs are insufferable; they are so try hard. Zach's are too but for some reason I find his trouble-making endearing. Every season has a few yellers, but this season it seems like they all yell in the DR. Edited July 31, 2014 by Morbs 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246897
Thalia July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Victoria: stop saying you won POV last week. You did not 'win' it. It was handed to you in a sheer move of stupidity. Saying it over and over does not make it true. My jaw dropped open when she said this. Of course, she is living with someone who thinks that eating a pickle entitles him to the woman of his choice, so on the scale of delusions... 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246912
Katesus7 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Caleb is creepy, delusional, and dumb as a box of rocks. So there's that. I continue to hate the Team "America" missions, although that's probably due to the fact that I loathe two thirds of Team "America". And yeah, I'm glad they lost the mission this week, mostly because I'm glad no one bothered to respond to Zach after his ridiculous speeches given for no good damn reason other than the fact that he thinks he is WAY more entertaining than he actually is. And also, Zach? Sometimes if something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....it's a duck. You just keep on giving Frankie those "back rubs". 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246914
PaperTree July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Oh Zack, that was such a low attack. Good on Amber for her lovely smile and no response. Amber doesn't owe that idiot cowboy anything. I hope he cries himself to sleep when she doesn't rush into her hero's arms. Pirates of Penzance indeed. He is one sick deluded puppy. Jacosta just floating along on her own private cloud, downwind from Victoria's. Frankie can go any time now. He is entirely too impressed with himself. This Team America thing blows. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246921
slasherboy July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I could have spent the entire hour watching Zankie in the HOH bed. What is up with those two? Well, mostly Zach, as Frankie is just acting like his normal self (I presume, since I don't actually know him). I mean, is Zach going to be embarrassed when he looks back on this and are his friends going to ride him out of town on a rail (do they still do that?). And what's with all this "love you", "love you too" as the guys leave each others' company. le sigh..... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246936
Newbietunes July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I just voted 20 times for mission A. I can't think of anything I would hate more than Derrick and Frankie as HOHs next week (because there is no way the Dets would let Donny be HOH). I was so sure the dual HOH thing would be over this week! I guess that maybe means that there will be a 7 person jury this year? I just have this idea they won't start jury until there is one HOH. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246938
LadyJaney July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Easily the best part of the episode was "Zankie". Oh Zach, just admit it. At least admit you are Bi. It's OK if you are really, and I think Frankie is OK with it too. The back rub scene was hilarious. Not because of it being two guys, but because of Zach declaring "but I'm straight" while rubbing and kissing Frankie's bare back. Yeah, OK Zach. Viva la Zankie, possibly my favorite BB showmance ever. The rest of the episode was kind of meh. Cody is still ridiculously pretty to me. Caleb acts like an obsessed teenaged girl over his love for Amber. Poor Amber, both blinsided by her "alliance" and pursued by a creeper/"stage 5 clinger". Caleb is nice enough on the eyes, but not quite right in the head. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246954
parisprincess July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I hope they do have a seven person jury this year. That way at least a couple of the remaining assholes will go directly home, hopefully never to be heard from again. I wish BMBB would wind Amber's blue scarf round and round his head and wear it like a turban during the eviction; then when she leaves, she grabs and pulls the end of it as she walks out, with him spinning and spinning as it comes unraveled (just for a little comic relief). 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-246955
Harperlee1 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I wish BMBB would wind Amber's blue scarf round and round his head and wear it like a turban during the eviction; then when she leaves, she grabs and pulls the end of it as she walks out, with him spinning and spinning as it comes unraveled (just for a little comic relief). Haha, this made literally lol. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247059
North of Eden July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Grandpa PePay gets Big Brother's equivalent of "The Silent Clock". Very classy amid a show that featured a night vision scene of Zach taking his fantasies to the next level with that massage. Nicole rocked those Daisy Dukes during the western challenge. Continuing the western motif it's time to grab the bull by the horns and admit the producers are crafting this season not as BIG BROTHER but as "THE FRANKIE SHOW". If someone had a stop watch and compiled his screen time compared to everyone else in the house the others would be left behind in the dust. Yippeykayi Mother F'ers...will you please give us a break from the Frankie Fest?! Sorry to see the "Stalker" subplot about to come to an end. It was just about the only non-Frankie storyline this summer. My cold heart was hoping for and elimination order that left Amber alone in the Sequester house with Caleb. I'd pay money to see what that week would be like. Is there any chance Amber is first Jury member? Maybe there is still hope. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247070
dolphincorn July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I have to admit that my favorite thing about this season is Caleb's wardrobe. If I was in that house, I'd be looking for ways to alleviate my boredom, including dressing like I was the love child of Norma Desmond and the Unabomber. What fun! 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247077
Joimiaroxeu July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I just noticed tonight how huge Zach's neck is. That can't be natural, can it? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247101
car54 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 CBS is running commercials for their new show called "Stalker". Hmmmm.....possible job for Caleb? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247128
mojoween July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Why isn't there an option C for TA, where I could say none of the above and these missions are too stupid and over-reaching? These people are so BORING. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247130
BeatrixK July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I have to admit that my favorite thing about this season is Caleb's wardrobe. If I was in that house, I'd be looking for ways to alleviate my boredom, including dressing like I was the love child of Norma Desmond and the Unabomber. What fun! This may be my favorite sentence in the history of ever! (And sadly, very accurate!) 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247150
alt0233 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 They have to know that everyone is going to vote for the voting against the house option. Who in their right mind would want two TA HOHs, considering who Team America is. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247152
me5671 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Wow... I was really hoping to like Frankie but he is AWFUL. All his gloating about backdooring Amber was ridiculous IMO. Way to eliminate a huge threat, Frankie. *eyeroll*. Such a jerk. Even worse was when he was stroking Caleb's ego about how he's saved her and she's so ungrateful. I wanted to punch him through the TV screen. Amber never asked Caleb for any of that... he is coming on to her so strong it's scary and Frankie puts the blame on her? Even if it was just strategy and not how he truly feels, it's still a despicable thing to do. He should be ashamed of himself. The only part of this episode that I enjoyed was when Team America failed in their mission. Seeing Frankie and Derrick lose out on the $5k was delightful. Those two jerks don't deserve a dime. Good on Amber for not taking the bait with Zach's insane ranting. She's one of the few decent people in this cast, so of course she ends up on the block. I hope she is voted out tomorrow so she'll be away from these horrible, horrible people. This season is turning into one of the worst ever. IMO the only worse seasons I can remember are last season, season 8, and season 9. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247164
Wandering Snark July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) These people are so BORING. Indeed. At what point do we chalk this one up as an epic casting fail (if we're not there already)? How boring? They can't even pull off a non-comedic striptease. Speaking of Nichole, hon he's not making out with Victoria's Ghost, he doing a little something called a "game move" maybe getting another vote for your non-named stalled out "alliance". And allow me to join the ranks of people that wants to reach through and choke Frankie every time he winks at us in the DR. I'd go forever not seeing another one of his ott ridiculous DR styings and be happy. Done. With. You. Edited July 31, 2014 by Wandering Snark 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247182
Lady Calypso July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 The only good thing about Mission B is that Donny would have to be HOH...alongside Derrick, mind you, but at least there would be a chance of him staying HOH and someone other than Victoria, Jocasta and even Zach would go home. Oh, Zach. Of course you're straight. Keep saying it, really. In all seriousness though, if he is straight, he's going to be getting a lot of flack once he gets out of the house and I don't think anyone will ever believe him to be straight after this. And if he isn't straight, then coming out on tv is probably the last thing he wants to do. But, um, I hope someone tells him that late night massages, kissing everywhere but the lips and the 'I love you's' is not normal, straight guy behaviour. I'm glad he may be comfortable with himself and all, but on tv, everything is blown up theatrically. Also, Frankie seems less into him than Zach is into Frankie; he just flirts with all the guys, and even some of the girls, while Zach's only flirtation is with Frankie so....yeah, not being subtle there. I see they're still going for the Nicole/Hayden showmance. Ok. I'm just bored of them in general, and not even Nicole's family is rooting for these two, so that's a problem right there. I know they can't exactly show all of Caleb/Amber's 'relationship', creepiness and all for sake of tv time, but at least show more of Caleb being an abusive, misogynistic asshole. They did show his DR saying he needed to put Amber in her place, so that's a start, but there needs to be more so people who don't have the live feeds can see the more in depth scariness that is Caleb. Zach's 'villainous' edits are amusing and cringeworthy at the same time. He's really just a cute little puppy trying to be bad but it's just not working. Someone needs to tell him to please drop the act and just stop trying to embarrass himself. The 'fight' with Amber, I couldn't even get through. He's just not evil or all that mean in any way. He doesn't sound threatening either, so it's no wonder Amber was smiling and not reacting to what he was saying. But really, if they do Mission A, I can see them putting the Amber vote on Zach somehow, just because they can. They better start giving Zach the money in that case, because despite the two failed attempts this week, they still seem to use him as the scapegoat. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247273
networker July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Zach's 'villainous' edits are amusing and cringeworthy at the same time. He's really just a cute little puppy trying to be bad but it's just not working. Someone needs to tell him to please drop the act and just stop trying to embarrass himself. I don't see him as acting when I watch his behavior. I think he is going overboard to insure that he gets camera time, but I also feel like he is one of those people who finds joy in making others hurt. Almost every idea that I have seen him talk about on the show or the feeds seems to have been centered around causing someone pain. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247289
vb68 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) I just voted 20 times for mission A. I can't think of anything I would hate more than Derrick and Frankie as HOHs next week (because there is no way the Dets would let Donny be HOH). But it would have to be Donny with Frankie ineligible. I think it might be interesting (using the term loosely) to see Derrick and Frankie have to deal with Donny as HOH because they couldn't control. And hey who knows, he might be person to backdoor Frankie. Please tell me Jocosta, of all people, wasn't trying to emulate Boogie with the lame phone call in the DR. The block called? Really? [/insert Britney eyeroll.] Jocosta, as often as you get hurt, leave the funnies to someone else. Edited July 31, 2014 by vb68 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247391
Kris117 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) Which of these statements has the least connection with reality? Victoria: I won the veto last week. Victoria: I lost the BoB because of Jocasta. Caleb: I'm running the house. Discuss. I had to stop my recording after each of those to laugh. Another strong contender was Victoria's, "I'm a warrior princess!" However, since that was followed a minute later by "I'm a damsel in distress, so Hayden needs to rescue me, tee hee hee!" it didn't have quite the impact. Caleb is so creepy I want to reach out and pull Amber out of the house and hug her. "I voluntarily did this, this and this for you (even though you never asked), so I own you/am owed your love." It makes it worse that instead of supporting her, her fellow alliance members are encouraging Caleb in his delusions instead of shunning him. I was kind of hoping that Amber would answer Zach's tirade and demand for a response with "Um…thanks for sharing?" but her non-response was pretty good, too. I'd like to see her stay in the house, but I'm not hopeful. It would be a lot of fun seeing Frankie and company react to that. Edited July 31, 2014 by Kris117 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247499
methadonna July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) jessied112 Yesterday. 11:23 pm The only good thing about...was Frankie DRing that everyone would want him to backdoor Zach, without so much as a glimmer of the 12-year-old boy that had suddenly popped up in me apparently being in him. No, ew, you guys, if you also thought bad things about THAT LINE, then you have someone way sicker, um, IN you than an underage boy. No, stop it. Back to Frankie and wanting him to backdoor the I'm-straight/but[t] Zach... Edited July 31, 2014 by methadonna Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247501
RedheadZombie July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Wow... I was really hoping to like Frankie but he is AWFUL. All his gloating about backdooring Amber was ridiculous IMO. Way to eliminate a huge threat, Frankie. *eyeroll*. Such a jerk. Even worse was when he was stroking Caleb's ego about how he's saved her and she's so ungrateful. I wanted to punch him through the TV screen. Amber never asked Caleb for any of that... he is coming on to her so strong it's scary and Frankie puts the blame on her? Even if it was just strategy and not how he truly feels, it's still a despicable thing to do. He should be ashamed of himself. Everything about this situation is bizarre to me. Everybody seems to play along with the belief that Amber is ungrateful and Caleb is her savior. Even Donny was smiling and enjoying Zach's cruelty to Amber. I don't get it. I don't see him as acting when I watch his behavior. I think he is going overboard to insure that he gets camera time, but I also feel like he is one of those people who finds joy in making others hurt. Almost every idea that I have seen him talk about on the show or the feeds seems to have been centered around causing someone pain. I'm trying to enjoy Zach as comic relief, but he is so unnecessarily cruel. He has little empathy and definitely seems to feed off of treating people poorly. I wasn't a big fan of Cody's, but every time he acts uncomfortable with Zach's behavior or has a DR criticizing Zach, I like him that much more. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247504
pennben July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I was kind of hoping that Amber would answer Zach's tirade and demand for a response with "Um…thanks for sharing?" I think, and maybe I'm wrong, if Amber had said a single word back to Zach, Team America would have won their mission. So, good for her for not giving Zach what he wanted, and good for her for not letting TA get what they wanted. She's bad at the game, but she has backbone. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247597
Wax Lion July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Why isn't there an option C for TA, where I could say none of the above and these missions are too stupid and over-reaching? I'm just constantly thankful they're not BB8's "Who should America's Player campaign to get evicted? (We helpfully edited the show to make it clear who you should hate!)" missions. I can't hate Frankie. After years and years of Big Brother casting out gay men who knew their place as the pets of straight women (pets that become useless one the women became useless to BB) and seeing the show excuse homophobia when it came from the right person, Frankie's a big relief. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247610
Eolivet July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 So, I was watching this period drama about a group of men with power, and a woman who lived there under their protection. She was vilified and abused for the unthinkable crime of taking safety when safety was offered to her, and not being appropriately thankful and deferential. Almost as if she had her own mind. The men decided they needed to teach this woman a lesson -- that she needed to learn her place, and know she could be cast out at any moment if it suited them. She would be ruined. Or...wait... Sorry, that period was last night, when women have full agency over their bodies, minds and decisions. For a moment, I forgot we were still in 2014. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247713
RealityGal July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) Grandpa PePay gets Big Brother's equivalent of "The Silent Clock". Very classy amid a show that featured a night vision scene of Zach taking his fantasies to the next level with that massage. Sorry to see the "Stalker" subplot about to come to an end. It was just about the only non-Frankie storyline this summer. My cold heart was hoping for and elimination order that left Amber alone in the Sequester house with Caleb. I'd pay money to see what that week would be like. Is there any chance Amber is first Jury member? Maybe there is still hope. I would seriously fear for her safety if he was alone with her in a house. His insistence that she "owes him something" would turn into "its time to pay up" and any man that would say things like "let me put her in danger so she has to run to me to save her" is not okay. Someone else said, and I agree thats the type of guy that would set fire to your house so he could try to save you. But, I'll give credit where its due, respect to Derrick on how he handled his Grandfathers passing. No loud crying, no need for group hugs, no out loud reading of the letter, just quiet respect. And I'm not a huge fan of Derricks, but I do respect when someone realizes that some things are private, and your pain over losing a loved one is not something you may want to fully open up about with people you've known approximately 40 days. The only good thing about Mission B is that Donny would have to be HOH...alongside Derrick, mind you, but at least there would be a chance of him staying HOH and someone other than Victoria, Jocasta and even Zach would go home. Oh, Zach. Of course you're straight. Keep saying it, really. In all seriousness though, if he is straight, he's going to be getting a lot of flack once he gets out of the house and I don't think anyone will ever believe him to be straight after this. And if he isn't straight, then coming out on tv is probably the last thing he wants to do. But, um, I hope someone tells him that late night massages, kissing everywhere but the lips and the 'I love you's' is not normal, straight guy behaviour. I'm glad he may be comfortable with himself and all, but on tv, everything is blown up theatrically. Also, Frankie seems less into him than Zach is into Frankie; he just flirts with all the guys, and even some of the girls, while Zach's only flirtation is with Frankie so....yeah, not being subtle there. I see they're still going for the Nicole/Hayden showmance. Ok. I'm just bored of them in general, and not even Nicole's family is rooting for these two, so that's a problem right there. Zach's 'villainous' edits are amusing and cringeworthy at the same time. He's really just a cute little puppy trying to be bad but it's just not working. Someone needs to tell him to please drop the act and just stop trying to embarrass himself. The 'fight' with Amber, I couldn't even get through. He's just not evil or all that mean in any way. He doesn't sound threatening either, so it's no wonder Amber was smiling and not reacting to what he was saying. That "fight" was the lamest thing ever. He can't seem to sucker anyone into a reaction, with the exception of Nicole crying in the bathroom and wondering what a fruit loop dingus is. I like his unpredictability because I think this game is getting too predictable, so I appreciate him shaking things up. I think Christine is finally starting to see the light. Its probably too late, because Amber is likely outta there, and she was one of the better female competitors. So a strong member of a potential alliance will be gone, thanks in part to Christine. Ugh, I do not get the attraction of Hayden at all. If he put his arm around me, I would agree to anything he wanted just to get him to stop touching me. Gag. Dear Zach...the closet called, it wants to know if you're in or out? But seriously - I bet you the minute Zach gets out of the house, he starts claiming that everything he did with Frankie was gameplay, and he wasn't into Frankie at all, because he is "straight" Which of these statements has the least connection with reality? Victoria: I won the veto last week. Victoria: I lost the BoB because of Jocasta. Caleb: I'm running the house. Discuss. I had to stop my recording after each of those to laugh. Another strong contender was Victoria's, "I'm a warrior princess!" However, since that was followed a minute later by "I'm a damsel in distress, so Hayden needs to rescue me, tee hee hee!" it didn't have quite the impact. Caleb is so creepy I want to reach out and pull Amber out of the house and hug her. "I voluntarily did this, this and this for you (even though you never asked), so I own you/am owed your love." It makes it worse that instead of supporting her, her fellow alliance members are encouraging Caleb in his delusions instead of shunning him. I was kind of hoping that Amber would answer Zach's tirade and demand for a response with "Um…thanks for sharing?" but her non-response was pretty good, too. I'd like to see her stay in the house, but I'm not hopeful. It would be a lot of fun seeing Frankie and company react to that. All of those statements were so funny. This was a pretty good episode, and those hilariously delusional moments were a part of it. I think Caleb's delusion is by far the most amusing. To seriously tell another houseguest that you're "king of the house?" why would you even ever do that? Credit where its due, Derrick pretty much runs the game IMO, and he has never really said so to anyone, he generally makes people think that whatever he wants them to do is their idea. Thats power. Proclaiming yourself "king of the house" and then coming up with a plan that had been discussed and agreed upon hours ago was just too delicious Edited July 31, 2014 by RealityGal 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247739
ShadowDenizen July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 When did Jacosta become a stereotype of a stereotpye? Why isn't there an option C for TA, where I could say none of the above and these missions are too stupid and over-reaching? Ah yes... "Team Amurica"? ENOUGH, Please just stop. "America comes first." STFU, Frankie. And these "Missions" that these blockheads take so seriously? Are CRAP. If I hear "Beast Mode-Cowboy" or "Stealth-Mode Cowboy" one more time, I won't be held responsible for my actions.... And also, Zach? Sometimes if something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....it's a duck. You just keep on giving Frankie those "back rubs". I"m wondering how much is planned/staged for the cameras, and how much is "Real". But yeah, I'm waiting for the X-rated outtakes. My jaw dropped open when she said this. Of course, she is living with someone who thinks that eating a pickle entitles him to the woman of his choice, so on the scale of delusions... I love how evryone was like "He ate a PICKLE for you! A PICKLE! He almost DIED!" PFFT. WHile Zach remains a major tool, I can't help but find him oddly endearing. He can stay for a bit longer. Cody is still ridiculously pretty to me. I'm still rooting for a Cody win. Grandpa PePay gets Big Brother's equivalent of "The Silent Clock". Very classy amid a show that featured a night vision scene of Zach taking his fantasies to the next level with that massage. Yeah, night and day betwene the way they handled the Derrick situatuion compared to the Frankie situation. (I don't think we'll see a picture of Derrick tanning in a thong next to his fully clothed grandfather.) How boring? They can't even pull off a non-comedic striptease. To be fair, when Jacosta was ill, Cody DID pull off a rather hot mini-striptease... I thnk the problem was in getting non-sexual Nicole to try and pull this off. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247813
Skycatcher July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 ......Amber came off normal and reality based. This is a pun, right? I agree, but reading it........well, I had to wipe down my keyboard. The terms "Big Brother" and "reality based" kinda don't belong in the same Forum, not at all. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247862
JudyObscure July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I was watching the same period drama, Eolivet. Caleb crossed a line with me when he started talking about teaching Amber a lesson, putting her in her place, and making her come begging to him. Wow! Stalking is bad enough but those are some classic words of an abuser and I hated hearing it. What's her "place," exactly Caleb? Somewhere below you, the imaginary king of the house? You're a laughing stock in the house and a low life, ignorant hillbilly with stupid tattoos. You aren't ever in beast mode, you're in moron mode every waking minute, may you rot in a Kentucky coal mine when you get home. Zach isn't much better. All his "humor," is based on hurting others, particularly women who won't punch him. What is funny about eating good food I front of hungry people? Whether or not he's gay he clearly hates women and enjoys hurting them. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247864
ghoulina July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 It really annoyed me that Victoria was blaming Jacosta for losing the BOB comp. I wish they would have left her on the block instead, in case the backdooring of Amber doesn't work out. Although, Jacosta needs to stop trying to be Chilltown with her little phone call act. Another grandfather died??? This is getting a bit concerning. If I were on the show, I'd be afraid I'd be next. Caleb is just so mentally unstable, it's disturbing. He's clearly not over Amber. He is feigning indifference like some 7th grader trying to play hard to get. And he's done this before, the last time they put her up on the block. It's like some total mind game, and then he thinks he can swoop in and save her and she'll lay down and start having his babies or something. Why the other houseguests don't call him out on this is beyond me. Wow, Frankie could really ride that horse. And Zach sure was enjoying it. I'm sorry, I don't see any problem with straight men being close with their friends, being a bit emotional and touchy - but really? Is Zach straight? Because he is SO in love with Frankie! I love when Frankie pulled the shocked face at having to replace one of his nominees and Amber boldly stated that she knew it was planned. I also loved that Team America failed at their mission and Zach once again got smiles and crickets in reaction to his little tirade. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247909
ghoulina July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Caleb is so creepy I want to reach out and pull Amber out of the house and hug her. "I voluntarily did this, this and this for you (even though you never asked), so I own you/am owed your love." If it were only that simple, I would have been mowing Norman Reedus's lawn ages ago. Hey, you have to marry me now, I mowed your lawn. Ugh, I do not get the attraction of Hayden at all. If he put his arm around me, I would agree to anything he wanted just to get him to stop touching me. Gag. Me either. He's like the 4th Hansen brother. All of those statements were so funny. This was a pretty good episode, and those hilariously delusional moments were a part of it. I think Caleb's delusion is by far the most amusing. To seriously tell another houseguest that you're "king of the house?" why would you even ever do that? Credit where its due, Derrick pretty much runs the game IMO, and he has never really said so to anyone, he generally makes people think that whatever he wants them to do is their idea. Thats power. Proclaiming yourself "king of the house" and then coming up with a plan that had been discussed and agreed upon hours ago was just too delicious Totally agree with all of this. I think Derrick is playing the best game so far. And I wonder if Caleb would be calling himself "king" if he knew how seriously people considered voting him out....twice. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247981
Drogo July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm reminded of Danielle's Fatal-Attraction-esque feelings about Shane a few seasons back. Nobody thought that was so creepy. I knew a few Beastmode Cowboys myself at Camp Pendleton. Let me tell you, when you've got a guy who was the Big Kahuna in TinyTown, OK- and he gets out to California and these women aren't impressed that he can throw for 30 yards - it's a shock. Still good guys, but plenty of people need an adjustment period. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-247991
goodogcarl July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) I can't hate Frankie. After years and years of Big Brother casting out gay men who knew their place as the pets of straight women (pets that become useless one the women became useless to BB) and seeing the show excuse homophobia when it came from the right person, Frankie's a big relief. hear! hear! When I first saw Frankie I thought I would hate him -- but I don't. They usually cast gay men who stay on the sidelines dragging their toe through the dust. This guy has a robust personality and he's in there slugging it out with the best of them. The straight men hardly ever accept the gay guy -- but from the beginning Frankie was in there hip-by-jowl. I have a puppy who does this really cute thing -- when he's confronted with something he's not familiar with he does that head-cocking thing that puppies do -- that's what I do while watching Frankie and Zach in bed together. It is so outside the scope of anything i've ever seen before. I'm enjoying the hell outta Caleb as well -- again, something completely outside anything i've seen before. . . . and he's one purty hillbilly. I'm waiting for the X-rated outtakes. Cody DID pull off a rather hot mini-striptease... Will such a thing exist? Where? . . . and how! I thought Frankie was very funny when during Caleb's striptease he muttered, "I'm dehydrated too." Edited July 31, 2014 by goodogcarl Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248038
Primetimer July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 The Head of Household is still in bed with this week's least popular player. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248125
dolphincorn July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm reminded of Danielle's Fatal-Attraction-esque feelings about Shane a few seasons back. Nobody thought that was so creepy. I thought everything about Danielle was creepy. At least she had Shane reciprocating her affection somewhat. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248207
Wootini July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I have to say I found Derrick's response to the news about his grandfather much more realistic than Frankie's. Maybe that's just because he reacted the way I would by simply announcing it and then going off to be by himself to process it instead of going in for a group hug with lots of tears. The reason that Frankie drives me up the wall is because every single action he makes seems geared towards achieving as much camera time as possible. He knows exactly what show he's on and how to work it to get the most screen time of everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if Zankie is some secret plan that he and Zach cooked up because they knew they would get a TON of airtime out of it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248236
choclatechip45 July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I have to say I found Derrick's response to the news about his grandfather much more realistic than Frankie's. Maybe that's just because he reacted the way I would by simply announcing it and then going off to be by himself to process it instead of going in for a group hug with lots of tears. The reason that Frankie drives me up the wall is because every single action he makes seems geared towards achieving as much camera time as possible. He knows exactly what show he's on and how to work it to get the most screen time of everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if Zankie is some secret plan that he and Zach cooked up because they knew they would get a TON of airtime out of it. I agree completely. In an interview with Zach's parents they pretty much said the same thing they think Frankie will keep Zach around because Frankie knows it will give him more airtime. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248359
Wandering Snark July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 (edited) I too wonder about the attractiveness of Hayden, and his doing the 'wearing a knit cap indoors/in the summer' thing doesn't help as his hair just looks like a scraggly surferboy... also men shouldn't wear their hair in top knots/buns. He's in sorry need of a makeover. I also wonder how Jocasta's congregation looks upon her getting back in touch with the old bi-sexual running wild version of herself to survive on the show? Maybe she feels betrayed by Jesus not helping her bricks to stay up during the comp. And speaking of that comp I loved the "I win, I winnnnn!!!" moment dashed to the rocks with the follow up "Oh wait, are those MY bricks on the ground?". Classic. Edited July 31, 2014 by Wandering Snark Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248679
iMonrey July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm confused about this next challenge for Team America - does it apply to this week or next week? If it's this week, it doesn't give them much time to pull off either challenge. But I thought it was strange voting was only open for another few hours or whatever it was. I thought it was interesting when Christine said she doesn't want Amber voted out. So, she's not altogether aligned with the other Detonators. What would be hilarious is if this Team America challenge - to vote against the majority - ended up backfiring because Frankie and Derrick think they have the votes to evict Amber and it turns out if they vote to evict Jocasta there are enough other votes out there to save Amber after all. I did miscalculate their own calculations though - apparently it was smarter to backdoor Amber than Caleb, because I have to hand it to them. They actually made Caleb think it was his idea to nominate Amber and even be the one to suggest it. That's - kind of brilliant, I have to admit. I don't know what to make of Zach WRT Frankie. I think there's some kind of weird turnaround, where guys are so secure in their own masculinity/sexuality they prove it by showing how cozy they are with gay men, versus the stereotype of bashing gay men to prove how manly they are. But - I have a sneaking suspicion that Zach has been tipped off on Team America. Granted he'll jump at the chance to stir up shit and get attention, but when he ended his rant at Amber by asking her if she had anything to say, it was almost like he was baiting her to argue which is exactly what the challenge required. I kind of felt like he knew about it, and it wouldn't surprise me if Frankie managed to whisper in his ear the secret behind this whole thing. That would also go a long way towards explaining the whole Zach/Frankie thing: if Zach knows about TA maybe he thinks America will love him more if he acts like he loves Frankie. After all, it wouldn't work with Derrick or Donny. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248680
parisprincess July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I'm confused. I read at Jokers that Derrick was saying that they succeeded in the TA mission. I also read that Donnie had asked if the person had to respond and was told no. In other words, TPTB changed the rules AFTER it was announced on air. Instead of being a "heated exchange between TWO people", they accepted Zach just demeaning Amber and gave them the money. Because of people on the boards saying they failed the mission since Amber (like Christine and Nichole) didn't argue back, they played like it was a fail on the show last night. With all the manipulation Grodner likes to do, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if that's what happened. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-248832
Nashville July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Another grandfather died??? This is getting a bit concerning. If I were on the show, I'd be afraid I'd be next. That thought had crossed my mind as well. You just KNOW people are getting paranoid whenever they're called to go to the DR.... 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-249001
Nashville July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 I have to say I found Derrick's response to the news about his grandfather much more realistic than Frankie's. Maybe that's just because he reacted the way I would by simply announcing it and then going off to be by himself to process it instead of going in for a group hug with lots of tears. Same here. Not to minimize Frankie's loss or emotions at all - everybody processes shock and grief differently - but the loud boo-hooing was, to me, very "out there for public consumption". I empathized with his loss, but not as much with his reaction. Derrick, though? When he got the letter in the DR, and he was bent over with his head halfway to the floor, totally silent, like the weight of the world was crushing him down? I felt that - and *have* felt that, more than a few times. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-249028
HurricaneVal July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 Me either. He's like the 4th Hansen brother. OMG, ghoulina, you nailed it! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-249062
Nashville July 31, 2014 Share July 31, 2014 If it were only that simple, I would have been mowing Norman Reedus's lawn ages ago. Hey, you have to marry me now, I mowed your lawn. I should take you to the next family reunion on my father's side. Darryl would blend right in, crossbow and all. :) Me either. He's like the 4th Hansen brother. Can't resist - read this, and this immediately popped to mind.... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/12057-s16e16-power-of-veto-competition-5/#findComment-249103
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