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S46.E19: Keegan-Michael Key / Olivia Rodrigo

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I'm trying to figure out with whom they link Luther.  Obama with a Jordan Peele cameo or with a castmember, or Obama himself a la the press dinner?  Biden?  Harris with a Maya Rudolph return?

And yet another head-scratcher bubble-gummer MG who appeals to a demographic NBC must be trying super-duper hard to attract.

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Looking forward to tonight. Keegan told Jimmy Fallon the other night that he's been a big fan of the show since he was a kid. He use to have a cassette tape (remember those?) of sketches from 1976 that he always listen to growing up. I always like when people who are genuine fans get to host the first time and see how much it means to them.

Edited by vb68
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5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Looking forward to tonight. Keegan told Jimmy Fallon the other night that he's been a big fan of the show since he was a kid. He use to have a cassette tape (remember those?) of sketches from 1976 that he always listen to growing up. I always like when people who are genuine fans get to host the first time and see how much it means to them.

I love that. 

I have a feeling we won't see any of his old characters (no spoilers - I am just guessing) so I am hoping they will let him get a lot of say over the writing and put him in some sketches that feel different than the norm for the show these days. And since he is on a show with Cecily I hope he might get a good sketch with her that could serve as a nice possible sendoff.


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1 hour ago, opus said:

It’s over.

Thank goodness. Sorry I have residual frustration from the election episode lol.

In all seriousness the only way for SNL to redeem itself from last week’s shitshow is for them to have Luther. I’m sure Keegan will be good regardless but I want Luther!

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So good to see this show back after so long! Wait, there was a new episode last week? Strange, I would've seen it if it was.

Cold Open: Fauci time! The CDC Players was so great and stupid. Pete's bit killed me, as was the wooden delivery on "You want to bang?" "You know I do, king." I love sketches that use everyone, AND it acknowledged the audience?! Loved it.

Monologue: Keegan Michael-Key is so great. Ripping away the tux to reveal another tux was great. I'll take a musical montage if it was about doing every SNL thing in it, like a cast member cameo, an audience member asking a question (and also the song is similar to songs Steve Martin and Chris Farley sang when they hosted)

Braxton High School Prom Red Carpet: Weird concept, but okay. I didn't get to do a LOT of prom stuff, but I saw enough at mine to get everything, ESPECIALLY the girl with the bad tan. "Dorks Who Bang" was totally me, except for the banging part.

The Last Dance: I haven't seen the real documentary, but I liked it. This was definitely a sketch Keegan wrote. Kenan as Barkley and Chris as Rodman were great.

Muppet Show: Oh my god yes. Security getting called on Statler & Waldorf is something right out of Key & Peele, I loved it. Loved Melissa's Lily Tomlin impression. That "We didn't know you was veterans" was hilariously dark.

57 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I always wondered why none of them ever told Statler and Waldorf to shut up.

Well, they was veterans (but considering them, they probably fought in the War of 1812)

TGI Fridays: Hilariously awkward from start to finish. Good to see Gemma again. Not for nothing, but I'm pretty sure I recognize which specific TGI Fridays was used for that establishing shot (it's on Long Island, specifically Levittown)

WU: Man, they were on fire this week. They gloves were off as much as possible for Liz Cheney. Of course Kate played her, but she did it really well. I liked that Andrew Dismukes got a feature, but the audience reacted the most to BRINK! of all things. (I'm old, I've never heard of that DCOM.) Beck was perfect as Bob Baffert (thankfully Medina Spirit didn't win the Preakness today). He trained that super jacked kangaroo, Mark McGwire, AND Kumail. They're all clean.

Gershwin: The audience might not have appreciated it, but Kate, Cecily, and Keegan as old Broadway stars was great, if a bit awkward. The cut to Kenan's eyes bugging out gave me the biggest laugh.

Commencement: This was okay. I liked "A WHITE GIRL NAMED LATISHA?!"

Last two sketches aside, this was a fantastic episode! Olivia Rodrigo was pretty good, too.

Edited by Galileo908
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Highlights for me were the Muppets skit and Kate as Liz Cheney. Significant drop off in energy and quality after Weekend Update, and the energy seemed off for that. 

Keegan was game for everything and his energy was great. I'm not sure what went wrong. 

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I really liked the episode, but I'm not sure it totally lived up to expectations. It seemed like Keegan didn't have a super lot to do?  I do respect that he seemed like he was letting the cast shine throughout, though.

Man those sketches in the last half hour had the hamminess dialed up to about a 13 on a scale of 1-10.

I agree Update was on fire again. Thrilled for Andrew and his showcase. I think he's a keeper. He brings a fresh perspective to the show. (Pete's not the super young guy anymore.) And Beck killed it as the horse owner.

Weird that Keegan sounded like he was saying goodbye for the show for the summer. there's a show next week, yo!

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5 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

And another reminder that you're old: Kenan joined the show the year she was born.

ouch, I'm going to shuffle off to my grave now.

Solid show, maybe the most consistent of the year.  really helps to have a sketch comedy vet host. Not a single stinker in the bunch IMO

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7 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

And another reminder that you're old: Kenan joined the show the year she was born.

When Kenan said during the monologue that he had been on the show for several years, I totally would had shot back "don't you mean several DECADES, Bud?" lol  

Edited by vb68
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Loved the open.  Thought Update was great.  There was a line in the old Broadway performers sketch about Gershwin being the Cole Porter of...something... which made me laugh (being a huge fan of both composers).  Otherwise, the show was...okay. 

Oh, I did think that KMK was really charming, funny and into everything he did.  The show needs new writers, though.  Desperately. 

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Good lord I love this Muppet Show sketch.

I always wondered why none of them ever told Statler and Waldorf to shut up.

The way the muppet was shaking.

I'm dying.

They had me when Keegan was first yelling at Statler and Waldorf, and he shouted that they needed to let the little “dragon and his friends” do their show.  And then he kept calling Kermit “Kramer.”  That was a great sketch.

Agree with everyone about Weekend Update crushing it this week:  I loved it beginning to end.  I liked your Frasier joke, Andrew!  And Kate’s impression of Cheney was extremely cutting.  

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I have never once laughed from Cecily Strong - I will just never get her, I'm sorry, and I rarely laugh at musical humour, so this episode really wasn't for me.

tenor (4).gif

I liked Beck Bennett as the steroid horse guy.  Andrew Dismukes was surprisingly amusing.  The Last Dance seemed like a really smart idea with great casting but it would probably mean more for me if I had seen the doc.  

Kenan breaking in the Muppets sketch was adorable.  I don't think Keegan and I would get each other.  Puppet humour, musical humour, oh boy.  People wearing wigs, crossing their eyes.  Oh dear.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 hours ago, SHD said:

Considering how great KMK is, this was kind of disappointing for me. And did he think he was hosting the season finale?

His comment sure made ME think that he was!

I was loving the Muppet Show sketch, but then I was horrified by the beatings -- couldn't the just escort the heckers away. The beating was too much. But then the way the puppets were shaking was amazing. AMAZING. Kenan broke! And then when they DID try to remove them from the theater, the revelation that they had no legs... That was one hilarious, wild, chaotic ride!  Also, I have been a huge Lily Tomlin fan for several decades, and her persona has gone through many incarnations, so I wondered what version of her they'd choose for the impersonation-- I loved the way they went with that.

I loooooved the Liz Cheney takedown. Really, all of WU was great. 

Loved the cold open. Loved "I've got music". Really I laughed at least once for every sketch tonight. Good job! They do need new writers, though. The cast is fantastic and can do anything.

The sad birthday was a good concept but they lost me with a few too many jokes about rising dicks and blue balls. It was just too much. 

Heidi's sparkly dress during the prom sketch dazzled me.



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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

The Last Dance seemed like a really smart idea with great casting but it would probably mean more for me if I had seen the doc.  

It was just a brutal, but apparently not completely over exaggerated, characterization of Michael Jordan's ultra competitive streak. Props to KMK for being willing to go there. 

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How dare they squander the opportunity to have Luther be Fauci’s anger translator?! The guy needs one badly!!!

That being said, still a good show. The Muppets skit won the night. After all these years, someone FINALLY tell Statler and Waldorf to shut up. But not even getting the crap beaten out of them can stop them, the security guards even got sucked into doing it!

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3 hours ago, possibilities said:

I was loving the Muppet Show sketch, but then I was horrified by the beatings -- couldn't the just escort the heckers away. The beating was too much. But then the way the puppets were shaking was amazing. AMAZING. Kenan broke! And then when they DID try to remove them from the theater, the revelation that they had no legs... That was one hilarious, wild, chaotic ride!  Also, I have been a huge Lily Tomlin fan for several decades, and her persona has gone through many incarnations, so I wondered what version of her they'd choose for the impersonation-- I loved the way they went with that.

It's not a funny sketch if they just tossed them out - no amazing shaking, no Kenan breaking, no hilarious, wild, chaotic ride.   

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Melissa and Alex had their 100th show tonight. Alex still mostly got scraps, sadly, but at least Melissa got that great Lily Tomlin on (probably one of my favorite impressions of hers). Alex is so handsome, charismatic, and multi-talented, his underuse continues to disappoint me. I guess as long as Beck is there nothing will change. 


As you can see in the first photo, Lily actually appeared with the Muppets in an early SNL episode, so this was a deep cut of a tribute (and one that wasn't even the main part of the funny, violent sketch it introduced).

Two cut sketches from the episode. I would have put them in the episode over the Gershwin sketch and cut the graduation sketch down a little to make time (I am guessing the Gemma sketch was going to air no matter what because I have a feeling it's a last hurrah for Cecily). 

I read that Sending Drinks was originally in Elon's episode. Imagining Elon in Keegan's role is quite something.

Logically I should have known Kate would not have much use for Liz Cheney, but I still expect the laziest takes from these political pieces. I was pleasantly surprised that the show did not try to sugarcoat and instead went in on her. I would have enjoyed someone else in the role a little more than Kate, but in some ways it's perfect she got the part. I noticed she mentioned "Ann Romney" as one of Liz's supporters. Even with Ann's husband being anti-Trump, that's a somewhat random name to drop - but Ann Romney was one of Kate's first breakthrough roles when she joined the cast. It makes me wonder if Kate is leaving and this was a full circle moment. 

Andrew was a breath of fresh air on Update. There wasn't anything especially new about what he was saying, but the fearless way he would react to the audience not responding to him, then pushed back when they did respond to something, etc. added a genuine live aspect to the crowd involvement which can often seem like an afterthought. 

The cold open felt like the old High School Theater sketches in the CDC. Kyle was even dressed as the same character. For that reason I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. The large, joyous LFNY (probably one of the most joyous and cohesive group LFNYs I can remember) was icing on the cake. 

I was wary about Keegan hosting, not because he's not worthy of SNL, but because he is almost too good for the more streamlined version of the show in these last few decades. They are better at figuring out how to work around a host who isn't really suited to sketch (like Carey Mulligan). I did enjoy several of his sketches (the Muppets was a huge blast, the Michael Jordan bit had some of Heidi's best SNL work ever, and even if it was too long and shouty, I appreciated the idea and many of the performances in the graduation sketch - that felt so much like the last sketch of a finale, no wonder he thought it was the finale), but I know they can do more with him. Given how visibly thrilled he was through the night, at least hopefully, if they have the sense to ask again, he will accept.

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Beck is an excellent actor, and we sometimes forget that. My hubby thought he was stellar last week in Murder Durder, and he was spot on this week as Bob Baffert.

Keegan is one of my crushes, tall, funny, talented, the whole package. He gave the show energy and fun, and you could tell he’s super comfortable with the format and the material he was given. The writing is still wobbly, but at least this week I laughed at most of the sketches, and WU was on fire.

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4 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

I read that Sending Drinks was originally in Elon's episode. Imagining Elon in Keegan's role is quite something.

Wow... Yeah it would had been more awkward for sure, which I guess was sorta the point. But I can see it being too awkward and off putting with Elon.

I wondered if Andrew's commentary about old Maw Maw was also cut from last week.

The Muppets is really one of the great sketches of the past few years. I can't get the the fear and shaking of  Statler especially out of my head. 

Edited by vb68
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Strong reliable show all around, which was a welcome treat after last week. Good use of most of the cast too. Great to see Melissa get some run. I've been watching previous season sketches and everytime she shows up she's so strong.

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The Last Dance takeoff was inspired and the characters spot on, as were the individual interviews with fake Jordan and Rodman, those were "right from" the real documentary.

I was surprised but happy to see Bob Baffert on WU. I hope he was watching from his million-dollar home in California. He's the Lance Armstrong of horse racing and deserves worse than what WU dealt him.

I was vaguely disappointed in this episode. I love Keegan-Michael Key — the writers, not so much.

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8 hours ago, vb68 said:

It was just a brutal, but apparently not completely over exaggerated, characterization of Michael Jordan's ultra competitive streak. Props to KMK for being willing to go there. 


10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I liked Beck Bennett as the steroid horse guy.  Andrew Dismukes was surprisingly amusing.  The Last Dance seemed like a really smart idea with great casting but it would probably mean more for me if I had seen the doc.  

Here's the clip they were parodying. Heidi as the security guard was dead on:

A supercut of Michael Jordan taking things personal from the documentary. He's like Pai Mei from KILL BILL where he will take the slightest offense at anything to destroy you! It is hilarious and scary.



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What are you wearing?
Who is it by?

Imagine my surprise to find out via YouTube that prom red carpet coverage is actually a thing. Oy.

That Michael Jordan sketch: was that before Dennis Rodman went extraterrestrial? Whatever, I don't know about making a joke of Jordan's gambling problem given the continuing speculation that his father's murder was related to his gambling debts. JMHO.

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5 minutes ago, rmontro said:

I thought this show was exceptionally weak, aside from the Muppet Show sketch.  Olivia Rodrigo was the best part.

Really? I thought it was fun, with a much better than average hit ratio. I fast-forwarded through Olivia Rodrigo, but she seemed fine - I've just aged out of being interested in most of the musical guests. 

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2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I'm surprised we didn't get a thank-you for the Muppets at the end.  Those must have been the real Muppets, right?

I don't believe so, no. They looked slightly off to me, and sounded slightly off to me. Those were parody Muppets.

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6 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

I don't believe so, no. They looked slightly off to me, and sounded slightly off to me. Those were parody Muppets.

Yeah, I don't think Henson, Inc would sign off on a Waldorf and Statler beat down. Probably why the "dragon" was called Kramer, too.

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26 minutes ago, SG429 said:

Yeah, I don't think Henson, Inc would sign off on a Waldorf and Statler beat down. Probably why the "dragon" was called Kramer, too.

Kermit introduced himself as “Kermit The Frog” at the beginning of the sketch.  It was just a joke of the sketch that the security guy played by Keegan had absolutely no idea who he was and kept getting his name wrong.  But yes, I agree with @theatremouse that those were not regulation Muppets.

I didn’t love the Jordan sketch because although I watched “The Last Dance,” and Jordan is one of the most competitive professional athletes you will ever see, there is, if I recall correctly from my viewing last year, a specific section of the doc that talks about how close he was to his security chief guy, who gave off some fatherly vibes towards Michael in the footage (probably amplified by Michael’s dad’s death), and who ended up dying of cancer himself.  Michael was very kind to the guy when he returned from a treatment stint, and that was a nice moment of the doc, so Michael taking this security guy for everything he had just didn’t feel like the right callback to the doc.  Redd was a great Rodman, though.

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1 hour ago, theatremouse said:

I don't believe so, no. They looked slightly off to me, and sounded slightly off to me. Those were parody Muppets.

Oh interesting.  I know it's okay to parody real people (like, say, Lily Tomlin) but I somehow thought Muppets were off limits.  Especially since they're friends of the show.

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4 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I'm surprised we didn't get a thank-you for the Muppets at the end.  Those must have been the real Muppets, right?

Yeah, those weren't the real ones. Statler's mouth isn't sculpted that simply, for one. The Kermit I'm sure was left over from when Will Forte played him way back when, but Statler and Waldorf were new.

And two details about The Last Dance sketch:

1) It was conceived a year ago but they weren't able to make it until now
2) KMK's mustache was digitally added in post because they forgot top include it when it was filmed.

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2 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I don't believe so, no. They looked slightly off to me, and sounded slightly off to me. Those were parody Muppets.

I'm sure one of the voices was Beck as well. 

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  • Wow.  Not much for Keegan to work with.
  • Melissa's impression of Lily Tomlin wasn't funny because Lily Tomlin isn't funny.
  • Beck as Bob Baffert was perfect.
  • Kyle Mooney should just leave already.
  • If that was an attempt to have Andrew Dismukes as a recurring WU guest, it failed miserably.
  • I have a soft spot for Gemma.  I don't know why.
  • The high school graduation skit was spot-on.  Asshole adults who can't follow directions.
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