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S01.E03: Enter Number Two

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1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Agreed! I've never seen a performance that accurate.

I agree with everyone's praise of his ability to fake being drunk. Best I've ever seen. But I'm curious... is there any reason he couldn't have had multiple drinks before doing the scene? I ask because of how flushed and sort of sweaty his face looked. Maybe just good makeup, but I don't know... 

I really enjoyed the first 2 episodes of this show and was anxious for a third, but I'm getting sick of a lead character who never laughs, never cracks a smile, and has zero sense of humour. Why exactly is the author attracted to her? Her surliness? She's the kind of person I'd avoid like the plague. We saw him at the book party surrounded by women (weird given how greasy and ferretty he looked.) Surely he can do better than Crabby McCrabberson. I was starting to really dislike her, even before she planted drugs on a recovering addict. 

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Interesting takes on my dislike for Drunk!Zabel. YMMV, but the scene felt heavy-handed to me. I get it, they wanted to muss him up a bit, show he's got shades of gray like everyone else. But especially on this show, I liked having a straight-arrow foil to Mare.

Also, the reunion setting and breakup story just didn't work for me. If they want to dig deeper into his character, I would have preferred more focus on the hints that he's actually not the wunderkind detective he's been made out to be. 

And for what it's worth, I have no issue with getting drunk at a reunion. I've gotten drunk at reunions just having a great time with old friends. I would have been fine if they'd left it at that. But, no, he's got love-life baggage, and clichéd love-life baggage at that. Meh.

Regarding Frank, I doubt the safety of the kids, gathered around a board game with another adult present, was at the top of Mare's mind. I also don't think she actually believed Frank could be the dad. She was just pissed because he lied, and she does not think rationally when angry (as evidenced by her insane plot to frame Carrie). It's a wonder she hasn't lost her job before now. 

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4 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Whenever I see Guy Pearce, I think of the line "With a wrecking ball" from L.A. Confidential.

"With a wrecking ball. Wanna help me swing it?" I could both hear and see him deliver the line when I read that, heh.

I feel like there has to be more to Richard than just being vaguely-unlikable-writer that Mare dates. Casting Guy Pearce just indicates more to me. Do they do red herring casting?

I'm really liking the show so far, but yeah, Mare thinking that stealing evidence drugs and planting them on Carrier could even work doesn't ring true. She's a cop, a good cop from what I can see - surely she'd realise they were stamped and that it would be noticed. I could buy her getting the drugs out in the first place, but once she was trying to talk herself out of "a bad thought" I feel like she would've realised the obvious issues.

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20 hours ago, BingeyKohan said:

We're spending so much time with Siobhan - I wonder if she will stumble into a connection to or lead on the Katie case but will end up having nothing to do with the Erin case. (For example, why note the suspicion that her brother may not have been alone in that moody video he sent her?)

The actress who played the medical examiner reciting her findings about Erin - those were some high school theater line readings. Yikes.

What will the significance of Betty's backyard security cam eventually be? 

Yes! I was like “wtf?” How did they this hire no talent among a stellar cast?!


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12 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

I do not think that Erin killed herself and still wondering who the real father of her child is.  It would be a kicker if it turns out to be Mare's dead son and at this point, I'm wondering if he really did kill himself or if he were murdered and it was made to look like a suicide. 

I don't think anyone believes that Erin killed herself. Mare and the police are treating it as a homicide. If it were a suicide, they wouldn't be going to these lengths to investigate it. Erin's body was found at the creek but her finger was found at a park miles away where Mare found the bullet. There's no way that Erin could have shot herself in the head and then gotten herself to the creek.

I don't know if the timeline would work for Kevin to be DJ's father. Mare said Kevin died two years ago. I don't think anyone has said how old DJ is, but it would only be possible for Kevin to be the father if DJ is over a certain age. For example, if Kevin died 24 months ago and DJ was a full term baby (40 weeks), then it would only be possible for Kevin to be DJ's father if the baby is at least 15 months old.

I think if there was any hint of irregularity or foul play about Kevin's death, as a detective Mare would have investigated the hell out of it (unofficially, of course) and been on her coworkers to be very thorough. I know it's a small town but I don't think it's necessary for all three of these teen deaths (Kevin, Katie, Erin) to be connected. As a viewer, I understand the desire to have all the plot points tied up, but I'm fine with them being three tragic but separate and completely unrelated deaths. Of the three, I'd be more inclined to think that Katie's and Erin's are somehow related (heh, I have no logical reason for that though!).

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This would make even more sense if Joe Ross is the real dad since he and Frank seem like pretty good friends.

At this point, I think Joe is the prime suspect for bio-dad/killer. He's always around and there are some clues but he's not super obvious and/or hasn't been directly linked to it yet. 

I'm leaning towards him because of the whole "get up late from the engagement party" deal and now with the convenient picture of Frank.  My guess is ballistics will show a connection to Kenny's gun (Dylan shot/bullet in tree) which will point to Kenny (already a volatile guy and in custody) but it will later be found out that Joe took the gun.  Or not, heh.

Mare's breaking point with Carrie came at the end of the conversation with her.  Mare tells her that Drew has been doing the excessive blinking and Carrie basically tells her she doesn't want to hear it.  I don't remember her exact wording but it was dismissive.  Just watch Mare's expression there - probably picturing Drew having the same problems and fate that Kevin did.

I still hate the drug planting story line because I like Mare and want to continue to like her.  This makes it very difficult.  Also, it was ridiculously sloppy.  I also don't like the way it was sprung on us - we are basically following Mare around and never see any indication that she did this or it's what she was thinking when she took the drugs.   It's obvious Mare is feeling pressured from all sides but the drug planting is more of a crooked, sideways move then a downward spiral. 

I'm not a fan of Richard right now.  Maybe it's the hair, though him talking about his son wasn't really endearing.

I'm not as wowed by Evan Peters as everyone else.  He's doing fine but Kate Winslet is doing the outstanding work IMO.  I'm also not seeing Evan's character's genius yet - he's definitely ready to quit when she isn't.  After hearing the story about his rise to fame, he may also believe his reputation is a bit undeserved.  That said, I got a flirtatious vibe from him at the end of the scene in the bar and I liked how Mare handled it - sort of a weary "what, this?" kind of thing.

Wouldn't it be something if DJ IS actually Dylan's bio son?  That might be the best case for DJ since Dylan's parents seem very attached - at least in this episode.   Then maybe Erin was trying to get the money from someone else by telling them they were the bio-dad when they weren't. 


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I'll have to come back when I have more time to comment on everything else, but I scrolled through and it seems I'm the only one who thought Mare didn't steal the drugs to "frame" Carrie so much as she thought if Carrie found some drugs she would do them and relapse. I think that's why Mare was surprised she was "caught" -- she didn't call in a tip for a traffic stop, the traffic stop screwed her over (without that, no one bothers to notice a couple of missing packets of smack, maybe she wants the same label on them because that was Carrie's dealer and she wants her to think she just forgot she stashed them, etc.).

She figures Carrie finds the drugs, relapses, problem solved. Don't get me wrong -- still shady and illegal, etc. but maybe a different creature than stealing drugs for a frame up to get her arrested, have those drugs used as evidence, etc.

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Casting Guy Pearce just indicates more to me.

The Vanity Fair podcast pointed out he was last minute recast for a more unknown actor, most likely as a favor to Winslet. So no this whole thing wasn't written to the last minute casting of a more famous than expected cast member. Doesn't mean Mare's new in town love interest isn't supposed to be suspect of something. I think Nicholson's casting is much more indicative of a bigger story for her, than a bigger story for Pearce. 

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1 hour ago, tljgator said:

I'll have to come back when I have more time to comment on everything else, but I scrolled through and it seems I'm the only one who thought Mare didn't steal the drugs to "frame" Carrie so much as she thought if Carrie found some drugs she would do them and relapse. I think that's why Mare was surprised she was "caught" -- she didn't call in a tip for a traffic stop, the traffic stop screwed her over (without that, no one bothers to notice a couple of missing packets of smack, maybe she wants the same label on them because that was Carrie's dealer and she wants her to think she just forgot she stashed them, etc.).

She figures Carrie finds the drugs, relapses, problem solved. Don't get me wrong -- still shady and illegal, etc. but maybe a different creature than stealing drugs for a frame up to get her arrested, have those drugs used as evidence, etc.

I’m in your camp. I think we will find out Mare was framed. 

  • Love 5

Another stellar episode and so many moments/beats to mull over. Will have to watch again of course as I'm sure I missed a few. 

Not sure if I caught it correctly (meaning not sure it was the same day), but I'm thinking part of why Zabel got so drunk that night was because of the previous case with the murder of the ten year old. When Mare was asking him about the case and he told her how he solved it and figured out where the girl was, he looked like he wanted to cry and it was difficult to even recount it to Mare.

She asked him if they found the body there at the construction site (quarry?) where the suspect worked. He paused and then said they were able to bring her home or something like that. He wasn't even able to say how he found the body of the little girl, where she was buried, etc. That kind of death and discovery of a body is traumatizing and though we all watch cop shows a lot (I'm guessing) where cops find a body every week, for a detective in a rural county in PA? He's not seeing that many dead little girls who have been murdered. 

So his telling Mare about it brought it all back and he got trashed that night. I think Mare understood all of that. At least that was my read on it. 

My long shot suspect? Lori. The way that Erin was unclothed but hadn't been sexually assaulted? Makes me think a woman did it. And if Lori suspected John was the father of Erin's baby? Another theory: maybe Erin is raising money for DJ's ear surgery by sleeping with guys?  So could make her connected to previous missing girl, Katie, if they were both sex workers. 

Edited by Pop Tart
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We might find out more about the drug planting scenario next episode, when Mare has to explain to her family why she's suddenly home all day instead of going to work, but personally I think the show just failed viewers a bit in the way it showed the steps of Mare's bungled sabotage of Carrie. Mare taking the drugs out of the evidence locker is really not the most important thing for us to see in order to believe she did it - her putting the drugs in the glove compartment is much more important to see, and they didn't let us see that. (Let alone seeing Carrie get pulled over, having the drugs found in her glove box, protesting they weren't hers, etc.) I wonder if they filmed more but decided not to use it for some reason. I don't think they've set up a frame-job scenario for Mare -- nobody on the force seems to have it out for her, and even if they did they'd also have to know she went to the evidence locker and took the heroin. That's a lot to establish later for a reveal, and this isn't the kind of show that's going to backtrack and show us a 'how it went down' flashback sequence, I don't think. 

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2 minutes ago, BingeyKohan said:

I don't think they've set up a frame-job scenario for Mare -- nobody on the force seems to have it out for her, and even if they did they'd also have to know she went to the evidence locker and took the heroin. That's a lot to establish later for a reveal, and this isn't the kind of show that's going to backtrack and show us a 'how it went down' flashback sequence, I don't think. 

Agreed -- I don't think she's being framed, I think it just went wrong for her. I think she took the drugs to try to get Carrie to relapse, and when Carrie got stopped and the drugs were found, it backfired on Mare and she was caught and found out.

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, lakin1013 said:

My thinking - She took the drugs.  She sat at the bar thinking, looked at the drugs again, then changed her mind and intended to put them back early next day.  When the captain came to her door to relieve her of duty, she went along meekly because -- while Mare is messy, impulsive, and complicated -- she is not stupid.  She now knows that somebody else has framed her.

I think you might be onto something. That does make sense and it's the kind of ~twist~ these shows like to use lol.

14 hours ago, Cheezwiz said:

I'm also wondering about Mare's clergyman cousin. He looked awfully anxious to know how things went when Deacon sketchy returned from being interviewed.

I've been expecting him to be creepy since the second I saw him lol. At the very least, he definitely knows more than he's saying.

11 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I never thought my main viewing objective would be hoping Kate Winslet and Evan Peters hook up, but here we are.


3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't know if the timeline would work for Kevin to be DJ's father. Mare said Kevin died two years ago. I don't think anyone has said how old DJ is, but it would only be possible for Kevin to be the father if DJ is over a certain age. For example, if Kevin died 24 months ago and DJ was a full term baby (40 weeks), then it would only be possible for Kevin to be DJ's father if the baby is at least 15 months old.

I've been thinking the same thing. I don't see how this theory can work because the baby is not old enough. But then, something about what Frank said about helping Erin (I can't remember what exactly) made me think maybe the baby is supposed to be older than he seems.

16 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

Not sure if I caught it correctly (meaning not sure it was the same day), but I'm thinking part of why Zabel got so drunk that night was because of the previous case with the murder of the ten year old. When Mare was asking him about the case and he told her how he solved it and figured out where the girl was, he looked like he wanted to cry and it was difficult to even recount it to Mare.

That was how I read it as well.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

I agree, I don't think Mare was framed. No one saw her coming out of the evidence locker and no one knew she had a heroin packet. I suppose Zabel could have gone through her pockets, but that doesn't make much sense.

Mare had the drugs after Zabel left her in the bar--they showed her looking at them, so yeah, I don't think there's a frame-up happening.

Not sure how old DJ is or when Kevin killed himself, but Frank did say he started to help Erin with the baby *after* Kevin died.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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17 hours ago, I Want My MBTV said:

IDK - for me there really wasn't any "evidence" here. The friend said Erin told her that Dylan wasn't the father (who knows if Erin just told her that because it's true or because Dylan's an asshole) but she said Erin did not say who the real father is (again could be because it's Dylan) but the friend "thought" it might be Frank because she say him drop Erin off with baby stuff? That's pretty weak. 

I agree, but what she did have solid evidence of was that he 100% lied to her face about a murdered girl. It would be very strange not to immediately confront him, I think.

5 hours ago, raven said:


I'm not as wowed by Evan Peters as everyone else.  He's doing fine but Kate Winslet is doing the outstanding work IMO.

I think she's stellar in this, and I can't speak for everyone else but when I was demanding all the awards for Peters, it was very specifically for one of the most spot-on drunk scenes I've ever seen, not his overall performance. (Which is solid, but not really the thing to rave about in this show)

4 hours ago, tljgator said:

I'll have to come back when I have more time to comment on everything else, but I scrolled through and it seems I'm the only one who thought Mare didn't steal the drugs to "frame" Carrie so much as she thought if Carrie found some drugs she would do them and relapse. I think that's why Mare was surprised she was "caught" -- she didn't call in a tip for a traffic stop, the traffic stop screwed her over (without that, no one bothers to notice a couple of missing packets of smack, maybe she wants the same label on them because that was Carrie's dealer and she wants her to think she just forgot she stashed them, etc.).

She figures Carrie finds the drugs, relapses, problem solved. Don't get me wrong -- still shady and illegal, etc. but maybe a different creature than stealing drugs for a frame up to get her arrested, have those drugs used as evidence, etc.

I feel so dim now! Of course this is it! I knew there was something more to it and that she couldn't have been that stupid. Still an unbelievably horrific thing to do, try to get a recovering addict (and mother of her grandson) back on drugs. But yes, this is it. I think some folks were trying to explain that earlier and I was still being thick-headed, so thank you for spelling it out like that!

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, gesundheit said:

I agree, but what she did have solid evidence of was that he 100% lied to her face about a murdered girl. It would be very strange not to immediately confront him, I think.

I think she's stellar in this, and I can't speak for everyone else but when I was demanding all the awards for Peters, it was very specifically for one of the most spot-on drunk scenes I've ever seen, not his overall performance. (Which is solid, but not really the thing to rave about in this show)

I feel so dim now! Of course this is it! I knew there was something more to it and that she couldn't have been that stupid. Still an unbelievably horrific thing to do, try to get a recovering addict (and mother of her grandson) back on drugs. But yes, this is it. I think some folks were trying to explain that earlier and I was still being thick-headed, so thank you for spelling it out like that!

If Mare planted drugs in hopes that Carrie would use/relapse...well, that might be morally more repugnant than planting drugs to keep Carrie from getting custody. Race to the bottom, either way.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Penman61 said:

If Mare planted drugs in hopes that Carrie would use/relapse...well, that might be morally more repugnant than planting drugs to keep Carrie from getting custody. Race to the bottom, either way.

Yes, I don't think it mitigates anything morally -- maybe even the opposite. But it makes the story itself more plausible because I just didn't believe she could be that stupid.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, raven said:

I'm also not seeing Evan's character's genius yet - he's definitely ready to quit when she isn't.  After hearing the story about his rise to fame, he may also believe his reputation is a bit undeserved. 

I'm perplexed by this as well.  He's following Mare around like a little puppy when he was supposed to be the stronger detective who was brought in because she was failing.  He seems a bit timid and stumbling.  

There have been references hoping that this isn't like The Undoing......I'm hoping it's not like Little Fires Everywhere where I absolutely hated EVERY character.

Right now the biggest mystery to me to solve is why a woman would name one of her children Kevin and the other Siobhan! 

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I'm getting sick of a lead character who never laughs, never cracks a smile, and has zero sense of humour.

She smiled and said welcome to the new cop, she was sweet and lovely to Lori's two kids, and she joked around with Lori about the shrimp. You not liking her sense of humor and her having no sense of humor are two different things. Mare is pretty consistently funny. I love that female character is being allowed to be a world weary put upon pain in the ass.


Mare didn't steal the drugs to "frame" Carrie so much as she thought if Carrie found some drugs she would do them and relapse. 

I mean I absolutely think she  meant to frame Carrie, there are much easier ways to get Carrie to relapse including just paying a drug dealer to give her some for free. Like as soon as she went into the evidence locker I said out loud girl you are NOT gonna plant those drugs on that woman. Now yes ultimately I think Mare wasn't thinking at all when she made this terrible desperate decision, she wanted to sabotage Carrie by any means necessary, because she was at an emotional breaking point.

Re: Kevin and paternity of DJ, I think they have fudged up the timelines a bit. Kevin died two years this February, but it's only the first week of January, so not quite 24 month. Erin said the baby just turned 1 but that could be lie to conform to her Dylan is DJs father timeline. I agree that Kevin probably isn't his dad because it's still probably a four month difference, but the show does want us to speculate that someone was with Kevin before he died (per Siobhan's exposition about Carrie/Kevin being broken up), but I think it's just as likely to have been a friend who was also hurting, aka Katie or Erin.

Does the show seem confused about what a Deacon is? They had Mare call him Father, like he was priest, but a Deacon seems like a very confusing thing: they are ordained, are only men,  and while they can be ordained while married, if they aren't they also have to take the vow of celibacy. Also it seems like her cousin IS a priest, but is seemingly subordinate to a Deacon who had to be moved to a new parish for bad behavior.

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9 minutes ago, blixie said:

She smiled and said welcome to the new cop, she was sweet and lovely to Lori's two kids, and she joked around with Lori about the shrimp. You not liking her sense of humor and her having no sense of humor are two different things. Mare is pretty consistently funny. I love that female character is being allowed to be a world weary put upon pain in the ass.

Yeah, I have to say, she's cracking a lot of jokes. That they are dry/dark jokes is definitely a matter of personal taste. I feel like I'm the target audience, though, based on the amount of cackling coming from my couch!

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7 hours ago, Pop Tart said:


Not sure if I caught it correctly (meaning not sure it was the same day), but I'm thinking part of why Zabel got so drunk that night was because of the previous case with the murder of the ten year old. When Mare was asking him about the case and he told her how he solved it and figured out where the girl was, he looked like he wanted to cry and it was difficult to even recount it to Mare.

She asked him if they found the body there at the construction site (quarry?) where the suspect worked. He paused and then said they were able to bring her home or something like that. He wasn't even able to say how he found the body of the little girl, where she was buried, etc. That kind of death and discovery of a body is traumatizing and though we all watch cop shows a lot (I'm guessing) where cops find a body every week, for a detective in a rural county in PA? He's not seeing that many dead little girls who have been murdered.


Funny that as I had a completely different take.  I thought he was making parts up.  He does not strike me as a hard-charging detective.  According to what we have seen, he is lackadaisical, pleasant, and ready to stop for the day long before Mare.  I think he is acting as a unreliable narrator when he speaks and the pauses in his telling of his case indicate dissembling.  There may be more to learn about that case and the two cases in Easttown.  In short, I don't trust Zabel. 

*He also could have framed Mare. When she pulled the drug packets from her pocket in the bar, he could have seen that. 

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They have made Billy Ross seem pretty shady.  Maybe everyone from this town looks shady but he has had these weird looks in several scenes.

Cops planting evidence is pretty common on these shows.  There was a pretty serious version of it on The Wire, season 3, if I recall correctly.

I can understand why Mare may have stolen the drugs to plant on Carrie but why did she change the log?  Doing both things nailed her.

I think it is great that they have set this in a small town where everyone knows everyone else.  I think more towns are like this than the big cities where no one know anyone.  This is the kind of town I grew up in and we were only 45 minutes from Manhattan.


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1 hour ago, paigow said:

Zabel would never ghost his bros to plant evidence... on someone he never met... plus manage to steal it from Mare...


1. Zabel could have planted it after partying.

2. Zabel could care less about who, his intentions are negative toward Mare.

3. Do we know for certain it was the only heroin to steal out of the evidence case?  

I think Zabel got lucky with his case that involved the missing 10 year old girl.  I agree with that or maybe he took credit because he wasn't acting like a hard hitting Detective at the crime scene.

The theory he planted the drugs on Drew's Mom who Mare wanted out of the way I don't buy that. How does he even know who she is or what she looks like? Unless he has been stalking Mare he would have no idea about Carrie. 

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4 hours ago, lakin1013 said:

1. Zabel could have planted it after partying.

3. Do we know for certain it was the only heroin to steal out of the evidence case?  

Mare still has the 2 packets of heroin in her pocket after Colin said “cheers to hazelnuts” and left. 

The heroin packets have special stamp, specifically from the Barnett case.




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On 5/3/2021 at 9:41 AM, BingeyKohan said:

I had to laugh a little the first time they showed Siobhan working on her edit, recording into a microphone, then pulling back to show she was in a computer lab with an entire class. That audio isn't going to be great! 

She then used a completely different microphone for later voice overs. This will be an inconsistent sounding mess. Usually you cut the movie and then do the voice overs in one run, to maintain a consistent signal chain and audio recording. But what do I know, she's the pro that was still able to do a great live performance despite the overly stoned guitar player. /s

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On 5/4/2021 at 10:17 AM, Kiki620 said:

Right now the biggest mystery to me to solve is why a woman would name one of her children Kevin and the other Siobhan! 

They are both Irish names, tho one is more common in the States than the other. Saint Kevin founded a monastery in Dublin in the 7th(?) century and is s patron saint of Dublin.

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Evan Peters not only was great in the drunk scene, but he's the only actor doing the accent consistently. (I'm a Delco native) Despite all the articles online about how much work Kate did on the accent, it's not great and NOT consistent at all. She's doing the O's pretty well -- words like don't and phone, but she's missing the other markers that make the Delco accent distinct.

Evan's getting the flattened O's ("you owe me a Cewke.") But he's also getting the the I in words like right and nice, that sound more like roight and noice. He's also getting the flattened A. While most Americans might pronounce the A in words like bathroom, after, and map the same way, the Phila accent will will have the A in bathroom and after more like the A in words like dance and can't. Peters is getting all of that right (or roight!), although I think his accent might be even thicker for a kid from Ridley High Class of '05. 

Edited by bourbon
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I've been thinking about the theory of Kevin being D.J.'s father. At first I was an automatic 'nah' on that. But I was talking to friends who watch and mentioned it. One of them said Kevin being the father would explain why Frank took an interest and was bringing Erin diapers and supplies. 

So I'm now sort of considering it - or perhaps just considering that Frank thinks Kevin was the father? 

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I've been thinking about the theory of Kevin being D.J.'s father. At first I was an automatic 'nah' on that. But I was talking to friends who watch and mentioned it. One of them said Kevin being the father would explain why Frank took an interest and was bringing Erin diapers and supplies. 

So I'm now sort of considering it - or perhaps just considering that Frank thinks Kevin was the father? 

Erin is a minor. Kevin being the father is slam dunk statutory rape / sexual interference / molestation... Since Kevin is dead, the case is dead and there is no legal reason to keep it secret for a year. Therefore, no motive exists to kill Erin if Kevin is the father. 

  • Useful 1
34 minutes ago, paigow said:

Erin is a minor. Kevin being the father is slam dunk statutory rape / sexual interference / molestation... Since Kevin is dead, the case is dead and there is no legal reason to keep it secret for a year. Therefore, no motive exists to kill Erin if Kevin is the father. 

Oh I'm not thinking that Frank is the killer. I just thought that if he thought Kevin was DJ's father, it would explain why he had taken an interest in Erin and brought diapers and supplies for baby DJ. An explanation that doesn't include Frank himself as having been in a sexual relationship with Erin (which I thought was an early red-herring).

This isn't a likely scenario to my mind, but for those positing that Kevin could be DJ's dad, then Frank's behavior becomes a bit more understandable. And also would explain why he wouldn't tell Mare about it. Kevin's suicide and how it clearly dealt a death blow (pardon the pun) to Frank and Mare's marriage was enough already. So if Kevin is the baby-daddy or even if Frank just suspected he was, I'd believe completely that he'd keep it from Mare.

All of this based on the conjecture about DJ and likely completely wrong. 🙂

  • Love 2

I don't think the math really works for DJ to be Kevin's if everything is as was stated and Erin wasn't lying about DJ being a year old. If he is, he was conceived 22 months ago and Kevin was dead a month earlier. I've mostly been trying to suss out based on the extremely red hair on the baby they cast  if anyone else we know has red hair and in town full of seeming Irish/Italian Catholics it's weird no one else is a redhead. That said, his hair color is probably not actually a clue to anything. 

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18 hours ago, blixie said:

I don't think the math really works for DJ to be Kevin's if everything is as was stated and Erin wasn't lying about DJ being a year old. If he is, he was conceived 22 months ago and Kevin was dead a month earlier. I've mostly been trying to suss out based on the extremely red hair on the baby they cast  if anyone else we know has red hair and in town full of seeming Irish/Italian Catholics it's weird no one else is a redhead. That said, his hair color is probably not actually a clue to anything. 

Mare is a redhead.  So I guess that could lend credence to the theory of Kevin being the father.  I agree the math doesn't seem to work for that theory though.

On 5/4/2021 at 10:01 AM, lakin1013 said:

I am firmly in the Mare was framed camp, regarding the drugs.  I have posted earlier - she took the drugs, she wanted to get Carrie in trouble, but we know she had a bad thought, and it went away.  I think she meant to put the drugs back.  Something has happened to frame Mare.

I agree I don't think Mare planted the drugs.

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On 5/7/2021 at 11:33 AM, wovenloaf said:

Mare is a redhead.  So I guess that could lend credence to the theory of Kevin being the father.  I agree the math doesn't seem to work for that theory though.

Mare is a redhead?  On my tv her hair looks to be dark brown roots and a home grown bleach job growing out on the ends.  I guess that tv screen color varies.  

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