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"The View": Week of 2/1/2021

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Don Lemon just played the clip from today of Meghan blaming the media for the rise of MTG during his monologue tonight.

Someone’s not gonna be happy when she sees what he said... 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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19 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Don Lemon just played the clip from today of Meghan blaming the media for the rise of MTG during his monologue tonight.

Someone’s not gonna be happy she sees what he said... 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

With the chyron at the bottom of the screen screaming “GOP HYPOCRISY IS EVERYWHERE” Lemon played a clip of MeAgain ranting and raving and Lemon finally said “Meghan has selective hearing.”


Edited by TimWil
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21 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Don Lemon just played the clip from today of Meghan blaming the media for the rise of MTG during his monologue tonight.

Someone’s not gonna be happy she sees what he said... 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

LOL - and later a real political analysis, Ana, was on to discuss it.

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8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Whoopie has believed  the lies that the right and Megan has said about those ladies..

Here are some of the lies Meghun has said. That Bernie supports eugenics. Rep. Swalwell had relations with a Chinese spy. Trying to blame Ilhan Omar and the extreme left for a synagogue shooting. That AOC is trying to eliminate the human race.... Okay, okay. That last one was blAbby but Meghan added to it by bringing up abortion and saying look how extreme the left has gotten.

And so much more that my brain doesn't have room for.

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9 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

Okay, so, from what I was able to glean from other news sources, the issue isn't that Harris did an interview with a WV television station without telling Manchin first.  The issue is that Manchin has been iffy on the stimulus package and the way this is usually dealt with is via a private phone call where the Pres/VP/whoever tries to gain the senator's support.  Harris doing the interview (where she lays out how the package would benefit the people of WV) without contacting Manchin first is being seen as an attempt to strong-arm him into supporting the relief package.  (Apparently she also did an interview with an Arizona station, where there's also a senator who isn't fully onboard with the package either).  So with that context, it makes more sense why he's angered by the entire situation.

Bingo.  This is exactly it.  Maybe he wouldn't have called out a white man publicly, but he's miffed because she did an end run around him by going directly to his voters.  He'll get over it.


Edited by Haleth
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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Bingo.  This is exactly it.  Maybe he wouldn't have called out a white man publicly, but he's miffed because she did an end run around him by going directly to his voters.  He'll get over it.


Even our Republican governor pretty much told Manchin to get over it.  In certain circles his behavior will be cheered but most people will see this for what it is.  A white man once again telling a woman (of color no less) how to behave.

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Joy, Sara and Meghan are not in because of snow....the Canadian in me wants to say this is weak, but the Canadian in me also wants to sympathize with them even though 2 feet isn't that big of a deal.

Edit: I'm just kidding about it not being a big deal. 2 feet is about 60cm, so it's a lot lol.

Edited by MeThinkMeNot
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17 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Oh thank God Meg won’t be here to make some tacky awful comment about AOC and her recounting of the terrorist attack on the Capitol and her assault. 

Thank God Relief GIF by Wiz Khalifa

That was my first thought too. And good thing she’s not there to screech again that all Reps shouldn’t be painted with the same brush. 

Edited by Haleth
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I wanted to hear what Meghan has to say considering how she was demonizing AOC and members of the squad since they came into office. She helped feed the hatred towards them and she needs to realize that. I wanted to hear what she said and how she'll try to distance herself from it, even though she helped create this mess.

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Today's co-host lineup is pretty good: only four hosts, so everyone gets a chance to give their opinion; enough diversity of thought so that you don't already know what they're going to say; and relatively well-informed so that what they do say is grounded in reality.

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8 minutes ago, JayD83 said:

The media needs to stop giving Greene what she wants - attention.  This is the SAME way Trump was elected President! 

The media is always going to show what gets them ratings/clicks and unfortunately it's usually the crazy people that gets the most attention.   One thing that is different with MTG is she is not going to be invited on most mainstream shows.  She won't be on the View.  She won't be on Colbert. I do think at some point the media at large will lose interest. She will still have Fox and the rest of the right wing media but at that point she is just preaching to the choir.

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37 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

Joy, Sara and Meghan are not in because of snow....the Canadian in me wants to say this is weak, but the Canadian in me also wants to sympathize with them even though 2 feet isn't that big of a deal.

Edit: I'm just kidding about it not being a big deal. 2 feet is about 60cm, so it's a lot lol.

just saw your edit lol.  🙂 2 feet of snow in a major metropolitan area is a huge deal.  I know they had a no cars allowed on the street curfew (although that may have been lifted)  I know Joy was without a tech person, Sarah probably couldn't get a car service and I don't care about MM.  Although Kelly and Ryan made it in and they're in same location as View - so basically.....there's no rhyme or reason to it.  

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44 minutes ago, Axie said:

Meggie is either traveling or not very “in the beltway” because although the weather is miserable, there’s not that much snow in DC. 

HAH! I live in the MD/DC/VA area and Maryland/DC barely got 3 inches! I'm jealous of the NY/Mid-Atlantic north of me that got 2 feet!

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On 2/1/2021 at 11:28 AM, ifionlyknew said:

Senator Manchin is my senator and he can STFU.  He never would have said a word if the vice president was a white man.

I can’t stand him, but I’ve got to agree with Joy.     It’s politics. Manchin is a DINO, but the Ds need him. This is what the Rs are pros at. They will hold their nose and side with the absolute dregs of the earth to forward their agenda.  

I don’t think Kamala owes him anything, but a staff member could have reached out and spoken to him before the interview.  This guy could flip across the aisle at any time, and there goes the tenuous majority. 

That said, I think Kamala’s sex and race influenced Manchin’s comment, and fuck him for that. 

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

HAH! I live in the MD/DC/VA area and Maryland/DC barely got 3 inches! I'm jealous of the NY/Mid-Atlantic north of me that got 2 feet!

I guess we have to take into consideration that if she’s in the beltway, she’s probably weighed down by all the sand and salt the road crews been spreading on her.

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1 hour ago, JayD83 said:

The media needs to stop giving Greene what she wants - attention.  This is the SAME way Trump was elected President! 

I don't know. I hear what you're saying, but to some degree I'm glad it is widely known that a district in Georgia elected someone who is batshit crazy, ignorant, and unfit. Rather have it known than have them hiding in plain sight. And she certainly doesn't being on the Education and Labor, and Budget Committees. Though I would love to see how Bernie deals with her!

Meghan is the one garnering way too much attention, IMO! 


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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Seeing Ana today was an unexpected surprise and she was wonderful as always.. I loved what she had to say about Cicely Tyson who is now an ancestor.. I am going to get her book.  

I loved her question to regarding Cicely Tyson to Ibram X. Kendi.  It's a much more  thoughtful question than what we typically see.   Made me wonder if they usual producers/production team were also out today.  I loved that she realized the reason she even knew  what a big deal Cicely is, was because she had a diverse group of social media friends and following.  

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I loved Ana's question regarding Cicely Tyson to Ibram X. Kendi too, though I've loved Cecily Tyson since Sounder (1972) and I'm white.  We rarely hear such thoughtful questions on this show.   

I was surprised that Whoopi did not thank Dr. Kendi for his service as a front line worker. 😉

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, ForumLou said:

I just realized that Whoppi's background commentary when others are talking, has gotten much better.  Good job there!  😜

You're just getting accustomed to it & it's beginning to sound rational & normal ... LOL!!!

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I agree with everybody about how nice this panel was.  But of course Whoopi is still prone to her gaffes like when she said the groundhog saw his shadow and we'll have 3 more weeks of winter!  Uh, Whoopi, isn't it 6 more weeks?  (But I'll take the three!)

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23 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

I have a hard time believing VP Harris broke some unspoken rule. It is customary when a president or vice president visits a state the congressional delegation is invited but interviews with local media needs a heads up? Like I said earlier Manchin is my senator and he is not well liked by anyone in our state.  His reaction IMO is him trying to appeal to the voters who didn't vote for VP Harris. 

The rules are apparently different if you're a FEMALE Vice-President. 

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7 hours ago, JayD83 said:

The media needs to stop giving Greene what she wants - attention.  This is the SAME way Trump was elected President! 

I understand the argument, the logic of it, and in the case of the former President there was some real truth to the notion that the less his name, image and words were broadcast, the better in some sense. 

But it was a hard thing to come up with any rule on, because the flip side was allowing specific acts to go unnoticed by the general public. 

Bring that forward to this lady. Would most people really know she'd been appointed to the Education committee if she hadn't been put back in the news cycle?  Would they comprehend what that appointment said about the leadership above her if it hadn't been in the news? 

When to cover and when not is a pretty complicated puzzle even for straight news programs. For a hybrid program like The View, they're probably best just keeping it simple and speaking about things rather than trying to be arbiters of when coverage is appropriate or not. 

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I guess I'm the odd one out, because I didn't like Ana's topic on Cisley Tyson at all. I watched the Ana / Dr. Kendi question at least a dozen times, and still can't understand why she was making this a case of racism:


 She said she was following the tributes to Cicely Tyson (upon Tyson's death last week), but the beautiful tributes were all from black people - celebrities and friends - on Twitter. She claimed 'very few' were from 'non-black' people.  

Stop right there - did she count all the tributes to Oscar and multi-Emmy winner actress Cloris Leachman that same week ? Did she count the number of 'non-white' friends and celebrities who paid tribute to her ?  Dis she notice they were mostly from white people ?

Because of this she decided she had to buy her autobiography - which was released just 48 hours before her death (Ana doesn't mention this part).  The first place she goes to buy the book is on-line, and the book is sold out everywhere on-line. Isn't she one of the hosts who - for the past year - has been pushing to shop small businesses during the pandemic ? As a matter of fact she is, and she came to the realization that there's a bookstore in her town of mostly 'white and Hispanic', so she called her local bookstore and "sure enough they had it". 

Stop right there -  what exactly is she implying that the bookstore in a predominantly white and Hispanic neighborhood 'sure enough' had the book in stock ?  That white and Hispanic people weren't buying the book ? (This is exactly what she's suggesting). Can it be maybe all her white and Hispanic neighbors bought the book on-line before she did, and that's why it's sold out everywhere ? Maybe an on-line purchase was their option as much as it was hers, and therefore the local small-business bookstore had it in stock ?  Who is she suggesting is the on-line customer who is buying out Amazon and other on-line retailers ?

So she sends someone to the bookstore to pick up the book for her, and the cashier asked "What the hell is going on with this book that everyone's calling up wanting this book?" so Ana's errand girl turned around and asked Ana the same question. 

Perhaps neither one of them heard the news that the author of that book had died within 48 hours of the book, within 48-72 hours of her last live interviews (which is publicity in itself) and therefore the circumstances led to the spike in interest which in fact led to the spike in sales. That's rather feasible and very logical.

No, Ana didn't see it that way. Logic and feasibility escaped her. But racism didn't...


She asked Dr, Kendi:

"It struck me that we live in parallel universes sometimes, and we don't even realize we live in parallel universes. So if that's the case, how do we cross over so that we can fight racism?" 


Yes, Ana jumped to the conclusion that because Tyson had few tributes from her 'non-white friends and celebrities' on Twitter, because Tyson's book was sold out on Amazon and other on-line retailers but not at the local bookstore (being crushed by on-line retailers) , the fact that the cashier and her errand girl were surprised by the uptick in sales of the book are all facts of RACISM ? 

Sorry Ana - there are (unfortunately) millions of cases in this country you can use as examples of racism, and discuss with Dr. Kindi. It's everywhere, and more prevalent than ever over the past four years. Your trying to make Tyson's tributes and level of 'in-stock books' in a white neighborhood bookstore is not one of them, so don't try to make it one.


Speaking of Tyson, they have done quite a beautiful job on the show the past two days of memorializing her.  So why no mention of Cloris Leachman, who won an Oscar and ties with Julia Louis Dreyfuss for most Emmy wins by an actress, and died two days before Tyson? Why no mention of 95 year old actor Hal Holbrook, who's death on January 23 was announced this morning ? Doesn't his Oscar nod and numerous Emmy Awards qualify for a mention ?  And then there's actor Dustin Diamond, who passed yesterday at the young age of 44 from stage 4 lung cancer which he was diagnosed with two weeks ago. No mention of him ?


Edited by LetsStartTalking
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Oh My Goodness! Today took me back to the early seasons of this show! 

And whoever said it, about Her SOURPUSS TWATNESS being "off" today, was so right. No way would she have kept her trap shut. 

But I am confused about Joy's absence. She doesn't go into the studio. She's been at home, so I'm not sure why she wasn't there, unless she had no power?

And was it just me, or was it the camera? Deborah Roberts looked like she was leaning to her right, so she looked like the Tower of Pisa!

That story and what Rep. Ocasio-Cortez brought me to tears, I won't lie. Hit close to home.

Hee! I loved Whoopi's "Oh Ana! We love you. We be right back!" after Ana praised Whoopi, Sunny, and Deborah. Well, it made me giggle.

Watching the Kendi interview now...

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40 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And was it just me, or was it the camera? Deborah Roberts looked like she was leaning to her right, so she looked like the Tower of Pisa!

She often tilts her head or slouches to the right or left.  Probably a habit since she is the same height or slightly taller than her husband. 

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On 1/31/2021 at 9:10 PM, GoldenGirl90 said:

I’m not a fan of Van Jones for reasons that would be OT to discuss, so no thanks to watching him on Friday. 

I’ve been off and on with him 

On 1/31/2021 at 11:12 PM, RealHousewife said:

Looks like the board activity will blow up Friday... 

Well bank on this ,MM will be slobbering all over him since both she  and Van are co- producers of a documentary and iare hosting a show that popped up on FB? 

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3 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

I guess I'm the odd one out, because I didn't like Ana's topic on Cisley Tyson at all. I watched the Ana / Dr. Kendi question at least a dozen times, and still can't understand why she was making this a case of racism:


 She said she was following the tributes to Cicely Tyson (upon Tyson's death last week), but the beautiful tributes were all from black people - celebrities and friends - on Twitter. She claimed 'very few' were from 'non-black' people.  

Stop right there - did she count all the tributes to Oscar and multi-Emmy winner actress Cloris Leachman that same week ? Did she count the number of 'non-white' friends and celebrities who paid tribute to her ?  Dis she notice they were mostly from white people ?

Because of this she decided she had to buy her autobiography - which was released just 48 hours before her death (Ana doesn't mention this part).  The first place she goes to buy the book is on-line, and the book is sold out everywhere on-line. Isn't she one of the hosts who - for the past year - has been pushing to shop small businesses during the pandemic ? As a matter of fact she is, and she came to the realization that there's a bookstore in her town of mostly 'white and Hispanic', so she called her local bookstore and "sure enough they had it". 

Stop right there -  what exactly is she implying that the bookstore in a predominantly white and Hispanic neighborhood 'sure enough' had the book in stock ?  That white and Hispanic people weren't buying the book ? (This is exactly what she's suggesting). Can it be maybe all her white and Hispanic neighbors bought the book on-line before she did, and that's why it's sold out everywhere ? Maybe an on-line purchase was their option as much as it was hers, and therefore the local small-business bookstore had it in stock ?  Who is she suggesting is the on-line customer who is buying out Amazon and other on-line retailers ?

So she sends someone to the bookstore to pick up the book for her, and the cashier asked "What the hell is going on with this book that everyone's calling up wanting this book?" so Ana's errand girl turned around and asked Ana the same question. 

Perhaps neither one of them heard the news that the author of that book had died within 48 hours of the book, within 48-72 hours of her last live interviews (which is publicity in itself) and therefore the circumstances led to the spike in interest which in fact led to the spike in sales. That's rather feasible and very logical.

No, Ana didn't see it that way. Logic and feasibility escaped her. But racism didn't...


She asked Dr, Kendi:

"It struck me that we live in parallel universes sometimes, and we don't even realize we live in parallel universes. So if that's the case, how do we cross over so that we can fight racism?" 


Yes, Ana jumped to the conclusion that because Tyson had few tributes from her 'non-white friends and celebrities' on Twitter, because Tyson's book was sold out on Amazon and other on-line retailers but not at the local bookstore (being crushed by on-line retailers) , the fact that the cashier and her errand girl were surprised by the uptick in sales of the book are all facts of RACISM ? 

Sorry Ana - there are (unfortunately) millions of cases in this country you can use as examples of racism, and discuss with Dr. Kindi. It's everywhere, and more prevalent than ever over the past four years. Your trying to make Tyson's tributes and level of 'in-stock books' in a white neighborhood bookstore is not one of them, so don't try to make it one.


Speaking of Tyson, they have done quite a beautiful job on the show the past two days of memorializing her.  So why no mention of Cloris Leachman, who won an Oscar and ties with Julia Louis Dreyfuss for most Emmy wins by an actress, and died two days before Tyson? Why no mention of 95 year old actor Hal Holbrook, who's death on January 23 was announced this morning ? Doesn't his Oscar nod and numerous Emmy Awards qualify for a mention ?  And then there's actor Dustin Diamond, who passed yesterday at the young age of 44 from stage 4 lung cancer which he was diagnosed with two weeks ago. No mention of him ?


Ana was so long-winded in her explanation. Honestly, I didn't even understand her point until you explained it.

Hmmm....she should also take note that, on Friday, she was not ALLOWED to mention Cicely's death because Whoopi was going to speak on it on Monday.

Edited by Blissfool
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3 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Yes, Ana jumped to the conclusion that because Tyson had few tributes from her 'non-white friends and celebrities' on Twitter, because Tyson's book was sold out on Amazon and other on-line retailers but not at the local bookstore (being crushed by on-line retailers) , the fact that the cashier and her errand girl were surprised by the uptick in sales of the book are all facts of RACISM ? 

Sorry Ana - there are (unfortunately) millions of cases in this country you can use as examples of racism, and discuss with Dr. Kindi. It's everywhere, and more prevalent than ever over the past four years. Your trying to make Tyson's tributes and level of 'in-stock books' in a white neighborhood bookstore is not one of them, so don't try to make it one.


I think what Ana was trying to say is that we live in two different worlds in this country if you are talking about the Black/White dynamic. Cicely Tyson's death is not going to have the same resonance for the dominant culture as she would in the Black community.  We live in a country where the default is White and straight to the exclusion of others.  Ana was not saying that people are racists she was saying that if you are not part of the dominant culture you are not seen like Cicely Tyson a Black actress and an icon who just died. It is why the cashier at the bookstore in the White neighborhood was baffled on why people wanted to buy Cicely Tyson's book.  

Edited by Pearson80
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Did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?  I can understand Hal Holbrook because that just happened and Dustin Diamond wasn't exactly in the same league as the other three, but did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?

I don't mean for this to sound like Dustin Diamond's life didn't matter, just that he wasn't the huge star the others were.

Edited by Axie
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24 minutes ago, Axie said:

Did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?  I can understand Hal Holbrook because that just happened and Dustin Diamond wasn't exactly in the same league as the other three, but did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?

I don't mean for this to sound like Dustin Diamond's life didn't matter, just that he wasn't the huge star the others were.

I know you didn’t mean anything offensive, but as a 90’s child whose favorite show growing up was SBTB, not to mention Dustin’s incredibly young age, I found his death extremely sad and tragic. I loved Screech. 

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11 hours ago, Axie said:

Did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?  I can understand Hal Holbrook because that just happened and Dustin Diamond wasn't exactly in the same league as the other three, but did they ever mention Cloris Leachman?

I don't mean for this to sound like Dustin Diamond's life didn't matter, just that he wasn't the huge star the others were.

As I said in my post above - no, they have not. And she is tied with Julia Louis Dreyfuss as winning the most Emmys, and has won an Oscar. She's been on Broadway, as well. And not a mention of her - all the attention has been on Tyson for some reason.

And as I mentioned above - no, Diamond is not in the league of award winning actors. However, the fact that he was part of the 90s culture, a fan favorite of SBTB, and died so quickly and so young certainly deserves some kind of recognition.

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11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I think what Ana was trying to say is that we live in two different worlds in this country if you are talking about the Black/White dynamic. Cicely Tyson's death is not going to have the same resonance for the dominant culture as she would in the Black community.  We live in a country where the default is White and straight to the exclusion of others.  Ana was not saying that people are racists she was saying that if you are not part of the dominant culture you are not seen like Cicely Tyson a Black actress and an icon who just died. It is why the cashier at the bookstore in the White neighborhood was baffled on why people wanted to buy Cicely Tyson's book.  

I wish she was trying to say that, but it didn't come across that way at all.  Her last question was 'How do we fight racism?' She tied everything in concerning Tyson's book with racism. It was appalling.

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I’m the first to criticize Meghan about everything but she looks really cute today.

Surely I’d disagree with Kinzinger about every issue but I applaud him for saying out loud what other Reps are too cowardly to say. I saw him on Meet the Press last weekend and was impressed with his candor. Hopefully others will find a spine too. 

Edited by Haleth
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So this guy is praising Meghan's father™ over and over again...but he also said that Meghan's father™ was for the Iraq war before anyone and he was in the right.

The Iraq war was a huge mistake, those for the war are warmongers who destroyed a country, killed millions of people all for the sake of oil. Is this really something praiseworthy? Doesn't this make Meghan's father™ and this person horrible people? I guess he's trying to say that Republicans need to go back to this...but he's not doing himself any favours.

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Representative Kinzinger has his head so far up Meghan’s ass that I’m surprised he can breathe.  Good move bringing up Senator McCain’s run for President.  How’d that turn out again?

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Whoopi just said "I hope you're the new face of the GOP."

And now I'm disgusted. Did they listen to what Kinzinger said outside of being against Trump? This just reminds me of Meghan's love or Navalny. People are being uninformed and stupid by praising bad people because they are against bad people.

Kinzinger seemed to want to go back to the days of sending Americans out to war and have them die for their country. Not for freedom, but oil and other resources. That's deplorable. He even said this, so why would Whoopi be for this? Why didn't Joy or Sunny say anything?

I'm so annoyed by this segment.

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16 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

So why no mention of Cloris Leachman, who won an Oscar and ties with Julia Louis Dreyfuss for most Emmy wins by an actress, and died two days before Tyson?

Both Leachman and Tyson got appropriate send offs that were equal in length and scope, and totally deserving because of their amazing careers, on the best show on TV - CBS Sunday Morning.  I wouldn't expect that level of professionalism on this shitshow.

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