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The View: Week of January 4, 2021

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11 hours ago, Blissfool said:

What i wonder is if Joy sent a gift for Liberty. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't. 

Joy probably did send a baby gift.

I remember when they showed the pic of Meghan and the baby (the one where Meghan looked completely different) Joy said how cute the baby was. She did seem genuine.

However, I think Meghan is the type to expect a gift and like it but doesn't appreciate a gift.


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4 minutes ago, OnTime said:

However, I think Meghan is the type to expect a gift and like it but doesn't appreciate a gift.

Oh yeah and hold a grudge if someone doesn't give a gift.  She also would be the type to discard any gift she didn't think was good enough.  For all her talk about middle America and all that Meghan is a spoiled rich kid.

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Back to playing the victim - doesn't matter to her who's in the White House she's always played the victim card.  Yesterday was it for me.  I guess I'll be following The View here from now on.  Things are divisive enough without watching the epitome of entitlement throw around words like triggering and acting like she represents anyone but herself.

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31 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Like Monday saying her party is the party of the nuclear family.

Nuclear family = dog whistle.

I fucking hate being held hostage by passive aggression.

If you call them on it they claim to be the injured victim, tossing in that you're too sensitive (etc etc) for good measure.

If you don't call them on it they accelerate and raise the ante and accelerate. 

Nah, life is too short to lay eyeballs on this trifling cunt any longer. I didn't even make it to Day Three.

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6 minutes ago, suomi said:

Nah, life is too short to lay eyeballs on this trifling cunt any longer. I didn't even make it to Day Three

I'm going to keep watching because to quote Bob Dylan the times they are a changin".  I don't think Meghan is going to be handled with kid gloves. I think there is going to be more of Joy pushing back on her.   The suits at ABC have to see how well the show did ratings wise and review wise while Meghan was gone.  If they are dead set on having a conservative in that seat then they might be wise to look elsewhere.  

And honestly I look forward to Meghan trying to make sense of our country moving forward.  No matter what she says now she didn't foresee a Biden victory and whether she admits it or not I'm sure the 2020 election threw her for a loop.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

A producer needs to sit down with Meg and remind her that with the current format they cannot have a free flowing conversation knock down brawl.  Whoopi asks a question, you answer, then you shut up and give someone else a chance to speak.  Yeah, who am I kidding?  Never gonna happen.  She's so immature she cannot control her emotions and must butt into someone else's time to refute what they are saying, not waiting for her turn.  Get a mute button for her mic!

OK, everyone - let's take a step or two back and take a look at this from a producer's perspective. Or even a potential advertiser's perspective, who's ready to sign a multi-million dollar package with one of the daytime talk shows.

'The View', in it's 24th season, is at the top of their game. They've won Emmys this past fall, and they are the #1 daytime network show. A helluva achievement for a show that's been around for 24 seasons! They welcome Meghan back as mid-season kicks off on January 4, and she does what she's known to do - and the media goes wild. All eyes are on 'The View', and within two days they get millions of dollars in free publicity, across all media platforms and social sites.

Their rival, 'The Talk' is in it's 11th season. They're barely hanging on with the cancellation ax swinging over their heads, as they've fallen to last place in the daytime network ratings for this season. By the time they've returned for mid-season, they lost two hosts in the first half of their current (11th) season and had a big welcome to their two new hosts when the show returned on January 4 - which the media completely ignored, since all eyes were on Meghan's return.

'The Talk' hosts are giving each other air kisses, while showing off their 'new cosmetic surgery' they had for the holidays and talking about the Kardashians. No one's watching.

'The View' hosts are arguing with each other while discussing what's actually happening 'in the moment', which is the great historical divide in our country. All eyeballs are on them.

Which producers do you think are treading on thin ice?  Which show do you think is attracting new advertisers this week ?

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15 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Meg looks pissed already. 

She couldn't even crack one small, itty bitty smile when Rev. Warnock told that anecdote about his Mom, and referring to his "Yes, Ma'am" answer.  That was such a nice, personal anecdote and shows much about the respect in his family - she could have given a little bit of something there!

Edited by njbchlover
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4 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Whoopi shutting her down!  And, that the camera stayed on Whoopi's incredulous look for a few seconds!!  

Almost sorry I missed that!  If Whoopi would just keep shutting her down I might be tempted to tune in again.  What has bothered me up to now is the feeling I have of her (MM) being treated with kid gloves when she absolutely does not deserve that.  

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14 hours ago, jalady said:

I too loved Joy’s smack down of MeAgain.  But Whoopi needs to take the reins and do a better job as moderator, especially in this format.  Yes, there’s been crosstalk and interrupting, but MM literally just jumps in as Joy is speaking.  And not to make a comment or quip, but to give a full on soliloquy.  She needs to be made to understand that, in this new format, the person whose name is called gets to speak until they’re finished.  Like she did yesterday for ten damn minutes at the start of the show!  What.A.Brat.

Exactly.  The other ladies have talked over each other during this virtual format but generally it's because of the time delays and inability to work with the format.  MM has just been purposely interrupting and talking over when she knows someone else is talking already.  If The View retained its #1 status while she was off, I wonder if her star will be a bit dimmed now with the head honchos now that they know she's not critical to their ratings?  

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If Meghan would stop thinking that she has to "school" everyone on backstories and history of why Georgia is where it is, maybe she would have been able to answer the question directed to her.  

She's been glancing off to the right several times - I wonder if Ben is holding up cue cards for her, and that's why she's getting flustered?

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17 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

I wish she would explain what she is so afraid of.  Her life is not going to get worse.

She's afraid The Other Side will win. That's it. She wanted be on the Winning Team as part of Myfather's legacy, and the team's actual performance means little to her.

10 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

I think Meghan just realized that while she was criticizing Kelly Lohffler, she was describing herself. 

Absolutely. Meghan's perception of themiddleofthecountry seems cobbled together from country songs and Dodge Ram commercials. Her faux-populism shows when she's condescendingly explaining Trump supporters to her cohosts, but they are not that hard (for everyone except the New York Times) to understand. 

For the second day in a row, Meghan can't focus after a heated discussion. Perhaps she's "triggered"?

Edited by Vanderboom
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I saw someone pass Meghan a note yesterday and today she definitely muttered “oh my gosh” under her breath when Joy was talking about what can possibly get done now. The lost her train of thought was probably Whoopi rightfully giving it to her for being so rude to the new senator and she couldn’t pull it back together lol. 

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

It’s a new world indeed when Sara makes excellent political comments and Meg fumbles and babbles and has to pass. 

I appreciated Sara pointing out how the GOP supporting the coup attempts and the rigged rhetoric likely contributed to the Democrats in Georgia outperforming Joe Biden. I'm actually surprised Sunny didn't bring it up.

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24 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Years ago I wrote for a blog. I had a weekly column that was devoted to entertainment.  And one of my columns was why we are presented with such shitty things to watch and read.  The people in charge argue people want to see train wrecks. My argument is if you only give people train wrecks then yes people will watch them. But if  you give people an interesting alternative they will watch that.  The View can be the place for lively debate. It doesn't have to be boring. But the View does not need to have a whiny spoiled brat at the table who is contributing to the political discord in the is country.  If you ask people who their favorite View co host of all time is I can almost guarantee nobody is going to say Meghan McCain.

Meghan McCain may not be anyone's favorite, but there's no doubt she revitalized the show and has certainly helped boost their ratings all the way to #1 this late in the show's life. The last time this show had seen their ratings skyrocket like the past year was when Rosie took over in 2006. The producers, the networks, and the advertisers all know what the audience wants - they want the fireworks that this show is providing right now. Is the show problem-free? No, since live shows rarely are. Is the show a monster hit for daytime TV? Indeed it is.

For the audience who wants bubblegum and happy talk, there's always 'The Talk' and even 'Ellen' - both which are in need of an audience these days. (While 'The Talk' is in last place, 'Ellen' has lost more than 33% of her audience this season).


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3 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Good Grief! Now they have to end with Brian, the Producer, apologizing for all the technical problems and he was yelling in ladies' ears about being short of time, etc.  Was he trying to cover up all the rancor we, the Audience, could feel today?!

Wtf was that hahaha.?I loved Joy's "please"  and eyeroll. They continue to Coddle poor flustered Meghan.  She was a mess because she is the most unprofessional  person on the show. Period! None of the other women seemed flustered well whoopi always seems out of it....no drama sure Jan 

Edited by Cozytea
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18 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

reminds me -  I made sweet & spicy meatballs one year for christmas.  Every year, I am asked to make my "special meatballs" and people rave about how great they are.  It's hilarious because I'm not much of a cook, and the secret recipe is  - a bag of frozen pre-made meatballs, a can of cranberry sauce, and a bottle of chili sauce, thrown together in a slow cooker.

That's from the Alice's Restaurant cookbook! I made that like 50 years ago, and they were always a big hit. And soooooooo simple.

I have trouble remembering the baby's middle name, so yesterday I came up with Freedom Dillweed, which she'll be called in my head forever.

So happy this morning! I've been throwing random bucks (that I can barely afford) to the Reverend all during the run-up to yesterday's election, so I feel partly infinitesimally responsible. Didn't appreciate Her Twatness's lemon face and stupid comments.

Edited by carrps
Just noticed a typo.
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