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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

Message added by TexasGal

Hmmm, it seems just hours ago that I gave a nice reminder to move on.  I’ve now hidden posts.  Future posts purely focused on the Rumble in the Winery will earn warnings.

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I'm too lazy to pick up the remote that is sitting next to me, so I am rewatching this mess and I realized, Ashley looked absolutely miserable the entire hour and a half. And Wendy was a non-entity the entire time. Her husband is so cute though. "Heyyy Eddie!" I also find Chris Samuels' video about slapping the shit out of them or whatever to be pretty disturbing. 

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53 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I am not surprised by this and ultimately, I think she was probably fired and this is once again Bravo letting her save face. I have a feeling that she was probably informed a while ago that she wouldn't be coming back. 


Monique had said on social media (as reported by Haus of Aaron) that she had been offered a contract for season 6.  It was very unclear as to whether it was a friend contract or a cast member contract, and so I suspect it was a friend contract or else she would have been bragging all over social media about how she won.


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I didn’t watch this season so I’m only going by the Reunion but I have to say Giselle has had better looks. That long, straight hair did her no favors and the yellow dress made her look sallow.  I don’t know any more now about this fight between Monica and Candiance but if it’s been over a year & no one was injured why is this still such a hot button issue.  Candiace should take that fine looking man home and just enjoy him!  Ashley seems too sweet to be married to that wizened old player with the drinking and fidelity problem & she needs to divorce him & get lots of child support.

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Monique is not special.  I know she thinks she is but Porsha got a Friend contract after yanking up Kenya.  Her fight with Kenya wasn't nearly as vicious as Monique's attack on Candiace AND Porsha felt bad immediately afterwards AND Porsha apologized to most everyone. She didn't carry on and have social media teams smearing/harassing Kenya either.

So if Porsha got a Friend contract, why would Monique think she should get a full Housewife contract?

So Karen was trying to get Candiace and Wendy off the show this season.  Interesting. Karen needs to start her apology tour quick because again, the only person I see filming with her is Ashley and that's not going to end well.

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When Eddie was talking, I basically tuned out (other than to realize he could use a good powder) and I realized Gizelle picked the wrong shoes.  From the ankle down, her feet looked like two obese people strapped to the electric chair.  

Chris Samuels and the “plotting on my child.”  I can’t.  The only thing redeeming about that was Gizelle addressing her masked bodyguard in the shadows. 

What I don’t understand though, is if Chris and Monique were the only people to discuss their baby’s paternity on camera, where did the footage of Gizelle talking about it (in really ugly glasses) in unaired season five footage come from?  It may have been edited out, but Gizelle speculated about the paternity of Monique’s child on camera.  I’m not sure how we get around that.  And I don’t care either.  I don’t think that’s below the belt when one signs up for this show.  Chris can get off the cross.  

Juan wasn’t there because he still feels salty about the way he felt he was treated by Andy at the season two reunion aka Andy asked him a few questions that weren’t softballs.  Juan...get the fuck over it.  Robyn made me laugh when she kept repeating “I am so glad Juan Dixon is not here right now” to Chris Samuels.  Does Robyn even know who she is (re)-marrying?  Juan is the most mild-mannered person on Bravo (unless he’s passively-aggressively shading Robyn, of which he’s done less this year, but it was still there), he kisses other men’s asses, and he can’t carry a thought in a bucket.  But it’s a very good thing he wasn’t there!

Gizelle wasn’t good against Chris S.  Even though it seems like 50 years ago, Gizelle had been confronted about Jamal’s dirt by Monique just hours earlier, her response was poor, and it seemed like Gizelle was filtering her response to Chris through that lens.  She acted like she couldn’t understand why he was there, kind of how in part one Gizelle was acting like she couldn’t understand why Karen was giving her opinion...because he was invited, and she was asked, respectively, Gizelle.  Get with the program.  

It’s funny that Chris S is so big that him just walking across the set casts a huge shadow and it garners more attention than the person speaking.  Actually, it’s kind of sad, because that’s how boring the people speaking are.  

Ray is so goddamn checked out that it makes me chuckle a little. 

Chris Bassett is alright, but it’s hard for me to get past the fact that he sounds like a hobby rapper when he speaks.  

Ashley completely got to skate.  Oh well, the less I had to see of her smug face and her stuffed up voice, the better.  I left the reunion as I came—the people I find the most heinous are Ashley, Karen and Gizelle.  

OhMiGod, goodbye season!  I will not be slithering or making any positive movement toward season six.  What a long, boring, long, dragged out, long strange trip it’s been.  💋


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I can't take Gizelle anymore. Her constant antics trying to depict the Samuels as these two people who go around attacking people is disgusting.

What Chris said was wrong but he clearly stated (again, in a horrible way) that if he were a woman, he'd slap them. She knew damn well he wasn't going to step to her and to act scared when he got out of his seat and stood behind his wife talking to brown dick was laughable.


Usually I'm able to tolerate Andy but this was his worst reunion yet. He clearly sat down as a fan and not a host

22 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Monique "quit" like Tamrat Waddle Veith Barney Judge did. At best, she was offered a shitty "friend of" contract that she turned down.

Nah. She totally was asked back full time. I believe it.

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25 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

So Karen was trying to get Candiace and Wendy off the show this season.  Interesting. Karen needs to start her apology tour quick because again, the only person I see filming with her is Ashley and that's not going to end well.

Yes, that's the sense I came away with and if I were Candiace, I also would have been absolutely livid that a co-worker was trying to get me fired after I was the victim of an assault. 

Karen has a lot of work to do to figure out why she's so threatened by Wendy and why she took Monique's side. Because that's two strikes. IMO, Ashley could see which way the wind was blowing when it came to Monique and at least at this reunion, was pretty circumspect. But Karen just couldn't see that this was likely to be the outcome and I agree she is going to pay a price for it with the other women. 

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14 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Chris Samuels and the “plotting on my child.”  I can’t.  The only thing redeeming about that was Gizelle addressing her masked bodyguard in the shadows. 

What I don’t understand though, is if Chris and Monique were the only people to discuss their baby’s paternity on camera, where did the footage of Gizelle talking about it (in really ugly glasses) in unaired season five footage come from?  It may have been edited out, but Gizelle speculated about the paternity of Monique’s child on camera.  I’m not sure how we get around that.  And I don’t care either.  I don’t think that’s below the belt when one signs up for this show.  Chris can get off the cross.  


The scene with Gizelle was 8 days after Chris and Monique brought it up at their house to Gizelle. I think what Gizelle was trying to say at the reunion was she thought Chris and Monique had already discussed the paternity issues (which is why they then brought it up in front of her on camera), so that’s why she mentioned it to Robyn. But you’re absolutely right, it was discussed on camera by Gizelle. Chris Samuels continuing to talk about it for 90 minutes and in response to questions about other people, however, was all him though 😂.

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Karen didn't come out the winner against Candiace.  I would say it was a draw....and trying to get Wendy and Candiace fired...wow.  

Karen should of known Candiace is not Gizelle.  She will fight back verbally....and Karen was so emotional especially about Candiace saying she'll burn in hell....it was glorious to see and hear.

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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In still laughing at "quack lawyer." Is that what we call lawyers who do their jobs and get their clients off? Monique was wrong but her lawyer did exactly what he was paid to do. 

I love it when Gizelle is rendered speechless. And I say that as someone who liked her this season. 

I want to see Michael in the hot seat next year. He's the most vile person on this show and he skates by every season. 

"I'm so glad juan dixon isn't here!" Yes, I'm sure Juan feels the same.

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2 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Monique "quit" like Tamrat Waddle Veith Barney Judge did. At best, she was offered a shitty "friend of" contract that she turned down.

I agree, because I think she would have bragged about being offered a full time cast member role, because she would have sold it as a vindication from Bravo.  

Monique lives to control the narrative on social media and her leaving out the detail about what kind of contract it was makes me believe that it wasn't a full time contract, but a "friend of."  Making people "guess" that it was a full time contract means she cannot be called a liar.

But, I think that leaving is the best thing for everyone, Monique included.  Maybe she can change her podcast to some real housewives commentary type deal.  How ironic that the season started with Monique trying to get Candace booted from the show and ends with her leaving.  

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Here is my objective view of Monique vs. Gizelle.

I think Monique sees herself and Chris as hard workers, as people who were not born into privilage but had to work to get where they are.  Chris had to work playing football and Monique had to work to do whatever she did, include marrying Chris and settling into that life.  I think she resents Gizelle because she sees her as someone who had everything handed to her and who will continue having everything handed to her.   My mom had a friend like Gizelle, she acted like Gizelle and life just seemed to fall into place for her, while my mother, who had to work hard for things, didn't have such an easy time when she was young.

On the other hand, I think Gizelle resents Monique because she thinks a person like her should NOT have all the things she has.

To me, both of them are silly because if this year has taught me anything, it's taught me that everything material in life, including life itself can disappear.

The rumor:  I think Gizelle probably did her part for spreading that rumor about Monique and Chris' child.  I also think she might have wanted that shit to air on Bravo.  Bravo however didn't want to do that, not because Bravo has morals, but because they might have feared that if children were brought into this mess, no future "Housewives" would agree to show their children on TV, for fear they'd be dragged through the mud.

The problem with Chris was that he kept bringing up the rumor, even when Andy kept telling him that it didn't air on the show because Gizelle knew what to say on camera.  Chris should have shut up about the rumor because his mentioning of it over and over and over again, only made things worse.  

This season was like the reunion, long and boring.  Don't know if I'll be back next season, or even if I'll bother with Bravo, as all of their shows bore me now.

Edited by Neurochick
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here's my take on the paternity "plot" issue.  Andy kept saying "but nothing was on the show"  he said it a few times.  I think the ladies (Gizellee and Crybaby Candy-Ass)  maybe said something in their talking heads about and possibility it was talked about during filming and Bravo just didn't air it.  Monique and Chris maybe found out about it through producers. It was just in the way Andy was said that it wasn't on the show....that doesn't mean no one said it.  

Me the the 20yo daughter were dying at the security guard....his eyes were like "I didn't sign up to take on Chris Samuels - you're on your own girl"

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51 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Eddie and Wendy are too smart for this crew - she must really hate that professor job.

I agree. I'm concerned for her because with Monique gone, conflict will have to come from another source, and as the newbie and essential low woman on the totem poll, she is next in line. If they bring in a new housewife, I believe it needs to be someone on the same level as Wendy. 

ETA: By Wendy's level I don't mean someone who has a PhD, I mean a woman who has a career going and not someone coming in to stir up drama and make a name for themselves on a TV show. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
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28 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

here's my take on the paternity "plot" issue.  Andy kept saying "but nothing was on the show"  he said it a few times.  I think the ladies (Gizellee and Crybaby Candy-Ass)  maybe said something in their talking heads about and possibility it was talked about during filming and Bravo just didn't air it.  Monique and Chris maybe found out about it through producers. It was just in the way Andy was said that it wasn't on the show....that doesn't mean no one said it.  

Me the the 20yo daughter were dying at the security guard....his eyes were like "I didn't sign up to take on Chris Samuels - you're on your own girl"

I don't think this is true at all .... IF Candace said something they would have ran it like they ran G talking about it AFTER Chris brought it up about the kid looking like him.. ... No one was saying shit about the child at all and they were paranoid that the ladies were so they shot themselves in the foot trying to get out in front of something that wasn't going on...; Chris and Monique are the ones that brought it up OVER AND OVER AND OVER ... so if anyone is to blame its them

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I don't think this is true at all .... IF Candace said something they would have ran it like they ran G talking about it AFTER Chris brought it up about the kid looking like him.. ... No one was saying shit about the child at all and they were paranoid that the ladies were so they shot themselves in the foot trying to get out in front of something that wasn't going on...; Chris and Monique are the ones that brought it up OVER AND OVER AND OVER ... so if anyone is to blame its them

I don't think it was Candice - I think it was Giselle and THAT'S why Chris threw low key shade at her in his kitchen saying "he looks like me right"  as a low key shade thrower myself, I recognize the technique

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15 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I don't think it was Candice - I think it was Giselle and THAT'S why Chris threw low key shade at her in his kitchen saying "he looks like me right"  as a low key shade thrower myself, I recognize the technique

Chris really comes off as a passive aggressive bitch tho with the shade ... Like if you have an issue say hey what the fuck ... X...Y..Z ....NOT play the game the woman play .... NOT oh hey doesn't my baby look like me? Then bitch that woman are talking about your child when you are the one that brought it up repeatedly... Like if he Had an issue shouldn't that have been the moment he should have addressed it with G? wouldn't that have made more sense then letting it go the entire season (in his head cause again NO ONE was talking about their child)?

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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It's clear Gizelle did say something on camera re the baby rumor because they showed us Gizelle saying something on camera. Now, this was only AFTER Chris said the whole thing about the baby looking like him to Gizelle. So IMO, Gizelle likely thought that Monique and Chris were playing this the smart way* and taking hold of the false narrative and talking about it on camera in order to refute it. So she mentioned it.

If Bravo had any on-camera evidence that Candiace talked about the rumor, they would have showed it last night, IMO. So I still think Candiace had extremely little to do with it except participating in a conversation after Andy's baby shower where the rumor was discussed. Monique fixated on her because of her rage, though, because she felt that Candiace was the weakest link. And because apparently there is no way for her to get at Gigi and Charisse.

*To be fair to Monique and Chris, it's completely understandable that they would be angry that someone was spreading this rumor. I absolutely get their anger on that. But they seemingly know that the rumor originated with someone who wasn't part of the cast, so why they kept focusing on the cast, as opposed to Gigi is beyond me. I suspect that Gizelle would NOT have said anything on camera had Chris not said something to her so, yeah, they shot themselves in the foot. For people who were SO. DETERMINED. for this rumor to stay off the show, everything they did backfired spectacularly. 

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The conflict next season will come from Karen:

  • There's always been tension with Robyn
  • She doesn't like Gizelle
  • She tried to get Candiace and Wendy fired

With Monique's alleged departure, the drama has now shifted to Karen and her shenanigans.  They do need to bring in another housewife to balance things out.

The "Karen trying to get Candiace" fired thing will be a point of conflict for sure next season and since Karen has no allies she can't ice Candiace out like she would be able to if Monique stayed on the show.  If I could pinpoint a time Karen made the decision to get rid of Candiace it would be at Wendy's political brunch: when Candiace and Wendy fussed at Karen to hold Monique accountable/pick a side, Karen decided right then and there that Candiace had to go and she jumped on board "Team Monique."

The problem comes from Karen pretending to be neutral and to "care" about Candiace knowing full well she was plotting with Monique to get rid of Candiace. 

40 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I don't think this is true at all .... IF Candace said something they would have ran it like they ran G talking about it AFTER Chris brought it up about the kid looking like him.. ... No one was saying shit about the child at all and they were paranoid that the ladies were so they shot themselves in the foot trying to get out in front of something that wasn't going on...; Chris and Monique are the ones that brought it up OVER AND OVER AND OVER ... so if anyone is to blame its them

Here's the thing about the "plot" and I've said this before: No one on the show would have to "plot" to bring rumors about Monique twerking the trainer/the baby not being Chris' on the show. They're on the show; all they have to do is say it on the show.  The only people would would have to "plot" to get damaging information on the show would be people who are not on the show.

I believe 100% Monique had an "in" with a producer and that's how she knew what was said but left unaired.  I also believe Monique & Chris hit the production company with a cease & desist about the baby rumors and that's why it was left unaired.

33 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I don't think it was Candice - I think it was Giselle and THAT'S why Chris threw low key shade at her in his kitchen saying "he looks like me right"  as a low key shade thrower myself, I recognize the technique

Right, that was Monique & Chris letting Gizelle know they knew what she had been gossiping about.  But Monique & Chris are some new style people because there's no way I'd be giggling and grinning in somebody's face when I knew they had been running around town saying my baby has questionable paternity.  I'm not built like that.

I also fully believe Karen exaggerated the nature of the conversation when she told Monique about it by telling Monique Gizelle & em were plotting on her instead of Gizelle & em were gossiping about her.

I'd like to know exactly when Karen told Monique about "the plot".  Andy's baby shower was in January, Ashley's baby shower was in June (where Monique was posing for pictures with Charrisse), they filmed the reunion in August & then started filming Season 5 in August. 

I think Candiace told Karen right when it happened (January 2019) but Karen didn't tell Monique until after the Season 4 reunion was filmed.

I think when you peel back the layers, you will find that Karen is behind the drama of Season 5, not Monique, Candiace or Gizelle.

18 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

*To be fair to Monique and Chris, it's completely understandable that they would be angry that someone was spreading this rumor. I absolutely get their anger on that.

Of course, which is why people don't understand why they were all smiles in Gizelle's face but laser focused on destroying Candiace. 


18 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Monique fixated on her because of her rage, though, because she felt that Candiace was the weakest link.

I also think Karen probably hyped up Candiace's involvement way more than what it was and that fueled Monique's rage.

Why would Karen do this to Candiace? Because she doesn't like Candiace, doesn't like her mouth and wanted her gone.  Same for Wendy: you just got here 5 minutes ago, how dare you say ANYTHING to me?

Edited by drivethroo
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This was my first RHOP season.  I have to say I love Chris B and Candiace as a couple.  I like how Chris calmly checked Ashley, when she tried to defend her creep of a husband. 

Chris S and Monique are truly disgusting.  They're upset about the "plot" on their child,  but condone a blogger threatening Chris B's children. Now I'm wondering if that was the blogger Candiace told to "drop dead".

Karen is a pathological liar, no wonder she and Monique get along.  Someone telling you to burn in eternal hell is not a threat Karen. Then you add insult to injury by trying to get her fired 🙄.

Gizelle's bodyguard did not sign up to tackle a linebacker.  

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I think Ashley’s coolness during all the Monique/Candiace back and forth is proof she knew Monique would not be back on the show (whether on her own terms or not). When Andy asked Ashley if she believed Candiace regarding Chris and Monique talking shit about her and Michael, Ashley acknowledged it could be true. She did not act suprised by this and Chris and Monique did not really deny it. The relationship between Ashley and Monique was purely transactional. I wondered why Monique was so quick to forgive Ashley making her out to be an alcoholic on national TV, but now we know these rumors go back 2-3 years and Monique needed an ally. 

Edited by laprin
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18 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Of course, which is why people don't understand why they were all smiles in Gizelle's face but laser focused on destroying Candiace. 

I also think Karen probably hyped up Candiace's involvement way more than what it was and that fueled Monique's rage.

Why would Karen do this to Candiace? Because she doesn't like Candiace, doesn't like her mouth and wanted her gone.  Same for Wendy: you just got here 5 minutes ago, how dare you say ANYTHING to me?

I agree that Chris and Monique joking about it with Gizelle is... interesting. I think that they were sending her a warning shot - a message that they knew that she had discussed this rumor with the other women - but they didn't seem to comprehend that by mentioning it themselves on camera, they opened the door for it to be discussed on camera.  It is kind of funny that the producers messed up their righteous narrative by never actually airing any of the footage of that particular rumor. 

I come away with still feeling like production was not huge fans of theirs because they definitely went out of their way to make them look as badly as possible. I'm guessing that there are a few different reasons for that, but at the end of the day, I think that neither Monique nor Chris did themselves any favors with production. 

9 minutes ago, laprin said:

I think Ashley’s coolness during all the Monique/Candiace back and forth is proof she knew Monique would not be back on the show (whether on her own terms or not). When Andy asked Ashley if she believed Candiace regarding Chris and Monique talking shit about her and Michael, Ashley acknowledged it could be true. She did not act suprised by this and Chris and Monique did not really deny it. The relationship between Ashley and Monique was purely transactional. I wondered why Monique was so quick to forgive Ashley making her out to be an alocoholic on national TV, but now we know these rumors go back 2-3 years and Monique needed an ally. 

Ashley, I think, is pretty canny when it comes to the other women.  I think that after seeing the footage of the fight, Ashley recognized that Monique was in trouble in terms of long-term employment, and she wasn't going to do down with Monique's ship. But her response to the question - do you believe it - was very smart. She said that regardless of whether or not it was true, Monique and Chris had protected her and Michael. It was transactional but also truthful, and as such, not anything that the other women really can criticize her for.

Unfortunately for her, she doesn't seem to be as sophisticated about her husband and his actions. I do think she recognizes what a sleazeball he is but she seems determined to stay with him. And I don't think it is just about the money because at this point, I think that she could get enough child support and I hope she's been squirrelling away her Bravo checks. I think that she and Michael have a toxic, co-dependent relationship that is unhealthy but keeps them together. 

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30 minutes ago, spunky said:

Chris S and Monique are truly disgusting.  They're upset about the "plot" on their child,  but condone a blogger threatening Chris B's children. Now I'm wondering if that was the blogger Candiace told to "drop dead".

I think Chris S and Monique knew that Gizelle wasn't the one who started the rumor about their child, but she did spread it around and Bravo didn't touch it, so that was why Andy kept saying, "It wasn't on the show!"

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13 hours ago, StillHere said:

Or in somebody's poonanie.

I totally let out a studio-audience-type "Ooooooooooooh" at this! Too funny! Jamal is so gross.

13 hours ago, Sharper2002 said:

Chris Samuels left the stage almost looking like a bigger asshole than his wife. 

I’m curious about Chris's unshakable faith in The Plot. He came out saying how he wanted those involved to take responsibility, and when he heard the whole story from Candiace, and Gizelle explained her part, he still felt like there was a plot and that something was being hidden. What was it that he wanted to know that wasn't addressed?

13 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

And FWIW, no one has ever presented any evidence that Candiace was a part of this "plot." Obviously, Gizelle was shady on camera and off, but there's still no evidence that Candiace was a "threat" to their family.  

The Samueleses said that they felt betrayed by Candiace, but neither of them really changed their attitudes toward her when they learned that she hadn't (or that she didn't attack Monique first).

11 hours ago, RealReality said:

He can move to Florida and lick up Erica Lyles.  And yes, you are welcome for that visual.  

Is there a word for giggling and shuddering at the same time? Hahahaha! and Ewwwwwwwwwww!

Speaking of gestures, I know I'm not the only one here who nearly hurt themselves eye-rolling at Chris' confession of how much Monique's inner strength made him love her even more. It was tied with Monique's Father excuse as the most "C'mon, Really?" part of the show. 

Edited by Vanderboom
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I detest Monique, I never could stand her or her stank face.

BUT, there's one thing I detest even more and I noticed this last night on the reunion:  It's when the host isn't neutral and obviously takes sides.  Andy took a lot of shots at Monique last night.  I think he was VERY upset at her comment about, "if I'm fired, I wanted to finish her (Candiace) off."  Which was what she also said on Watch What Happens Live.

Wrong choice of words.  She should have said, "I don't remember running after her, I was like...still blacked out."  

Monqiue strikes me as someone who does what all of us sometimes do, say the first thing that's in your head.  What's troublesome is that Monique had a whole year to figure out what she wanted to say.

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That was a mess... 

If I were Karen I'd work extra hours in recommending several friends to guarantee that she'll have an ally next season. The biggest reveal for me is that she tried to get Candiace fired, and they didn't need to have a binder for that information. I'm actually really surprised Candiace was able to keep that secret until the reunion and it explains so much more why she's so emotional about this betrayal. While Karen's still my favorite, she showed herself to be more calculating and conniving than Gizelle herself, she's sorta reminding me of LVP in BH, I felt many cast-members didn't fuck with her due to jealousy of being the fan favorite, and while I think that was part of it I think they were also tired of all of her shenanigans behind the scenes and it finally caught up with her. 

Chris S came off unhinged and crazy, but I don't fault him as much because I think he was between a rock and a hard place. I can imagine him being utterly embarrassed and hurt, I do believe they thought the other women were talking and giggling about all of the rumors surrounding the trainer and his son, and wouldn't that be, in a way, attacking his manhood? Not that I'd agree with him, but here's a successful, rich, big and strong NFL player who didn't satisfy his woman enough so she had an affair with non other than a personal trainer. I can see how he could take this as a personal offense against him, even though it was "directed" at Monique. Maybe this is why he did that gross joke about Monique giving him oral and why he took a few jabs against her this season. Now, I'm not saying he was right nor do I believe he should feel this way, but with Monique's "can't keep a man" insults maybe they're both in the belief that "having a man" or "having a woman" makes you better than the rest. Who knows, it's just a theory. 

While I detest Ashley one thing I will give her is that this girl is a survivor, I cannot believe she didn't get more heat and that Michael didn't have to go to the reunion since her entire storyline revolved around him cheating on her, again. She was also masterful in how he reacted towards Monique, like some of you said she made it known that she supported her, but not enough that she didn't get sink with her in the process. 

The biggest snake is, of course, Andy. He had Monique several times in WWHL and I think it was the last time that he referenced the binder and he said something like "oh this will be on the half of fame of HW" or something along those lines. Watching that I thought for sure Monique was one of his favorites, but watching this reunion it was clear he gaslighted the gastlighter of Potomac. 

This goddamned show made me watch some bloggers in YouTube just to see if Monique really had some pull with them, and in one video a blogger was commenting on how Monique was a great mother and she didn't need the show and how she was the only storyline Candiace had, etc. And then the interviewer said "so I know you're friends with Monique..." that was just enough to convince me that Monique doesn't just maintain relationships with these people, she goes out of her way to make friendships with them. I know ALL the housewives, and reality stars for that matter, have relationships with the press, but I think Monique went out of her way to really have them on her side.   

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think Chris S and Monique knew that Gizelle wasn't the one who started the rumor about their child, but she did spread it around and Bravo didn't touch it, so that was why Andy kept saying, "It wasn't on the show!"

I honestly think Monique wanted to fight someone and saw Candiace as the weakest link. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Axie said:

I know a whole lot of people don’t like Gizelle, but, what would this franchise be without her?

I like her and Robyn. I wouldn’t want to watch a show focused on Ashley, Karen, Candice and Monique, so I’m glad Robyn and Gizelle are there. They are often wrong in how they handle things (I even disagreed with some of how Gizelle handled Chris S last night) but overall I enjoy those two the most. 

  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, spunky said:

I honestly think Monique wanted to fight someone and saw Candiace as the weakest link. 

Please forgive this, but I really wish it was Gizelle's head that was being slammed into the table instead of Candice. 

8 minutes ago, byrd said:
10 minutes ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

I like her and Robyn. I wouldn’t want to watch a show focused on Ashley, Karen, Candice and Monique, so I’m glad Robyn and Gizelle are there. They are often wrong in how they handle things (I even disagreed with some of how Gizelle handled Chris S last night) but overall I enjoy those two the most. 


They would find someone else just as nauseating.

Edited by byrd
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I detest Monique, I never could stand her or her stank face.

BUT, there's one thing I detest even more and I noticed this last night on the reunion:  It's when the host isn't neutral and obviously takes sides.  Andy took a lot of shots at Monique last night.  I think he was VERY upset at her comment about, "if I'm fired, I wanted to finish her (Candiace) off."  Which was what she also said on Watch What Happens Live.

Wrong choice of words.  She should have said, "I don't remember running after her, I was like...still blacked out."  

Monqiue strikes me as someone who does what all of us sometimes do, say the first thing that's in your head.  What's troublesome is that Monique had a whole year to figure out what she wanted to say.

Yes, it was a long time, but when you are in crisis mode, that time can just fly by without even a notice. It may have taken her this long to admit her wrong because she felt attacked my Candiace's mouth . I will miss her on the show, I hate this happened because Monique was a real housewife and I loved seeing her lifestyle and interaction with the kids and Chris. However someone should have given Chris a Valium. 

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

I like her and Robyn. I wouldn’t want to watch a show focused on Ashley, Karen, Candice and Monique, so I’m glad Robyn and Gizelle are there. They are often wrong in how they handle things (I even disagreed with some of how Gizelle handled Chris S last night) but overall I enjoy those two the most. 

I think Karen and Gizelle are both the supremes of this show with Robyn being a Cynthia Bailey type of character. With more time maybe Monique could've been more of a threat but that ship has sailed. 

Candiace is too unlikable to really be the star of the show and while I like Wendy I just don't think she has it. 

The show now desperately needs someone like Leah in NY or Margaret in NJ, basically another fan favorite that will change the entire dynamic of the group. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

here's my take on the paternity "plot" issue.  Andy kept saying "but nothing was on the show"  he said it a few times.  I think the ladies (Gizellee and Crybaby Candy-Ass)  maybe said something in their talking heads about and possibility it was talked about during filming and Bravo just didn't air it.  Monique and Chris maybe found out about it through producers. It was just in the way Andy was said that it wasn't on the show....that doesn't mean no one said it.  

Me the the 20yo daughter were dying at the security guard....his eyes were like "I didn't sign up to take on Chris Samuels - you're on your own girl"

I think that Chris Samuels was right to be upset about Gizelle questioning his paternity of the boy.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Here is my objective view of Monique vs. Gizelle.

I think Monique sees herself and Chris as hard workers, as people who were not born into privilage but had to work to get where they are.  Chris had to work playing football and Monique had to work to do whatever she did, include marrying Chris and settling into that life.  I think she resents Gizelle because she sees her as someone who had everything handed to her and who will continue having everything handed to her.   My mom had a friend like Gizelle, she acted like Gizelle and life just seemed to fall into place for her, while my mother, who had to work hard for things, didn't have such an easy time when she was young.

On the other hand, I think Gizelle resents Monique because she thinks a person like her should NOT have all the things she has.

To me, both of them are silly because if this year has taught me anything, it's taught me that everything material in life, including life itself can disappear.

The rumor:  I think Gizelle probably did her part for spreading that rumor about Monique and Chris' child.  I also think she might have wanted that shit to air on Bravo.  Bravo however didn't want to do that, not because Bravo has morals, but because they might have feared that if children were brought into this mess, no future "Housewives" would agree to show their children on TV, for fear they'd be dragged through the mud.

The problem with Chris was that he kept bringing up the rumor, even when Andy kept telling him that it didn't air on the show because Gizelle knew what to say on camera.  Chris should have shut up about the rumor because his mentioning of it over and over and over again, only made things worse.  

This season was like the reunion, long and boring.  Don't know if I'll be back next season, or even if I'll bother with Bravo, as all of their shows bore me now.

I think Gizelle is jealous of Monique. Chris seem to be a good dad & a supportive husband. They live a luxurious lifestyle.

Gizelle is stuck trying to rekindle her romance with a Pastor who has a very poor track record. Her daughters are very worried about their parents reconciling.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But to blow it up on national television? To be that stupid that NOW instead of just the gossipy people of Potomac talking about it NOW its on a national television show?

That's true. Perhaps, he wanted to show his boy that he fought against the false rumors against his mom ?

Sadly, the kids will find eventually find out about the rumors.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, charliesan said:

I think Karen and Gizelle are both the supremes of this show with Robyn being a Cynthia Bailey type of character. With more time maybe Monique could've been more of a threat but that ship has sailed. 

Candiace is too unlikable to really be the star of the show and while I like Wendy I just don't think she has it. 

The show now desperately needs someone like Leah in NY or Margaret in NJ, basically another fan favorite that will change the entire dynamic of the group. 

Candace feels like a young kenya.  Over the top and campy.  And I like kenya so its not an insult from my perspective.  

Candace doesn't have the same grit and thick skin that kenya has quite yet.  And candace takes things very personally, which is part of the reason I think she lashes out with such intensity.  

I think kenya longs for a loving mother figure too but she wouldn't have allowed Karen to get that close to her.  Candace is too trusting and naive and she will develop a defensive guard with time and will be more careful about who she lets in and how fast she does it.    


  • Love 2
16 hours ago, HotHW said:

And why does Candiace go on and on, and on and on about Mo not being remorseful and not apologizing and then when Mo apologizes, she complains "its taken over 365 days". So in reality, Candiace didnt want an apology at all. Because Candiace is a child.

Candiace explained very well why it was hard to accept the apology.  How sincere is it when the incident happened approx a year ago yet just within the last few weeks Monique has bragged about "finishing her off" and released a song called "Drag Queens"?  What do the words mean if the person has clearly demonstrated that they aren't sorry?

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, oakville said:

I think that Chris Samuels was right to be upset about Gizelle questioning his paternity of the boy.


1 hour ago, oakville said:

I think Gizelle is jealous of Monique. Chris seem to be a good dad & a supportive husband. They live a luxurious lifestyle.

Gizelle is stuck trying to rekindle her romance with a Pastor who has a very poor track record. Her daughters are very worried about their parents reconciling.

And this is why they could have gotten away with handwaving it all away as the rantings if a jealous harpie.  

A season or two ago when monique was in charge of the girls vacation she invited gizelle to breakfast to "clear the air" after she had tried to blindside gizelle with kendyll. 

Gizelle, without any kind of anger simply said "you took your shot and you failed" and something to the effect of "you should have made sure your shot killed me because when I take my shot, it won't miss"

Gizelle has taken a beating this reunion, but she isn't the one leaving the show and with half the cast refusing to film with her.  

Gizelle took her shot and either by chance or by skill, she took out her intened target.  

Can t'challa get a "friend of" contract?

  • Love 14
Message added by TexasGal

Hmmm, it seems just hours ago that I gave a nice reminder to move on.  I’ve now hidden posts.  Future posts purely focused on the Rumble in the Winery will earn warnings.

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