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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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On 4/18/2020 at 12:48 PM, qtpye said:

I think the drinking problem has been confirmed. Wow, Taylor probably thought production would really take care of her and they made her look like a bigger asshole than her husband.

I have to disagree with that!  IMO instagram famewhore > abusive drunk

On 4/18/2020 at 1:43 PM, OnTime said:

AJ's radio interview from earlier this year:


The DJ's blather on for a while until AJ joins but the INTERSESTING  part is when the Married at First Sight FAN named "Reed" calls in.

It is clearly Brandon!!  Kinda of strange....

Very strange!  I love how the hosts call Brandon "creepy" and then "Reed" points out that it could be editing 😄 

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7 hours ago, princelina said:

I have to disagree with that!  IMO instagram famewhore > abusive drunk

Very strange!  I love how the hosts call Brandon "creepy" and then "Reed" points out that it could be editing 😄 

That’s the thing. She really was not all that bad and certainly better than Brandon but they really did not give Taylor the good edit she probably thought she was going to get.

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On 4/18/2020 at 11:40 PM, Jeanne222 said:

So many words saying nothing!

Also: "full proof."  Oy.  Unless she's using a speech-to-text app, which would probably hear "fool" as "full" and would also explain the stream-of-consciousness style rambling.

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On 4/17/2020 at 4:46 AM, Yeah No said:

Thanks to both of you and those that supported these opinions.  I am late to respond because I've been dealing with the death of my father in NYC from Coronavirus, but you all said it so well and I agree with you 100%.  That's why I said that Michael has no excuse.  He knows better.  I don't buy that he buys his own BS.  We have seen enough evidence that he is aware of his lying yet even though he pays lip service to being "sorry" for it, he does NOTHING to help himself and just keeps repeating the behavior.

I am very sorry for your loss. That must be so difficult for you and your family. I hope this silly show and these message boards are a good mindless distraction and provide a few laughs.

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2 hours ago, gladitsover said:

I am very sorry for your loss. That must be so difficult for you and your family. I hope this silly show and these message boards are a good mindless distraction and provide a few laughs.

Thanks for your kind words - It really is that difficult especially because I have no more family other than my husband and his family, and right now I can't even see them in person other than hubbie.  Also, I have my close friends, which are like family.  But yeah, these message boards and the really good, kind people here have been an amazing support and TV shows like this one have actually been a welcome distraction.

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On 4/22/2020 at 12:33 AM, Yeah No said:

Thanks for your kind words - It really is that difficult especially because I have no more family other than my husband and his family, and right now I can't even see them in person other than hubbie.  Also, I have my close friends, which are like family.  But yeah, these message boards and the really good, kind people here have been an amazing support and TV shows like this one have actually been a welcome distraction.

I am so sorry.  These are cruel times.  We are deprived of the  healing rituals of death, and that too is a sadness.  My heart goes out to you.

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On 4/22/2020 at 7:33 AM, Yeah No said:

Thanks for your kind words - It really is that difficult especially because I have no more family other than my husband and his family, and right now I can't even see them in person other than hubbie.  Also, I have my close friends, which are like family.  But yeah, these message boards and the really good, kind people here have been an amazing support and TV shows like this one have actually been a welcome distraction.

I am so sorry for your loss, made so much more difficult in these times where the comforting rituals of mourning can't be observed in the normal way.  I'm glad you're able to find some distraction here. Friendships made on the internet, even with people we'll never, ever meet, can be as real as those we make in person. I hope your sadness soon fades and that the happy memories of your father stay with you forever.

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On 3/20/2020 at 4:55 PM, Ohwell said:

I'm not putting all the deception on Michael.  A name change is a big deal, although I think she changed it because she thought Meka sounded better for tv than that other name.  

Well, her mother's name is Temeka so I thought she was named after her mother. Maybe it is her nickname.

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On 3/26/2020 at 3:05 AM, silverspoons said:

I think before D-day they are suppose to keep things separate. The show pays for the apartment, power and gas bills and outings.  I would assume they both pay for their own cell phones , gas, clothes etc.

Ashley, from Chicago season, said the show paid for anything that was filmed.  Anything off camera, they paid themselves. 

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On 4/21/2020 at 11:33 PM, Yeah No said:

Thanks for your kind words - It really is that difficult especially because I have no more family other than my husband and his family, and right now I can't even see them in person other than hubbie.  Also, I have my close friends, which are like family.  But yeah, these message boards and the really good, kind people here have been an amazing support and TV shows like this one have actually been a welcome distraction.

I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤

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This show is a guilty pleasure for me.  I'm pretty old and male, so not the typical viewer and have watched all the seasons.  I'm not sure what that says about me!

I'm in the same category. I admit I enjoy the look on their faces when the smirk comes off their face and they realize that marriage requires work, compromise and thinking of someone other than yourself.

When Michael told Meka he had quit yet another job (only because she needled it out of him) that was actually the last straw from which he could never recover. She wasn't hurt anymore only resigned...

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On 4/22/2020 at 2:33 AM, Yeah No said:

Thanks for your kind words - It really is that difficult especially because I have no more family other than my husband and his family, and right now I can't even see them in person other than hubbie.  Also, I have my close friends, which are like family.  But yeah, these message boards and the really good, kind people here have been an amazing support and TV shows like this one have actually been a welcome distraction.

I am very sorry for your loss. 

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13 hours ago, Stinamaia said:

I am so sorry.  These are cruel times.  We are deprived of the  healing rituals of death, and that too is a sadness.  My heart goes out to you.

Thank you, this is so true, plus I have more related issues that make the situation even worse....

11 hours ago, essexjan said:

I am so sorry for your loss, made so much more difficult in these times where the comforting rituals of mourning can't be observed in the normal way.  I'm glad you're able to find some distraction here. Friendships made on the internet, even with people we'll never, ever meet, can be as real as those we make in person. I hope your sadness soon fades and that the happy memories of your father stay with you forever.

Yes, that's so true about internet relationships.  I met one of my real-life best friends on a chat board 17 years ago!

9 hours ago, lizajane said:

I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I am very sorry for your loss. 

Thanks so much to all of you!


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On 4/22/2020 at 2:33 AM, Yeah No said:

Thanks for your kind words - It really is that difficult especially because I have no more family other than my husband and his family, and right now I can't even see them in person other than hubbie.  Also, I have my close friends, which are like family.  But yeah, these message boards and the really good, kind people here have been an amazing support and TV shows like this one have actually been a welcome distraction.

I'm sorry for the loss of your father. Losing a parent is so hard and especially now when you can't have the in-person support of your family and friends. I'm sending you comfort and prayers.

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If we're not allowed to do this it can be deleted, but here's a thread on Reddit about the situation & the cast members behavior; the comments are interesting & give more info too.


They've cast some really crappy individuals, but this is the crappiest cast overall.

Edited by gonecrackers
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15 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

They've cast some really crappy individuals, but this is the crappiest cast overall.

I agree.  I grew up in DC and I'm embarrassed. 😒

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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

If we're not allowed to do this it can be deleted, but here's a thread on Reddit about the situation & the cast members behavior; the comments are interesting & give more info too.


Katie carries her self like a 9 but she’s actually a -4.  Bet that went over well.  😂

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On 4/24/2020 at 8:02 PM, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I have read this thread and watched this show but also have some memory retention issues (medical) so apologize in advance here for obviously missing a few things and hoping someone can clarify:

So, Brandon disliked/hated/wasn’t into Taylor at first sight? I missed that at the time and would love to know if it was ever clarified why/how immediate it was/how it affected the development or lack thereof of the relationship?

Because I can totally see why down the road they would not click as he got to know her, or could see why there might have been “failure to bond” issues with some of the couples since  some were not that attractive (unless you were into turtles, for example) but IMHO personality later revealed notwithstanding, Taylor is one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen. I can understand wanting to wait to find out how personalities would mesh, but would be surprised by hate at first sight. 

As soon as the season started airing, there were stories published online that said that the original woman that Brandon was paired with bailed on the show and that Taylor was a last minute replacement. If the show was in a bind, they likely grabbed an attention seeking social media person to fill in last minute and Taylor, thirsty as she is, jumped at the chance. If that is accurate, then I could see why Brandon felt duped because he knew from the jump that she was not there because she signed up to find a spouse. Brandon is no prize, it seems, but a lot of his anger seems to be because he felt duped. At the wedding, when Taylor walked up and said "Nice to meet you." He said, "Absolutely," which I thought was an odd reply but I got a feeling that he didn't like her from the start. He seemed very dismissive when talking to her after the wedding. I mentioned a couple of times that since both so the social party thing for alcohol distributors, there is a possibility that they crossed paths before.

On 4/25/2020 at 1:21 AM, qtpye said:

Brandon was like Dr. Jekyll before he met Taylor with production and then turned into Mr. Hyde afterwards. I remember thinking about how charming and handsome I found him before the wedding. I was excited that he was matched with Taylor and thought they would make a beautiful couple.

When he saw her, he acted like a man who has been mislead or duped in some way. He was angry.

I would not put any value on him saying she was attractive during the interviews. I think no groom in MAFS history has ever admitted to being disappointed in their bride on their wedding day even though some of them clearly were. 

Yep, the duped thing again. I can't help but think that pissed him off from day one and as the weeks went on, he got more and more furious about it. 

Surprised now that the reunion is over and Brandon's friends were all about "It's all gonna come out," that they've gone radio silent. 

Edited by configdotsys
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I put this in the main thread but it might get deleted; not sure where it was okay to go. In case re-posting here...

Meka's having a Q&A on Reddit (verified).


It's mildly interesting. She did great on the show in a shit situation, but the worship session is a bit much after a while. I skip to the actual answers LOL.

She was actually told by several of his friends that Michael's a pathological liar. She said there were a lot of red flags between the wedding & honeymoon. I would've liked to hear more about that but she answered someone that it's too much & will address it another time. 🙄 

Hopefully she's not going to milk this too much. I get a bit irritated when reality show people don't know when their 15m is up.

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Hopefully she's not going to milk this too much. I get a bit irritated when reality show people don't know when their 15m is up.

Head milkmaid is JamieO.

She has both hands and all her toes firmly gripped on Lifetime's teats....

Edited by humbleopinion
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Regarding Meka's comments on Reddit:  I'm not necessarily saying she's making some of the stuff up because I certainly don't know the truth (and I don't care).  However, I do wonder if she's a bit miffed because Michael was the one who filed for an annulment.  

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As soon as the season started airing, there were stories published online that said that the original woman that Brandon was paired with bailed on the show and that Taylor was a last minute replacement. If the show was in a bind, they likely grabbed an attention seeking social media person to fill in last minute and Taylor, thirsty as she is, jumped at the chance. If that is accurate, then I could see why Brandon felt duped because he knew from the jump that she was not there because she signed up to find a spouse. 

Here's what doesn't make sense about that story... I can see that a bride (or groom) might bail. In fact, I'd be surprised if no one ever did. So given that there are so many people who sign up to be on this show, wouldn't you think that the producers would have some replacements lined up? Kind of the B-list? When I read the story above, I assumed that Taylor was on that B-list - she signed up to be on the show and was (in theory at least) signed up for the show because she wanted to find a spouse but she wasn't the original match for Brandon?

If I were Brandon I'd probably still be pissed to find out that Taylor wasn't my original match and was perhaps matched with me only because she was willing to go through with it when the bill of goods I'd been sold was that "experts" matched me with someone who was supposed to be my perfect mate. But I didn't think that it was the case that Taylor was pulled out of thin air, with no previous contact with the show, at the last minute.

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Thank you! I had no idea any of that had transpired ... I guess I wasn't into the show enough to have done any side investigation on it. Now I'm really curious, though ... did Brandon's intended match bail after she found out who she'd be with, or cold feet, or change of plans or what? Does anyone know? It makes me wonder what the motive was (if any) in the match. 

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I don't think Brandon's "intended" bailed because of who they matched her with. I don't think they know anything about their partners until the wedding. I think I remembered a season where the couples each picked out wedding gifts for each other with a note telling them something, either about themselves or what they were excited about. They don't do that anymore, probably because they have added so many extra (and unnecessary) couples. But, I have no idea when/how Brandon found out about the substitution, but his friends sure seemed to know.

Also, this season there sure are a lot of details and discussions about what happened on the show, such as Meka's interviews and what is on IG. I thought they were not allowed to discuss any of that, per their non-disclosure contracts. It looks like this group is just doing what they want - such rebels!

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32 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

I don't think Brandon's "intended" bailed because of who they matched her with. I don't think they know anything about their partners until the wedding. I think I remembered a season where the couples each picked out wedding gifts for each other with a note telling them something, either about themselves or what they were excited about. They don't do that anymore, probably because they have added so many extra (and unnecessary) couples. But, I have no idea when/how Brandon found out about the substitution, but his friends sure seemed to know.

Also, this season there sure are a lot of details and discussions about what happened on the show, such as Meka's interviews and what is on IG. I thought they were not allowed to discuss any of that, per their non-disclosure contracts. It looks like this group is just doing what they want - such rebels!

I liked the pre-wedding gift exchange and I’m sorry they don’t do it anymore. 

I think Brandon’s original match is probably breathing a HUGE sigh of relief now...

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15 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Here's what doesn't make sense about that story... I can see that a bride (or groom) might bail. In fact, I'd be surprised if no one ever did. So given that there are so many people who sign up to be on this show, wouldn't you think that the producers would have some replacements lined up? Kind of the B-list? When I read the story above, I assumed that Taylor was on that B-list - she signed up to be on the show and was (in theory at least) signed up for the show because she wanted to find a spouse but she wasn't the original match for Brandon?

If I were Brandon I'd probably still be pissed to find out that Taylor wasn't my original match and was perhaps matched with me only because she was willing to go through with it when the bill of goods I'd been sold was that "experts" matched me with someone who was supposed to be my perfect mate. But I didn't think that it was the case that Taylor was pulled out of thin air, with no previous contact with the show, at the last minute.

It's entirely possible that Taylor was on the list but did not make the original cut but I'll never believe for a second that she had good intentions when she applied. If the show needed a quick last minute replacement and previously tossed her because they saw her motives, perhaps they revisited that because they needed someone who would agree quickly to be on the show when the original woman bailed out. Frankly, we just don't know. And it seems that all the "friends" who supposedly have the 411 have all clammed up even though there are probably no restrictions on them speaking. 

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57 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

It's entirely possible that Taylor was on the list but did not make the original cut but I'll never believe for a second that she had good intentions when she applied. If the show needed a quick last minute replacement and previously tossed her because they saw her motives, perhaps they revisited that because they needed someone who would agree quickly to be on the show when the original woman bailed out. Frankly, we just don't know. And it seems that all the "friends" who supposedly have the 411 have all clammed up even though there are probably no restrictions on them speaking. 

Oh - me neither. But it's hard to evaluate intentions so I'm sure Taylor said all the right things when she applied for the show. I don't think Zach was there to find his soulmate either. And it's possible that Taylor didn't make the initial cut not because the "experts" uncovered her ulterior motives but just because someone else was deemed to be a better match for Brandon.

You're right though - we will never know. One thing is for sure - they were a terrible match for a whole variety of reasons.

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22 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I liked the pre-wedding gift exchange and I’m sorry they don’t do it anymore.

MAFS changed it to Parting party gifts at the end of filming....

Meka to Michael- Fire extinguisher for his Pants on Fire

Michael to Meka- The Hope Diamond...it is being sent in the mail....so she'll have to wait...and wait...

Zach to Mindy- Wool...to pull over her eyes

Mindy to Zach-Imodium...take 1 tab for each bout of verbal diarrhea up to 6 tabs/24 hours

Taylor to Brandon- Nothing.

Brandon to Taylor-Nothing.

Derek to Katie-A giant picture of Derek so she will remember who she is married to and not go whoring after her ex.

Katie to Derek-A Quick and impersonal divorce...don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on your way out...and pay your own damn medical insurance, you slut.....

Austin to Jessica-A heart shaped Le Creuset  Dutch oven

 Jessica to Austin-Away Bigger Carry on Luggage for his work travel


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On 4/18/2020 at 12:43 PM, OnTime said:

AJ's radio interview from earlier this year:


The DJ's blather on for a while until AJ joins but the INTERSESTING  part is when the Married at First Sight FAN named "Reed" calls in.

It is clearly Brandon!!  Kinda of strange....


Holy hell, it's totally him. I had to turn it off when they started shit-talking Brandon to Brandon. He is insane.

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

There was so much crazy this season if it weren't for the protective orders it would make me wonder if the Show actually had it planned that way.

Anyone seen proof of these protective orders online?

Cue the Banjo music....

Dueling Protective Orders......

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23 hours ago, ElectricCityy said:

Holy hell, it's totally him. I had to turn it off when they started shit-talking Brandon to Brandon. He is insane.

OMG.  This is so, so weird!!!!  It was like he was googling the place in Delaware where he claimed to be from! LMAO!

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On 4/26/2020 at 12:32 PM, gonecrackers said:

She was actually told by several of his friends that Michael's a pathological liar.

I shouldn't have to tell Pepper this, as she's the sociologist, but maybe an afternoon spent with the friends of the applicants would tell her more about them than digging through their underwear drawers?  Just a thought.


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On 9/13/2019 at 1:41 PM, Kdawg82 said:

Keith was articulate and so restrained. If it were me I'd have been reduced to full on commentary about how she reacted to sexual things like an 11 year old girl seeing a "pee wee" by accident. I mean, really. I've dealt with some thick individuals before but she takes the cake. I wish her the best. Nothing wrong with virgins but REALLY.

Clearly I am very late to this party... BUT I just had to add a thought. Years ago I read a journal article (Journal of Psychology or something) that mentioned surveys re: one's approach to sexuality based upon age of consent for first encounter. It implied that those men and women who were sexually open and experimental prior to age 25 would go on to have healthy sex lives, whereas those who put off their first encounter until much later often had issues with trying new positions/activities after the age of 25. If this article represented Iris, I would assume her future sex life will stink because she will be resistant to try anything beyond what she has envisioned in her head. Did anyone else come across this same theory?

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On 4/28/2020 at 6:43 AM, ElectricCityy said:

Holy hell, it's totally him. I had to turn it off when they started shit-talking Brandon to Brandon. He is insane.

This is so Brandon he should feel embarrassed for not knowing how to change his approach just a little bit.

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On 3/19/2020 at 11:21 AM, gonecrackers said:

Interesting that he's the only one going after an annulment on the grounds of no sex. After all that happened with them even up 'till now, I believe that he did give Meka an ultimatum before the honeymoon...

Exactly! You read my mind because that was my first thought. If Michael had just confessed to saying what he did during the honeymoon, he could have made a better impact on Meka with regards to honesty. By continuing to lie about his supposed sex expectations, he just made Meka more suspect re: anything that came out of his mouth.

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In Meka's AMA she addresses the honeymoon mandate.  Says no way she misunderstood it as "I'd like sex on the honeymoon", that rather he was telling her they would have sex.  She said she thinks he was trying to bully her into it (in their talk on the plane ride).

Edited by MajorNelson
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On 4/17/2020 at 4:46 AM, Yeah No said:

Thanks to both of you and those that supported these opinions.  I am late to respond because I've been dealing with the death of my father in NYC from Coronavirus, but you all said it so well and I agree with you 100%.  That's why I said that Michael has no excuse.  He knows better.  I don't buy that he buys his own BS.  We have seen enough evidence that he is aware of his lying yet even though he pays lip service to being "sorry" for it, he does NOTHING to help himself and just keeps repeating the behavior.

I am so sorry for your loss.


And can I just say, we all know that there are a lot more emotional /mental issues that many people are able to cover up initially. However, having a license revoked for DUI is just not something that happens over night and with no way to see it coming. So in that regard, MAFS is just wrong to have not seen that. (even if his license was not revoked at the time of the "vetting" if there is such a thing, let's be real and acknowledge that there had to have been more than one current incident).

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11 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

In Meka's AMA she addresses the honeymoon mandate.  Says no way she misunderstood it as "I'd like sex on the honeymoon", that rather he was telling her they would have sex.  She said she thinks he was trying to bully her into it (in their talk on the plane ride).

I've wondered how she even felt safe sleeping next to this guy for 8 weeks.

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I thought at one point Michael was sleeping in a separate room, then when they "made up" they were in the same bed.  That was probably for the cameras though, and then he went back to his room.  

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