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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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On 3/11/2020 at 6:07 AM, gonecrackers said:

She's obviously had trouble so far & for whatever reason thought this show was a good idea. I can't tell (because, editing), whether she's truly desperate for Zach's attention or is actually fed up with him, as she sometimes sounds. I hope it's the latter & that she'll choose wisely with partners in the aftermath.

For some reason I think she is trying to remain gracious. We know she has control as an athlete, so maybe that extends to her public persona? I give her credit as she hasn't said or done anything to be ashamed of. (If that were me, I would have already published my fury and Zach attack statements. Maybe her parents' voices keep playing over in her head, and she just wants to get through this.

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On 3/5/2020 at 6:07 PM, RMB said:

Michael Watson claims to be the founder of both the Watson Foundation and the Watson Institute.  Google them and find out just how bogus his claim is.  He reminds me of my ex, a pathological liar who lies and lies and lies.  Run Meka!

What a pitiful liar.  His family knows about his lying.  Now I want to see again the early episodes where the family talks about the candidate. They are a bunch of liars as well.  So when we were all incredulous when Michael said no one in his family had ever been married; clearly was his first outrageous lie.  Producers didn't vet him at all with regard to employment.

On 3/11/2020 at 2:19 AM, Chalby said:

It appears to me (based upon what was revealed last episode) this poor guy has such low self esteem he will say anything about his 'experiences' if it makes others look at him as being successful. He clearly has never believed in himself, and I have always concluded that people who lie to this extreme do so because lying has met their need for "acceptance". So long as he doesn't accept himself, he will never stop lying. 

He is probably a sociopath.  That's a Narcissist without a social conscious.  The evidence of it can be found on brain scans.  Not going to change.  That Watson Foundation and Watson Institute stuff seem like part of scams he uses, probably to get donations from the gullible.  The talked his way into a Ted like talk which he would then say it was a TED talk.  Those organizations do exist but they began before he was born. A quick look and given that they exist; he might speak on stage and get some checks for donations that the could deposit in an account that he created at any bank.

On 3/11/2020 at 2:25 AM, Chalby said:

The more I hear and learn about Michael, the more embarrassed and uncomfortable I feel watching him squirm while his little brain is attempting to conjure yet another lie to cover the previous pile of lies. I just want him to come clean and excuse himself from the show. Come on, Michael, try to leave this show with at least one ounce of dignity or pride left within that shell of a body.

He isn't that bright so it is uncomfortable watching him fumble to create a lie.  He'll never admit the truth.  When will Meka find out that there will be no Ocho Rios?  Maybe at the airport?  Will he not show up claiming someone in this family had a heart attack or there was a death in the family; out of town of course.  Maybe he had to stay home to teach some yoga classes?  Poor Meka.  She will never trust anyone again.  And she was already a handful.  The trust in the experts who are really the producers..........

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On 3/1/2020 at 10:34 PM, Elizzikra said:

Yup. Small schools that aren’t publicly funded often have a completely different set of criteria for their staff and leadership. It’s not uncommon for fundraising experience to be a chief qualification for a principal of such a school rather than an educational background.

When I taught in a large city public school my principal was one of the youngest in the city and he was 35.

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On 3/13/2020 at 7:36 PM, Chalby said:

For some reason I think she is trying to remain gracious. We know she has control as an athlete, so maybe that extends to her public persona? I give her credit as she hasn't said or done anything to be ashamed of. (If that were me, I would have already published my fury and Zach attack statements. Maybe her parents' voices keep playing over in her head, and she just wants to get through this.

Yes the poor girl probably does have her parents looming voices saying we told you so, just to add insult to injury.  I hope she goes on to find an a great relationship and can just put this whole mess behind her.....if that's what she still wants.

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Someone posted (then deleted) a spoiler (on the episode topic) about Z&M still being married; having been seen (guessing recently) together, wearing rings.

If so, they're either scamming the audience right now, or, are in cahoots with either other, the show, or both.

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31 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Someone posted (then deleted) a spoiler (on the episode topic) about Z&M still being married; having been seen (guessing recently) together, wearing rings.

If so, they're either scamming the audience right now, or, are in cahoots with either other, the show, or both.

gosh, I hope that is not true

I don't think Mindy would go along with something like that, she seems too upright and sweet

zack, yeah, I can see him doing a lot of miserable things

I would be very surprised - she deserves someone who will treat her kindly 

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I saw the photo of Zach and Mindy but didn't remember seeing their rings. It could all have been part of Mindy wanting to stay hopeful and maybe start by being friends or dating. I cannot see them staying together for real. They weren't holding hands or anything like that, but just looked like they were talking.

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2 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

I saw the photo of Zach and Mindy but didn't remember seeing their rings. It could all have been part of Mindy wanting to stay hopeful and maybe start by being friends or dating. I cannot see them staying together for real. They weren't holding hands or anything like that, but just looked like they were talking.

I can't understand why she would even want to be friends with him - or why anyone would for that matter.

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19 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Someone posted (then deleted) a spoiler (on the episode topic) about Z&M still being married; having been seen (guessing recently) together, wearing rings.

If so, they're either scamming the audience right now, or, are in cahoots with either other, the show, or both.


19 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Someone posted (then deleted) a spoiler (on the episode topic) about Z&M still being married; having been seen (guessing recently) together, wearing rings.

If so, they're either scamming the audience right now, or, are in cahoots with either other, the show, or both.

I can't imagine Mindy would still be with Zach, he deserves to be with Lindsay, they would make a great couple!

Edited by endure
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22 hours ago, cinsays said:

gosh, I hope that is not true

I don't think Mindy would go along with something like that, she seems too upright and sweet

zack, yeah, I can see him doing a lot of miserable things

I would be very surprised - she deserves someone who will treat her kindly 

I don't put anything past someone going on these shows anymore.

14 hours ago, endure said:

I can't imagine Mindy would still be with Zach, he deserves to be with Lindsay, they would make a great couple!

His own family said he has commitment issues, so there ya go Lindsay.

Mindy is a fool if she stays friends with either one of them.

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Methinks Zach has convinced (mind f*cked) Mrs. Justice in staying married for the duration of the filming schedule including the Reunion...his way of flashing double middle fingers to all his critics

Zach is holding tight to her, taking her under the bus with him since he is the most hated cast member in the history of MAFS.

Why is Mindy obliging him?....two peas fame hos in a pod...

To be sure, Monsieur Pompadour has dislodged Puke as the most despicable in many of our eyes(but not all, so hold your flames)... quite a feat since Pukus is so fresh on our psyches...

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To be sure, Monsieur Pompadour has dislodged Puke as the most despicable in many of our eyes(but not all, so hold your flames)... quite a feat since Pukus is so fresh on our psyches...

They're sort of neck and neck in my mind and I have plenty of disdain to go around!

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

To be sure, Monsieur Pompadour has dislodged Puke as the most despicable in many of our eyes(but not all, so hold your flames)... quite a feat since Pukus is so fresh on our psyches...

It's a triumvirate for me: Luke, Matt and Zach. I still think Matt takes top asshole prize..........

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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Methinks Zach has convinced (mind f*cked) Mrs. Justice in staying married for the duration of the filming schedule including the Reunion...his way of flashing double middle fingers to all his critics

Zach is holding tight to her, taking her under the bus with him since he is the most hated cast member in the history of MAFS.

Why is Mindy obliging him?....two peas fame hos in a pod...

To be sure, Monsieur Pompadour has dislodged Puke as the most despicable in many of our eyes(but not all, so hold your flames)... quite a feat since Pukus is so fresh on our psyches...

If you really want to know the results of Zach's and Mindy's marital status, check out the MASFan Instagram account.

As a hint, the reunion show was filmed in LA

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11 minutes ago, GettingGray said:

If you really want to know the results of Zach's and Mindy's marital status, check out the MASFan Instagram account.

As a hint, the reunion show was filmed in LA

Since this is the spoiler thread...could you tell us that are not on the gram?

Appreciate the info.



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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

Since this is the spoiler thread...could you tell us that are not on the gram?

Appreciate the info.



Since you asked, here is the scoop on various couples per the MAFSFan Instagram sight

1. Zach/Mindy get divorced at the end of 8 weeks.  The reunion show takes place in LA where a picture of Zach/Mindy has been shown on the internet but they are not togther.

Do you want to know other spoilers?

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41 minutes ago, GettingGray said:


1. Brandon filed for divorce and was not invited to the reunion show

2. Michael filed an annulment the day after filming ended, stating he the marriage was not consummated (no surprise there!).  He also said he felt the show knew it was a bad match and matched only for ratings.

3. Derrick and Seal Face.  They stay married at decision day but are not together at the reunion.

4. Austin & Jessica.  They are spotted at the same table in a restaurant in LA during the reunion show, so it is assumed they are the only couple that makes it through the reunion together.


This show is a guilty pleasure for me.  I'm pretty old and male, so not the typical viewer and have watched all the seasons.  I'm not sure what that says about me!


Thank you👍👍

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Pardon my ignorance....

Is MAFS shooting the upcoming season currently?

Have they suspended production?

If not, Sheltering in place with an instant stranger/spouse with go pros would need to include combat pay....

A hiatus in the constant churning out of bad matches may be a tiny silver lining to our current life situation....

Can imagine a new reality for pre production like in depth medical questioning, any international travel in the previous year, etc ...

Love to hate MAFS but it is a welcomed respite during the hunkering down.

Edited by humbleopinion
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36 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Call me a bitter ol' hag I don't care, but those gaudy, big assed engagement rings don't mean a thing.   😐

You are right, they are just a symbol, but I wouldn't say no to that ring! (Caw! Caw!) My father always accuses me and my sister and stepmother of being a bunch of crows - we like shiny jewelry! 😜

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2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Call me a bitter ol' hag I don't care, but those gaudy, big assed engagement rings don't mean a thing.   😐

That is, unless you want to pawn it. 😏

IIRC, it's actually subtle compared to the atrocity Jason gave her.

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I LOVE the lamp arrangement over Dr. Coles left shoulder.  Some set designer has a really good eye and aesthetic.  If only I was till buying things,  But, alas, no.  

Most of the guys on this season are giant pos.  

I watched season one of this, did not like Jamie, she is still kinda annoying,   But I like her husband so.....ok.  Then came season two and I thought Hell No and dismissed it.  Then I was wandering and came across this again.  So I thought ok, I’ll give it a try.  And here I am, not hooked but will squint my eyes to the icky end.  

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Cortney is on Reality Steve’s latest podcast.  I haven’t listened to it yet.  I heard her on another podcast a few months ago and she almost rivaled Zach with her word salad.  I don’t know if I’m ready to subject myself to that right now.  

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On 3/17/2020 at 7:31 PM, GettingGray said:

2. Michael filed an annulment the day after filming ended, stating he the marriage was not consummated (no surprise there!).  He also said he felt the show knew it was a bad match and matched only for ratings.

Interesting that he's the only one going after an annulment on the grounds of no sex. After all that happened with them even up 'till now, I believe that he did give Meka an ultimatum before the honeymoon, didn't expect to be called out for it, so was continually pissed at her throughout the rest of their time together. That might even be why the ridiculous, 'pathic level of lying. He's a mess & I hope he does not get the annulment. Many couples did not consummate & no one got an annulment (not sure anyone else even tried). He applied to be married on a TV show just like the others, so this 'special' snowflake does not deserve an annulment either.

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Michael not getting an annulment wouldn't help Meka at all.  I mean, suppose she meets someone else she's interested in, or she just wants to be free of Michael?  I just doubt she'd want to still be married to Michael.   The only thing that might piss her off is that she didn't file first.

Edited by Ohwell
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Not sure what Meka has to do with this given Michael is the one seeking annulment. For whatever reason he feels better than every other MAFS participant, & there are many, who ended up divorced.  It's a risk they all know they are taking.

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26 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Not sure what Meka has to do with this given Michael is the one seeking annulment. For whatever reason he feels better than every other MAFS participant, & there are many, who ended up divorced.  It's a risk they all know they are taking.

if they can legally get an annulment, why is that so wrong? this was never really a marriage

the rest of them should do the same

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2 minutes ago, cinsays said:

if they can legally get an annulment, why is that so wrong? this was never really a marriage

the rest of them should do the same

The point I'm making is it's never been an option for anyone thus far, so why should it be all of a sudden? The show makes it clear, "stay married or get a divorce".

Whatever I guess. If he gets it it's good for both of them, & maybe it'll set a precedent. "Stay married, or get a divorce/annulment".

And if I were Meka I would've definitely filed right after that awful 'honeymoon' with the crazy liar. But, he's doing her a huge favor so there's that.

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8 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

Cortney is on Reality Steve’s latest podcast.  I haven’t listened to it yet.  I heard her on another podcast a few months ago and she almost rivaled Zach with her word salad.  I don’t know if I’m ready to subject myself to that right now.  

I listened to it.  She talks about Jason a lot.  I think it's weird she is getting information about Jason from "mutual friends" living in New York.  She's been on three podcasts since November and lied again about when and how she met her fiance.  I stopped listening when she told Steve they've been living together for two months.  Really Cortney, wow.  I'm starting to believe the cheating rumors.  

Edited by superflysista
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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

The point I'm making is it's never been an option for anyone thus far, so why should it be all of a sudden? The show makes it clear, "stay married or get a divorce".

Whatever I guess. If he gets it it's good for both of them, & maybe it'll set a precedent. "Stay married, or get a divorce/annulment".

And if I were Meka I would've definitely filed right after that awful 'honeymoon' with the crazy liar. But, he's doing her a huge favor so there's that.

Divorce verses annulment has nothing to do with the show. Those are legal proceedings. The show can't grant a divorce. If the petitioning  party  meets the criteria for divorce or annulment  under the applicable state law, the party would be entitled  to the requested relief. I am assuming these are legal marriages as stated in the show. 

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On 3/11/2020 at 12:54 AM, Yeah No said:

I think this show has become an offense against women in general.  Maybe it always has been but I'm just getting tired of it.

Blind Date is so much fresher.

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5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

The point I'm making is it's never been an option for anyone thus far, so why should it be all of a sudden? The show makes it clear, "stay married or get a divorce".

Whatever I guess. If he gets it it's good for both of them, & maybe it'll set a precedent. "Stay married, or get a divorce/annulment".

And if I were Meka I would've definitely filed right after that awful 'honeymoon' with the crazy liar. But, he's doing her a huge favor so there's that.

My good friend is a divorce lawyer and says that if they are legally married they have a right to pursue annulment under the specific laws that define annulment in the state where they were married.  The only thing the show can do to try to get them to divorce is to put something in their contracts about forfeiting something the show gave them if they don't actually divorce.  I can't imagine why they would do that, though.  My question is do we know that no one on this show has ever gotten an annulment?  I would have assumed that season 4's Heather would have pursued one from Derek given how short that marriage lasted, plus she might have had grounds to claim misrepresentation and even fraud over his "smoking".

Given that Michael lied about getting a job at a Catholic school, could he be a Roman Catholic and a legal annulment is important to him so that he can get remarried in the church?  I'm just speculating.  People have different reasons for pursuing annulment as opposed to divorce.  I can see that given the unique nature of the marriages on this show some people would prefer annulment so that they can convince their families and friends that there is "no lingering stain" on their record or reputations.  It's mostly psychological, but it can feel better if they can use annulment to convince themselves and their families/friends that this was never a "real" marriage.  Obviously the show wants them to consider it a "real marriage" which is why they probably push the divorce angle so that the couples don't think they can easily pursue annulment and not have to face the consequences of really being married.

And also speaking of annulment, after this most recent episode I wondered if the reason Zach was talking to Mindy's girlfriend was to find out some dirt on her that he could use to have grounds for annulment as opposed to divorce.  Annulment is simpler than divorce, or at least it was simpler before no fault divorce, but even now it ensures that no one is going to try to get things distributed more in their favor.  It also makes it almost as if the marriage never happened in the eyes of the law, so I can understand why some people would prefer that.  It would also explain why both he and Mindy's girlfriend deleted their text exchange - because Zach doesn't want anyone to know he was already looking for an out at the same time he was lying to the camera about wanting to see the commitment at least through the end of the 8 weeks.

I'm wondering if Mindy's so-called "friend" outed her on something like that she is unable to have children, or that she has massive undisclosed debt, or that maybe she has some sort of STD and deliberately did not admit to whatever it was to the experts when she applied to be on the show.  Those are all things I've read can often qualify as grounds for annulment.  If Zach can claim that she denied whatever it was to the experts when asked about any such issues, he might have grounds.  I wouldn't put it past him to have done that.  I don't trust that anything the friend said about her was true, though, or that Zach is being honest about it.  What a dirt bag.

Edited by Yeah No
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3 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

My good friend is a divorce lawyer and says that if they are legally married they have a right to pursue annulment under the specific laws that define annulment in the state where they were married.  The only thing the show can do to try to get them to divorce is to put something in their contracts about forfeiting something the show gave them if they don't actually divorce.  I can't imagine why they would do that, though.  My question is do we know that no one on this show has ever gotten an annulment?  I would have assumed that season 4's Heather would have pursued one from Derek given how short that marriage lasted, plus she might have had grounds to claim misrepresentation and even fraud over his "smoking".

Given that Michael lied about getting a job at a Catholic school, could he be a Roman Catholic and an annulment is important to him so that he can get remarried in the church?  I'm just speculating.  People have different reasons for pursuing annulment as opposed to divorce.  I can see that given the unique nature of the marriages on this show some people would prefer annulment so that they can convince their families and friends that there is "no lingering stain" on their record or reputations.  It's mostly psychological, but it can feel better if they can use annulment to convince themselves and their families/friends that this was never a "real" marriage.  Obviously the show wants them to consider it a "real marriage" which is why they probably push the divorce angle so that the couples don't think they can easily pursue annulment and not have to face the consequences of really being married.

And also speaking of annulment, after this most recent episode I wondered if the reason Zach was talking to Mindy's girlfriend was to find out some dirt on her that he could use to have grounds for annulment as opposed to divorce.  Annulment is simpler than divorce, or at least it was simpler before no fault divorce, but even now it ensures that no one is going to try to get things distributed more in their favor.  It also makes it almost as if the marriage never happened in the eyes of the law, so I can understand why some people would prefer that.  It would also explain why both he and Mindy's girlfriend deleted their text exchange - because Zach doesn't want anyone to know he was already looking for an out at the same time he was lying to the camera about wanting to see the commitment at least through the end of the 8 weeks.

I'm wondering if Mindy's so-called "friend" outed her on something like that she is unable to have children, or that she has massive undisclosed debt, or that maybe she has some sort of STD and deliberately did not admit to whatever it was to the experts when she applied to be on the show.  Those are all things I've read can often qualify as grounds for annulment.  If Zach can claim that she denied whatever it was to the experts when asked about any such issues, he might have grounds.  I wouldn't put it past him to have done that.  I don't trust that anything the friend said about her was true, though, or that Zach is being honest about it.  What a dirt bag.

I don’t think Michael is seeking an annulment from the church. As I understand it, since he wasn’t married in the church, the church doesn’t recognize the marriage. He has a legal marriage but hasn’t participated in the sacrament of marriage (with a priest and in a church). So I think he’s getting a legal annulment not a religious one.

Honestly, though, it all seems like semantics to me. If I met someone and started dating him, I don’t want to find out after he tells me that he’s never been married that he actually was married but it doesn’t count because it was annulled. I want to hear “I was married and it was annulled.” And before I get involved with him, I want him to be divorced or annulled or whatever he’s doing - I don’t want him to still be married. But I don’t much care if the mechanism of marital dissolution is a divorce or an annulment.

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28 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I don’t think Michael is seeking an annulment from the church. As I understand it, since he wasn’t married in the church, the church doesn’t recognize the marriage. He has a legal marriage but hasn’t participated in the sacrament of marriage (with a priest and in a church). So I think he’s getting a legal annulment not a religious one.

No I didn't mean he was getting a church annulment, only a legal one.  But if he is a Roman Catholic and wants to get married again he does have to have a legal annulment to qualify to get married in the church if that's what he wants to do, or so I have read.  The RC church does not allow divorced people to have a church wedding in an RC church but unless I've misunderstood something, they might allow it if the marriage has been legally annulled and the grounds for the annulment meet their criteria.  Not sure on that, though.

I know a case in which a woman got married to a man in a civil ceremony and later it was found out he was already married so she got a legal annulment.  She was later able to marry in the Episcopal church back in the 1950s because the grounds upon which she got her legal annulment were recognized by the church.

Edited by Yeah No
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46 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I don’t think Michael is seeking an annulment from the church. As I understand it, since he wasn’t married in the church, the church doesn’t recognize the marriage. He has a legal marriage but hasn’t participated in the sacrament of marriage (with a priest and in a church). So I think he’s getting a legal annulment not a religious one.

Honestly, though, it all seems like semantics to me. If I met someone and started dating him, I don’t want to find out after he tells me that he’s never been married that he actually was married but it doesn’t count because it was annulled. I want to hear “I was married and it was annulled.” And before I get involved with him, I want him to be divorced or annulled or whatever he’s doing - I don’t want him to still be married. But I don’t much care if the mechanism of marital dissolution is a divorce or an annulment.

Exactly - one assumes that they will disclose to future partners that they were on this shitshow - after that who cares if it was an annulment or a DIVORCE!

29 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

No I didn't mean he was getting a church annulment, only a legal one.  But if he is a Roman Catholic and wants to get married again he does have to have a legal annulment to qualify to get married in the church if that's what he wants to do, or so I have read.  The RC church does not allow divorced people to have a church wedding in an RC church but unless I've misunderstood something, they might allow it if the marriage has been legally annulled and the grounds for the annulment meet their criteria.  Not sure on that, though.

As the above poster said, the RC church would not consider it a marriage unless done by a priest in a RC ceremony, so for those reasons the divorce wouldn't count either.

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7 minutes ago, princelina said:

Exactly - one assumes that they will disclose to future partners that they were on this shitshow - after that who cares if it was an annulment or a DIVORCE!

As the above poster said, the RC church would not consider it a marriage unless done by a priest in a RC ceremony, so for those reasons the divorce wouldn't count either.

In this day and age one might think most people wouldn't care, but if they are religious and their families care about appearances it might make a difference to them.  It's probably more to avoid the social stigma of being divorced that they would want to avoid it and seek civil annulment instead.  So if their families and friends want to tell them they made a mistake they can point to the annulment and act like it never happened.

I liked the way the author of this article put it:


Certainly being a divorcée (or divorcé) carries less of a stigma now than it did fifty years ago. But for some people, a divorce is a public admission of failure. “There still is a pejorative connotation for divorce that people feel is not there for annulment,” says Green. “They don’t have to say they’re divorced because technically they’re not divorced.” This is particularly relevant for someone who has been the victim of fraud—you don’t want to check that “divorced” box for the rest of your life because someone pulled a fast one on you.


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11 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Interesting that he's the only one going after an annulment on the grounds of no sex.

I read he also claimed she had deceived him, and that was the main issue, not the not consummated part.

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

In this day and age one might think most people wouldn't care, but if they are religious and their families care about appearances it might make a difference to them.  It's probably more to avoid the social stigma of being divorced that they would want to avoid it and seek civil annulment instead.  So if their families and friends want to tell them they made a mistake they can point to the annulment and act like it never happened.

IMO if people care about the "social stigma" they can just not mention it and pretend it never happened - the only people it would actually matter to are the next partners/spouses of the contestants and I would hope they'd be told anyway.

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13 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Divorce verses annulment has nothing to do with the show. Those are legal proceedings. The show can't grant a divorce. If the petitioning  party  meets the criteria for divorce or annulment  under the applicable state law, the party would be entitled  to the requested relief. I am assuming these are legal marriages as stated in the show. 

Exactly.  Same with this whole decision day meaning you commit for life. Nope. Once the show is over if you want to divorce/annul there is nothing the show has to say about it.


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10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

No I didn't mean he was getting a church annulment, only a legal one.  But if he is a Roman Catholic and wants to get married again he does have to have a legal annulment to qualify to get married in the church if that's what he wants to do, or so I have read.  The RC church does not allow divorced people to have a church wedding in an RC church but unless I've misunderstood something, they might allow it if the marriage has been legally annulled and the grounds for the annulment meet their criteria.  Not sure on that, though.

I know a case in which a woman got married to a man in a civil ceremony and later it was found out he was already married so she got a legal annulment.  She was later able to marry in the Episcopal church back in the 1950s because the grounds upon which she got her legal annulment were recognized by the church.

I know a woman who got divorced after decades of marriage and a couple kids and managed to get an annulment from the Catholic church by throwing some money and influence at the local parish. Her grandkids were horrified and angry and I'm still not sure how the heck she managed to pull that off.

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