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Season 37 Final Jeopardy Contest

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13 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

.. I must get @Mindthinkr to cook us a great Belated Bday Dinner.

Chicken Cordon Bleu with asparagus and Hollandaise? Beef Wellington? An Italian 3 course featuring a risotto?

Name it. I’ll make it. Of course there will be Birthday cake for dinner. May I suggest a chocolate malted one? 

Edited to add: Personally I could go for a nice roast tenderloin with Yorkshire Pudding right now. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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27 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Chicken Cordon Bleu with asparagus and Hollandaise? Beef Wellington? An Italian 3 course featuring a risotto?


I knew you would come through, Mindthinkr. You are the BEST! I hope we are at the same table this week!

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WEEK 13 • Dec. 7, 2020 — THREE asterisk ***
* 61. Fantastic Beasts. Symbols of strength in the Bible include Behemoth & this horned creature, perhaps an extinct wild ox, which the KJV mentions 9 times.  *
62. The Ancient World. He got to propose his own sentence & joked that since he was actually a benefactor of the state, he should get free meals!
63. American Lit. A book by him says, “From the forest came the call…distinct and definite as never before–a long-drawn howl.”
* 64. European Geography. Once a residence of rulers of Austria, this city on the Danube less than 20 miles from Vienna became a national capital in 1993.  *
* 65. Broadway Revivals. Ads for the 2020 revival of this musical said “Something’s coming. Something good”; a new movie version is also coming.

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Week thirteen:  four of five with two asterisks! After missing unicorns (freaking unicorns in the Bible?!?), I aced the rest of the week. I've been to Bratislava twice - once on a Viking River tour and once with my university alumni band on concert tour, performing in a band shell in the Main Square in the pouring rain. 

I remember reading about Spielberg directing West Side Story some time during the pandemic - such a weird combination of director and film.

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41 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

But you win Week 13's Smarty Pants Award for even knowing that word and what they are.

Aurochs?  Didn't I mention that I used to breed them, and one of mine won Best in Show once?  Of course it was a small show, because they were almost extinct then.

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Most importantly thank you all for the Birthday wishes.  All the Birthday dinners sound delicious.   I actually had some lobster mac and cheese that I had ordered from Maine earlier in the year and stashed in the freezer for the occasion.  

Browncoat- I am extremely jealous of the  barbecue and the sandwich- please enjoy both.  I may indulge myself by mail ordering some Cheese Shop  House Dressing - a bit pricey but oh so good.  Are they doing the Grand Illumination in CW still?  

On to the contest  - I was 3/5 with 1 * - I rarely miss Sondheim lyrics.

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I was awake for Bratislava this week, which I missed.  Had I been awake the rest of the week, I would have gotten Friday's WSS in less than a heartbeat, but blown the rest. This is why I have dropped out. I got sleepy around 4 PM, set the alarm on my phone for 6:27 to give me time to wake up & visit the loo before the news.  I woke up at 8:15. Slept right through the alarm. Fed the cats, went back to sleep & woke up at 3:15 AM. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm turning into a cat. If I start washing by licking myself, I'm going to see a psychiatrist.  (Although, I've always wished I could purr.)

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5 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Are they doing the Grand Illumination in CW still? 

Sort of.  I'm not sure how, but they're limiting admission, and maybe selling tickets?  I think they spread it out over several weekends.  I know that all the times were sold out by the time I decided to come here.  All the Christmas decorations are up, and some of the wreaths are spectacular.  The lights at The Inn are brilliant, as usual.

2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I think it's less weird than Tim Burton/Sweeney Todd.

Until he cast it, I thought that was a brilliant combination.  I even had fairly high hopes he'd do right by the show, but alas.  And there is no one in the world who can convince me that he chose his cast based on auditions.  He might have made them all audition, but there is no possible way those (any of them -- even the minor roles) were his best options.

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

He might have made them all audition, but there is no possible way those (any of them -- even the minor roles) were his best options.

I read that Bonham Carter, since childhood, had wanted to play Mrs. Lovett. Went around the house singing all her songs. Must've driven her parents nuts. But after all that rehearsal, she's still no Lansbury.  As much as I like Depp's performing, he missed a lot of the humor built in to the play.

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Week 13: 1/5

YTD: 27/65  five*


10 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Are they doing the Grand Illumination in CW still?


4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Sort of.  I'm not sure how, but they're limiting admission, and maybe selling tickets?  

Acrually, they are not.  Due to additional Covid-19 restrictions, they cancelled the events. There were to be three dates, Dec. 5, 12, and 19.  Reservations required and limited.  If you get a chance to look at the historic area's wreaths and decorations, they are so good even in photographs.

I went to Merchants Square this week for the first time in months.  Streets are looking festive.  I dropped in to Wythe Candy for some treats, and then stopped at the Christmas Shop, where I worked part-time before retirement.  The person there, who I had worked with, said they of course hadn't been as busy, but still pretty steady since the end of October.  


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11 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

I may indulge myself by mail ordering some Cheese Shop  House Dressing

Some time back here someone posted the recipe for Cheese Shop House Dressing. I made it, and it was delicious. If you are interested in giving it a try, I can post the recipe since, of course, I still have it.

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15 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

🎶 One is the loneliest number 

Not when you are sharing a table with Saber. I've been here so long, I'm wearing out my chair.

I was so certain Friday's FJ was A Chorus Line. I was pumped to get another answer correct. At least TPTB threw me a bone by using a dog-book FJ so I could get a 1 this week. As for West Side Story, we had that album as kids and played it over and over on our little portable record player, the kind that you had to tape a penny onto the needle arm to keep it from skipping. Still, I would have sworn there is a song like that in Chorus Line.

Edited by saber5055
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8 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

What the hell is wrong with me?

Not to get personal, but have you had your thyroid levels checked? I'd ask a doctor for a thorough blood panel workup after telling him/her about these whack sleeping habits.

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Thanks Zoey1996 for the info- saddened but not surprised at events being cancelled.  I am now picturing Merchant Square and the rest of DOG street.  So many happy memories! 

Saber5055 - if you do find the recipe, please post it again.  I'll be off work on the holiday weekends and it might make a good project.

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4 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

If you get a chance to look at the historic area's wreaths and decorations, they are so good even in photographs.

I went to Merchants Square this week for the first time in months.  Streets are looking festive.  I dropped in to Wythe Candy for some treats, and then stopped at the Christmas Shop, where I worked part-time before retirement.  The person there, who I had worked with, said they of course hadn't been as busy, but still pretty steady since the end of October.  


The wreaths are lovely!  I've taken several photos.  And Merchant's Square has been absolutely PACKED these past two days.  Probably the fabulous weather has something to do with that, but it's disconcerting to me.  Too many people!  I'm avoiding that part of DoG Street until after the rain/cold front pass through.  That should clear everyone out.

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2 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Saber5055 - if you do find the recipe, please post it again.

Your wish is my command. Lucky you! That it's called W&M is a plus, no?

This is "William & Mary Sandwich Sauce, and it's from the William & Mary Cookbook. The subheading for the recipe says, "As inspired by the famous Cheese Shop sandwiches".

1 quart mayonnaise
1 bottle (8.2oz) Sharwood's steak sauce (or your favorite brand)
4 oz spicy brown mustard
4 oz hot and sweet mustard or honey Dijon mustard
Mix it up and keep it chilled.

I didn't not make a full amount but did fractions of the ingredients. It came out deliciously great. Now I want to make it again! It just takes minutes to whip up.

Recipe is from a poster here a couple years ago, so thank you Original Posting Person.

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On 12/12/2020 at 12:01 PM, saber5055 said:

Not to get personal, but have you had your thyroid levels checked? I'd ask a doctor for a thorough blood panel workup after telling him/her about these whack sleeping habits.

If I ever can get an appointment with the doctor, I'll ask. It's time for complete labwork, anyway. I usually do have something extra I ask for - once I asked for my lead level to be tested, since I was being exposed to lead-based paint on a fairly regular basis. Turned out THAT was OK.

I had a good doctor, but then the practice and the hospital they're affiliated with was bought by Emory University and folded into their healthcare leviathan, my doctor quit & moved three counties away. I would love to find a nearby doc that's NOT part of the Emory complex, yet has free parking. Hahahaha.

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4/5 with 2*. I never thought of a unicorn as a symbol of strength, but I never thought they were in the Bible, either. I did know Bratislava. A group of us went to Vienna some time back, and I studied the map extensively before we went. Towns are a lot closer in Europe. And countries too. And lucky for me I read about West Side Story coming back. Another week of good categories for me.

I love the Cheese Shop house dressing! Corned beef on rye with Swiss and House dressing for me, please!

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3/5 1*

Monday & Tuesday were lucky guesses, & I said Cats for Friday being 99.9% certain that it was wrong. For Thursday I answered "whatever the capital of the Czech Republic is", which MiniToothbrush #1 knew since he recently had to map out all European countries & capitals. Too bad we weren't playing team Jeopardy.  

I had no idea WSS is being re-made. I used to be up on movies thanks to the million trailers we'd see during our weekly movie outing, but that's all gone to hell since March.

Having Alex talk about Christmas coming up was 😢

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Well, it's good you two checked in because if you hadn't, you both would have missed being Co-Winners of the Best Week Ever, lucky Week 13. Yes, I'm saying that the pair named @alliana and @Toothbrush are sharing Top Honors this week based on not only the pair of them being tardy posting, the pair of them have had the exact same scores for the past three weeks. Congratulations to you both! And that's okay with me if you want to keep copying off of each other's papers. (Don't get any ideas you other players.)

Hooray for Alliana and Toothbrush! *clap clap applause*

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WEEK 14 • Dec. 14, 2020 — ONE asterisk *
66. Famous Places. Opened in 1973, it includes the Joan Sutherland Theatre, named for the singer, & the Utzon Room, named for the architect.
67. Magazines. This magazine had the same person on its cover since its founding 20 years ago until it chose Breonna Taylor as its Sept. 2020 cover.
68. Royalty. In 1521 this monarch published the theological treatise “Defense of the Seven Sacraments.”
* 69. Play Characters. This title character says, “Who find my visage’s center ornament a thing to jest at–it is my wont…to let him taste my steel.” *
70. Innovations. This co. takes credit for inventing modern gift wrap, dating to its sale of fancy decorated envelope linings at Christmas in 1917.

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