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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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6 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I've never actually heard of the Earl of Sandwich sandwich shops, but sandwich was the only thing that made sense to me in the context of the clue.

I definitely knew about the Earl of Sandwich, as in a title, not the shops.

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FJ was an instaget.

The only missed clue I got was decongestant.

I got the entire categories of land nicknames and TV theme songs right.

Just for your entertainment I said George Gershwin instead of George Sands and the Grand Prix (although at least that one I didn't actually know).

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FJ: My first thought was Harvard beets but I changed it to hasty pudding in time.

I worked at Harvard for a while, and attended the thesis defense of a graduate student who had analyzed pesticide levels in foods.  Someone asked him about Harvard beets. He said, "I don't know what those are. I guess I haven't been at Harvard long enough." His thesis advisor commented, "Isn't that a rather dangerous thing to say at your thesis defense?"

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Instaget FJ for me tonight.  But I only got three TS -- decongestant, sedative, and benzene.  I'd like to thank Young Frankenstein for sedative (though I knew it anyway).

And not that it mattered in the end, but the woman in the middle should have bet zero.

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My thought process for FJ - dish? What dish?? Oh! Hasty Pudding!

Old theme songs?! Old! That’s just cruel Jeopardy. Heh, I have a feeling I would have sung all my responses. 

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I knew plum pudding was wrong for FJ, but once it got stuck in my brain there was no budging it.

I was surprised decongestant was a TS.


1 minute ago, Browncoat said:

And not that it mattered in the end, but the woman in the middle should have bet zero.

If the woman in the middle had bet zero, that would have been another $6K to charity, right? Or do they just count it as $1K? 
Anyway, in theory, if everyone had bet everything and only the woman in the middle had Hasty Pudding, she would have had $12K for her total instead of $6K, but I suspect you are still correct, @Browncoat, and that James Holzhauer would agree with you too based on some sort of probability algorithm. 

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30 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

My goal every week is to get at least one FJ!. Goal accomplished for this week.

Mine too.

Mission NOT accomplished yet this week.

Edited by opus
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I knew it was some pudding I also kept thinking figgy

So the suicide is painless question is in trivial pursuit.  We were playing in college and the question came up what tv show has the theme song suicide is painless.  The girl says 'i don't know the Brady bunch!'

Then we all get singing 'suicide is painless' to the time of the Brady bunch. It doesn't really work that well though. 

But I won't ever forget that answer.  I forget the name of the girl who said it, but not the answer. 

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Came home to some sad news and then missed the beginning because of a special weather report (got a big storm at work this afternoon and they were still hanging around the area but only got a little thunder just after I got home; warnings expired at 8), so I wasn't keeping track, but I did get FJ after thinking about it for a few seconds ("no, not Figgy Pudding..."). Just checked the archive; my only TS were decongestant and sedatives, 

(Switched to Channel 6 but by the time I did they were halfway through revealing the categories. Switched back to 7 at the commercial break only to find that they apparently started the show after the weather report because it was a few minutes behind, so if I had just stayed with the weather I wouldn't have missed anything. Oh, well.)

Missed whatever intro he might have done but George seemed fine as host. Unobtrusive.

1 hour ago, M. Darcy said:

Old theme songs?! Old! That’s just cruel Jeopardy. Heh, I have a feeling I would have sung all my responses. 

I sang Rawhide.

1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

If the woman in the middle had bet zero, that would have been another $6K to charity, right? Or do they just count it as $1K? 

They just count the actual winnings, so the winner + $3K.

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I got Rod Serling, decongestant, Spain, and George Sand. I wondered whether "tranquilizer" would have been acceptable rather than "sedative."

I guessed Harvard beets instead of hasty pudding. I only realized my mistake when "figgy pudding" was revealed. (Now I have "Now bring us some figgy pudding..." running through my head.) 😖

A couple of people in the Guest Host thread commented on the raspy quality of George's voice. I haven't listened to him elsewhere lately, so I don't know if that's just the way he sounds nowadays or if he had a cold or something.

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George Stephanapoulos joins the long list of people who've done a fine job guest hosting; I'm impressed with how smooth this transition period has been.

The Rod Serling TS surprised me a bit, as did sedatives, and no one getting decongestant was a doozy.

I expected to do poorly in the gaming category, but I wound up getting all but one (Clank).  That was my only miss in the first round.

I did well in DJ, too; I ran Z, Secretary of State, and theme songs, and only missed two in French Lit and one each in logos and Buddhism.

And FJ was an instaget, so my week is off to a great start.  Well, in terms of J!, anyway, it's actually been a bit crappy otherwise.

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27 minutes ago, GreekGeek said:

I got Rod Serling, decongestant, Spain, and George Sand. I wondered whether "tranquilizer" would have been acceptable rather than "sedative."

I wondered if 'hypnotic' would have been accepted. The drug class is 'sedative-hypnotics'.

Every time there is a college question on Jeopardy, it makes me feel like I really have zero understanding of what the system is like in the US. I don't get how such specific things about different schools are considered common knowledge across the country.

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FJ was an instaget for me. I liked George but am sad to lose the Champ. Oh well, I ran the TV theme songs category though and was thrilled someone knew Suicide is Painless. I read somewhere that the writer gets more royalties from MASH than some of the people on the show. 

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36 minutes ago, GreekGeek said:

I wondered whether "tranquilizer" would have been acceptable rather than "sedative."

The clue read, "Central nervous system depressants include tranquilizers for anxiety and these sleep inducers, from Latin for 'calm.'"

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27 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I don't get how such specific things about different schools are considered common knowledge across the country.

Harvard's Hasty Pudding Club gives annual awards to famous actors and actresses. National news shows often mention the ceremonies and the history of the club's name.

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1 hour ago, Driad said:

Harvard's Hasty Pudding Club gives annual awards to famous actors and actresses. National news shows often mention the ceremonies and the history of the club's name.

I was thinking it's Pudding Club but didn't get the Hasty (ha) in time. I got more of the game category than I expected.

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The first item in my Facebook feed after the show was a video of the 1988 ceremony honoring Lucille Ball as the Hasty Pudding Club's Woman of the Year.  I knew the answer as soon as it came up, fortunately, because otherwise it would have driven me up the wall to be reminded of that name right afterwards.

I didn't understand the clue about how "new PS5 owners get introduced to console components via a platform game" at first, but I think it means they designed a little game to show you how to use the controller etc.  That sounds very clever.  When we kids got a PS2, we just had to mash buttons and hope for the best.

I don't care how many times "This is Just to Say" comes up in different media.  It delights me every time.  I have been reading recently about locals' attempts to save a historic theater complex named for Williams in Rutherford NJ, where he was born and died. The city has it up for auction.  Ick.

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2 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I didn't understand the clue about how "new PS5 owners get introduced to console components via a platform game" at first, but I think it means they designed a little game to show you how to use the controller etc.  That sounds very clever.  When we kids got a PS2, we just had to mash buttons and hope for the best.

When I was a kid in the late '70s/early '80s, videogames were in arcades, and then Texas Instruments, Commodore, and Atari came along and made them available at home (I had TI, my best friend had Atari, and we had Commodore at school, so we were covered).  The stuff that came later, I know very little about.  So just the first half of the clue - "New PS5 owners get introduced to console components via a platform game starring this robot" - would have done nothing for me, but I got it based on the rest, "with the same name as The Jetsons dog".

That's how the category went in general; it was one I expected to struggle in given my limited knowledge of gaming, but I wound up doing well because of the other hints within the clues.

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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

When I was a kid in the late '70s/early '80s, videogames were in arcades, and then Texas Instruments, Commodore, and Atari came along and made them available at home (I had TI, my best friend had Atari, and we had Commodore at school, so we were covered).  The stuff that came later, I know very little about.  So just the first half of the clue - "New PS5 owners get introduced to console components via a platform game starring this robot" - would have done nothing for me, but I got it based on the rest, "with the same name as The Jetsons dog".

That's how I got that one, too. I don't know much about video games but I got a few based on other knowledge.

We had a TI console! I don't know anyone else who did. We had friends who had Commodore 64. I loved playing Smurfs on that thing. My brother had a Sega later on, as well. 

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9 hours ago, secnarf said:

I wondered if 'hypnotic' would have been accepted. The drug class is 'sedative-hypnotics'.

I don't think so, since "hypnotic" is derived from the Greek word for sleep, and the clue specified a Latin derivative.


8 hours ago, ProudMary said:

The clue read, "Central nervous system depressants include tranquilizers for anxiety and these sleep inducers, from Latin for 'calm.'"

Oops, I forgot that part of the clue!

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11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I sang Rawhide.

Me too. I'm sorry you had sad news.

9 hours ago, stonehaven said:

FJ was an instaget for me. I liked George but am sad to lose the Champ.

Hasty Pudding was sort of a instaget - but I read "dish" like a bowl, rather than a prepared food. So I was trying to think if it was the Hasty Pudding Cup, or some such. I stuck with just the basics in the end, and got FJ.

I'm sad to see her go too - she reminds me very much of my youngest, and she was so cheerful and sweet.

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George was okay as host; I wasn't crazy about him.

My ts's were Rod Serling, decongestant, and George Sand.

Instaget FJ. 

I like the new champ.

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11 hours ago, secnarf said:

Every time there is a college question on Jeopardy, it makes me feel like I really have zero understanding of what the system is like in the US. I don't get how such specific things about different schools are considered common knowledge across the country.

In addition to the pop-culture references noted above for this particular college-themedTrivia answer, just now on Daytime Jeopardy! (rerun of Season 36 / Episode 67)  the DJ AWARDS & HONORS category had this $800 clue: "This theatrical club founded by Harvard students began naming a woman of the year in 1951 & a man of the year in 1967" for which the correct response was also: "What is the Hasty Pudding?" I had not watched this episode when it aired December 10, 2019, but no doubt both at-home viewers and some contestants would have watched, and might have at least subconsciously absorbed the factoid. 



1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

I'm sad to see her go too - she reminds me very much of my youngest, and she was so cheerful and sweet.

Yes, but having been recently employed in her profession in her geographic area, I can assure everyone that librarian Jen Jazwinski's  2-day total of $59,201 is more than a year's salary, and will at least positively impact her life.

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15 hours ago, Browncoat said:

 I'd like to thank Young Frankenstein for sedative (though I knew it anyway).

Three syllables...


14 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I sang Rawhide.

Who could resist? And that led me to "he rode a blazing saddle, he wore a shining star..." because of Frankie Laine.

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I ran the pharmaceuticals category.  I don't remember which day "z in the middle was" but I swear I heard the contestant say glazer instead of glazier.

Give him a sedagive!

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

George was okay as host; I wasn't crazy about him.

I can’t stand George but he was okay. I’ll be glad to see Robin next week.

8 minutes ago, Paula O. said:

I ran the pharmaceuticals category.  I don't remember which day "z in the middle was" but I swear I heard the contestant say glazer instead of glazier.

Give him a sedagive!

YES!  I also heard “glazer” and was sure he’d be ruled incorrect.  But lately it seems like nearly everything is let slide.

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16 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I guessed Harvard beets and couldn’t think of anything else. I really dislike beets in any form.

I did too and I also dislike beets.  Glad I wasn't the only one who thought beets. 

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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Yes, but having been recently employed in her profession in her geographic area, I can assure everyone that librarian Jen Jazwinski's  2-day total of $59,201 is more than a year's salary, and will at least positively impact her life.

That's certainly the sliver lining. I was once a librarian, also making far far less than that, so that factored into my liking her as well. Not as much as her reminding me of my youngest. I just wanted to watch her for many more nights.

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I didn't have any particular feelings about the contestants one way or the other until the interviews.  Then I found out that Tim is an Arsenal fan, and suddenly he had to win.  Us Gooners have to stick together.

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On 7/9/2021 at 7:30 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:

WTF?   Since when do they not need the exact name on titles? 

When I was a contestant, we were told that we could drop the "The" at the beginning of a title (as in "Old Curiosity Shop") but we couldn't change it to a completely different article ("Ye Old Curiosity Shop").  Of course, that was in 2008, so maybe it has changed.

On 7/9/2021 at 9:55 PM, GreekGeek said:

I was wondering if anyone else would cry foul on this. Also, although the Hulu series isn't the sensation it was back in 2017, it's still around, so I wasn't expecting two to have no idea and the third to bungle the title.

What's easy for one person is inexplicable for another, so I rarely judge contestants on that.  (Not never, though.)  But I would not have given Jen credit for "A Handmaid's Tale".

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On 7/10/2021 at 7:28 PM, zoey1996 said:

I thought of Earl of Sandwich, but I didn’t know it was a business.

There's actually one at the service center on I-95 near my house.  I've never been in it, though.

On 7/11/2021 at 9:20 AM, ams1001 said:

I just looked them up; they only have 31 locations in the US (plus 1 in France, 2 in Canada, and 3 in the Philippines). The only one in my state is in Terminal A2 at Newark Liberty International Airport. Don't think I'll be trying them out any time soon.

I'm near the only one in Maryland - although it is North East, two separate words, not Northeast.  I hate when people screw that up.

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i said stapler.  I didn't know.

I got the missed clues of Eclipse, Ella Enchanged, be , lecter, Miami and Garp.

I got the entire categories of E books, 2 words and old jobs.  I only missed 1 clue each in the other 3 categories first round.  Must have been my categories tonight.  And oddly enough the 3 clues I missed were all the $200 clues.   Weird.

Edited by Katy M
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11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Me too. I'm sorry you had sad news.

Thank you. 

I missed the show tonight because I went out for dinner! At a restaurant! Met up with a friend I haven't seen since last year sometime.

Just looked at the archive; don't feel like going through the whole game but I did know all the E Books.

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11 minutes ago, dcalley said:

2011: 10 YEARS AGO

I am surprised that Hamas was a $2K question. 

But then it’s possible none of the hundreds of students who heard me tell of the distant day in the future when the sun would expand and engulf the Earth would have known the $2K “Red Giant” question because I never used the term. 
because they were in Psyc 101 and I was explaining that the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) would outlast any URL for citing an article, perhaps even after the sun swallowed the earth, if they were living in a spaceship 🚀
—and Psyc students didn’t need to learn astronomy terms for that class. 

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Chimney sweep is still a job performed regularly, not a relic of the past made obsolete by automation or other widespread changes (yes, a lot of newer homes are made with gas fireplaces rather than wood-burning, but there are still a whole lot of chimneys out there in need of regular cleaning), so I thought that was out of step with the other clues in the Old Jobs category.

The Miami Beach TS surprised me a bit.

I ran half the categories in the first round, missing five clues among the other three.  I only ran 2011 and sun & moon in DJ, missing two each in all the rest.  And I got FJ on a lucky guess, so I had another good game.

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12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Thank you. 

I missed the show tonight because I went out for dinner! At a restaurant! Met up with a friend I haven't seen since last year sometime.

Good for you! (in the nicest possible way). I'm going out for lunch on Friday. I haven't eaten food made by anybody else in...well, ya'll know how long it's been. And haven't been out to anywhere social in that time as well.

12 hours ago, Driad said:

For FJ waffled between ballpoint pen and mousetrap, but caught the one they wanted.

I, unfortunately, went with the pen against my better judgement.

Edited by Clanstarling
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All I got was Miami, Garp, and beekeeping. When the FJ clue said spring after discarding Slinky, I thought of the ones that help hold in the flashlight batteries in place. I knew it was wrong, but my mind got stuck there. 
So no FJ for me. Also was Emma a TS? If so I got it too. 

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A very so-so game for me.  My only ts's were be and Garp.  And I kept quiet on a lot of questions.

For FJ I said clip-on bow tie.  Those clips are patented too. I thought clothespin was a good guess and all the  answers given here were pretty good guesses.

Of course, mousetrap, in hindsight, was obvious.  "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door."

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